Newest journal articles by subject

Subjects > Linguistics

Multilingual code refactoring detection based on deep learning
Tao Li,Yang Zhang
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Exploring corpus-invariant emotional acoustic feature for cross-corpus speech emotion recognition
Hailun Lian,Cheng Lu,Yan Zhao,Sunan Li,Tianhua QiYuan Zong
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Assessing interactional competence through group discussion: A mixed methods validation
John Syquia,Paul Leeming
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Published 2024-12-01
Book review
Yajing Wu,Jingyuan Zhang,Hongyan Zhao
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-12-01
Towards explainable automatic punctuation restoration for Portuguese using transformers
T. Lima,V. Rolim,André C. A. Nascimento,Péricles B. C. Miranda,Valmir MacarioLuiz A. L. RodriguesElyda FreitasD. GaševićR. Mello
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
DMSeqNet-mBART: A state-of-the-art Adaptive-DropMessage enhanced mBART architecture for superior Chinese short news text summarization
Kangjie Cao,Weijun Cheng,Yiya Hao,Yichao Gan,Ruihuan GaoJunxu ZhuJinyao Wu
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Random-item Rasch models and explanatory extensions: A worked example using L2 vocabulary test item responses
Karen J. Dunn
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Published 2024-12-01
Metaphorical Expressions in Hausa Court Songs: A Study of Sa’idu Faru’s Waƙar Mamman Sarkin Kudu
Adamu Shede, Ph.D
A Pragmastylistic Analysis of Figurative Language Used in Selected Royal Court Songs of Sa’idu Faru
Sani Garba Masama,Bala Dankande Tsafe,Zubairu Abdullahi
دراسة مقارنة لظاهرة أساليب التشبيه بين الشاعرين المتنبي وسعيد فَارُ
Dr. Abubakar Adamu Masama,Muhammad Arabi Umar
Sa’idu Faru and His Subordinate Mu’azu in the Song Waƙar Mamman Sarkin Kudu: A Multilogue Implicature in a Dialogue
Abdulmalik Aminu, PhD,Jibrin Bala Dambo PhD,B.S.Y. Al-Hassan
A Coptic Epitaph for Apa Simothe of Tiloj
Lincoln H. Blumell,Kerry Hull
IWNW Published 2024-11-01
Influence of dialect diversity on level of urban innovation—Empirical evidence based on 276 cities in China
Jiahui Luo,Zhixiong TAN
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Configuring interactional space in interpreter-mediated deaf-hearing interaction in mobile task transitions
Minttu Laine
Published 2024-11-01
TPKE-QA: A gapless few-shot extractive question answering approach via task-aware post-training and knowledge enhancement
Qiao Xiao,Renxuan Albert Li,Jianxi Yang,Yu Chen,Shixin JiangDi Wang
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-11-01
A multifaceted approach to detect gender biases in Natural Language Generation
Juan Pablo Consuegra-Ayala,Iván Martínez-Murillo,Elena Lloret,Paloma Moreda,M. Palomar
Knowledge-Based Systems Published 2024-11-01
Investigating the contribution of student engagement and foreign language enjoyment to English majors’ TEM4-related positive emotions: A positive reinforcement perspective
Xuefeng Wu,Liping Chen
Learning and Motivation Published 2024-11-01
Research on the impact of streamers’ linguistic emotional valence on live streaming performance in live streaming shopping environments
Xiangyang Ma,Hongzhong Chen,Xiaoping Lang,Tieshan Li,Niwei WuBao Duong
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
Sentiment analysis of student evaluation feedback using transformer-based language models
Ibnu Daqiqil ID,Hendy Saputra,Syamsudhuha Syamsudhuha,Rahmad Kurniawan,Yanti Andriyani
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
Problems of Identification and Use of Language Variants at all Levels of the Language System when Learning Russian for Foreigners
Yu. V. Biktimirova,T. Y. Ignatovich
Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University Series Pedagogical Sciences Published 2024-11-01
A multi-task framework based on decomposition for multimodal named entity recognition
Chenran Cai,Qianlong Wang,Bing Qin,Ruifeng Xu
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Exploring motivations for algorithm mention in the domain of natural language processing: A deep learning approach
Yuzhuo Wang,Yi Xiang,Chengzhi Zhang
Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the landscape of dysarthric speechrecognition: a survey of literature
Aneeta S. Antony,Rohini Nagapadma,Ajish K. Abraham
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
The emotion regulation antecedents of tertiary EFL instructors and their use of reappraisal and suppression
E. Meşe,E. Mede
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-11-01
Evolutions of semantic consistency in research topic via contextualized word embedding
Shengzhi Huang,Wei Lu,Qikai Cheng,Zhuoran Luo,Yong Huang
Published 2024-11-01
(Anti)Causativization of psych verbs in Spanish and Japanese
Ayumi Shimoyoshi
Language sciences Published 2024-11-01
The effects of task complexity and collaborative writing on L2 syntactical complexity development: A self-determination theory perspective
Kaixuan Wang,Lawrence Jun Zhang,Mingzhe Wang,Yijing Wu,Maria Cooper
Learning and Motivation Published 2024-11-01
A dual-channel multimodal sentiment analysis framework based on three-way decision
Xingang Wang,Mengyi Wang,Hai Cui,Yijia Zhang
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
A comprehensive survey of text classification techniques and their research applications: Observational and experimental insights
Kamal Taha,Paul D. Yoo,C. Yeun,Dirar Homouz,Aya Taha
Computer Science Review Published 2024-11-01
Voices in reading literature
Dag-Tore Nordbø Kristiansen,Karin Kukkonen,S. Eriksen,S. B. Trasmundi
Language sciences Published 2024-11-01
Three-way concept lattice from adjunctive positive and negative concepts
Binghan Long,Tingquan Deng,Yiyu Yao,Weihua Xu
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Published 2024-11-01
Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Financial Review with Implicit Aspect and Opinion Using Semantic Similarity and Hybrid Approach
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems Published 2024-10-31
Using Deep Learning Techniques to Detect Hate and Abusive Language in Arabic Tweets
Heba Al-Jarrah,Mohammad Al-Smadi,Mahmoud M. Hammad,Fatima Shannaq
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems Published 2024-10-31
Indonesian News Stance Classification Based on Hybrid Bidirectional LSTM and Transformer Based Embedding
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems Published 2024-10-31
Syntax and semantics of Role Shift in Japanese Sign Language
Noriko Kawasaki
Published 2024-10-28
Enhancing Text Summarization with Linguistic Prompting and Reinforcement Learning: A Human-Centered Approach
Tehnički Vjesnik Published 2024-10-15
The effectiveness of artificial intelligence on English language learning achievement
Tianyuan Xu,Huang Wang
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
"Rape Myths in Two Selected American Rape Trials: A Thematic-Linguistic Analysis of Strategy-Based Questions of Cross-Examinations "
Yara Zidan
هرمس Published 2024-10-01
A Constraint-Based Analysis of the Phonological Adaptation of English Loanwords into Najdi Arabic
Published 2024-10-01
Low-to mid-level high school first-year EFL learners’ growth language mindset, grit, burnout, and engagement: Using serial mediation models to explore their relationships
Na Fan,Chengsong Yang,Feng Kong,Yue Zhang
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
A systematic review of reading self-efficacy in second or foreign language learning
Ke Yang,Zhengdong Gan
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Indonesian vocational college students’ attitudes towards project-based learning in English courses
Ira Mutiaraningrum,S. Fitriati,I. Yuliasri,Mursid Saleh
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Fostering a translingual framework in teacher education focused on pragmatics: Identity and the multilingual turn in pragmatics pedagogy
Noriko Ishihara
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
The Chinese change-of-state token o in responsive units
Hongyuan Liu,Mi Tian,Shuangyun Yao
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
Scientific landscape on opportunities and challenges of large language models and natural language processing
Rachel Edita O. Roxas,Reginald Neil C. Recario
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Published 2024-10-01
Identifying Grammar Learning Strategies Used by EFL Learners to Develop Explicit and Implicit Knowledge of Grammar
Published 2024-10-01
A corpus-based study of phrasal and clausal temporal adjuncts at the left and right peripheries across genres of written English discourse
Matthias Klumm
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
Issues in Learning Labial Consonants of English by Arabic Speaking Students in Saudi Arabia: A Test of Feature Model
Published 2024-10-01
“A thought group is a group, not a thought!” results of a teaching intervention on complex noun phrases in Canadian EAP programs
Dmitri Priven,Guillaume Gentil,Geoffrey G. Pinchbeck,Brian Strong
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Are you seriously speaking? Ostensible criticisms in Chinese context
Chao Dai,Xinren Chen
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-10-01
Reading comprehension skills in children with language development disorder—Systematic review
Tatiane Sbrugnara,Simone Rocha de Vasconcellos Hage
Revista de Logopedia Foniatría y Audiología Published 2024-10-01
Mono-lingual text reuse detection for the Urdu language at lexical level
Ayesha Noreen,I. Muneer,R. M. A. Nawab
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
The repetition of passives in Mandarin-speaking children with Developmental Language Disorder and Autistic children with language impairment
Jiao Du,Stephanie Durrleman,Xiaowei He,Haopeng Yu
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
Becoming German, Becoming Polish
Mark Jantzen
The Polish Review Published 2024-10-01
Freedom and constraints: English learners’ investment in writing through digital multimodal composing
Yanhong Zuo
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Technography as a synergetic methodology for the study of stories
Alex Georgakopoulou
Published 2024-10-01
Demographic silencing, ableism, and racialization in dual language bilingual education: A call for intersectional and program-level data reporting to assess gentrification
M. Delavan,Trish Morita‐Mullaney,Juan A. Freire
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Examining the role of achievement goals in L2 learning: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study
Enhao Feng,Chengchen Li
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
HRT in DMC? the orthographic representation of high rising terminals in WhatsApp
C. Ilbury
Published 2024-10-01
The impact of cultural identity on cultural and language bridging skills of first and second generation highly qualified migrants
Cristina Popescu,Markus Pudelko
Journal of World Business Published 2024-10-01
Affording pragmatics-focused training for language teachers: The case of L2 Mandarin Chinese
Li Yang
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Shaping the Bilingualism of Game-Addicted Players
Krzysztof Polok,Dominik Jeleśniański,M. Przybysz-Zaremba
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
“Because we bilingual”: Examining an early career ESOL teacher's humanizing approach to language use
M. Peercy,Melanie Hardy‐Skeberdis,Jessica Crawford
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Load reduction instruction: Exploring its applicability in a Chinese-speaking secondary school context
S. Sun,Paul Evans,Andrew J. Martin
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-10-01
Multidimensional trajectories of Chinese undergraduates’ English speaking self-efficacy: Developmental patterns and influencing factors
Cha Li,Hanjing Yu
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Understanding cross-cultural differences in pedagogical beliefs: A comparison among South Korean, Spanish, and German early childhood teachers
Ji Young Lee,Jone Sagastui,Christoph Mischo,Allyson S. Masters,Svenja PetersKatrin WolsteinRoberta Michnick GolinkoffK. Hirsh-Pasek
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-10-01
Using multimodal resources to design EFL classroom lead-ins—A multimodal pedagogical stylistics perspective
Qian Lei,Chunlei Zhang
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Exploring Saudi EFL Students' Perceptions and Awareness of AI in Enhancing Speaking Skills
Published 2024-10-01
“I Have Magic in My Mouf!”: Embodied languaging enactments of African American multilingual students in a Spanish-English immersion program
Eurydice Bauer,Lenny Sánchez
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Towards a responsibility-based model of the move system in discourse semantics: Reasoning from above
Dongbing Zhang
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
" The Effect of Negotiated Feedback Using EdTech on Improving EFL Learners’ Performance on Text Coherence"
Naglaa FadlAllah
هرمس Published 2024-10-01
Using AI-driven chatbots to foster Chinese EFL students' academic engagement: An intervention study
Yongliang Wang,Lina Xue
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2024-10-01
Assessment of Interactional Competence in L2 German: Integrating an innovative rubric to help language teachers effectively evaluate pragmatics
B. Uskokovic,Sam Schirm
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
An Analysis of Magdy ʿAbdul-Maguid Khāṭer’s Arabic Translation of Tom Hanks’s Uncommon Type: Some Stories from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology
Heba Elmasry
المجلة العلمیة بکلیة الآداب Published 2024-10-01
The Impact of Narrow Reading on the Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge of Moroccan High School Students
Brahim Outamgharte,Mohamed Yeou,Hicham Zyad
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Statistical insights into syntactic properties of Sydney's Chinese ethnic communities: Variability, concentration, and balance
Ling Zhou,Ju Hyun Lee,Michael J. Ostwald
Cities Published 2024-10-01
The impact of age on second language acquisition: a critical review
M. Dey,Rizky Amelia,A. Setiawan
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Teaching and Learning of English Academic Writing in a Public University in Malaysia: A Case Study
Khairunnisa Azmar,Abu Bakar Razali
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Graph Augmentation Networks Based on Dynamic Sentiment Knowledge and Static External Knowledge Graphs for aspect-based sentiment analysis
Hongtao Liu,Xin Li,Wanying Lu,Kefei Cheng,Xueyan Liu
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-10-01
Knowledge structures for knowledge communication: Dominant semantic frames in research articles
Lang Chen,Csilla Weninger
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
Investigating questionable research practices among Iranian applied linguists: Prevalence, severity, and the role of artificial intelligence tools
Mohamad Reza Farangi,Hassan Nejadghanbar
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Developing language teachers’ professional generative AI competence: An intervention study in an initial language teacher education course
Benjamin Luke Moorhouse,Yuwei Wan,Chenze Wu,Lucas Kohnke,Tsz Ying HoTheresa Kwong
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Schema theory’s immediate impact on college students’ Chinese reading comprehension
Tsui-Feng Huang,Sheng-Chieh Chou,Anna Liao
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Motivation and self-regulated learning profiles: A person-centered perspective of English learning and achievement in an Asia context
Y. Nie,Baoqi Sun,Feng Xiong
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Identities of non-English-dominant teachers in transnational language teacher education: A systematic review
Itsaraphap Moonthiya,Marie Stevenson
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-10-01
Buoyancy and engagement in online English learning: The mediating roles and complex interactions of anxiety, enjoyment, and boredom
Xiaoqi Wang,Lianghong Hui
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Metaphoric Representations in Saudi GIF-based Cartoons
Published 2024-10-01
Enhancing aviation English competency: A simulation-based approach for aspiring pilots
Gökhan Demirdöken,D. Atay
English for Specific Purposes Published 2024-10-01
Using the chat function for L2 learning in video-mediated interaction
Ms. Jenny Gudmundsen
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
A bibliometric review of flipped classroom approaches for enhanced students’ language learning
Liu Dan,Hasnah Binti Mohamed
Contemporary Educational Technology Published 2024-10-01
The Effect of Mind Mapping on EFL High School Students’ Collocation Learning
Asres Nigus,Getaneh Berta
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
The discourse particle vallë in Albanian
Bujar Rushiti
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-10-01
The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly to Improve Saudi Students’ Academic Writing Skills
Published 2024-10-01
Patient participation in clinical trials conducted by principal investigators who speak one or more language(s) beyond english: Exploring ethnicity as proxy for language
A. Rivelli,Osondi Ozoani-Lohrer,Cheryl Lefaiver,Maureen Shields,Andy MarekMercedes RobainaVeronica Fitzpatrick
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Published 2024-10-01
Multi-stage type-α constrained minimum-cost consensus for linguistic Z-number large-scale decision-making
Z. Du,Sumin Yu,Leilei Guo,Xiangyu Zhong
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Contrastive learning of defect prototypes under natural language supervision
Huyue Cheng,Hongquan Jiang,Haobo Yan,Wanjun Zhang
Advanced Engineering Informatics Published 2024-10-01
Creating a safe house for active literary book-group discussions in a contact zone classroom
Angelica Granqvist
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
The extended weighted t-norms-based linear hybrid aggregation function and its application for aggregating improved basic uncertain linguistic information
Yi Yang,Mengqi Jie,Yuhan Zhao,Limei Liu,Junfeng YangJie Chen
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Translanguaging in second language writing processes
Sheng Tan
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Translanguaging: Process and power in education
Marianne Turner,Angel M. Y. Lin
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Teacher beliefs on oral proficiency: Implications for classroom practice
Rebecca S. Borden,Teresa R. Bell
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
What are university students doing with language?: A proportional description of student processing mode and register use in an American university
Brett Hashimoto
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
L1 and translation use in EFL classrooms: A quantitative survey on teachers’ attitudes in Kazakhstani secondary schools
Aidana Smagul
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Automatic rating method based on deep transfer learning for machine translation considering contextual semantic awareness
Yan Li,Yanping Wu,Guicun Zhu
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
The Growing Interest Among Saudi Adults in Relearning English: A Phenomenological Study of Their Underlying Motivations
Published 2024-10-01
Subcortical malleability as a result of cognitively challenging experiences: the case of bi-/multilingualism
Jia’en Yee,M. Korenar,Alex Sheehan,Christos Pliatsikas
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences Published 2024-10-01
Incidental learning of collocations through different multimodal input: The role of learners’ initial L2 proficiency
Pu Pu,Daniel Yu-Sheng Chang,Shuang Wang
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Greek-Cypriot learners’ perception and production of L2 English vowels
Dimitra Dimitriou
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
Different registers, different grammars in second language production? The dative alternation in spoken and written Chinese learner English
Qiao Gan
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
A Gamified Learning Environment (Moodle) to Enhance English Language Learning at University Level
Nadia Azzouz Boudadi,Mar Gutiérrez-Colón,Mireia Usart Rodríguez
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Thorny issues with academic language: A perspective from scientific practice
Scott E. Grapin,Lorena Llosa
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Memory and Language Published 2024-10-01
A systematic review on technology-based instructions to develop English pragmatic competence for non-native speakers
Xianxin Hui,Zhifang Liu,Yongmei Chi
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
“Zhuge Kongming becomes reborn as a clownish partygoer!”: Linguistic carnivalization, critical metapragmatics of danmu, and mediatized neoliberal (inter)subjectivity
Zhixin Liu
Published 2024-10-01
"In Quest of a Mythopoetic Native American Subjectivity: Joy Harjo’s Poetry "
Aya ElBably
هرمس Published 2024-10-01
Language education and economic outcomes in a bilingual society
Kazuhiro Yuki
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-10-01
Exploring Chinese university EFL students’ perceptions of formative assessment: A qualitative study
Qiaozhen Yan
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
AI Discourse Dynamics in Arabic Media: Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies and Cultural Influences
Published 2024-10-01
A corpus-based multi-dimensional analysis of the linguistic features of Aviation English
Wen Zhao
English for Specific Purposes Published 2024-10-01
Investigating the relationships between language mindsets, attributions, and learning engagement of L2 writers
Yi Guan,Xinhua Zhu,Longhai Xiao,Siyu Zhu,Yuan Yao
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Beyond age and intensive exposure: Initial proficiency effects on adolescents’ second language proficiency in an international school
Isabelle Jouinot,Martin Howard
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Enhancing collaboration: Exploring regulated learning strategies in the co-regulatory processes of collaborative L2 writing
Annita Stell,Noriko Iwashita
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Culturally inclusive prototyping for higher education institutions: navigating language and gender dynamics
Aminah Rezqallah Malkawi,Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar,Z. Dahlin
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Published 2024-10-01
Reading comprehension studies in the last decade: global trends and future direction of Indonesia language researches
Edi Suyanto,Siti Samhati,Nenden Lilis Aisyah,Bayu Antrakusuma
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
From research reading and doing to research use: Tracking trajectories of becoming research-informed second language teachers
Mehrdad Hosseini,V. Bahrami,Kenan Dikilitaş
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Are there fractals in sign language?
