Newest journal articles by subject

Subjects > Economics

The economic benefit of spearfishing as an impure public good: A case study of invasive Lionfish in Florida
Julian J. Hwang,J. Strager,Matthew Walker
Fisheries Research Published 2025-01-01
Resources coupled with executive authority: Implications of relocating government administrative headquarters for local economic development
Jing Chen,Shenglong Liu,Xiaoming Zhang
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Monetary non-neutrality in a multisector economy: The role of risk-sharing
Jae Won Lee,Seunghyeon Lee
Published 2025-01-01
Quantifying the economic costs of power outages owing to extreme events: A systematic review
Archana Ghodeswar,Mahabir Bhandari,Bruce Hedman
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
A hybrid stochastic-robust bidding model for wind-storage system in day-ahead market considering risk preference
Sashuang Sun,You-bo Liu,Zhiyuan Tang,Mengfu Tu,Xili DuJunyong Liu
Electric power systems research Published 2025-01-01
European Funds and Green Public Procurement
Ruben Nicolas,Vitezslav Titl,F. Schotanus
Social Science Research Network Published 2025-01-01
Socio-economic and environmental impacts of renewable energy deployments: A review
Dan Virah-Sawmy,Bjorn Sturmberg
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
The effect of disruptive change on the spatial variation of commercial rental prices: The case of the COVID-19 pandemic
Rafael Cano-Guervos,Jorge Chica‐Olmo,Jorge Chica-Garcia
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2025-01-01
Impacts of population, affluence and urbanization on local air pollution and land transformation – A regional STIRPAT analysis for German districts
Johannes Lohwasser,Thomas Bolognesi,Axel Schaffer
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
A copula-based approach for multi-modal demand dependence modeling: Temporal correlation between demand of subway and bike-sharing
Yining Di,Meng Xu,Zheng Zhu,Hai Yang
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Techno-economic comparison between commercial energy recovery devices in complex Water Distribution Networks
M. Stefanizzi,D. Filannino,G. D. Fiorese,M. Torresi,G. Balacco
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Residential energy considering renewable portfolio standards and tradable green certificates
Chun-Cheng Lin,Hong-Yu Shen,Yi-Chun Peng,Wan-Yu Liu
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Investment in intangible assets and economic complexity
Jorge M. Uribe
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Enhancing Bitcoin Forecast Accuracy by Integrating AI,Sentiment Analysis, and Financial Models
Mohamad El Abaji,Ramzi A. Haraty
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems Published 2025-01-01
Supply chain finance and outward foreign direct investment
Kai Wang,Ning Ding,Chenbo Wang
Research In International Business and Finance Published 2025-01-01
Tax culture and its relationship with tax evasion in Ecuador
Hilda Catalina Quito Sumba,Ana Karen Sosa Loor,Miguel Ángel Enríquez Jácome,Jenrry Fredy Chávez-Arizala
Published 2025-01-01
The advantages of CBOE credit VIXs for corporate bond investors in North America: A sectoral analysis
Najaf Iqbal,Elie Bouri,Oktay Ozkan
Research In International Business and Finance Published 2025-01-01
A consumption-based approach to trace the effects of income inequality on water pollution responsibility in Egypt: An internal grey water footprint perspective
Shimaa M. Wahba
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Over 6 billion liters of Canadian milk wasted since 2012
Thomas Elliot,Benjamin Goldstein,Sylvain Charlebois
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Techno economic analysis of integrating photovoltaic-thermal systems in ground-source heat pumps for heating-dominated regions
Yubo Wang,Z. Quan,Yaohua Zhao,Gary Rosengarten,A. Mojiri
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Influence of green ICT and socioeconomic factors on sustainable development: Evidence from Chinese provinces
M. Chishti,Muhammad Salam,Sorphasith Xaisongkham,Anna Min Du
Research In International Business and Finance Published 2025-01-01
Natural insurance as a green alternative for farmers? Empirical evidence for semi-natural habitats and methodological bias
Jérôme Faure,Lauriane Mouysset
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Did crop diversity criterion from CAP green payments affect both economic and environmental farm performances? Quasi-experimental evidence from France
T. Diop,Lionel Védrine
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Evaluating the impact of hurdle rates on the Italian energy transition through TEMOA
Matteo Nicoli,Gianvito Colucci,Valeria Di Cosmo,D. Lerede,Laura Savoldi
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Heterogeneity in electric taxi charging behavior: Association with travel service characteristics
Haiming Cai,Binliang Li,Wu Li,Jian Wang
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Interconnected Stocks Examination for Predicting the Next Day's High on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
Andreas Werner,Andrea Stevens,Bens Pardamean
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems Published 2025-01-01
The influence of national cultures on preferences and willingness to pay for renewable energy in Developing countries: A meta-analysis
Mayula Chaikumbung
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Tradeoffs between economy wide future net zero and net negative economy systems: The case of Chile
Felipe Feijoo,Francisco Flores,Abhishake Kundu,A. Pfeifer,Luka HercAna L. PrietoN. Duić
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Customer concentration, firm R&D investment and moderation effects
Shan Zhao,Xinming He,Baichao Ma,Wenming Zuo
Journal of business research Published 2025-01-01
Multi-energy trading strategies for integrated energy systems based on low-carbon and green certificate
Jin Gao,Zhenguo Shao,Feixiong Chen,Mohammadreza Lak
Electric power systems research Published 2025-01-01
Examining the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Consumer’s Choices in Egypt
Noha Beshir,Nevine Eshra
مجلة البحوث المالیة والتجاریة Published 2025-01-01
Endogeny in measuring research excellence. In-house publishing and conflict of interests in Polish science evaluation
Ireneusz Sadowski,Łukasz Zamęcki
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Consumption targeted innovation for women: From principle to practice?
Shai Oksenberg,Amos J. Zehavi
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Official development finance in solid waste management reveals insufficient resources for tackling plastic pollution: A global analysis of two decades of data
David J. Lerpiniere,David C. Wilson,C. Velis
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2025-01-01
Sub-national property tax reform and tax bargaining: Lessons from a quasi-randomized reform program in Sierra Leone
Wilson Prichard,S. Jibao,Nicolas Orgeira Pillai
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Uncertainty about carbon impact and the willingness to avoid CO2 emissions
Davide D. Pace,Taisuke Imai,Peter Schwardmann,Joel J. van der Weele
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Stated preferences for the colours, smells, and sounds of biodiversity
Peter M. King,Martin Dallimer,Thomas Lundhede,G. Austen,Jessica C. FisherKatherine N. IrvineRobert D. FishZoe G. Davies
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Environmental and economic impacts of processing rice straw with water for energy and coproducts
A. Butt,Iyanuoluwa O. Filani,Ali Zarei,Gandhar A. Pandit,Sabbie A. MillerJohn T. HarveySomayeh Nassiri
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2025-01-01
Institutional quality and success in U.S. equity crowdfunding
Douglas J. Cumming,Sofia Johan,Robert S. Reardon
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Scientometrics in Argentina from an analysis of scientific production: Who does it?
William Castillo-González,Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo,Javier González-Argote
Published 2025-01-01
Share the wealth: Neurophysiological and motivational mechanisms related to racial discrimination in economic decision making
Hannah I. Volpert-Esmond,Jessica R. Bray,Meredith P. Levsen,B. Bartholow
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Published 2025-01-01
Quantifying the economy-wide employment effects of coal-fired power plants: Two different cases China and the United States
Jiehong Lou,Guangxiao Hu,Xingchi Shen,Ryna Yiyun Cui
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Measuring, interpreting and monitoring economic efficiency in South Australia’s Spencer Gulf and West Coast Prawn Fisheries
Stephanie F. McWhinnie,Sean Pascoe,P. Schrobback,E. Hoshino
Fisheries Research Published 2025-01-01
From local markets to global legitimacy: A materialization perspective on technological innovation system's dynamics
D. Ayrapetyan,Nicolas Befort,Frans Hermans
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Wealth inequality and carbon inequality
Ablam Estel Apeti,Bao-We-Wal Bambe,Eyah Denise Edoh,Alpha Ly
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Impact of green bonds on traditional equity markets
Ahmed Bouteska,Faruk Bhuiyan,Taimur Sharif,Badir Miftah,M. Abedin
Research In International Business and Finance Published 2025-01-01
China's economic restructuring helps improve land-use resilience of carbon metabolism: Evidences from three Chinese megacities
Linlin Xia,Wenqi Fu,Yuhan Ke,Ruwei Wang,Sai LiangZhifeng Yang
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Heterogeneity in route choice during peak hours: Implications on travel demand management
Jihao Deng,Tianhao Li,Zhiwei Yang,Quan Yuan,Xiaohong Chen
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of Phosphogypsum utilization in China
Lu Chen,Xiaoyu Luan,Feng Han,Yuwei Zhao,Huiying YangLong ZhangYongquan YinWei LiuZhaojie Cui
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2025-01-01
Cost-effective policy instruments for biodiversity conservation under climate change – The need for flexibility
C. Gerling,M. Drechsler,Johannes A. Leins,Astrid Sturm,Frank Wätzold
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Insights to accelerate place-based at scale renewable energy landscapes: An analytical framework to typify the emergence of renewable energy clusters along the energy value chain
C. Hoicka,Marcello Graziano,Maya Willard-Stepan,Yuxu Zhao
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Bank Fintech and firm leverage adjustment speed: Evidence from China
Haiming Liu,Jikong Hu
Research In International Business and Finance Published 2025-01-01
Towards sustainability: Examining financial, economic, and societal determinants of environmental degradation
R. El Khoury,Anna Min Du,Nohade Nasrallah,Hazem Marashdeh,O. Atayah
Research In International Business and Finance Published 2025-01-01
Reallocation of time after an exogenous reduction in mandatory travel: transport, work, and leisure in Chilean two-worker two-gender households
Sergio Jara-Diaz,Sebastián Astroza,Diego Candia,Monserrat Morales
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Energy Trade Access and Market Monopoly: Evidence from China’s Power Sector
Yu Zhao,Ning Zhang
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Large-scale seaweed cultivation as a nature solution for carbon-negative economy and restorative environmental stewardship: Lessons from China
Qing Wang,Xian Sun,Senjie Lin,Yahong Dong,Hongtao ShenZhili HeHongtian LuoLigong ZouIk Kyo ChungYufeng Yang
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Incentive-compatible double auction for Peer-to-Peer energy trading considering heterogeneous power losses and transaction costs
Jisu Sim,Deok-Joo Lee,Kiho Yoon
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Effects of carbon tax on energy transition, emissions and economy amid technological progress
Shanglei Chai,Wenjing Huo,Qiang Li,Qiang Ji,Xunpeng Shi
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Pricing balancing ancillary services for low-inertia power systems under uncertainty and nonconvexity
Zhihao Li,Yinliang Xu
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Unlocking the potential of electric and hybrid tractors via sensitivity and techno-economic analysis
Dilawer Ali,Ricardo de Castro,Reza Ehsani,Stavros Vougioukas,Peng Wei
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Does the China's integrated environmental zoning regulation serve an effective approach for industrial restructuring?
Zeyang Wei,Yi Liu,Zishu Wang,Chunyan Wang,Manli GongFanlin MengDan Xie
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2025-01-01
The diverse impacts of democracy on greenhouse gas emissions
Y. Tsur
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Green versus green: The case against holistic environmental permitting processes
Patrik Söderholm,Maria Pettersson
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Retail franchise ecosystem dynamics: Insights from countries of varied development levels
Dianne H. B. Welsh,Cintya Lanchimba,M. Bausch
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2025-01-01
Engaging high-income earners in climate action: Policy insights from survey experiments
Luis Mundaca,Christine Wamsler
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
A two-layer economic resilience model for distribution network restoration after natural disasters
Linyue Li,Chenxiao Li,Yahya Z. Alharthi,Yubin Wang,M. Safaraliev
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
Momentum mechanisms under heterogeneous beliefs
Yu Yan,Yan Tong,Yiming Wang
The North American journal of economics and finance Published 2025-01-01
Analysis of financial contagion among economic sectors through Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Nathalia Costa Fonseca,João Vinícius de França Carvalho
Expert systems with applications Published 2025-01-01
A Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Offering Strategy for Distributed Energy Resources in Joint Energy and Frequency Regulation Markets
Xuemei Dai,Chunyu Chen,Jianxiao Wang,Shuai Fan,Shengfei Yin
Electric power systems research Published 2025-01-01
Techno-economic evaluation and sensitivity analysis of renewable energy based designing of plug-in electric vehicle load considering load following strategy
Mohd Bilal,Fareed Ahmad,Arshad Mohammad,Mohammad Rizwan
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
A transfer learning based patent transfer prediction model: Discussion about the condition of China and U.S
Weidong Liu,Chunming Cheng,Keqin Gan,Yu Wang,Yan Cao
Expert systems with applications Published 2025-01-01
After the storm: Environmental tragedy and sustainable mobility
Rocco Caferra,A. Morone,P. Morone
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Strategic joint bidding and pricing of load aggregators in day-ahead demand response market
Chunyi Huang,Kangping Li,Ning Zhang
Applied Energy Published 2025-01-01
The home country effect on between- and within-firm performance differences
Daniel S. Andrews,S. Fainshmidt,Alvaro Cuervo‐Cazurra
Journal of World Business Published 2025-01-01
Behind Closed Doors: Understanding the Layers of Illicit Wealth in Pakistan’s Money Laundering Web and Tracing the Socio-Economic Fallouts
Waqar Khan Durrani,Asiya Anwar,Syed Samer Hussain
Published 2024-12-31
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping Islamic Finance Services
Zeyneb Guellil,Sarah Bouri
Management Intercultural Published 2024-12-31
The Junk Food Tax: Public Health vs. The State Budget
Silvius Stanciu
Published 2024-12-31
The Influence of Loan Deposit Ratio, Liquidity Reserve Requirement Ratio, Leverage, and Company Size on Window Dressing: Conventional Commercial Banks Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2018-2022
S. Anggraeny,R. I. Suhasto,Santi Tyas Sasmita
Education Quarterly Reviews Published 2024-12-30
An Analytical Study of the Competitive Position of Frozen Egyptian Strawberry in the important Import Markets Using the Gravity Model
Ibrahim A. M. A. Attia,Fatma A. Fahmy,Mohamed S. Shehata
The Egyptian Science Magazine Published 2024-12-30
Taming inflation: the Brazilian experience of combatting inflation in the last quarter of the 20th century
Yaroslav D. Lisovolik,A. Kazelko
Latinskaia Amerika Published 2024-12-15
American Economic Sovereignty: The Foundation of U.S. World Leadership
A. A. Porokhovsky
Published 2024-12-15
Features of Indonesia’s Low-Carbon Development Strategy
D. Ershov
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
A Specific Component in the US Banking System: The State of Ohio
L. Nikitin
Published 2024-12-15
Problems of Transport Provision in the Regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East
I. Provornaya,Irina V. Filimonova,Kristina D. Gladkikh
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
Positions of China and Brazil On De-Dollarization of International Economic Relations and Prospects for Creating a New World Currency
Elena I. Safronova
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
Swiss Capital in Africa as a Tool to Prevent Migration
G. Sugakov
Published 2024-12-15
Aggregate Estimates of the Dynamics of Reflexive Collective Behavior in Cournot Oligopoly Model
G. Algazin,D. Algazina
Published 2024-12-15
China's Financial Liberalization: Specific Aspects and Effects6
I. D. Rakov
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is the Largest Integration Association in Asia and the World
A. V. Akimov
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
Effect of sales growth, capital intensity and debt to equity ratio on tax avoidance as moderated by firm size
Peter Winarta,Matondang Elsa Siburian,Enda Novianty Simorangkir,Wilsa Road Betterment Sitepu
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research Published 2024-12-15
BRICS Expansion: Views of China and India
T. L. Deych,V. Usov
Published 2024-12-15
The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Development of the Luxury Industry in China
Elena N. Alexandrova
Published 2024-12-15
Intensification of Trade Interactions between the Regions of China and Russia
G. Khmeleva
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
Three Years of J. Biden’s Presidency: The State of Economy and Mid-Term Forecasts
V. Supyan
Published 2024-12-15
Main Trends in the Chinese Banks` Activities in Russia at the Beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan
Ekaterina M. Serbina
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
The Central African Republic and the Russian Federation: Problems of Military-Economic Cooperation
A. O. Khromov,J. N. Nakunne Yandoko
Published 2024-12-15
Shift of US Military Spending to Allies: Intensions and Realities
S. V. Anureev
Published 2024-12-15
Nexus between ESG Practice and Firm Performance: Are there any Stylised Facts?
Tien-Ming Yip,Wee‐Yeap Lau
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Human Capital, Amenities and Trade: The Case of Malaysia
Cassey Lee
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Malay Entry into Business through Scaling the Heights of Corporate Malaysia from mid-1980s – An Assessment
R. Thillainathan,Kee-Cheok Cheong
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
The Role of Green Taxation Governance in China: A Review of the Development and Impacts of Environmental Protection Tax
Chen Zhang,Heyu Xu,Xuli Wei,Kee-Cheok Cheong Cheong
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Does Environmental Factor Influence the Rating of Creditworthiness? A Comparative Analysis of Developed versus Developing Countries
Kok-Tiong Lim,Kim-Leng Goh
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Job Polarisation: The Change of Nature of Task and Skill Needs
Chen Chen Yong,Elisa Jean Jion Nor Pau
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Gender Disparities in Digital Employment in China
Huixin Mi,N. Tey,Siow-Li Lai
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Co-optimized trading strategy of a renewable energy aggregator in electricity and green certificates markets
C. N. Dimitriadis,Evangelos G. Tsimopoulos,M. Georgiadis
Renewable Energy Published 2024-12-01
(Un)willingness to pay to visit a national park from a sustainable entrepreneurial tourism perspective
Paula Vázquez-Rodríguez,Noelia Romero-Castro,Aleksandar Šević,Lara Quiñoá-Piñeiro
Published 2024-12-01
The determinants of parallel invention: Measuring the role of information sharing and personal interaction between inventors
Byeongwoo Kang,Rudi Bekkers,Atsushi Ohyama
Research Policy Published 2024-12-01
Analysis of in-bin low-temperature and high-temperature grain drying in Alberta: Specific energy, carbon costs and policy implications
S. Panigrahi,Lorne Grieger,Chandra B. Singh
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Broken promises, competition, and capital allocation in the mutual fund industry
S. Abis,A. Lines
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-12-01
Potential of solar thermal collector combined with dual phase change materials for different energy demands: An energy, economic, and environmental assessment
K. Chopra,V. Tyagi,Rapaka Benny Enosh,Prince Kumawat,Praman PandeyDheeraj KumarMuhamad MansorR. K. RajamonyA. Pandey
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Published 2024-12-01
Asymmetric effects of air pollution on online food delivery before and after COVID-19
Fangxiao Zhao,Xiaobing Wang,Xu Tian,Shi Min
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Impact of digital divide on energy poverty across the globe: The mediating role of income inequality
Qian Yue,Ming Zhang,Yan Song
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Coordinating and valuing the flexibility resources in a rural integrated energy system by considering correlated source-load uncertainty
Shuxu Li,Zhiyi Li
Renewable Energy Published 2024-12-01
A review of the future transport labour market: An EU approach
Lucía Mejía Dorantes,Heather Allen
Published 2024-12-01
Does cooperative membership facilitate access to credit for women farmers in rural Kenya?
Rose Ingutia,J. Sumelius
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research Published 2024-12-01
Energy taxes recycling as an instrument for the mitigation of the expenditure on energy products of vulnerable households in the European Union
D. Borge-Diez,Susana Silva,Pedro Cabrera,Paula Sarmento,Enrique Rosales-Asensio
Published 2024-12-01
An assessment of forest use and it's benefits on livelihoods: A case of the Baka and Bantu communities, Southeast Cameroon
Masse Ma Caliste Omam,Abed-nego Sonfo Tsamo,Hirokazu Yasuoka
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Family ownership and internationalization of family firms: An S-curve hypothesis
Asimabha Bhowmick,Arindam Mondal,Somnath Lahiri
Journal of business research Published 2024-12-01
Agricultural resilience: Impact of extreme weather events on the adoption of rural insurance in Brazil
Elizângela Aparecida dos Santos,E. Piedra-Bonilla,G. Barroso,Jordão Vieira Silva,Seyedeh Parvin HejaziradJosé Barbosa dos Santos
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Effect of farmland scale on agricultural green production technology adoption: Evidence from rice farmers in Jiangsu Province, China
Ding-de Xu,Yi Liu,Yichao Li,Shao-quan Liu,Guihua Liu
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
The Role of Economic and Environmental Legislation in Limiting Population Growth in Egypt
Ayman Hassan,Ali S. M,Mohamed S. A.,Hussein A. T.
