Newest journal articles by subject

Subjects > Art

The facts on the ground: why we should be talking about Austria’s Stolpersteine
Carina Siegl
Architecture_MPS Published 2024-11-05
Audio augmented reality using sonification to enhance visual art experiences: Lessons learned
Abhraneil Dam,Yeaji Lee,Arsh Siddiqui,Wallace Santos Lages,Myounghoon Jeon
Published 2024-11-01
Origami as a philosophical thought and innovative design technique to enhance the formal aesthetics of architectural facades
Ghada محمد السيد محمد شطا
Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling the symphony of experience: Exploring flow, inspiration, and revisit intentions among music festival attendees within the SOR model
Ayse Sengoz,Muhittin Cavusoglu,Uzeyir Kement,S. Bayar
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
“Welcome to the jungle”: TLC-SERS to wade through real complex mixtures of synthetic dyes
Adele Ferretti,Elisa Floris,Beatrice Campanella,Ilaria Degano,S. Legnaioli
Published 2024-11-01
Hussien Bicar’s works in Nubian art as a source of inspiration for one-piece furnishings designs.
Mona Mohamed Mahmoud Elsayed,maha hamouda,H. Elsayegh
Published 2024-11-01
Oceans sing, are you listening? Sounding out potentials for artistic audio engagements with science through the Polar Sounds project
G. Whittaker,Kimberley Peters,I. V. Opzeeland
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
The connection of mise-en-scene camera movement in the visual image to cinematic decoration as elements of scenography Applying to the movie “Kira and the Jinn”
N. elshendidy,Rania Ahmed Sied Ahmed Elqattan
Published 2024-11-01
A proposed vision for a set of criteria for judging ceramic works
afaf radi khedr
Published 2024-11-01
A Study on the Integrated Ornamental Features of West and China: A Case of Representative Historical Architectures in Huaxi Ba
Tehnički Vjesnik Published 2024-10-15
Assessment of short and long-term pozzolanic activity of natural pozzolans using machine learning approaches
Jitendra Khatti,B. Polat
Structures Published 2024-10-01
“Mirrors and windows:” a case study of educators’ culturally responsive teaching aspirations and syllabi transformation in the arts
Tajma Cameron,Valdijah Ambrose Brown,Jen Katz-Buonincontro,Ross C. Anderson,Allan EdmundsJessica LandMari Livie
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-10-01
Symbolic association networks: A case study of orchestral programming's effect on the reputation of composers
L.E.A. Braden,Ju Hyun Park,Jay Lee
Published 2024-10-01
New Poems from Wisława Szymborska: An Ordinary Miracle
Joanna Trzeciak Huss
The Polish Review Published 2024-10-01
Are you serious? Workplace agenda and aesthetic negotiations with depictions at opera rehearsals
Agnes Löfgren,L. Keevallik,E. Hofstetter
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-10-01
Archiving sartorial narratives from India: An interview with Anwesh Sahoo
Akash Sajikumar
Published 2024-10-01
Metaphoric Representations in Saudi GIF-based Cartoons
Published 2024-10-01
Three Poems
W. Szymborska,Joanna Trzeciak Huss
The Polish Review Published 2024-10-01
‘This place becomes a place’: Artists and placemaking on the margins
K. Gough,A. O. Bobie,A. Darkwa,Thilde Langevang
Geoforum Published 2024-10-01
High-fidelity instructional fashion image editing
Yinglin Zheng,Ting Zhang,Jianmin Bao,Dong Chen,Ming Zeng
Graphical Models Published 2024-10-01
Creating spatial visualizations using fine-tuned interior design style models informed by user preferences
Jin-Kook Lee,Hyun Jeong,Young-chae Kim,Seung Hyun Cha
Advanced Engineering Informatics Published 2024-10-01
Role of public transport in supporting the urban cultural and creative functions
Fumihiko Nakamura
IATSS Research Published 2024-10-01
Path release among practices in the process of path constitution: How the MP3-path appeared in the field of recorded music
Harry Sminia,Stephan Bohn,Jörg Sydow
Research Policy Published 2024-10-01
Proposal of a Disruptive Didactic Innovation for the Development of Leadership Skills Through the Arts: Skills & Art
Inmaculada Berlanga,Lucía Pérez-Pérez,Santa Palella,Pablo Cardona
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
A taxonomy of artists’ postures to grasp the plurality of cultural production practices: Putting an end to the cicada and the ant
Thierry Beaupré-Gateau,Joëlle Bissonnette
Poetics Published 2024-10-01
Arts education in early childhood teacher training: An international analysis
Mar Oliver-Barcelo,Maria Ferrer-Ribot,Gloria Jové
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-10-01
Novel entropy-based style transfer of the object in the content image using deep learning
J. Raghatwan,Sandhya Arora
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Published 2024-10-01
Playing together: Parents and children reading materials and spaces in a museum playscape
Karen Wohlwend,Yanlin Chen
Learning and Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Accountability of Fine Arts and Design Education Graduates in Indonesia in Responding to the Needs of the Job Market in the Second Decade of the 21st Century
Journal of Social Political Sciences Published 2024-09-30
Elizabeth Susanti Gunawan,Miki Tjandra
Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites Published 2024-09-30
AI-Driven Creativity Unleashed: Exploring the Synergistic Effects of UGC and AIGC in Metaverse Gaming from a User Perspective
Yanxiang Zhang,Wenbin Hu
International Conference on 3D Technologies for the World Wide Web Published 2024-09-25
Emerging Platforms in 3D for Art and Cultural Heritage: Applications and Advancements in 3D Imaging for Conservation, Research and Engagement
Serena Parr,Todd Swanson
International Conference on 3D Technologies for the World Wide Web Published 2024-09-25
MYRTE, A Lightweight flexible platform to create 360 degree cultural heritage virtual tours for non-it expert
Laurent Bergerot
International Conference on 3D Technologies for the World Wide Web Published 2024-09-25
VR, AR, gamification and AI towards the next generation of systems supporting cultural heritage: addressing challenges of a museum context
Marcos Ribeiro,Joana Santos,João Lobo,Sílvia Araújo,Luís MagalhãesT. Adão
International Conference on 3D Technologies for the World Wide Web Published 2024-09-25
Queering AI as a Speculative Practice: An Analysis of the Artistic Explorations of New Paradigms for Developing Inclusive AI
Danuta Jedrusiak
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Interactive fiction using demoscene and computer game aesthetics to portray a catastrophic vision of the world
Krzysztof A. Ziembik
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Webcomics 2024: Creativity in Small Spaces [Web/Comics]
Francesca Benatti,Linda Berube,Ernesto Priego
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Parabolic Emotion: An anthology of poetic games employing ludonarrative techniques in exploring alienation
Kimera Anderson-Ellis-Brown Royal,C. Hargood
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Historical Study of the Development of the Chinese Guqin
Jiejing Zhao,Yan Li
Published 2024-09-10
Communicative Potential of Lexicographical Products in Contemporary Art
A. Gik
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
The effect of digital curation on visitor behavior in museum expositions
Fan Gao,Veronika Keller
Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Published 2024-09-05
Are product placements in music videos beneficial for the artists? The impact of artist–product fit on viewers' persuasion knowledge and perceived credibility of the artist
Holger Schramm,Jana Kraft
Frontiers in Communication Published 2024-09-05
Sculptural friends and relations and their marble surfaces: Roubiliac’s busts of Henry, 9th Earl of Pembroke, and his other busts at Wilton House
Malcolm Baker
Sculpture Journal Published 2024-09-05
"Undoubtedly a race, but they are not human": Immuno-politics and the Recognition of the Jew as Pathogenic Nonself in Art Spiegelman's Maus.
Arindam Nandi
Journal of Medical Humanities Published 2024-09-04
Priyanka Basu. Review of "Art for Coexistence: Unlearning the Way We See Migration" by Christine Ross.
Priyanka Basu
CAA Reviews Published 2024-09-04
Decolonizing animation
Birgitta Hosea,Helen Starr
Published 2024-09-04
Animating memory: Creative explorations of postcolonial memories and identities in the British Bangladeshi diaspora
Diwas Bisht
Published 2024-09-04
Creative Review of Amelia Walker's Alogopoiesis
Kendrea Rhodes
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Investigating Professional Identity Development Through Arts-Based Duoethnography
Ting Fang Claire Chien,Hsiu-Chun Yang
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
The Construction of an Investment Risk Measurement Model and Risk Avoidance Strategy under the Financialization Mode of Chinese Artworks
Shangjin Xie,Quanlin Li
WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research Published 2024-09-04
Human action recognition using ST-GCNs for blind accessible theatre performances
Leyla Benhamida,S. Larabi
Signal, Image and Video Processing Published 2024-09-04
Afrique(s)-sur-Seine: On the Concept of Migritude
Jacques Chevrier
Art In Translation Published 2024-09-04
“Emotion is Another Kind of Information”
Ingvil Hellstrand,A. Koistinen,Nora Simonhjell,R. Søraa,Hege Tapio
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
FILM2PAINT: Transforming Photographic Documentation on Reversal Film into Paintings’ Accurate Colors
Irina Ciortan,Giorgio Trumpy
Archiving Conference Published 2024-09-04
Getting Lost Through the Relational Mail Art of Art/Re-search (T)here
Genevieve Cloutier
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Multispectral Imaging as a Preservation and Valuation Tool at the Minas Gerais Public Archive, Brazil: A Case Study on an 18th-century Illuminated Manuscript
A. Leão,Alexandre Oliveira Costa,Marcia Almada,Rodolpho Zanibone,Luiz A. C. Souza
Archiving Conference Published 2024-09-04
A Comprehensive Survey on Generative AI for Metaverse: Enabling Immersive Experience
Vinay Chamola,Siva Sai,Animesh Bhargava,Ashis Sahu,Wenchao JiangZehui XiongD. NiyatoAmir Hussain
Cognitive Computation Published 2024-09-04
The Capacity of Artmaking Assemblages to Enable Positive Transformations
Marian Tumanyan
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Exquisite Corpse
Deborah Green
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
From Panorama to Parking Garage: An Architectural and Archival History of the Toronto Cyclorama
Isabelle Gapp,Jessica Mace
Published 2024-09-04
From Apotheosis to Reverse Conversion: A Posthuman Reading of Euripides’ and Pasolini’s Medea
Andrea Barcaro
Published 2024-09-04
Visualizing imperial encounters: PLACA and US-Central American solidarity murals in San Francisco’s Mission District
Mauricio Ernesto Ramírez
Latino Studies Published 2024-09-04
Ways of Seeing Nujoom Alghanem’s Nearby Sky (سماء قريبة) and Sharp Tools (آلات حادة) as Docupoetry
Doris Hambuch
Published 2024-09-04
Understanding Nursing Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Narrative and Art
Carol Flegg
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Material-Relational Following of an Artist-Curator Relationship in Movement
Joachim Friis
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
The dark line of Japanese noir: generic appropriation, Matsumoto Seichō, and Nomura Yoshitarō’s Stakeout (1958)
Rea Amit
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema Published 2024-09-04
Finding language for working class stories: art schools and the turn to research-based practices
Louisa Lee
Journal of Visual Art Practice Published 2024-09-04
Analysis of the Aesthetics of Japanese Tea Ceremony
Xiao Li
Published 2024-09-04
“Fathoming Another People’s Bitter Experience Though a Book”: Literary Art as a Vehicle for Conveying the Truth of the Soul
Daniel J. Mahoney
Perspectives on Political Science Published 2024-09-04
Planning and Design of Modern Municipal Scenery Statue Based on Collaborative 3D Virtual Reconstruction Design
Chen Qu
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-09-04
Visual Communication Design Based on Collaborative CAD and Visual Importance Under the Impact of New Media Art
Gewu Zhang
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-09-04
Artful Diffractions
M. Flint,Yixuan Wang
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Art/Research Cover: Artwork
Kendrea Rhodes
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Diversity and philanthropy at African American museums: Black Renaissance By Patricia A.Banks, London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. First Published 2019 by Routledge. pp. 212. ISBN: 9780367730093 (pbk), ISBN: 9780815349648 (hbk), ISBN: 9781351164368 (ebk)
Deborah Johnson‐Simon
Museum Anthropology Published 2024-09-04
The Design in the Visualization of Uncertainty, Abstract Modelling and Virtual Photography
Dominik Lengyel
Published 2024-09-04
Reimagining reality through decolonial and quantum lenses in abstract animation
Mark Chavez,Ina Conradi
Published 2024-09-04
Analysis of the Application of Popular Singing in Musical Singing in a Multimedia Environment with Collaborative CAD
Bo Sun
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-09-04
Visualizing a space for care: Preserving personal stories of diaspora communities through participatory stop-motion animation
Nairy Eivazy,Jan P. L. Peeters,Sandy Claes
Published 2024-09-04
Music, marbling and multisensory trancing
Ruth Herbert,Jackie Walduck
The Senses & Society Published 2024-09-04
Shifting towards decoloniality: Transfronteriza nepantlera rasquache tactics in new media art and expanded animation
Liliana Conlisk Gallegos
Published 2024-09-04
Analysis of Musical Multi-Artistic Features Based on Collaborative CAD and Data Mining Technology
Ting Li
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-09-04
Kintsugi 3D: An Empirically-based Photogrammetry Production Pipeline
Lou Brown,Charles Walbridge,Michael Tetzlaff
Archiving Conference Published 2024-09-04
Reimaging space through anthropology, architecture and animation
Paula Callus,Susan Sloan
Published 2024-09-04
Down, and Under Pressure: The Decline of Local and Non-Anglo Best-Selling Recording Artists in Australia 2000–2023
Tim Kelly
International Journal of Music Business Research Published 2024-09-04
The shaping of cultural space in Yi oral literature-themed animation documentaries from the perspective of visual anthropology
Yijing Wang
Published 2024-09-04
Reframing the Conservation: A Case Study in using 3D Imaging Technology to Restore Carved Wooden Elements on a Painting Frame
Chris Heins,D. Paulus
Archiving Conference Published 2024-09-04
Targeting emotion dysregulation in depression: an intervention mapping protocol augmented by participatory action research
Myungjoo Lee,Han Choi,Young Tak Jo
BMC Psychiatry Published 2024-09-04
Using data as materiality
Maybelle Peters
Published 2024-09-04
Art of Coming Upon Something
T. Behrisch,David Jardine
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Editorial Introduction by Four Hands
Brent Bellamy,Margot Mellet
Published 2024-09-04
A Retrospective View on the Union’s Cultural Policy: The Commission’s Objectives in Distributing Project Funds across Europe’s Creative Industries
Birgit Mitter
Journal of European Integration Published 2024-09-04
The Stories of Our Ancestors: Retelling tribal tales in the medium of animated film
Tara Douglas
Published 2024-09-04
Implementasi Platform Digital Artificial Intelligence (AI) sebagai Media Pembelajaran Desain Grafis untuk Mengetahui Respon Siswa Desain Komunikasi Visual di SMKN 1 Japara
Ibnu Sulaeman,Asep Mahpudin
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Published 2024-09-04
AI animation technologies, Carib epistemology and the western ex0tic: Rivers run between worlds
Helen Starr
Published 2024-09-04
Book Review of Art-Care Practices for Restoring the Communal
Alexandra Fidyk
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
From Threads to Frames
Annie Hung,Ching-Chiu Lin
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
Portrayals of Women in Early Twentieth-century China: Redefining Female Identity through Modern Design and Lifestyle Sandy Ng. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2024. 164 pp. €104.00 (hbk). ISBN 9789462988910
Antonia Finnane
The China Quarterly Published 2024-09-04
Emojis as graphic equivalents of prosodic features in natural speech: evidence from computer-mediated discourse of WhatsApp and facebook
E. S. Alnuzaili,Muhammad Waqar Amin,Sami Saad Alghamdi,Nazir Ahmed Malik,Abdulbasit A. AlhajAsad Ali
Published 2024-09-04
A Descriptive Summary of Field Placements in Undergraduate Art Therapy Education
Heather J. Denning,Jennifer B. Schwartz,Meera Rastogi,Ashley Hartman,Cathy Goucher
Art Therapy Published 2024-09-03
“Beautiful Chaos”: Clinicians’ Learning Experience in Collaborative Theater Programming
Hannah Huff,Karen Whisenhunt Saar
Published 2024-09-03
The Muse Writes the Poet: Gender Politics and Decentralized Authorship in the Russian Avant‐Garde
Irina Denischenko
Russian Review Published 2024-09-03
Color Analysis of Brocade from the 4th to 8th Centuries Driven by Image-Based Matching Network Modeling
Hui Feng,Xibin Sheng,Lingling Zhang,Yuwan Liu,Bingfei Gu
Applied Sciences Published 2024-09-03
Harmonizing Code and Canvas: The Role of Generative AI in Aesthetic Education for Vocational Students
Suhan Wu,Min Luo
Published 2024-09-03
A Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most-Cited Articles concerning Atraumatic Restorative Treatment.
Isadora Durante de Souza,Aurélio de Oliveira Rocha,Julia Mulinari,Pablo Silveira Santos,Mariane CardosoC. M. Santana
Caries Research Published 2024-09-03
Indominable Color Schemes
Eric Goodchild
New Sociology: Journal of Critical Praxis Published 2024-09-03
The voices of images: photographs and collective provenance
Iyra S. Buenrostro-Cabbab
Archival Science Published 2024-09-03
Selected Memes from @Nihilistpotata
Yaqing Helen Han
New Sociology: Journal of Critical Praxis Published 2024-09-03
Do not believe it: the genesis of conspiracy theory
Milda Tičkaitė
Published 2024-09-03
Designing of Choreography Training Program for Wushu Daoshu
Zhang Fan,Prakit Hongseanyatham
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-03
Faces Revealed Project and ancient Egyptian yellow coffins: A new methodology step-by-step
Stefania Mainieri
Open Research Europe Published 2024-09-03
Global or glocal heroes in PJs? A multimodal analysis of female superhero and villain depiction in dubbed children’s animation
S. Van Meerbergen,Reglindis De Ridder
Perspectives Published 2024-09-03
Musical Structures of Weifang Folk Songs: A Study in Contemporary Social Contexts
Shijie Jing,Peerapong Sensai
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-03
‘Life lessons’: Gender, popular cinema and cinephilia
G. Vincendeau
French Screen Studies Published 2024-09-03
Performative Dimensions of Gospel Music Artistry in Nigeria
Udoka Peace Ossaiga
Published 2024-09-03
Factors Influencing the Continued Use of Procreate Digital Painting Software by Fine Arts Students in Chongqing, China
Yan Li
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-03
Thunderclap: A memoir of art and life & sudden death
David Davies
British Journal of Aesthetics Published 2024-09-03
To What Extent Has Generation Z Influenced Fashion Design Trends Looking at China and Western Fashion?