Jan Andres,Martina Benešová,Eva Fišerová,Jiří Langer
Published 2024-10-01
Examining readers' use of machine translation through eye tracking
Caleb Prichard,Andrew Atkins
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
AI-induced emotions in L2 education: Exploring EFL students' perceived emotions and regulation strategies
Lei Yang,Shu Zhao
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2024-10-01
Application of neural networks ensemble method for the Kazakh sign language recognition
Y. Amirgaliyev,A. Ataniyazova,Z. Buribayev,Mukhtar Zhassuzak,Baydaulet UrmashevL. Cherikbayeva
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Published 2024-10-01
Chinese business English undergraduates’ speaking proficiency: a developed-module effect
Ke Hu,Asmaa AlSaqqaf
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
A review on deep learning applications with semantics
Emre Akdemir,N. Barışçı
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-10-01
English as a foreign language learners' metacognitive experiences and writing development: Unraveling the process of learning EFL writing
Qiyu Sun,Lawrence Jun Zhang,Susan Carter
Learning and Individual Differences Published 2024-10-01
English Articles ‘a’ and ‘the’ in Saudi English: An Emerging World Englishes Variety
Published 2024-10-01
People incorrectly correcting other people: The pragmatics of (re-)corrections and their negotiation in a Facebook group
Karina Frick,Dimitrios Meletis
Published 2024-10-01
A “positive” turn in heritage language education: Multilingual children's voices on language learner well-being
Yue Zhou,Yongcan Liu
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
The presence of translanguaging and its effect on EFL learners’ languaging opportunities in video-based peer editing
A. Alqefari
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Smart reception: An artificial intelligence driven bangla language based receptionist system employing speech, speaker, and face recognition for automating reception services
K. Mamun,Rahad Arman Nabid,Shehan Irteza Pranto,Saniyat Mushrat Lamim,Mohammad Masudur RahmanNabeel MahammedMohammad Nurul HudaF. SarkerRubaiya Rahtin Khan
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Feeling paradoxes and teaching in struggles: A socio-political analysis of language teachers’ motivation and emotion labor
Shanshan Yang,Hongbiao Yin
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Book review
Weizhao Gong,Tiancheng Chen
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-10-01
Flipped classroom approach for enhancing linguistic competence
Maricel Demoral Rivera,Grace Manatad Flores
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Enhancing EMI learning through L1 use and ESP: A mixed-methods study in a Chinese transnational education context
Xiao Cui,Chong Wang,Ishamina Athirah Gardiner
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Metapragmatic awareness development in Chinese Children: A conversational competence perspective
Lulu Cheng,Yang Gao,Haoran Mao,Yule Peng
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-10-01
How rationals boost textual entailment modeling: Insights from large language models
D. Pham,Tung Le,Huy-Tien Nguyen
Computers & electrical engineering Published 2024-10-01
The Effect of YouTube on Speaking and Listening Skills of Students
Balaswamy Chatta
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Book review
Hui Chen,Yiting Liu
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-10-01
Cultural representation in foreign language textbooks: A scoping review from 2012 to 2022
Hong Zhang,Runyi Li,Xilu Chen,Fangshuo Yan
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
EFL students’ writing achievement via the execution of scaffolding strategies instruction
Seyidu Kemal Hassen,Ebabu Tefera Adugna,Yenus Nurie Bogale
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Inclusion of home languages during early childhood instructional conversations
E. B. C. de Sousa,Mary Catherine Lennon
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
Exploring the heterogeneous development of intrinsic value in language arts among secondary school students through growth mixture modelling
Swantje Bolli,Rebecca Lazarides,Andrea Westphal,Miriam Vock
Learning and Individual Differences Published 2024-10-01
Interplay of academic emotion regulation, academic mindfulness, L2 learning experience, academic motivation, and learner autonomy in intelligent computer-assisted language learning: A study of EFL learners
Ehsan Namaziandost,Afsheen Rezai
System (Linköping) Published 2024-10-01
Improved Urdu-English Neural Machine Translation with a fully Convolutional Neural Network Encoder
Huma Israr,Muhammad Khuram Shahzad,Shahid Anwar
International journal of mathematical, engineering and management sciences Published 2024-10-01
Vocalizations in orchestra rehearsals: Sequential organization and interactional functions
Monika Messner
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-10-01
Natural Language Processing for Arabic Sentiment Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review
Souha Al Katat,Chamseddine Zaki,Hussein Hazimeh,Ibrahim El Bitar,Rafael AngaritaLionel Trojman
IEEE Transactions on Big Data Published 2024-10-01
‘Did I repeat so many English words?’: Stability of L1 and L2 word association responses over time and across response positions
Xin Wang,Ping Zhang
Lingua Published 2024-10-01
An Exploration of Adjective Intensification System in Najdi Arabic
Published 2024-10-01
Attitude in ecological evaluations of college English textbooks in China
Lihua Wang,A. Zainal
Linguistics and Education Published 2024-10-01
“A strong diewei” – A critical investigation of gendered neological metaphors on Weibo
Luoxiangyu Zhang,Yuxuan Mu
Published 2024-10-01
The Impact of Effective Communication and Cognitive Development on Early Childhood Language Development
Samihah Hilayati,R. Rusijono,Andi Mariono,Fajar Arianto
Education Quarterly Reviews Published 2024-09-30
Traditional Ghanaian Oral Storytelling in the Modern Communication Landscape
Ogochukwu Nweke,Bashiru Salifu Zibo,Emmanuel Kweku Amoako Appiah,Bukunola Towuru,Catherine Forson Agbo
Journal of Social Political Sciences Published 2024-09-30
Managing Classroom Practices Involved in English Pronunciation Instruction
Samia Qaseem,Mahjabeen Babar,Memoona Khalid,M. I. Yousuf
Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Published 2024-09-30
Increasing Vocabulary Acquisition in the English Language Class: Using Origami in Community Service Projects
Andrés David Morillo Toro,María Belén Negrete Yanqui,Verónica Vanessa Chávez Zambrano
Education Quarterly Reviews Published 2024-09-30
Integration of Technology-Based Language Teaching (TbLT) with English Language Teaching (ELT) at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh
Sharmin Rahman Bipasha
Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews Published 2024-09-30
Innovation of Teaching Methodology for Improving English Language Skills: Suggestopedia for Teaching Reading and Writing
Steven Darío Menéndez Meza,Cintya Maribel Zambrano Zambrano,Jhonny Villafuerte-Holguín
Education Quarterly Reviews Published 2024-09-30
Citation Analysis of the Literature Review Sections of Dissertations at M.Phil. Level
Dr. Ijaz Ali Khan,Dr. Muhammad Yousaf,Dr. Wasima Shahzad
Published 2024-09-30
Silvan Telaumbanua
Published 2024-09-30
Educational online technologies as effective tools for learning English terminology of language for specific purposes (LSP) by the students of non-linguistic university specialties: interdisciplinary approach
O. Kosonogova
Development of education Published 2024-09-20
Variation in Asian and Pacific Islander North American English
Andrew Cheng,Lauretta Cheng,W. D. Gonzales,Pocholo Umbal
Asia-Pacific Language Variation Published 2024-09-19
Hyperlepis - a secret weapon of hypertext rhetoric
Mariusz Pisarski
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Exercises in unimaginativeness. Case study of GPT based translation and travesty of Alfred Jarry's "Ubu King"
J. Argasiński,Piotr Marecki
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
You Shall Know a Forum by the Words they Keep: Analyzing Language Use in Accessibility Forums for Blind Users
Nithiya Venkatraman,Anand Ravi Aiyer,Y. Prakash,Vikas Ashok
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
The Handling of Vernon Lee's Words: Literary Editions in the Age of Hypertext
Sally Blackburn-Daniels,Matthew Bradley
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
The Role of Needs Analysis in EFL Teaching Design
Chunxia Wang
Published 2024-09-10
Variational Translation Phenomenon of Six Chapters of A Floating Life
Shuang Zhu
Published 2024-09-10
Measuring Group Creativity of Dialogic Interaction Systems by Means of Remote Entailment Analysis
Daniel Baumartz,Maxim Konca,Alexander Mehler,Patrick Schrottenbacher,Dominik Braunheim
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Authoring Educational Hypercomics assisted by Large Language Models
Valentin Grimm,J. Rubart
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Navigating Intersections: Negotiating language and collaboration in hypertext scholarship
Sam Brooker
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Research on Strategies for Improving English-Chinese Bilingual Reading Ability of College English Majors
Chengsheng Yao
Published 2024-09-10
Using Explainable AI (XAI) for Identification of Subjectivity in Hate Speech Annotations for Low-Resource Languages
Madhuri Sawant,A. Younus,Simon Caton,M. A. Qureshi
Published 2024-09-10
Publishing, linking and translating news in multilingual communities: a mirror of cultural differences?
Giuseppe Carrino,A. Iorio,Davide Picca
ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media Published 2024-09-10
Atypical vocal imitation of speech and song in autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from Mandarin speakers.
Li Wang,Peter Q. Pfordresher,Cunmei Jiang,Fang Liu
Autism Published 2024-09-06
Effects of Orthographic Input and Inhibitory Control on Second-Language Speech Production.
Jeong-Im Han,Song Yi Kim,Joo-Yeon Kim
Language and Speech Published 2024-09-06
Towards a model of eye-movement control in Chinese reading.
Yanping Liu,Lili Yu,Erik D. Reichle
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Published 2024-09-06
Focal Coordination and Language in Human Evolution.
Roger Myerson
Human Nature Published 2024-09-06
The Basic Range of Mediator’s Communication Techniques
A. Kinderkneht
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Persons With Cancer Rather Than Cancer Patients-Semantics Matter.
F. I. Ting
JAMA Oncology Published 2024-09-05
G. Pllana,Agron Duro
Published 2024-09-05
Communicative Potential of Lexicographical Products in Contemporary Art
A. Gik
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Translation of Terminology in the Field of Inclusive Educational Communication
N. Runova
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Semantic access to ambiguous word roots cannot be stopped by affixation-Not even in sentence contexts: Evidence from eye-tracking and the maze task.
R. G. de Almeida,Jordan Gallant,Caitlyn Antal,Gary Libben
Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition Published 2024-09-05
Realization of Communicative Approach for Active Vocabulary Formation in the Textbooks of French Authors
Marina Tokmacheva
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Use of Address Terms by Jordanian Students: A Sociolinguistic Perspective
M. Al-Natour,Mohamed Tawfiq Bataineh,Natheer Mohammad Alomari
International journal of English language studies Published 2024-09-05
Basic characteristics of tongue pressure and electromyography generated by articulation of a syllable using the posterior part of the tongue.
Y. Manda,Naoki Kodama,Keitaro Mori,R. Adachi,Makoto MatsugishiS. Minagi
Scientific Reports Published 2024-09-05
Generic and vague uses of a second-person singular pronoun in an open-class person-reference system and speaker creativity in reported speech: the case of anata in Japanese
Yoko Yonezawa
Linguistics Published 2024-09-05
Situational Model of the Narrative Text Coherence in Modern Russian
Aleksey Glazkov
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Controversial issues in the Handbook of the IPA
Nina Grønnum
Phonetica: International Journal of Phonetic Science Published 2024-09-05
Axiological Aspects of Development of Communicative Strategies for Gender Balance in English
Anna Shchedromirskaya,A. Korenev
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Meaning or morphology: Individual differences in the categorization of Kinyarwanda nouns
L. Lawyer,Fate O'Gara,J. Ngoboka,Willem S. van Boxtel,Kyle Jerro
Glossa Psycholinguistics Published 2024-09-05
The Concept of “Collectivity/Unity” in Russian Phraseology as an Important Element of Communication in the Russian-Speaking Space
V. Shaklein,Min Zhang
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Dynamic Processes in the Semantics of Wide-Meaning Verbs in Public Discourse (On the Example of the Verb to Make)
A. Gershanova
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Donika Bakiu
Published 2024-09-05
The Pragmatics of Refusing Food Invitations by Jordanians
M. Al-Natour,Shafiq Banat,Natheer Mohammad Alomari
International Journal of Linguistics Studies Published 2024-09-05
Professional Training of Foreign Language Teachers in Kirghizia: The Aspect of Communicative Competence
B. Zhakshylykov
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Word and Dictionary in Communication
Lyubov' Goncharova
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies Published 2024-09-05
Islands are engines of language diversity.
L. Bromham,Keaghan J. Yaxley,Marcel Cardillo
Nature Ecology & Evolution Published 2024-09-05
Beyond the textbook: A year-long exploration of VODcasts in EFL education
M. A. Mekheimer
Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education Published 2024-09-05
Integrating cycleGAN and BERT for Chinese text style transfer
Chien-Hsing Chou,Cheng-Hou Chou,Yi-Zeng Hsieh,Tzu-Shien Yang
Multimedia tools and applications Published 2024-09-04
The Expression of Vocal Emotions in Cognitively Healthy Adult Speakers: Impact of Emotion Category, Gender, and Age
Valérie Coulombe,Vicent Martel-Sauvageau,Laura Monetta
Journal of nonverbal behavior Published 2024-09-04
Doing a Literature Review in English Language Teaching Research: Practical Suggestions
G. Pandey
Access Published 2024-09-04
Split coordination with adjectives in Italian
Luke James Adamson
Published 2024-09-04
Cross-linguistic rhythm analysis of Mising and Assamese
P. Gogoi,Priyankoo Sarmah,S. Prasanna
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing Published 2024-09-04
On the phonemicization of the Old High German i-umlauts
Fausto Cercignani
Atti del Sodalizio glottologico milanese Published 2024-09-04
Preserving the human voice: A plea for regulating ChatGPT use in Correspondence and Opinion writing.
Shigeki Matsubara
Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Published 2024-09-04
A Study of Bilingual Acquisition of Wh-Questions of a Mandarin-English Bilingual Preschool Child from China to Australia
Qiang Guo,Ruying Qi
Education sciences Published 2024-09-04
Innovation of Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment in Mahārah istimā’ in Class XII Arabic Textbook
Resgi Widati Tria Lis Utami,R. Umi Baroroh,Nur Yusra Binti Yacob
IZDIHAR Published 2024-09-04
fl-IRT-ing with Psychometrics to Improve NLP Bias Measurement
Dominik Bachmann,Oskar van der Wal,Edita Chvojka,Willem H. Zuidema,Leendert van MaanenKatrin Schulz
Minds and Machines Published 2024-09-04
Enhancing spoken dialect identification with stacked generalization of deep learning models
Khaled Lounnas,Mohamed Lichouri,Mourad Abbas
Multimedia tools and applications Published 2024-09-04
The use of the concept of imbokotho in the study of selected isiXhosa poetry
L. Makhenyane
Literator Published 2024-09-04
Word Sense Disambiguation for Morphologically Rich Low-Resourced Languages: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Hlaudi Daniel Masethe,M. A. Masethe,S. Ojo,Fausto Giunchiglia,P. Owolawi
Information Published 2024-09-04
Alle origini di L’évolution des formes grammaticales di Antoine Meillet. Linguistica e Scientia un secolo fa
Pierluigi Cuzzolin
Atti del Sodalizio glottologico milanese Published 2024-09-04
Speech sound development of young Dutch children with a developmental language disorder: A complex matter.
A. Scheffer,B. Keij,Britt E. Hakvoort,Esther Ottow-Henning,Ellen GerritsFrank Wijnen
International journal of language and communication disorders Published 2024-09-04
Linguistic Landscape in Arabic Writing Skills Learning: Project-Based Learning Approach
Kiki Cahya Muslimah,Miftahul Huda,R. Taufiqurrochman,Mohammad Affan
IZDIHAR Published 2024-09-04
The rights of trans and queer learners in K-12 classrooms
Aubrey Neihaus,Russell B. Toomey,Carol Brochin
Theory and Practice Published 2024-09-04
What we mean when we say semantic: Toward a multidisciplinary semantic glossary.
Jamie Reilly,Cory Shain,Valentina Borghesani,P. Kuhnke,Gabriella ViglioccoJonathan E PeelleBradford Z MahonLaurel J. BuxbaumAsifa MajidMarc BrysbaertAnna M. BorghiSimon de DeyneGuy DoveL. PapeoP. PexmanDavid PoeppelG. LupyanPaulo BoggioGreg HickokL. GwilliamsL. FernandinoDaniel MirmanEvangelia G ChrysikouChaleece W. SandbergS. CrutchL. PylkkänenEiling YeeRebecca L JacksonJ. RoddM. BednyLouise ConnellMarkus KieferD. KemmererG. D. de ZubicarayElizabeth JefferiesDermot LynottCynthia S W SiewRutvik H. DesaiKen McraeMichele T DiazMarianna BolognesiEvelina FedorenkoSwathi KiranMaria MontefineseJ. R. BinderMelvin YapG. HartwigsenJessica CantlonYanchao BiPaul HoffmanFrank E. GarceaDavid Vinson
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Published 2024-09-04
Why I'm committed to breaking the bias in large language models.
Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
Nature Published 2024-09-04
Examining gender-fair language (GFL) use in Thai language classrooms: towards equity in language pedagogy
Mark Ulla,Regina Gano,Joselito Gutierrez,Ethel Jovy Wacas
Language Learning Journal Published 2024-09-04
Finding language for working class stories: art schools and the turn to research-based practices
Louisa Lee
Journal of Visual Art Practice Published 2024-09-04
La storia della morfologia derivazionale nelle grammatiche sanscrite tra Roth (1660-1668) e Bopp (1827)
L. Alfieri
Atti del Sodalizio glottologico milanese Published 2024-09-04
Revising noun predictions based on English measure phrases: evidence from visual-world eye-tracking
Kayla Keyue Chen,Ingrid M. Johansen,Wing-Yee Chow
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience Published 2024-09-04
Multifunctionality matters: preverbal yǒu in Mandarin and its aspectual potential
Linlin Sun,Walter Bisang
Folia linguistica Published 2024-09-04
Considerations for identifying subtypes of speech sound disorder.
S. Rvachew,Tanya Matthews
International journal of language and communication disorders Published 2024-09-04
The Effect of Metacognitive Intervention on the Listening Performance and Metacognitive Awareness of High- and Low-Working Memory Capacity EFL Learners.
Meysam Muhammadpour,A. M. Zafarghandi,Abdorreza Tahriri
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Published 2024-09-04
Testing associations between global and specific levels of foreign language enjoyment and foreign language boredom: the moderator role of L2 savouring beliefs using bifactor exploratory structural equation modelling
Majid Elahi Shirvan,Tahereh Taherian,Mariusz Kruk,M. Pawlak
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Published 2024-09-04
Exploring Entrepreneurial English in Digital Information: Harmonizing News Headlines with their Introductions in Phoenix
A. Akinola,Mariam Anana
Access Published 2024-09-04
Beyond the here and now: hunter-gatherer socio-spatial complexity and the evolution of language.
Brian M. Wood,DA Raichlen,H. Pontzer,J. A. Harris,M. SayreBunga PaoloM. AnyawireA. Mabulla
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences Published 2024-09-04
Ὡς ὁ βασιλεὺς ἄγει. Considerazioni sulle formule di datazione doppia delle iscrizioni greche della Babilonia partica
F. Pompeo
Atti del Sodalizio glottologico milanese Published 2024-09-04
Investigating the Difficulties Encountered Iraqi EFL Learners in Pronouncing Multisyllabic English Words
Raed Ali AlJumaily
International Journal of Linguistics Literature & Translation Published 2024-09-04
Teaching in Two-Way Dual-Language-Bilingual Education: An Analysis of Teacher Language Ideologies and Linguistic Practices
Evelyn C. Baca
Published 2024-09-04
Implementation of MTSS when supporting emergent bilinguals: Findings and recommendations
Emily Grande Gonzalez,Arnold Rodriguez Robles,Claudia Zavala Lara,Catherine Draper Rodriguez
Contemporary School Psychology Published 2024-09-04
Puspita Sari,Hero Gunawan,Ervina CM Simatupang
Published 2024-09-04
Domenica ROMAGNO, Francesco ROVAI, Michele BIANCONI, Marta CAPANO (Eds.), Variation, Contact, and Reconstruction in the Ancient Indo-European Languages. Between Linguistics and Philology
Laura Biondi
Atti del Sodalizio glottologico milanese Published 2024-09-04
English-learning infants developing sensitivity to vowel phonotactic cues to word segmentation.
Hironori Katsuda,Megha Sundara
Developmental Science Published 2024-09-04
Reworking the Aesthetics of 
Language Use: The Multilingual 
Challenge for NEP 2020
Avinash Pandey,Renuka Ozarkar
Contemporary Education Dialogue Published 2024-09-04
Exploring Human-Generative AI Interaction in L2 Learners’ Source Use Practices: Issues, Trials, and Critical Reflections
Qingyang Sun
Journal of Academic Writing Published 2024-09-04
Comparative Evaluation of Large Language Models for Translating Radiology Reports into Hindi
Amit Gupta,Ashish Rastogi,Hema Malhotra,K. Rangarajan
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging Published 2024-09-04
Demystifying Maternal Sex and Sexuality: Rhetorical Choices of a Situated Mother
Zairu Nisha
Social development issues Published 2024-09-04
The Key to Unlocking Corporate Success: The Contribution of English Language Skills for Students
Prof. M. A. Biradar,Shrishail Hatti
Published 2024-09-04
Dialectal tsunamis emerging from the Simmel effect: a statistical approach to the snail-paced spread of cultural epidemic
Kazuya Hayata
Frontiers of Physics Published 2024-09-04
Collaborative CAD for English Translation in the Environment of Multimedia Network Technology
Tian Lan
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-09-04
A Comprehensive Review of the Components for Process Approach to Overcome Writing Impairments among Low Proficiency Learners in Malaysia
Faraliza Binti Ahmed Shukri,Abdul Rahim Bin Hj Salam
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-04
The Improvement of Students' Arabic Speaking Skills: The Role of Interactive Strategies and the Establishment of a Language Environment
Muhammad Fadhlan,Imam Asrori,Sutaman,Alif Cahya Setiyadi
IZDIHAR Published 2024-09-04
Verba vana? A note on Arm. zowr ‘vain’ and zroyc‘ ‘talk’
Daniel Kölligan
Atti del Sodalizio glottologico milanese Published 2024-09-04
Editorial: The Boundary Condition of Human Interaction for Written Communication
Magnus Gustafsson,Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams,Hatice Celebi,J. C. Powers
Journal of Academic Writing Published 2024-09-04
Low literacy skills in adults can be largely explained by basic linguistic and domain-general predictors
Réka Vágvölgyi,Moritz Sahlender,H. Schröter,Benjamin Nagengast,Thomas DreslerJosef SchraderH. Nuerk
Frontiers in Psychology Published 2024-09-04
A Comparative Study of the Phonological Processes of Anbari Speakers in Iraq
Raed Ali AlJumaily,Ahmed Ali Hussein AlMuselhy
Journal of English language teaching and applied linguistics Published 2024-09-04
A Comparative Study of Sentiment Classification Models for Greek Reviews
Panagiotis D. Michailidis
Big Data and Cognitive Computing Published 2024-09-04
Doing cross-cultural interviews from Vietnamese students’ experience and reflective practice: lessons on intercultural communicative competence
T. Hà,Minh Quang Nguyễn
Reflective Practice Published 2024-09-04
Real-Time Machine Learning for Accurate Mexican Sign Language Identification: A Distal Phalanges Approach
Gerardo García-Gil,G. López-Armas,J. J. Sánchez-Escobar,Bryan Armando Salazar-Torres,Alma Nayeli Rodríguez-Vázquez
Technologies Published 2024-09-04
Study on relationship between adversarial texts and language errors: a human-computer interaction perspective
Rui Xiao,Kuangyi Zhang,Yunchun Zhang,Qi Wang,Shangyu HouLing Liu
Published 2024-09-04
Latin queo ‘I can’ and Sanskrit yā- ‘to be possible’: a parallel development?