Published 2024-12-01
The informality-energy innovation-finance nexus: Sustainable business models for microgrid-based off-grid urban energy access
Whitney Pailman,Federico Caprotti,Kerry Bobbins,Jiska de Groot
Published 2024-12-01
Comparison of safety effect estimates from propensity scores-potential outcomes framework and empirical Bayes before-after method: Case study of adaptive traffic signal control
Pengxiang Zhang,Asif Mahmud,Vikash V. Gayah,Eric T. Donnell
Journal of Safety Research Published 2024-12-01
Strategies to scale up the technical, allocative and economic efficiency of major millet growing farmers in India – A primal system approach
Kannan Thomas Felix,K.B. Ramappa,Padmasri Govindarajan
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators Published 2024-12-01
Intention to use alternative cooking energy among households of Northeastern Nigeria
Musa Bappah,Mustapha Yakubu Madaki,Tatiana Alexiou Ivanova,L. G. Abubakar,Jiří Bradna
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Preserving competition and economic welfare in Israel's PV market
Miriam Tourgeman,Chen Cohen,Ofir Rubin
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Belief aggregation, updating and dynamic collective choice
Takashi Hayashi
Journal of Mathematical Economics Published 2024-12-01
Circular economy and critical barriers: Mapping the pathways and success metrics for sustainable circular success in industrialised South Asian developing nations
Kumeel Rasheed,Syed Saad,Ahmad Zaland,Muhammad Waqas Khan,Zawar AliMuhammad HarisSyed AmmadTouseef Sadiq
Results in Engineering Published 2024-12-01
Assessment of wind power potential and economic viability at Al-Hodeidah in Yemen: Supplying local communities with electricity using wind energy
Waleed S. A. Hasan,Ali Saif M. Hassan,M.A. Shukri
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
To cooperate, or not to cooperate, that is the question. Strategic analysis for the implementation of industrial symbiosis
Melissa Mollica,L. Fraccascia,Alberto Nastasi
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-12-01
Forecasting the output of high-tech industry in China: A novel nonlinear grey time-delay multivariable model with variable lag parameters
H. Zhou,Yingjie Yang,Shuaishuai Geng
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
The impacts of climate and energy policy instruments on forest bioeconomy
J. Miettinen,Markku Ollikainen
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
How does high-speed rail affect intercity elderly migration? Evidence from China
Guowei Lyu,Wangyuqing Ma,Jiaoe Wang,Jingjuan Jiao
Published 2024-12-01
The economic performance of grassland-based milk production using best practices to lower greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions
Owen Cashman,Imelda Casey,J. Humphreys
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Juggling the basics: How much does an income increase affect energy spending of low-income households in England?
Ray Galvin,Minna Sunikka-Blank,Tijn Croon
Published 2024-12-01
Spatial spillover effects on the efficiency of P2P accommodation units
J. Pérez-Rodríguez,R. Suárez-Vega,Juan M. Hernández
Published 2024-12-01
Parental Preferences and Resource Allocation for Child Education in Ethiopia
J. Adem
Journal of African Development Published 2024-12-01
Consumer preferences for artificial intelligence-enhanced products: Differences across consumer segments, product types, and countries
Björn Frank
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
The more, the merrier or the less is more? The role of firm capabilities and industry in the knowledge spillover of innovation
David B. Audretsch,M. Belitski,Anna Spadavecchia,S. Zahra
Technovation Published 2024-12-01
From ideal to realistic compact hybrid PV-CSP systems: A technoeconomic evaluation
A. Vossier,Stella Verne,Audrey Soum-Glaude,A. Dollet
Renewable Energy Published 2024-12-01
The impact of digital and non-digital knowledge search channels on innovation failure in constrained learning environments
N. Stojčić,Agnieszka (Aggie) Chidlow
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Values in post-mining regional transition: A political–economic regime approach, with insights from Australia
Tira Foran,Fran Ackermann,Marcus Barber
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Skill-biased technological change and intergenerational education mobility
Imran Aziz
Economics of Education Review Published 2024-12-01
Embracing the African Continental Free Trade Area: Unpacking Malawi’s Economy Response to Trade Liberalization
Wisdom Richard Mgomezulu,P. Thangata,D. Njiwa
Research in Globalization Published 2024-12-01
Examining the relationship between dwelling energy efficiency and fuel poverty for retrofit strategies: A case study of the United Kingdom
Minghao Liu,Zhonghua Gou
Energy Published 2024-12-01
Food transportation and price impacted by diesel price and truck-driver shortage pre-, amid and post pandemic
Aichih Jasmine Chang,Fuqin Zhou,Nesreen El-Rayes,Jim Shi
Published 2024-12-01
Against Democracy, Neo-totalitarianism, or What? A Cross-Country Dynamic Panel Endogenous Switching Regressing Analysis of Innovation, Economic Growth, and Political Stability
Stephen Frimpong
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Risks of policy failure in direct R&D support
Mercedes Bleda,S. Krupnik
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Beyond the surface: An analysis of the institutional regime in the extractive industries in Sweden and Spain
B. Dyca,GJ. Carsjens,A. Endl,K. Gugerell
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
Power dynamics in transaction platforms: Adaptive strategies of platform-dependent entrepreneurs
Kisito F. Nzembayie,Natasha Evers,David Urbano
Technovation Published 2024-12-01
The digital economy and energy poverty in Central and Eastern Europe
Mihaela Simionescu,Javier Cifuentes-Faura
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic analysis of optimally hybrid photovoltaic-wind systems to meet the energy demand of a residential building in six different areas of Iran
Seyed Amir Behmounesi,Alireza Saraei,Hossein Afshar,H. A. D. Ashtiani,Alireza Dehghani-Sanij
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Economic and Environmental Returns of Agricultural Waste Recycling for Date palms in the New Valley Governorate
Mahaba Ahmed
Published 2024-12-01
Comprehensive impacts of high-speed rail and air transport on tourism development in China
Wei Wei,Fengyi Wang,Tao Li,Fangzhou Li
Published 2024-12-01
Can artificial intelligence and green finance affect economic cycles?
M. Chishti,Eyup Dogan,Rima H. Binsaeed
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Causal effects of information friction on willingness to pay for hurricane-resistant buildings
Sebastain N. Awondo,Lawrence S. Powell
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Published 2024-12-01
Can the CPTPP’s Digital Format on Data Flows Serve a Role Model for the WTO?
Kuei-jung Ni
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Technical efficiency and managerial ability in two-stage production processes with undesirable products: A case on Asian banks
Alireza Amirteimoori,Gang Kou
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Published 2024-12-01
Towards a geographical political economy understanding of platformization
Yannick Ecker,Max Münßinger
Progress in Economic Geography Published 2024-12-01
Thermo-economic analysis of potential desalination processes utilized by no greenhouse gas emissions power plant
Walaa M. El-Ashmawy,W. El-Maghlany,Mohamed Elhelw
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-12-01
Spatio-temporal interplay between ecosystem services and urbanization in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: A new perspective for considering the scarcity effect
Hongjiao Qu,Chang You,Weiyin Wang,Luo Guo
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Does homeownership improve physical health? Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Hong Kong
Tyler Haupert,Jia Miao
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Natural gas volatility prediction via a novel combination of GARCH-MIDAS and one-class SVM
Lu Wang,Xing Wang,Chao Liang
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance Published 2024-12-01
An Analytical Study of Egyptian Exports of Oranges in the Most Important Global Markets
Nassar,A. W.O.
Published 2024-12-01
The impact of external debt on economic growth: The case of emerging countries
Oussama Elkhalfi,Rachid Chaabita,Mounir Benboubker,Mousaab Ghoujdam,Kamal ZahraouiHicham El AlaouiSara LaalamIsmail BelhajHind Hammouch
Research in Globalization Published 2024-12-01
Can centralized land supply reduce the excessive land premium rate? Evidence from China cities
Fangzhou Xia,Pingzhen Lu
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Considering Demand Side Management
Reem Mohamed,Abdel-Raheem Youssef,Mohamed A.Ismeil
SVU-International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Applications Published 2024-12-01
Forecasting forest-related political decisions in a climate-constrained world – The remuneration of forest ecosystem services in Germany
D. Sprinz,Tabea V. Schaefers,Freya Lenk,Max Krott
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Investment modes in dry port with network effect under regionally competitive environment
Xiaowen Zhao,Zhuo Sun
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
High-resolution maps highlighting the cost competitiveness of China’s green hydrogen production
Xincheng Zhang,Xiaodong Hong,Zuwei Liao,Jingdai Wang,Yongrong Yang
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Carbon emission allowances and Nordic electricity markets: Linkages and hedging analysis
Joonas Vaissalo,Anupam Dutta,Elie Bouri,N. Azoury
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Labour market impacts of the China shock: Why the tide of Globalisation did not lift all boats
David Dorn,Peter Levell
Labour Economics Published 2024-12-01
Is FinTech making world more “inclusive”? Evidence from inclusive growth story of China
Zihao Guo,Yuetong Wei,Shuangshuang Fan,Muhammad Shahbaz
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Transportation infrastructure and regional resource allocation
Changshuai Cao,Yingjuan Su
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Analysis of the power sector in Bangladesh: current trends, challenges, and future perspectives
Md. Tanjil Sarker,Fahmid Al Farid,Mohammed Jaber Alam,Gobbi Ramasamy,Hezerul Bin Abdul KarimSarina MansorMd. Golam Sadeque
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Published 2024-12-01
Consumer Inertia to Continued use of Mobile Payment Services for Retail Transactions: A Grounded Theory Study
Sunil George Mathew
International journal of mathematical, engineering and management sciences Published 2024-12-01
Drivers and barriers to digital transformation in agriculture: An evolutionary game analysis based on the experience of China
Yong Sun,Yiling Miao,Zhiju Xie,Runtian Wu
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Is seed aid distribution still justified in South Sudan?
Esther Smits,Rob Kuijpers,Justin Amos Miteng,David Deng Chol,Turo Thomas MonoNicola Francesconi
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Public and private institutional arrangements for early generation seed production: Cassava seed value chains in Southeast Asia
E. Delaquis,C. Almekinders,Stef de Haan,Jonathan C. Newby,Cu Thi Le ThuyPao SreanW. WannaratPornsak AiemnakaChareinsuk RojanaridpichedPhạm Thị Thanh NhànPhalla KangP. Struik
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Determinants of livelihood diversification in an integrated agricultural and non-agricultural livelihood system in Ghana
Jude Dokbila Kolog,F. Asem,A. Mensah-Bonsu,R. Atinga
Scientific African Published 2024-12-01
From sectoral policy change to cross-sectoral (dis)integration? A longitudinal analysis of the EU's forest and rural development policy
Simon Fleckenstein
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Do off-grid solar energy based productive activities increase income of beneficiaries: An impact evaluation using PSM and DID techniques
C. K. Ingole
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Measuring fairness in credit ratings
Ying Chen,Paolo Giudici,Kailiang Liu,E. Raffinetti
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Socio-techno-economic-environmental investigation of scenarios-based combination sources of green energy system - A case study in Spain
S. Hoseinzadeh,Benedetto Nastasi,D. Groppi,Davide Astiaso Garcia
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Does restricting private school enrollment increase the public school housing premium? Evidence from the Chengdu real estate market
Yanchi Zou
Economic Modelling Published 2024-12-01
Bicycle parking allocation and its equity implications: The case of Bogota, Colombia
Maurício Orozco-Fontalvo,Jorge Bolívar,Armando Vélez,Juliana Gómez,Filipe Moura
Published 2024-12-01
A comparative study of strategic petroleum reserve policies of major countries in the world
Lei Zhang
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
U.S. vertically integrated electric utility greenhouse gas emissions and carbon risk premiums around the Paris Accord
R. A. Michelfelder,Eugene A. Pilotte
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Predicting land use and environmental dynamics in Argentina's Pampas region: An agent-based modeling approach across varied price and climatic scenarios.
Diego O. Ferraro,Felipe Ghersa,Rodrigo Castro
Ecological Modelling Published 2024-12-01
Enhancing interpretability in random forest: Leveraging inTrees for association rule extraction insights
Fatma Hilali Moh’d,Khairil Anwar Notodiputro,Yenni Angraini
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-12-01
Enhancing green housing diffusion through density bonuses: An analysis using the Use-Purchase-Supply model
Li Zhang,Hongyu Liu,Xiaoling Zhang
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Analysts’ accuracy following an increase in uncertainty: Evidence from the art market
Spencer Barnes,Brandon Mendez,Andrew Schrowang
Published 2024-12-01
Developing a global sustainable electricity use index using the pressure-state-response framework
Shine Raju Kappil,Ranjan Aneja,Amandeep Verma
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
At scale adoption of Green Hydrogen in Indian Industry: Costs, subsidies and policies
A. Jindal,G. Shrimali,Nishant Tiwary
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
An online auction-based mechanism for pricing and allocation of instant delivery services
Jiantao Guo,Lan Deng,Baichuan Gong
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Published 2024-12-01
Exploring a novel approach to enhancing urban food affordability: Assessing subsidy policies for food retailers in China
Yaya Song,Zhenzhong Si,Taiyang Zhong,Jonathan Crush,Xianjin Huang
Cities Published 2024-12-01
The value of social distancing: A discrete choice experiment to examine golf tourists’ preferences for COVID-19 Safety protocols
S. Lyu,Young Jin Choi,Se Hee Choi,Jinwon Kim
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Carbon footprint tracking apps: The spillover effects of feedback and goal-activating appeals
Wassili Lasarov,Stefan Hoffmann,Robert Mai,Joachim Schleich
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
Contribution of cluster farming to household economy in Ethiopia: A systematic review
Asfaw Zeleke,M. G. Wordofa
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Potential and economic feasibility analysis of solar-biomass-based hybrid system for rural electrification
H. Channi,N. Giri,Ramandeep Sandhu,Mohamed I. Abu El-Sebah,F. A. Syam
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Published 2024-12-01
Intergenerational poverty persistence in Europe – Is there a ‘Great Gatsby Curve’ for poverty?
Michele Bavaro,Rafael Carranza,Brian Nolan
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic and sensitivity analysis of floating photovoltaics for river island communities in Bangladesh
Yiliao Zhou,Sunny Chaudhary,Craig Hutton,Tasmiat Rahman
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Substitutability of U.S. and Canadian softwood lumber: A threshold modeling approach
Yifei Zhang,Barry K. Goodwin
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Investigating the influence of herd effect on the logit stochastic user equilibrium problem
Bojian Zhou,Shihao Li,Min Xu,Hongbo Ye
Published 2024-12-01
Urban green spaces in rapidly urbanizing cities: A socio-economic valuation of Nairobi City, Kenya
Peter Odhengo,Alphayo I. Lutta,Philip Osano,Romanus Opiyo
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Trends in forest livelihoods research – Taking stock in 2024
Ida N.S. Djenontin,Anne M. Larson,Daniel C. Miller
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Identifying the institutional modalities for commencing Environmental-Economic Accounting for the ocean
Laura Trueb,Jordan Gacutan,Teerapong Praphotjanaporn,Maria Alarcon Blazquez,Ben Milligan
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Information industry convergence and energy efficiency-quasi-natural experimental from China
Tao Ma,Shuchen Wang,Xiaoxi Cao
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
A novel stochastic ProFiVaS model based on decomposition of stochastic Vasicek differential equation for modeling and simulating of financial indicators
Yusuf Karadede
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic analysis of the direct solar conversion of carbon dioxide into renewable fuels
Abdul Ahad Mamun,M. A. Talukder
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Towards sustainability: Evaluating energy efficiency with a super-efficiency SBM-DEA model across 168 economies
Tianheng Shu,Xia Liao,Shuo Yang,Taofang Yu
Applied Energy Published 2024-12-01
Aversion to the use of foreign exchange hedging in state-owned enterprises: Evidence from China
Xin Wang,Xiaobei Hao,Yue Sun
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Published 2024-12-01
The barriers, determinants, and willingness-to-pay in electric motorcycle conversion (EMC) adoption
Muhamad Rizki,O. Rossolov,Y. Susilo
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Accounting for socio-economic inequalities in health to inform SDG decision making: A proof-of-concept study
P. Candio
Sustainable Futures Published 2024-12-01
Should the biodiversity bank be a savings bank or a lending bank?