Sicheng Lu
Advances in Humanities Research Published 2024-09-03
Into the future: An interview with Steven Alexander of The Dance
Rupert Loydell
Published 2024-09-03
Examining the Consequences and Influence of Post-Colonialism in Amitav Ghosh's The Glass Palace
Amalan R,Kumar K
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-03
Téa Sernelj
Published 2024-09-03
Exploring The Many Tunings of Balinese Gamelan
William Sethares,Wayne Vitale
Computer Music Journal Published 2024-09-03
Contemporary Chinese Cinema and Visual Culture: Envisioning the Nation
Dylan Suher
Journal of Asian Studies Published 2024-09-03
Platonic Soul in Hamlet’s Choral Trio
Mingyi Wang
ANQ. A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews Published 2024-09-03
The Rise of Individual Personhood in Early Medieval China
Téa Sernelj
Published 2024-09-03
Making Tacit Knowledge Explicit: Disseminating Knowledge in a World Record Attempt
T. Vold,H. Haave,Ole Jorgen S. Ranglund,C. Wahl,L. Kiønig
European Conference on Knowledge Management Published 2024-09-03
A Review of “Ecopoiesis: A New Perspective for The Expressive and Creative Arts Therapies in the 21st Century”
Catherine E. Ventura
Art Therapy Published 2024-09-03
The Use of Art to Develop Holistic Nurses and Clinical Judgment: An Educational Intervention.
Meg Moorman,Kim A Decker,Amy Minix,Jacqueline Huddle
Journal of Holistic Nursing Published 2024-09-03
A Study on the Use of New Media in Museums to Forge the Consciousness of Chinese National Community: A Case Study of Museums in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Shuxian Xin,Junzhe Wang
Journal of humanities and social sciences studies Published 2024-09-03
Unmaking & HCI: Techniques, Technologies, Materials, and Philosophies Beyond Making
K. Song,Samar Sabie,Steven J. Jackson,Kristina Lindström,Eric PaulosÅsa StåhlRon Wakkary
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction Published 2024-09-03
Exploring the Integration of Technology in Art Therapy: Insights From Interviews With Art Therapists
Fereshtehossadat Shojaei,John Osorio Torres,Patrick C. Shih
Art Therapy Published 2024-09-03
Women and Migration in Contemporary Italian Cinema: Screening Hospitality
Mary Ann McDonald Carolan
Italian Culture Published 2024-09-03
Music grotesque and sublime
Leah Stuttard
Early Music Published 2024-09-03
A Performance Reading: Exploration of Language and Sign of the Tibetan Lama in Kipling’s Kim
Dhaneshwar Paudel
Published 2024-09-03
A Review of Cultural Tourism
Richa,Prof. B. P. Naithani
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education Published 2024-09-03
Intro to What? Interrogating Introduction to Music Education Courses
Ryan D. Shaw,Stuart Chapman Hill
Journal of Music Teacher Education Published 2024-09-03
What's Important (Arts & Humanities): America's Wild Horses.
Alexander J Ghanayem
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American volume Published 2024-09-03
Mortality Anxiety and Aesthetic Engagements: A Reading in Katherine Anne Porter's Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Kedar Bhattarai
Published 2024-09-03
Intellectual Capital Management in Performing Arts: A Case Study
F. Matos,Nuno Matos
European Conference on Knowledge Management Published 2024-09-03
Purple Basil Lemonade
Calvin Prowse
New Sociology: Journal of Critical Praxis Published 2024-09-03
Exercising Intercultural Performance in Adaptations: Regional Kerala Myths and Rituals used as tool in Shakespeare film adaptation in Kannaki and Karmayogi
Mr. Shefin. S
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education Published 2024-09-03
A Study of the Documentary Aesthetics of Tokyo Story in Terms of Society, Family, and Life
Tiantian Deng,Tianzi Zhang
Advances in Humanities Research Published 2024-09-03
Reimagining war and conflict memorials: towards participatory and living narratives
Jitka Cirklová
Architecture_MPS Published 2024-09-03
Spatio-Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Buddhist Temples and Pagodas in the Liaoning Region, China
Jiaji Gao,Jingyi Wang,Qi Wang,Yingdan Cao
Buildings Published 2024-09-03
A twist on the historically authentic musical performance
N. G. Puy
Philosophical Studies Published 2024-09-03
Beyond Sensory Boundaries: Innovative Applications of Synesthetic Design in Shaping Deep Brand Perceptions and Experiences
Lin Zhang
International Journal of Religion Published 2024-09-03
3D printing for teaching and exploration in astronomy for individuals with blindness/visual impairment: textured representations of imagery
Carol A. Christian,Antonella Nota,Noreen Grice,Thomas Madura,David Hurd
Published 2024-09-02
Significance of Asian Kishotenketsu model to filmmaking: A study of Kazakh Cinema
Rayimbek Alzhanov,Aida Mashurova,Arman Kulshanova,Saitova Gulnara,Yerzhan Jumabekov
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
The music department without walls: Lessons from Marshall McLuhan
Alethea De Villiers
Published 2024-09-02
Refleksi Budaya Etnis Tionghoa dalam Kesenian Barongsai di Kota Singkawang
Zakarias Aria Widyatama Putra,Gigih Alfajar Novra Wulanda
Besaung : jurnal seni desain dan budaya Published 2024-09-02
Analisis Unsur Desain Dan Teknik Pembuatan Gitar Potimarende Sipaholon
Fernando Hyskia Sibuea,Erik Yonatan Situmeang,Mardame Nicholas Ritonga,Berlin Charinpatrio Laia,Egia Yehezkiel SinuhajiM. Purba
Besaung : jurnal seni desain dan budaya Published 2024-09-02
Peran Seni Dalam Mempertahankan Identitas Budaya Lokal Di Era Modern
R. Saputra,Niswatun Hasanah,Kamaludin,M. Azis,Muh. Ardhiansyah PutraYoga Armayadi
Besaung : jurnal seni desain dan budaya Published 2024-09-02
A study on visual perception of traditional residential architectural decoration using eye tracking and electroencephalogram (EEG) experiments
Jingyuan Ren
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Reverberation Time in Traditional Courtyard Yue Opera Theatres
Honghu Zhang,Yuyang Wang,Wei Mao
Buildings Published 2024-09-02
The Changing Ideals of ‘Individual Creativity & Traits in Bauhaus’ Preliminary Course
A. İnan
Published 2024-09-02
Do the different expressions of an artist offer the same financial performance over time? The case of Fernando Botero
Urbi Garay,Miguel Ríos,Albrect Sorensen,Enrique Ter Host
Published 2024-09-02
Can We Accept Today That the Museum Continues to Convey Colonial Ideology? An Analysis of Two Fundamental European Instruments to Decolonize Museums
Alice Duarte
Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals Published 2024-09-02
Adaptation Policies of Betawi Traditional Art Performers in Preserving ASEAN Intangible Cultural Heritage in A Digital and New Normal Era
Iwan Henry Wardhana,C. E. Permana,Maria Puspitasari,Chotib Hasan
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Research on the color of Chinese landscape painting and its application in fashion design
Bin Zhang,Jiaxin Ren,Kaixuan Liu
Journal of the Textile Institute Published 2024-09-02
Architectural Art in Wuyuan: Cultural Identity and Re-invention of Tradition in the Context of New Rural Construction in China
Hu Yu,Wuthipong Roadkasamsri
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Unleashing Creativity in the Classroom: The Power of Arts Integration
Jennifer Clements
Childhood Education Published 2024-09-02
Soukaz in space: visuality, protest and appropriation in the films of Lionel Soukaz
Ry Montgomery
Published 2024-09-02
Across the Borders of Music Eras and Forms
Ioannis Fulias
Studia Musicologica Published 2024-09-02
Demo: A Geometric Approach to Generate Musical Rhythmic Patterns in Haskell
Xavier Góngora
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Trane: Musical Janet on the Web
George Ash
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Functional Curves and Surfaces: Algebraic Geometry Inspired Visuals in Hydra
Yoni Maltsman
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Study on Bayu Vernacular Architecture and Culture—Baxian-Old-Courtyard
Bin Chen,Haitao Wang,Yue Yang
Journal of World Architecture Published 2024-09-02
The Self-Initiated Creativity of Children During COVID-19
David Rufo
Art education Published 2024-09-02
Bridging Art and Mathematics with Tessella: A Scala Functional Library for Regular Polygon Finite Tessellations of a Plane
Mario Càllisto
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Optimization of the convolutional neural network classification model under the background of innovative art teaching models
Xi Xu,Shuguang Xu
Scientific Reports Published 2024-09-02
National Branding and Cultural Diplomacy
Published 2024-09-02
A Studying the Music, Dance, and Performance Styles in Shi Jing-Feng
Xiang Li,Phakamas Jirajarupat,Qiu Jin
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-02
Modelling and Simulation of Traditional Craft Actions
X. Zabulis,Nikolaos Partarakis,Ioannna Demeridou,Valentina Bartalesi,Nicolò PratelliCarlo MeghiniNikolaos NikolaouPeiman Fallahian
Applied Sciences Published 2024-09-02
Kinetic Condensation in The performance of the Iraqi theatrical actor - The play Ahriman as A model
Ali Majeed Jassim,Mohammad Ali,Ibrahim Al-Asadi,Star Dakhil Sayfi
ENGGANG Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Sastra Seni dan Budaya Published 2024-09-02
Correlating Symbolisms of Womanhood and Marriage in the Libretti of Schoenberg's Von heute auf morgen and Berg's Lulu
Vanja Ljubibratić
Studia Musicologica Published 2024-09-02
Redesain Logo ‘Hadimu Home Bakery’ Sebagai Identitas Visual Pada Usaha Kue di Kota Bandung
Chintiya Larashati
Besaung : jurnal seni desain dan budaya Published 2024-09-02
The Evolution and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Ti-Tzu Ten Hole Bamboo Flute in Sichuan Province, China
Qiang Wang,Chalermsak Pikulsri,Pornpan Kaenampornpan
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Working with low-carbon brick alternatives for repairs to imperial-sized bricks in historic buildings
Katie Hood
The Structural Engineer Published 2024-09-02
Teaching and learning for sustainable futures: Reclaiming, collaboration and empathy
Kim Shelley Berman
Published 2024-09-02
Journalistic Images: Contemporary Challenges for Visual Research in Digital Journalism
Eduardo Leite Vasconcelos,Suzana Oliveira Barbosa
The social science Published 2024-09-02
Refactoring Musical Thought (Keynote)
Dmitri Tymoczko
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Aligning Youth Mindsets with Indian Corporate Expectations: A Focus on Government Arts College Students
Haridas Rangaswamy
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Published 2024-09-02
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Other Trigger Words
Tracey Hunter-Doniger
Art education Published 2024-09-02
Tianqin: Evolutionary Perspectives on the Culture of Chinese Folk Musical Instruments in Playing Techniques and Cultural Change
Xinyang Chen,Sayam Chuangprakhon,Ruiling Liu
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Design Social Change: Take Action, Work Toward Equity, and Challenge the Status Quo
Lucía Garcés Dávila
Design and Culture Published 2024-09-02
What Is Art Doing?: Uncovering Felt Knowledge for Art Education
Michelle S. Bae-Dimitriadis
Art education Published 2024-09-02
The Museum of the Bamoun Kings, a place of remembrance and sectoral conservation of cultural heritage: what are the prospects for the restitution of looted cultural property?
Rachel Mariembe
Published 2024-09-02
Exploring the role of immersive technology in digitally representing contemporary crafts within hybrid museum exhibitions: a scoping review
Rui Zhang,Fanke Peng,I. Gwilt
Digital Creativity Published 2024-09-02
Persepsi Masyarakat Betawi terhadap Ondel-Ondel sebagai Atribut Pengamen Jalanan di Petukangan Utara Jakarta Selatan
Choirul Umam,Sunengsih Simatupang
Published 2024-09-02
Zhang Yimou Films: The Reflections on Chinese Society and Culture in the Context of Republic of China (1912-1949)
Haiyan Li,Supachai Singyabuth,Chen Lu,Li Ying,Jiao Pu
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
The Development of Contemporary Womenswear for Occasional Wear Inspired by the Clothing in King Rama V
Phajongjit Hempanom,Amornrat Sukjit
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Innovative Approaches to Science Education
Published 2024-09-02
The Unseen and the Unsayable: Walpolean Gothic Theatre
Deborah Russell
Gothic Studies Published 2024-09-02
Instrumentale Melodieanfänge und ihr Verhältnis zur Form am Beispiel historischer und gegenwärtiger ungarischer Tanzmelodien
L. Tari
Studia Musicologica Published 2024-09-02
Optimalisasi Proses Pembelajaran Mahasiswa PPG Seni Budaya Melalui Implementasi Edukit Berbasis Interactive Surface
Iriaji,Titi Rahayuningsih,Yuliati,Eka Putri Surya,Alby ArunaAdinda Marcelliantika
EduInovasi Journal of Basic Educational Studies Published 2024-09-02
El jefe político : genre crossover and thematic originality in a restored French film
Daniel Sánchez-Salas
French Screen Studies Published 2024-09-02
Engaging English Learners Through a Visual Arts Culture Fair
Jennifer Leeper
Art education Published 2024-09-02
Echo of a simulated verse: a poetic perspective in Simulation Lab of India
International Journal of Healthcare Simulation Published 2024-09-02
How can artists help change the world? The simple question that changed my life
Wendy Black‐Nasta
Published 2024-09-02
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Collaborative Artistic Platforms Terintegrasi dengan Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Untuk Optimasi Mahasiswa PPG di Sekolah Mitra
Ike Ratnawati,Diana Tien Irafahmi,Habbidin,Eka Putri Amelia Surya,Alby ArunaAdinda Marcelliantika
EduInovasi Journal of Basic Educational Studies Published 2024-09-02
User-centred collection metadata: from images as information to facilitating socio-affective connections
Cassandra Kist,Maria Economou
Journal of Documentation Published 2024-09-02
Conductors of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra: A Centenary Overview
Asja Radonjić,Marijana Dujović
Studia Musicologica Published 2024-09-02
Paragogy as an alternative solution to make students artists for their own learning: A systematic literature review
Ismu Sukamto,Yulia Ayriza,Hiryanto Hiryanto,Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo,Sugito Sugito
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice Published 2024-09-02
Analisis Elemen Visual Pada Poster Film Miracle In Cell No.7
Dian Fitriani,Asril,Sahrul N
Besaung : jurnal seni desain dan budaya Published 2024-09-02
The communicationpotential of the book as amass medium in the age of new communication technologies
Jitka Rožňová,Zuzana Kozarova
Published 2024-09-02
Sosialisasi Budaya Kesenian Calung Salakadomas di Dusun Kelewih Desa Saguling Kecamatan Baregbeg Kabupaten Ciamis
Angelica Nenaputri Octavia,Fahira Anindya Putri,G. Ramdani,Robi Robi,Budi Setiadi
Published 2024-09-02
TFETF Framework Development in MOOC Based on Art-Technopreneurial
Abdul Rahman Prasetyo,Ike Ratnawati,Alby Aruna,Adinda Marcelliantika,Eka Putri SuryaGinanjar AtmaWijayaFakultas SastraF. PendidikanFakultas EkonomiDan Bisnis
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Published 2024-09-02
The Historical and Musical Characteristics of the Henan Qu Chinese Opera Troupe in the Social Context
Lingyao Wang,Wenzhe Liu
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-02
“This Musical Peace is Worse than War:” Cultural History, Musical Banality and Political Context in the Ballet Excelsior
Hedvig Ujvári
Studia Musicologica Published 2024-09-02
Demo: The Fun of Robotic Artwork
Eliane Irène Schmidli,Farhad Mehta
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Irish Theatre: Interrogating intersecting inequalities
Clare Wallace
Irish Studies Review Published 2024-09-02
Using Functional Reactive Programming for Robotic Art: An Experience Report
Eliane Irène Schmidli,Farhad Mehta
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Creation of Contemporary Ceramic Sculptures from Buriram Volcanic Stone Powder: The “Beauty of Family Relationships” Series
Vatchara Vachirapattarakul,Pramote Pinsakul,Kritsadakon Chueamklang
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Marvin Minsky: The Visionary Behind the Confocal Microscope and the Father of Artificial Intelligence
B. Patil-Takbhate,Rupesh Takbhate,Priyanka Khopkar-Kale,Srikanth Tripathy
Cureus Published 2024-09-02
“An Era More than Bleak”
Lóránt Péteri
Studia Musicologica Published 2024-09-02
The Singing Techniques of Traditional Chinese Yu Opera in Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives
Shan Dong,Noppon Chaiyason
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-02
Visualizing Silenced Histories of School Segregation: Visual Arts, Social Studies, and Drama-Integrated Lessons Using Three-Dimensional Printing
Kyung-Soon Lim,Sohyun An
Art education Published 2024-09-02
Makna Sampul Majalah Tempo tentang Pemilihan Umum edisi Januari 2024
Dwi Imas Syafitri
Published 2024-09-02
Adeola Abiodun ADEOTI
Published 2024-09-02
Teaching Art Online During COVID-19 Using Media as Sites of Memory
Megan Wonowidjoyo
Art education Published 2024-09-02
The Affirmation Process of Fashion Styles in Indonesia: Exploring Cultural Ethics and Individual Tastes
Tyar Ratuannisa,Imam Santosa,K. Kahdar,Chandra Tresnadi
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Photographic album of Bosnia and Herzegovina by P. P. Pyatnitsky (new information)
Ksenia V. Melchakova
Славяноведение Published 2024-09-02
Paradigma dan Tantangan Pendidikan Seni dalam Mengintegrasikan Akhlaq, Teknologi, dan Multikulturalisme
Lucy Handayani,Hartono,Muhammad Fazli Taib Saearani
Besaung : jurnal seni desain dan budaya Published 2024-09-02
Integrating Traditional Chinese Music into Contemporary Music Education: An Evolutionary Perspective
Shuyue Xie,Tharanat Hin-on,Pongpitthaya Sapaso
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Plus ça change? Recent sources on architectural modernism, urbanism and the city
John R. Gold
Planning Perspectives Published 2024-09-02
Globalization is not a Phenomenon of Today
Published 2024-09-02
William Byrd: Consort Music by Anne Martin (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Transformations of Musical Modernism ed. by Erling E. Guldbrandsen and Julian Johnson (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Uli: The Colonial Archive as Decolonial Cultural Resource
Paul Basu,G. Agbo
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
Bodega Cats: Picture Purrfect by Hilda Eunice Burgos (review)
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Creating Designs for Women's Transformative Clothes
Hassa Sulaiman Mohammed Al Mnaea,OM Mohamed Gabir Elsayed
Published 2024-09-01
Toward the Design Structure of the Works of “Paul Delvaux” and “Abd Elhadi El Gazzar”; Comparative Analytical Study
Mohamed Abdelsalam AbdelSadik Helal
Published 2024-09-01
Introduction: Serial Television in the Age of Streaming
Irene Tucker,M. Shamir
Poetics Today Published 2024-09-01
Influence of Personal, Psychofunctional Qualities Students for the Formation of Professional Artistic Skills
S. K. Bystrushkin,Olga Andreevna Shchemirskaya,Natalya Vasilievna Mikityuk
Siberian Pedagogical Journal Published 2024-09-01
Music in Star Trek: Sound, Utopia, and the Future ed. by Jessica Getman, Brooke McCorkle Okazaki, Evan Ware (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Reflecting, Rethinking, Revising, and Reframing
Matthew Hoch
Journal of Singing Published 2024-09-01
The impact of glitch art on the design and production of digital photographic images using modern technologies
Rania Shaaban Rabie Abu Shanab
Published 2024-09-01
Unnatural Images: On AI-Generated Photographs
Amanda Wasielewski
Critical Inquiry Published 2024-09-01
Bridging the past and present: AI-driven 3D restoration of degraded artefacts for museum digital display
R. Stoean,Nebojša Bačanin,C. Stoean,L. Ionescu
Journal of Cultural Heritage Published 2024-09-01
Constructive Collaboration in the Voice Studio: Pedagogic Considerations for Building Contemporary Commercial Voices
Justin John Moniz
Journal of Singing Published 2024-09-01
Holding the Note: Profiles in Popular Music by David Remnick (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Here for the Hearing: Analyzing the Music in Musical Theater ed. by Michael Buchler and Gregory J. Decker (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Sounds of Apocalypse: Music in Poland under German Occupation by Katarzyna Naliwajek (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Dreaming of Flight: On the Work of Dre. Alan Pelaez Lopez
Raina J. León
Chiricú Journal Latina/o Literatures Arts and Cultures Published 2024-09-01
Where We Can Hear the Giants Sing by Peter Cheong (review)
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Pape Diop's Mystical Graffiti: A Twenty-Year Retrospective
Allen F. Roberts,Mary (Polly) Nooter Roberts
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
What Is African Art? A Short History by Peter Probst
John Peffer
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
Music, a Connected Art: Die Illusion der Absoluten Musik; A Festschrift for Jürgen Thym on His 80th Birthday ed. by Ulrich J. Blomann et al. (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Sho Kanazawa,Taku Sakaushi,Soichiro Ohmura
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) Published 2024-09-01
Use and understanding of AI in the ART laboratory: an international survey
G. Palmer,Omar Paredes,A. Drakeley,A. Chavez-Badiola,Thomas E. WoolleyKaterina KaouriJacques Cohen
Reproductive Biomedicine Online Published 2024-09-01
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Creating Printed Designs with an Egyptian Heritage style for Organizing Sports Events
Mona Mohamed Adel
Published 2024-09-01
Broadening the View of Holistic Care: Integrating Arts and Humanities Into Physician Assistant Education.