Francesca Dell'Oro
Atti del Sodalizio glottologico milanese Published 2024-09-04
Learning a language with peers: elevating classroom voices
Zaibo Long,Yuting Yang
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching Published 2024-09-04
The The action-oriented approach through a didactic experience of oralisation of written informative texts from the media
F. J. De Cos Ruiz
Published 2024-09-04
Intercultural Communicative Competence in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language: Perspectives of Filipino Teachers
Justine A. Dela Cruz,Juhannah S Paican,Norsamia R Rajahmuda,John Harry Senoy Caballo
Published 2024-09-04
Instructional practices for secondary social studies teachers: Describing a curricular program designed to improve language, content knowledge and literacy outcomes for emergent bilinguals
Erin Hogan,Sarah Fishstrom,Tim T. Andress,Leticia Martinez,Sharon Vaughn
TESOL journal Published 2024-09-04
"Signifier" Video Sharing Platform and Accessible Media Player for Deaf Users
Paraskevi Panagi,A. Yeratziotis,Thomas Fotiadis,C. Mettouris,G. Papadopoulos
Conference on Information Technology for Social Good Published 2024-09-04
Yi Phonetic Harmony Promotes Ethnic Communication, Exchange, and Integration
Cui Wen
Published 2024-09-04
Metaliteracy in the Developmental Classroom
Heather Michelle McGrew
Published 2024-09-04
The effect of project-based learning (PjBL) Class Model on Chinese undergraduates’ argumentative writing performance
Hui Gao,Harwati Hashim,Melor Md Yunus
Cogent Education Published 2024-09-04
Modelling metaphorical meaning: A systematic test of the predication algorithm.
Hamad Al-Azary,J. N. Reid,Paula Lauren,Albert N Katz
Memory & Cognition Published 2024-09-04
Ecological discourse analysis of Russian educational texts based on the transitivity system
Luan Luan,Dong Zhang
Published 2024-09-04
Emojis as graphic equivalents of prosodic features in natural speech: evidence from computer-mediated discourse of WhatsApp and facebook
E. S. Alnuzaili,Muhammad Waqar Amin,Sami Saad Alghamdi,Nazir Ahmed Malik,Abdulbasit A. AlhajAsad Ali
Published 2024-09-04
“Our Culture is a Product of Active Word”
Amir Kalan
Art/Research International Published 2024-09-04
An update on validating the Hong Kong Cantonese version of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test (cant-cat)
Anthony Pak-Hin Kong
Aphasiology Published 2024-09-04
Text Laundering: Concealing the Use of Generative AI in Text
Aline Lima de Souza,M. Argôlo,C. E. Barbosa,Herbert Dos Santos,Yuri Oliveira de LimaA. LyraJano Moreira de Souza
European Conference on Knowledge Management Published 2024-09-03
Analyzing online public discourse in Australia: Australian Twittersphere and NewsTalk corpora
Marissa Takahashi,Matthew Bettinson
Australian Journal of Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
The Effect of Pre-reading Strategies on Adult ESL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Samar Aldhahri
Published 2024-09-03
The relationship of speech perception and speech production: It's complicated.
M. Baese-Berk,Efthymia C. Kapnoula,Arthur G. Samuel
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Published 2024-09-03
How Literacy Coursework May Change the Perspectives of Preservice Speech-Language Pathologists: A Pilot Study
Robyn E. Becker
Published 2024-09-03
Deliberate metaphor (use) in translation and interpreting
Sum Wong
Metaphor and the Social World Published 2024-09-03
Enabling hope through teaching and learning in a linguistically diverse early childhood classroom: A case study
Adrian D. Martin,Lourdes M. Sutton
Published 2024-09-03
Relationship Between Traditional Graduate Admission Criteria and Student Academic/Clinical Outcomes for Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students
Jill Kumke,Phillip Nordness,Tami Williams
Published 2024-09-03
Social presence and other individual differences in asynchronous English communication
Fumiya Shinozaki
International Journal of Applied Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
The moving project: exploring language, migration, and identity using participatory podcasting during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sadie Durkacz Ryan
Linguistics Vanguard Published 2024-09-03
An Introspective Analysis of Hassan Zrizi’s Reading Comprehension for EFI Students: A Student’s Textbook
Dr. Ilham EL Majdoubi
International journal of social science and human research Published 2024-09-03
Underrepresented Student Experiences Applying to Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Programs: Challenges and Capital
Jenna Maree P Wong
Published 2024-09-03
The Factors Affecting Learning Achievement in English Language Studies of The Students at North Bangkok University
Suwanna Yutthapirut,Nissara Pronsurivong,Karusin Uwansri
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-03
Pivot Subtitling on Netflix
Harun Dallı
Journal of audiovisual translation Published 2024-09-03
The Personalized Construction of Du Fus Image in Stephen Owens Translation of Du Fus Poetry
Yeye Ou
Advances in Humanities Research Published 2024-09-03
The Synod of Dort in Arabic: Bodleian MS Marsh 268
Nabil Matar
Seventeenth century Published 2024-09-03
Acculturation in China: acculturation strategies, social support, and self-assessment of Mandarin learning performance of international students in Chinese universities
Yuezu Mao,Hao Ji
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Published 2024-09-03
Review of Coyle, Meyer & Staschen-Dielmann (2023): A Deeper Learning Companion for CLIL. Putting Pluriliteracies into Practice
Patricia Carabelli
Published 2024-09-03
Large language models, politics, and the functionalization of language
O. Kudina,B. de Boer
AI and Ethics Published 2024-09-03
A review of a decade of scaffolding practices for learning in CLIL science classrooms
Nashwa Nashaat-Sobhy,Eva M. Mestre-Mestre,Penny MacDonald
Published 2024-09-03
The efficacy of the Delphi method  for adapting cognitive interviewing instructions into culturally and linguistically diverse international policing contexts
R. Muniroh,Georgina Heydon
International Journal of Speech Language and The Law Published 2024-09-03
Dynamic Interaction Between Text Characteristics, Order and Time of Assessment on Bilingual Student Reading Efficiency in Spanish and in English
D. Baker,Nancy Le,D. Basaraba,Cinthia Herrera
School psychology review Published 2024-09-03
Maintenance of Lexical Pitch Accent in Heritage Lithuanian: A Study of Perception and Production
Jessica Kantarovich
Languages Published 2024-09-03
Movie Titles’ Translation Strategies from English into Thai in Monomax Application
Natchanok Kettongma
Published 2024-09-03
Sentiment Analysis Techniques: A Comparative Study of Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Naive Bayes on General English and Nigerian Texts
Victor Mfon Abia,E. H. Johnson
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports Published 2024-09-03
Translating Inter-country Adoption as Transcultural Communication
Achyutananda Bhattarai
Published 2024-09-03
From pre-owned printers to pristine Porsches
A. Kehoe,Matt Gee,Ursula Lutzky
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Translanguaging learning strategies (TLS)
Qi Zhang,C. Osborne,Xu Lin
Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal Published 2024-09-03
Register of male and female Arabic language teachers on YouTube channels: A gender analysis in sociolinguistics
Muhammad Yunus Anis
Published 2024-09-03
Becoming Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Educators: Teacher Candidates’ Perspective Shifts in an Introductory Linguistics Course
Ali Yaylali,Yousra Abourehab,Juanita J. Sandoval,M. C. Combs
Action in Teacher Education Published 2024-09-03
Modeling Linguistic Landscapes
Sarah Buschfeld,Claus Weihs,Patricia Ronan
Published 2024-09-03
The child the apple eats: processing of argument structure in Mandarin verb-final sentences
Max Wolpert,Jiarui Ao,Hui Zhang,Shari R Baum,Karsten Steinhauer
Scientific Reports Published 2024-09-03
:Medieval Sex Lives: The Sounds of Courtly Intimacy on the Francophone Borders
Daisy Delogu
Modern philology Published 2024-09-03
Argumentative Grammatical Conjunction "even": (An Applied Study in Surat Al-Baqarah)
M. al-Bayyari
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies Published 2024-09-03
Student Family Navigators Promoting Language Development in Infants and Toddlers from Lower-Income Families
Abigail Delehanty,Lori Marra,Michelle Catao,Kelsey O'Connor,Marisa Ricciardi
Published 2024-09-03
Preservice Augmentative and Alternative Communication Coursework Across 311 Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Programs
Brandon S. Eddy,Emily Sorensen,Mariel Pinto
Published 2024-09-03
Korean assessment of adult basic literacy: Instrument development
Joon Heo,Jihye Lee,Soyoun Park,Hyeji Kil,Jihyun Kim
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education Published 2024-09-03
Competing language ideologies of health literacy
I. B. Valen-Sendstad
Language Culture and Society Published 2024-09-03
Learning while Walking the Streets of Rayong: Combining Linguistic Landscape and Language Awareness through Action Research with Children
Kusuma Bangkom
Reflections Published 2024-09-03
The Historical Sources of Language Policy
D. Laitin,Rajesh Ramachandran
Journal of Politics Published 2024-09-03
Writing Confucian History in an Indian Language
Nile Green
Journal of Asian Studies Published 2024-09-03
Agree, agreement dissociation and subject ellipsis. Towards a new characterization of the Null Subject Parameter
Andrés Saab
Probus: International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
A Study on the Integration of Hainan Culture into College English Teaching Strategies
Xiaochao Yao
Published 2024-09-03
Verb influence on French wh-placement: a parallel corpus study
Jan Fliessbach,Johanna Rockstroh
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory Published 2024-09-03
The Yarning Corpus : Aboriginal English in Southwest Western Australia
Celeste Rodríguez Louro,Glenys Collard
Australian Journal of Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Understanding epistemological notions underlying scientific language use: a multifaceted analysis framework
Annelies Pieterman-Bos,Cathelijne M. Reincke,R. van de Schoot,Marc H. W. van Mil
Frontiers in Education Published 2024-09-03
The emergence of epistemic agency in researching multilingually: An autoethnography of a Chinese researcher's academic publishing practices
Jiaqi Liu,Yongyan Zheng
International Journal of Applied Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Dr. SK. Saleem Babu,Dr. Narendra Babu Dasari
EPRA international journal of multidisciplinary research Published 2024-09-03
Exploring the Use of Subtitling in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language: Theories and Applications
M. K. Aldanani
International Journal of Translation and Interpretation Studies Published 2024-09-03
Ecolinguistics and environment in education: Language, culture and textual analysis
Hossein Davari,Amir Ghorbanpour
Language and Education Published 2024-09-03
Applying embodied meaning of spatial prepositions and the Principled Polysemy model to teaching English as a second language: the case of to and on
Mostafa Boieblan
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching Published 2024-09-03
Scrutinizing the Effects of ChatGPT on Writing Skills among Rwandan University Students: The Case of AUCA
Jean Baptiste Manirakiza
International Journal of Social Science Research and Review Published 2024-09-03
Book Review AI in language teaching, learning, and assessment
Maria Susanti Menge Sawu,Fransiskus Serfian Jogo,Thedy Hardi Manfe
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching Published 2024-09-03
Multicultural Australian English – The New Voice of Sydney
Felicity Cox,Joshua Penney
Australian Journal of Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Adapting to Diversity: Leveraging AI for ESL Learning Enhancement
Anjum Khan,Dr. Veerendra Mishra
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education Published 2024-09-03
A New Framework for the Intersections of Law and Memory?
Paolo Caroli
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law Published 2024-09-03
Considering legal English
David Griffin
International Journal of Speech Language and The Law Published 2024-09-03
Pilot Comparison of Reading Quiz Formats in a Graduate Speech Sound Disorders Course
Sheri Bayley
Published 2024-09-03
Pronominal address in the linguistic landscape of Hispanic Philadelphia
Daniel Guarin
Language Culture and Society Published 2024-09-03
Review of multilingualism and identity: Interdisciplinary perspectives
Yingying Sun,Xiqin Liu
International Journal of Multilingualism Published 2024-09-03
Detecting sexism in social media: an empirical analysis of linguistic patterns and strategies
Francisco J. Rodríguez-Sanchez,Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz,Laura Plaza
Published 2024-09-03
Building a searchable online corpus of Australian and New Zealand aligned speech
Steven Coats
Australian Journal of Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Revisiting directionality in China's “outward translation”
Yun Wu,Mengying Jiang
International Journal of Applied Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
An Overview of Arabic Language Open Educational Resources (OER) for Primary and Secondary Education and Their Use in Offline Environments
Laura Hosman,Rachel Nova,Osamah Abdullah Ahmed Mohammed Naji,Lubna Alsaka
Electronic Journal of e-Learning Published 2024-09-03
Revisiting and measuring foreign language confidence from a World Englishes perspective: Scale development and validation
Guangxiang Leon Liu
International Journal of Applied Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Analysis of Dataset Limitations in Semantic Knowledge-Driven Multi-Variant Machine Translation
Marcin Sowański,Jakub Hosciłowicz,Artur Janicki
Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems Published 2024-09-03
Constellating Home: Trans and Queer Asian American Rhetorics
Sara Baugh-Harris
Journal of Asian Studies Published 2024-09-03
A Performance Reading: Exploration of Language and Sign of the Tibetan Lama in Kipling’s Kim
Dhaneshwar Paudel
Published 2024-09-03
Towards a distinction between non-euphemistic and euphemism-based politically correct expressions
Tatiana Golubeva
Pragmatics: Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association Published 2024-09-03
Cultivating capabilities and coping: accepting and analysing moments of communicative opacity in multilingual encounters
Emma Brooks
Published 2024-09-03
A Comparative Research of the English Translation of Hurry from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics
Jiaqi Zhang,Jiamei Ye
IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies Published 2024-09-03
Intimate Language in Traditional Markets: Challenging Public Space Norms through Kristeva’s Intertextuality
Ayu Musliha,Dien Vidia Rosa,Hery Prasetyo
Jurnal Filsafat Published 2024-09-03
Stance-taking in American courtroom interaction from the dual perspectives of language and gesture
Min Wang
International Journal of Speech Language and The Law Published 2024-09-03
A Survey of Early-Career Speech-Language Pathologists: Determining Perceived Readiness for Clinical Management of Adults with Dysphagia After Completing Graduate School
Christine A Lee,Ashwini M. Namasivayam-MacDonald,Zuleikha Wadhwaniya,Juliana McLaren,Rebecca H. Affoo
Published 2024-09-03
Constraints on verse form and syntactic well-formedness in the cywyddau of Dafydd ap Gwilym
Calvin Quick
Language and Literature Published 2024-09-03
How position in the network determines the fate of lexical innovations on Twitter
Louis Tarrade,Jean-Pierre Chevrot,Jean-Philippe Magué
Published 2024-09-03
The Sydney Speaks Lifespan Corpus
Elena Sheard
Australian Journal of Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Writing direction influences the spatial representations of past- and future-tense forms: Evidence from eye tracking.
A. Chrabaszcz,A. Laurinavichyute,Nina Ladinskaya,Liubov Baladzhaeva,Anat PriorAndriy MyachykovOlga Dragoy
Memory & Cognition Published 2024-09-03
Lexical and contextual emotional valence in foreign language vocabulary retention
Yu Kanazawa
The Mental Lexicon Published 2024-09-03
The longitudinal corpus of language acquisition, maintenance and contact: Warlpiri & Light Warlpiri
Carmel O’Shannessy
Australian Journal of Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Speaking with attitude
J. Oliveira
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages Published 2024-09-03
How do high-achieving students learn languages online?
Klara Arvidsson,Hugues Engel
Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning Published 2024-09-03
“I know this language, that language, and my language”
Mina Kheirkhah Fogelberg
Language Culture and Society Published 2024-09-03
Indicating engagement in online workplace meetings
Dawn Knight,Anne O’Keeffe,Geraldine Mark,Christopher Fitzgerald,Justin McNamaraS. AdolphsBenjamin R. CowanTania Fahey PalmaFiona FarrSandrine Peraldi
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Published 2024-09-03
Think-aloud protocols in second language writing: a mixed-methods study of their reactivity and veridicality (English language education series)
Lin Lin,Yukun Liu
Asia Pacific Journal of Education Published 2024-09-03
The rhotics of the Salvador, Bahia variety of Brazilian Portuguese
Trey Jagiella,J. Clements
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages Published 2024-09-03
Vaticanus Urbinas graecus 159 – Vu
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
A Study on the Translation of Culture-Specific Items in Character Depiction in the English Version of Pu Songling’s Liaozhai Zhiyi
Shuihan Yi,Chwee Fang Ng,Hazlina Abdul Halim
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-02
Neapolitanus II D 30 – Ne
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
Learners’ motivational opportunities, learning style, cognitive ability and their associations with LLS choice to practice speaking EFL: Dire Dawa secondary government schools in Focus, Ethiopia
Dessalegn Oljira Beyene,J. W. Hussein,Abera Admasu Endeshaw,Alemayehu Getachew Tsegaye
Cogent Education Published 2024-09-02
Laura Caponetto,Neri Marsili
Australasian Journal of Philosophy Published 2024-09-02
The Derivative Connotations of International Publicity Translation in China from the Cultural Semiotics perspective
Lingling Tang,S. Hemchua
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Bahaya dan Masalah-Masalah yang Terjadi pada Remaja dan Implikasi Perkembangan Remaja pada Pendidikan
Ramadhan Lubis,Bahuddin Rozi Lubis,Dwi Retno Anjani,Ersa Nabilla Sufi,Latifah ZaharaNabila Putri PratamaSiti Aisiyah RahmanYusra Salsabila
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Published 2024-09-02
R. W. Gamermann,Fabio Junior Maneguello
Revista Foco Published 2024-09-02
The Gendered Construction of the Japanese Language-Learning Boom in Postcolonial Korea
Jinsuk Yang
Asian Studies Review Published 2024-09-02
Aelius Dionysius, Ἀττικὰ ὀνόματα
Federica Benuzzi
Published 2024-09-02
Vaticanus Palatinus graecus 149 – Vp
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
EXPRESS: The role of animacy in language production: evidence from bare noun naming.
Yufang Wang,J. Witteman,N. Schiller
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Published 2024-09-02
Improving text classification through pre-attention mechanism-derived lexicons
Zhe Wang,Qingbiao Li,Bin Wang,Tong Wu,Chengwei Chang
Published 2024-09-02
On the issue of code switching in the speech of multilinguals on the Lithuanian-Belarusian borderland (based on field materials)
Maria V. Zavyalova,Rita Balkute
Славяноведение Published 2024-09-02
Gwendolyn M. Williams,Mary S. Diamond,Hyeon-Jean Yoo
LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching Published 2024-09-02
Kearifan Lokal dalam Cerita Rakyat “Timun Mas” Sebagai Media Pengenalan Budaya dalam Pembelajaran BIPA
Rafiqah Zainy,Ivana May Dea,Silvia Yulandari Tambunan
Published 2024-09-02
Penggunaan Media Komik dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Desy Mimi Syafitri,Siti Masyithoh
EduInovasi Journal of Basic Educational Studies Published 2024-09-02
Analisis Tindak Tutur Lokusi, Ilokusi dan Perlokusi pada Film “3.600 Detik” Karya Charon
Agnes Abigael Simanjuntak,Florentina Sagala,Johana Jojor E Sibuea,Ruth Silvia Lisda J Sitorus,Achmad Yuhdi
Published 2024-09-02
Modelling Engineering Processes in Natural Language: A Case Study
Philipp Kogler,Wei Chen,Andreas Falkner,Alois Haselböck,Stefan Wallner
Software Product Lines Conference Published 2024-09-02
Exploring the Potential Challenges Faced by Sudanese EFL Learners in Acquiring English Language Speaking Skills at the Tertiary Educational Level
Elamin Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-02
Prospects and challenges in establishing entrepreneurship in post COVID-19 language and culture-related tourist attractions
Y. Lestari,Kamaludin Yusra
Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Published 2024-09-02
Exploring the potential of GPT-4 as an interactive transcreation assistant in game localisation: A case study on the translation of Pokémon names
Luis Damián Moreno García,Carme Mangiron
Perspectives Published 2024-09-02
Exprimer la dynamique spatiale par l’utilisation de l’adjectif grave et ses équivalents polonais dans les textes de loi
D. Śliwa
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law Published 2024-09-02
Human versus Neural Machine Translation Creativity: A Study on Manipulated MWEs in Literature
Gloria Corpas Pastor,Laura Noriega-Santiáñez
Information Published 2024-09-02
Transitioning from Monodisciplinary in Arabic Education: Indonesian Insights
R. Taufiqurrochman,Lubna Farah
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Published 2024-09-02
Parisinus graecus 2671 – Ps
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
To Become an Object Among Objects: Generative Artificial “Intelligence,” Writing, and Linguistic White Supremacy
R. S. de Roock
Reading Research Quarterly Published 2024-09-02
Parisinus graecus 2647 – B
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
From color naming to color perception: Cross‐linguistic differences of the chromatic information processing in monolingual and bilingual speakers
Camilla Simoncelli,Philippe Gréa,Maria Kihlstedt
Published 2024-09-02
A systematic review of Grammarly in L2 English writing contexts
Gilbert Dizon,J. Gayed
Cogent Education Published 2024-09-02
Jib as A Verb: An Earlier Use and Disputed Etymologies
Ai Zhong,Jiazhu Hu
Notes and Queries Published 2024-09-02
Projections on (re)designing pedagogical pathways towards decolonial praxis in postgraduate literacy education
Maria Prozesky,Ana Ferreira
Published 2024-09-02
The effect of co-regulation on English public speaking self-efficacy in collaborative oral presentations
Xia Hao,Hua Chen
Frontiers in Psychology Published 2024-09-02
Service satisfaction among a language minority: a randomized survey experiment on the satisfaction of Swedish-speaking Finns with early childhood education
Isak Vento,Jesper Eklund,Jonas Schauman
International Journal of Public Sector Management Published 2024-09-02
EXPRESS: Word length and frequency effects in natural Chinese reading: Evidence for character representations in lexical identification.