Martin Drechsler
Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology Published 2024-12-01
Strategic environmental assessment of development corridors: The case of the Northern Economic Corridor in East Africa
A. G. Rweyendela
Environmental Development Published 2024-12-01
Strategic pathways for offshore wind in Mexico: Geospatial insights and economic viability toward energy sustainability
Valeria Juárez-Casildo,Ilse Cervantes,R. D. G. González-Huerta
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Exploring land system reform for demographic transition in rural China
Yansui Liu,Xuhong Li,Yuanzhi Guo
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Are separate classrooms inherently unequal? The effect of within-school sorting on the socioeconomic test score gap in Hungary
Zoltán Hermann,Hedvig Horváth,Dorottya Kisfalusi
Economics of Education Review Published 2024-12-01
Pricing and production R&D decisions in power battery closed-loop supply chain considering government subsidy
Wensi Zhang,Xiuyu Liu,Li Zhu,Wei Wang,Hongfang Song
Waste Management Published 2024-12-01
Technological employment: Evidence from worldwide robot adoption
Shahab Sharfaei,Jan Bittner
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Social equity provisions in energy efficiency obligations: An ex-post analysis of the French program
Amélie Darmais,M. Glachant,Victor Kahn
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
The heat island effect, digital technology, and urban economic resilience: Evidence from China
Xuanmei Cheng,Fangting Ge,Mark Xu,Ying Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Book Review
Bayu Prasetio,Endang Supardi,Hari Mulyadi
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Published 2024-12-01
A multi-criteria measurement and assessment of human capital development in EU-27 countries: A 10-year perspective
Jarosław Brodny,M. Tutak
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market and Complexity Published 2024-12-01
Persistence of sub-urban agriculture and landowners' behavior in the population declining phase: Case of the preferential tax treatment for rental farmland
Hironori Yagi,Shingo Yoshida
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Economy-wide impact of targeting and repurposing fossil fuel subsidies in Malaysia
Ibrahim Shittu,Abdul Rais Abdul Latiff,S. Baharudin,Saidatulakmal Mohd
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions in Hotels During the Exchange Rate Change in Egypt: A Comparative Study Based on Demographic and Tripographic Attributes
Reham Touni,Mahmoud Abdelaziz,Ahmed Rady
Minia Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research MJTHR Published 2024-12-01
Freelance drivers with a decline choice: Dispatch menus in on-demand mobility services for assortment optimization
Yue Yang,S. Umboh,Mohsen Ramezani
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Published 2024-12-01
Wealth polarization in western countries
Michele Fabiani
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics Published 2024-12-01
A bioeconomic model for a multispecies small-scale fishery system
Eric Azevedo,Pedro Pintassilgo,David Dantas,F. Daura-Jorge
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
Estimating and testing investment-based asset pricing models
Frederico Belo,Yao Deng,Juliana Salomao
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-12-01
Investigating Long-Run Money Demand and Its Policy Implications for the Proposed Monetary Union in West Africa: Evidence from Macro Panel Data Techniques
Joseph Ansu Tucker
Journal of African Development Published 2024-12-01
Macroeconomic effects from media coverage of the China–U.S. trade war on selected EU countries
J. Beckmann,Robert L. Czudaj,Michael Murach
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
Climate risks, financial performance and lending growth: Evidence from the banking industry
Fatima Chalabi-Jabado,Ydriss Ziane
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Cultivating change: Exploring policies, challenges, and solutions to support city region food systems development in six European countries
A. Steines,M. D’Ostuni,A. Wissman,K. Specht,C. IodiceR. Fox-KämperF. MonticoneI. RighiniV. Saint-GesA. SamoggiaF. Orsini
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Working from home and commuter travel in germany – panel data analysis of long-term effects
Carina Böhnen,Tobias Kuhnimhof
Published 2024-12-01
The linkage between forests and household food security: Empirical evidence from Shinyanga Region, Tanzania
M. Ntiyakunze,J. Stage
Trees, Forests and People Published 2024-12-01
Economic and environmental analyses for achieving net-zero CO2 emissions of a green diesel production process
Nattapat Pongboriboon,V. Mariyappan,Wei Wu,W. Chandra-ambhorn
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers / Elsevier Published 2024-12-01
ESG ratings in the mining industry: Factors and implications
Mahelet G. Fikru,Jennifer Brodmann,Li Li Eng,J. A. Grant
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Determinants of an extended metric of agricultural commercialization in Ghana
B. Abu,D. Sarpong,Y. Osei-Asare,C. Okyere,Taeyoon Kim
Scientific African Published 2024-12-01
Assessing greenhouse gas emissions and costs of Brazilian light-duty vehicles
J. E. H. Branco,Fernando Vinícius da Rocha,T. G. Péra,Fernando Pauli de Bastiani,Daniela Bacchi BartholomeuEverton Lima CostaIsaias Grilo Junior
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2024-12-01
International Standards Certification and Firms’ Performance: A Study of Three West African Countries
Didier Wayoro
Journal of African Development Published 2024-12-01
How does household farmland rental behavior affect gender differences in labor division and livelihood strategy? Insights from the household production theory
Wenjing Han,Zhengfeng Zhang,Xiaoling Zhang
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Evaluation of the labor and educational impact of PROGRESAR
Julián Gabriel Leone,Fermín Marconi,Federico Favata,Jorge Damián Lo Cascio
Población y Desarrollo Published 2024-12-01
The public cost of extreme climate: Empirical evidence from China's Urban Investment bonds
Hongxuan Zhang,Yu Qi,Yankun Xu,Zibei Tao,Shuai ShaoJingyi ZhuangYuhan Zhang
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Comparison study in inflation and economic development between Egypt and Saudi Arabia: Using data analysis
Safar M. Alghamdi,Olayan Albalawi,Majdah Mohammed Badr,Sanaa Mohammed Almarzouki,H.E. SemaryAbdallah Sayed Mossalem Ahmed Elshafei
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-12-01
Token-based platform governance
Joseph Abadi,Markus Brunnermeier
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-12-01
Bank loan maturity and corporate investment
İbrahim Yarba,Burak Deniz
Central Bank Review Published 2024-12-01
Exploring the impact of three representative pumped storage retrofits on the economic-technical-energy efficiency of cascaded hydropower-VRE hybrid systems
Meng He,Shuo Han,Yuanqiang Gao,Ziwen Zhao,Diyi ChenMingjiang Deng
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Leveraging the value chain-landscape governance nexus for non-wood forest products and tropical forest restoration
Lorenz R. Schimetka,V. J. Ingram
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Firms' use of predictive artificial intelligence for economic value creation and appropriation
D. Haftor,Ricardo Costa-Climent,Samuel Ribeiro-Navarrete
International Journal of Information Management Published 2024-12-01
Sectoral recommendation system for medium term investment using technical indicators
Giridhar Maji,Soumya Sen
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Hydrogen underground storage for grid electricity storage: An optimization study on techno-economic analysis
Yunzhi Chen,Daniel C. Hill,Blake W. Billings,John D. Hedengren,Kody Powell
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Assessing the impact of new technologies on wages and labour income shares
Mahdi Ghodsi,Robert Stehrer,Antea Barišić
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
How sustainable is the energy transition? Implications of trade on emissions and energy security
I. Stepanov,N. Teschner,Shiri Zemah-Shamir,Yael Parag
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2024-12-01
Local labor market and corporate investment
Yao Ge,Wei Huang,Zheng Qiao,Hao Zheng
Journal of Empirical Finance Published 2024-12-01
Exploring bank account information of nominees and scammers in Thailand
Patsita Sirawongphatsara,Phisit Pornpongtechavanich,Pakkasit Sriamorntrakul,Therdpong Daengsi
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Published 2024-12-01
The effect of carbon taxes and subsidies on forest carbon sequestration in China
Yizhu Long,Zhen Zhu,Yanzhen Hong,Zhiwen Gong,Han Zhang
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Extreme PORT for Norwegian fire financial claims: Empirical assessment and financial VAR analysis
A. Aljadani
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-12-01
Exploring the effect of digital transformation on firm resilience: Evidence from China
Yaozhi Xu,Liling Xu,Yaxin Shen,Zhigang Fan
Journal of Asian Economics Published 2024-12-01
Long-term deep reinforcement learning for real-time economic generation control of cloud energy storage systems with varying structures
Linfei Yin,Yi Xiong
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-12-01
Exceptio Inadimpleti Contractus: CBAMs as International Countermeasures
O. Quirico
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Analysis of the determinants of service quality in the multimodal public transport system of Bhopal city using structural equation modelling (SEM) and factor analysis
Rahul Tanwar,Pradeep Kumar Agarwal
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
The clan imprint within gender wage gap: Evidence from China
Yulin Liu,Wei Ran
Journal of Asian Economics Published 2024-12-01
The impact of a missing school graduation cohort on the training market
Matthias Dorner,Katja Görlitz,Elke J. Jahn
Economics of Education Review Published 2024-12-01
Spatializing urban infrastructure investment in China: Cadre tenure, political competition, and uneven geography of government-pays public-private partnerships
Mengdi Wu,Ronghao Jiang,Yuqi Liu
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Investigating the role of flex-time working arrangements in optimising morning peak-hour travel demand: A survival analysis approach
Hamza Zubair,Susilawati Susilawati,Amin Talei,Ziyuan Pu
Published 2024-12-01
Conditions for economic efficiency of latent heat thermal energy storage systems at nuclear power plants
Valery Yurin,Michael Garievsky,D. Anoshin
Nuclear Engineering and Design Published 2024-12-01
The Credibility Thesis meeting the Coase Theorem in terms of form and function
Lawrence W.C. Lai
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Politico-economic determinants of the performance of electric cooperatives in the Philippines
Laarni C. Escresa,Adrian Matthew G. Glova
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
The political economy of the social constraints to adaptation
Sergio Jarillo,Jon Barnett
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Published 2024-12-01
Data-driven approach for identifying the factors related to debt collector performance
Keerthana Sivamayilvelan,Elakkiya Rajasekar,Santhi Balachandran,K. Kotecha,Subramaniyaswamy Vairavasundaram
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market and Complexity Published 2024-12-01
Optimal fisheries management and the response to price changes
Eric Nævdal
Resource and Energy Economics Published 2024-12-01
Regional electricity cooperation model for cost-effective electricity management with an emphasis on economic efficiency
Yubao Wang,Junjie Zhen
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Wealth inequality and mega events
Denis Ivanov,Gaygysyz Ashyrov
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
A framework for analyzing service disruptions in last-mile and first-mile reverse logistics
Antonio Lorenzo-Espejo,J. Muñuzuri,Ana Pegado-Bardayo,José Guadix
Research on Transport Economics Published 2024-12-01
More is less: The dual role of government subsidy in firms’ new product development
Zixu Liu,Jianghua Zhou,Jizhen Li,Xufei Ma
Journal of business research Published 2024-12-01
Colonial status and income inequality in developing countries
B. Epo,Fabrice Mvomo,Henri Ngoa Tabi,Henri Atangana Ondoa
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Pricing and unauthorized channel strategies for a global manufacturer considering import taxes
Xiaohui Yu,Tiaojun Xiao,Georges Zaccour
Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic optimization of enhanced geothermal systems with multi-well fractured reservoirs via geothermal economic ratio
Weiwu Ma,Yifan Xu,Shams Forruque Ahmed,Chong Yang,Gang Liu
Energy Published 2024-12-01
Structural imbalance and integrated economic development of RCEP countries on perspective of industrial network
Chong Yin,Xiaoni Su,Wen-chao Wang,Ying-xin Cui
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Editorial Board
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
Vertical cooperation stability in R&D programs: A game theory analysis of the semiconductor industry
Mathilde Aubry,Yihan Wang
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Defining breeding objectives and estimation economic values of traits for Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus)
Mina Rahbar,Roghieh Safari,C. I. Pérez‐Rostro
Aquaculture Reports Published 2024-12-01
Zsófia Hajnal
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
The Impact of Cartel Dissolution on Prices: Evidence from the Air Cargo Cartel
Douglas C. Turner
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-12-01
Diffusion and targeting centrality
Yann Bramoullé,Garance Genicot
Journal of Economics Theory Published 2024-12-01
The impact of pollution information disclosure on household electricity consumption: Evidence from China
Lu Chen,Yingcheng Wang
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Enabling net-zero shipping: An expert review-based agenda for emerging techno-economic and policy research
Kannan Govindan,Rubal Dua,Ahm Mehbub Anwar,Prateek Bansal
Published 2024-12-01
Economic alterity and the green spirit of capitalism – on the pitfalls of green entrepreneurship
Eltje Gajewski,Gregor Kungl
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Can financial literacy Ease energy poverty? Some Lessons at the household level in China
Miaomiao Tao,Boqiang Lin,Stephen Poletti,Addison Pan
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Assessing economic viability and environmental impact of solar-powered EV charging station in Gazipur, Bangladesh: A case study
M. N. Hossain,Muhammad Mahmood Hasan,M. A. Habib,Fatin Bin Ferdous,Sazid Rahman
Solar Compass Published 2024-12-01
Divided we abstain: Testing the effect of local income inequality on individual-level turnout using Norwegian administrative panel data
Sofi Granö
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Food and the forest: A spatial analysis on the nexus between foreign direct investment and deforestation
Luca Bortolotti,Marta Marson,Donatella Saccone
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Deriving a justified budget for peatland rewetting – Applying the German coal phase-out as a blueprint
Pia Sommer,Sebastian Lakner,Anke Nordt,Franziska Tanneberger,Johannes Wegmann
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Corrigendum to “Revisiting openness-growth nexus: Panel data estimates for selected developing Asian countries” [Transnational Corporations Review 16 (2) (June 2024) 200051]
Towseef Ahmad Shan,Sajad Ahmad Rather,Hilal Ahmad Dar
Transnational Corporation Review Published 2024-12-01
Energy subsidies: conceptual framework and measurement for distributional impacts in Argentina
Octavio Bertín,Thomas García,Francisco Pizzi,Alberto Porto,Julian PuigJorge Puig
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Analysis of the ‘Good’ performance indicators of Non-Governmental Development Organizations
Susana Álvarez-Otero,Emma Álvarez-Valle,Mar Arenas-Parra,Raquel Quiroga-García
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Enhancing localisation in public procurements: A framework for evaluating suppliers' capabilities
A. B. Naeini,N. Yazdi,Ali Maleki
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
The interactive effect of maternity leaves and child care enrollment on maternal employment
Sung-Tae Lee,Sun-Moon Jung
Economic Analysis and Policy Published 2024-12-01
Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Green Infrastructure Plans Using Agent-Based Modeling and Scenario Analysis: Evaluating Social and Economic Values
Yasser Jezzini,Rayan H. Assaad,Michel Boufadel,Hani Nassif
Journal of urban planning and development Published 2024-12-01
What do we know about the effectiveness of local energy plans? A systematic review of the research
Richard Cowell,Jan Webb
Published 2024-12-01
Integrating environmental footprints and ecosystem economic performance to evaluate nitrogen management in intensive drip-irrigated potato production
Yunfei Di,Haibo Yang,Yuncai Hu,Fei Li
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Closed-loop supply chain network design with price-greenness-sensitive demand: A distributionally robust chance-constrained optimization approach
Yao Gao,Shaojun Lu,Sheng Zhan,Chaoming Hu,Xinbao Liu
Computers & Operations Research Published 2024-12-01
Water and energy deprivation: Addressing the problem of essential utility services poverty in Mayotte
D. Charlier,Bérangère Legendre,Olivia Ricci
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Quantitative analysis of the relationships between dockless bike sharing and public transport: A trip-level perspective
Meiping Yun,Wenxu Huang,Cen Zhang,Xi Yan,Jun Zheng
Published 2024-12-01
Geo-political risks, uncertainty, financial development, renewable energy, and carbon intensity: Empirical evidence from countries at high geo-political risks
Ying Shu,Mohammad Razib Hossain,Brayan Tillaguango,Rafael Alvarado,Cem IşıkMuntasir MurshedZhiguang Chen
Applied Energy Published 2024-12-01
Risk disclosure and financial performance of Islamic banks in Jordan: the moderating role of financial technology
Mohammed Abd-Alkarim Almomani,A. Al-Momani
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Published 2024-12-01
Modeling carbon dioxide emissions reduction
Andriy Matviychuk,Olena Zhytkevych,Natalia Osadcha
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
The energy commons: A systematic review, paradoxes, and ways forward
Thomas Bauwens,Robert Wade,Matthew Burke
Published 2024-12-01
Mining-metallurgical monopoly capital in Mexico, 1960–2023
Isidro Téllez-Ramírez,M. T. Sánchez-Salazar
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Testing technological Kuznets curve implications on achieving sustainable development goal 10 in seven Asian countries
Khalid Eltayeb Elfaki,Elsadig Musa Ahmed
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Research on provincial implied carbon emissions in China under the shared responsibility driven by new quality productivity: A new approach
Yingying Du,Haibin Liu,Hui Huang,Jiazeng Zhang,Yajie Wang
Sustainable Futures Published 2024-12-01
All pain and no gain: When goal setting leads to more effort but no gains in test scores
Asad Islam,Sungoh Kwon,Eema Masood,Nishith Prakash,Shwetlena SabarwalDeepak Saraswat
Economics of Education Review Published 2024-12-01
Green finance, green innovation, and industrial development in Africa
Tii N. Nchofoung,O. Edoh,N. Monkam
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
A reliable deterministic method for multi-area economic dispatch considering power losses
Hossein Sharifzadeh
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
The potential for index-based crop insurance to stabilize smallholder farmers' gross margins in Northern Ghana
Opeyemi Obafemi Adelesi,Yean-Uk Kim,Johannes Schuler,Peter Zander,Michael Murithi NjorogeLilian WaithakaA. L. AbdulaiD. MacCarthyHeidi Webber
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Crowding-out effect of tobacco consumption on household food expenditures in Cameroon
Paul Tadzong Mouafo,Armand Mboutchouang Kountchou,Roger Tsafack Nanfosso
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
A dynamic discrete choice modelling approach for forward-looking travel mode choices
Joseph Leong,Neema Nassir,Seyed Sina Mohri,Majid Sarvi
Published 2024-12-01
The imprint effect of initial institutional environments and bank financing in family businesses
Chen Cheng,Ke Qiu,Yufan Yang
Emerging Markets Review Published 2024-12-01
Forest sector models for tropical countries - A case study of Colombia
Oscar G. Martínez-Cortés,Shashi Kant,Henrieta Isufllari
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
The efficiency of residency training and health outcomes in China: Based on two-stage DEA and cluster analysis
Guangwei Deng,Yongbin Pan,Chenpeng Feng,Liang Liang
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Published 2024-12-01
Analysing the energy landscape in Africa using cluster analysis: Drivers of renewable energy development
Emna Kanzari,Gioacchino Fazio,S. Fricano
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Public recreational facilities as catalyst for urban aging-in-place decision in developing countries
N. Aguome,N. Ewurum,K. Ifeanacho,Lilian Chinweikpe Abaa-Okorie,Chidubem Grace Ugwu
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Does firm culture influence corporate financing decisions? Evidence from debt maturity choice
Sudip Datta,Trang Doan,Francesca Toscano
Published 2024-12-01
Carbon taxes, CO2 emissions, and the economy: The effects of fuel taxation in the UK
Lucas Bretschger,E. Grieg
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Urban resilience under local government competition: A new perspective on industrial resilience
Xia Meng,Tao Ding,Haisen Wang
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Singular spectrum analysis to estimate core inflation in Brazil
Matheus Felipe de Oliveira Santos,Rafael Morais de Souza,Wilson Luiz Rotatori Corrêa
Central Bank Review Published 2024-12-01
Mediating ESG: Mapping individual responses to a changing field
John Millar,Frank Mueller,Chris Carter
Critical Perspectives on Accounting Published 2024-12-01
Estimating operational costs for enhanced continuity in water supply and sanitation services: An inverse data envelopment analysis approach in Chilean utilities
Manuel Mocholí-Arce,A. Maziotis,R. Sala-Garrido,M. Molinos-Senante
Published 2024-12-01
Indonesian sentiment towards global economic recession in 2023 using optimized hyperparameters of support vector machine kernels
Dairatul Maarif,Adinda Aulia Hafizha,Andi Kurniawan
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-12-01
Evaluating the effectiveness & costs of strategies post-eradication to monitor for freedom from BVDV infection in Ireland
Jonas Brock,M. Guelbenzu-Gonzalo,Martin Lange,J. Tratalos,Damien BarrettLiz LaneSimon J. MoreDavid A. GrahamH. Thulke
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
High-speed rail operation network and urban economic development in western China: A spatial difference-in-differences approach
Ying Lu,Wenhui Yu,Shuyue Yao
Published 2024-12-01
Rules, institutions and policy capacity: A comparative analysis of lithium-based development in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile
José Carlos Orihuela,Sergio Serrano
Published 2024-12-01
Specialization and performance in private equity: Evidence from the hotel industry
C. Spaenjers,Eva Steiner
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-12-01
“I don't care about cookies!” data disclosure and time-inconsistent users
L. Abrardi,Carlo Cambini,Steffen Hoernig
Information Economics and Policy Published 2024-12-01
Digital economy and risk response: How the digital economy affects urban resilience
Qiong Xu,Meirui Zhong,Yu Dong
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Effect of electricity policy uncertainty and carbon emission prices on electricity demand in China based on mixed-frequency data models
Wanbo Lu,Qibo Liu,Jie Wang
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
The Virtual Power Plant Bidding Strategy Model based on Multi-stage Semi-anticipativity Distributionally Robust Optimization
Wei Li
Electric power systems research Published 2024-12-01
Sustainability transitions in the agri-food system: Evaluating mitigation potentials, economy-wide effects, co-benefits and trade-offs for the case of Austria
Eva Preinfalk,Birgit Bednar-Friedl,Jakob Mayer,C. Lauk,Andreas Mayer
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
Using energy as a community currency for sustainable development of newly electrified communities
Dominic Anto,Atul Mehta,Ashutosh Murti
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Using heat map data to measure population development trends and urban disparities of large-scale affordable communities in China
Lingling Zhang,Nannan Chen
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Competition, Product differentiation and Crises: Evidence from 18 million securitized loans
Peter Haslag,Kandarp Srinivasan,A. Thakor
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-12-01
Reviewing studies of degrowth: Are claims matched by data, methods and policy analysis?
Ivan Savin,Jeroen van den Bergh
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
Sectoral vulnerabilities and adaptations to climate change: insights from a systematic literature review
Prihandoko Prihandoko,A. Windarto,Musli Yanto,Muhammad Habib Yuhandri
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Published 2024-12-01
Putting off the coal in Europe: Socio-economic trade-offs across the European regions
Miguel A. Almazán-Gómez,Carlos Llano,Julián Pérez
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Strategic analysis of metal dependency in the transition to low-carbon energy: A critical examination of nickel, cobalt, lithium, graphite, and copper scarcity using IEA future scenarios
Sa'd Shannak,Logan Cochrane,Daria Bobarykina
Published 2024-12-01
An optimization model-based DEA-MARCOS approach for assessing EU countries towards achieving sustainable development goals
Abhijit Saha,A. Mishra,Pratibha Rani,Muhammet Deveci,B. DebnathNorziana JamilM. Mahmoud
Published 2024-12-01
Unionised dockworkers and port ownership structure in an international oligopoly
Nicola Meccheri
Economics of Transportation Published 2024-12-01
The effect of hydrocarbon prices and CO2 emission taxes on drainage strategies
H. R. Sutoyo,Heiner Schümann,Carl Fredrik Berg
Published 2024-12-01
Accounting and the shifting spheres: The economic, the public, the planet
Hendrik Vollmer
Accounting, Organizations and Society Published 2024-12-01
Research on the optimal configuration method of shared energy storage basing on cooperative game in wind farms
Cuiping Li,Yang Liu,Junhui Li,Haojun Liu,Zhiqiang ZhaoHongwei ZhouZhi LiXingxu Zhu
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Internal control risk disclosure, media coverage and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China
Jiajun Zhu,Xuetong Hu,Jing Gao,Hongping Tan
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems Published 2024-12-01
Electric vehicle supply chain under dual-credit and subsidy policies: Technology innovation, infrastructure construction and coordination
Zirui Xu,Ying Li,Feifan Li
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
The impact of LPG consumption on cooking energy efficiency: Evidence from rural Indian household panel data
D. Guta,Hisham Zerriffi,Jill Baumgartner,Abhishek Jain,Sunil ManiDarby JackEllison CarterGuofeng ShenJennifer Orgill-MeyerJoshua RosenthalKatherine DickinsonRob BailisYuta J. Masuda
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Equilibria in abstract economies with a continuum of agents with discontinuous and non-ordered preferences
Anuj Bhowmik,N. Yannelis
Journal of Mathematical Economics Published 2024-12-01
Market-driven transitions in the vegetable seed sector in sub-Saharan Africa
E.M.S. ter Steeg,N. P. Louwaars
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Perceptions and reflections about a non-digital game-based learning activity for economic theory
Niris Cortés,José Bakit,Valeria Burgos-Fuster,Angelo Araya-Piñones,Enzo BonillaPaulina Veas-GarcíaMario JorqueraMónica Castillo-Rosales
Learning and Instruction Published 2024-12-01
Overcoming left-behindedness. Moving beyond the efficiency versus equity debate in territorial development
A. Rodríguez‐Pose,Federico Bartalucci,Nancy Lozano-Gracia,María Dávalos
Published 2024-12-01
The evaluation of competition effect on rail fares using the difference-in-difference method through symmetric and lagged spans
Evgeniia Shtele,P. Beria,S. Tolentino
Published 2024-12-01
Effects of high-speed rail on intercity travels, utility and social welfare in urban agglomerations: A game-theoretic perspective
Han Wang,Hai-Jun Huang
Published 2024-12-01
Riding the future: Environmental, primary energy and economic analysis of an electric motorcycle - A Kenyan case study
Lina La Fleur,Emma Lindkvist,Rebecka Trångteg,Sally Winter,Patrik Thollander
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Equity-based energy retrofits to address energy poverty in Canada
Laura Tozer,Guilherme Baggio,Abhilash Kantamneni,Hannah MacRae
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Stock price synchronicity and stock liquidity: International evidence
Paul Brockman,T. Dang,Thu Phuong Pham
Journal of Empirical Finance Published 2024-12-01
Green innovation and carbon emission performance: The role of digital economy
Ziyi Zhao,Yuhuan Zhao,Xunpeng Shi,Lu Zheng,Shunan FanSumin Zuo
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Whither the agricultural productivity-led model? Reconsidering resilient and inclusive rural transformation in the context of agrifood systems
Benjamin Davis,A. P. de la O Campos,Mohammad Farrae,Paul Winters
Global Food Security Published 2024-12-01
Risk preferences, bill increases and the future reliability of electricity networks in Australia
Mark Tocock,Darla Hatton MacDonald,John M. Rose
Published 2024-12-01
Too much, too little? A CBC approach accounting for screening from both sides
Lisa Wamhoff,Bernhard Baumgartner
Journal of Choice Modeling Published 2024-12-01
Assessing the impact of the sharing economy and technological innovation on sustainable development: An empirical investigation of the United Kingdom
Najid Ahmad,Duc Khuong Nguyen,Xian-Liang Tian
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Bridging shores: Leveraging green finance, financial globalization, and human capital for a cleaner environment in G-20 marine ecosystems using the fishing ground capability curve theory
Fangfei Teng,Usman Mehmood,Hind Alofaysan,Yunpeng Sun
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Women’s decision-making power, cooking fuel adoption and appliance ownership: Evidence from Rwanda, Nepal and Honduras
Svenja Flechtner,Ulli Lich,Setu Pelz
Published 2024-12-01
The effects of removing gender-based price discrimination on movie demand: Estimates using smartphone location data
Yaxi Jiang
International Journal of Industrial Organization Published 2024-12-01
Feasibility of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) implementation in Japan: A regional analysis of the electricity supply and demand adjustment market
Chengquan Zhang,Hiroshi Kitamura,Mika Goto
Energy Published 2024-12-01
Quantifying the external costs of autonomous on-demand ride pooling services
Daniel Schröder,M. Kaspi
Case Studies on Transport Policy Published 2024-12-01
Monetary value of ecosystem services in unhealthy seagrass meadows in Indonesia
N. Sjafrie,Puji Rahmadi,Triyono Triyono,Fery Kurniawan,I. H. SupriyadiFirman ZulpikarL. AdriantoSusi RahmawatiU. Hernawan
Ecosystem Services Published 2024-12-01
Trends and drivers of land abandonment in Poland under Common Agricultural Policy
B. Ortyl,Idalia Kasprzyk,Jan Jadczyszyn
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
The dynamics of deforestation in sub-Saharan Africa: The impact of environmental policy and foreign direct investment on forest conversion
Hassan Swedy Lunku,Zaiyang Li,Shaohua Yang,A. Shayo,Jonathan Bakadila Ngoma
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Creativity reputation allocation in open and distributed innovation
M. Zaggl,Matthias Müller
Technovation Published 2024-12-01
Strategic Autonomy and Trade Defence: The Case of Cross-Country Subsidies
Philipp Reinhold
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Macroeconomic perceptions, financial constraints, and anomalies
Wei He,Zhiwei Su,Jianfeng Yu
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic analysis of integrating methane pyrolysis and reforming technology for low-carbon ammonia
Muhamad Reda Galih Pangestu,Umer Zahid
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
How e-government and green technology innovation affect carbon emissions: Evidence from resource-rich countries in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Fang Li,Jiale Yan
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Equity in hybrid microeconomics classes: Effects on diverse student groups
Savannah Adkins
International Review of Economic Education Published 2024-12-01
Elderly well-being amidst energy poverty: Exploring the health, social, and economic impacts in Vietnam
H. Nguyen-Phung,Hai Le
Published 2024-12-01
Household spending responses to two-time COVID-19 payments
Kozo Ueda
Japan and The World Economy Published 2024-12-01
Editorial Board
World Development Published 2024-12-01
Determinants of natural disaster emergency public investment cycles in central and southern Chinese regions: The role of technological innovation efficiency
Fangjian Zhou,Hao Zhou,Hua Guo,Yinchun Lei,Chengling TangXue Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Did robots make wages less responsive to unemployment?