Shaun Horak,Pamela Dickey,Samantha K Ammons,T. L. Barone,Beth CulrossMelissa BerkeAdrian R DuranDaniel N HawkinsSteve LanganJoseph McCaffreyAmy Morris
Published 2024-09-01
Virtual Reality Technology in Textile Printing Design
M. Nagib,H. Elsayegh,Mohamed Taha Abdel Fattah,alaa mohammed elhady hashad
Published 2024-09-01
Synthesis and assembly in prominent sculptures between expression fluency and composition flexibility
Doaa Elsaid
Published 2024-09-01
Two Poems from Ukraine
Olga Bragina
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
Africa Fashion curated by Christine Checinska and Elisabeth Murray and curated by Ernestine White-Mifetu and Annissa Malvoisin
Christopher Richards
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
"When I go back to painting, I am 'Alice in Wonderland": older women coping with age-related crises through visual artmaking.
Liat Shamri-Zeevi,Neta Ram-Vlasov
Arts and Health Published 2024-09-01
The Paradox of Artificial Intelligence in Cinema
Claudia López Frías
Published 2024-09-01
Using the Art of Quilling as a Visual Art to Enrich the Aesthetic Values of Women's Casual Jackets
Amany El-Dosuky
Published 2024-09-01
Bridging science and art: Auralization and visualization of the ocean soundscape
Y. Ren,Tian Wu,Chuanzhi Li,Pengfei Yao,Weiwei Ding
iScience Published 2024-09-01
Neurology and opera Lorenzo Lorusso Michele Augusto Riva
E. Altenmüller
Lancet Neurology Published 2024-09-01
Augmented Reality in Interior Design
Revathy S P.,Harini A.,Sruthika S.
Journal of Innovative Image Processing Published 2024-09-01
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Technical to develop some Textile ‎Craft Industries
Mohmaed Salah Abdel Halim,Ghalia E. Ibrahim,Faten Mohamed Abdel Tawab
Published 2024-09-01
Wrestling Narcissus
Darrel Alejandro Holnes
Chiricú Journal Latina/o Literatures Arts and Cultures Published 2024-09-01
Shaun Cole, Gay Men's Style, Fashion, Dress and Sexuality in the 21st Century
Christopher M. Hodge
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
I Hold in My Hand…: Prestige, Rank, and Power
Robin Poynor,Babatunde Onibode
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
The Symbols of Inculturation and Interfaith in The Demak's Great Mosque
Dian Nafiatul Awaliyah
Sunan Kalijaga: International Journal of Islamic Civilization Published 2024-09-01
The Deep and the Pure: A Biography of the Composer Vagn Holmboe by Thomas Michelsen (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Arte e Cibercultura: A Simbiose Imperfeita?
P. Alves
Published 2024-09-01
Sam Joseph Ntiro: Mapping the Path of a Pioneering Artist, Educator, Scholar, Diplomat, and Civil Servant
Mario Pissarra
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
The Habitus of the People of Tempellemahbang Village Through Rencek Media in Contemporary Art
Imawati Rizka,Sayahdikumullah Dikdik,Kurniawati Dwi
Panggung Published 2024-09-01
The Art of Post-Tonal Analysis: Thirty-Three Graphic Music Analyses by Joseph N. Straus (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Musical Ecologies: Instrumental Ensembles around the World ed. by Leon R. de Bruin and Jane Southcott (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Paleolithic cave art at Simanya Gran (Northeast of Spain): New graphic and symbolic expressions in novel territories
Míriam Salas-Altès,M. García-Diez,Josep Maria Vergès,A. Cebrià,María SotoJuan Ignacio Morales
Published 2024-09-01
Afro-Latinx Poetry Now: Context and Origin of a Folio
Francisco Aragón
Chiricú Journal Latina/o Literatures Arts and Cultures Published 2024-09-01
The Aesthetic and Functional Values of the Surrounding Plazas of Heritage Mosques
Yasmine Seif Al-Nasr Mustafa Hussein
Published 2024-09-01
Losing the Plot: Film and Feeling in the Modern Novel by Pardis Dabashi (review)
Studies in the Novel Published 2024-09-01
Making TV in the Age of Streaming: An Interview with Hagai Levi
Irene Tucker,M. Shamir
Poetics Today Published 2024-09-01
Creating Innovative Methods for Designing Jacquard Circular Weft Knitting Fabrics Using Weave Maker One Software
A. Al-Laithy.
Published 2024-09-01
Spectrum of Darkness: George Herbert’s Ventriloquism of an African Woman in “Aethiopissa ambit Cestum Diversi Coloris Virum”
Willnide E. Lindor
English Literary Renaissance Published 2024-09-01
Review: The Architecture of Modern American Synagogues, 1950s–1960s
Rebecca Perten
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
The Reciprocity between the values of balance and Bio Energy to achieve happiness in the design of the printed surfaces of hanging fabrics
Maysa Fekry A hmed El-Sayed,Shaimaa Sayed Kasem,Rewan Ahmed Abdelnaser Fadel Aly
Published 2024-09-01
Editorial: Fungal Biology Reviews as a repository of valuable scientific photographs and graphics
Jan Dijksterhuis,Irina S. Druzhinina
Fungal Biology Reviews Published 2024-09-01
An Opera and Dickens's "Lost" Sketch
William F. Long
Dickens Quarterly Published 2024-09-01
Renée Fleming's Music and Mind.
J. Young-Mason
Published 2024-09-01
Losing the Plot: Film and Feeling in the Modern Novel
Susan McCabe
Poetics Today Published 2024-09-01
Candombe’s Costume as a Key Element to Discover Uruguayan History
María Eugenia Vídal
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
A Promise Deferred: Architectural Documentary in the Multimedia Age
E. Dimendberg
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
Goodnight Tokyo by Atsuhiro Yoshida (review)
Lauren Bo
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
The Study of Zodiac Culture on the Development and Management of Cultural Brands in Jingdezhen Ceramics
Zhuoxuan Wang,Puvasa Ruangchewin,Poradee Panthupakorn
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
The Curse of Madame Petrova by Marjolijn Hof (review)
Meg Cornell
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Fassbinder, Functionalism, and the Beauty of Braun Design
Patrick Greaney
Critical Inquiry Published 2024-09-01
The Visual Identity of Cairo as the Capital City of Egypt (An Experimental Study of Suggested Design Samples)
Doaa Farouk Badawy Eldesouky
Published 2024-09-01
Men's Fashion and Satirical Prints in 1799: James Gillray and Elegance Democratique
Ingrid E. Mida
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
The Aesthetics of Representation in Response to Sovereign Power
Yongsook Jeon
Minjok yeonku Published 2024-09-01
Elite Architecture and the Late Antique Ascetic Christian Communities of Cimitile and Sohag
Michelle L. Berenfeld
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
Doña Quixote: Flight of the Witch by Rey Terciero (review)
Meg Cornell
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Stage Fright by Wendy Parris (review)
Quinita Balderson
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Mina’s Matchbox: A Novel by Yoko Ogawa (review)
Elaine Margolin
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
Deep learning for the detection and classification of adhesion defects in antique plaster layers
Michele Lo Giudice,F. Mariani,G. Caliano,Alessandro Salvini
Journal of Cultural Heritage Published 2024-09-01
A Study on the Statements of Achievement Standards for the 2022 Revised Elementary Art Curriculum Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy: Focusing on the comparison of the common curriculum and the basic curriculum
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Teaching for Successful Intelligence
Published 2024-09-01
Effect of Mastery Learning Combined with Mind Mapping Technique on the Students’ Sculpture Performance Ability for Junior University Students
Qingsong Xu,Angkana Karanyathikul,Sombat Kotchasit
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
In control but uninspired: Displays of artist self‐control undermine perceptions of creativity
Michail D. Kokkoris,Olga Stavrova
European Journal of Social Psychology Published 2024-09-01
Design of Calligraphy Teaching Materials from the Perspective of Chinese Preschool Education-Anshan City Case Study
Qun Gao,Yodkwan Sawadee
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
Crack morphology and its correlation with ground materials used in paintings by Danish portrait painter Jens Juel
Tine Louise Slotsgaard,G. Pastorelli,David Buti,Mikkel Scharff,Cecil Krarup Andersen
Journal of Cultural Heritage Published 2024-09-01
Career Confidential: Teacher frustrated district ‘undervalues’ the arts
Phyllis L. Fagell
Phi Delta Kappan Published 2024-09-01
Monster Tree by Sarah Allen (review)
Jessie Maimone
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
The Farewell Light by Nidia Hernández (review)
Patricia Guzman
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
Implications of Deleuze's Semantics for Art Criticism Education
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Design of a Suspended Manipulator With Aerial Elliptic Winding
Ethan Niddam,J. Dumon,L. Cuvillon,Sylvain Durand,Stephane QuerryA. HablyJ. Gangloff
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Published 2024-09-01
Dress History of Korea: Critical Perspectives on Primary Sources, ed. by Kyunghee Pyun and Minjee Kim
Rosalie Kim
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
Cover figure
Cortex Published 2024-09-01
Pearl: A Graphic Novel by Sherri L. Smith (review)
Danica Ronquillo
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
“Troublesome Performers, Beautiful Fighters”: Bringing to Life the Kolonial-Ausstellung of 1896 at the Museum and Beyond
Katrin Sieg
Published 2024-09-01
Keiichiro Narikiyo
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) Published 2024-09-01
British royalty creates global debate on ethics in photojournalism
Fábio d'Abadia de Sousa
Published 2024-09-01
“We are Yoruba” or the Notion of African Art in Brazil
Juliana Ribeiro da Silva Bevilacqua
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
Into the Woods: A Conversation with Italian Writer Maddalena Vaglio Tanet
Irene Bulla,Maddalena Vaglio Tanet
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
Female Playwrights and Applied Intersectionality in Romanian Theater by Cătălina Florina Florescu (review)
Christene D'anca
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
Masayoshi Shimizu,Yoshinori Natsume
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) Published 2024-09-01
The Outsmarters by Deborah Ellis (review)
Cassidy Russell
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Recycling Fabrics into Contemporary youth Fashion Designs Using Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Applications to Achieve Sustainability in the Fashion Industry
Shaima Shehata
Published 2024-09-01
Knots by Colleen Frakes (review)
Danica Ronquillo
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Classification of painting styles based on the difference component
Qiang Zhao,Rui Zhang
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-09-01
Nanostructured metal oxide based coating for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage: A comprehensive review
Sanhita Mandal,Pankaj Kumar,B. Satpathy,K. Das,Siddhartha Das
Journal of Cultural Heritage Published 2024-09-01
Design and Development from the Qing Dynasty Armchair Inspired for Modern Home Decoration Business
Jialin Hu,Saowaluck Phanthabutr
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
Working Musicians: Labor and Creativity in Film and Television Production by Timothy D. Taylor (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
The Hundred Flowers Project: An excerpt and annotation
Christopher Chen
YR - The Yale Review Published 2024-09-01
Cooking therapy in the creative arts therapy theoretical context: Conceptual validation and practical guidelines
Mor Daniel,Joseph Guttmann
The Arts in Psychotherapy Published 2024-09-01
A Study on Art Appreciation Education Program Using Digital Media for Inclusion Experience
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Standing tall: A continuing education program and participatory study offered to arts therapists working in the israeli education system
Snir Sharon,Regev Dafna,Roginsky Efrat,Sade-Dor Tamar,Toker SharonKowalsky ShirleyRon Keren OrAtlas-Cohen AdinaSher AdiWeber Levitzky SigalBercowski-Front NatiMeir-Rotem NoaSimonsohn MiriAdler-Gabrieli MeravShwartz LivnatShor-Levin LiatBerman LeahLidar YifatWeisberger IfatRotem-Ert TalSender Katz HagitMussa AmaniMindel Iris
The Arts in Psychotherapy Published 2024-09-01
Comic book fanzines in the Algarve: A reflection on the motivations of young fans in the 70s and 80s
F. Gil
Published 2024-09-01
In Conversation with David Travers, Editor of Arts & Architecture
Daniel Díez Martínez
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
No More Señora Mimí by Meg Medina (review)
A. Toledo
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Multi-Technique Characterization of Cartonnage and Linen Samples of an Egyptian Mummy from the Roman Period
Francis Sanches,Isis Franzi,Josiane Cavalcante,Roberta Borges,A. de PaulaAlessandra MachadoRaysa C. NardesR. SantosH. G. Gama FilhoR. FreitasJoaquim T. AssisM. AnjosR. LopesDavi Oliveira
Quantum Beam Science Published 2024-09-01
The Music of James Tenney by Robert Wannamaker (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Artificial intelligence serves as an innovative technical intermediary for creating photo and expressive drawings.
Rania wagdy Abd alla Mahmoud
Published 2024-09-01
Ambiguity as a Sign of Degeneration?: Japanese Kimonos in Art, Fashion and Criticism of fin de siècle Britain
Arisa Yamaguchi
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
Personalized recommendation of entertainment robots in fine arts education based on human-computer interaction and data mining
Chunling Bian,Sun Lu
Entertainment Computing Published 2024-09-01
A mobile-optimized convolutional neural network approach for real-time batik pattern recognition
R. Rosalina,Genta Sahuri,Hana Desriva
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-09-01
CoCoStyle: Mixed initiative co-creative system to support creative process of fashion design
Myungjin Kim,Misun Joo,Kyungsik Han
SoftwareX Published 2024-09-01
Hill Mouse, and: Wild Garlic, and: Flip Screen
Jen Hadfield
YR - The Yale Review Published 2024-09-01
Les Ateliers Sauvages: A Wild Space for Contemporary Art in Algeria
Saliha Haddad
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
Local structure of iron and its role in the colouration of Qingbai (blue-greenish white) glazes: A multi-analytical study of Zhonghe wares from Guangxi, China (1100–1300 CE)
Chengye Xing,Xiangwen Deng,Yibo Feng,Li Li,Dian ChenShengqi ChuYangyang MuLiyuan WuLing-tong YanLina ZhaoXiangqian FengYe TaoYu LiShuang WuGuangcai Chang
Journal of the European Ceramic Society Published 2024-09-01
A Case Study on the Development of Art Therapy Programs at Neulbom School
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Wrestling Aromas
Darrel Alejandro Holnes
Chiricú Journal Latina/o Literatures Arts and Cultures Published 2024-09-01
Review: Louise Blanchard Bethune: Every Woman Her Own Architect
Karen McNeill
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
The Strangest Fish by Katherine Arden (review)
Danica Ronquillo
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
The Impact of Augmented Reality Tourism on Tourist Experience and Behavior —A Case Study of the Mogao Caves Cultural Heritage
Jinjuan Li,Komsit Kieanwatana
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
A proposed design for a virtual exhibition for clothing and textile program exhibits
Nafesa Ahmad Elwan
Published 2024-09-01
The Creepening of Dogwood House by Eden Royce (review)
Quinita Balderson
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Pengembangan Media Virtual Reality Berbasis Aplikasi Artsteps untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Seni Tari
Muhammad Fajar Maulana,A. Nurharini
FONDATIA Published 2024-09-01
Aesthetic Judgment in Aesthetic Experience Education: A Study Centered on Levinson's Eclectic Realism
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Hybrid learners' intention on B-station: A case study of Art primary students at A University in the People’s Republic of China
Ruli Xie,Leehsing Lu
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
Exploración física del recién nacido, del lactante y del niño
P. Labrune
Published 2024-09-01
Exploring the Relationship between the 2022 Revised Korean National Art Curriculum and Democratic Citizenship Education
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
How Mike Kelley Became Himself: The artist’s search for subcultural America
Jonathan Griffin
YR - The Yale Review Published 2024-09-01
This Is Amiko, Do You Copy? by Natsuko Imamura (review)
Erik R. Lofgren
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
Therapeutic Factors in Virtual Reality Art Therapy: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
The Poets Awoke, and: The All of You X cept
M. N. philip
YR - The Yale Review Published 2024-09-01
Dances of Style and Cultures of Movement in the Literary Criticism of Longinus and Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Alyson Melzer
TAPA Published 2024-09-01
The making of the ‘Old Town Sakon Nakhon creative district’ in Thailand: A process evaluation study of the creative placemaking agenda through festivalisation
Michael Kho Lim,P. Chuangchai
City, Culture and Society Published 2024-09-01
William Paulet Carey and Irish Caricature, 1780–92
James Kelly
Eighteenth-Century Ireland Published 2024-09-01
Threads of Power: Lace from the Textilmuseum St. Gallen, ed. by Emma Cormack and Michele Majer
Heather Toomer
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
Ceramics in the Victorian Era: Meanings and Metaphors in Painting and Literature by Rachel Gotlieb (review)
Farid Mohammadi
Victorian Review Published 2024-09-01
A Study of the Regional Characteristics of Liu Xiaogeng's Choral Music Works
Ziyu Zhou,Phakamas Jirajarupat,Xiulei Ren
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
Review: Transforming the Church Interior in Renaissance Florence: Screens and Choir Spaces, from the Middle Ages to Tridentine Reform
Victoria Addona
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
Visual and material representations of ageing, space and rhythms in everyday life.