Ying Fu,Simon Liversedge,X. Bai,Maleeha Moosa,Chuanli Zang
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Published 2024-09-02
Unveiling dynamics of language visibility and vitality in café menus near Labrang Monastery
Min He,Shengnan Chen
Frontiers in Psychology Published 2024-09-02
Poetry unveiled: Multimodality and aesthetic responses as a fresh approach to teaching and reading verse
Claire Ahn,Alexandra Minuk
Published 2024-09-02
Understanding University Students’ Foreign Language Learning Attitudes: An Analysis Based on Stereotypes
Selime Güntaş Işık,Fatma Aslantürk Altıntuğ,Sibel Süzek Birkollu,Ahmet Güneyli
Societies Published 2024-09-02
Ambrosianus A 78 sup. – Ab
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
Individual Networks of Practice and Socialization into Academic Writing Outside the Classroom: A Case Study of an English Learner in Japan
John Bankier
Published 2024-09-02
Orus, Ἀττικῶν λέξεων συναγωγή
Federica Benuzzi
Published 2024-09-02
Philemon, Περὶ Ἀττικῆς ἀντιλογίας τῆς ἐν ταῖς λέξεσιν
Roberto Batisti
Published 2024-09-02
Navigating the English Curriculum Landscape: A Critical Analysis of Nepal Sanskrit University's Approach
Diwakar Regmi
Published 2024-09-02
Facial expressions in different communication settings: A case of whispering and speaking with a face mask in Farsi
Nasim Mahdinazhad Sardhaei,Marzena Żygis,Hamid Sharifzadeh
Language and Cognition Published 2024-09-02
Analisis Puisi “pada suatu Hari Nanti” Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono: Kajian terhadap Jenis Makna dalam Ilmu Semantik
Aisyah Tinus Puspa Ningrum,Anisah Azzahra Dalimunthe,Achmad Yuhdi
Published 2024-09-02
Vindobonensis philologicus graecus 44 – Wn
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
AraTSum: Arabic Twitter Trend Summarization Using Topic Analysis and Extractive Algorithms
Enas Monir,Ahmad Salah
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems Published 2024-09-02
Kajian Psikolinguistik: Terhadap Perkembangan Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Usia Empat Tahun
Syahma Fitri Manullang,Elkana Pujiando Manullang,Mia Anggreini Br Singarimbun
Published 2024-09-02
Swahili personality-trait vocabulary: A psycho-lexical study using dictionary and day-to-day conversations by indigenous speakers
Harrun H. Garrashi,Boele de Raad,D. Barelds
International Journal of Personality Psychology Published 2024-09-02
Analisis Morfosemantik terhadap Fi’il Mazid dalam Al-Qur’an Juz I
Rona Handayani,Wiwit Yusnida Ritonga,Rahmayani,Afrahul Fadilah,Rosita Dongoran
Published 2024-09-02
Informasi di Balik Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak: Sebuah Tinjauan Mendalam
A. Hazimah,Devani Reviel,L. Aprilia,Achmad Yuhdi
Published 2024-09-02
Z-number linguistic term set for multi-criteria group decision-making and its application in predicting the acceptance of academic papers
Yangxue Li,Gang Kou,Yi Peng,J. A. Morente-Molinera
Published 2024-09-02
Hedging in Discourse
Peter van Elswyk
Synthese Published 2024-09-02
Faktor Kesulitan Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di MTs Al-Manar Medan
Arridho Prasetiyo Pradana P,Harun Al-Rasyid
EduInovasi Journal of Basic Educational Studies Published 2024-09-02
Nepali Text-to-Speech Synthesis Using Tacotron2 and WaveGlow
Ashma Rai,Shikshya Shiwakoti,Swostika Basukala,Suramya Sharma Dahal
Published 2024-09-02
Multi-source domain adaptation for dependency parsing via domain-aware feature generation
Ying Li,Zhenguo Zhang,Yantuan Xian,Zhengtao Yu,Shengxiang GaoCunli MaoYuxin Huang
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics Published 2024-09-02
Family(jiārénmen) is not a family: a study on the construction of pragmatic identities in the generalization of Internet address term “jiārénmen”
Junling Wang,Yansheng Mao,Kaihang Zhao
Lodz Papers in Pragmatics Published 2024-09-02
Networks and identity drive the spatial diffusion of linguistic innovation in urban and rural areas
Aparna Ananthasubramaniam,David Jurgens,Daniel M. Romero
Published 2024-09-02
Translation of Children’s Rhyme Bible Storybook on “The Creation” from English into Indonesian
Adolfina Krisfu,M. Nababan,R. Santosa,Agus Hari Wibowo
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-02
Parisinus graecus suppl. 209 – Pn
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
Bret Harte’s “Ah Sin”: Irish Catholics, Chinese Immigrants, and Heathen Others in “Plain Language from Truthful James”
Ryan Furlong
ANQ. A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews Published 2024-09-02
Ambrosianus M 94 sup. – Am
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
Negotiating the Task of Translation: Modern Orthodox Students Read the Hebrew Bible
Ziva R. Hassenfeld
Religion & Education Published 2024-09-02
Analysis of the Impact of Vocabulary-Based English Competition Certificates on the Employment of Vocational College Students
Xiaochao Yao,Xiaojing Huang
Published 2024-09-02
Effects of semantic and pragmatic factors on preschool children's negation-triggered inferences on possible alternatives.
Xiaowen Zhang,Peng Zhou
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Published 2024-09-02
Methodology of Lexical Competence Formation of Power-Engineering Students based on CBA and its Experimental Research in Teaching ESP
Bakirova Khilolakhon Botiraliyevna
Published 2024-09-02
Influential Psycholinguistic Factors in the Development of Linguistic Competence in English as a Foreign Language
Margit Julia Guerra Ayala,Gretel Emperatriz Zegobia Vilca,Claret Aurelia Cuba-Raime
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-02
Development and Validation of Instruments for Measuring Shadowing Exercises through Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL) in EFL Learning
Xiuzhen Jia,O. B. Keat
Advances in Humanities Research Published 2024-09-02
The syntax of serial verbs in Jordanian Arabic: a cartographic analysis
Eman Al Khalaf,N. Al-Khawaldeh
Published 2024-09-02
Belajar Bahasa Indonesia di Era Digital: Kajian Literatur Tentang Peran dan Pemanfaatan Media Digital dalam Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Bipa
Elkana Pujiando Manullang,Syahma Fitri Manullang,M. Saragih,Safinatul Hasanah Harahap
Published 2024-09-02
Exploring the Benefits and Applications of Video-Span Selection and Search for Real-Time Support in Sign Language Video Comprehension among ASL Learners
Saad Hassan,Caluã de Lacerda Pataca,Akhter Al Amin,Laleh Nourian,Diego NavarroSooyeon LeeAlexis GordonMatthew WatkinsGarreth W. TigwellMatt Huenerfauth
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing Published 2024-09-02
Character-Level Text Generation for Shakespearean Style with LSTMs
Lakshin Pathak,Kajal Lochab,Veena Gidwani
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Published 2024-09-02
Monacensis graecus 202 – Mn
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
Editorial: Parental questionnaires as a reliable instrument for the assessment of child language development
M. Ezeizabarrena,Melita Kovačević
Frontiers in Psychology Published 2024-09-02
A Call to Reflexivity: Working with Metaphor, Weaving Voices, and Progressing Conversations
Maja Samardžić
Journal of constructivist psychology Published 2024-09-02
Proposing authorship for artificial intelligence and large language models
J. A. Teixeira da Silva
European Science Editing Published 2024-09-02
Language teacher educators' identity development through self‐study: A case for collaboration and community
Elena Andrei,April S. Salerno,Amanda K. Kibler
TESOL journal Published 2024-09-02
A Cognitive Semantic Account of the Preposition “‘bra” in Modern Standard Arabic with Reference to the English “Through”
Salha Alqarni
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-02
Driving Consumer Choices: The Influence of Pidgin Language in Pepsi Advertising
Nogzi O. Osueke,Awokson P. Kuyet,Olayinka S. Ogundoyin,Adedeji O. Christianah
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Published 2024-09-02
A Review of "Philosophy of Language: The Basics" by Ethan Nowak
Batool Abdul-mohsin Miri
International Journal of Linguistics Studies Published 2024-09-02
Toward mastering foreign-language translations: transfer between productive and receptive learning.
Emma Bernardi,Kalif E. Vaughn,J. Dunlosky,Katherine A. Rawson
Memory Published 2024-09-02
Nurse-Patient Communication: An Examination of Student-Nurses of Post Basic Nursing Anesthesia (PBNA) and Peri-Operative Nursing (PON) of Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Plateau State, Nigeria
Patricia Nathan Bwai,I. Dajang
Published 2024-09-02
Kajian Sosiolinguistik terhadap Tuturan Makian Masyarakat Heterogen di Medan
Ayu Wardani Sitompul,Christine Hagaina Ginting,Theresa Da Silvia Sihite,Safinatul Hasanah Harahap
Published 2024-09-02
Comparative description of lexical systems (on the material of the Serbian-Russian dictionary)
Yulia L. Shapich
Славяноведение Published 2024-09-02
Exploring the Development of Progressive Construction in Chinese and Japanese EFL Writing: A Usage‐Based Approach
Gui-Rong Wang,Hui Wang,Li Wang
Published 2024-09-02
Developing a Chinese Language Course Integrating Deep Learning Theory and OBE: Promote Critical Thinking Skill for Undergraduate Students in Guangzhou, China
Na Li,Jiraporn Chano
Higher Education Studies Published 2024-09-02
Agency through conversational alignment in transnational families: shaping family language policy
Suat Istanbullu
SN Social Sciences Published 2024-09-02
A Study on the Language Localization Process of English for Chinese Students Studying in the UK: A Case Study of Slang
Shiting Huang
Published 2024-09-02
Funny words on the screen: Exploring linguistic authority through subtitling practices
Andrew D. Wong
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology Published 2024-09-02
Parisinus graecus 1868 – Pa
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Published 2024-09-02
On the social meanings of avoiding fully-articulated explicatures and the role of pragmatics in utterance explication
Marwan Jarrah,Sukayna Ali,Yousef Aljabali,Hanan Al-Jabri
Lodz Papers in Pragmatics Published 2024-09-02
Verb argument constructions in argumentative essays by college-level Asian learners of English: Exploring the effects of English proficiency, acquisition context, and topic
Hang Li,Xin Yu
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
How Americans and Saudis Make Requests: A Politeness Theory Analysis
O. A. Alkhonini,Othman Khalid Al-Shboul,Nusaibah J. Dakamsih
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Language quality, content, structure: What analytic ratings tell us about EFL writing skills at upper secondary school level in Germany and Switzerland
Stefan D. Keller,Julian Lohmann,Ruth Trüb,Johanna Fleckenstein,Jennifer MeyerThorben JansenJens Möller
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
Usage-based approaches to assessing syntactic sophistication in second language writing: Interaction of genre and proficiency
Hyunwoo Kim,Eunseok Ro
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
Variational pragmatics in Chinese discourse markers zhege and nage: The influence of region and gender
Jing Zhang
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Diachronic changes of number use in written American English from 1923 to 2008
Gui-Rong Wang,Jing Shu,Li Wang
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
The transformative impact of large language models on medical writing and publishing: current applications, challenges and future directions
Sangzin Ahn
Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Published 2024-09-01
Linguocultural aspect of phraseological units (Guanyongyu) in modern Chinese language
Madina Sabirova,T. Kalibekuly,Raushan Jeldybayeva
Published 2024-09-01
53752 Online Search Trends of Hyperpigmentation-Related Information Among Spanish-Speaking Individuals with Limited English Proficiency in the United States
Kevin Puerta Durango,Tatiana Barrera,Stephanie Marin,Susan Taylor
Journal of American Academy of Dermatology Published 2024-09-01
A cross-linguistic examination of language measures in autism: A comparison between Dutch and English
Marjolein Mués,Yanru Chen,Ellen Demurie,Maide Erdoğan,Sarah SchaubroeckHelen Tager-FlusbergHerbert Roeyers
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Published 2024-09-01
The impact of polish accents on guilt
Łukasz Zarzycki
Published 2024-09-01
Unraveling the logical status of sentential relative clauses in English: Constructing a multifunctional framework
Qi Liao,Chenguang Chang
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Editorial Board
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
A Study on Teachers’ Perceptions of Early Childhood Language Teaching Methods
Published 2024-09-01
Comparison of Authorial Stance Between Professional and Amateur Writers in Scientific Correspondence Writing
Kultida Khammee,Seongha Rhee
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Establishing recipiency in divergent L2 contexts of classroom interaction: A conversation analysis
Mengistu Anagaw Engida,Haile Kassahun Bewuket,Mekonnen Esubalew Tariku,Wondiyfraw Mhiret Dessie
Heliyon Published 2024-09-01
Getting a grip on the writing process: (Effective) approaches to write argumentative and narrative texts in L1 and L2
Nina Vandermeulen,Eva Lindgren,Christian Waldmann,Maria Levlin
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
EFL Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Knowledge for Translating English Proverbs Into Vietnamese
Khâu Hoàng Anh,Nguyen Huynh Trang
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Book review
Lu Huang,Liping Chen
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
Buffering the Effects of Students’ Perceived Task Difficulty on Cognitive Engagement in EFL Writing Classrooms: The Role of Foreign Language Enjoyment and Growth Mindset
S. Almutlaq
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Forms and functions of self-repetition in Mandarin child-directed speech
Chiung-chih Huang
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
Book review
Yi An,Hang Su
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Kin Cognition and Communication: What Talking, Gesturing, and Drawing About Family Can Tell us About the Way We Think About This Core Social Structure.
Simon Devylder,Jennifer Hinnel,Joost van de Weier,Linea Brink Andersen,Lucie Laporte-DevylderHeron Ken Tomaki Kulukul
Cognitive Sciences Published 2024-09-01
Development of noise robust real time automatic speech recognition system for Kannada language/dialects
T. G,Nagaraja B.G.,H. S. Jayanna
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-09-01
An Ecolinguistic Study of Language Teachers as Activists in Promoting Dialogue on SDGs
Afia Kanwal
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Making refusals via English as a lingua franca: Chinese English speakers’ strategies and sequences
Xianming Fang
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Span-level bidirectional retention scheme for aspect sentiment triplet extraction
Xuan Yang,Tao Peng,Haijia Bi,Jiayu Han
Information Processing & Management Published 2024-09-01
A comparative genre analysis of AI-generated and scholar-written abstracts for English review articles in international journals
Xinwan Kong,Chengyu Liu
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Identifying and analyzing common English writing challenges among regular undergraduate students
Tamirat Taye,Melese Mengesha
Heliyon Published 2024-09-01
تأثير برنامج ترقية اللغة الأجنبية في ترقية مهارة الكلام لطلاب الجامعة في كلية التربية بجامعة الإسلامية الحكومية
Syafiqoh El-Nabila,Siti Maisaroh
AS-SABIQUN Published 2024-09-01
Cuneiform Text Dialect Identification Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Elaf A. Saeed,Ammar D. Jasim,Munther A. Abdul Malik
Published 2024-09-01
CSLNSpeech: solving the extended speech separation problem with the help of Chinese Sign Language
Jiasong Wu,Xuan Li,Taotao Li,Fanman Meng,Youyong KongGuanyu YangL. SenhadjiHuazhong Shu
Speech Communication Published 2024-09-01
JALT2024 Plenary Speaker: Toward Justice-Affirming Language Teaching
Ryuko Kubota
Language Teaching Published 2024-09-01
Soundscape descriptors in eighteen languages: Translation and validation through listening experiments
Francesco Aletta,Andrew Mitchell,T. Oberman,Jian Kang,S. KhelilT. BouzirD. BerkoukHui XieYuan ZhangRuining ZhangXinhao YangMin LiKristian JambrošićTamara ZaninovićKirsten van den BoschTamara C. LührNicolas B. OrlikDarragh W. FitzpatrickA. SarampalisP. AumondC. LavandierC. MoshonaSteffen LepaAndré FiebigN. PapadakisG. StavroulakisA. SudarsonoSugeng Joko SarwonoG. PuglisiFarid JafariA. AstolfiL. ShtrepiKoji NagahataH. JoJin Yong JeonBhan LamJ. ChiengKenneth OoiJ. HongSónia Monteiro AntunesSónia AlvesMaria Luiza de Ulhoa CarvalhoR. MichalskiPablo KoganJerónimo Vida ManzanoRafael García QuesadaEnrique Suárez SilvaJosé Antonio Almagro PastorMats E. NilssonÖsten AxelssonWoon-Seng GanKarn N. WatcharasupatSureenate JaratjarungkiatZhen-Ting OngP. N. DÖKMECİ YÖRÜKOĞLUU. Erçakmak OsmaThu Lan Nguyen
Applied Acoustics Published 2024-09-01
Research on the Types and Influencing Factors of English Learning Motivation among English Major Undergraduates: A Case Study of Third-Year Students at a University in East China
Zhijing Guo,Wang Xinbo
International Journal of Linguistics Studies Published 2024-09-01
Children's Voices in Poetry: The Illustration and Re-Imagination of National Identity
A. Sudigdo,O. Pamungkas,Hastangka,Suprapto,SumarniOpik AbdurrahmanIyoh Mastiyah
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Bibliography as a language communication tool
Agnieszka Gołda,Jacek Tomaszczyk
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
JALT2024 Plenary Speaker: Demonstrating Diversity: Reaching Beyond Stereotypes in the ESL Classroom
Avril Haye-Matsui
Language Teaching Published 2024-09-01
Asymmetrical portrayal of gender within professional, recreational, and domestic spaces in locally developed Pakistani English Language Textbooks: A multimodal analysis
S. Mahmood,Ali Jalalian Daghigh,Surinderpal Kaur
Published 2024-09-01
Non-native English-speaking (NNES) students’ English academic writing experiences in higher education: A meta-ethnographic qualitative synthesis
Mingyu Li
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Multimodal Sarcasm Detection: A Comprehensive Review
Mr. Amit Srivastava,Priyanshu Batham,Disha Tiwari
Interculturality In Universities: Identity, Experiences And The Impact of Beca 18 on Bilingual Students
Yuri Reina Marín,Einstein Sánchez Bardales,Omer Cruz Caro,Angelica María Carrasco Rituay,Milena Torres FernándezRiver Chávez Santos
Journal of Intercultural Communication Published 2024-09-01
“What it is exactly that circulates”: Affective value, re/production, and rhetorical exchange
Kelin Loe
Computers and Composition Published 2024-09-01
The equivalence between the Mandarin Chinese and English versions of soundscape attributes: A cross-cultural comparison
Hui Xie,Ping Yang,Chang-chun Liu,Yu Tian
Applied Acoustics Published 2024-09-01
Native language background affects the perception of duration and pitch
Siqi Lyu,Nele Põldver,Liis Kask,Luming Wang,K. Kreegipuu
Brain and Language Published 2024-09-01
Lip reading using deep learning in Turkish language
Hadi Pourmousa,Üstün Özen
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-09-01
Individual variation in the realisation and contrast of Swedish children’s word-initial voiceless fricatives
Carla Wikse Barrow,Sofia Strömbergsson,M. Wlodarczak,M. Heldner
Journal of Phonetics Published 2024-09-01
The impact of computer-mediated task complexity on writing fluency: A comparative study of L1 and L2 writers’ fluency performance
Mahmoud Abdi Tabari,Muhammad M.M. Abdel Latif,Yu Tian
Computers and Composition Published 2024-09-01
Corrigendum to “Disentangling sources of difficulty associated with the acquisition of accusative clitics in French” [Lingua 180 (2016) 1–24]
H. Delage,Stéphanie Durrleman,Ulrich H. Frauenfelder
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Teaching English for Tourism: A Case Study in Kosovo
Libron Kelmendi,Valdet Hysenaj
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Afro-Latinx Poetry Now: Context and Origin of a Folio
Francisco Aragón
Chiricú Journal Latina/o Literatures Arts and Cultures Published 2024-09-01
Construal and impersonalization in German and English: Comparing impersonal pronouns in online hotel reviews
Bridgit Fastrich
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
The Effect of Language Anxiety and Proficiency on Saudi EFL Learners’ Attitudes Towards Teacher Code-Switching
Noha Almansour
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
The English politeness marker please in Chinese
Yunhan Jia
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Back Chat: Caricature Versions of Talk in Late-Regency and Early-Victorian Print Culture
Brian Maidment
Victorian Review Published 2024-09-01
Translation and Localization in Global Technical Communication
Beau Pihlaja,Meghalee Das,Laurena Davis,Aliethia Dean,Danyela M. FonsecaElizabeth HughesRegan JoswiakLaura KolevaMin YangJiaxin Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Reviewing 25 years of continuous sign language recognition research: Advances, challenges, and prospects
Sarah Alyami,H. Luqman,M. Hammoudeh
Information Processing & Management Published 2024-09-01
Corrigendum to “The Polish accents of guilt” [Lang Commun, 98 (2024), 1]
Łukasz Zarzycki
Published 2024-09-01
The relationship between creativity and language as measured by linguistic maturity and text production
Victoria Guentulle,Miguel Nussbaum,Franco Castillo,Pablo Chiuminatto,Jonathan Michael SpectorMatías Rojas
Thinking Skills and Creativity Published 2024-09-01
Cross-dialectal perspectives on Mandarin neutral tone
Chenzi Xu
Journal of Phonetics Published 2024-09-01
Translator’s Visibility in Mediating Confrontational Responses of “Challenge” Strategy at China’s Diplomatic Press Conferences
Wei Yang,N. Mansor,L. Ang,Mingxing Yang
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
The complexity of acts with self-deprecation in Korean reality TV shows
Eunseok Ro,Josephine Mijin Lee
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
A Metafora pada Lirik Lagu Shinkai Karya Eve Pendekatan Teori Ullman dan Halley
T. Nugroho,Tadjuddin Nur
Jurnal SAKURA : Sastra, Bahasa, Kebudayaan dan Pranata Jepang Published 2024-09-01
The Role of Internet to Bridge Language Gaps in Learning English as a Foreign Language in Solo's Multilingual
Atik Astrini,Yeni Prastiwi,Hapy Adityarini
Published 2024-09-01
Embracing Global Voices: An Exploration of Thai Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices on Culturally Diverse ELT Materials in a Northern Thai University
Rutthaphak Huttayavilaiphan
Journal of Intercultural Communication Published 2024-09-01
Insights of learning approach towards determination of potentially objectional communication in social networking
Praneetha Garagadakuppe Nanjundappa,Kamalakshi Naganna
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-09-01
Editorial Board
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Book review
Majed Abdullah Alharbi,O. A. Alkhonini
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
The intersection of Chineseness and internationalism among Chinese millennials at an EMI university
Robert Weekly,Shih-Ching (Susan) Picucci-Huang
Published 2024-09-01
The Audit Report in Contrast: Developing Corpus-Informed Applications for Spanish Users of English for Business Purposes
Marlén Izquierdo
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Sudanese Students’ Perceptions of Code Switching in English Language Classes
Elsadig Hussein Fadlalla Ali,Fawzi Eltayeb Yousuf Ahmed,Zahir Adam Daffalla Ahmed,Sarrah Osman Eltom,Nawal Mosa Mohammed AbdallahHaider Falah Zaeid
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Real time feedback and E-learning intelligent entertainment experience in computer English communication based on deep learning
Ping Zhou
Entertainment Computing Published 2024-09-01
Technology-Powered Multilingual Professional and Technical Writing: An Integrative Literature Review of Landmark and the Latest Writing Assistance Tools
Lucía Sanz-Valdivieso
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Aspects of translation of Russian linguistic realities of N.V. Gogol’s novel “Dead Souls” into Chinese language
Mengdi Cao,Gulmira Kazybek,Nurzhan Saparbayeva,Gulnar Nadirova,Jiaying Su
Published 2024-09-01
Culture, Paralanguage, and Learning Spanish as a Foreign Language During Pandemic
Nancy Gómez-Torres,Consuelo Cedano-Pineda,Oscar Alberto Molina-Márquez
Journal of Intercultural Communication Published 2024-09-01
Effects of domain-specific linguistic factors on the difficulty of mathematics tasks
David Bednorz,Michael Kleine,Rudolf vom Hofe
Journal of Mathematical Behavior Published 2024-09-01
Correlation of ESP Learners’ Cognitive, Metacognitive Strategies and Academic Achievement
Ali Ahmed Khan,Abdulaziz B. Sanosi
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
JALT2024 Kevin Cleary Invited Speaker: Exploring Learner Potential and Educator Possibilities
Robert Chartrand
Language Teaching Published 2024-09-01
A neural-network based web application on real-time recognition of Pakistani sign language
Amenah Abdul Mujeeb,Ali Haider Khan,Sindhu Khalid,Muhammad Shaheer Mirza,Saad Jawaid Khan
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-09-01
Book review
H. Mohebbi,Eunjeong Park
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Looking for someone: The encoding of indefinite human reference in Chinese/English aligned translation
Ludovica Lena
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
On relative word length and transposed-word effects.