Michał Brzozowski,Joanna Siwińska-Gorzelak
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Beyond complementarity and substitutability? Understanding relational governance and formal contracts in university-industry collaborations for innovation
Hsing-fen Lee,M. Miozzo
Technovation Published 2024-12-01
Bid Variability in Public–Private Partnerships: Lessons from Asset Monetization through the Toll-Operate-Transfer Model in India
Ravi Shankar,Willie Tan
Journal of construction engineering and management Published 2024-12-01
Managing forest residues for biodiversity, bioenergy, and smoke reduction: Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Tasmania, Australia
Bassie Yizengaw Limenih,Natalie Stoeckl,Julianne O'Reilly-Wapstra,Peter Volker
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
An integrated environmental-economic assessment of orange production in China during 2010–2020
Jiayu Hu,Xiaohan Ma,Yanfeng Lyu,Xiaohong Zhang
Ecological Modelling Published 2024-12-01
Mapping pathways to responsible innovation: Configurations of digital economy, effectuation, and firm size in SMEs—A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis
Liangxing He,Jianwen Zheng,Meijuan Zhao,Teng Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Private ownership in monopolistic competition models
Vincent Boitier
Research in Economics Published 2024-12-01
Role of green finance instruments in shaping economic cycles
Faisal Mahmood,Younes Ben Zaied,M. Abedin
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Modeling and regulating a ride-sourcing market integrated with vehicle rental services
Dong Mo,Hai Wang,Zeen Cai,W.Y. Szeto,X. Chen
Published 2024-12-01
A cost-effectiveness comparison of renewable energy pathways for decarbonizing heavy-duty vehicles in China
Fanlong Bai,F. Zhao,Xinglong Liu,Zongwei Liu,David M. Reiner
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
The ascending auction with flexible reporting
Xieji Zhang
Mathematical Social Sciences Published 2024-12-01
Energy, exergy, economic and environmental studies on a nonflammable eco-friendly mixture for efficient heating in cold regions
Kaiyin Yang,Zhen Zhao,Yilun Liu,Qin Wang,Long JiangZiqian XueJielin Luo
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Modelling cow longevity policies: Impacts on GHG emissions of the Swiss agricultural sector
Eva Winter,Manika Rödiger,Jérôme Schneuwly,Anina Gilgen,Gabriele Mack
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
Vulnerable funding in the global economy
Helena Chuliá,Ignacio Garrón,Jorge M. Uribe
Published 2024-12-01
Teleological Interpretation by International Economic Organizations
Bin Gu
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Measuring business impacts on the sustainability of European-listed firms
R. D’Ecclesia,Susanna Levantesi,Kevyn Stefanelli
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Published 2024-12-01
Financing and investing in sustainable infrastructure: A review and research agenda
Jiayin Meng,Zhen Ye,Ying Wang
Sustainable Futures Published 2024-12-01
Ecological unequal exchange: Evidence from imbalanced cropland soil erosion and agricultural value-added embodied in global agricultural trade
Guangyi Zhai,Keke Li,Huwei Cui,Zhen Wang,Ling WangShuxia YuZhi-Hua Shi
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Provincial pathways to carbon-neutral energy systems in China considering interprovincial electricity transmission development
Qiang Zhang,Shu Zhang,Wenying Chen
Applied Energy Published 2024-12-01
Land certification, tenure security and off-farm employment: Evidence from China
Chuanhao Tian,Yichen Luo,Yu Teng
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
An adaptive financial trading strategy based on proximal policy optimization and financial signal representation
Lin Wang,Xuerui Wang
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-12-01
A choice-functional characterization of welfarism
Jacob M. Nebel
Journal of Economics Theory Published 2024-12-01
A multigroup random-intercept cross-lagged panel model for Finnish secondary school students in frame of situated expectancy-value theory
Diana Raufelder,Olga Steinberg,Jaana Viljaranta,A. Poikkeus,K. Vasalampi
Learning and Individual Differences Published 2024-12-01
Optimal low-carbon scheduling of integrated energy systems considering stepped carbon trading and source-load side resources
Limeng Wang,Xing Ren,Yuze Ma,Ziyu Liu,Wenkai DongLongbo Ni
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Sacrificing sustainability for a higher GDP growth rate
Tessa Groner,Amir Moradi
Published 2024-12-01
A comparison of animal and plant-based proteins from an economic, environmental, and nutritional perspective in the Republic of Ireland
Marie Merlo,Thia Hennessy,Cathal Buckley,James O'Mahony
Agricultural Systems Published 2024-12-01
The global risk trinity of hydrocarbon economies: Evidence from the method of moments quantile regression
Amal Essayem,Sakir Gormus,Murat Guven,Fuat Erdal,Uğur Uygun
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Building back greener, levelling-up or both? An assessment of the economic and environmental efficiency transition of UK regions
Giorgio Fazio,Sara Maioli,Nirat Rujimora
Papers in Regional Science Published 2024-12-01
Neighbor's profit or Neighbor's beggar? Evidence from China's low carbon cities pilot scheme on green development
Bei Zhu,Tomoaki Nakaishi,Shigemi Kagawa
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Geopolitics and the changing landscape of global value chains and competition in the global semiconductor industry: Rivalry and catch-up in chip manufacturing in East Asia
Chan-Yuan Wong,Henry Wai-chung Yeung,Shaopeng Huang,Jaeyong Song,Keun Lee
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Forecasting of changes in electricity consumption due to EV diffusion in South Korea: Development of integrated model considering diffusion and macro-econometric model
Changeun Park,Jungwoo Shin
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
A bi-level multi-objective optimization approach for carbon policy formulation towards food waste resource treatment from environmental, energy and economic perspectives
Yawen Deng,Yaqi Wang,Mingliang Tan,Liying Liu
Sustainable Futures Published 2024-12-01
Low-carbon economic dispatch of integrated energy system with CCS-P2G-CHP
Chen Yang,Xiaofeng Dong,Gang Wang,Dianrui Lv,Ren GuYuanqing Lei
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Catastrophic fires, human displacement, and real estate prices in California
Hannah Hennighausen,Alexander James
Journal of Housing Economics Published 2024-12-01
Preferences for proactive and reactive climate-adaptive forest management and the role of public financial support
Dominik Braunschweiger,Tamaki Ohmura,Janine Schweier,Roland Olschewski,Tobias Schulz
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Rethinking energy poverty alleviation through financial inclusion: Do institutional quality and climate change risk matter?
Isaiah Maket
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Analysis of Extension Workers Satisfaction Levels on the Performance Extension Institutions: Study Case on Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Agustina Abdullah,Muhammad Hatta Jamil,J. Mustabi,Aslina Asnawi
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Published 2024-12-01
A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: How SMEs leverage different types of knowledge and networks during effectual internationalization
Martin Johanson,Luis Oliveira,Afonso Fleury
Journal of business research Published 2024-12-01
The effect of human capital on the trade-growth nexus: A dynamic panel threshold analysis
Mariem Gharsallah,Salwa Trabelsi
Research in Economics Published 2024-12-01
Do ride-hailing congestion fees in NYC work?
Yanchao Li,Daniel Vignon
Published 2024-12-01
Participation of mining communities in the provision of public goods and services: Evidence from the Basket Fund project in Eastern DRC
Divin-Luc Bikubanya,Francine Iragi Mukotanyi,Janvier Kilosho Buraye
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Does transportation infrastructure contribute to urban entrepreneurship? Evidence from the high-speed railway in China
Xinlei Qian,Weiyong Zou,Minghao Sun,Yu Cheng
Published 2024-12-01
Exploring socio-economic and financial dimensions of rural small-scale gem mining in Passara, and Lunugala areas of Sri Lanka: Implications for sustainable development
G. Kuruppu,N. Dushyantha,Jeevatharani Thavendrem,Vidshan Mananjaya,Gimhani NipunikaTitus Cooray
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
How diversification in energy and economic sectors influences environmental quality: International evidence
D. Hoang,L. Chu,Thanh Trung To,Ha Thanh Le
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
The role of green financial sector initiatives in the low-carbon transition: A theory of change
I. Monasterolo,Antoine Mandel,Stefano Battiston,Andrea Mazzocchetti,Klaus OppermannJ. CoonyS. StrettonFiona StewartNepomuk Dunz
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic analysis of hydrogen production from offshore wind: The case of Brazil
Jeferson Osmar de Almeida,Milad Shadman,Janito dos Santos Ramos,Iago Thiarõ Chaves Bastos,Corbiniano SilvaJohn Alex Hernandez ChujutalliMojtaba Maali AmiriClarissa Bergman-FonteGabriella Ramos Lacerda FerreiraEdvaldo da Silva CarreiraRobson Francisco da Silva DiasP. D. de MirandaS. Estefen
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
A joint economic evaluation and FP2O techno-economic resilience approach for evaluation of suspension PVC production
Tamy Herrera-Rodríguez,Miguel Ramos-Olmos,Á. González-Delgado
Results in Engineering Published 2024-12-01
When does the energy transition impact household affordability? A mixed-methods comparison of fourteen coal and carbon-intensive regions
A. Martinez-Reyes,Jenny Lieu,Nihit Goyal,Diana Mangalagiu,Thomas Hoppe
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Financial Development, Economic Growth, and the African Union’s Agenda 2063
Toussaint Houeninvo,and Germain Lankoande
Journal of African Development Published 2024-12-01
Improving the risk profile of Indonesian enterprise taxpayers using multilabel classification
Teguh Prasetyo,Budi Susetyo,A. Kurnia
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-12-01
Evaluating the accessibility of on-street household electric vehicle charging stations in London: Policy insights from equity analysis across emission zones
Yuerong Zhang,Maria Kamargianni,Long Cheng,Jonas De Vos,Mengqiu Cao
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
What drives tax morale in selected North African economies? Empirical evidence from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia using simulated ARDL and GMM quantile regressions
Assidi Soufiene,Jamel Boukhatem,Qaiser Abbas
Published 2024-12-01
Managing resources for digital transformation in supply chain integration: The role of hybrid governance structures
Cíntia Wilke Franco,Guilherme B. Benitez,Paulo Renato de Sousa,F. K. Kliemann Neto,Alejandro G. Frank
International Journal of Production Economics Published 2024-12-01
A meta analysis of lost-letter field experiments
Igor Asanov,Helena Schirmacher,Christoph Bühren
Journal of Economic Psychology Published 2024-12-01
Direct network effects in electric vehicle adoption
Xiang Zhang,Xiaoming Hu,Liang Qi,Taosheng Jin
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Technology-driven advancements: Mapping the landscape of algorithmic trading literature
Alexandra Horobeț,Sabri Boubaker,L. Belașcu,C. Negreanu,Zeno Dinca
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Does environmental decentralization promote corporate ESG performance? Evidence from China
Jinli Wang
Published 2024-12-01
Chinese investments in Argentina's lithium sector: Economic development implications amid global competition
Juliana Gonzalez Jauregui
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
A review of the potential opportunities and challenges of the digital economy for sustainability
Asif Raihan
Published 2024-12-01
Overeducation and Economic Mobility
S. Markussen,Maria Nareklishvili,Knut Røed
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-12-01
Agricultural and rural development interventions and poverty reduction: Global evidence from 16 impact assessment studies
Marup Hossain,Vibhuti Mendiratta,Sara Savastano
Global Food Security Published 2024-12-01
Growing pains during scale-up hypergrowth: Integration and future research agenda
Kristel Moedt,Christian Lechner,Svetlana Khapova
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Comparing hundreds of machine learning and discrete choice models for travel demand modeling: An empirical benchmark
Shenhao Wang,Baichuan Mo,Yunhan Zheng,Stephane Hess,Jinhua Zhao
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Published 2024-12-01
Fiscal rules, capital controls, and cross-border financial integration
Nour-eddine Ech-charfi
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
Do the elite university projects promote scientific research competitiveness: Evidence from NSFC grants
Yujing Wang,Ping Li,Haoyu Gao,Mengjia Li
Research Policy Published 2024-12-01
Selling and abandoning legal rights
Keith N. Hylton
International Review of Law and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Analyzing trends in energy modeling tools in Latin America: A comprehensive review
Andrés André Camargo-Bertel,Carel Lizarazo,Lesme Corredor,Javier Campillo,Arturo Gonzalez-QuirogaO. Pupo-Roncallo
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Gamma-lindley regression cure model for corporate credit default prediction
Fatma Chakroun,Lobna Abid,Dorsaf Elarbi,A. Masmoudi
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Using DNPV to determine the economic viability of residential photovoltaic systems in Germany: Is the investment still worth it?
Carlo Kraemer
Renewable Energy Published 2024-12-01
An experimental study on premium measurement in response to residents' willingness to pay for green housing in urban areas
Qianwen Li,Tingyu Qian,R. Long,Hong Chen,Jiaqi WangMeng Chen
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-12-01
Bi-Layer Model Predictive Control strategy for techno-economic operation of grid-connected microgrids
M. I. Saleem,S. Saha,U. Izhar,L. Ang
Renewable Energy Published 2024-12-01
Stakeholder perceptions of blue economy governance networks and their equity implications in Bangladesh
Jewel Das,Maheshwaran Govender,H. Irfanullah,S. Selim,Marion Glaser
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Age disparities and socioeconomic factors for commuting distance in Beijing by explainable machine learning
Liangkan Chen,Mingxing Chen,Chao Fan
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Oil Price and Long-run Economic Growth in Oil-importing Developing Countries
Samuel F. Gamtessa,H. Guliani
Research in Economics Published 2024-12-01
Economic evaluation of willingness to pay for natural gas supply reliability in Korea
Jeongmin Shin,Solji Nam,Jaeho Jeong,Jungwoo Shin
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Data science in sustainable entrepreneurship: A multidisciplinary field of applications
Brij B. Gupta,Akshat Gaurav,Varsha Arya,W. Alhalabi
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Can government-led urban expansion simultaneously alleviate pollution and carbon emissions? Staggered difference-in-differences evidence from Chinese firms
Qianlin Hu,Razia Mijit,Jingxuan Xu,Shan Miao
Economic Analysis and Policy Published 2024-12-01
Going collective: worker takeovers, entrepreneurship and collective actions
Marco Lomuscio
Scandinavian Journal of Management Published 2024-12-01
Deterrent effects of central environmental protection inspection on green technology innovation cycles: Evidence from the listed state-owned firms in China
Peng Gao,Jie He,Marek Vochozka,Shiyang Hu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Who Versus When: Designing Decision Processes in Organizations
Roi Orzach
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-12-01
The bidirectional causality of tie stability and innovation performance
Yinghuan Wang,Jingjing Zhang,Yan Yan,Jiancheng Guan
Research Policy Published 2024-12-01
The role of cost-effectiveness in multisector climate investment programs: The Swedish Climate Leap
A. Aklilu,Rebecca Swärd,Katarina Elofsson
Journal of Climate Finance Published 2024-12-01
The cost of operational complexity: A causal assessment of pre-fire mitigation and wildfire suppression
Jesse D. Young,Erin J. Belval,Benjamin Gannon,Yu Wei,Christopher O’ConnorChristopher DunnBradley M. PietruszkaDavid CalkinMatthew Thompson
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Equity of access to rail services by complementary motorized and active modes
Mudassar Shafiq,António Lobo,António Couto
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
A picture is worth a thousand words: The effectiveness of infographics in microeconomic principles courses
L. Calimeris,Edward Kosack
International Review of Economic Education Published 2024-12-01
Estimating the market share of electric motorcycles: A system dynamics approach with the policy mix and sustainable life cycle costs
Yuniaristanto,Wahyudi Sutopo,Muhammad Hisjam,Hendro Wicaksono
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Climate risk, digital transformation and corporate green innovation efficiency: Evidence from China
Xiaohang Ren,Wenqi Li,Yiying Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Empowering E-mobility: Day-ahead dynamic time of use tariff for electric vehicle charging
Tafsir Ahmed Khan,Syed Abdullah-Al-Nahid,S. Tasnim,Md. Abu Taseen,Taskin JamalTareq Aziz
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Stronger Patent Regime, Innovation and Scientist Mobility
Madhuparna Ganguly
Research in Economics Published 2024-12-01
Welfare implications of a mixed ownership-operations structure of high-speed train
Chunan Wang,Ruotian Chen,Changmin Jiang
Published 2024-12-01
Investigating the dynamic link between globalization and carbon emissions in BRICS nations: Insights from a non-parametric perspective
Tarek Ghazouani
Published 2024-12-01
Oil prices and the renewable energy transition: Empirical evidence from China
Shahriyar Mukhtarov
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Sanctions compliance as a basis for non-performance of contractual obligations
C. Lupton
Published 2024-12-01
Measuring wholesale electricity price risk from climate change: Evidence from Portugal
Negin Entezari,J. Fuinhas
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Quantifying and modeling price volatility in the Dutch intraday electricity market
Dane Birkeland,T. Alskaif,Steven Duivenvoorden,Marvin Meeng,Joost M.E. Pennings
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Pricing of sustainability-linked bonds
Peter Feldhütter,Kristoffer Halskov,Arthur Krebbers
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-12-01
Rural travel burdens in the United States: Unmet need and travel costs
Sierra Espeland,Dana Rowangould
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
An aggregate matching and pick-up model for mobility-on-demand services
Xinwei Li,Jintao Ke,Hai Yang,Hai Wang,Yaqian Zhou
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Published 2024-12-01
Evaluation of research progress and trends in mini-grids for rural electrification: A bibliometric analysis
Flavio Odoi-Yorke,A. Abbey,Stephen Abaase,Mudasiru Mahama
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
Efficiency versus market power in the rail industry
Óscar Álvarez-Sanjaime,Pedro Cantos-Sanchez,R. Moner-Colonques,Jose J. Sempere-Monerris
Research on Transport Economics Published 2024-12-01
Rigidity in public contracts: Implications for renewal dynamics
Marian W. Moszoro,Stéphane Saussier,J. Beuve
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance Published 2024-12-01
Investment cooperation as a digital economy development method for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU
Aina B. Otarbayeva,A. Arupov,M. Abaidullayeva,Dardana M. Dadabayeva,Gulzhakhan Khajiyeva
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Can mobile payment innovation contribute to low-carbon sustainable economic development? Spatial econometric analysis based on Chinese city-level data
Wen Chen,Xiaoxiang Wang
Cities Published 2024-12-01
A new approach to MACTOR considering interaction effects: An example from the telecommunications industry in Turkey
Cigdem Kadaifci
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
A financial disaster in the making: Temperature shocks, climate change and savings
Trong‐Anh Trinh,Russell Smyth,Sefa Awaworyi Churchill,Siew Ling Yew
Published 2024-12-01
An Analytical Study of Egyptian Exports of Oranges in the Most Important Global Markets
Mahmoud Abd Elhafez,Ezzat Hariedy,Tamer El-Sentrecy
Published 2024-12-01
The Dejudicialization of International Dispute Settlement: A Paradigm Shift in International Economic Law?