Wendy Martin,K. Pilcher
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-09-01
The Monstrous Kind by Lydia Gregovic (review)
Alaine Martaus
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Irène Deliège (1933–2024)
V. Dufour,Hugo Rodriguez
Published 2024-09-01
The effectiveness of an art therapy training program in developing self-confidence for orphans
Abdul Aziz Al Duqail
Published 2024-09-01
Cosmopolitan Mobiles: Mobilizing Artists and Other Floating Things around the Matsu Islands
Chris Cristóbal Chan
Verge Studies in Global Asias Published 2024-09-01
Writing in Pictures: Richard Scarry and the art of children’s literature
Chris Ware
YR - The Yale Review Published 2024-09-01
Songlight by Moira Buffini (review)
A. Spisak
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Ingrid E. Mida, Dressing & Undressing Duchamp
Jonathan Faiers
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
Pharaoh by artificial intelligence, Historical mistakes with a beautiful artistic vision
Mohamed Awad Allah
Published 2024-09-01
Splinter & Ash by Marieke Nijkamp (review)
Fiona Hartley-Kroeger
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
i. Figures One through Two
Aaron Coleman
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
A Study on the Ecological Transformation Value and Practice of the 2022 Revised Art Curriculum
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Career Choices in Music beyond the Pandemic: Musical and Psychological Perspectives by Julie Jaffee Nagel (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Contemporary visions to enrich the aesthetic and functional values of the supplements of the veiled woman's costume
Shaimaa Alsakhawy
Published 2024-09-01
Teaching African Art in the Time of AI
Kristen Laciste
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
Withdrawing from involution: The “lying flat” phenomenon of music teachers in China
Chao Cheng,Yanjie Diao,Xuyan Wang,Weijie Zhou
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-09-01
Do we see you? A systematic review of diversity representation in art therapy research conducted between 2010-2020
Brianna Hughes,Thomson J. Ling,Jessica M. Hauck,Shayna Saltzman,Anthony PacificoKira JonesCourtney Eannone
The Arts in Psychotherapy Published 2024-09-01
No Gods Live Here: Selected Poems by Conceição Lima (review)
C. Pinto-Bailey
World literature today Published 2024-09-01
A Conversation with Michael Maliakel
Melissa Treinkman
Journal of Singing Published 2024-09-01
The Gray City by Torben Kuhlmann (review)
A. Spisak
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
:The Beauty of the Flower: The Science and Art of Botanical Illustration
The Quarterly review of biology Published 2024-09-01
New and Recent Books
A. Buruma
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
A study on creative drawing strategies based on the human head features in children's realistic figure drawings
Lan Yu
Thinking Skills and Creativity Published 2024-09-01
Bear in a Bathrobe by Maddie Frost (review)
Meg Cornell
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Getting the Sack: The Controversial Late 1950s Fashion
David E. Lazaro
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
Animals of the Serranía de la Lindosa: Exploring representation and categorisation in the rock art and zooarchaeological remains of the Colombian Amazon
Mark Robinson,Jamie Hampson,Jo Osborn,Francisco Javier Aceituno,G. Morcote-RíosMichael J. ZieglerJosé Iriarte
Journal of anthropology and archaeology Published 2024-09-01
Testing tools: an experimental investigation into technical and economic aspects of Levantine rock art production
Neemias Santos da Rosa,Danae Fiore,Ramon Viñas
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences Published 2024-09-01
Making a scene in documentary film: Iconic filmmakers discuss what works and why By MaxineTrump, New York: Routledge. 2023. pp. 222. £100.00 (hbk)
M. Latif
Journal of Popular Culture Published 2024-09-01
Haunts of the Wealthy: The House as Temple in Robert Marasco’s Burnt Offerings
Cristiana Pugliese
Preternature Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural Published 2024-09-01
Neoclassicism, Race, and Statecraft across the Atlantic World
Louis P. Nelson
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
Book Review: Motherly: Reimagining the Maternal Body in Feminist Theology and Contemporary Art
Alice Watson
Feminist Theology Published 2024-09-01
Istanbul as Far as the Eye Can See: Views across Five Centuries
Deniz Türker
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
Green Dada: Avant-Garde Aesthetics and Ecocritical Theory
J. B. Pelcher
Published 2024-09-01
Sharing and Communication Method of Expression Results in Art Education for Building School Communities and New Cultures
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
An Analysis of the Transmission Content of the Dance Culture of the Jiajong Tibetan "Kasdawen" in Western Sichuan, China
Xinxin Lan,Chutima Maneewattana,QianQiu Jin
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
“You Go First, You Kaza!”: Using Casting and Intertextuality to Rewrite Myth in the Miniseries Eagles
Anat Sella Inbar
Poetics Today Published 2024-09-01
Alternative curated by Jean Kamba
Z. S. Strother
African Arts Published 2024-09-01
Steve, A Pretty Exceptional Horse by Kelly Collier (review)
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Camille Benda, Dressing the Resistance: The Visual Language of Protest Through History
Mairi MacKenzie
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
Reflections on Imagination in Art: Focusing on the cognition of imagination and analyzing the contents of the art curriculum in the 2022 revision and previous years
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
The Midnight Panther by Poonam Mistry (review)
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Unlocking the Perfect Beat: Reflections on Musical Hybridisation in the Work of Lander Gyselinck
Lander Gyselinck,Pieter-Jan Maes
Critical Arts. A Journal for Cultural Studies Published 2024-09-01
MoViQuotes: Creating Personalized Visual Quotes Capturing the Moods and Vibes of a Movie
Lukas Panzer,K. Kurzhals,Fabian Beck
Message Understanding Conference Published 2024-09-01
Frames of Glass: Goldfish and Gender in Paint, Performance, and Print, 1870–1914
Anika Zuhlke
Victorian Review Published 2024-09-01
Such Lovely Skin by Tatiana Schlote-Bonne (review)
Natalie Berglind
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
A Qualitative Case Study on Reflection during the Pandemic of the ‘Love for Humanity:Let’s Draw with Graphic Designers’ Graphic Design Exhibition
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
NARSAD Artworks.
Judith Wachner
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services Published 2024-09-01
A Clear Midnight by Simon Sargon: The Joy of Walt Whitman’s Poetry
Christian Bester
Journal of Singing Published 2024-09-01
Would CLO 3D Program be a revolution in Virtual Reality Design and Production of Garments Prototype? (An Expository Study)
Tariq M. Zagloul,Amira A. Al-Nousani
Published 2024-09-01
Impact of the colour perception of graphic design on promoting tourist destinations of Southeast Europe
Dinko Stoykov
Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design Published 2024-09-01
With Love, Echo Park by Laura Taylor Namey (review)
Sara Hudson
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
An Action Research on Enhancing Critical Analysis Ability in Visual Culture: Based on the Concept of Visual Communication Competency in the 2022 Art Curriculum
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Is AI Art Theft? The Moral Foundations of Copyright Law in the Context of AI Image Generation
Eric Shoemaker
Published 2024-09-01
Unique Vulnerabilities for the Musical Theatre Performer
Stephannie M. Moore
Journal of Singing Published 2024-09-01
Intangible heritage restoration of damaged tomb murals through augmented reality technology: A case study of Zhao Yigong Tomb murals in Tang Dynasty of China
Sun Zheng
Journal of Cultural Heritage Published 2024-09-01
The Interrelationship between mise-en-scene camera movement in the visual image with cinematic decoration as an element of scenography - Case study of “Kira and the Jinn” movie
Rania Ahmed Sied Ahmed Elqattan,N. elshendidy
Published 2024-09-01
Color on the Last Day: Experimentalism and the Meaning of Skin
Alex Solomon
English Literary Renaissance Published 2024-09-01
Hilary Davidson, Jane Austen's Wardrobe
Penelope Byrde
Costume - Journal of the Costume Society Published 2024-09-01
Studying Factors Influencing Intention to Use Hybrid Education: A Case Study of Visual Communication Design Major Students at Chengdu Vocational University of Art
ZaiXi Xia,Leehsing Lu
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
Revealing ancient yellow colorants in painted artworks along the silk Road (6th-10th century AD)
Sihan Zhao,Zhang He,Yumin Gao,Zhibo Zhou,Zhiwei GeZhenzhen YangJing YanJie YangHui Zhang
Journal of Archaeological Science Published 2024-09-01
Printing Music in Renaissance Rome by Jane A. Bernstein (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
The Lens of Race: Whiteness and Architectural Photography at Case Study House #22
Dianne Harris
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) Published 2024-09-01
Goth Moth by Kai Lüftner (review)
Natalie Berglind
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
Gracie Under the Waves by Linda Sue Park (review)
Cassidy Russell
Bulletin of the Center for Children`s Books Published 2024-09-01
A Qualitative Case Study on the Interaction between Exhibition Space and Visitors: Focusing on Philippe Parreno's Exhibition
Society for Art Education of Korea Published 2024-09-01
Green synthesis of silver-titanium dioxide nanoparticles using chestnut extract for the preservation of leather artifacts
Jia Fan,Mingrui Zhang,Jie Liu,Yong Lei,Mǎdǎlina Georgiana Albu KayaKeyong Tang
Journal of Cultural Heritage Published 2024-09-01
“To Help the Singer”: Recognizing the Scholarship of Martha Gerhart
Elvia Puccinelli
Journal of Singing Published 2024-09-01
Descriptive Piano Fantasias ed. by Halina Goldberg and Jonathan D. Bellman (review)
Notes Published 2024-09-01
Enter stage left: Immigration and the American arts
K. Winichakul,Ning Zhang
Published 2024-09-01
Paintings of Vases in Islamic Palaces and Houses through Manuscripts: Artistic and Archaeological Study Ramadan Ahmed Mohammed Abdel Raheem K. Abdel Raheem
مجلة البحوث والدراسات الاثرية Published 2024-09-01
Unsettling bodies
Johannes Binotto
Published 2024-08-31
The Existential Modality of Dance within K-Culture: Interplay with Music
Ji Eun Cha
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Making Human Beauty: Portrait of Mary Graham in Eighteenth-Century England
Dongho Chun
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Més de dos. Un cómic sobre el poliamor
Rafael Romero Pineda,Irene Torruella Mota
Tercio Creciente Published 2024-08-31
Symbolic Meaning of Kecak Dance Performance in Balinese Culture
Rana Anyndya Purnomo P,Nirwan Nirwan,Makmun Fauzi
The Journal of English Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the English Bottle Oven’s Production technique and Change
Byungsun Bang
Art History Published 2024-08-31
A Qualitative Study on Multiple Organizational Identities and the Resulting Conflicts in a University Alumni Choir
Jungwon Shin,Hyosun Kim
Journal of Arts and Cultural Management Published 2024-08-31
Understanding Kompangan As Jambi-Malay Traditional Arts and Cultural Heritage: An Anthropological Research
Abdullah Haidar,Evania Herindar,Fauziah Chairiyati
Sunan Kalijaga: International Journal of Islamic Civilization Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Experience of Field Activities of Graduate Students in Culture and Arts Management : An Application of the Contextual Learning Model
JunYu Lu,Hee Hyun Joo
Journal of Arts and Cultural Management Published 2024-08-31
Expanding Public Art : AR Public Art and Reconstruction of Space
Jooseong Park,Whuiyeon Jin
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Professor-artist and professor-researcher
Andrés Dávila,Libertad Gills,Carlos Terán Vargas
Published 2024-08-31
Text Mining Analysis of the Inventions and Robots Unit of Practical Arts Textbook of the 2015 Revised National Curriculum
Soyoung Kim,Heuipil Kim
Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education Published 2024-08-31
La (re)presentación identitaria de género en el retrato. Análisis del binarismo hegemónico desde la indagación poética
Noemí Peña Sánchez,M. González Álvarez
Tercio Creciente Published 2024-08-31
The Value of Practical Arts Education and Its Philosophical Direction from the Perspectives of Dewey and Freinet
Chanyoung Park
Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education Published 2024-08-31
Media Acting and Performativity: Theatrical Approach and Media Application
Taekyum Kim,Jongwan Kim
Cine forum Published 2024-08-31
Strategies for Enhancing Audience Engagement in Cultural Exhibition Space Design
Chun-Pin Huang,Fang-Pang Chang,Ying-Chieh Wu
Published 2024-08-31
Application and Commercial Value of Traditional Chinese Auspicious Patterns in Modern Jewellery Design
Yao Hong,Hassan Alli,N. Shaari
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Published 2024-08-31
K-Culture Policies and Challenges in the Dance Community
Yunyoung Choi
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Design and the Vernacular: Interpretations for Contemporary Practice and Theory
Anoma Pieris
Fabrications Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Image Generator in Creative and Artistic Fields
Mikyung Hwang
Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange Published 2024-08-31
Revisiting the Lacquered Basket of Nangnang from Tomb Namjŏngni No.116
Korean Ancient Historical Society Published 2024-08-31
Inked Expressions: An appreciation of selected contemporary tattoo art among Ghanaians in Kumasi and Accra metropolises
Christopher Effah Oppong,Alice Korkor Ebeheakey,Dickson Adom,S. Kquofi
Journal of African Art Education Published 2024-08-31
Thinking diegetically
Jenny Oyallon-Koloski
Published 2024-08-31
A Study of the Meaning of Associative Words Related to Dance Expression in Contemporary Dance Major Students
Geun Tae Park
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Examining the Determinants of Creative Potential in University Dancers: Creative Growth Mindset, Metacognition, and Trait Motivation Perspectives
D. Lee
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of the Degree of Reflection of Maker Competencies in the Subject Competencies According to the 2022 Revised Elementary School Curriculum
Juhyuk Yoon
Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education Published 2024-08-31
‘Making it Easy to Do Hard Things’: How experts help novices perceive craft as accessible
Cyrus Dioun,V. Pamphile,Andreea D. Gorbatai
Organization Studies Published 2024-08-31
Exploring the Purpose of Protecting Folk Literary and Artistic Expressions: A Multidimensional Protection Framework for China
Shuo Zhao
Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media Published 2024-08-31
Thi Thanh Huyen Hoang,Thuy Vi Tran
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies Published 2024-08-31
The Axis Mundi Stupa Tradition from East Asia to Europe
Katalin Puskas Khetani
Technium Sustainability Published 2024-08-31
An essay on the Charcot and Richer hysteria: from charcoal drawings to cell phones.
Marlon Wycliff Caeira,L. Coutinho,Igor Abrahim Nascimento,Luciano de Paola,H. A. G. Teive
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria Published 2024-08-31
Academic Filmmaking in the New Humanities. Articles. Introduction to the special issue.
Libertad Gills,Catherine Grant,Alan O'Leary
Published 2024-08-31
How Do Cultural Activists Grow into Active Citizens? : Focusing on the Model of Civic Competence
Sunlee Lim,Jihyon Park
Journal of Arts and Cultural Management Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Utilization of Cultural Contents in Taekwondo
Tong-il Yang,Hyun-suk Yang,Moon-sung Lee
Journal of Martial Arts Published 2024-08-31
Anita Yadav,I. U. Khan
Published 2024-08-31
A Study of on the general public’s perception of dance the and intention to paricipate in Dance Therapy and willingness to participate in dance therapy applying Extended Theory of Planned Behavior(ETPB)
Hyeran Park,Mira Yoon
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Study on Concept-Based Teaching and Learning Methods for Elements Related to Jangdan
Yun-Yi Han
The journal of Korean music education research Published 2024-08-31
Revolutionizing Visual Communication and Digital Creative Engagement: The Game-Changing Impact of TikTok
Wojciech Kułaga
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej Published 2024-08-31
Exploring Female Representation in Contemporary Cinema: A Comparative Analysis of In the Mood for Love and Lust, Caution
Sizhe Liang
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-31
Documentary and the question of knowledge
Lizzie Thynne
Published 2024-08-31
Reflections on Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Warhol and Baudrillard in Dialogue
Xinru Zhang
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-31
Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies Published 2024-08-31
Research on the Communication Effect of Digital Collection in Museum Based on the Analysis of Review Text
Kairui Feng
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-31
Choreographic Practice as Écriture Féminine
Seok Jin Han
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Exploring the Integration of Yangjiabu Woodblock New Year Picture Color Language in Contemporary Chinese Ceramic Decoration
Qin Zhao
Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange Published 2024-08-31
Looking at Arts Institutions, Communities, and Space: Reflections and Research from the Field of Art Sociology
Agata Sulikowska-Dejena,Dominik Porczyński,Ewelina Wejbert-Wąsiewicz
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej Published 2024-08-31
Social media-based dance, storytelling and visual art therapies as communication and counselling interventions for reducing postpartum depression and strengthening family happiness
Xuege Jiang,Anibueze U. Anselm,Ngozi Agujiobi-Odoh,I. Erojikwe,Obiorah EkwuemeE. OhajaV. C. Gever
Published 2024-08-31
A Machine Walks into an Exhibit: A Technical Analysis of Art Curation
Thomas Serban Von Davier,Laura M. Herman,Caterina Moruzzi
Arts Published 2024-08-31
Improvement of Tradition Dance Classification Process Using Video Vision Transformer based on Tubelet Embedding
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems Published 2024-08-31
A Structural Analysis on Correct Dancer Placement of Bonglaeeui Dance in Akhak Gwebeom
Jae-Wook Baik,Hyun-Joo Min
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Life History of Korean Ballet Pioneer Park Geum-ja
Da-Hye Lee,Na-Ra Lee
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Effects of Group Art Therapy on Stress, Helplessness, and Self-esteem in Elderly Persons at a Daycare Center
Korean Journal of Fusion Ayurveda Published 2024-08-31
Examining the Impact of Instructor-Created Video Tutorials and Best Online Exemplar Teaching Practices for Successful Outcomes with Visual Arts Students
Alexis Chontos,John Kenney
Journal of Instructional Research Published 2024-08-31
Gilt-Bronze Standing Bhaisajyaguru Buddha of Baengnyulsa Temple in Gyeongju
Heeyeon Lee
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Contemplating the Meaning of Practical Reasoning in Practical Arts Education
Eunyoung Lee
Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education Published 2024-08-31
Relationship of Kinematic Variables with the Performance of uprise on rings in Men’s Artistic Gymnastics
Prashant Prashant .,Dr. Vinita Bajpai Mishra Dr. Vinita Bajpai Mishra
Published 2024-08-31
Behind the Script: Analyzing Figurative Language in "Free Guy"
Kadek Erlangga,Kesha Wiguna,Ni Wayan,Suastini,Erlangga Kesha Wiguna
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Peirce's Semiotics interpretation of 「Babel 7.16」
Ji Hee Lee
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Exploring the Self-Evaluation Areas to Strengthen the Dance Teaching Artists’ Professionalism in Arts and Culture Education at School
Jeong Ok Yoon,Hyun Joo Min
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
The Textual, the Audiovisual, and Videographic Thought
Ben Spatz
Published 2024-08-31
The Architecture of the Rzeszów Downtown from the Flâneur Perspective
Dominik Porczyński
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej Published 2024-08-31
The Effect of Personal Color Diagnosis Awareness on Changes in Hair and Nail Art Behavior
Jae-Im Yun,Jin-Jung Ahn
Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of Ballet Movement Grand Jeté Using AI Deep Learning Motion Estimation Technology
Seo Myeong Heo
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Francis Kéré: A Spokesperson of African Architecture? Modernism and Decolonization
Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej Published 2024-08-31
Digitisation and artificial intelligence in the world of media
Arul Aram I.,Anita Juliana E.