Yun Wen,Jonathan Mirault,Jonathan Grainger
Published 2024-09-01
The use of gender-fair language in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland: A contrastive, corpus-based study
Sabrina Link
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Impacts of LMS Socio-Linguistic and Psychometric Factors on Students' English and Translation Proficiency and Communicative Competence: A Paradigm Shift During COVID-19 Pandemic
Magda Madkour,Hajer Alaskar
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Why the distinction between language and languages matters Comment on “Language follows a distinct mode of extra-genomic evolution” by Balthasar Bickel, Anne-Lise Giraud, Klaus Zuberbühler, Carel P. van Schaik
R.I.M. Dunbar
Physics of Life Reviews Published 2024-09-01
English Learners’ Belief and Investment in English Pronunciation Learning
Yanmei Zhang,Shanina Sharatol Ahmad Shah,Fatiha Senom
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Western-trained Vietnamese teachers’ EFL writing instruction: A collaborative autoethnography of tensions, emotion, and agency from an activity theoretical perspective
Khoa Dang Truong,Anh Thi Nguyen
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
Multilingual media repertoires of young people in the migration society: A plea for a language and culture-aware approach to media education
Ç. Bozdağ,Yasemin Karakasoğlu
Global Studies of Childhood Published 2024-09-01
Relieving negative Chinese transfer in EFL syntactic writing through negative feedback based on computational thinking
Youjun Tang,Xiaomei Ma
Thinking Skills and Creativity Published 2024-09-01
A novel prompting method for few-shot NER via LLMs
Qi Cheng,Liqiong Chen,Zhixing Hu,Juan Tang,Qiang XuBinbin Ning
Natural Language Processing Journal Published 2024-09-01
Critical Response I: Queer Theory Continues to Take Shape
Benjamin Kahan
Critical Inquiry Published 2024-09-01
Exploring The Possibility of Using Khelobedu As A Medium of Instruction: Teachers And Subject Advisors’ Perspectives
Tsebo Ramothwala,I. P. Mandende,M. Cekiso
Journal of Intercultural Communication Published 2024-09-01
Lorenzo Nespoli. Dutch grammar in Japanese words: Reception and representation of European Theory of Grammar in the manuscripts of Shizuki Tadao (1760–1806). Amsterdam: LOT, 2023. 691 blz. ISBN: 978-94-6093-435-3. DOI: 10.48273/LOT0650. €59.
W.J. Boot
Nederlandse Taalkunde Published 2024-09-01
Vocatives as attitudinal markers: The Tunisian Arabic particle ha:
Amel Khalfaoui
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Lexicographic Majority
H. Petri
Journal of Mathematical Psychology Published 2024-09-01
ArSa-Tweets: A novel Arabic sarcasm detection system based on deep learning model
Qusai Q. Abuein,Ra'ed M. Al-Khatib,Aya Migdady,M. Jawarneh,Asef Al-Khateeb
Heliyon Published 2024-09-01
Seeking research funding in a peripheral context: A learner corpus genre study of grant proposal summaries
Maggie Charles,Karin Whiteside
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Setting Foundations: An Integrative Literature Review at the Intersections of Technical and Professional Communication and Translation Studies
Ashleigh Petts,S. Veeramoothoo,Massimo Verzella
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Enhancing cross-cultural communication for Chinese tourists in non-native English-speaking destinations: a study of sociolinguistic competence and politeness challenges
Gang An,Debbita Ai Lin Tan
Published 2024-09-01
Does Translation Technology Affect Translators' Performance? A Meta-Analysis
Deema Alwathnani,Hassan Mahdi,Hind M. Alotaibi
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
A Corpus-Based Text-Centric Approach to the Scientific Discourse Actualization in the Process of Forming the Professional Language Personality of Linguistic Specialties Students
Evgeniya Vladimirovna Kazanskaya,Irina Andreevna Lavrova
Siberian Pedagogical Journal Published 2024-09-01
Theta-band neural oscillations reflect cognitive control during language processing.
Tal Ness,Valerie J Langlois,J. Novick,Albert E. Kim
Journal of experimental psychology. General Published 2024-09-01
HarmonyNet: Navigating hate speech detection
Shaina Raza,Veronica Chatrath
Natural Language Processing Journal Published 2024-09-01
VTPL: Visual and Text Prompt Learning for visual-language models
Bo Sun,Zhichao Wu,Hao Zhang,Jun He
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Published 2024-09-01
Okay as a marker for coordinating transitions in joint actions: Effects of participant role and age in Swiss German and Swiss French interviews
Adrian Bangerter,Dominique Knutsen,Elisabeth Germanier,Gilles Col,Julie Brosy
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
From engrams to schemas
Konrad Szcześniak,Václav Řeřicha
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Which is better? Taxonomy induction with learning the optimal structure via contrastive learning
Yuan Meng,Songlin Zhai,Zhihua Chai,Yuxin Zhang,Tianxing WuGuilin QiWei Song
Knowledge-Based Systems Published 2024-09-01
University–Industry Collaboration in Managing Translation Projects: Perceptions and Responses From Students, Instructors, and Industry Partners
Daqin Cao,Jianfen Chen,Shijie Liu
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Aeneas the Fair Youth: Early Modern Whiteness and the Aeneid in English Translation
Lauren Robertson
English Literary Renaissance Published 2024-09-01
Translanguaging for English Language Education: Uncovering Thai EFL Students’ Insights
Eric A. Ambele,Akkarapon Nuemaihom
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Reinforcement of low-resource language translation with neural machine translation and backtranslation synergies
Padma Prasada,M. V. Panduranga Rao
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-09-01
Floral Lexicons in Javanese Proverbs: An Ecolinguistic Study
T. Yuniawan,S. Urip,Prembayun Miji Lestari,Muhamad Rohmadi
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
A Corpus-Driven Study of Syntactic And Semantic Models of Transitivized English Intransitive Verbs
Xiaofang Wu,Kunxue Xiao
Journal of Intercultural Communication Published 2024-09-01
Semantic (dis)continuity and institutional transformation: The decline of Afrikaans at Stellenbosch University
Lloyd Hill
Published 2024-09-01
Equal Temperament and Interval Sizes of Ascending and Descending Intervals
Patrick Thomas Brady Caldera,Héctor Archilla-Segade
Published 2024-09-01
Group decision making based on dice similarity measure and 2-dimension linguistic fuzzy weighted arithmetic aggregation operator for 2-dimension linguistic fuzzy variables
Hua Zhu,Rosa M. Rodríguez,Jianbin Zhao
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-09-01
Crafting Language for Culinary Excellence: Customizing ESP Content to Align with Student and Industry Needs
Khairun Nisa Simanjuntak,Ratmanida
Voices of English Language Education Society Published 2024-09-01
A Review of Promises and Challenges of AI-Based Chatbots in Language Education through the Lens of Learner Emotions
Y. Xiao,Tianyu Zhang,Jingyi He
Heliyon Published 2024-09-01
Review of Nima’s Sustainable Innovations
Shamim Ahmadzai,Hassan Shah Rahimi
Published 2024-09-01
Musician Advantage for Segregation of Competing Speech in Native Tonal Language Speakers
Yang-Wenyi Liu,Xiaoting Cheng,Chenru Ding,J. Galvin,Bing ChenQian-Jie Fu
Published 2024-09-01
Securing sufficient uptake and sequence progression – För att (‘because’)-prefaced self-continuations and gesture in Swedish talk-in-interaction
Sara Rönnqvist
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Effectiveness of student academic presentations: What do we learn from presentation guidebooks?
Alla Zareva
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Kesantunan dalam Tindak Tutur Melalui Kotowaza: Kajian Pragmatik
Iffatu Masrura Al Hakimi
Jurnal SAKURA : Sastra, Bahasa, Kebudayaan dan Pranata Jepang Published 2024-09-01
The intergenerational effects of language proficiency on child health outcomes: Evidence from survey- and Census-matched health care records
Nicole Black,Johannes S. Kunz
Published 2024-09-01
Determining the optimal environmental information for training computational models of lexical semantics and lexical organization.
Brendan T. Johns
Published 2024-09-01
Development of Song Media Assisted with Canva To Improve the Acrostic Poetry Writing Skills
Betha Centaury An-Nisa,Putri Yanuarita Sutikno
Edunesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Published 2024-09-01
Critical thinking abilities, cognitive reading strategies, and task-based language learning among Chinese EFL learners
Xiaoqing Su
International Journal of Research Studies in Management Published 2024-09-01
Sahara Queen Alsakina,Shobihus Surur,Aida Arini
Published 2024-09-01
Exploring the Utility of ChatGPT for Self-directed Online Language Learning
Zixi Li,Chaoran Wang,Curtis J. Bonk
Online Learning Published 2024-09-01
Enhancing analysis of diadochokinetic speech using deep neural networks
Yael Segal-Feldman,Kasia Hitczenko,Matthew Goldrick,Adam Buchwald,Angela RobertsJoseph Keshet
Published 2024-09-01
Evaluating English-medium instruction in higher education: EMI-QE
Athip Thumvichit,Wutthiphong Laoriandee
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Book review
Meng Zhou,Yunwen Su
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Verbal engagement in doctor–patient interaction: Resonance in Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Vittorio Tantucci,Carmen Lepadat
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Positive Evaluation in the Translation of Online Promotional Discourse in the Cheese Industry
Belén Labrador,Noelia Ramón
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Can science be better than the language that reports it?
S. Pirkmajer
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Published 2024-09-01
A Study on the English Translation of Chinese-specific Words from the Perspective of Transknowletology—Taking the English Version of Work Government Report (2024) as an Example
Shasha He,Huiqin Tu
Studies in English Language Teaching Published 2024-09-01
BERT-based models for classifying multi-dialect Arabic texts
Hassan Fouadi,Hicham El Moubtahij,Hicham Lamtougui,Ali Yahyaouy
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-09-01
On rhetorical distortion: Examining mutated hashtags in pro-an(orexi)a communities
Fernando Sánchez,Katelyn Brunner
Computers and Composition Published 2024-09-01
:Vernacular English: Reading the Anglophone in Postcolonial India
R. Srinivasan
Critical Inquiry Published 2024-09-01
Pitch variability in spontaneous speech production and its connection to usage-based grammar
Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen
Journal of Phonetics Published 2024-09-01
Exemplification and reformulation in expert linguists’ writings: Elaborative metadiscourse between disciplinarity and individuality
N. Triki
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Woven languages: understanding Indigenous socioecological systems.
P. Wehi,Hēmi Whaanga,T. Roa,Murray P. Cox
Trends in Ecology & Evolution Published 2024-09-01
Building Bridges Between Technical and Professional Communication and Translation Studies
Belén López-Arroyo,X. Wang,Suguru Ishizaki
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Making mathematics visible through narrative
Karen L. Terrell
Phi Delta Kappan Published 2024-09-01
Are They Literate on ChatGPT? University Language Students’ Awareness, Benefits and Challenges in Higher Education Learning
Sri . Sarwanti,Yanti Sariasih,Laily Rahmatika,M. M. Islam,Eka Mustika Riantina
Online Learning Published 2024-09-01
Indexing Classic Mayan, Part 2
Donald Howes
Published 2024-09-01
TB-Net: Intra- and inter-video correlation learning for continuous sign language recognition
Jingze Liu,Wanli Xue,Kaihua Zhang,Tiantian Yuan,Shengyong Chen
Information Fusion Published 2024-09-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-09-01
Measuring EFL Students’ Intercultural Competence and Language Skill after Having an International Living
Veni Roza,M. Melani,Reflinda Reflinda,Rianto Rianto,Alistair WelshNora Fudhla
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-09-01
Investigating Task Persistence in Preschool Children With Developmental Language Disorder.