Ming Du,Delei Peng
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Carbon footprint of organic coffee: Peruvian case study
Marco Gusukuma,Christian Cornejo,Alexis Dueñas,Shirley Muñoz,Isabel Quispe
Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic analysis on proton conductor ceramic based technologies for various materials, configurations, applications and products
Andrea Moranti,Julian Dailly,M. Santarelli,F. Smeacetto
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
The impact of renewable energy consumption and energy poverty on pollution in Central and Eastern European countries
Mihaela Simionescu,Magdalena Radulescu,L. Belașcu
Renewable Energy Published 2024-12-01
Gender Wage Gap Among Young Adults: A Comparison Across British Cohorts
Francesca Foliano,A. Bryson,H. Joshi,Bożena Wielgoszewska,D. Wilkinson
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-12-01
The “Middleground” as a catalyst for the dynamics of innovation in an ecosystem? The case of Eurasanté in Hauts-de-France
Jude Ozor,Patrick Ronde,Sarah Tung,James Boyer
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Dividend signalling and investor protection: An international comparison
Xiaotong Deng,Sander De Groote,Chao Kevin Li
Published 2024-12-01
Strategic optimization of dual-fuel diesel/gas engines by numerical approach for environmental and economic benefits
SeyyedMohsen MostasharShahidi,Mostafa Esmaeili Shayan,Gholamhassan Najafi
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Published 2024-12-01
A novel data-driven approach for customizing destination choice set: A case study in the Netherlands
Bin Zhang,S. Rasouli,Tao Feng
Published 2024-12-01
The performance of private equity portfolio companies during the COVID-19 pandemic
P. Lavery,Nicholas Wilson
Journal of Corporate Finance Published 2024-12-01
Evaluation of water supply function in the Economic Belt of the Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains based on the InVEST model
Wei Liu,Hao Tian,Xingang Xu,Guang Yang
Climate Services Published 2024-12-01
Measuring economic graph competence
Malte Ring,Luis Oberrauch
International Review of Economic Education Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic assessment of various concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies for large-scale sustainable power generation in Bangladesh
Md. Sakib Hossain,Md. Amimul Ihsan Rahat,Md. Shadman Hasan Khan,Soad Shajid,S. SalehinMd. Rezwanul Karim
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Slavcho Zagorov (1898–1970), A forgotten pioneer of energy and ecological economics
Nona Nenovska,Eric Magnin,Nikolay Nenovsky
Ecological Economics Published 2024-12-01
Understanding the complexities of technological penetration and globalisation on labour market performance: The role of complementary policies
A. Asaleye,R. Garidzirai
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market and Complexity Published 2024-12-01
Sustainable production strategies of loss-averse competitive manufacturers with reference dependence under cap-and-trade policy
Yu Zhang,Yuyin Yi
Published 2024-12-01
Small Pelagics in West Africa face the multiple challenges of food security, wealth creation and regional governance
El hadj Bara Dème,Pierre Failler
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Examining the determinants of Indian airlines’ revenues
Ajai Jayathilakan,Thanh Ngo,W. Tsui,Nives Botica Redmayne,Faruk BalliXiaowen Fu
Published 2024-12-01
Non-cognitive skills and social isolation in late childhood: An investigation of their impact on school performance in Italy
Maria De Paola,Ekaterina Skatova
Economics of Education Review Published 2024-12-01
A Survey on the Growth and Development of MSME in Tamil Nadu
Taflin S Raj,Radhika R
Published 2024-12-01
Job computerization, occupational employment and wages: A comparative study of the United States, Germany, and Japan
Yuxi Heluo,Oliver Fabel
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Energy, environmental and economic performance of bi-facial photovoltaic noise barrier applied in city scale
Jixing Xie,Haida Tang,Yuanli Lyu,Wenjie Liu,Xiangning TianChunying Li
Renewable Energy Published 2024-12-01
Comprehensive thermo-economic analysis of an isobaric compressed CO2 energy storage system: Improvement of the thermodynamic pathway
Wenpan Xu,Pan Zhao,Jiangfeng Wang,Wenming Yang
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
The quest for valuable inventions: Knowledge search and the value of patented inventions
Tianyu Hou,Liang Zhang,Julie Juan Li,Bin Chong,Yanzi Wu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
A Stackelberg game theory-based optimal scheduling of active distribution system considering multi-stakeholders
Jianwei Shao,Junhua Wang,Ruixun Qiao,Ruilin Wang,Ze LeiChaoting ZhuZhanxiang Jin
Electric power systems research Published 2024-12-01
Exploring the relationship between innovation and corporate governance
Carlos Estévez-Mendoza,Ángeles Montoro-Sánchez
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Ballasts of the entrepreneurial ecosystem
Thomas G. Pittz
Technovation Published 2024-12-01
An integrated framework for measuring sustainable rural development towards the SDGs
Dianfeng Liu,Fuxiang Li,Mingli Qiu,Yang Zhang,Xiang ZhaoJianhua He
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Multi-criteria decision analysis of clean energy technologies for envisioning sustainable development goal 7 in Australia: Is solar energy a game-changer?
R. Elavarasan,Mithulananthan Nadarajah,G.M. Shafiullah
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-12-01
Techno-economic and environmental assessment of green hydrogen and ammonia production from solar and wind energy in the republic of Djibouti: A geospatial modeling approach
Omar Assowe Dabar,M. O. Awaleh,Moussa Mohamed Waberi,Hamed Ghiasirad,A. AdanM. M. AhmedMohamed NasserF. B. JuangsaI. GuirrehMoussab Osman AbdillahiOmar Ibrahim Elmi
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
The continuance behavioral intention to adopt electrified ride-sourcing: Empirical evidence from China
Ke Lu,Yuan Xu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Store brand entry with asymmetric cost information
Yuanyuan Luo,Xiaojie Sun,Xiaohang Yue
Published 2024-12-01
Land use policy implications of demographic shifts: Analyzing the impact of aging rural populations on agricultural carbon emissions in China
Yong Huang,Ehsan Elahi,Jiansheng You,Yuhua Sheng,Jinwei LiAnchan Meng
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Another look at ‘peak and decline’ carbon emissions countries: Which ones have decoupled per capita emissions from GDP and how?
Brant Liddle,Steven Parker
Published 2024-12-01
Exploring the Economic Opportunities and Challenges in Documenting Hausa Oral Literature: Special Reference to Sa'idu Faru's Songs
Abu-Ubaida Sani,Adamu Rabi’u Bakura,Ibrahim Muhammad Birnin Magaji
Human Resource Management Of Small Enterprises In India And Its Impact On Performance Of The Enterprises
Mr. Kuldeep Goala
Published 2024-11-25
Qatar's energy policy in the field of renewable energy
R. Hajimineh,Ebrahim Rezaei Rad,Mahsa Sadat Hosseini
Future Energy Published 2024-11-15
Evans Tee,Suleman Nasiru,Ida Anuwoje L. Abonongo
Advances and Applications in Statistics Published 2024-11-13
Bibliometric, Content And Meta Analysis On Consumer Behaviour
Rita Kumari
Published 2024-11-12
Bridging Gaps: Analysis Of Human Development, Income Inequality & Economic GrowthIn SAARC Countries (1985-2022)
Shah Faisal
Kurdish Studies Published 2024-11-04
A dual-benefit perspective of business travel
Jing Liu,F. Hsu,Yunkai Bai,Huiwen Mai
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Willingness to pay for crime reduction: The role of information in the Americas
Patricio Domínguez,Carlos Scartascini
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Do universities play the role of entrepreneurial gender equalizer? Evidence from China
Yaping Song,Genshu Lu
The International Journal of Management Education Published 2024-11-01
The impact of digital technology innovation on green total-factor energy efficiency in China: Does economic development matter?
Ruyu Xu,Keliang Wang,Zhuang Miao
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Uncertainty about what is in the price
Joel Peress,Daniel Schmidt
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-11-01
Corrigendum to “Geopolitical oil price uncertainty transmission into core inflation: Evidence from two of the biggest global players” [Energy Economics, 126(2023), 106983]
Chien-Chiang Lee,G. Olasehinde-Williams,Oktay Özkan
Energy Economics Published 2024-11-01
Productivity losses in the transition to Daylight Saving Time: Evidence from hourly GitHub activity
Andrew Dickinson,Glen R. Waddell
Published 2024-11-01
The evolution of employment and workplaces in metropolitan regions during the pandemic: The case of Madrid
Simón Sánchez-Moral,E. Solís,Ricardo Méndez,Inmaculada Mohíno
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Optimal forest management under climate change variability
Renato Rosa,Constança Simas,Rodrigo Ataíde,Paula Soares,Margarida Tomé
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Optimal Mechanism Design for Heterogeneous Client Sampling in Federated Learning
Guocheng Liao,Bing Luo,Yutong Feng,Meng Zhang,Xu Chen
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Published 2024-11-01
JUE Insight: The labor market effects of place-based policies: Evidence from England’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund
Robert Calvert Jump,Adam Scavette
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Life-cycle planning with CEV model and time-inconsistent preferences
Hao Wang,Shujie Hu,Tak Kuen Siu,Rongming Wang,Ning Wang
Published 2024-11-01
Obituary: John Proops (1947–2024) – A Pioneer of ecological economics
M. Faber
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Optimization of shipping freight forwarding services considering consumer rebates under the impact of carbon tax policy
Ran Wu,Ming Li
Published 2024-11-01
Research on the coupling of ecological environment and socio-economic development in resource-based cities: Based on scenario simulation method
Xinyue Fan
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
Research on the impact of environmental regulation on enterprise high-quality development
Xue Ru,Fangjie Si,Pengfei Lei
Published 2024-11-01
Introduction to the special issue on recent advances on digital economy-oriented artificial intelligence
Yu-Lin He,Philippe Fournier-Viger,Sebastián Ventura,Ling Zhang
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
Electoral competition, electoral uncertainty and corruption: Theory and evidence from India
Farzana Afridi,Sourav Bhattacharya,A. Dhillon,Eilon Solan
Published 2024-11-01
EV diffusion promotion analysis under different charging market structure
Song Wang,Lefeng Shi
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in relation to environmental life-cycle assessment, photovoltaics, smart grids and small-island economies
C. Lamnatou,C. Cristofari,D. Chemisana
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Published 2024-11-01
Advancing credit risk modelling with Machine Learning: A comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art
André Aoun Montevechi,R. D. C. Miranda,André Luiz Medeiros,J. A. B. Montevechi
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
ESG rating disagreement: Implications and aggregation approaches
Emawtee Bissoondoyal-Bheenick,Scott Bennett,Rob Lehnherr,Angel Zhong
Published 2024-11-01
Article: Waking the Sleeping Lion: The China-Ecuador FTA and Its Implications
Eddy S. Astudillo Aguilar
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
How does digital transformation affect firm technical efficiency? Evidence from China
Chaolin Zhang,Yongqi Deng
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Techno-economics of solids-based thermochemical energy storage systems for large scale, high-temperature applications
Guillermo Martinez Castilla,D. C. Guío-Pérez,Filip Johnsson,David Pallarès
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
Cost-effectiveness analysis of cancer susceptibility gene-specific prevention strategies for ovarian and breast cancer
Ranjit Manchanda,Xia Wei,Li Sun,E. Slade,C. FierhellerS. OxleyA. KalraJ. SiaM. SiderisW. MccluggageNathan BromhamKatharina DworzynskiAdam N RosenthalA. BrentnallS. DuffyGareth EvansR. Legood
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Probability distortion and non-participation
Lunyi Wang,Yao Wang,Shunming Zhang
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
The STEM leaky pipeline at labor market entry in Spain: The role of job competition and social origin
Manuel T. Valdés,Heike Solga
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Bottleneck congestion and urban spatial structure with heterogeneous households: Equilibrium, capacity expansion and congestion tolling
Zhi-Chun Li,Demchenko Yu,André de Palma
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Digital transformation of enterprises: Job creation or job destruction?
Yuhong Huang
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Sustainable financing solutions for the growth of resource-driven economies in the digital economy age
Peng Nie,Juncheng Zhong,Zhengliang Ren,Jinglei Huang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
How does digital tax administration affect R&D manipulation? Evidence from dual machine learning
Silu Pang,G. Hua
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Financial inclusion, integration, and stability asymmetries in the Mediterranean region
Simon Neaime,Isabelle Gaysset
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
Jump-at-Default Exposure Modeling with Physical Collateral
Stefano Renzitti
Wilmott Magazine Published 2024-11-01
Assessing the effectiveness of financial incentives on electric vehicle adoption in Europe: Multi-period difference-in-difference approach
Edlaine Correia Sinézio Martins,Julien Lépine,Jaqueline Corbett
Published 2024-11-01
Salience and food waste reduction: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
Yuan Gao,R. Lopez,Ruili Liao,Xiaoou Liu
Published 2024-11-01
Does the application of industrial robots promote export green transformation? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing enterprises
Hangrui Dai,Ronghai Yang,Rongguang Cao,Lei Yin
Published 2024-11-01
Economic viability of decentralised battery storage systems for single-family buildings up to cross-building utilisation
Albert Hiesl,Jasmine Ramsebner,Reinhard Haas
Smart Energy Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling the optimal configuration of impulsive buying behavior using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis and multi-criteria decision approach
Alhamzah Alnoor,Sammar Abbas,K. W. Khaw,Y. Muhsen,XinYing Chew
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
Volatility feedback and dealership position: Evidence from the CDS Index, Corporate Bonds, and Government Bonds
Steven Shu-Hsiu Chen
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Cost-competitiveness of green hydrogen and its sensitivity to major financial and technical variables
Mostafa Rezaei,Alexandr Akimov,E. M. Gray
International journal of hydrogen energy Published 2024-11-01
External costs of high-voltage overhead transmission lines: Evidence from a causal approach in rural France
Tina Rambonilaza,Jean Dubé,Jean-Sauveur Ay
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
Optimal location to land banking practices in urban-rural informal land market continuum of Ghana
Alexander Sasu,Arshad Javed,Muhammad Imran
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Time-varying effects of structural oil price shocks on financial market uncertainty
Junqi Yang,Jiang-Bo Geng,Ziwei Liang
Energy Economics Published 2024-11-01
Institutions, effectuation and network outsidership: Reviews and case studies of foreign market entry
D. Holm,Martin Johanson,Pao T. Kao
Industrial Marketing Management Published 2024-11-01
Immigrant status and likelihood of opioid treatment. Lessons from Spain’s National Health Service
Luigi Boggian,J. Madia,Francesco Moscone,Cristina E. Orso
Published 2024-11-01
Is the use of emergency care appropriate? Comparing native and migrant infants in the Italian NHS
Elena Cottini,C. Lucifora,Gilberto Turati,Daria Vigani
Published 2024-11-01
Exploring changes and influencing factors of farmers’ welfare in different villages under the background of homestead system reform
Li Wang,Xueqian Ding,Mingxia Hong,Wenying Xiong,Yongzhong Tan
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
The Ramadan effect in the workplace
P. Bertoli,V. Grembi
Published 2024-11-01
Analysis of China's industrial network structure and its resilience from the sectoral perspective
Xinghua Feng,Meihai Xu,Jianxin Li,Ziyuan Gao
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Opportunistic salpingectomy during gynecologic and non-gynecologic abdominopelvic procedures for ovarian cancer primary prevention: A cost-effectiveness analysis
Naomi Adjei,Paul Yeh,Allen Haas,Hui Zhao,Rebecca L. StoneK. RocheKaren LuCharlotte SunI. ToumazisLarissa Meyer
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Can science and technology resources co-evolve with high-tech industries? Empirical evidence from China
Ting Luo,Yongqing Zhang,Minggui Zheng,Sujiang Zheng,Yinyin Gong
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
“Leave me out of it and raise my salary”: Invisible work in the labor market and the gender wage gap
Amit Kaplan,Shimrit Slonim-Franco,Gal Lifshitz
Published 2024-11-01
The impact of capacity utilisation on product innovation in emerging economies: The moderating effects of firm ownerships
Samuel Amponsah Odei,Lorenzo Ardito,Ivan Soukal
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Fleeing a failing state: Self-selection, earnings, and migration costs
Federico Maggio
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Reflections on ‘land value recovery’ for UK rural areas, and its implications for housing affordability, wealth-building, rural land use, and community wellbeing
Nick Gallent,Andrew Purves,Tommaso Gabrieli
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
The effects of critical mineral endowments on green economic growth in Latin America
Young Kyu Hwang,Ángeles Sánchez Díez,R. Inglesi‐Lotz
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Identifying the multiple nexus between geopolitical risk, energy resilience, and carbon emissions: Evidence from global data
Yanchao Feng,Yuxi Pan,Shan Lu,Jiaxin Shi
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Risk, restrictive quotas, and income smoothing
Rob Schaap,Exequiel González-Poblete,Karin Loreto Silva Aedo,Florian Diekert
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Extending the theory of information poverty to deepfake technology
W. Matli
Published 2024-11-01
The threat of economic grid defection in the U.S. with solar photovoltaic, battery and generator hybrid systems
Seyyed Ali Sadat,Joshua M. Pearce
Solar Energy Published 2024-11-01
Is making alternative? Rethinking development in Germany’s makerspaces
Danai Liodaki
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Surname distance and interregional investments
Weijie Jiang,Hui Yu,Qi Chen
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
The impact of national policies on Europe-wide power system transition towards net-zero 2050
Rebeka Béres,Auke van der Wel,A. Fattahi,M. van den Broek
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Motivating innovation: The impact of prestigious talent funding on junior scientists
Meiling Li,Yang Wang,Hai-Liang Du,Aruhan Bai
Research Policy Published 2024-11-01
Cross-border knowledge transfer and the innovation performance of developing economy small and medium enterprises: A moderated mediation effect of industry networks and localization of knowledge
Ayodotun Stephen Ibidunni
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Navigating sustainable futures: The role of terminal and instrumental values
Gustav Osberg,Felix Schulz,Christian Bretter
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Adverse effects of extreme temperature on human development: Empirical evidence from household data for Vietnam across regions
Diep Hoang Phan
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
A hierarchical test benchmark of integrated energy system in Northeast China
Xue Li,Junyan Shao,Tao Jiang,Hou-he Chen,Yue ZhouRufeng ZhangHongjie JiaJianzhong Wu
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Decoding China's new-type industrialization: Insights from an XGBoost-SHAP analysis
Yawen Lai,Guochao Wan,Xiaoxia Qin
Journal of Cleaner Production Published 2024-11-01
Retailer processes centred on the food market as the main determinate of business models in the context of retail size
Pavol Kita,Marián Čvirik
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
Detecting And Predicting Price Jumps With Consecutive Signature Distance
D. A. L. E. A. B. A. Bloch
Wilmott Magazine Published 2024-11-01
Environmental and Economic Analysis of High-Current Stacked HTS Cables by Gap Optimization
Lin Fu,Yu Chen,J. Sheng,Mingyang Wang,Junjie JiangX. BianYongjian LiBoyang Shen
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity Published 2024-11-01
Crossing administrative boundaries: Using internet development to improve borrowing size
Tongbin Yang
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Common institutional ownership and analyst earnings forecasts
Jiachen Wang,Xinmin Tian,Xiaoyue Ma
Published 2024-11-01
Are natural resources a blessing or a curse for renewable energy? Uncovering the role of regulatory quality and government effectiveness in mitigating the curse
Zequn Dong,Chaodan Tan,Wenxue Zhang,Lixiang Zhang,Lingran Zhang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Holding a share of “city stock”? Second home ownership and land finance under urban entrepreneurialism
Zequn Tang,Zai Liang
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Mineral policy and sustainable development goals: Volatility forecasting in the Global South's minerals market
Amar Rao,Dhairya Dev,Aeshna Kharbanda,Jaya Singh Parihar,D. Sala
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Techno-economic analysis of the integration of an innovative particle-based concentrating solar power system with a thermally driven cooling system
Syed Noman Danish,Khalil Mohammed Badawi,H. Al-Ansary,A. El-Leathy,Abdulelah AlswaiydRageh S. SaeedNader S. SalehEldwin DjajadiwinataShaker AlaqelZ. Al-SuhaibaniZeyad Almutairi
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling the strategic resource dimension: A bibliometric and systematic review of the Resource-Based View and its application to corporate governance
Fred Konneh Songa Monson
Journal of High Technology Management Research Published 2024-11-01
The dependence structures between geopolitical risks and energy prices: New evidence from regional heterogeneity and quantile-on-quantile perspective
Shuiyang Chen,Haibo Kuang,Bin Meng
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Green finance, fossil fuel efficiency, and sustainable development in OECD
Dongxia Li
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Shaping the future Entrepreneurs: Influence of human capital and self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions of rural students
Suhail M. Ghouse,Dennis Barber III,Kent K. Alipour
The International Journal of Management Education Published 2024-11-01
Evaluation of the potential of infrastructure funds: The case of inland waterways in Germany
Rebecca Wehrle,M. Wiens,F. Schultmann
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Hotelling rule in non-renewable resources: A bibliometric and systematic literature review analysis
M. Cotrina-Teatino,Jairo J. Marquina-Araujo
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Experimental measures of intra-household resource control
Kate Ambler,Kelly Jones,María P. Recalde
Published 2024-11-01
How Important Are Trend Shocks? The Role of the Debt Elasticity of Interest Rate
Yin Germaschewski,Jaroslav Horvath,Loris Rubini
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Corrigendum to “Applications of Markov chain approximation methods to optimal control problems in economics” [Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 143:104437, October 2022]
Thomas Phelan,Keyvan Eslami
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Published 2024-11-01
Cheap talk with two-sided private information
Inés Moreno de Barreda
Published 2024-11-01
Risks of heterogeneously persistent higher moments
Jozef Baruník,Josef Kurka
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
A combination of MILP and game theory methods for P2P energy trading by considering network constraints
A. Izanlo,Abdolreza Sheikholeslami,S. A. Gholamian,M. kazemi,S. N. Hosseini
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Unlocking neighborhood density
Melanie Krause,André Seidel
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Recidivism, Labor Markets, and Prison Conditions: Evidence from Uruguay
Juan A. Bogliaccini,Gustavo A. Flores-Macías,Emiliano Tealde
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Can threats improve payoffs from bargaining in markets with retaliations? Evidence from a field experiment
Haimanti Bhattacharya,Subhasish Dugar
Published 2024-11-01
Scaling up and scaling out of darkness: Elucidating the influences of institutional dysfunction in scaling up solar PV in Sub-Saharan Africa
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah,Robert E. Hinson
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Economic effects of shocks in the coal industry: An analysis based on DSGE model
Boqiang Lin,Zhijun Wang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Does conflict aggravate energy poverty?