Journal of media and communication studies Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Direction of Guangdong Contemporary Dance Company's Choreography Based on Culture : -Focusing on 1992-2014
Ying Zhang,Kyung Mo Kang
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
More Than a Photograph: An Analysis of the Photographs of the Interdisciplinary Creative Research Center “Pracownia” Using the Six-Moves Typology in Arts-Based Research
Maja Dobiasz-Krysiak
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej Published 2024-08-31
Measuring the Success of Grandpa Aki’s Short Video Series in Cross-cultural Transmission of Traditional Chinese Culture
Yeqing Xu
European Scientific Journal Published 2024-08-31
Equality of Intelligences produced by a “Non-Exclusive Audience”: Thomas Hirschhorn’s Gramsci Monument
Haeyun Park
Art History Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Modernization Direction of Traditional Dance through Korean Creative Dance 'Sigh to sigh'
Ji Hye Park
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
The Narrative of the Street, The Space of Shadow: A Study on the relationship between Yasujiro Ozu"s A Story of Floating Weeds and Floating Weeds
Chul-Hee Lim
Cine forum Published 2024-08-31
A Filmmaking Research Continuum
Susan Kerrigan,Bettina Frankham,James Verdon
Published 2024-08-31
Harmonizing Nature, Education, Engineering and Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Educational Exploration of Engineered Living Materials, Artistry and Sustainability Using Collaborative Mycelium Brick Construction
Richard W. van Nieuwenhoven,Matthias Gabl,Ruth Mateus-Berr,I. Gebeshuber
Biomimetics Published 2024-08-31
A Comparative Analysis of the System of Practice Arts Textbooks for Occasional Revised Curriculum
Hyunggyun Kim
Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education Published 2024-08-31
Study on class classification using multiliteracies in the field of dance education
Seung Yeon Mah
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Study on the SF Representation of Colonial Korea: Focusing on the Posthuman Characters in The and
Han ki Jo
Cine forum Published 2024-08-31
The Aspects and Development of Chinese and Japanese Porcelain Garnitures in 17th to 19th Century Britain
Hyewon Park
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Application of Three-Dimensional Vision Technology in Dance
Yixun Zhong,Xiao Fu,Zhihao Liang,Honglong Ning
Applied System Innovation Published 2024-08-31
Leveraging Artistic Interventions for Corporate Innovation : A Case Study of the Artists-Embedded Program by the Korean Artists Welfare Foundation
HyeSung Chang,WoongJo Chang
Journal of Arts and Cultural Management Published 2024-08-31
Mapping the Trajectory of Popular Culture: From Rock Album Narratives to Video Game Transmediality
Aleksandar M. Filipović,Aleksandar S. Janković
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education Published 2024-08-31
On Academic Filmmaking as a “Messy” Methodology
Pinar Fontini
Published 2024-08-31
The Semiotics of K-Ballet Discourse and Practice through R. Barthes’ Mythologies
Youngjae Roh
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
The Future of Art Museums: Reflections on a Young Audience
P. Kisiel
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej Published 2024-08-31
Virtual shadow puppet generation based on AlphaPose
Bangbang Sun
Applied and Computational Engineering Published 2024-08-31
AI art education - artificial or intelligent? Transformative pedagogic reflections from three art educators in Singapore
Rebecca Heaton,Joo Hong Low,Vernon Chen
Published 2024-08-31
Research on the Feasibility of Funding Service based on Generative AI to Conclude the Incomplete Cartoons
Soonkyu Jang,Hyeeun Shin,Yejin Um,Kyungmin Yoon,Seohui Lee
Design Convergence Study Published 2024-08-31
Place-Based Perspectives on Understanding the Value of Sustainable Heritage-Inspired Arts and Crafts in Jordan
May Newisar,Gehan Selim,Meng Li
Sustainability Published 2024-08-31
Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Poetry: Enhancing Creativity and Expression
Manpreet Singh
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Published 2024-08-31
Exploring the Prototypicality of Girls Hip-hop in 1990s American Female Hip-hop Artists' Videos
Hye Jin Yu,Sung Jin Park,Seung Hye Jung,H. Lee
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Pipilotti Rist’s videos and installations : Expanded Space of Perception and Experience
Sunghee Choi
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Comprehensive Transformation Needed in University Dance Education
Young Moon
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
A Case Study on Art Marketing using Dance – Focusing on High Jewelry Brand Van Cleef & Arpels
Ka Young Huh
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Transmedia Storytelling of Hwang Sok-yong’s The Chronicle of Mr. Han (1972): Min Joung-Ki’s Illustrated Story “The Chronicle of Mr. Han” (1984)
Hyejong Yoo
Art History Published 2024-08-31
The Kino magazine and the parable of Ukrainian film criticism of the 1920s
Stanislav Menzelevskyi
Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema Published 2024-08-31
Boundaries In Theatrical Representations of Violence
Dr. Ilham EL Majdoubi
International journal of social science and human research Published 2024-08-31
Handmade Porcelain in Jingdezhen:Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Identity Construction and Cultural Identity, China
Jiang Xinda,Peera Phanlukthao
International Journal of Religion Published 2024-08-31
Two Trends in K-Ballet : Focusing on the works of the Korean National Ballet
Ji young Han
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
A Comparative Analysis of Early Childhood Music Curriculum in South Korea and China
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Creating a Sustainable City Through Culture and Arts : A Focus on Lille 3000
Hanbyul Kim,Soelah Kim
Journal of Arts and Cultural Management Published 2024-08-31
Coughology: The Art and Science of Managing Cough - A Pulmonologist's Perspective.
R. Munje,Gyanshankar P. Mishra
Lung India Published 2024-08-31
A Study of Celadon Decorative Motifs: the Establishment and Dissemination of Gwanyang(官樣) in the Goryeo Dynasty
Eunjung Cho
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Exploring Issues in the Area of Expression in the Context of the 2022 Revised Curriculum and the Separation of Physical Education for Lower Elementary Grades
Jeongyeon Lee
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
From Waste to Wonder: Leveraging Rust Dyeing and Eco-Printing for Modern Sustainable Textiles
Akanksha Nautiyal,Vrahistha Daruwalla
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Published 2024-08-31
Presale Price Estimates and Return on Art Works
Jiye Ryu,Jinhee Kim,Kihoon Hong
korean management review Published 2024-08-31
Direction of dance education for the growth of whole person in children
Sunghee Lee
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
A Study on Porcelain Sacrificial Vessels of Confucian Temples and Schools in Ming Dynasty
Cui Qian
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Dynamic Interplay: Exploring the Evolution and Multifaceted Interaction of New Media Installation Art
Weinan Liu,Hyung-Gi Kim
Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange Published 2024-08-31
A New Perspective on 18th Century Real Scenery Landscapes and Literary Archives: Focusing on a Critical Review of Cheongganjeong
Woollim Kim
Art History Published 2024-08-31
A Plein Air Painting Event as a Liminal Experience Building the Artists’ Community
Agata Sulikowska-Dejena
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej Published 2024-08-31
Revisiting the Beliefs Behind the Creation of the Stone Buddhas in Four Directions at Gulbulsa Temple Site, Gyeongju
SooJin Park
Art History Published 2024-08-31
Beauty and Truth - An Ontological Interpretation of Yu-Seop Koh"s Philosophy of Fine Arts -
Sang-Youn Han
The Journal of Incheon Studies Published 2024-08-31
Art Notions in the Age of (Mis)anthropic AI
Dejan Grba
Arts Published 2024-08-30
Anxiety, Dilemma and Transcendence - The Case of Lilly's Drawing Process
Xinyi Du
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-30
Decorative Motifs and Periodization of Badut Temple: Comparative Review of Art Forms with The Temples of Central JavanesePeriod
Dwi Pradnyawan, SS., M.A.
Berkala Arkeologi Published 2024-08-30
Hors d’oeuvres: Consuming La Petite Maison
Marissa Lindquist,M. Chapman
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
A Comparative Study of Kim Yong-jun's art theory and Tsai Yuan-Pei's aesthetic education thought
Yun hyung Oh
Published 2024-08-30
Negotiating difficult (in)tangible heritage: the intricate journey of museum making for the “Dai-ichi Saloon” comfort station in Shanghai
Siyi Wang,Zhiliang Su,Shengjie Su
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Published 2024-08-30
Semiotics and Symbolic Politics in the Reception of Seventeenth-Century Art: Reflections on Guercino's Prometheus
Leonardo Masone
Advances in Sciences and Humanities Published 2024-08-30
Photo Essay: Intimate Representations of Displacement
Michal Lev
Creative Arts in Education and Therapy Published 2024-08-30
Study on the Expression of Modern Architectural Space through the Concept of Zhuangzi's 'Wu Wei Zi Ran'
Joon Ho Lee
Published 2024-08-30
Exploration on the Teaching Reform of Cultural and Creative Product Design Based on the Cultivation of Art and Labour Integration Talents
Yin Bai
Published 2024-08-30
The gendered dress of DALL-E 2: Exploring profession-based images in the Indian context
Musthafa Mubashir
MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research Published 2024-08-30
Objeto de memória como categoria de análise de capas de disco
Herom Vargas
MATRIZes Published 2024-08-30
Karya Tari Ngarepat: Sumber ide dan konsep Rejang Kapat di Desa Timbrah, Kabupaten Karangasem.
Ni Luh Dipasatyadewi,I. K. Sariada,Ida Ayu Wayan Arya Satyani
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-30
50 shades of blackness
Linda J. M. Holloway
Journal of Poetry Therapy Published 2024-08-30
Art Encircles Life: Journeying With, In, and Through the Expressive Arts
V. Speiser,Phillip Speiser
Creative Arts in Education and Therapy Published 2024-08-30
Simulating reality: Stage actors’ emotional labour strategies and experienced outcomes
Milda Perminiene,Loriane Mbayo
Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Drag Queen Makeup Design Based on Jung’s Archetypes Theory
Eun-hee Yoo,Won-jin Baek
Published 2024-08-30
Dwaya Rupa Penggambaran Dua Karakter Dalam Satu Tokoh
Ni Komang Wiwin Sari Putri,Dyah Kustiyanti,Made Ayu Desiari
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-30
Teaching art and historical-critical pedagogy: fundamentals and challenges for humanizing education
Juliana Oliveira Leitão,Newton Duarte
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação Published 2024-08-30
“Sweet Like Honey”: Twa Photographers Reframing the Past, Present and Future in a Remote Rwandan Marginalised Community
Zoë Norridge,Renée Akitelek Mboya
Journal of African Cultural Studies Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Aestheticized Labor of Key Players, Scriptwriters in Broadcasting Production - Focusing on the Auto-ethnography -
Mi-Sook Kim
Journal of acting studies Published 2024-08-30
Digital promotion innovation of Ronggeng Ketuk Dance at Asem Gede Losarang Studio
Widi Eka Yulita,Tati Narawati,Fitri Kurniati
Inovasi Kurikulum Published 2024-08-30
Status of Fashion Industry in a New Paradigm Incorporating Metaverse
Hayoung Kim,Seunghee Lee
Research Institute of Human Ecology Published 2024-08-30
Metamorphosis of Tradition: Dong Arts from Folk Dong Painting to Contemporary Expressions
Yunlong Wang,Mohd Fuad Md Arif,Wenyi Cheng,Shanshan Zhao
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Published 2024-08-30
Research on the Relationship Between Technology and Art
Kaiping Wang
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-30
Sensations and cinema: Reframing the real in democracy and education
Andrew Gibbons,Andrew Denton
Educational Philosophy and Theory Published 2024-08-30
Befristung unbefristet? Zu den Arbeitsbedingungen unserer Postdoc-Kolleg:innen
A. Huth
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte Published 2024-08-30
The Art of Planting Rice as a Meditative Practice: Sensemaking and Equanimity about Societal Disruption through Performance Art
I. M. Jodog,Jem Bendell
Creative Arts in Education and Therapy Published 2024-08-30
Rekonstruksi tari Penasar, wijil, dan Topeng Tua dalam Dramatari Topeng Panca di Desa Adat Batur Kintamani, Bangli
Kadek Rai Suanditha,I. K. Suteja,I. O. Negara
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-30
Our Concealed Ballast, Marian Macken
Elizabeth Musgrave
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Application of Reflexivity in Media Acting II - Focusing on the Indeterminate Zone -
Tae-kyum Kim
Journal of acting studies Published 2024-08-30
Directed Views in Virtual Reality: A Semantic Approach to Volumetric Video Storytelling
Colm O. Fearghail,Nivesh Gadipudi,Gareth W. Young,J. Dingliana
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception Published 2024-08-30
A study on the practice of dance education in the convergence of culture and arts in the localism area
Kang Woo Jeong
Published 2024-08-30
Exploring creativity in BMX trail construction—Stack, slap, repeat
Dave Camilleri
Published 2024-08-30
Respon Masyarakat Kalidoni Palembang terhadap Penari Wanita Pegon dalam Kesenian Kuda Lumping
Oktiviona Suci,Sri Suriana,Sholeh Khudin
Tanjak: Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam Published 2024-08-30
Under the rug: Pleasure, violence, and other operations to de-sediment Central Park
Tiago Torres-Campos,M. Dorrian
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
Man on the Mound: Pictures of a Pitcher in Pain
Jean Medina,Matthew Campanella,Elliot Mendelsohn,Carl Mitchell,Murtaza Akhter
HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine Published 2024-08-30
A Comparative Study of the Sensory Perceptions of Actors in Plato and Descartes - Focusing on the Reinterpretation of Speech and Body -
Sun-Young Park
Journal of acting studies Published 2024-08-30
Sim-ui institution in Jeong-gu's Hangangjip(寒岡集)
Young Joo Lee
Published 2024-08-30
The Genesis of Animal Drawings in the Flora Sinensis (1656): Between the Tuhui zongyi, Magni Catay Atlas, and Michał Boym’s Wall Map
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine Published 2024-08-30
Speculative inconstancy: Exploring the architectural potential of porosity
Qixuan Hu,Paddi Alice Benson,Ana Bonet Miro,M. Dorrian
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
An Essay on the Artistic Value of Yi Hwang’s Calligraphy
Da Eun Choi
Published 2024-08-30
Exploration and Practice of the Collaborative Innovation Model of Chu Culture Lacquerware: Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation
Peipei Mu,Miyoung Seo,Kriangsak Khiaomang
Published 2024-08-30
Considering the Urban Tree: Growing the Life between the Buildings
Naomi Zürcher
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen = Swiss Forestry Journal Published 2024-08-30
A Study on Stage Program Repertoire for Regional Cultural Festivals - Focusing on Incheon Soraepogu Festival -
Kyung-Soo Lee
Journal of acting studies Published 2024-08-30
Methodological framework of the emotional dimension in the built space for an architectural quality
Hadjer Zeghichi,Said Mazouz
Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning Published 2024-08-30
Developing an AI-based Explainable Expert Support System for Art Therapy
Jiwon Kim,Jiwon Kang,Migyeong Yang,Chaehee Park,Taeeun KimHayeon SongJinyoung Han
Published 2024-08-30
A review of the status of North Korean calligraphy culture for the restoration of homogeneity of inter-Korean culture (3) - A Study on Baekdusan Three Generals’s calligraphy typeface(書體) and the Hang
Jung nam Kim
Published 2024-08-30
Diagrams of Power in Benjamin and Foucault: The Recluse of Architecture, Mark Laurence Jackson
Stephen Zepke
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
Historical and cultural aspects of Art Nouveau style in object desig
Alevtina Grishina
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-08-30
Observations on Pacific heritage conservation practice
John H. Stubbs
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
A Study on Guunmongdo in the Museum of Soseong, Kyonggi University
Mi yeon Lee
Published 2024-08-30
Impact of Seoul National University CEO GLP Culture and Arts Course Experience on Emotional Leadership and Management Performance
Susanna Kim,Tae-gyun Park
Published 2024-08-30
Drei Strophen in Tönen Frauenlobs mit Neumen
J. Haustein,Oliver Huck
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur Published 2024-08-30
A Contemporary Discourse on Ziao(自娛) in Somatic Improvisational Dance
Hong Ju Kim
Published 2024-08-30
A Reconsideration of Aesthetic Value and Moral Value of Artwork - An Immoralism Approach
Jiaxuan Yao
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-30
Research on External Manifestation of Character Existentialism in Chinese Animation in the New Media Era - Taking The Outcast, Killer Seven and Incarnation as Examples
Shijun Cui,Julina Ismail@Kamal
Published 2024-08-30
Celebrating cultural heritage within national parks
N. Ndlovu
Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Effects of Tourism Experience and Immersion on Place Attachment in Tea Cultural Heritage Sites in China
Li Wang,Soon-hwa Kang
Published 2024-08-30
Resemblance as a Passing Quality: Liotard, La Tour, and the Question of Le Faire in Eighteenth-Century Portraiture
Marianne Koos
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte Published 2024-08-30
Analysis of Differences in Satisfaction with the Production Methods of Documentaries and Feature Films: Focusing on and
Jin-wook Kim
Published 2024-08-30
Investigation and research on the present situation of college students' aesthetic values formed by china music
Oksana Bodnar,Qiuling Xiong
Image of the modern pedagogue Published 2024-08-30
A multi-technique approach to unveil the composition and fabrication of a pre-Roman glass masterpiece: a double-faced human-head shape polychrome glass pendant (2nd -1st c. BC)
S. Barroso-Solares,E. Estalayo,J. Aramendia,E. Rodriguez-Gutierrez,C. Sanz-MinguezA. C. PrietoJ. M. MadariagaJ. Pinto
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences Published 2024-08-30
In honour of Jeremy Salmond: Let’s talk about old buildings, new work, and design.
Julia Gatley
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
Architectures of love: “Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair”
Andrew Douglas,Susan Hedges
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
The Necessity of Aesthetic Education – The Place of the Arts on the Curriculum
Tony Eaude
British Journal of Educational Studies Published 2024-08-30
A Case Study of Crossover Music Repertoire Using Multimedia - Focusing on the Activities of Andrea Bocelli and Son Tae-jin -
Da-Mi Park
Journal of acting studies Published 2024-08-30
(Re)Looking at the Women of Indian Cinema in the Praxis of Conventional Rendering
Aakash Sharma
Multidisciplinary Journal Published 2024-08-30
NI Gusti Ayu Made Ambar KOMPYANG AYU,I. K. Sutapa,Suminto Suminto
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-30
Innovative approaches in high-end photo retouching and color grading techniques for enhanced marketing and visual storytelling, including for SMEs
Oluwaseun Abiola Ajiva,Onyinye Gift,Angela Omozele Abhulimen
International Journal of Frontiers in Science and Technology Research Published 2024-08-30
Paisagem, Território e Cultura: Estudo de caso do grupo de dança de Siriri Flor de Atalaia
Natalia Tomazella de Paula,Érica Lemos Gulinelli,Sandra Medina Benini
Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades Published 2024-08-30
The Effect of the Business Foundation Support Program On Art Major College Start-Up Behavior By Mediating Willing of Business Foundation - With Controlled Mediate Affect of Business Foundation Support Program -
Jin-Hwa Song,Dong-Soo Lee
Journal of acting studies Published 2024-08-30
Visualising the borderlands: Kang Yong Suk’s Korean state village photographs
Nayun Jang
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Published 2024-08-30
Erotic countermapping and queer urban publics: the hardcore cinema of Arthur J. Bressan, Jr
Nikola Stepić
Porn Studies Published 2024-08-30
Interstices Issue 23: Architectures of Love CFP
Andrew Douglas,Susan Hedges,Karamia Muller
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Spirit of Resistance in Country Music: Focusing on Works Since the 2010s
Young-ik Kim,Sung-kyoo Hong
Published 2024-08-30
Exploration of Art Digital Design Technology Guided by Visual Communication Elements
Qiyuan Lu
Published 2024-08-30
Karya Tari Sky Maps
I. P. Swarsana,Gusti Ayu Ketut Suandewi,Ni Nyoman Kasih
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-30
Digital Visualization Method of Artificial Intelligence-based Ballet Performance: The Performance of Featuring the White Swan and the Black Swan
Je-min Yuk
Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Artistic Shaping of Dystopian Screen Images in Science Fiction Films
Cheng-hao Zong
Published 2024-08-30
Performing Yan Daudu and transvestiting in selected acting experiments of ABU Studio Theatre
Victor Osae Ihidero,E. Gana
Published 2024-08-30
We know who they are, because of what they sing: Miao song taxonomy in Fenghuang county, China
Mofang Yuan,John Napier
Ethnomusicology Forum Published 2024-08-30
Blinded by the light: Does portrait lighting design affect perception of realistic virtual humans?