Madison Formanek,Tammie J. Spaulding
Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools Published 2024-09-01
Morphosyntactic variation in spoken English in Dominica
Dagmar Deuber,Véronique Lacoste
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Reviewing approaches employed in Arabic chatbots
Abdelmounaim Bouhlali,Adil Elmansouri,Abderrahim El Mhouti,Mohamed Fahim,Tarik Boudaa
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Published 2024-09-01
FEDS-ICL: Enhancing translation ability and efficiency of large language model by optimizing demonstration selection
Shaolin Zhu,Leiyu Pan,Deyi Xiong
Information Processing & Management Published 2024-09-01
Dictionary of basic indexing terminology: Welsh
Susie Marques-Jones
Published 2024-09-01
A Cognitive Model of Language Teacher Fossilization
Ewa Tołoczko
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
“This is perplexing because…”: Examining the impact of gender and geo-academic location on expressions of confusion in research articles
Qian Wang,Guangwei Hu
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
Editorial board
Morphologie Published 2024-09-01
How does a historical linguistic landscape influence tourists' behavioral intention? A mixed-method study
Jianchi Dai,Haiying Chen,Zhiming Zhang
Tourism Management Perspectives Published 2024-09-01
Reconceptualizing the critical period hypothesis for second language acquisition: An appraisal of Lenneberg's work on the epigenesis of language
Gunnar Norrman
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
Characteristics, prevalence and tensions of critical thinking in Indonesian high school English language classes resulting from policy-driven teaching
Ricky Fernandes,John Willison,Christopher Boyle
Thinking Skills and Creativity Published 2024-09-01
Chinese vowel characterization analysis of Bangladeshi speakers using multi-view clustering
Ling Du,Junying Niu,Hui Li,Qiong Zeng,Xin Dang
Applied Acoustics Published 2024-09-01
Sequence analysis in the development of ethnomethodological conversation analysis
H. W. Schmitz
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
The marking of weak stance in Cebuano: The case of the versatile demonstrative kanάng
Michael Tanangkingsing
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
Language awareness: On the semiotics of talk and text
Alexander V. Kravchenko
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
The Universal Culture of COVID-19 as Provoked by the War Against COVID-19 Metaphor
Maisarah M. Almirabi
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
The impact of directionality on interpreters’ syntactic processing: Insights from syntactic dependency relation measures
Han Xu,Kanglong Liu
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Looking Through the Deep Glasses: How Large Language Models Enhance Explainability of Deep Learning Models
Philipp Spitzer,Sebastian Celis,Dominik Martin,Niklas Kühl,G. Satzger
Message Understanding Conference Published 2024-09-01
DCTM: Dual Contrastive Topic Model for identifiable topic extraction
Rui Wang,Peng Ren,Xing Liu,Shuyu Chang,Haiping Huang
Information Processing & Management Published 2024-09-01
Javanese part-of-speech tagging using cross-lingual transfer learning
Gabriel Enrique,Ika Alfina,Evi Yulianti
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-09-01
From nominal phrase ‘my word’ to agreement marker ‘Right(!)’: A pragmatic and prosodic analysis of Korean discourse marker nay mali
Mikyung Ahn,Foong Ha Yap,Koonhyuk Byun
Lingua Published 2024-09-01
Assessing the English Language Needs and Challenges of Chinese Undergraduates in Thai Universities
Bi Chao,Wannana Soontornnaruerangsee
International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews Published 2024-09-01
Précis zu Language, Cognition, and the Way We Think
Nikola A. Kompa
Published 2024-09-01
Enjoyment in foreign language learning: A systematic review
Zhipeng Zhang,Xuesong (Andy) Gao,Ting Liu
Heliyon Published 2024-09-01
Perceived impact of English medium instruction on transnational graduates in Türkiye: Insights from a mixed-methods study
Emrah Cinkara,Muhammed Emin Yüksel
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Skills, language and indexicality – Determining a relationship
Janette Friedrich
Language sciences Published 2024-09-01
Conceptions of Assessment Among Pakistani Teachers of English: Implications for Policy and Professional Development
Sahbi Hidri,Musharraf Aziz,Manal Qutub
Heliyon Published 2024-09-01
Chinese Spelling Correction Based on Knowledge Enhancement and Contrastive Learning
Hao Wang,Yao Ma,Jianyong Duan,Li He,Xin Li
Published 2024-09-01
Enhancing the Applicability of Sign Language Translation
Jiao Li,Jiakai Xu,Yang Liu,Weitao Xu,Zhenjiang Li
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Published 2024-09-01
Implementation Ways for Korean Public Vocabulary Education: Based on the Intersection of Korean Education and Public Language Education
Kyoohoon Kim
Minjok yeonku Published 2024-09-01
Mapping the interactions between task sequencing, anxiety, and enjoyment in L2 writing development
Mahmoud Abdi Tabari,Gholam Hassan Khajavy,Julia Goetze
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
Mobile Learning and Verbal Proficiency: A Cross-Sectional Study Investigating English Speaking Skills Enhancement
Kewin Anten Raj Jr,Anu Baisel
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Hashimite depictions of Wahhabi Islam as a rhetorical front in the late Ottoman period
Sami Jiryis Sweis
Published 2024-09-01
Instruction in the Language Classroom and the Saudi Vision 2030: A Study Using Delphi Technique With Academics
Mahdi Aben Ahmed
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Direct words, deep bonds: The tradition of father-son advice in ancient Arabia
Muteb Alqarni
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
The effects of completing collaborative or independent writing on the development of language use in individual writing
Ian Davison
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
The Evolutionary Convergence of Technical Communication and Translation: An Integrative Literature Review of Scholarship From 2000 to 2022
Giuseppe Palumbo,A. Duin
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Temporal Aspects of Velopharyngeal Coarticulation in Persian-speaking Adults With and Without Cleft Palate
Kowsar Baghban,Mozhgan Asadi,Talieh Zarifian,Fatemeh Derakhshandeh
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Published 2024-09-01
Repression, Permeation, and Circulation: Retracing and Reframing Danmei Culture Online in Mainland China
Longlong Ge
Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics Published 2024-09-01
Reflection of Explicitation in Scientific Translation: Neural Machine Translation vs. Human Post-Editing
O. Khoury
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Stylistic codification of traditional forms of poetic text (based on the material of the ancient Chinese theoretical study of poetry “Shi-Ping” (诗品, “Categories of Poems”)
Iryna Kostanda
Published 2024-09-01
Provisional translations of soundscape attributes into the Irish Language (An Ghaeilge)
Eugene McKeown,Mícheál Ó Domhnaill,Denis O'Hora,Eoin King
Applied Acoustics Published 2024-09-01
Dictionary of basic indexing terminology: Japanese
Jochen Fassbender
Published 2024-09-01
VITB-HEBiC: A bilingual corpus for evaluating ASR in diverse Indian code-switching scenarios
Palash Jain,Anirban Bhowmick
Applied Acoustics Published 2024-09-01
Word Meaning Relations in Sindo Newspaper Editorial Text
Diah Zuikaningsih,Prihadi Prihadi,Teguh Setiawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Published 2024-09-01
Graduate students’ use of ChatGPT for academic text revision: Behavioral, cognitive, and affective engagement
Svetlana Koltovskaia,Payam Rahmati,Hooman Saeli
Journal of Second Language Writing Published 2024-09-01
Language of instruction policy in Nigeria: Assessing implementation and literacy achievement in a multilingual environment
Thelma Ebube Obiakor
International Journal of Educational Development Published 2024-09-01
Japanese Compound Verbs 「〜dasu」「〜deru」「〜komu」: Exploring Meaning and Illustrated Pedagogy for Japanese Learners
Puspa Mirani Kadir,I. Sidiq
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Belajar Bahasa Jepang Melalui Manga
Idrus Idrus
The Journal of Japanese Studies Published 2024-09-01
A Study of the Correlation between Vocabulary Knowledge and Listening Comprehension of Taiwanese Korean language beginners
Cheyu Liu
Minjok yeonku Published 2024-09-01
Metrical Formation and Rhyme in Taysīr Subūl's Aḥzān Ṣaḥrāwiyyah Collection: A Stylistic Study
M. Al-Ajrami
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 (K13) Bahasa Arab di MTs Swasta Al-Hikmah Mogutat Kotamobagu
Mamluatu Solihah,Moh. Aldi Fitrah,Fathi Hidayah,Mu’alim Wijaya
FONDATIA Published 2024-09-01
Discourse markers in postcolonial varieties: A variational pragmatic look at Namibian English
G. Stell
Journal of Pragmatics Published 2024-09-01
The Role of Digital-Game Based Language Learning in EFL Vocabulary Learning and Retention: A Case Study at a Higher Educational Institute in Oman
Bachra Bouzaiane,Alaa Youzbashi
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Only a cog in a machine?: Reappraising institutionalized EAP teacher identities in a transnational context
Mian Hu,Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini,Anna Mendoza
Journal of English for Academic Purposes Published 2024-09-01
Needs Analysis of English for Specific Purposes for Health Sciences Students: A Cross-Sectional Study at a University in the U.A.E.
Omnia I. Mohamed,Omar Aljadaan,Nowar N. Al-Ani
Journal of Language Teaching and Research Published 2024-09-01
Comparing generative artificial intelligence tools to voice assistants using reference interactions
Amanda Wheatley,Sandy Hervieux
The journal of academic librarianship Published 2024-09-01
Application of Speech Therapy Techniques in Teaching Russian language to Spanish-speaking Students
Galina Vladimirovna Karantyshch,L. Guterman,Polanco Tatyane Martinez
Siberian Pedagogical Journal Published 2024-09-01
Exploring task engagement strategies in DDL-enhanced tasks: Insights from EFL learners
Javad Zare,Ahmad Al-Issa
Contemporary Educational Psychology Published 2024-09-01
Inheriting the glory of PāṆinian grammar into computer science
Ashwini S N,Dr M N Nachappa,Dr Geetha Madhusudan
Integrating Technical Communication Into China's Translation and Interpreting Curriculum: Course Design, Practice, and Evaluation of Two Graduate Classes
Lin Dong,Shuangyan Li
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Published 2024-09-01
Skema Citra Ruang pada Ungkapan Metaforis dalam Novel Laut Bercerita Karya Leila S. Chudori: Kajian Semantik Kognitif
Laily Adha Intan Putri,Tajudin Nur
Humanis Published 2024-08-31
Figurative Language in “The Beginning After The End” Volume 10 Novel by Turtleme
Sri Arfani,Muhammad Rino Adi Laksono
The Journal of English Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
Interruption Audio & Transcript: Derived from Group Affect and Performance Dataset
Daniel Doyle,O. Șerban
International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications Published 2024-08-31
Development of Preprocessing Algorithm for Recognition of Online Korean Handwriting Letters
Moonsoo Chang,Sungsuk Kim
Journal of Korean institute of intelligent systems Published 2024-08-31
Negosiasi Identitas Budaya Jawa pada Penerjemahan Deiksis Sosial dari Novel Rumah Kaca ke dalam Bahasa Prancis
R. Rahmadhani,Sajarwa Sajarwa
Humanis Published 2024-08-31
Research on the correlation between teacher classroom questioning types and student thinking development from the perspective of discourse analysis
Xiarizhati Niyazi,Xiaopeng Wu
Instructional Science Published 2024-08-31
The Relationship Between Character Education and Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes
Mardian Zalukhu,Yanida Bulolo,Fiman Astrid Nan Dinda Gulo,Harapan Zendrato
Published 2024-08-31
Case study of English musical class for EFL primary school students
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Types of Code-Switching Found in The Friday Podcast
I. Ketut,Juliana Damara Putra,I. Gde,Agoes Caskara,Surya Putra
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
Cultural Implications Through Hand Gesture in Japanese and Balinese Communities
Imelda Imelda,Harisal Harisal
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Published 2024-08-31
A Contrastive Study on Potential Voice between Korean and Turkish
Haegwon Jeong,Boram Ryu
Published 2024-08-31
Revolutionizing ESL Mastery: The Transformative Impact of Blended Learning on Language Proficiency in Selangor
Fariha Diyana Awang Ali,Rashidin Idris,Najmi Najiha Mohd Zaid,Marina Mohamad Amir,Nur 'Izzah Mohammad ShuhaimiAi'syah Mutalib
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development Published 2024-08-31
Urban Language Practices in a UNESCO World Heritage Site: A Case Study of George Town, Penang
Azar Firdaus Yusof,Rita Abdul Rahman Ramakrishna
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Published 2024-08-31
Mobile-assisted Language Learning Theory
Dolly Ann D. Caraca
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Published 2024-08-31
Korean-Japanese Cooking_creation Frame Using Text Mining Techniques
Jun-seo Lee
Center for Japanese Studies Chung-ang University Published 2024-08-31
In-Depth Evaluations of the Primality Testing Capabilities of Large Language Models: with a Focus on ChatGPT and PaLM 2
Hyeonwoo Jung,Kunwoo Park
Journal of KIISE Published 2024-08-31
Raising awareness to the representation of a minority language through engaging pedagogies
Rawia Hayik
Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Queer Temporality of Women’s Novels After the Feminism Reboot
Hyeon-mean Shin
Journal of Ehwa Korean Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
Politeness Strategies by "Ellie" from the Tv series "The Last of Us."
I. Gede,Agast Dwipayana,Gede Irwandika
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
An Analysis of Primary and Secondary Slang Used in The Movie “Plane” by Jean François Richet
I. Wayan,Indiana Wirajaya,I. Gde,Nova Winarta,Info Artikel
Humanis Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Chinese Language Skills on the Competitiveness of Office Administration Graduates in the Business and Industrial World
M. I. Harori,Kussuyatmono Bagus Wardianto,Winda Septiani
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies Published 2024-08-31
A study on the perception and practice of expository text reading classes of Korean language teachers in high school: Based on difficulties in classes
Moah Heo,Jiyun Pyun
Journal of reading research Published 2024-08-31
Alda Jashari (Cicko)
International Journal of Advanced Research Published 2024-08-31
An Analysis of Men’s Language Features of an Dark Action Comedy on Prime Video
Komang Yoga Artha Nugraha,Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha,Ni Made Suwari Antari
Humanis Published 2024-08-31
Evi Murti Wardhani,Latifah Eka Febiyanti
Published 2024-08-31
The Acquisition of Present Perfect by English Language Learners: A Comparative Study
Yoon-Jin Lee,Mun Koo Kang
Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange Published 2024-08-31
Grammatical Cohesion Analysis in the Short Story “The Devoted Friend” by Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde,Kadek Novi,Krisna Dewi,Gede Irwandika
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
A Study on Changes in Children's Language Development Through Reading Picture Books
Nara Kang,Giseop Jeong,Seo-Lin Hong,Hyewon Kang
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
How to Use AI for English Education in EFL Contexts: Several Suggestions from the Second Language Acquisition Perspectives
Bora Nam
Secondary English Education Published 2024-08-31
‘Your very existence Goes Against Our Community Guidelines’: Interrogating norms of contributorship through poetic speech acts on Instagram
Monica Nadegger,Milena Leybold,Sean Charles Kenney
Organization Studies Published 2024-08-31
Death that Speaks: Myeongcheon (免賤) Jo-yi[召史]'s Myeongjeong (銘旌)
Soo-youn Kim
Journal of Ehwa Korean Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
A Study on International Students’ Perceptions and Use of Writing strategies for Academic Report
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Difference Between the カラ and ヲ Cases for the Starting Point of Space - Based on the Case Particle Essential Meaning Theory -
Xianling Piao
Center for Japanese Studies Chung-ang University Published 2024-08-31
Speech acts found in the text of Cupak and Grantang
I. M. Juliarta,I. M. Juliarta,Wayan Simpen,Wayan Suardiana
Linguistics and Culture Review Published 2024-08-31
A Study on Rhetorical Ideals in Mordern Russian Language Culture
Yongjae Kwon
Published 2024-08-31
A study on Korean culture education using cultural vocabulary: For advanced Chinese learner
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Eufemism and Dyphemisms in the Comments Column Youtube Serambinews
Khairatin Nisak,Mohd. Harun,Denni Iskandar,Yusri Yusuf,Budi AriantoRamli Ramli
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Published 2024-08-31
Pendampingan Penguasaan Mufradat Melalui Ice Breaking Tebak Makna dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab di MDTA Madinatul Ulum Desa Margaluyu
Dede Rizal Munir,Hanu Nuantia Ningsih,Ahmad Fajar
Published 2024-08-31
Analisis Evaluatif Buku Teks Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Terbitan Kementerian Agama Tahun 2020
Anjarwati Anjarwati,Dian Risky Amalia,Kholida Nur
Published 2024-08-31
Relevance and Experience Constructing Identities as Future Teachers of English Language Learners: Multiple Case Studies of Three Mainstream Teacher Candidates
H. Kim
Teaching Education Published 2024-08-31
GRAINY-XAI: A Domain-wise Granular Analysis of Sarcastic Text Using Explainable-AI Techniques
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems Published 2024-08-31
Instrumental Motivation and Self-Efficacy of Indonesian L2 Learners of English: Does Gender Play a Role?
Adaninggar Septi Subekti,Yohanes Septian Sinaga
Voices of English Language Education Society Published 2024-08-31
A Comparative Analysis of the Combinatorial Properties of Chinese Measure Words and Arabic Classifiers
Nasri Salem Moneer Abukhader,Chang-Hai Chi
Published 2024-08-31
Infants' reliance on rhythm to distinguish languages: A critical review.
N. Paillereau,K. Chládková
Infancy Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of Expressive Illocutionary Act Found in Night School Movie
Si Made Ngurah Paramaartha Ngurah,Komang Dian Puspita Candra
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
Willa Cather, Italy, and the visibility of the female translator
Cinzia Scarpino
Feminist Modernist Studies Published 2024-08-31
Illocutionary Acts Found in the Summer I Turned Pretty Film
L. Marlina,I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
Language Style Analysis in The Hunger Games Movie
Putu Adelia Febriana,Ni Ketut Sri Rahayuni,Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg
Humanis Published 2024-08-31
Impact of Blended Extensive Reading Program on L2 Reading Proficiency and Fluency
Jong-choon Kim
Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange Published 2024-08-31
An Analysis of Types and Functions of Taboo Words in Hot Fuzz Movie
Shabina Azzabilla Tungkagi,Rita Sutjiati Djohan
The Journal of English Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
A Revolutionary Approach to Imparting English Language Skills
Dr Mahammad Ghouse Shaik
Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies Published 2024-08-31
Constructing a Korean Knowledge Graph Using Zero Anaphora Resolution and Dependency Parsing
Chaewon Lee,Kangbae Lee,Sungyeol Yu
Journal of KIISE Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Variables Affecting the Expertise of Korean Language Teachers in Essay-type Assessments
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
A Study on Passive voice Errors of Chinese-speaking Korean Learners
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Cross-Linguistic Analysis of English Article Acquisition: A Comparative Study of L1 Korean and L1 Arabic Speakers
Sun Woong Kim,Gui-Sun Moon,Ji Young Shim
Published 2024-08-31
Exploring the Integration of Yangjiabu Woodblock New Year Picture Color Language in Contemporary Chinese Ceramic Decoration
Qin Zhao
Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange Published 2024-08-31
A study on rhetorical questions in Korean: From the view of Verum Focus
Arum Kang
Published 2024-08-31
The use of ESL textbooks and students’ performance in speaking: a case study of some secondary schools in Ringim LGA Jigawa state
Kabiru Umar
British journal of multidisciplinary and advanced studies Published 2024-08-31
Novel Linguistic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Score and Accuracy functions for Linguistic Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS Method
A. Leonishiya,P. J. Robinson
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology Published 2024-08-31
A conceptual study on readers’ standards of coherence in text comprehension
Chaeyun Lee,Byeongyoung Cho
Journal of reading research Published 2024-08-31
Needs analysis for developing tailored English program for adult learners in universities
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Loanword Phonology of Spanish Anglicisms: New Insights from Corpus Data
Linda Bäumler
Languages Published 2024-08-31
Research on analysing Korean learners' vocabulary usage and selecting features to develop a proficiency prediction model
Wonjin Hur,Jae-wook Kim
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
A study on the concept of possibility in text interpretation: Focusing on Deleuze’s “le possible” and “le virtuel”
Jeongeun Kim
Journal of reading research Published 2024-08-31
Navigating the Linguistic Labyrinth: Challenges of Using Phrasal Verbs for L2 Learners
I. Dajang,John Daber Gongse
Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of the Effects of Label Noise on Korean Lip-reading Model Training
Sunyoung Cho,Soosung Yoon
KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices Published 2024-08-31
Hybrid Recommendation System based on Natural Language Processing
Ja-Young Lee,Yang-Mi Lim
Journal of Next-generation Convergence Information Services Technology Published 2024-08-31
Thi Minh Tam Nguyen,Linh Phuong Nguyen
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies Published 2024-08-31
Behind the Script: Analyzing Figurative Language in "Free Guy"
Kadek Erlangga,Kesha Wiguna,Ni Wayan,Suastini,Erlangga Kesha Wiguna
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
Pipeline for Precise Multilingual OCR
Chang-Yeop Lee,Dong-Ju Kim,Y. Suh,D. Hwang
The Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology Published 2024-08-31
A Study on the Peirce's Semiotics interpretation of 「Babel 7.16」
Ji Hee Lee
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Local research and global perspectives in English language teaching
Wei Cai,Qiujun Su,Yang Yao
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching Published 2024-08-31
Educators’ adaptive assessment procedures in teaching English First Additional Language in Grade 6 inclusive classrooms in South Africa
Margaret Chauke,Ramudunguane Tabane
South African Journal of Education Published 2024-08-31
Empowering Preservice Teachers in Kazakhstan for Linguistic and Cultural Competence Through Technology-Integrated Learning
B. Abdraimova,Gergana Dyankova
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education Published 2024-08-31
A Comparative Study on the Meanings of Korean ‘말하다, 말씀하다’ and Chinese ‘說’
Published 2024-08-31
Zipfian distributions facilitate children's learning of novel word-referent mappings
Lucie Wolters,Ori Lavi-Rotbain,Inbal Arnon
Cognition Published 2024-08-31
A Bibliometric Analysis of The Production-Oriented Approach in College English in China from 2015 to 2024
Yifan Zhang,Mohd Rashid Mohd Saad,Zhang Han
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Published 2024-08-31
A Comprehensive Study on Japanese Translationese and Strategies for Overcoming It - Focusing on Japanese-to-Korean Translated Works of the 2000s -
Kyoung-soon Oh
Center for Japanese Studies Chung-ang University Published 2024-08-31
Role of prosody and word order in identifying focus: evidence from pupillometry
Natsumi Funasaki,Masataka Yano
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience Published 2024-08-31
Using Text-based Integrated Approach (TBIA) in ESP Writing Class: Pedagogics and Carry Outs in Learning a Second Language
Susana Melon-Galvez
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Published 2024-08-31
A Study on Understanding Students’ Perspectives Regarding the Integration of ChatGPT in an EFL Waiting Class
Jinhee Han
Published 2024-08-31
Rhetorical Moves In Students’ Abstracts
Herlyna Herlyna,Retno Ramadhina,Romla Romla
The Journal of English Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
Zulpina Zulpina,Muhammad Zaky Mawardie
Published 2024-08-31
Korean reading research trends and future challenges: Focusing on studies between 2013 to 2023
Yanxu Lu
Journal of reading research Published 2024-08-31
Profiling EFL writing teachers’ feedback provision practices and activity uses in Saudi universities
Muhammad M. M. Abdel Latif,Asma Alsahil,Zainab Alsuhaibani
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-08-31
Conversion of Speech to Text: Transcribe and Translate Using Whisper AI on iOS
Dr. Shilpa V
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology Published 2024-08-31
Approaching the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Extended Essay: Through Language Socialization andReading-Writing Connections
Juhyun Do
Secondary English Education Published 2024-08-31
Exotic Construction of an Ancient Oriental Sappho: On Rexroth’s Creative Translation of Li Ch’ing-Chao’s Ci-Poems and its Influences
Yuqun Fu
Published 2024-08-31
The Semiotics of K-Ballet Discourse and Practice through R. Barthes’ Mythologies
Youngjae Roh
Dance Research Journal of Dance Published 2024-08-31
Code Mixing Used by Youtuber - Nessie Judge’s Entitled “Pekerjaan-Pekerjaan yang Sudah Punah karena Teknologi”
A. Abdulloh,W. Ilahi,Ikhwanul Muslim,Sarsono Sarsono,Slamet Basuki
The Journal of English Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
An international contrastive study on the intent to use humble expressions
Min-pyo Hong
Center for Japanese Studies Chung-ang University Published 2024-08-31
Umareni,Unaisah Soehardin,Eko Ngabdul Shodikin,Stit Pai,Indonesia Madani
Published 2024-08-31
A Comparative Study on Antonyms in Korean and Chinese: Focusing on antonyms for Korean learning
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Strategies to enhance the inclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse learners in Gauteng schools: Teachers’ perspectives
Appolonia Masunungure,M. Maguvhe
South African Journal of Education Published 2024-08-31
Comparative Study of Beijing Dialect Translation in Teahouse from the Aesthetic Perspective
Du Yu
English Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies Published 2024-08-31
The Passage of Kim Mi-hyun’s Literature: From Women’s Literature to Cultural Translation, a World Crossed in Cursive
Eun-seon Lee,Yoon Heo
Journal of Ehwa Korean Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
Self-regulated learning in ESL/EFL contexts: a methodological exploration
Omid Mazandarani
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-08-31
Kesantunan Berbahasa Prabowo Subianto pada Closing Statement Debat Capres 2024
Yuliana Jetia Moon,Elsita Lisnawati Guntar,Marcelus Ungkang
Humanis Published 2024-08-31
The Neurofunctional Correlates of Morphosyntactic and Thematic Impairments in Aphasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Sabrina Beber,Giorgia Bontempi,Gabriele Miceli,Marco Tettamanti
Neuropsychology Review Published 2024-08-31
A Study on Incomplete Narrative in 「A Small, Good Thing」 Written by Raymond Carver - Focusing on Communication -
Kyung-hoi Kim
The Journal of Gamsung Published 2024-08-31
Personified Deities in Utaki Myth of Okinawa and Dang Myth of Jeju: A Comparative Study
Rae-an Lee
Center for Japanese Studies Chung-ang University Published 2024-08-31
Posture of human readers toward AI-authored text: Critical literacy in the AI ​era
Jaeki Lee
Journal of reading research Published 2024-08-31
Motivation Types: A Key Factor in Self-regulated ESP Learning
Jelisaveta Šafranj,Vesna Bulatović,Dragana Gak
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education Published 2024-08-31
An evaluation of convergent intraverbal instruction on tacts of features, function, or class
Alexandria Brown,Tom Cariveau,Taylor K. Lewis,Paige Ellington
Behavioral interventions Published 2024-08-31
Understanding Learner Agency: A Qualitative Study in a Chinese University English Classroom
Jungyin Kim
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Investigating the Effects of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Language Learning Strategies on Cognitive Load and Learning Outcomes: A Comparative Study
Lijuan Feng
Journal of educational computing research Published 2024-08-31
The Critical Mind and Meaning of Viewing ‘Women's Life’ in Lamentation-Enhanced 'Women's Self-Grief Song'
Kyu-Soo Choi
Journal of Ehwa Korean Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of Illocutionary act in Rich Roll Podcast
I. M. A. L. Laras,I Komang Sulatra
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
Thi Hanh Pham,Quynh Chi Le
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies Published 2024-08-31
Linguistic strategies used in women’s cosmetics advertisements in Korean and Japanese magazines
Eun-mi Lee
Center for Japanese Studies Chung-ang University Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of Language Style in Food and Beverage Advertising Slogans and Their Recommendations as Teaching Materials For Advertising Texts in SMP
Siti Maemunah,Hendra Setiawan,Ferina Meliasanti
Published 2024-08-31
Identifying the Status of Literacy Skills in Marginalised Institutions
Saddam Husain,Raashid Nehal
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Published 2024-08-31
Direct lexical control of eye movements in Chinese reading: Evidence from the co-registration of EEG and eye tracking
Shuyuan Chen,Erik D. Reichle,Yanping Liu
Cognitive Psychology Published 2024-08-31
Towards the development of elementary AI digital textbooks in Korean language
Gyeongnam Lee
Journal of reading research Published 2024-08-31
All Men Are Brothers: Pearl S. Buck’s Translation of Shui Hu Zhuan and its Effects on Her Writing Career
Zhihui Sophia Geng
Published 2024-08-31
Altaic Elements in the Chinese Variety of Tangwang: True and False Direct Loans
Julie Pauline Marie Lefort
Languages Published 2024-08-31
Analysis of Politeness Maxims Found in Lady Chatterley’s Lover Movie
Ni Made,Sri Maheswari Paramitha,Komang Dian,Puspita Candra
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
Navigating Investment and Collaboration: A Study of Uzbek Undergraduates in a South Korean Writing Course
Jiayu Zhang,Jungyin Kim
Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Published 2024-08-31
Beyond Cognitive Engagement: Task Motivation and Proficiency in L2 Vocabulary Retention
YounJu Yoo,Junkyu Lee
Secondary English Education Published 2024-08-31
Text Linguistic Analysis on Trans-Edited News Articles
Jungmin Cho
Journal of Ehwa Korean Language and Literature Published 2024-08-31
Toward Multifaceted SFG-Based Text Analysis Integrated with Critical Literacy Lesson Plans in the Korean EFL Context
Bo Ai Ko
Published 2024-08-31
اللغة العربية في عصر العولمة: تحديات الأدب واللغة
Dr. Abdul Saboor,Dr. Noha Ibrahim El-Desouki Gamil
Al-Qamar Published 2024-08-31
Management of Arabic Language Learning Based on Self-Regulated Learning and Its Application at The Modern Islamic Boarding School
Awaliah Musgamy,Muhammad Rusydi
International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL) Published 2024-08-31
Exploring Constituent Structure through Elliptical Sentences in the Witches Novel by Roald Dahl
Luh Herma,Risthayani,Ni Putu,Devi Maharani,Dahl – Luh Herma Risthayani
ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Published 2024-08-31
Language resources for clinical linguistics: introduction to the special issue
Gloria Gagliardi,Marta Maffia
Language Resources and Evaluation Published 2024-08-30
An Investigation of Language-Specific and Orthographic Effects in L2 Arabic geminate production by Advanced Japanese- and English-speaking learners.