Usman Khalid,M. Shafiullah,S. Chaudhry
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
“Integrated model perspective of capital theory, TPB and SCCT towards determines business students' digital entrepreneurial intention in developing country context”
Hiriyanna Gangadhara,J.P. Senthil Kumar
Journal of High Technology Management Research Published 2024-11-01
Environmental regulations as a solution for energy security risk and energy gap: Evidence from highly energy intensive economies
Naveed Aslam,Wanping Yang,Muhammad Arslan,Bilal Ashraf
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
How does oil price uncertainty affect the stability of conventional and Islamic banks in major oil-exporting countries? Evidence from the GCC region
Mohammad Alsharif
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Costs of Sovereign Debt Crises: Restructuring Strategies and Bank Intermediation
T. Asonuma,Marcos Chamon,Aitor Erce,Akira Sasahara
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Improving the estimation of the distributional impacts of carbon pricing and targeted transfers to reduce its regressivity in Latin American countries
Cristian Mardones
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
In pursuit of power: Land tenancy contracts and local political business cycles in Indonesia
Takashi Kurosaki,Saumik Paul,Firman Witoelar
Published 2024-11-01
Is Natural Resource Abundance a Curse or an Opportunity? Economic Complexity, FDI, and Industrial Policies in Mozambique
Geraldo Timbe,Flavio L. Pinheiro,Wouter Bam,Dominik Hartmann,K. De Bruyne
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Multi-objective optimization scheduling of integrated energy systems considering regional time-of-use electricity prices and weight sensitivity
Jianlin Li,Yiwen Wu,Suliang Ma,Jianhui Zhang,Xinzhe Sun
Electric power systems research Published 2024-11-01
Cultural norms and tax compliance: Evidence from China
Maoyong Cheng,Ziying Fan,Chen Feng,Binbin Tian
Published 2024-11-01
From Russia with Love: International Risk-sharing, Sanctions, and Firm Investments *
Kiet Tuan Duong,Luu Duc Toan Huynh,A. D. B. Phan,Nam T. Vu
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
To cut or not to cut: Deforestation policy under the shadow of foreign influence
Toke S. Aidt,Facundo Albornoz,Esther Hauk
Published 2024-11-01
Spatial patterns and drivers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) within and across Indonesian cities: Evidence from highly granular data
A. Widita,Alex M. Lechner,Dyah T. Widyastuti
Published 2024-11-01
Gender, socioeconomic status, and numeracy test scores
Molly Paterson,Jaai Parasnis,Michelle Rendall
Published 2024-11-01
How does energy resource diversification affect economic development? Evidence from BRICS economies
Qiong Chen,Giray Gozgor,Hemachandra Padhan,Weibai Liu,Mantu Kumar MahalikHenri NjangangSujit Kumar Pruseth
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Multi-objective optimization analysis of hydrogen internal combustion engine performance based on game theory
Zhenzhong Yang,Ping Guo,Li-jun Wang,Qingyang Hao
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Deferred rotation carbon programs for even-aged forests: Aligning landowner and societal objectives
Pedro J. Sartori,S. Z. Schons,G. Amacher,Harold Burkhart
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
A roadmap to 2050 for Nepal and Singapore with comparative energy market study for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
Manan Shah,Vivek Singh,Mitul H Prajapati
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Published 2024-11-01
Optimizing public investments: A Sustainable Economic, Environmental, and Social Investment Multi-criteria Decision Model (SEESIM)
Ilaria Baffo,Marco Leonardi,V. D’Alberti,Antonella Petrillo
Published 2024-11-01
Evolutionary game and risk decision-making of four core participants of land finance in China
Xiuqing Zou,Jiawen Gu,Zhu Zheng,Yan Zhang
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Volatility spillovers between energy and agriculture markets during the ongoing food & energy crisis: Does uncertainty from the Russo-Ukrainian conflict matter?
D. Vo,Minh Phuoc-Bao Tran
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Grades as signals of comparative advantage: How letter grades affect major choices
Hongyan Li,Xing Xia
Published 2024-11-01
The network origins of trade comovement
Justas Dainauskas
Journal of International Economics Published 2024-11-01
Population-based BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing is cost-effective in Canada
C. Fierheller,Li Sun,Xia Wei,Lesa Dawson,S. OxleyA. KalraJ. SiaFabio FeldmanStuart PeacockK. SchraderR. LegoodJanice KwonRanjit Manchanda
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Remote high-speed rail stations, urban land supply, and the emergence of new economic activities
Longfei Zheng,Shuping Wu
Published 2024-11-01
Toxic Metal Injustice? Socioeconomic status at birth and exposure to airborne pollution
Oscar Erixson,Jakob Granath,Xiao Hu,Mattias Öhman
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Can real estate booms hurt firms? Evidence on investment substitution
Harald Hau,Difei Ouyang
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Unwinding quantitative easing: state dependency and household heterogeneity
C. Cantore,Pascal Meichtry
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
On Designing Market Model and Pricing Mechanisms for IoT Data Exchange
Zhenzhe Zheng,Weichao Mao,Yidan Xing,Fan Wu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Published 2024-11-01
Digital transformation, ESG responsibility and corporate's export performance
Longfei Guo,Qijun Zhong,Haijun Wang
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
A scalable index for quantifying circularity of bioeconomy systems
Yuanhui Zhang,Sabrina Summers,James W. Jones,John F. Reid
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-11-01
Decomposition of factors affecting copper consumption in major countries in light of green economy and its trend characteristics
Shaobo Guo,F. Cao
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Taxing the online haven: Impacts of the EU VAT reform on cross-border e-commerce
Chao Fang,Shuzhong Ma
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Human capital and black-white earnings gaps, 1966–2019
Owen Thompson
Published 2024-11-01
Get by how much you pay: A novel data pricing scheme for data trading
Yu Lu,Jingyu Wang,Lixin Liu,Hanqing Yang
Information Processing & Management Published 2024-11-01
Impact of Fraxinus snag fall on electric distribution and infrastructure stability: An empirical analysis
Erik Lyttek,Pankaj Lal,B. Oberle,Ram S. Dubey,Eric Forgoston
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Government environmental signals, government–Enterprise collusion and corporate pollution transfer
Xiaosheng Li,Ruirui Wang,Z.Y. Shen,Malin Song
Energy Economics Published 2024-11-01
Asymmetric effects of monetary policy shocks on financial stability
George N. Apostolakis,Nikolaos Giannellis
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
The determinants of voluntary disclosure: Integration of eXtreme gradient boost (XGBoost) and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques
Yu-Hsin Lu,Yu-Cheng Lin
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Stay or leave? US-listed Chinese companies under financial decoupling push and the reshaping of global financial networks
Fenghua Pan,Cheng Fang,Yulan Guo
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Analyzing the impact of tax-based vs. rent-based funding on the effectiveness of environmental protection policies
Saeed Moshiri,A. Daneshmand
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
New energy products going global: The impact of digital transformation amid trade frictions
Boqiang Lin,Qianxiang Zhang
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Published 2024-11-01
The price of fairness: Experimental evidence on the limits to demand for redistribution
Patrizio Piraino,Joanna Ryan
Published 2024-11-01
Does intellectual property rights protection matter for low-carbon transition? The role of institutional incentives
Song Nie
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
Impacts of buffer zone policy on household income: Evidence from Chitwan National Park, Nepal
P. Kandel,Ram Pandit,Benedict White
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Cycles-specific benefits of smart transport for sustainable investing: Global and regional perspectives with different ethical paradigms
Mahdi Ghaemi Asl,Pu-yan Nie,Cyrus Charkh
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Financial equality through technology: Do perceived risks deter Indian women from sustained use of mobile payment services?
Priyanka Yadav,Abhishek Kumar,S. Mishra,Khyati Kochhar
Published 2024-11-01
Measuring financial stability in the presence of energy shocks
Javier Sánchez-García,Raffaele Mattera,Salvador Cruz-Rambaud,Roy Cerqueti
Energy Economics Published 2024-11-01
Coordinated measurement of marine economy: High-quality and low-carbon development in China
Lin Pan,Qingwu Meng,Zhiwen Wang,Jiale Wu,Jing Yu
Published 2024-11-01
Are shared automated vehicles good for public- or private-transport-oriented cities (or neither)?
Andrés Fielbaum,B. Pudāne
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Strategic pathways for a bioeconomy with high value-added products: Lessons learnt from the Latvian forest sector
Krista Laktuka,A. Kubule,Ilze Vamža,S. Rozakis,D. Blumberga
Biomass & Bioenergy Published 2024-11-01
Spillover effects of natural resources on the attractiveness of foreign direct investment in ECOWAS countries
Yentéma Namountougou
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Degrowth and diverse economies: Shared perspectives and productive tensions
Thomas S.J. Smith
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Market demand for and producer profits of certified safe cabbage: Evidence from test sales in traditional food markets in Northern Ghana
Wilhelm Löwenstein,Christina Wetzel,Ibrahim Mustapha,Pay Drechsel,Abdul-Halim Abubakari
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Technical and economic feasibility of hybrid power generation from urban solid waste associated with solar energy, considering the impact of the sale of carbon credits
L. D. Campello,Maria Cláudia Costa de Oliveira Botan,G. L. T. Filho,R. Barros,I. F. D. dos SantosA. C. B. Botan
Renewable Energy Published 2024-11-01
Role of homestead system reform in rural common prosperity
Pengyun Mu,Shoufu Zhang
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Tourism-industrial atmosphere and executive change: How can they impact firms? - A mixed context analysis study
Hui Li,Xi-Zhuo Chen
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Modeling cost-optimal fuel choices for truck, ship, and airplane fleets: The impact of sustainability commitments
Jonas Martin,Antonia Golab,G. Durakovic,Sebastian Zwickl-Bernhard,Hans AuerAnne Neumann
Energy Published 2024-11-01
How to crack the impossible triangle of new energy coupled system——Evidence from China
Guochang Fang,Huixin Zhou,Aoxiang Meng,Lixin Tian
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Public debt and welfare with machine learning
Jingjing Zhu,Tianyuan Huang
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Single rollover or dual rollover: How a monopoly NEV manufacturer responds to NEV credit policy
Jiayu Zhou,Yina Li,Fei Ye,Xiande Zhao,Yang TongHangfei Guo
Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-11-01
Process simulation and economic evaluation of the Alcohol-to-Jet production of sustainable aviation fuel in the Brazilian context
Adryena T. Teixeira,Amanda C.M. da Silva,R. M. Cavalcante,A. Young
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-11-01
Treasury buybacks, the Federal Reserve’s portfolio, and changes in local supply
Michael F. Connolly,Ethan Struby
Published 2024-11-01
Energy, exergy, environmental, and economic evaluations of a proposed CCHP system based on solar, biomass, SOFC, micro-turbine, and LiBr/water absorption chiller
M. Soleimani,A. Mosaffa,M. Fallah
Biomass & Bioenergy Published 2024-11-01
Macroeconomic determinants of non-renewable and renewable energy consumption in India: The roles of international trade, innovative technologies, financial globalization, carbon emissions, financial development, and urbanization
Mohammad Mahtab Alam,Muntasir Murshed,I. Ozturk,Kurshid Khudoykulov
Energy Published 2024-11-01
On the dynamics of a financial system with the effect financial information
K. Dehingia,Salah Boulaaras,E. Hinçal,Kamyar Hosseini,T. AbdeljawadM. S. Osman
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-11-01
Strategy towards sustainable energy transition: The effect of policy uncertainty, environmental technology and natural resources rent in the OECD nations
Buhari Doğan,Lan Khanh Chu,Rabeh Khalfaoui,Sudeshna Ghosh,Muhammad Shahbaz
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Scarcity and market design: How effective matching can promote the peer-to-peer sharing economy
Debdatta Pal
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Can app-based communities support energy sufficiency in households? Evidence from a one-year quasi-experiment in Switzerland
F. Cellina,T. Gerosa,Pasquale Granato,E. Lobsiger-Kägi,D. WemyssPascal Kienast
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
Evaluating eco-economic benefits of anchoring and drifting under government sulfur emission policies
Qian Zhang,Shuaian Wang,Lu Zhen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Consumption tax cuts vs stimulus payments
Mehdi Bartal,Yvan Becard
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Examining the impact of mineral export controls on sustainable energy transition in the global south
Linna Han,Xihui Haviour Chen,Yong Wang,Yen Hai Hoang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
LEST: Large language models and spatio-temporal data analysis for enhanced Sino-US exchange rate forecasting
Di Han,Wei Guo,Han Chen,Bocheng Wang,Zikun Guo
Published 2024-11-01
Unleashing global potential: The impact of digital technology innovation on corporate international diversification
Xiaobing Lai,Shujing Yue,Chong Guo,Peng Gao
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Does digital global value chain participation reduce energy resilience? Evidence from 49 countries worldwide
Zhenhua Zhang,Huangbin Wu,Yunpeng Zhang,Shilei Hu,Yuxi PanYanchao Feng
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
A joint Cournot equilibrium model for the hydrogen and electricity markets
Luis Alberto Herrero Rozas,F. A. Campos,José Villar
International journal of hydrogen energy Published 2024-11-01
Does a more compact urban center layout matter in reducing household carbon emissions? Evidence from Chinese cities
Will W. Qiang,Tianzuo Wen,Haowen Luo,Bo Huang,Harry F. Lee
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
The impact of digital finance on firm's inefficient investment: Evidence from Chinese A-share listed companies
Nianjiao Peng,Manhong Wen,Xiujuan Tian,Xiaxue Wu
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Host country household spending and foreign subsidiary performance: The role of local knowledge, entry mode strategies, and the digital economy
Yong Yang,Yonggui Wang,Linlin Wang,Yan Wu
Published 2024-11-01
Influence of key ESG factors on Islamic banks’ financial performance: Evidence from GCC countries
Rsha Alghafes,Sitara Karim,Khaoula Aliani,Naila Qureishi,Lama Alkayed
Published 2024-11-01
Anticipated benefit termination and health care consumption responses: Evidence from a Quasi-experiment
Jiacheng Liu,Yaojing Wang,Yi Yao
Published 2024-11-01
A longitudinal study on the predictors of early grades learning attainments in low-and-middle-income countries: Evidence from Tanzania
Laurent Gabriel Ndijuye,Ma. Lovena Moneva,Ntide Dadi
Children and youth services review Published 2024-11-01
Tourism-induced land acquisition in protected areas: Land rent dynamics and state monopoly rent around the Wulingyuan world heritage site in China
Jingyu Li,Arie Stoffelen,Gertjan Wijburg,Frank M. Vanclay
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
The role of biodiversity and energy transition in shaping the next techno-economic era
Lihua Shen,Jianan Zhou
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Determinants of the Price Premium for Eco Vessels
Ioannis C. Moutzouris,Nikos C. Papapostolou,M. Marchese,Michael Tamvakis,Yao Shi
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Gas to liquids (GTL) microrefinery technologies: A review and perspective on socio-economic implications
Deborah Braide,Christopher Panaritis,Gregory Patience,D. Boffito
Fuel Published 2024-11-01
Drivers of local government borrowing in China: Fiscal hunger and competition game under asymmetric decentralization
Yuanshuo Xu,Jiahe Liang,Yan Wu
Applied Geography Published 2024-11-01
Corruption and supply-side economics
Wilbur John Coleman
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Published 2024-11-01
Production of energy from renewable sources and financial performance of European utilities: A panel-data analysis
Susanna Dorigoni,Giuseppe A. Anzalone
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Decarbonising transport: Can we rely on fuel taxes?
Rossella Bardazzi,Maria Grazia Pazienza
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Global economic policy uncertainty and oil price uncertainty: Which is more important for global economic activity?
Ming Che,Li Wang,Yujia Li
Energy Published 2024-11-01
New dawn fades: Trade, labour and the Brexit exchange rate depreciation
R. Costa,Swati Dhingra,Stephen Machin
Journal of International Economics Published 2024-11-01
Navigating risk: Impact of overconfidence in financial literacy on retirement wealth reserves
Zihao Hu,Dong Zhang,Xueping Xiong
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Discovering the critical factors of affecting non-fungible tokens (NFT) purchase intention
Chih-Hung Wu,Tse-Ping Dong,Chih-Hsing Liu,Ho Tran Vu
Published 2024-11-01
Does fintech really matter for energy, economy and environment? From the lenses of SDG-7, SDG-8, SDG-13, COP27 and COP28
Sunil Tiwari,C. W. Cheong,Loy See Mey,T.G. Saji
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Article: Assessing the Impact of Corruption on Taxpayer Perceptions of Fairness: Insights from SMEs in Uganda
F. Nyende
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
Do renewable energy investments create local jobs?
Natalia Fabra,Eduardo Gutiérrez,Aitor Lacuesta,Roberto Ramos
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
The impossible trinity: Competitive markets, free entry, and efficiency
Halvor Mehlum,G. Natvik,Ragnar Torvik
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Do climate policy uncertainty and geopolitical risk transmit opportunity or threat to the green market? Evidence from non-linear ARDL
S. Gyamerah,Henry Ofoe Agbi-Kaiser,L. Gil-Alana
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
Article: A Time to Institutionalize the International Tax Regime
Tamir Shanan,Doron Narotzki,Noam Zamir
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
Balancing greenwashing risks and forest carbon sequestration benefits: A simulation model linking formal and voluntary carbon markets
Ram Ranjan
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Does outsourcing enhance consumer services and profitability of a dual-channel retailing?
Biswajit Sarkar,Bikash Koli Dey,Jin-Hee Ma,M. Sarkar,Rekha GuchhaitYoung-Hyo Ahn
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
Non-arm's-length transactions, offshore financial centres, transfer pricing agreements and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from U.S. multinational corporations
Fatmah Saeed Alghamdi,Baban Eulaiwi,Satam Salih Hussein,Lien Duong,Grantley Taylor
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Driven by the policy or bent by the market? Cracking the digital transformation code of farmer cooperatives
Linfeng Mei,Yan Zheng,Mengling Tian,Yu Wu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Effects of research funding on the academic impact and societal visibility of scientific research
Guiyan Ou,Kang Zhao,Renxian Zuo,Jiang Wu
Published 2024-11-01
Assessing the effects of increasing offshore wind generation on marginal cost in the Irish electricity market
Barry Johnston,Dlzar Al Kez,Aoife M. Foley
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Real-time incentivizing survey completion with game-based rewards in experience sampling research may increase data quantity, but reduces data quality
Egon Dejonckheere,S. Verdonck,Joren Andries,Natalie Röhrig,Maarten PiotGhijs KilaniM. Mestdagh
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2024-11-01
Projected effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on global forest products markets
Prakash Nepal,Austin Lamica,Rajan Parajuli
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
World Development Published 2024-11-01
The financial sustainability of public services as an instrument to combat depopulation in small and medium-sized municipalities
Laura Alcaide Muñoz,Andrés Navarro Galera,Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Asymmetric spillovers and resilience in physical and financial assets amid climate policy uncertainties: Evidence from China
Guo Wu,Guoheng Hu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the impact of fintech, natural resources, energy consumption, and international trade on economic growth in China: A dynamic ARDL approach
Ping Li,Tianyin Liu,Jingyi Li,Fong Khai Ling,Zeyun Li
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Non-linear effects of three core mineral resources, energy uncertainty, and inclusive digitalization on economic growth: A comparative analysis of US and China
Ziming Zhao,Jinyu Chen
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Introducing price feedback of local flexibility markets into distribution network planning
Michael Lustenberger,Federica Bellizio,Hanmin Cai,Philipp Heer,C. Ziras
Electric power systems research Published 2024-11-01
Fee structure and equity fund manager’s optimal locking in profits strategy
David Dickinson,Xuyuan Han,Zhenya Liu,Yaosong Zhan
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
The convenience economy: Product flows and GHG emissions of returned apparel in the EU
Rotem Roichman,Benjamin Sprecher,Vered Blass,Tamar Meshulam,Tamar Makov
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-11-01
Daily temperature and sales of energy-using durables
J. Bonan,Cristina Cattaneo,Giovanna d’Adda,Massimo Tavoni
Published 2024-11-01
Government regulation, time-of-use tariff and flexibility improvement of power system: A tripartite evolutionary game analysis
Fangyi Li,Nuoji Zhou,Jingjing Li,Wu Xie
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
When crowdfunding meets bank financing: Substitute or supplement?