Pisut Wisessing,Rachel Mcdonnell
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception Published 2024-08-30
Love’s labour’s lost: Alberto Pérez-Gómez’s Polyphilo
Sean Pickersgill
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
Separate and Reassemble: Generative AI through the lens of art and media histories
Lev Manovich
MATRIZes Published 2024-08-30
Studio Art Therapy Learning Ecology: Crossing Borders between Art, Education, Health, and Therapy
Kathryn Grushka
Creative Arts in Education and Therapy Published 2024-08-30
Measured love: Regulating infantile bodies, the Plunket Society and modern architecture
Susan Hedges
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
Cultural Appropriateness, Arts-based Care and Well-Being in Sensitive Research
Ying (Ingrid) Wang
Creative Arts in Education and Therapy Published 2024-08-30
To love after life: On the memorialisation of the immemorial in Last and First Men (1930 and 2021)
Andrew Douglas
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts Published 2024-08-30
DIGAN: distillation model for generating 3D-aware Terracotta Warrior faces
Long-He Yan,Guohua Geng,Pengbo Zhou,Yangyang Liu,Kang LiYang XuMingquan Zhou
Heritage Science Published 2024-08-30
Karya Tari Kontemporer Butterfly Hug
Nada Lunetta Laura Tanalepy,Tjok. Istri Putra Padmini,Dyah Kustiyanti
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-30
The Role of Irreplaceable Artists and Alternatives in the Age of AI: Focusing on the Case of Artistic Creation in the AI Model
Min-hee Chu
Published 2024-08-30
Restoring Cultural Heritage: Inner Cities Of Lahore
Zunair Ahmed,Ammar Yasir
A Recognition Technique for the Generative Tessellations of Geometric Patterns in Islamic Architectural Ornaments; Case Study: Southern Iwan of the Grand Mosque of Varamin
Mehdi Sheikhi Nashalji,Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj
Buildings Published 2024-08-30
Cvstgan: A Controllable Generative Adversarial Network for Video Style Transfer of Chinese Painting
Z. Wang,Fang Liu,Changjuan Ran
Multimedia Systems Published 2024-08-30
Research on Hair Coloring Using natural Dyes
Hyunju oh,YeonJa Jung
Published 2024-08-30
Art design integrating visual relation and affective semantics based on Convolutional Block Attention Mechanism-generative adversarial network model
Jiadong Shen,Jian Wang
PeerJ Computer Science Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Performative Acting and Objectivity of Actors - Focusing on the Case of the Play 'The Golden Dragon' -
Chan-Ho Jang
Journal of acting studies Published 2024-08-30
HERD Editorial for 17.4-Teaching and Fostering Design Empathy.
Naomi A. Sachs
Published 2024-08-30
Research on Garden Landscaping Techniques in Southern Song Boundary Paintings from a Female Perspective
Jing Qian,Won kyung Kim
Published 2024-08-30
Produksi Pesan Dakwah Bil-Kitabah Melalui Ilustrasi Digital
Dewi Nurhasanah,Siti Sumijaty,Rojudin Rojudin
Tabligh Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Published 2024-08-30
A Review of Human Factors Research on People Who Crochet
Nell Jaskowiak,Richard Stone,Fatima Mgaedeh
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Published 2024-08-29
Exploring the Religious Nature of Renaissance Artworks: Taking Dürer's Works as an Example
Hanbing Yu
Published 2024-08-29
Exploring the Influence of Byzantine and Islamic Artistic and Intellectual Traditions on Medieval Western Europe
Dake Meng
Published 2024-08-29
The Rise and Development of Hunan Gong Bi Painting from 1980 to 2000: Expressing Life Through Tradition
Xiaokang Wan,Jamarul Imran,Bin Wan,Abdullah Thani
Journal of Social Science Humanities and Literature Published 2024-08-29
Galang Bima Putra Windura Winarko,Anak Agung Ayu Mayun Artati,Kompiang Gede Widnyana
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-29
Exploring the Artistic Development Stage of Dürer's Prints: Taking Rhinoceros as an Example
Boya Zhang
Published 2024-08-29
Implications of Rock Art Aesthetics in Olmec Sculpture
Jillian Mollenhauer
Latin American Antiquity Published 2024-08-29
A study on the modernity and nationality of Chinese piano creation from 1900 to 1949
Jiayu Ding
Published 2024-08-29
The Collected Poems
Valerio Cappozzo
Italian Culture Published 2024-08-29
Comparison of Aesthetic Ideas in Chinese and Japanese Gardens from the Aesthetics of Mono-no-aware in The tale of Genji
Jianfeng Wang
Published 2024-08-29
An analysis of the development of Russian "nationalist" music in the 18th-early 20th century
Weiting Shi
Published 2024-08-29
Music Arrangement in Kurdish songs in Suleimani
Rawand Kamal Dilshad,Ehsan Shakir Zalzala,Dilshad Mustafa Rahim
Published 2024-08-29
Images, Legends, and Relics Worship in Southern Song Mingzhou: Interpretating “King Aśoka Stupa” and “Relics’ Light” from the Daitokuji Old Collection’s 500 Luohans Paintings
Tianyue Wu
Religions Published 2024-08-29
Analysis of Regional Characteristics and Ethnic Cultural Integration of Chenggong Tile-cat
Xiaoxi Xue,Ru Pan
Published 2024-08-29
Research on Multi-modal Intelligent Navigation and AI+AR Display Design Theory
Jing Tong,Tingkui Ren
Journal of Research in Science and Engineering Published 2024-08-29
Against the Mirror: Indeterminacy and the Poetics of Painting in Rembrandt’s Woman Bathing in a Stream
Michael Zell
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art Published 2024-08-29
The fusion of Nei Mongol music and pop music
Nari An
Published 2024-08-29
Touching the Franks Casket: Global History and the Trojan Past on an Early Medieval English Object
Jan-Peer Hartmann,Andrew James Johnston
Anglia. Zeitschrift für englische Philologie Published 2024-08-29
Construction and Effect Assessment of Art Teaching Platform Integrating Visual Exploration Framework
Xiangxiang An,Xiaoli Tao
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Dreaming Fish, Becoming Fish: Animating Modern Mythology and Zhuangzian Philosophy in the Fantasy Film Big Fish & Begonia
Dingding Wang
Journal of Chinese Film Studies Published 2024-08-29
Honoring pasts, escaping presents, and dwelling in futures: The Palestine land society village reconstruction competition
Nour Joudah
Environment and Planning C Politics and Space Published 2024-08-29
Differences Of Penabuh Authority In The Interpretation Of Musical Patterns Between Composition In The Middle And New Era Of Balinese Karawitan
I. K. Ardana,Warananingtyas Palupi,Miguel Horta
Journal of Social Science Published 2024-08-29
Art-focused Teaching Method Design Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
Zhuang Miao,Yi Li,Guanxi Chen
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Lalish Theatre: Enacted Bodies, Voices and Spaces in Heterotopias
Rajae Khaloufi
International Journal of Linguistics Literature & Translation Published 2024-08-29
Doctrinal Criticism of BRIN Museum Bogor City
Wahyu Buana Putra,Abdul Ihsan Supriatna
International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Published 2024-08-29
Aesthetic Exploration and Identity Perception of Body Hair
Yifan Wang,Yaluo Bai
Published 2024-08-29
The Application of Fujian Hakka Tulou Culture in Fashion Design
Yi Xie
Journal of Education and Culture Studies Published 2024-08-29
Mykola Shpykovskyi and the visual style of late VUFKU films
Vincent Bohlinger
Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema Published 2024-08-29
There is No There There, MUSEUM MMK, Frankfurt, 13 April—29 September 2024
Dhara Patel
Fabrications Published 2024-08-29
A study of two Chinese-style Clarinet Works Colors from China and Hommage to China from the Perspective of Cultural Holism
Congjie Zhao
Qubahan Academic Journal Published 2024-08-29
Application of VR-based Promotion of Deyang Chao Fan for New Media Perspective
Huan He,Yan Yang
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Visualising the iconography of anti-colonial and anti-apartheid heroes and heroines in Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa
Mathias Alubafi Fubah,C. Kaunda,Isaac Kabelenga,Louis Aghogah Wihbongale
Visual Studies Published 2024-08-29
Genetic visualization of cultural heritage: A case study of Zhuxian Town woodblock prints
Haoran Liu,Hassan Alli,Irwan Yusoff
The Design Journal Published 2024-08-29
A. Madina
Published 2024-08-29
Using Machine Learning to Enhance the Personalized Teaching and Learning Experience in Interior Design
Ye Chen
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Computer-Aided Creation and Teaching of New Media Art Based on Virtual Reality
Mengyuan Fu,Mingyu Jiang
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Sonia Delaunay: Living Art
Cara Marie Green
Dress Published 2024-08-29
Lighting Design for Lanna Buddhist Architecture: A Case Study of Suan Dok Temple, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Lattapon Tayhuadong,Vorapat Inkarojrit
Sustainability Published 2024-08-29
Exploring the Relationship between the Shaping of Female Images in Vermeer's Works and the Social Environment
Siqi Wang
Published 2024-08-29
Adaptation of Dream of the Red Chamber in the Age Ofmass Media: A Study on the Transformation of Animationand the Sustainable Development of Cultural Inheritance
Zhenzhen Yang,R. Ain
Published 2024-08-29
Design and Application of Art Design Information Teaching System Based on Federated Learning
Yawen Zhao,Licheng Gao
International Journal of e-collaboration Published 2024-08-29
A Microcosm of Modern Chinese History from the Film 'Farewell My Concubine'
Yuang Wang
Advances in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-29
The Golden Shore: An Autobiography
Lauren O’Connor
Music Reference Services Quarterly Published 2024-08-29
Who Hears Here? On Black Music, Pasts & Present
Sarah Garretson
Music Reference Services Quarterly Published 2024-08-29
Innovative Practices and Research in Theatrical and Film Art Design
Xiaodi Pu,Chaoyu Huang,Siyu Wu
Published 2024-08-29
A Brief Exploration of Green in Lesbian Films
Jianfeng Gu,Dan Chen
Journal of Social Science Humanities and Literature Published 2024-08-29
Design of Advertising Art Teaching Strategy Based on User Behavior
Yongxiao Liu,Dongqiang Zhang,Jiao Yu
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Leonardo da Vinci and the Development of Mechanics
Haoqi Ji
Published 2024-08-29
Daniele Cristina de Oliveira Lima
Published 2024-08-29
Art Monsters: Unruly Bodies in Feminist Art
Lotfi Gouigah
Visual Studies Published 2024-08-29
The Everyday Life of Memorials
Hande Sever
Public Art Dialogue Published 2024-08-29
Exploring Paintings Related to Renaissance Religious Culture
Xuechen Sun
Published 2024-08-29
The Influence of Renaissance Art on Contemporary Light and Shadow Aesthetics
Chengyu Lu
Published 2024-08-29
An Analysis of the Artistic Characteristics of Northeast Folk Songs
Lu Yang
Published 2024-08-29
Cognitive characteristics of concept derivation phase in environmental art design: A epistemic network analysis of design scheme construction process
Pengnan Li,Kuan Liu,Fangjiao Chen
The Design Journal Published 2024-08-29
Auditory attention: listening to the soundscape of Between the Acts as a literary cocktail party
Ru Wang
Textual Practice Published 2024-08-29
Integration and Application of AR Technology in Augmented Reality Image Animation Within the Context of Lingnan Culture
Zhengzhong Shen,Wei Zhang,Peijuan Song
International Journal on Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications Published 2024-08-29
Sensing the Eternal Birth: Mystical Vision “Inside” The Visitation in the Met
Davide Tramarin
Religions Published 2024-08-29
Peripatetic music teachers’ experiences of primary school music teaching: Case OutMus
Ingrid Lauten
Nordic Research in Music Education Published 2024-08-29
Integration and Innovation: Collaborative Development Path of Interior Design Professional Courses and Ideological and Political Education
Yihan Wang
International Journal of Management Science Research Published 2024-08-29
Exploring the Application of Scientific in Artistic Creation During the Renaissance
Zerui Chen
Published 2024-08-29
Syntax and temporality in the photographic thinking of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Bruno Schulz
Olena Bystrova
Studies in East European thought Published 2024-08-29
Scientific Inquiry in Renaissance Art: The Artistic Characteristics of Leonardo's Works
Jiakun Zhang
Published 2024-08-29
Design of Intangible Cultural Heritage Products based on 3D Visualization Technology
Lin Li,Yufei Yang,Xiaojie Li
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Street Art and Activism in the Greater Caribbean: Impossible States, Virtual Publics
Laura C. Suárez Rodríguez
Public Art Dialogue Published 2024-08-29
Colour Matching Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence-based Chinese Painting Teaching
Wenwen Sun
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
Kornelius Aditya Septemedi,Yonathan Purbo Santosa
Published 2024-08-29
Preface: 2nd International Conference on Humanities and Arts, Design and Culture (HADC 2024)
Yuanyuan Chen,Wallis Charley
Published 2024-08-29
Dance Information Processing: Computational Approaches for Assisting Dance Composition
Shuhei Tsuchida
New generation computing Published 2024-08-29
Development and Implementation of a Colour Matching Teaching System for Art Design
Xianghai Hui,Yayun Xiong
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-08-29
The True Beauty and Mystics in Melencolia I
Yue Yu
Published 2024-08-29
Transitional Tones: An Analytical Study of Richard Strauss's Vier Lieder, Op. 27
Tingting Kou,Rolan Ambrocio
Published 2024-08-29
An artists' reflection of her First Civil Rights Tour
Gwendolyn Frazier Smith
Museum Anthropology Published 2024-08-29
Study of the use of special effects in cinema
Y. Vorontsova,E. A. Alieva
Вестник университета Published 2024-08-29
Financial Leadership for the Arts Sustainable: Strategies for Creative Organizations
Jean Johnstone
International Journal of Public Administration Published 2024-08-29
An Analysis of Gracie’s Maxims in Finding Nemo and Finding Dory Movies
Anak Agung,Megantari Putri,Gusti Agung,I. Aryani,I. NyomanArya Wibawa
Sintaksis Published 2024-08-29
The Influence of Canvas-to-Screen Art on Contemporary Animation
Siyi Zhao
Published 2024-08-29
Blues from Tikuna/Magüta Masks and a Still Unknown Blue Colorant in Technical Art History and Conservation Science
T. S. Puglieri,Laura Maccarelli
The Heritage Published 2024-08-29
Directing eco-theatricality on the Nigerian stage: lessons from Ahmadu Bello University Studio Theatre
Rasheedah Liman
Published 2024-08-29
Research on the Dissemination Strategy of Traditional Chinese Culture Based on MG Animation - Taking the 24 Solar Terms as an Example
Angxiao Liu,Lin Liu
Published 2024-08-29
Responses to Charles Esche, The First Exhibition of the Twenty-First Century— Lumbung 1 (Documenta Fifteen) , What Happened, and What It Might Mean Two Years On
Tara Heffernan,Naveed Farro,Nikos Papastergiadis,Danny Butt,Tara McDowellVictoria Lynn
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Published 2024-08-29
Generative Design Research for a Culturally Sensitive Subject: Exploring Menstrual Practices and Product Experiences to Inspire Design
Pelin Efilti,Şebnem Timur
Design and Culture Published 2024-08-29
Symbolism in Western Paintings: A Case Study of The Arnolfini Portrait
Sixian Jin
Published 2024-08-29
Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli’s international network and models for a modern museum
L. Galli
Journal of the History of Collections Published 2024-08-29
Study on the Artistic and Cultural Value of Tile Cats in Heqing, Yunnan Province
Qiurong Li
Published 2024-08-29
“Before Our Lord like a blank canvas before a painter”: The Cult of the Cor Iesu and Its Flemish Emblematic Origins
Walter Melon
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art Published 2024-08-29
The Aesthetics and Religiosity of Artworks in the Renaissance: Dürer's The Four Apostles as an Example
Ruzan Zhao
Published 2024-08-29
Virtual reconstruction of stone tool refittings by using 3D modelling and the Blender Engine: The application of the “ReViBE” protocol to the archaeological record
Javier Sánchez-Martínez,Katia Calmet,Jorge Martínez Moreno,Xavier Roda Gilabert
PLoS ONE Published 2024-08-29
An Inquiry into Renaissance Art and Literature
Zijing Yao
Published 2024-08-29
Rembrandt’s Standard Bearer: On Costume, Comedy, and Self-Portrayal, circa 1627–1637
E. J. Sluijter
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art Published 2024-08-29
Performance analysis and teaching analysis of the third movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (Op. 27 No. 2)
Kuan Xing
Published 2024-08-29
The Promethean Dilemma of AI at the Intersection of Hallucination and Creativity
Tanmoy Chakraborty,Sarah Masud
Communications of the ACM Published 2024-08-29
Application of Virtual Reality Technology Based on Convolutional Neural Network in Digital Media Art Creation
Chunfeng Guo,Xi Zhang,Zhengjie Gao
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence Published 2024-08-29
The Development of Musicalization Poetry assisted by Artificial Intelligence
Fachri Helmanto,Yuliana Fatima Dayana
Foremost Journal Published 2024-08-29
Exploring Diverse Approaches To Adaptive Reuse In Function In Yogyakarta : Comparison Of Omah UGM And Restaurant Lumbung Mataram
Rania Ababssi,P. A. P. Agustiananda,Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga
International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Published 2024-08-29
Revisiting Haraway's Cyborg Myth: A Case Study of Female Cyborg Characters in Marvel Comics
Ziqing Zhou
Published 2024-08-29
Tari Kreasi Wija Prakerti
Ni Kadek Deviani,Ida Ayu Wimba Ruspawati,A.A. Ketut Oka Adnyana
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Published 2024-08-29
‘Videography as performance’ in the service of social movement visibility and interaction amidst the pandemic: the case of the support art workers initiative in Greece
C. Constandinides,Venetia Papa,Maria Ioannou
Popular Communication Published 2024-08-29
Medical materials as a therapeutic tool in art therapy
Adi Greenboim-Zimchoni
Published 2024-08-28
Influence of anime on character design: A study of Indian animation students
Madhuri Bhosle
Published 2024-08-28
Farmer Activities In Mekar Jaya Village As An Idea In The Creation Of Painting
I. G. N. Raharja,I. W. Karja,I. M. Ruta
Published 2024-08-28
Development of Students’ Creative Thinking in the Process of Teaching Sculpture
Yifan Pang
Общество социология психология педагогика Published 2024-08-28
Analysing Stylistic Differences between Orchestras: an Empirical Study of the ‘Viennese Rhythm’ in the Vienna Philharmonic's Recordings of The Blue Danube
Danny Zhou,Jian Yang
Music Analysis Published 2024-08-28
Calonarang Mythology
I. P. D. M. Putra,I. M. Jodog,I. W. Mudana
Published 2024-08-28
Chatbot-mediated technology to enhance experiences in historical textile museums
Supaporn Chai-Arayalert,S. Puttinaovarat,Wanida Saetang
Published 2024-08-28
Visualization Of The Barong Landung Of The Abiantuwung Tabanan Village In Paintings
I. P. Budiana,I. W. Karja,Luh Budiaprilliana
Published 2024-08-28
Impact of Theater Arts Participation on High School Students
Daniel Lewis
Published 2024-08-28
The Mysterious Glow of the Star: Stanisław Moniuszko and Kazimierz Lubomirski
Tetiana Prokopovych
Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology Published 2024-08-28
Creative city: Interrogating the influence of property developers on Brisbane’s arts and culture
Louise Rollman
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-08-28
Evaluating 3D Apparel Simulation Technology's Performance of Creative Pattern-Cutting Techniques with the Assist of ASVT
F. Hakeem,Sibei Xia,Casey R. Stannard
Clothing & Textiles Research Journal Published 2024-08-28
Melanie Woody Nguyen. Review of "Picture Ecology: Art and Ecocriticism in Planetary Perspective" by Karl Kusserow.