Albandary Aldossari,Ryan A. Stevenson,Yasaman Rafat
Language and Speech Published 2024-08-30
Immorality backward, morality forward? Metaphorical morality in Chinese-English bilinguals.
Huilan Yang,Neng Yang
Cognitive Processing Published 2024-08-30
Adult language education in the United States – Accessibility, affordability, and opportunity
Kathleen Stein Smith
International Journal of Research Studies in Education Published 2024-08-30
EFL Teachers’ Lived Experiences in Teaching English to Young Learners
Rizka Pebriantini,M. Vianty,Amrullah
Voices of English Language Education Society Published 2024-08-30
Academic Writing Competence: a Case Study of Final Year Students
Chandri febri Santi,Esy Solvera
Published 2024-08-30
Artificial Intelligence in Multilingual Interpretation and Radiology Assessment for Clinical Language Evaluation (AI-MIRACLE)
Praneet Khanna,Gagandeep Dhillon,Venkata S Buddhavarapu,R. Verma,Rahul KashyapHarpreet S. Grewal
Journal of Personalized Medicine Published 2024-08-30
Analyzing sentiments in e-commerce: Techniques, applications and challenges
Amrithkala M Shetty,Manjaiah D.H
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-08-30
A study on the selection of Japanese popular songs suitable for high school Japanese language teaching using text mining
GiBeom Nam,HyungBin Moon
The Korean Data Analysis Society Published 2024-08-30
Iryna Kovalenko
Published 2024-08-30
Language abilities and phonological information processing mediate the association of spelling with bilingualism and socioeconomic status
Martin Schöfl,Christoph Weber,Gabriele Steinmair,Sabine Zepnik,Angela Grimm
Frontiers in Education Published 2024-08-30
Reconnecting form and meaning. In honour of Kristin Davidse. Studies in language companion series 230
Peter Harder
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia. International Journal of Structural Linguistics Published 2024-08-30
Note referitoare la etnonimele calmuc și cvazi
Studii şi cercetǎri lingvistice Published 2024-08-30
The Influence of Cultural Identity on Language Acquisition in "Third Culture Kids (TCKs)" in America with East Asian Backgrounds
Jinyi Zhang
Communications in Humanities Research Published 2024-08-30
Mnemonic techniques for memorizing foreign language vocabulary during student independent work on creating association maps in a non-language university
E. V. Zarutckaia
Published 2024-08-30
Inflectional morphology and reading comprehension in low SES Arabic-speaking second graders
Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum,Bahaa’ Makhoul
First language Published 2024-08-30
Learning L2 formulaic sequences from meaning-focused activities
Eva Puimège
Published 2024-08-30
Iryna Kovalenko
Published 2024-08-30
A general overview into the role of Discourse Analysis (DA) in the Saudi Arabian Context
A. GramiMohammad,Grami,Bassam Mohammed Alharbi,Abdulrahman Hamdan Aljohani,Mohammed Abdullah Altarjami
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-08-30
Strategy for Implementing the Hidden Curriculum for the Arabic Language Teacher at the Secondary Stage in TMI Al-Amien for Female
Sri Wahyuni,Bisyarotul Hanun
Published 2024-08-30
Fractal-Inspired Sentiment Analysis: Evaluation of Large Language Models and Deep Learning Methods
Hatoon S. Alsagri,S. Sohail
Fractals Published 2024-08-30
Language Style in the Script Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1: Philological and Stylistic Studies
Ravi Zamzam Listiyapinto,P. Purwadi
International journal of multidisciplinary research and analysis Published 2024-08-30
Teaching children to discriminate?
Jens Kjeldgaard‐Christiansen,Zac Boyd,Mísa Hejná
MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research Published 2024-08-30
Investigating EFL Learners’ Autonomous Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Outside of School
Riki Ruswandi,Zalsa Vini Tenisa Aprilianti,Ulfah Fitri Utami
Voices of English Language Education Society Published 2024-08-30
Instructors’ Beliefs About ESP Assessment: A Case Study
Sinem Başara,Muzeyyen Nazli Gungor
Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Poetic Subjects and the placeness of Songs in 「曠野」[Gwangya]
Published 2024-08-30
Electrophysiology in the language classroom
Sarah Grey,Julio Torres
Instructed Second Language Acquisition Published 2024-08-30
Community-based and formal Chinese language education in urban California, 50 years after Lau v. Nichols
David Shuang Song
Language Policy Published 2024-08-30
Marbin Gesher Jay S. Deniega,Socorro L. Neri
Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Published 2024-08-30
Digital literacy and teaching and learning of french as a foreign language
Safae El gazi,Ahmed Ibrahimi
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences Published 2024-08-30
Role of narrative in modern Russian drama
M. Abasheva,K. S. Spirina
Published 2024-08-30
Dialektwandel als Systemwandel: Die Genuskongruenz bei den Numeralien zwei und drei in den deutschen Dialekten und darüber hinaus
Jeffrey Pheiff
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur Published 2024-08-30
Genome-Wide Mapping of Consanguineous Families Confirms Previously Implicated Gene Loci and Suggests New Loci in Specific Language Impairment (SLI)
Adnan Yousaf,Huma Hafeez,M. Basra,Mabel L. Rice,Muhammad Hashim RazaMuhammad Imran Shabbir
Children Published 2024-08-30
Rasenda Rasenda,Luky Fabrianto,Novianti Madhona Faizah
JIKO (Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer) Published 2024-08-30
The Effectiveness of Pictionary Games to Improve English Vocabulary at SMK N 1 Kersana Kabupaten Brebes
Fika Pratika,Sukma Nur Andini,Fitri Yulianti
The Journal of English Language and Literature Published 2024-08-30
Pashto poetry generation: deep learning with pre-trained transformers for low-resource languages
Imran Ullah,Khalil Ullah,Hamad Khan,Khursheed Aurangzeb,Muhammad Shahid AnwarIkram Syed
PeerJ Computer Science Published 2024-08-30
Bridging the gap between conversation technology and conversation analysis
Robert J. Moore
Published 2024-08-30
Analyzing of Grammatical Errors Found in Students’ Recount Text
Farisya Rizkah Rachman,Gusti Bagus,Wahyu Nugraha
Published 2024-08-30
Logično sklepanje v naravnem jeziku za slovenščino
Tim Kmecl,Marko Robnik-Šikonja
Slovenščina 2.0: Empirične, Aplikativne in Interdisciplinarne Raziskave Published 2024-08-30
Linguistic borrowings in trade terminologies: an analysis of ancient Indian and Egyptian languages from 3300 BCE to 500 CE
Pallavi Mohanan,Nirupama Prakash
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-08-30
A Multi-Site Study of Student Experiences with Code- and Meaning-Focused Literacy in Preschool-Third Grade Classrooms
Ashley Sanabria,Jin Kyoung Hwang,Elham Zargar,Deborah Lowe Vandell,Carol M Connor
Scientific Studies of Reading Published 2024-08-30
Linguistic Coaching as an Innovative Pedagogical Technology for Military Cadets’ Self-Educational Competence Development in the Process of Foreign Language Learning
N. Drob,Kseniia Misailova,Maryna Trofymova
Image of the modern pedagogue Published 2024-08-30
Arabic as a Compulsory Language in Pesantren
Nuti Nawaty Nur,Iid Khadijah Nurhalimah,Abdul Kirom,Bidari Bidari,Luthfatul Qibtiyah
Published 2024-08-30
Accent Attitudes: A Review Through Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Perspectives.
Merrisa Lin,N. Ramírez-Esparza,Jacqueline M. Chen
Psychological Reports Published 2024-08-30
„Genius of language”: philosophizing in the native language. Cassin, B., & Sigov, K. (Eds.). (2024). European dictionary of philosophies: Ukrainian context. Lexicon of untranslatables. Chapter II. Language and philosophy (Vol. V, pp. 79-139). Kyiv: Duh i
Iryna Holovashenko
Sententiae Published 2024-08-30
How emoji make meaning and enact ambient affiliation: a social semiotic account of emoji-text relations in TikTok comments
Michele Zappavigna,Lorenzo Logi
Social Semiotics Published 2024-08-30
Geslozzen sint die wort […] recht als ein gesperre.
Mirna Kjorveziroska
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur Published 2024-08-30
Arabic Language Learning Strategies for ICP Students of Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan Institute
Anwar Muhaimin,Yusfar Ramadhan
Published 2024-08-30
“She’ll Never Be a Man” A Corpus-Based Forensic Linguistic Analysis of Misgendering Discrimination on X
Lucia Sevilla Requena
Languages Published 2024-08-30
Orthography of Ta' Marbuthah and Ta' Mafthuhah in the Qur'an
Ningsi Manoppo,Abdullah Abdullah
Published 2024-08-30
Korpusne oznake za opis konteksta govornih dogodkov v slovenskih govornih korpusih
Andrej Bizjak
Slovenščina 2.0: Empirične, Aplikativne in Interdisciplinarne Raziskave Published 2024-08-30
Artificial intelligence-assisted criminal justice reporting: An exploratory study of benefits, concerns, and future directions
Carl Dement,Melissa Inglis
Published 2024-08-30
The Phonological Coordination Relationship of Hancheng Dialect in Shaanxi Province
Wang Sha
International Journal of Language and Linguistics Published 2024-08-30
C. Bratianu
Published 2024-08-30
Colour/shape-taste correspondences across three languages in ChatGPT
Kosuke Motoki,Charles Spence,Carlos Velasco
Cognition Published 2024-08-30
Alessandro Benati
Instructed Second Language Acquisition Published 2024-08-30
Typing /s/—morphology between the keys?
Julia Muschalik,Dominic Schmitz,Akhilesh Kakolu Ramarao,Dinah Baer-Henney
Reading & Writing Published 2024-08-30
Relevance-aware visual entity filter network for multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis
Yifan Chen,Haoliang Xiong,Kuntao Li,Weixing Mai,Yun XueQianhua CaiFenghuan Li
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics Published 2024-08-30
Transformations of the grammatical basis of the sentence as a means of expressing connotative meanings of an utterance
L. A. Melekhova,L. A. Sergievskaya
Published 2024-08-30
Aspecte ale derivării cu sufixul -eț
Carolina Popușoi
Studii şi cercetǎri lingvistice Published 2024-08-30
The Primary School Student Attitudes towards Silent Reading
Kruy Kroeun,Chhoy Vannary,Sem Chiva,Leang Dane
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Published 2024-08-30
Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformer (BART) for Indonesian Abstractive Text Summarization
Gaduh Hartawan,D. S. Maylawati,W. Uriawan
Jurnal Informatika Polinema Published 2024-08-30
Milán Rácz,I. Huszti
Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis: Geographica et Recreatio Published 2024-08-30
Sense-based low-degree modifiers in Japanese and English: their relations to experience, evaluation, and emotions
Osamu Sawada
Linguistics and Philosophy Published 2024-08-30
Rendering the characteristic ‘злой’ (evil; angry) into German (by the example of translations of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s prose)
Elena Nikolayevna Chirkova
Published 2024-08-30
Research on the Influence of Business English Proficiency on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Competitiveness Under the Perspective of Resource-Based Theory
Pan Junyi
Journal of Business and Economic Development Published 2024-08-30
From LIKE/LOVE to habitual: the case of Mainland East and Southeast Asian languages
Hongmei Fang
Linguistics Published 2024-08-30
Linguistic and cultural validation of symptom questionnaire for visual dysfunctions (SQVD) for psychometric analysis in the Chinese context
Yufeng Wang,Zizhong Zhang,Weiwei Jiang,Hongai Liu,Xin JiaXianrong Yang
Medicine Published 2024-08-30
Erotic countermapping and queer urban publics: the hardcore cinema of Arthur J. Bressan, Jr
Nikola Stepić
Porn Studies Published 2024-08-30
Despre româna veacului al XVIII-lea. Note lexicale
Emanuela Timotin
Studii şi cercetǎri lingvistice Published 2024-08-30
Improving Tone Recognition Performance using Wav2vec 2.0-Based Learned Representation in Yoruba, a Low-Resourced Language
Saint Germes B. Bengono Obiang,Norbert Tsopze,Paulin Melatagia Yonta,J. Bonastre,Tania Jiménez
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing Published 2024-08-30
Using AI-Powered Speech Recognition Technology to Improve English Pronunciation and Speaking Skills
N. K. Dennis
IAFOR Journal of Education Published 2024-08-30
Hearsay Evidential Markers: On the Degree of Grammaticalization of Italian dice che and Romanian cică
Shingo Suzuki
Studii şi cercetǎri lingvistice Published 2024-08-30
A Study on the Discourse Functions of “ni kan kan” from the Perspective of Interactional Communication
Beibei Wang
Korea Journal of Chinese Linguistics Published 2024-08-30
Multivariate graph neural networks on enhancing syntactic and semantic for aspect-based sentiment analysis
Haoyu Wang,Xihe Qiu,Xiaoyu Tan
Published 2024-08-30
Fronting in Old Catalan: Asymmetries between Narration and Reported Speech1
Afra Pujol i Campeny
Transactions of the Philological Society Published 2024-08-30
Multimedia and paper annotations in students’ vocabulary acquisition
Andrea S Ruiz,Jessica M Alcantara
International Journal of Research Studies in Education Published 2024-08-30
Empowering Chinese high school students: Transformative reading lessons with the task-based learning approach
Shiqi Cai
Journal for Language Teaching Published 2024-08-30
Translation and Bildung : siting translation in nation-based anthologies
Brian James Baer
Translation Studies Published 2024-08-30
Grammatical Cohesion Analysis of Susan Cain’s Speech “The Power of Introverts”
Kadek Novi,Krisna Dewi,Gede Irwandika,Susan Cain
Published 2024-08-30
Development and predictors of reading skills in a 5‐year Italian longitudinal study
Sara Mascheretti,C. Luoni,Sandro Franceschini,Elena Capelli,Laura FarinottiRenato BorgattiSerena LecceCristiano Termine
Infant and Child Development Published 2024-08-30
We know who they are, because of what they sing: Miao song taxonomy in Fenghuang county, China
Mofang Yuan,John Napier
Ethnomusicology Forum Published 2024-08-30
Mijloace de redare a filiației în spațiul romanic medieval. Polisemia prepoziției de
Emanuela I. Dima,Irina Lupu
Studii şi cercetǎri lingvistice Published 2024-08-30
Imagination and investment: unraveling academic identity in Chinese doctoral candidates’ publishing journeys in U.S. higher education
Xiaolong Lu
Applied Linguistics Review Published 2024-08-30
Exploring the Challenges of L1 Negative Transfer among Vietnamese English Language Learners: A Qualitative Study
Nghi Tin Tran,Thang Tat Nguyen,Hai Hong Pham
Reflections Published 2024-08-30
Theories, practices, and challenges of teaching and learning Arabic as a modern language at the secondary stage in Dubai
Nour Atta Abu Ateyh
مجلة المناهج وطرق التدريس Published 2024-08-30
A Conceptual Framework for Early Identification of Elementary School-Age Students at Risk for Language and Literacy Disorders: A Pilot Study
Manju Marin Chacko,Karen J. Mainess,Noha S. Daher
Journal of Education and Development Published 2024-08-30
‘No’ Dimo’ par de Botella’ y Ahora Etamo’ Al Garete’: Exploring the Intersections of Coda /s/, Place, and the Reggaetón Voice
Derrek Powell
Languages Published 2024-08-30
Decoding Success: Investigating the Impact of Trait and State Strategies on Reading Test Performance among Thai High School Learners
Panassanan Kitichaidateanan,Apisak Sukying
World Journal of English Language Published 2024-08-30
Correction to: Polysemy and the sociolinguistics of policy ideas: resilience, sustainability and wellbeing 2000–2020
Ayan-Yue Gupta
Journal of Computational Social Science Published 2024-08-30
Written Corrective Feedback in Second Language Writing: A Review of Research
Hoang Minh Nguyen,Tuan Anh Chu
Reflections Published 2024-08-30
CollabAS2: Enhancing Arabic Answer Sentence Selection Using Transformer-Based Collaborative Models
Asma Aouichat,Ahmed Guessoum
The Arabian journal for science and engineering Published 2024-08-30
Intervention studies with group design targeting expressive phonology for children with developmental speech and language disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sari Kunnari,Susana Sanduvete Chaves,S. Chacón-Moscoso,Dina Caetano Alves,Martina OzbičK. PetinouAnna-Kaisa TolonenK. ZajdóPauline FrizelleCarol-Anne MurphyDavid SaldanaMarja Laasonen
International journal of language and communication disorders Published 2024-08-30
Selection Mechanisms of Basic Adjectives and the Drivers of Expressing the Same Meaning in Chinese and Korean: Focusing on the Contrast with Basic Korean Adjectives Corresponding to‘da(大)’
Shinhye Choi
Korea Journal of Chinese Linguistics Published 2024-08-30
Translingual Writing: A Transformative Classroom Strategy in Multilingual Classroom of Nepal
Debraj Karki
Published 2024-08-30
Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language in an Era of Globalization: A Case Study of Sargodha University Students’ Perceptions on the Role of L2 (English) for Instructional Strategies to Learn Chinese
Waseem Ullah,Shafaq Hanif,Xuejun Feng
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Published 2024-08-30
Hierarchical Sentiment Analysis Framework for Hate Speech Detection: Implementing Binary and Multiclass Classification Strategy
Faria Naznin,Md Touhidur Rahman,Shahran Rahman Alve
Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Published 2024-08-30
Instrumental music training relates to intensity assessment but not emotional prosody recognition in Mandarin
Mengting Liu,Xiangbin Teng,Jun Jiang
PLoS ONE Published 2024-08-30
Comprehension priming in Chinese EFL learners’ reflexive pronoun interpretation
Lianrui Yang,Zimiao Song,Yinxia Wei
Frontiers in Psychology Published 2024-08-30
Motivation Profiles in L2: Exploring the Interplay of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: A Case Study of Senior Islamic High School in PPMIA Surakarta
Anita A. Cahyanti,Agus Wijayanto
Published 2024-08-30
Translation as a Sympósion
Uliana Holovatch,Oleksandr Ivaniuta
Sententiae Published 2024-08-30
Literacy as Bearing Witness: Teachers Expanding Literacy Through Authentic and Hybrid Student Narratives
Journal of Literacy Research Published 2024-08-30
Large language model (LLM) comparison between GPT-3 and PaLM-2 to produce Indonesian cultural content
D. Erlansyah,A. Mukminin,Dedek Julian,E. S. Negara,Ferdi AdityaRezki Syaputra
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies Published 2024-08-30
Revealing Nadiem Makarim’s Communication Strategy in the Cancellation of the 2024 UKT Increase: A Review of Functional Systemic Linguistics
Ana Mariana,M. H. Otoluwa
Published 2024-08-30
Doctoral students’ perceptions of the English language proficiency completion criteria in Iran: making a case for English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP)
Fateme Chahkandi
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education Published 2024-08-30
Outcomes of the Iluko orthography trainings as an extension activity of the college of teacher education
Jaime Raras
International Journal of Research Studies in Education Published 2024-08-30
Swear Words Used by Students in Daily Communication
Elsan Arvian
The Journal of English Language and Literature Published 2024-08-30
English Language Teachers’ Professional Identity: A Review
Ramita Deuja
Published 2024-08-30
A cross‐linguistic approach to investigating metacognitive regulation in writing among Chinese EFL learners: Insights for its trait/state distinction
Wandong Xu,Xinhua Zhu
International Journal of Applied Linguistics Published 2024-08-30
Gricean insinuation and the fake one-way mirror effect
Maciej Witek
Synthese Published 2024-08-30
Book Review
Yuan Ren
Published 2024-08-30
Analysis of Teaching Material Needs for Advanced Level BIPA Learners of Chinese Students
Pangzhengxin, Ari Kusmiatun
International journal of multidisciplinary research and analysis Published 2024-08-30
:Devotional Experience and Erotic Knowledge in the Literary Culture of the English Reformation: Poetry, Public Worship, and Popular Divinity
David Marno
Modern philology Published 2024-08-30
Students’ language and subject learning attitudes in CLIL secondary education
Elisa Hidalgo-McCabe
Language Learning Journal Published 2024-08-30
The Transmission and Textual Transformation of the Shisong lü 十誦律 from the 6th to 13th Centuries
Limei Chi
Religions Published 2024-08-30
Proverbe cu termeni religioși: o posibilă abordare în arie lingvistică romanică
D. Teleoacă
Studii şi cercetǎri lingvistice Published 2024-08-30
The Impact of Formal and Informal Pronouns of Address on Product Price Estimation
Helen de Hoop,Ward Boekesteijn,Martijn Doolaard,Niels van Wel,L. HogewegFerdy Hubers
Languages Published 2024-08-30
Categorization of body parts in Dholuo
Joseph Jaoko Ochieng,Judit Baranyiné Kóczy
Review of Cognitive Linguistics Published 2024-08-29
A Review Study on the Increased Motivation of Students by Distance Education ın Foreign Language Teaching
Onur Köksal,Beyza Nur Zorlu
Published 2024-08-29
Jacobson’s Distinctive Features and the Analysis of assimilation in Kurdish Bahdini local dialect
Kasar Yaseen Mohammed,Hamdiya Hassan Mohammed
Published 2024-08-29
Estimating Children's Language Development from The Perspective of Kindergarten Teacher’s of The Shahrazor District.