Jingwen Tian,Ju Wei,Weiguo Fan,Yafei Wang
International Journal of Production Economics Published 2024-11-01
The impacts of housing purchase restriction policy on residential land supply in China
Liangjian Wang,Jingjing Zhou,Kunqiu Chen,Wei Zhang
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
The time-varying impact of geopolitical risks on financial stress in China: A TVP-VAR analysis
Fanyi Wang,Weiwei Zhang,Du Zhang
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
No substitute for strong institutions: Impact of accelerators on new venture performance
Pramendra Singh Tank,Dibyendu Sharma,Divyanshu Jain
Journal of Business Venturing Insights Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
International Journal of Production Economics Published 2024-11-01
Behavioral Risk Profiling: Measuring Loss Aversion of Individual Investors
Dennie van Dolder,J. Vandenbroucke
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Dynamic trust network-driven consensus modeling with endogenous adjustment and exogenous modification under a quasi-Z-number environment
Feng Wang,Xiaobing Yu,Wenguan Luo,Jiangfeng Hao
Information Sciences Published 2024-11-01
Direct air capture capacity configuration and cost allocation based on sharing mechanism
Qian Wang,Caiyi Du,Xueguang Zhang
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Bilevel low-carbon coordinated operation of integrated energy systems considering dynamic tiered carbon pricing methodology
Dongge Wu,Xinyue Chang,Yixun Xue,Yuxi Huang,Jia SuHongbin Sun
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Commodity prices and production networks in small open economies
Alvaro Silva,Petre Caraiani,Jorge Miranda-Pinto,Juan Olaya-Agudelo
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Published 2024-11-01
Assessment of socio-economic strategies for managing regional flood risk in an urban coastal catchment
Mousumi Ghosh,Subimal Ghosh,S. Karmakar
Urban Climate Published 2024-11-01
Distributed predefined-time optimal economic dispatch for microgrids
Yu Zhang,Yan-Wu Wang,Jiang‐Wen Xiao,Xiaokang Liu
Published 2024-11-01
Fintech, financing constraints and corporate green innovation
Yuan Li,Erming Chu,Shiqi Nie,Xiaoyan Peng,Yuyao Yi
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Insuring consumption against Shocks: The role of informal savings in Nigeria
Arouna Kouandou,Inès Perolde Zeh
Food Policy Published 2024-11-01
Multifunctional evaluation and multiscenario regulation of non-grain farmlands from the grain security perspective: Evidence from the Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China
Dan Huang,Yanchi Lu,Yaolin Liu,Yanfang Liu,Zhao TongLijun XingChao Dou
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Optimal dividend policy with self-exciting claims in the Gamma–Omega model
Guo Liu,Zhuo Jin,Shuanming Li
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Long-run economic growth despite population decline
Holger Strulik
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Published 2024-11-01
Resolving Lawsuits with a Decisive Oath: An Economic Analysis
Metin M. Coşgel,Thomas J. Miceli,Emre Özer
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Building blocks of change: The energy, health, and climate co-benefits of more efficient brickmaking in Bangladesh
Nina Brooks,Debashish Biswas,S. Maithel,Sonal Kumar,M. R. UddinShoeb AhmedM. MahzabGrant MillerMahbubur RahmanStephen P. Luby
Published 2024-11-01
The impact of green finance funds on industrial productivity cycles: Evidence from developing economies
Tsung-Xian Lin,Ling Li,Hemachandra Padhan,Sujit Kumar Pruseth,Gupteswar PatelIlham Haouas
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Miner competition and transaction fees
Enchuan Shao,Danusha Rajapaksa
Published 2024-11-01
Resource rents, ethnic fractionalization and redistributive public sector employment
Achtee Al Yussef
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Are there Marshallian industrial districts in Portugal? revisiting the canello and pavone algorithm
João Leitão,Joaquim Ferreira,Dina Pereira
Published 2024-11-01
New evidence on the underrepresentation of Asian Americans in leadership positions
Maria Zhu
Published 2024-11-01
Policy Note: Special Taxes for Special Times? A Critical Analysis of Fiscal Crisis Responses with an Earmarking Feature in the Context of EU Law
Johanna Stark
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
Economic value of 10-min neighborhood: Evidence from Munich Metropolitan Area, Germany
Yijun Sui,Bing Zhu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
What drives labor force participation rate variability? The case of West Virginia
Josh Beverly,Shamar L. Stewart,Clinton L. Neill
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
Big news: Climate-disaster expectations and the business cycle
Alexander M. Dietrich,Gernot J. Müller,Raphael S. Schoenle
Published 2024-11-01
Exploring impacts of electricity tariff on charging infrastructure planning: An activity-based approach
Alireza Rostami,Omer Verbas,Behdad Ghafarnezhad,Amirali Soltanpour,M. GhamamiA. Zockaie
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Research on shared energy storage pricing based on Nash gaming considering storage for frequency modulation and demand response of prosumers
Jinchao Li,Zijing Wu,X. Lan,Zenan Yang,Shiwei LiLiunan Yang
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
The impact of investment banks going public on underwriting behavior: Evidence from IPO clients’ earnings management
Jun Huang,Ting Li,Gary Gang Tian,Tianshu Zhang
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Published 2024-11-01
Nationwide economic analysis of pulmonary tuberculosis in the Brazilian healthcare system over seven years (2015–2022): a population-based study
Beatriz Barreto-Duarte,Klauss Villalva-Serra,Vanessa M. S. Campos,M. Cordeiro-Santos,A. KritskiM. Araújo-PereiraMoreno M. RodriguesB. B. Andrade
Published 2024-11-01
Economic impacts at the county level of marine protected areas designation in China
Jin Zhang,Zetao Lang,Jianwei Wu,Fenggui Chen
Published 2024-11-01
Debt as catalyst: Empowering renewable energy in developing countries
Deepak Kushawaha,Manisha Jain
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
International collaboration leading to high citations: Global impact or home country effect?
Jue Wang,Rainer Frietsch,Peter Neuhäusler,Rosalie Hooi
Published 2024-11-01
Stochastic Risk-driven Bidding of a Solar and Storage Aggregator in Primary Frequency and Energy Markets: A Performance-based Capacity Allocation Approach
Amir Hamidi,Mohsen Hamzeh,M. Bozorg,Rachid Cherkaoui
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
Examining disparities in energy poverty and indoor environmental quality satisfaction among Canadian households
Pedram Nojedehi,Burak Gunay,William O’Brien,Maya Papineau,Elie AzarM. SchweikerGülsu Ulukavak HarputlugilNese Ganiç Saglam
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Simulation of hydrogen transportation development path and carbon emission reduction path based on LEAP model - A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
Chaofan Shi,Guangyu Qin,Qinliang Tan,Jiahui Yang,Xi ChenQi LiuTianjin ZhangDaniel M. Kammen
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
A corruption dilemma
James Ahloy,Rebecca Gilland,John R. Hamman
Published 2024-11-01
A multi-objective techno-economic operation of distribution network considering reactive power support from renewable energy and battery storage system
G. Gangil,S. Goyal,Amit Saraswat
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
Techno-economic analysis on a hybrid system with carbon capture and energy storage for liquefied natural gas cold energy utilization
H. Si,S. Chen,R. Xie,W.Q. Zeng,X.J. ZhangL. Jiang
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Are politicians more generous? Evidence from charitable giving
Rune J. Sørensen
Published 2024-11-01
Automating efficiency: The impact of industrial robots on labor investment in China
Yunxin Liu,Yuqiang Cao,Meiting Lu,Yaowen Shan,Jiangang Xu
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
Ricardian equivalence and positively sloped IS curve: (Dis)equilibrium insights
Xakousti Chrysanthopoulou,Moïse Sidiropoulos,Alexandros Tsioutsios
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
Domain-dependent diversification: The influence of gain–loss domain on correlation choice
Charlotte Borsboom,Darren Duxbury,Alexander Nieber,Stefan Zeisberger
Published 2024-11-01
Economic analysis and effective energy management of fuel cell and battery integrated electric vehicle
C. Vimalraj,S.S. Sivaraju,V. Ranganayaki,R. Elanthirayan
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
Why is belief–action consistency so low? The role of belief uncertainty
Irenaeus Wolff,Dominik Folli
Published 2024-11-01
Techno-economic analysis and optimization of a binary geothermal combined district heat and power plant for Puga Valley, India
Siddharth Ramachandran,S. Bhogilla,P.K. Vijayan
Renewable Energy Published 2024-11-01
Participation in land rental and labor markets and agricultural economic performance of banana farmers in China
Cheng Zhang,Kunxi Nie,Yueji Zhu
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Land revenue and government myopia: Evidence from Chinese cities
Xiao Tang,Wenjie Wang,Weixing Liu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
“Icing on the cake” or “fuel delivered in the snow”? Evidence from China on ecological compensation for air pollution control
Dunhu Chang,Zeyang Zhang,Hancheng Song,Jian Wu,Xin WangZhanfeng Dong
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
The impact of natural resource dependency on green economic growth: A business environment perspective
Pengwei Guo,Yongda He,Frank Scrimgeour,Shuai Shao,Yuting Yu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Comparative analysis of eight urea-electricity-heat-cooling multi-generation systems: Energy, exergy, economic, and environmental perspectives
Mou Wu,Rujing Yan,Junqiu Fan,Jing Zhang,Jiangjiang WangLulu RenSixun ZhouZhang Bai
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-11-01
Comparative techno-economic assessment of renewable diesel production integrated with alternative hydrogen supply
Pietro M. Lunardi,Priscila M. Julio,Vinicius F. Bolson,F. D. Mayer,F. Castilhos
International journal of hydrogen energy Published 2024-11-01
Analyzing the socially sustainable impacts of private investments in the mining sector in rural areas
Tian Tian,Bo Nie,Xinran Zhang,Xinqian Li,Xiantai Hong
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Sustainable integration of mineral resources, low carbon transition, and economic resilience in China
Bo Zhou,Wenjiao Wu,Siwei Dong,Xiaoxiao Zhang,Jingyi Li
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Multibenchmark reality checks
Ignacio Arbués,Mariano Matilla-García
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
DC microgrid operation with hybrid energy storage considering islanding constraints and demand response coordination: A bi-level Stackelberg game approach
Abhishek Singh,Alok Kumar,Chinmaya K.A.,A. Maulik
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
Navigating resource scarcity and digital finance solutions for a sustainable future in ASEAN
Yaqin Chen
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Cost-effective options to reduce emissions from residential firewood heating in south-central Chile
C. Mardones,Fernando Albornoz
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Can friend-shoring policies improve export resilience? A study based on the Belt and Road initiative
Xiuzhen Mu,Qilin Zhan,Xiaohui Zeng
Published 2024-11-01
Techno-economic approach for energy management system: Multi-objective optimization algorithms for energy storage in standalone and grid-connected DC microgrids
J. Montano,Juan Pablo Guzmán,O. D. Garzón,Alejandra Maria Raigosa Barrera
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
Rethinking diversification: Assessing the impact of energy concentration on climate change in rentier and non-rentier countries
B. Saboori,Saleh Goltabar,Omid Ranjbar
Energy Strategy Reviews Published 2024-11-01
Time-varying exchange rate pass-through over 2005–2021 using dynamic model averaging
Yasemin Colak,L. Erden,Ibrahim Ozkan
Published 2024-11-01
Constructing stock portfolios by sorting on ESG ratings: Does the rating provider matter?
M. Horn,Andreas Oehler
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Impacts of refugee influx on the local economy and environmental degradation in Bangladesh: A spatial multilevel autoregressive analysis
Maiko Sakamoto,S. M. A. Ullah,Masakazu Tani
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Propositions for place-based policies in making regional innovation systems. Evidence from six high-tech industrial development zones in China
Simin Yan,Lin Zou,Anna Growe,Qixuan Wang
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Simpson�s Paradox: Conceptual Foundational Implications in Real-Life Decision-Making in Quantitative Investment and Trading
Pankaj Mani
Wilmott Magazine Published 2024-11-01
Analyzing the interplay between eco-friendly and Islamic digital currencies and green investments
Mahdi Ghaemi Asl,Sami Ben Jabeur,Younes Ben Zaied
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Fostering strategic synergy: Empirical insights on aligning innovation activities with competitive strategies
Lili Qiu,D. Olaru,S. Purchase
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Cost-effectiveness of temporary electric fencing for preventing wild boar intrusion into small-scale paddy farmlands
Hiroki Matsumura,Daisuke Nakamura,Chinatsu Kozakai,Masahiko Takeuchi,Toshiyuki Kawana
Crop Protection Published 2024-11-01
Equity weighting increases valuations when using real-world data
Austin Burlile,Peter Maniloff
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Published 2024-11-01
Government investment, level of marketization and high-quality tourism development
Wenzheng Zhang,Songqin Ren,Yunchun Zhang,Cheng Li
Published 2024-11-01
Knowledge spillover and entrepreneurship: Evidence from BITNET
Mine Ertugrul,K. Krishnan,Qianqian Yu
Research Policy Published 2024-11-01
Analyzing the impacts on passenger yield of incumbent companies after the entry of a new company into the aviation market: The case of Brazil
Arlley Pereira de Araujo,Maria Rosa Borges
Journal of Air Transport Management Published 2024-11-01
How do network embeddedness and knowledge stock influence collaboration dynamics? Evidence from patents
Qianqian Jin,Hongshu Chen,Xuefeng Wang,Fei Xiong
Published 2024-11-01
Balancing environmental sustainability through fintech, green finance natural resource, and economic growth in Asian economies - A Cup-FM and Cup-BC study
Lu Zhang,Wing-Keung Wong,Lunwu Liu,Ata Al Shraah,Badah AlbasherZilola Shamansurova
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Labor market reform as an external enabler of high-growth entrepreneurship: A multi-level institutional contingency perspective
Daniel L. Bennett,Gary A. Wagner,Michael E. Araki
Journal of Business Venturing Published 2024-11-01
Land financialization and gentrification: evidence from China
Yinxin Su,Song Shi,Mingzhi Hu,Yuzhe Wu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Economic Analysis of Edge Caching Enabled Mobile Internet Ecosystem
Changkun Jiang,Lin Gao,Fen Hou,Jianqiang Li
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Published 2024-11-01
A real-time charging price strategy of distribution network based on comprehensive demand response of EVs and cooperative game
Qun Gao,Hua Li,Ke Peng,Cong Zhang,Xiaohui Qu
Journal of Energy Storage Published 2024-11-01
Can the construction of smart cities promote the capital allocation efficiency: Evidence from China
Shuhui Cui,Guangqin Li,Jiashu Liu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Does capital flight set Africa as the seat of darkness? Linking capital flight and energy poverty
Désiré Avom,Chrysost Bangake,Brice Kamguia
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Opposition to markets: Experimental evidence
Karen E. Hauge,S. Kverndokk,Andreas Lange
Published 2024-11-01
The decomposition of carbon productivity under the context of international trade
Jingwen Liu,Tosihiro Oka
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Uneven emission reduction effects of international trade in energy and environmental goods in the global value chain
Pei. Wang,Xiyan Mao,Xianjin Huang
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
Eco-tech fusion: Unraveling the nonparametric causal effects of fintech, natural resources, digital infrastructure, and economic growth on environmental sustainability from a quantile perspective
Mansoora Ahmed,A. Khaskheli,Syed Ali Raza,M. K. Hassan
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Hidden effects and externalities of electric vehicles
M. Haghani,Hadi Ghaderi,David Hensher
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Modeling renewable energy market behavior and climate risk moderation for achieving the sustainable development goal 7
Ran Wei,Eugene Yin-Cheung Wong,Xian Yong
Energy Strategy Reviews Published 2024-11-01
Stepping forward with ease: Government debt governance as a catalyst for entrepreneurship
Chuantao Cui,Yinhao Yang,Huanhui Gan,Jie Dong
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Mining industry development, enforcement intensity of security policy and intra-city development disparity
Jing Liu,Xiao Dan Wang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Cropland non-agriculturalization caused by the expansion of built-up areas in China during 1990–2020
Xiaoran Wu,Na Zhao,Yuwei Wang,Liqiang Zhang,Wei WangYansui Liu
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Article: Green Regionalism: US Strategies to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals
Arnav Sharma,Ashutosh Kashyap
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
Carbon and oxygen recycling strategies in CO2-to-sustainable synthetic fuel production: Recycling route, techno-economics and carbon intensity
Jinsu Kim,Yanhui Yuan,Yi Ren,Benjamin A. McCool,Ryan P. LivelyM. Realff
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-11-01
Toward low carbon development through digital economy: A new perspective of factor market distortion
Yanwei Lyu,Jinning Zhang,Wenqiang Wang,Yutao Li,Yong Geng
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Ancillary services in power system transition toward a 100% non-fossil future: Market design challenges in the United States and Europe
Luigi Viola,Saeed Mohammadi,Daniel Dotta,M. Hesamzadeh,Ross BaldickDamian Flynn
Electric power systems research Published 2024-11-01
Distributed peer-to-peer electricity-heat-carbon trading for multi-energy virtual power plants considering copula-CVaR theory and trading preference
Zhenhua Cui,Xinyue Chang,Yixun Xue,Zhongkai Yi,Zening LiHongbin Sun
Published 2024-11-01
The AOCI filter removal and bank lending in times of stress
M. Anani,Eman Ibrahem Elwasify
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Published 2024-11-01
Nuanced strategies for material efficiency: Addressing developmental heterogeneities and socio-economic shifts
Xiao Li,Xuezhao Chen,Haijia Shi,Quanbao Jiang,Ruichang MaoChenyi KangWei-Qiang ChenJunming Zhu
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-11-01
Does the digital economy catalyze the emergence of urban shrinkage? — Empirical evidence from Chinese prefecture-level cities
Zuo Li,Li Yao,Meimei Wang,Guoen Wei,Pingjun Sun
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Top research performance in Poland over three decades: A multidimensional micro-data approach
Marek Kwiek,Wojciech Piotr Roszka
Published 2024-11-01
Balancing through agglomeration: A third path to sustainable development between common prosperity and carbon neutrality in China
Mengxue Zhao,Hon S. Chan
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Energy poverty in African countries: An assessment of trends and policies
W. Leal Filho,Andrea Gatto,Ayyoob Sharifi,A. Sálvia,Zeus GuevaraS. AwoniyiCarelle Mang-BenzaCosmos Nike NweduDinesh SurroopKevin Ovita TeddyUsman MuhammadVictoria R. NaluleIzael da Silva
Published 2024-11-01
Characterizing a probabilistic version of the Boston mechanism under weak priorities
Shanhui Yang
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
Parameter instabilities and monetary policy in a small open economy: Evidence from an estimated model for the UK
Rene Zamarripa
Published 2024-11-01
Behavioural insights into energy consumption in times of crisis
Benjamin Kirchler,Andrea Kollmann,Anca Sinea,Clara Volintiru
Published 2024-11-01
Can digitalization alleviate China's energy poverty? Empirical investigation and mechanism analysis
Miaomiao Tao,Zheng Joseph Yan,Sihong Wu,Emilson Silva,Lingli Qi
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
Making digital technology innovation happen: The role of the CEO's information technology backgrounds
Shuang Zhao,Yunfang Guan,Haiyan Zhou,Feng Hu
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
An environmental Kuznets curve for global forests: An application of the mi-lasso estimator
Rowan Cherodian,Iain Fraser
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
What's in a name? Evidence of transgender labor discrimination in Mexico
Alejandra Martínez-Alfaro,A. Silverio-Murillo,Jose Balmori-de-la-Miyar
Published 2024-11-01
How can energy-relevant investment decisions be boosted? The role of events as initiators and drivers of the decision process
Gonzalo Haefner,I. Kastner,Andreas Deuß,Jan-Niklas Meier,Katrin BeerKarolin SchmidtPaul LehmannEllen Matthies
Published 2024-11-01
Improving Northeast China’s soybean and maize planting structure through subsidy optimization considering climate change and comparative economic benefit
Yihang Huang,Zhengjia Liu
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Temperature and life satisfaction: Evidence from Chinese older adults
Haoyang Li,Yifeng Chen,Mingming Ma
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
How economic policies and development impact marine fisheries: Lessons learned from a transitional economy
Thanh Viet Nguyen,Nguyen Kim Hoang
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
K. Schaefer,MI Rodriguez
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Exploring sustainable food system transformation options in China: An integrated environmental-economic modelling approach based on the applied general equilibrium framework
Weitong Long,Xueqin Zhu,H. Weikard,O. Oenema,Yong Hou
Sustainable Production and Consumption Published 2024-11-01
Blessings or curses? Exploring the impact of digital technology innovation on natural resource utilization efficiency in China
Senmiao Yang,Kangyin Dong,Jianda Wang,Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Techno-economic assessment of swine manure biochar production in large-scale piggeries in China
Mao Hu,Kai Guo,Haiqin Zhou,Wenkun Zhu,Liangwei DengLichun Dai
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Endogenous reorganization: Status, productivity & meritocratic dynamics
Ashutosh Thakur,Jonathan Bendor
Published 2024-11-01
The kind of things that money just can't buy: The role of potential absorptive capacity in enhancing firm-level employment growth
Luca Cattani,Francesco Savoia,Ludovico Bullini Orlandi
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Natural resources and green economic growth: The role of artificial intelligence
Chien‐Chiang Lee,Chengnan Xuan,Fuhao Wang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Premium pricing and capacity rationing for advance selling with consumers regret
Chengyuan Xu,Bin Zhang,Hui Yang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
The impact of energy prices in decarbonizing buildings’ energy use in the EU27
Ece Özer,L. Kranzl,A. Müller,Behnam Zakeri
Energy and Buildings Published 2024-11-01
Are consumers “green” enthusiasts or skeptics? Evidence from nontimber forest products
Bindu Paudel,Mo Zhou
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Unlocking the potential of natural resources, fintech and fiscal policy for carbon neutrality; evidence from N-11 nations
Shaohuai Feng,Mohd Wira Mohd Shafiei,T. F. Ng,Jie Ren
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Optimal preventive maintenance: Balancing reliability and costs in the electricity market
Seon-Yong Kim,Man-Keun Kim,Myung Hwan Choi,Dae-Wook Kim
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Assessing performance and disparities in China’s land finance transition: Insights from neo-liberalism and neo-Marxism
Yihao Zhang,Yong Liu,Qiaoran Yang,Wenze Yue
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Analyzing heterogeneous electric vehicle charging preferences for strategic time-of-use tariff design and infrastructure development: A latent class approach
YeHa Yang,SoYoung Yang,HyungBin Moon,JongRoul Woo
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Relative size distribution of business firms—A QRSE approach
Doğuhan Sündal
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
The value of green and blue space: Walkability and house prices
Michael McCord,John McCord,Daniel Lo,Louise Brown,Sean MacintyreGraham Squires
Cities Published 2024-11-01
The green bonus of tax incentives: Evidence from China
Qingyang Wu,Yaqi Wang,Guangjun Shen
Published 2024-11-01
Key capabilities for closed-loop supply chain: Empirical evidence from manufacturing firms
Manjot Singh Bhatia,Saurabh Kumar,K. Gangwani,Bhavneet Kaur
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Can FinTech promote enterprise cross-region investment? ——Evidence from China
Rui Huang,Lei Quan,Haotian Luo,Ziwei Gao,Xiaobing LaiSong Tang
Published 2024-11-01
Hidden income and its impact on expenditure patterns in Uganda
Cansın Arslan,Daniel Gregg,Randy Stringer
World Development Published 2024-11-01
For cash, the planet, or for both: Evaluating an informational intervention for energy consumption reduction
Florian Lange,Ranja Van Asbroeck,Dimitri Van Baelen,Siegfried Dewitte
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
How Basic Income Works: Recent studies show a universal basic income could improve lives.