Melanie Nguyen
CAA Reviews Published 2024-08-28
Paris and the art of transposition: early twentieth century Sino-French encounters
Ke Ren
Asian Studies Review Published 2024-08-28
Camilla Guerrieri’s Portrait of Guidobaldo II della Rovere: Symbols of Honor and Power
Liana de Girolami Cheney
Journal of Literature and Art Studies Published 2024-08-28
Lost, Exile and Return—An Analysis of Sheona’s Identity Reconstruction in “Sisters” from the Perspective of Spatial Theory
ZHU Ling
Journal of Literature and Art Studies Published 2024-08-28
Anatomy Of The Human Body As an Expression Of Painting Creation
Kadek Win Mahesa Putra,I. M. Ruta,I. G. Y. Tjokropramono
Published 2024-08-28
Exploration and Inspiration of Modern Chinese Aesthetic and Music Education Thoughts
Xinyu Hu
Journal of Research in Vocational Education Published 2024-08-28
Mudgagiri, a Pāla “Jayaskandhāvāra”: An Assessment of Recent Sculptural and Inscriptional Findings at Munger, Bihar
Akash Pandey,Sushmita Sen,Rahul Maurya
South Asian studies Published 2024-08-28
Reexamining Positivity of Thinking in Waiting for Godot Through Camus’s Absurdism
ZHANG Si-jie
Journal of Literature and Art Studies Published 2024-08-28
Participatory Design, Beyond
Daria Loi,Raphael Arar
Interactions Published 2024-08-28
The effect of the illusioned image in representing the historical facts
Qais Fadel Finjan,Nasser Samari Jaafar
Published 2024-08-28
A Study on Internet Buzzwords in the Last Four Years Based on Conceptual Integration Theory
SUN Yuan-ting,GAO Wen-cheng
Journal of Literature and Art Studies Published 2024-08-28
Developing an ecological consciousness through 360° immersive dance-making
Kirsty Russell
Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Published 2024-08-28
Revealing Inner Pasts: Giuseppe Penone's Time-Capsule Alberi
Scott Minneman,Renato Verdugo
Interactions Published 2024-08-28
Unlocking Public Engagement in Reused Industrial Heritage: Weighting Point Evaluation Method for Cultural Expression
Xuesen Zheng,Tan Chen,Chunhui Zheng,Timothy Heath
Buildings Published 2024-08-28
Technical Alienation in Contemporary Global Sculpture
Khawla Ghadban Obaid
Published 2024-08-28
Role of Public Art in Community Development
Aarav Patel
Published 2024-08-28
Narrative aesthetics in Giorgione's paintings
فيلق فتحي محمد علي,آلآء عبد الحميد محمد
Published 2024-08-28
Analysis Coldplay Jakarta Concert: Fear Of Missing Out (Fomo) Phenomenon On Tiktok Platform
Ahmad Khoiril Imam,Avissa Abli Umayyah,Mukarto Siswoyo,Aghnia Dian Lestari
Published 2024-08-28
The Value and Realization Strategy of Teacher Ethics Construction in Colleges and Universities under the Perspective of “Cultivating People by Virtue”
LI Dan
Journal of Literature and Art Studies Published 2024-08-28
The Entanglement of Thing and Subject in Virginia Woolf’s “Street Haunting: A London Adventure”
Journal of Literature and Art Studies Published 2024-08-28
Newcomers Self-Adjusment And Interpersonal Communication As An Idea For Digital Painting Art Creation
Intan Saraswati,Ni Made Purnami Utami,Tjokorda Udiana Nindhia Pemayun
Published 2024-08-28
Product Development Start Up Roumy (Shoes Blend Painting And Patchwork)
Ni Gusti Ayu Arum Abdini,I. W. Gulendra,I. D. P. G. Budiarta
Published 2024-08-28
Defunct Infrastructure: On the 60th Venice Biennale, Stranieri Ovunque–Foreigners Everywhere
Lana Nguyen
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Published 2024-08-28
Tips for Diversifying Your Score Collection
Karen Olson
Music Reference Services Quarterly Published 2024-08-28
Revisiting the Concepts of Centre and Peripheries in Islamic Art with Geographic Information Systems (GIS): the Creations of Western Islamic Societies
M. Marcos Cobaleda,Antonio Garrido Almonacid
Published 2024-08-28
The intersection of innovative teaching methods, digital learning tools and innovative behavior in music art learning
Xu Ma
Published 2024-08-28
Let Excellent Music Works Enter the Public Cultural Life—Comment on 2023 Music Related Festivals, Competitions and Exhibitions in China
Yuanyuan Guo
Journal of social sciences and humanities Published 2024-08-28
Gay Self Concept and Presentation at Art Activities Group in Padang City
Susi Handayani,Kumala Sari,S. Syahrul
Journal of Social Studies, Arts and Humanities (JSSAH) Published 2024-08-28
Moving from Theory to Application: Black Feminist Thought as an Intersectional Framework for Design
Yolanda Rankin
Interactions Published 2024-08-28
Self-Introspection as an Idea in Creating Paintings
Gede Agung Nugraha Arya Kepakisan,I. M. B. Yudha,I. W. Kondra
Published 2024-08-28
Multimodal music datasets? Challenges and future goals in music processing
Anna-Maria Christodoulou,Olivier Lartillot,Alexander Refsum Jensenius
Published 2024-08-28
A big little fiction form: last decade of production and circulation of made-for-TV movies in Europe
Matilde Delgado,C. Navarro,Núria García-Muñoz
Popular Communication Published 2024-08-28
Analysis of the Creative Mode of Digital Dance Imaging Technology
Xueer Yu,Zixin Xi,Jinghao Chen
Journal of Educational Research and Policies Published 2024-08-28
Employing popular heritage in the Iraqi theatrical actor’s performance of the play
Waad Abdul,Amir Khalaf
Published 2024-08-28
Research on Credit Construction of Art Market Based on Collaborative Governance
Yongbiao Zheng,Xue Peng
Journal of Economics and Public Finance Published 2024-08-28
Visuality peaks, function lasts: an empirical investigation into the performance of iconic architecture on Instagram
N. Alaily-Mattar,Vincent Baptist,Lukas Legner,Diane Arvanitakis,A. Thierstein
Archnet-IJAR Published 2024-08-28
Manifestations of War in the Works of the Artist Muhammad Mahraldin
Muhammad Mahraldin,Shaymaa hazim qabel
Published 2024-08-28
Thai creative labour solidarity, (post)-pandemic precarity, and directions of production studies in the Global South
Wikanda Promkhuntong
International journal of cultural studies Published 2024-08-28
Cultural Sustainable Development Strategies of Chinese Traditional Furniture: Taking Ming-Style Furniture for Example
Guanlan Xue,Jinglian Chen,Zhuozhuang Lin
Sustainability Published 2024-08-28
Voicing Papua: The Resonance of Rituals
N. Raseuki
Contemporary Music Review Published 2024-08-28
Art for art’s sake? Artists as partners in urban regeneration
Julie T. Miao,Nicholas A. Phelps
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-08-28
Three Projects Peripheral to Documentas 7, 8 and IX
Thomas Ragnar
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Published 2024-08-28
Visual Exploration of Palembang Folklore: The Legend of Kemaro Island in Digital Art
Putri Gracia Simatupang,Luh Budiaprilliana,I. M. Ruta
Published 2024-08-28
Early career researchers in Madrid Salud: Exploring intersectoral dialogue between arts and health
Noemí Ávila,Maria Dolores Claver,Maria Luisa Palomino,Ana Casla
Published 2024-08-28
Efficient and user-friendly visualization of neural relightable images for cultural heritage applications
Leonardo Righetto,Mohammad Khademizadeh,A. Giachetti,F. Ponchio,Davit GigilashviliF. BettioEnrico Gobbetti
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage Published 2024-08-28
The directorial vision of the Iraqi theatre shows is intertwined between style and harmony
Fathi Shaddad,Khudhair,Qays Oudah Qasim
Published 2024-08-28
Indian classical dance: A study of its therapeutic exploration
Srabani Basu
Published 2024-08-28
Analysis of Color and Artistic Conception in Painting Art
Guo Chen
Journal of Contemporary Educational Research Published 2024-08-28
Pujawali Pura Dalem Tungkub as Inspiration for Creating Paintings
I. M. A. P. Prayoga,I. W. Setem,I. M. B. Yudha
Published 2024-08-28
I. G. N. T. M. Rai,Sigit Purnomo Adi,Somporn Taemprasit
ARTISTIC International Journal of Creation and Innovation Published 2024-08-28
Silent Film Performance: Dramatic Bodies on Screen
Gillian Kelly
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television Published 2024-08-28
Dramatic Function of Soundtrack Film Message Model
Qays Oudah Qasim
Published 2024-08-28
Encoding format transformations in contemporary formation
Muhanad Abdullah Jabbar,Fareed Khalid
Published 2024-08-28
A Comparative Study on the Processing of Emojis and Faces in Human Communication
TANG Meng-meng,SUN Yan-rui
Journal of Literature and Art Studies Published 2024-08-28
Challenges of Exhibiting Ethnographic Costumes: Interinstitutional Project of Replacing Display Mannequins in Ethnographic Museum of Dubrovnik
Danijela Jemo,Barbara Margaretić,M. M. Kodrič Kesovia
The Heritage Published 2024-08-28
The Ames room and the misunderstood versions and depictions.
Ekaterina Koshmanova,M. Dvoeglazova,Vladislav Myrov,Elena Gorina,Kristina VodorezovaE.S. GorbunovaT. Sawada
Perception Published 2024-08-28
The First Exhibition of the Twenty-First Century— Lumbung 1 (Documenta Fifteen) , What Happened, and What It Might Mean Two Years On
Charles Esche
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Published 2024-08-28
Between Shenguai and Science: The Visual Imagination of Technical Objects in Republican China
Yuhui Wang
Journal of Chinese Film Studies Published 2024-08-28
Image Triangulation Using the Sobel Operator for Vertex Selection (Media Exposition)
Olivia X. Laske,Lori Ziegelmeier
International Symposium on Computational Geometry Published 2024-08-28
‘Day-dreaming’ school climate: a slow critical feminist post-humanist c/art/ographic listening to how school feels
M. Wolfe,Leanne Higham,E. Mayes,Rachel Finneran
Gender and Education Published 2024-08-28
New Ecology of Aesthetic Education: A Global Vision and Local Practice of Integrating Anime and Manga Culture into Aesthetic Education
Yu Peng
Journal of social sciences and humanities Published 2024-08-28
Said on Opera
Christine Roberts
Music Reference Services Quarterly Published 2024-08-28
Curatorial abstraction and the re-animation of the cold war: the re-emergence of an exclusive report on Taiwanese media
Thomas Elias Siddall
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Published 2024-08-27
Forms of thinking through poetry and science
Cassandra Gorman
Meta Science Published 2024-08-27
Teaching(s) From Dis-ease: Grieving, Teaching and Surrender
Ramona Elke
Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Published 2024-08-27
Artistic features of couplets in the works of Chuvash poets
I. Sofronova
Published 2024-08-27
Sport and Art
Elif Arzen Demirel İnal,Ramazan İnal
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise Published 2024-08-27
Introducing Regeneration: Environment, Art, Culture
Stephanie Foote,Dana Luciano
Regeneration Published 2024-08-27
Mechanochromic Displays Based on Photoswitchable Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomers.
Lucas D C de Castro,Johan Lub,Osvaldo N Oliveira,Albert P H J Schenning
Published 2024-08-27
Path Analysis of Design Aesthetic and Purchase Intention: Moderated-Mediating role of Chinese Traditional Element to Perceived Value
Wenjie Shang,Irene H. Maralit
Published 2024-08-27
Anxiety Aesthetics: A Conversation with Jennifer Dorothy Lee
A.C. Baecker,Jennifer Dorothy Lee
Published 2024-08-27
Embracing Change and Refraction: A Prism Through Pandemic Times
R. Nellis,Kathryn Ann Ricketts
Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Published 2024-08-27
True encounters with the fictional university: collectively rewriting the script of filmic dark academia from the academic margins
Susan Hopkins,Kieran Balloo,Fabiane Ramos,Raquel Salmeron,Niharika SinghVictoria E. Wilson
Culture and Organization Published 2024-08-27
Adding texture to the Art of constraints-led coaching: a request for more research-informed guidelines
Andrew Kennedy,Katherine A. O’Brien
Published 2024-08-27
Parting Thoughts XXXII: Cultural Endurance: Ancient Blackfoot Clothing at a Modern Social Dance, 1944
Alexandra Giancarlo,Eddie Wolf Child
Leisure Sciences Published 2024-08-27
Wujud Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Penyuluhan Pembuatan Produk Totebag Ecoprint pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedung Peluk 1
Erliansa Fatmawati,Shabrina Tsalsabela Ivanda,Firda Aisha Salsabila,Amanda Aureliya,Dewi Puspa Arum
Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin Published 2024-08-27
Sinden-Pangreman Staging Style in Wayang Jek Dong Performance of Pandhawa Laras Group
Inggar Belzky Tosabila,R. P. Sekti
Published 2024-08-27
Research on the Development of Creative Innovation Industry of Landmark Building and City Image
Zhenhua Li
Science Discovery Published 2024-08-27
A portrait of the artist as a young algorithm
Sofie Vlaad
Ethics and Information Technology Published 2024-08-27
Neoliberal Reason, Contemporary Music, and Proximal Critique
Samuel J. Wilson
Twentieth-Century Music Published 2024-08-27
The Emergence of Cantopop from Hong Kong's Cultural History from the 1930s to the 1980s
Nicholas Chik
Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media Published 2024-08-27
Authenticity matters: investigating virtual tours’ impact on curiosity and museum visit intentions
Gaukhar Chekembayeva,Marion Garaus
Journal of Services Marketing Published 2024-08-27
Surface and Depth: Reading Photographs in Obasan and The Invention of Solitude
Chiou-rung Deng
Published 2024-08-27
Siam folk tune “Lanna” for string orchestra
Nora-ath Chanklum
Published 2024-08-27
The Nonbinary Orientation of Somaesthetics
T.J. Bonnet
Journal of Somaesthetics Published 2024-08-27
Emotional palette: a computational mapping of aesthetic experiences evoked by visual art
E. Stamkou,D. Keltner,Rebecca Corona,E. Aksoy,Alan S. Cowen
Scientific Reports Published 2024-08-27
Exploring the Identity of Chinese Cultural Relics on British Museum Websites Through Multimodal Discourse Analysis: A Case Study of the Official Website
Heting Feng
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-27
About the Artist: Pamela Kirton.
Benjamin Page
Diabetes Care Published 2024-08-27
Research on Dance Education in Universities Based on Online and Offline Blended Teaching
Qinglan Liu
Education Reform and Development Published 2024-08-27
Avant-garde performing arts meet mechanical theater: a dispositive analysis
Jakub Kłeczek
International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media Published 2024-08-27
Research on the Aesthetic Education in the Age of Social Media
Xindi Huang
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-27
David Bate,Liz Wells
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
Meaningful agency in participatory performance: a contextual approach
Astrid Breel
Studies in Theatre & Performance Published 2024-08-27
The experience of cinema-going for women in Japan during the 1920s and 1930s
S. Uchiyama
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema Published 2024-08-27
The Contemporary Spirit of "Bacon Casting Soul" Revolutionary Dance Drama
Yanran Cui
Published 2024-08-27
On the Beauty of Tangoing
Leena Rouhiainen
Journal of Somaesthetics Published 2024-08-27
Staging interactivity: platform logics at the participatory museum
John W. Elrick
Science as Culture Published 2024-08-27
Design and Heritage: The Construction of Identity and Belonging
Anmol Shrivastava
Design and Culture Published 2024-08-27
How Does Meaning Affect the Perceived Value of Art? The Case of Chinese Calligraphy
Yuqing Song,A. Radermecker
Published 2024-08-27
‘Defacing’ in photography and ‘blocking’ on social media: changing ways of navigating personal memories
Gamze Köseoğlu,Gokcen Karanfil,E. Enes
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
Jelena Šalaj
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
The Art of Opposition. Edited by ScottPrasser and DavidClune. Brisbane: Connor Court Publishing, 2024, pp. 487. $69.95 (HB)
Richard Reid
Published 2024-08-27
The Macdonald Sisters: How They Visually Created Equality Between Men and Women
Claire Jones
Discussions Published 2024-08-27
Sylvina Arisyi Febriari,Ariffuddin Ariffuddin
Published 2024-08-27
Nathan McCabe
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
Advances in Analytical Methods for Cultural Heritage
Federica Pozzi,C. H. Stephens
Applied Sciences Published 2024-08-27
Histories of the Portuguese colonial war and its (other) images: a photo-text essay
Miguel Mesquita Duarte
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
Design Social Change: Take Action, Work Toward Equity, and Challenge the Status Quo
Christina Singer
Design and Culture Published 2024-08-27
Viral Dialectics
Holly Tsun Haggarty
Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Published 2024-08-27
Blind Game: An Interactive Installation About How We Can Exorcise Memories of a Visual Disability
Patrícia Gouveia,Luciana Lima
Augmented Human Research Published 2024-08-27
Exploring the Cultural Fabric: A Study on Indonesia’s Unique Architectural Marvels for Ethno-STEAM Education System
Nadi Suprapto,I. Rizki,Abd Kholiq
TEM Journal Published 2024-08-27
Interview with Ian Miles Gerson
M. Tschaepe,Ian miles Gerson
Journal of Somaesthetics Published 2024-08-27
Anisa Putri Cahyani
Published 2024-08-27
Poems in Bube by Justo Bolekia Boleká
Dosinda García-Alvite
Journal of the African Literature Association Published 2024-08-27
Ludwig van Beethoven. Jonathan Del Mar, ed., Septet for Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Violin, Viola, Violoncello and Double Bass in E-flat major op. 20. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2023, 114 + xiii. 38.95€.