Allison Parshall
Scientific American Published 2024-11-01
Towards sustainable development: Can green digital finance become an accelerator for reducing pollution and carbon emissions in China?
Qingmin Yin,Yibing Huang,Chenhui Ding,Xiaodong Jing
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
A bargaining game for implementing the equal gain splitting rule in sequencing situations
Guangjing Yang
Operations Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
A geospatial clustering algorithm and its integration into a techno-economic rural electrification planning model
Mirelys Torres-Pérez,Javier Domínguez,Luis Arribas,Julio Amador,Pedro CillerAndrés González-García
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
Does the shipping alliance aggravate or alleviate container shipping market volatility
Shiyuan Zheng,Kun Wang,Kangyin Dong,Yulai Wan,Xiaowen Fu
Published 2024-11-01
The impact of common institutional ownership on financialization in non-financial enterprise: Exacerbation or inhibition?
Zihao Ning,Zhibo Xu,Pengju Zheng
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
“For whoever has will be given more”? Land rental decisions and technical efficiency in Ukraine
V. Kvartiuk,E. Bukin,Thomas Herzfeld
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Roe v. Wade and sex balancing
Yichu Li
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
Balancing India's energy trilemma: Assessing the role of renewable energy and green technology innovation for sustainable development
Puspanjali Behera,Litu Sethi,N. Sethi
Energy Published 2024-11-01
The effect of SMS reminders on health screening uptake: A randomized experiment in Indonesia
Maja E. Marcus,Anna Reuter,Lisa Rogge,Sebastian Vollmer
Published 2024-11-01
Adoption of Chinese cars and the shift to electric vehicles: Early evidence from Norway
Johannes Mauritzen
Transport Policy Published 2024-11-01
Regulatory profiling and endogenous benchmarking
Panagiotis Tziogkidis,D. Philippas
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Do relationships matter?—Director networks and corporate open innovation
Ming Liu,Yemei Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Unraveling the impact of patent transfers on regional innovation: Empirical insights through the lens of entity relationships
Zhishan Cai,Ding Ma,Rui Zhou,Zhiwang Zhang
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Clustered sovereign defaults
Anurag Singh
Journal of International Economics Published 2024-11-01
Do banks engage in earnings management? The role of dividends and institutional factors
Mamiza Haq,S. Ongena,Juying Pu,Eric K. M. Tan
Published 2024-11-01
Sustainable education index and copper trade interconnections
Yanqiang Lou
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
How to interpret consumer confidence shocks? State-level evidence
Sangyup Choi,Jaehun Jeong,Donghoon Yoo
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
The Political Economy of Currency Unions
Kai Arvai
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Quantile connectedness among digital assets, traditional assets, and renewable energy prices during extreme economic crisis
U. Kayani,Mirzat Ullah,A. Aysan,Sidra Nazir,Josephine Frempong
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-11-01
Stress testing climate risk: A network-based analysis of the Chinese banking system
Hai-Chuan Xu,Tai-Min Li,Peng‐Fei Dai,Duc Khuong Nguyen,Wei-Xing Zhou
Journal of International Money and Finance Published 2024-11-01
Relative prices and relative supplies in the UK beef meat industry: A wavelet cross-correlation analysis
P. Fousekis
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
Climate policy uncertainty, clean energy and energy metals: A quantile time-frequency spillover study
Sen Qiao,Yuan Chang,Xi Xi Mai,Yi Jing Dang
Energy Economics Published 2024-11-01
On the prevalence and intensity of labour shortages
Erik Frohm
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
Pathways towards net-zero emissions in Indonesia's energy sector
Yudha Irmansyah Siregar
Energy Published 2024-11-01
A comprehensive review of progress in sustainable development goals from energy and environment perspectives
M. Kartal,M. Santosh,Talat Ulussever,U. Pata,Serpil Kılıç Depren
Energy Strategy Reviews Published 2024-11-01
Does entrepreneurship really reduce income inequality?
Yosef Bonaparte,Naman Kumar
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
How good am I? Effects and mechanisms behind salient rank
Rigissa Megalokonomou,Yi Zhang
European Economic Review Published 2024-11-01
Evaluating the impact of multiple uncertainty shocks on China's airline stocks volatility: A novel joint quantile perspective
Xin Li,Chiwei Su
Journal of Air Transport Management Published 2024-11-01
How do partner selection strategies affect the amount of funding in collaborative research projects? Evidence using the dual-projection approach
Andrea Ancona,Roy Cerqueti,Rosanna Grassi
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Case beyond historical severity: Winds, faults, outages, and costs for electric grid
J. Jasiūnas,Ilona Láng-Ritter,Tatu Heikkinen,Peter D. Lund
Applied Energy Published 2024-11-01
Demand response assisted energy and reserve procurement in renewable integrated dynamic energy market
Akanksha Sharma,Sumedha Sharma
Electric power systems research Published 2024-11-01
Technological innovation, industrial structure upgrading and mining energy efficiency: An analysis based on the super-efficient EBM model
Xiaowei Ma,Xueya Xu,Zijie Wang,Xin Zhao,Hyoungsuk LeeTadeusz Truskolaski
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Article: A Hamiltonian Moment for EU Taxation?
G. Bizioli
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
The Subsidy Trap: Explaining the Unsatisfactory Effectiveness of Hiring Subsidies for the Senior Unemployed
Axana Dalle,E. Verhofstadt,Stijn Baert
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Article: Mirroring Comparative Fiscal Federalism to Design the EU Revenue Side
Ricardo García Antón
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
Great Year Bad Sharpe
Matteo Smerlak
Wilmott Magazine Published 2024-11-01
Contagion mechanism of liquidity risk in the interbank network
Naixi Chen,Hong Fan,Congyuan Pang
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
Systemic bank runs without aggregate risk: How a misallocation of liquidity may trigger a solvency crisis
Lukas Altermatt,Hugo van Buggenum,L. Voellmy
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-11-01
How fiscally autonomous are local governments? An empirical test
Nicola Mauri
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Norms and the evolution of leaders' followership
A. Cabrales,Esther Hauk
Published 2024-11-01
The importance of schools in driving children’s applications for disability benefits
Michael Levere,Jeffrey Hemmeter,David Wittenburg
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Distributed economic dispatch control in smart grid based on fixed-time dynamic event-triggered algorithm
Lianghao Ji,Zhenxiang Xu,Shasha Yang,Xing Guo,Huaqing Li
Electric power systems research Published 2024-11-01
COVID-19 employment shocks and safety net expansion: Health effects on displaced workers
Daniel Schneider,K. Harknett,Annette Gailliot
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
End-of-life nickel recycling: Energy security and circular economy development
Hongying Sun,Xingyu Wu,Xiaolei Wang,Jia Liu,Guanyuan He
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
The Economic Consequences of Being Widowed by War: A Life-Cycle Perspective
S. T. Braun,Jan Stuhler
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Identifying the role of high school in educational inequality: A causal mediation approach
Sho Fujihara
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
An analysis of economic stability and financial development in India using asymmetric cointegration and simulative causality tests
Muzffar Hussain Dar,Md. Zulquar Nain
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
Fairer schooling for a better housing environment: Effect of abolishing school zones on the housing market
Rong Guan,Jian Liang,Kang Mo Koo,Ke Su
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Blended Insurance Scheme: A Synergistic Conventional-Index Insurance Mixture
Jinggong Zhang
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Choking under pressure in online and live esports competitions
I. Naidenova,Petr Parshakov,Igor Tylkin,Gleb Vasiliev
Published 2024-11-01
From policy to practice: The role of national policy instruments and social barriers in UK energy efficiency adoption in households
Cristina Peñasco
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
What Are the Priorities of Bureaucrats? Evidence From Conjoint Experiments With Procurement Officials
Janne Tukiainen,Sebastian Blesse,A. Bohne,Leonardo M. Giuffrida,Jan JääskeläinenAri LuukinenAntti Sieppi
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Does analyst forecast informativeness affect managers’ financial reporting incentives?
Kimberly S. Krieg,Ferdinand Siagian,Juan Wu
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
Associations of the Philadelphia sweetened beverage tax with changes in adult body weight: an interrupted time series analysis
Joshua Petimar,Christina A. Roberto,Jason P. Block,Nandita Mitra,Emily F. GregoryEmma K. EdmondsonGary HettingerLaura A. Gibson
Published 2024-11-01
Impact of externalities on fishers' risk-taking decisions: Evidence from an experimental study at Lake Victoria, Uganda
Philipp Daniel Händel,Dorothy Birungi Namuyiga
Published 2024-11-01
The risk and return of equity and credit index options
Hitesh Doshi,Jan Ericsson,Mathieu Fournier,S. Seo
Journal of Financial Economics Published 2024-11-01
Green vs. brown: Climate risk showdown – who’s thriving, who’s diving?
Dongyang Zhang,Dingchuan Bai,Yizhi Wang
Journal of International Money and Finance Published 2024-11-01
The spatial spillover impact and transmission mechanisms of logistics agglomeration on eco-efficiency: A case study in China
Hua Yao,Xinlian Yu,Haijun Mao,Dongling Bai,Shunfeng Zhang
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Can “ Zero waste city” policy promote green technology? Evidence from econometrics and machine learning
Shenghao Bi,Jianxiao Du,Zhenjun Yan,Andrea Appolloni
Journal of Environmental Management Published 2024-11-01
How does venture capital play a role in corporate green innovation? Evidence from China
Peiyou Yu,Hui Dai,Jianhua Zhu,S. Hamori,Rebecca Kechen DongXiaoguang Yue
Published 2024-11-01
Pre-commitment in bargaining with endogenous credibility
Zhuoqiong Chen,Ruixin Wang,Jichuan Zong
Published 2024-11-01
The importance of green patents for CDS pricing: The role of environmental disclosures
Sohanur Rahman
Energy Economics Published 2024-11-01
Revalidation of the applicability of Altmetrics indicators in article-level evaluation: An empirical analysis of papers of different types of citation trajectories
Hao Li,Jianhua Hou
Published 2024-11-01
Does the subsidiary's climate risk matter? Evidence from the stock price crash
Xiaoyuan Liu,Deli Wang,Wenqi Han,Shangrui Wu
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
A novel profit-driven framework for model evaluation in credit scoring
Hossein Mohammadnejad-Daryani,A. Taleizadeh,D. Pamučar
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
The effect of common ownership among supply chain parties on decision-making and surplus with manufacturer encroachment
Jumpei Hamamura
Published 2024-11-01
The sharing economy and urban crime
Bryan S. Weber
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Paving the road to re-election
Camille Boudot-Reddy,André Butler
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Climate policy uncertainty and urban green total factor productivity: Evidence from China
Zhifeng Dai,Haoyang Zhu
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling the blueprint for rural digital prosperity: A comparative examination of top 100 digital counties in China
Yunqing Liu,Zekun Dai,Xin Zhao
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Contours of collaboration: Understanding emerging communities of practice in economic development
Joel Jennings
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Incentivizing interdependent tasks: Evidence from a real-effort experiment
Lorenz Goette,Julien Senn
Published 2024-11-01
Race-blind admissions, school segregation, and student outcomes
Jason Cook
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Vertical acquisition and carbon capture and storage choices under cap-and-trade regulation with sustainable finance
Shi Chen,Yonghong Zhao,Chuen-Ping Chang,Jyh-Horng Lin,Ching-Hui Chang
Energy Economics Published 2024-11-01
Factors influencing consumers' willingness to adopt renewable energy technologies: A paradigm to alleviate energy poverty
Kiran Batool,Zhen-Yu Zhao,Muhammad Irfan
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Study on the relationship between economic input growth in Marine protected areas and environmental governance in the North Pacific Coast of Costa Rica: Based on reef fish assemblages
Jifei Wei,Junaid Bilal
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
A Deep Learning Prediction Model to Predict Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia
Published 2024-11-01
The asymmetric nexus between energy transition and its drivers: New evidence from China
Muhammad Sheraz,Avik Sinha,Quande Qin,Muhammad Zubair Mumtaz
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Demotic Ostracon of Account of money
Esraa Mohamed Abd El-Halim Ahmed
Published 2024-11-01
The role of environmental innovation on ecologic footprint in nations with high technology exports concentrations in international trade
Ö. Ersin,Ayfer Ustabaş,Ojonugwa Usman
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
From fork to fish: The role of demand on the sustainability of multi-species fishery
Coralie Kersulec,Luc Doyen,A. Cissé
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
Resource curse, energy consumption, and moderating role of digital governance: Insights from South Asian countries
Feng Wang,Tayyaba Rani,Asif Razzaq
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
The impact of stock market liberalization on management forecast precision–Evidence from Mainland-Hong Kong Stock Connect Programs in China
Renhui Fu,Fang Gao,Yi Zhao
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Published 2024-11-01
The economic contribution of U.S. seafood imports throughout the value chain: A sectorial and species-specific analysis
João-Pedro Ferreira,T. Garlock,Christa D. Court,James L. Anderson,Frank Asche
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Trade Liberalization and Labor Monopsony: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Illenin Kondo,Y. Li,Wei Qian
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Research on the strategies of electricity retailers: Retail plan design and reserve market participation
Hao Ming,Kairui Zhang,Ciwei Gao,Jie Yu,Xingyu YanBoyuan Xie
Published 2024-11-01
Exciting Times are Ahead - Gaussian Views and Yield Curve Extrapolation
Jorg Kienitz
Wilmott Magazine Published 2024-11-01
How industrial robots affect labor income share in task model: Evidence from Chinese A-share listed companies
Junhong Du,Jiajia He,Jing Yang,Xiaohong Chen
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
MetaEconomics and MetaManagement for MetaCities and MetaSocieties in Metaverse
Rui Qin,Juanjuan Li,Fei-Yue Wang
Published 2024-11-01
Optimal investment of distribution energy resources via energy performance contracts: An evolutionary game approach
Lizhong Zhang,Yue Xiang
Renewable Energy Published 2024-11-01
Informing HPV vaccine pricing for government-funded vaccination in mainland China: a modelling study
Tingting You,Xuelian Zhao,Chenghao Pan,Meng Gao,Shangying HuYang LiuYong ZhangY. QiaoFanghui ZhaoM. Jit
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific Published 2024-11-01
The determinants and impact of research grants: The case of Brazilian productivity scholarships
M. Perlin,Denis Borenstein,Takeyoshi Imasato,Marcos Reichert
Published 2024-11-01
An evolutionary dynamical analysis of low-carbon technology diffusion among enterprises in the complex network
Yu’e Wu,Zeyun Liu,Xinyu Wang,Shuhua Zhang,Jixin Feng
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Energy price surges and inflation: Fiscal policy to the rescue?
Christian Glocker,Philipp Wegmüller
Journal of International Money and Finance Published 2024-11-01
Dynamic spillover effects and interconnectedness of DeFi assets, commodities, and Islamic stock markets during crises
Ijaz Younis,Anna Min Du,Himani Gupta,Waheed Ullah Shah
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
The Implications of Financial Flexibility on Investment Ability: Evidence from Egypt
Radwa A Elsherbiney,Bahaaeldin Allam,Khairy Elgiziry
Published 2024-11-01
Frontier technology readiness and mineral resources utilization effect on load capacity factor: Mediating function of fintech indicators
Ying Han,Liwen Sun
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Should I Stay (in School) or Should I Go (to Work)
Lee Tyrrell-Hendry
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Food waste in high income countries: Spanish fish value chain as a case study
Saray Ramírez-Rodríguez,Amèlia Sarroca,Santiago Pelosso,David Fernández-Guerrero,Lourdes Reig Puig
Fisheries Research Published 2024-11-01
Peer effects in digital inclusive finance participation decisions: Evidence from rural China
Wenyi Lyu,Leng Yu,Jiajun Zhang
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Deep learning-based electricity price forecasting: Findings on price predictability and European electricity markets
Kasra Aliyon,J. Ritvanen
Energy Published 2024-11-01
The impact of electricity market reform on renewable energy production
Xiaobin Cheng,Pengfei Liu,Lei Zhu
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
A new approach to forecasting Islamic and conventional oil and gas stock prices
Mahdi Ghaemi Asl,O. Adekoya,Muhammad Mahdi Rashidi,J. Oliyide,Sahel Rajab
Published 2024-11-01
Zooming Out: Circular Economy Development in the European Union and its Implications on the Economy and Society
Charleen von Kolpinski,Jan Kratzer
Circular Economy Published 2024-11-01
Airline industry equities under external uncertainty shocks
Nicolás Blampied,S. M. Mahadeo
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
Unpacking the economic impact of tourism: A multidimensional approach to sustainable development
C. Elgin,A. Elveren
Journal of Cleaner Production Published 2024-11-01
Evaluating the economic influence of water sources on green hydrogen production: A cost analysis approach
Leonardo Santana,G. Santos,Ana Santos,Chrislaine Marinho,Artur BispoHugo VillardiFernando Pessoa
International journal of hydrogen energy Published 2024-11-01
Unlocking the impact of international financial support to infrastructure, energy efficiency, and ICT on CO2 emissions in India
Oktay Özkan,M. A. Destek,D. Balsalobre-lorente,Parisa Esmaeili
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Brand envy in economic disparity: Understanding and mitigating malicious envy towards brands among consumers perceiving limited economic mobility
Hyuna Bak,Youjae Yi
Journal of business research Published 2024-11-01
Fly the unfriendly skies: The role of transport costs in gravity models of trade
Tibor Besedeš,Jing Chu,A. Murshid
Journal of International Economics Published 2024-11-01
Global drivers of inflation: The role of supply chain disruptions and commodity price shocks
Elena Maria Diaz,J. Cuñado,F. D. de Gracia
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
Transitioning towards circular households: Exploring influential factors and constraints
Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva,Tomás B. Ramos
Sustainable Production and Consumption Published 2024-11-01

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