Marie Ross
Nineteenth-Century Music Review Published 2024-08-27
The Neglected Aestheticism in Scotland: Robert Louis Stevenson’s Bohemian Aesthetics
Weiquan Gao
ANQ. A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews Published 2024-08-27
Marcin Piekałkiewicz
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
Facade and Envelope Design in Architecture--The Evolution, Technological Innovation, and Visual Expression
Yichen Wu
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-27
Research on the Application of Soundscape Design in Domestic Suspense Films: A Case Study of Lost in the Stars
Tianzi Zhang,Tiantian Deng
Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media Published 2024-08-27
The differences in the portfolios of graphic and digital design students in Greenwich, Vietnam
Diep Nguyen thi ngoc
Published 2024-08-27
Structural Analysis if Keroncong Song Arrangement Can’t Help Falling in Love Version of Line Entertaiment
Dias Alrasyid Hendrianto,E. W. Handayani
Published 2024-08-27
A Historical and Critical Assessment of Parametricism as an Architectural Style in the 21st Century
Ameen Mokhles Youns,Kokan Grchev
Buildings Published 2024-08-27
Nino Jorjadze: First Georgian Woman Photographer – Reporter of the First World War (1884–1968)
Nestan Nijaradze
Photography and Culture Published 2024-08-27
Shi Li
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
Comunicación de moda e inteligencia artificial: El caso de Neural Fashion AI
Paloma Díaz-Soloaga,Irene Pelzer-Peinado
Universitas Published 2024-08-27
Rio Nopaldi,Vonny Tiara Narundana
Published 2024-08-27
Deviance and the Aesthetic Schema
Kei Graves
Journal of Somaesthetics Published 2024-08-27
Animating arousal and engagement: empirical insights into AI-enhanced robotic performances and consumer reactions
Yuhao Li,Shurui Wang,Zehua Li
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology Published 2024-08-27
The mental imagery scale for art students: Building and validating a short form
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education Published 2024-08-27
Training Artificial Neural Network with a Cultural Algorithm
Kübra Tümay Ateş,İbrahim Erdem Kalkan,C. Şahin
Neural Processing Letters Published 2024-08-27
Politicization as Signification
Danica Jenck
Journal of Somaesthetics Published 2024-08-27
The Painting of Dreams: An Effective Expression of Reality
Tan Feng
Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media Published 2024-08-27
Editorial, photographies 17.3
Liz Wells
Photographies Published 2024-08-27
Shusterman Goes to Camp
Megan Volpert
Journal of Somaesthetics Published 2024-08-27
From decay analysis to conservation plan of post-Vatican II religious architecture: Research on the Church of the Holy Family by Paolo Portoghesi in Italy
Pasquale Cucco,Maria Paula Fessia Garcia
Architecture, Structures and Construction Published 2024-08-27
An applied phenomenology: the inner life of writing poetry with street photography
Eddie Tay
New Writing Published 2024-08-27
The Existence of The Garuda Jaya Pencak Silat and Bantengan Association in Lumbangrejo Village Prigen District Pasuruan District
Nur Azizah Oktaviani,Indar Sabri,Setyo Yanuartuti,Didik Nurhadi
Published 2024-08-27
Sebastião Uchoa Leite: faces de um trajeto poético
Leonardo Leal
Opiniães Published 2024-08-26
Integrating art and culture into modern architectural buildings in Nigeria: The cases of Akure, Benin, and Ibadan
Reuben Peters Omale,Ola-Ajayi Ifeoluwa
Published 2024-08-26
The Merits of Competition Dance
Mia Simonović
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
Francisca Olga Marinho
Opiniães Published 2024-08-26
Putriani Dalimunthe,Tengku Sinar Mawanda,Ruwiyah Zamzam
Published 2024-08-26
An Imposter Amongst Others
Anonymous Dancer
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
Arab Art Music between Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in Mandate Palestine
Loab Hammoud
Journal of Palestine Studies Published 2024-08-26
Carl Barks and the Disney Comic Book: Unmasking the Myth of Modernity
James Scanlan
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics Published 2024-08-26
Dois vezes um
Nadia Ayelén Medail
Opiniães Published 2024-08-26
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Quizizz Berbasis Game Edukasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Mata Pelajaran Seni Budaya Kelas VII MTs PUI Ciawigebang
M. I. Nurpadilah,Asep Mahpudin
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Published 2024-08-26
A cave with rock paintings in Cerro Ací (Colombia, Vaupes) as the dwelling of the Master of animals and object of ancient rock art
A. А. Matusovskiy
Этнографическое обозрение Published 2024-08-26
Street Art: Dialogues between artistic practices and the community
Joana Gaudêncio Matos
Published 2024-08-26
Review: imagineRio
Luis Ferla
Published 2024-08-26
Why Dance Teachers Need to be Educated Humans, not just Experienced Dancers
Moorea Pike
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
Dance experience vs. pedagogical knowledge in a dance teacher
Miriya Lee
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
Sri Indriyati,Kuntoro Kuntoro,Eko Suroso,S. Sukirno
Published 2024-08-26
Beyoncé's “break my soul”: An anthem of courage, resistance, peace, and community
Neal A. Lester
Journal of Popular Culture Published 2024-08-26
Tapping into the 21st Century
Ashton Craven
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
André Luiz dos Santos Rodrigues
Opiniães Published 2024-08-26
Olha Bykova
Věda a perspektivy Published 2024-08-26
Popular Musical Performing Arts and their Role in Shaping Intangible Heritage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hessa Al Zahrani
Published 2024-08-26
David AJ Murrieta Flores. Review of "Up Against the Real: Black Mask from Art to Action" by Nadja Millner-Larsen.
David Flores
CAA Reviews Published 2024-08-26
Motivasi Siswa terhadap Pembelajaran Seni Budaya (Seni Musik) pada Kelas VIII C di SMPN 2 Batang Gasan
Anggra Pratiwi,Yensharti Yensharti
Imajinasi Published 2024-08-26
Where is Dance in Our Schools?
Hannah Bode
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
A Surrealist with a Gun
Sean Lovitt
Journal of Avant-Garde Studies Published 2024-08-26
3D Recording of Palaeolithic Rock Art through Different Techniques: a Critical Comparison and Evaluation
Miguel García-Bustos,Xabier Eguilleor-Carmona,Olivia Rivero,Ana María Mateo-Pellitero
Journal of Field Archaeology Published 2024-08-26
Years of Untying Knots
S. Shukaitis
Journal of Avant-Garde Studies Published 2024-08-26
Supplemental Material for The Spontaneous Emergence of “A Sense of Beauty” in Untrained Deep Neural Networks
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts Published 2024-08-26
The Art and Impact of Storytelling in Medicine.
Alexandra E Herman,Kevin C Chung
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Published 2024-08-26
Could you make a dance documentary?
Keith Glassman
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
“Good style” and “new artisticity” in the magazine polemics of the 1860s-1870s
T. Pecherskaya
Published 2024-08-26
Do you know what you are worth?
Kasi Kirkpatrick
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
A deaf-centred art-science approach to community engagement with sign language technologies
Shaun O’Boyle,Elizabeth Mathews,Caro Brosens,Rehana Omardeen,Davy Van LanduytAlvean JonesLianne Quigley
Journal of Science Communication Published 2024-08-26
“Art Is the Armchair in Which the State Sits for Its Own Pleasure”
Abigail Susik
Journal of Avant-Garde Studies Published 2024-08-26
Exploring and Practicing the Quantification of Interior Design Colors from an IKEA Design Perspective
Published 2024-08-26
Discourse of decadence in Nikodim Kondakov’s “History of Byzantine Art...” (1876)
A. Rykov
Manuscript Published 2024-08-26
Breaking points
Isabella Lara
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
Thomas Nashe: Balladeer
Michelle Michel
The Explicator Published 2024-08-26
A multi-disciplinary analysis of the Portrait of Philip the Good in Dijon
Jan Verheyen,David Buti,L. Cartechini,Raffaella Fontana,M. IwanickaMarco RaffaelliP. Targowski
Heritage Science Published 2024-08-26
Denilson de Cassio Silva
Opiniães Published 2024-08-26
The Ethical Implications of Shakespeare in Performance and Appropriation
Sally Barnden
Adaptation Published 2024-08-26
Experimental Photography Study by Kurnia Ngayuga Wibowo “Memory Lane”
Abdul Aziz Al Hakim,Raden Bima Sakti Arnanda A,Rizky Dwi Andini,Khaerudin Imawan,Dedet Erawati
Journal of social research Published 2024-08-26
A padaria brasileira
Éderson de Oliveira Cabral
Opiniães Published 2024-08-26
Is there room for cultural expression in classical dance training?
Sylvana Ruiz Marquez
Dance major journal Published 2024-08-26
Interpreting the imagery of René Magritte’s painting “The Son of Man” in a 2008 Volkswagen AG advertising product: A comparative approach to analyzing advertising as a cultural text
V. Volkova
Published 2024-08-26
Supplemental Material for Judging Beauty and Liking: The Effects of Personal Intuitions and Task Instructions
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts Published 2024-08-26
Remarkable things: Visual evidence and excess at Charcot's Salpêtrière.
Natasha Ruiz-Gómez
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences Published 2024-08-26
Indonesian critiques of the new musical system
Idhar Resmadi,E. Baulch
Continuum Published 2024-08-26
Ethical Aspects of Content Creation
Emilija Patalauskaitė
Filosofija Sociologija Published 2024-08-26
AI as designated designer: Training public-speaking students to use for their slide presentations
Jonathan W. Camp,Heather Johnson
Communication Teacher Published 2024-08-26
Criticism and Truth: On Method in Literary Studies
Nat Hansen
British Journal of Aesthetics Published 2024-08-26
World Poetry Today: Production, Translation, Reception
Liina Lukas,Rebekka Lotman,Jaanus Valk
Studia Metrica et Poetica Published 2024-08-26
A morte de Jesus
Vitória Taísa Bertoldo de Oliveira
Opiniães Published 2024-08-26
Athletic enhancement and human nature.
Shlomit Wygoda Cohen
Bioethics Published 2024-08-26
Console to Movie Success, Leveraging Nostalgia, and Introducing Subversion in The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Gunawan Tjokro
Action Research Literate Published 2024-08-26
The impact of public art education on college students’ mental health literacy
Shengyu Zhang,Lege Zhao
Frontiers in Public Health Published 2024-08-26
Transcending Boundaries: Bangtan Sonyeondan (BTS) as a Transnational Icon of Cosmopolitanism
Annisa Rizkyta,Abubakar Eby Hara,B. S. Sunarko,Djoko Susilo
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Published 2024-08-26
Book Review: The Land between Two Seas: Art on the Move in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea 1300–1700 by Alina Payne
Maximilian Hartmuth
International Journal of Maritime History Published 2024-08-25
A Woman Warrior in Alternative Voices: Analysing English and French Translations of the Chinese Classic Mulan Ci ( “The Ballad of Mulan”)
Jianwen Liu
Critical Arts. A Journal for Cultural Studies Published 2024-08-25
The Poetic Image in the Poets of the Diwan School
Qultum Danqas Hasan,Abdul Kafi Usman Al-Syair
Journal of Arabic Literature Published 2024-08-25
Natural Products and Traditional Medicine: Investigating the Role of Natural Products and Traditional Medicine in Modern Pharmacology
Shekhar Singh,Vishal Rai,Akanksha Kanojia,Ajay Yadav
Published 2024-08-25
The Art of Medicine: Applying the Visual Thinking Strategy to Radiology
Madison Wulfeck,Jeffrey Waltz,Jordan H Chamberlin,Jeanne G Hill
Cureus Published 2024-08-25
Synchrotron Micro-X-ray Diffraction in Transmission Geometry: A New Approach to Study Polychrome Stratigraphies in Cultural Heritage
Giulia Morabito,N. Marinoni,G. Bais,M. Cantaluppi,A. BotteonC. ColomboG. GattaMaurizio PolentaruttiM. RealiniE. Possenti
Minerals Published 2024-08-25
Noha Ahmed Abdelmonam Elsayed
Journal of Urban Research Published 2024-08-25
Aesthetic flowing between islands: migrating loom, traded cotton, mountain of dye
Yan Yan
Journal of Marine and Island Cultures Published 2024-08-25
Bibliometric Analysis of the Development of Publications in the Field of Learning Models and Fine Arts in the Form of Books and Articles using VOSviewer
Taswadi Taswadi,Badrul Isa,Zakiah Pawitan,Zackarias Sukarya Soetedja
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology Published 2024-08-25
Enhancing Documentary Narratives: The impact of animation on viewer engagement and comprehension
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Published 2024-08-25
Structural design optimization of cast glass artwork via a digital design solution
Omar Aloui,Minxi Bao
Published 2024-08-25
A Study on Architectural Form Characteristics of Paul Cezanne’s Cubism in Landscape Paintings
G. Chong
Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture Published 2024-08-25
Art curation in virtual spaces: The influence of digital technology in redefining the aesthetics and interpretation of art
Ran An
Published 2024-08-25
The Lessons of Modern Art
Sean D’Antoni
Published 2024-08-25
Implementasi Framework Laravel pada Aplikasi Pemesanan Jasa Photography menggunakan Metode Rapid Aplication Development
Amirul Amirul,Jaroji Jaroji,Muhammad Asep Subandri
Saber Published 2024-08-24
Archiving sartorial narratives from India: An interview with Maya the Drag Queen
Akash Sajikumar
Published 2024-08-24
Gastrofashion: From Haute Cuisine to Haute Couture, Adam Geczy and Vicki Karaminas (2022)
Payton Becker
Published 2024-08-24
A bibliometric analysis of cultural heritage visualisation based on Web of Science from 1998 to 2023: a literature overview
Yuchen Tang,Liu Liu,Tianbo Pan,Zhangxu Wu
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-08-24
Художня інтерпретація образів козацьких ватажків в історичних романах Миколи Глухенького
Алла Віннічук
Published 2024-08-24
Еволюція жіночого характеру в прозі Ганни Барвінок та Ольги Кобилянської (на матеріалі оповідання Ганни Барвінок «Праправнучка баби Борця» та новели Ольги Кобилянської«Некультурна»)
Вікторія Ткаченко
Published 2024-08-24
Handmaking a better future: A scoping review on the role of handmade activities in advancing individual and societal well‐being
Mia M. Birau
Published 2024-08-24
The Fundamentals of Fashion Filmmaking, Nilgin Yusuf (2023)
Craig Hobin
Published 2024-08-24
A critical review of the Iranian National Olympic Committee's performance in designing the opening parade costumes: signs of inefficiency and damage to the national identity
M. S. Kiani
Quality in Sport Published 2024-08-24
Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo, Fall/Winter 2024, Tokyo, 11–16 March 2024
Ali Khan
Published 2024-08-24
Developing a Shadow Play Teaching Module for Kindergarten Art Education: A Qualitative Study Using the ADDIE Approach
Cheng Li,Say Wah Lee
International Journal of Religion Published 2024-08-24
Self-reference and emotional reaction drive aesthetic judgment
Sara Salgues,A. Jacquot,D. Makowski,Chainez Tahar,Justine BaekelandM. ArcangeliJérôme DokicPascale PiolinoMarco Sperduti
Scientific Reports Published 2024-08-24
Optimizing AI's Role in Advancing Interior Design Industry
Vania Azalia Audrey Lesmana,Antonetta Tina,Sugesti Retno Yanti
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Architecture Published 2024-08-24
Pesona Kreativitas Anak-Anak PAUD SPS NUSA INDAH BUKIR dalam Pameran Lukisan dari Serbuk Kayu
M. Mascun Andianto,Dewi Nurmalitasari,Dian Rahmawati,Dwi Aprilia Damayanti,Aswin Saka
Copenhagen Chic: A Locational History of Copenhagen Fashion, Katrina Stark (2023)
Emma Squires
Published 2024-08-24
LeMon: Automating Portrait Generation for Zero-Shot Story Visualization with Multi-Character Interactions
Ziyi Kou,Shichao Pei,Xiangliang Zhang
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Published 2024-08-24
Mining the Qhapaq Ñan with Micaela de Vivero: Decolonial cords
Joy Sperling
Published 2024-08-24
Fashion before Plus-Size: Bodies, Bias, and the Birth of an Industry, Lauren Downing Peters (2023)
Adam MacPhàrlain
Published 2024-08-24
Technology’s Influence on the Metaphorical Language in Contemporary Literature: A Transformative Force and a Formidable Challenge
F. A. Al-Khamisi,Ghada S. Sasa,Abdalhadi Nimer Abu Jweid
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-08-24
Little Black Dress: A Radical Fashion, Georgina Ripley (2023)
Aileen Valerio
Published 2024-08-24
Visual communication design students’ self-perception of their visual literacy competency in determining, retrieving, interpreting, and evaluating visual materials
Can Wei Zhu,Jing Yi Lim
Journal of Visual Literacy Published 2024-08-24
Queer Masculinity and Global Palestine Solidarity: The Art of Yusef Audeh
Sa’ed Atshan
Men and Masculinities Published 2024-08-24
Love and duty (1931): Chinese melodrama and the “contradictions of modernity”
Jane M. Gaines
Journal of Chinese Cinemas Published 2024-08-23
Constructing British Selfhood through Depictions of China: The Art of the Macartney Embassy
Yushu Chen,B. Huang
Arts Published 2024-08-23
Affective Fashion Trends: Aesthetic and Digital Affects from Nostalgia to AR
Rosa Crepax,Morchen Liu
Fashion Theory Published 2024-08-23
A Brief Analysis of the Craftsmanship and Dressing Characteristics of the Derung Traditional Costumes
Yating Hu,Khajornsak Nakpan
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-08-23
The Chronicles of Gangubai Kathiawadi: An Evolution from Book to Blockbuster
C. Lestari,Perwi Darmajanti,Yovinza Bethvine Sopaheluwakan,Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem,U. Z. FananiS. SukarmanLalu Jaswadi PuteraIndah Sari LubisSuprihatien Suprihatien
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-08-23
Tyranny of the Present
David Joselit
The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics Published 2024-08-23
Inclusive intangible cultural heritage safeguarding in museums: professionalism vs. ethnic attribution in a Western Balkan setting
Branko Banović,Miloš Milenković,Marko Milenković
Museum Management and Curatorship Published 2024-08-23
Krzysztof Penderecki: An Existential Semiotic Study of His Sonoristic Works and Cello and Orchestra Concerto No. 2
E. Tarasti
Published 2024-08-23
The Meta-Cognitional Work of Aesthetics in Times of Epistemic Crisis — A Tentative Sketch
Jacob Lund
The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics Published 2024-08-23
The Spectacle of Disintegration and the Transsexual Exception
M. Wark
The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics Published 2024-08-23
The Age of Unreason?
Ana Teixeira Pinto
The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics Published 2024-08-23

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