Mihraban Hussen Salih,Nazeera Salih Mohammed
Published 2024-08-29
Peer-Assessment's Effect on Improving EFL Students' Speaking Performance
Siti Sulhah,Fadilla Oktaviana
Foremost Journal Published 2024-08-29
Emotions in English language classrooms among Chinese top university students
Meihua Liu,Xia Wu,Fan Yang
Scientific Reports Published 2024-08-29
Navigating computational linguistic in marketing practices: The barriers of natural language processing in social media marketing and a path to future research
Jana Gross,Kathleen Desveaud
Journal of Marketing Analytics Published 2024-08-29
The Simulative Role of Neural Language Models in Brain Language Processing
Nicola Angius,Pietro Perconti,A. Plebe,Alessandro Acciai
Philosophies Published 2024-08-29
Linguistic landscape of Pyla, a bi-communal village in Cyprus: multilingualism, ethnolinguistic vitality and internationalisation
Sviatlana Karpava
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Published 2024-08-29
Social Semiotic Analysis of Textbooks and Cultures of Learners in EFL context Cultures of Learners in EFL context
Thidawan Wichanee
Published 2024-08-29
Geographic variation of voseo and tuteo on X (Twitter) with a consideration of mixing cases (vos puedes)
Olga Kellert
Revue Romane Published 2024-08-29
Code-Switching and Code-Mixing Found in a Youtube Channel Called Nessie Judge
Nona Ruth,Anjely Hutapea
Sintaksis Published 2024-08-29
The Impact of Integrating Process Writing with Analytical Reading of Informational Texts on Improving Academic Essay Writing among Palestinian English Majors and their Attitudes Towards it
Dr. Zulfa Sh. Badereddeen
International Journal of Linguistics Literature & Translation Published 2024-08-29
Propositional density: cognitive impairment and aging
Chaimae Harrag,Abdelkader Sabil,Manuel Célio Conceição,G. Radvansky
Frontiers in Psychology Published 2024-08-29
Kearifan Lokal sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing
Carolina Lestuny,Jolanda Tomasouw,Wilma Akihary,Piet Soumokil
Published 2024-08-29
Implementasi Pop Up Book Dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Linguistik Pada Anak Usia Dini
Masganti Sitorus,A. Nasution,Astri Syakira Sunya,Mira Sinta Lubis
Published 2024-08-29
Examining the interplay of design principles in an instructional intervention for multilingual learners: the discursive mathematics protocol
Richard Kitchen,Libni B. Castellón,Karla Matute,Eduardo Mosqueda
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology Published 2024-08-29
The Use of The Duolingo Application in Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery to the Eleventh-Grade Students of SMK Gemilang Modernland in the Academic Year 2023/2024
Athiya Luthfiana Rihana,Tenia Ramalia,Andri Kurniawan
Foremost Journal Published 2024-08-29
Pedagogical potential of Cognitive Grammar descriptions for the pluperfect in Spanish
Adolfo Sánchez Cuadrado,Alejandro Castañeda Castro
Review of Cognitive Linguistics Published 2024-08-29
Testing effect in L2 discourse comprehension: importance of retrieval-based learning
Dandan Liu,Tong Zheng,Yu Song
Published 2024-08-29
The Kurdish Translation of English Collocations in Shakespeare’s the Tempest
Nazanin Muhemmed Rasul,Hussein Ali Wali
Published 2024-08-29
Glorious Quran and Divine Family: Dialogic Pragmatics in Social Valves
Fatima Hussein Al-Zubaidy
International Journal of Linguistics Literature & Translation Published 2024-08-29
Self-Directed Informal Digital Learning of English: Identifying Its Nature and Activities for English Proficiency
Ninuk Indrayani,Bambang Yudi Cahyono,Nur Mukminatien,Francisca Maria Ivone
Reflections Published 2024-08-29
Arip Wira Utama,Fatimah Nur Rohim,Ghadis Tiranita,Nila Prihartanti,Kundharu Saddhono
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Published 2024-08-29
The relationship between self-assessment of language proficiency and measures of lexical diversity and syntactic complexity: evidence from bilingual speakers of Italian in Croatia
Gordana Hržica,Sara Kosutar,Nada Poropat Jeletić
Frontiers in Communication Published 2024-08-29
Ways of conveying non-equivalent lexis when translating A. S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” from Russian into English
A. Pushkina,L. Krivoshlykova
Published 2024-08-29
‘Not that We’re not Hard-Working Ourselves, but Germans are the Model’: mediatising Germans as the national other in the video project Easy Languages
Anastasia G. Stamou
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Published 2024-08-29
The multilingual digits-in-noise (DIN) test: development and evaluation.
M. Masalski,Krzysztof Morawski
International Journal of Audiology Published 2024-08-29
Analysis of Language Errors in Student Institutional Administration (BEM) FKIP UNRI
Ifebri Ifebri,Hermandra Hermandra,Charlina Charlina
Published 2024-08-29
Author language and communication preferences, and familiarity with global publication guidelines, for English-language industry-sponsored publications in Asia-Pacific: insights from a cross-sectional survey.
Alice Carruthers,Henry Chung,Rebecca Crawford,Joyce H Y Lee,Jonathan Lee
Current Medical Research and Opinion Published 2024-08-29
Amida Fazuhrah,Hakmi Wahyudi
El-Thumuhat Published 2024-08-29
Reading Meatphors in DNA (and RNA): A Bio-Rhetorical View of Genetic Text Metaphors
Erika Szymanski
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-08-29
Comparative Framing of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict in Newspapers: An Analysis of Affect
Abdallah ZA Warshagha,Pei Soo Ang,Changpeng Huan
Published 2024-08-29
Semiotics of Islamic Law
Ahmad Junaidi,Muhammadaree Waeno
Published 2024-08-29
Analysing Refusal Strategies in Kuwaiti Arabic and British English: Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
N. M. Alajmi
English Language Teaching Published 2024-08-29
Exploring immersion competencies in secondary education
Sarah Ní Dhuinnín,TJ Ó Ceallaigh,Sylvaine Ní Aogáin
Published 2024-08-29
Topic Familiarity and Extraversion in ESL Oral Assessment: A Conceptual Review
Nurul Iman Ahmad Bukhari,Lilliati Ismail,Noor Lide Abu Kassim,N. Noordin,Abu Bakar Razali
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development Published 2024-08-29
AI-assisted assessment and treatment of aphasia: a review
Xiaoyun Zhong
Frontiers in Public Health Published 2024-08-29
Project-Based Learning in English Language Teaching: A Bibliometric Exploration
Naimul Salam,Alisa Alicia Kolopita,Zulkifli Akhmad
Published 2024-08-29
An interplay between cross-cultural and psychometric factors in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment: Experience from the language of a small nation.
O. Bezdicek,Josef Mana,Melisa Schneiderová,Zuzana Kasáková,Miloslav KopecekHana Georgi
Applied neuropsychology. Adult Published 2024-08-29
Features of the functioning of the transport terminological system in modern English-language Internet news resources
Yuliya Olegovna Matveicheva
Published 2024-08-29
Language Politics in Sri Lanka: Linguistic Purism, Cultural Pluralism and Identity
Noel Dassanayake
South Asia Research Published 2024-08-29
Exploring Colligation Diversity and Grammaticalization in Chinese: An Entropy-Based Approach
Biyan Yu,Yue Jiang
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics Published 2024-08-29
Unveiling Avant-Garde: A Study of Fady Joudah's Textu Poetry
Arwa Hussein Aldoory
Published 2024-08-29
Assessing Languages Across the Curriculum: Critical reflection and student learning perspectives
Emma R. Britton,Angelika Kraemer
Foreign language annals Published 2024-08-29
Euphemism as a powerful framing device that influences moral judgments and punitive responses after wrongdoing.
Matthew L. Stanley,Christopher P. Neck
Journal of Applied Psychology Published 2024-08-29
The role of verbs in sentence depth
Azad Ahmad Hussain,Aziz Khald Abdalla
Published 2024-08-29
Assessing vocabulary knowledge in written and signed languages of immigrant DHH learners – examining convergent validity
Nicole Marx,Wolfgang Mann
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Published 2024-08-29
“You’re such an idiot, but I’m only joking”: The perception of mock impoliteness by British and Italian men and women
Vittorio Napoli
Intercultural Pragmatics Published 2024-08-29
Analisis Domain terhadap Penggunaan Bahasa Kebangsaan di Greater KL (Domain Analysis of the Usage of National Language in Greater KL)
Mohammed Azlan Mis,Mohammad Fadzeli Jaafar
Published 2024-08-29
Communication in the Workplace: Request Mitigations in Instant Messaging (IM) among Native Malay Speakers
Petani Mohd Noor,M. Maros,Kesumawati Abu Bakar,Normalis Amzah
Published 2024-08-29
Review of Traugott (2022): Ten Lectures on a Diachronic Constructionalist Approach to Discourse Structuring Markers
Shan Zuo,F. Li
Published 2024-08-29
Gaya Retorika Dakwah Bang Aswan
Ilham Hidayatullah Hidayatullah,Dadan Suherdiana,Tata Sukayat
Tabligh Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Published 2024-08-29
Phonological Acquisition Process in Hearing-Impaired Children: A Systematic Review
Jhanani S.Nagaraja,Badrulzaman Abdul Hamid,N. Maamor
Published 2024-08-29
Exploring the predictive role of job satisfaction on bilingual English teachers’ aggression and stress in the Chinese EFL context: a latent growth curve modelling
Lei Yang,Manfu Duan
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Published 2024-08-29
An Influence of the English Language over the Nepali Language (Regarding KTM Metropolitan ward no 09)
Daman Bahadur Singh,Basu Dev Lamichhane
Journal of Development Review Published 2024-08-29
Interpretive activity of 11th-grade students in Russian language and literature classes as the basis for preparing for the state final certification (final essay)
O. S. Andreeva
Published 2024-08-29
The Stigmatized Linguistic Discourse Used Against Women: Moroccan Films and Sitcoms as Study Cases
Amal El Mhaoudar,Noureddine Bourima
International Journal of Linguistics Literature & Translation Published 2024-08-29
Xinren Chen: Exploring Identity Work in Chinese Communication
Jie Li
Intercultural Pragmatics Published 2024-08-29
Unveiling the complexity of L2 learners’ emotions and emotion regulation: A retrodictive qualitative modeling study
Mostafa Ranjbar,Mohammad Hassanzadeh,Amin Roghanian
International Journal of Applied Linguistics Published 2024-08-29
Communicative and speech development of senior preschoolers with a non-native Russian language in a Russian-speaking kindergarten environment
I. Emelyanova
Published 2024-08-29
Bridging Cultures: The Significance of English and Turkish Attitudes in Modern Türkiye
Emel Saeed
Journal of English language teaching and applied linguistics Published 2024-08-29
Analyzing Grammatical Errors in Student’s Conversation at Tahfidz Al-Quran Al-Amien Islamic Boarding School
Izzat Amini,S. M. Rosa
Published 2024-08-29
Investigating Oral English Teaching Practices: A Case Study of A Middle School English Teacher
Jinyue Qi
Journal of Social Science Humanities and Literature Published 2024-08-29
Circum-Atlantic and global linguistic flows: Language through time and space
Christopher J. Jenks
Atlantic studies Published 2024-08-29
The left-lateralized N170 for visual specialization in advanced L2 Chinese learners
Yuxin Hao,Jiawen Guo,Hong Zhu,Bing Bai
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Published 2024-08-29
Cross-lingual Natural Language Processing on Limited Annotated Case/Radiology Reports in English and Japanese: Insights from the Real-MedNLP Workshop.
Shuntaro Yada,Yuta Nakamura,Shoko Wakamiya,E. Aramaki
Methods of Information in Medicine Published 2024-08-29
Acoustic Properties of Turkish Sibilants in Cleft Palate Speech
Eren Balo
Archives of Health Science and Research Published 2024-08-29
Review of McElvenny (2024): A History of Modern Linguistics: From the beginnings to World War II
Gerda Haßler
Historiographia Linguistica Published 2024-08-29
Triangulating learner corpus and online experimental data: Evidence from gender agreement and relative clauses in L2 Greek
Despina Papadopoulou,Nikolaos Amvrazis,Gerakini Douka,Alexandros Tantos
The Modern Language Journal Published 2024-08-29
Effect of vocabulary learning strategies on students’ vocabulary knowledge achievement and motivation: the case of grade 11 high school students
Haimanot Ayana,T. Mereba,Adege Alemu
Frontiers in Education Published 2024-08-29
Representation of constants of the liminal space “hotel” in accentual nominations of small poetic form
Oksana Valentinovna Royko
Published 2024-08-29
Content knowledge for language teaching: dialectical materialist stance on developing teacher language awareness
Mark Antony de Boer,D. Leontjev
Language Awareness Published 2024-08-29
Words worth noticing
Richard Feddersen,John L. Plews,Kim Misfeldt
Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education Published 2024-08-29
Remaking multilingualism: a translanguaging approach
Ziwen Mei
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Published 2024-08-29
Ideological Representations of People with Mental Illness in Malaysian Online Newspapers: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Niveethene Murugaiah,Marlina Jamal,Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh
Published 2024-08-29
Promoting Intercultural Competence through Different Versions of Cinderella Stories for Thai High School Students
Siriphon Wongsuban,Punwalai Kewara,Nattharmma Nam-Fah
Reflections Published 2024-08-29
Structural Contrast of Determiner Phrase Items in English and Ọgba Languages
Christian Uchechukwu Gilbert, PhD
Journal of Language and Linguistics in Society Published 2024-08-29
Nur Mauliska,James F. D'Angelo
Published 2024-08-29
Omniglot: The Online Encyclopedia of Writing Systems & Languages
Elizabeth Richey
Technical Services Quarterly Published 2024-08-29
Metaphor clusters in political discourse
Angeliki Athanasiadou
Review of Cognitive Linguistics Published 2024-08-29
The Afghan Murat: A Queer Subject at Transnational Crossroads
Ali Abdi
Men and Masculinities Published 2024-08-29
A revised digital edition of Wurm & Hattori’s Language Atlas of the Pacific Area
Robert Forkel,Harald Hammarström
Scientific Data Published 2024-08-29
Culture, Linguistic, and Spiritual: the Use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming In Multiculturalism Activities of Bali’s Pandita
Putu Lirishati Soethama,Yana Qomaria,Pinandita Agung Bagus Wedavunam Putra
Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies Published 2024-08-29
Anisatur Rizqiyah,Leli Nisfi Setiana,A. Azizah,Evi Chamalah
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Published 2024-08-29
Analysis Affixation Of English Disney’s Frozen Songs
Rena Odelia,Randy Willy Pratama,Gista Purnama Putri,Jumanto Jumanto
Diglossia: Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesusastraan Published 2024-08-29
Exploring diachronic variation in discernment politeness in Ancient Egyptian
Kim Ridealgh,M. V. Almansa-Villatoro
Journal of Historical Pragmatics Published 2024-08-29
An Analysis of the Artistic Characteristics of Northeast Folk Songs
Lu Yang
Published 2024-08-29
Event Extraction for Portuguese: A QA-Driven Approach Using ACE-2005
L. F. Cunha,Ricardo Campos,A. Jorge
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence Published 2024-08-29
Using constructions to measure developmental language complexity
Robert Nelson
Cognitive Linguistics Published 2024-08-29
PhD dissertation review: Automatic indexing of Arabic periodicals in Al Mandhoumah databases
Mahmoud Dawi
Cybrarians Journal Published 2024-08-29
Cultural Expression and Liturgical Theology in the Worship Songs Sung by British-Born Chinese
James Yat-Man Tang,Jeremy Perigo
Religions Published 2024-08-29
Exploration of auditory statistical learning, socioeconomic status, and language outcomes in Bangladeshi children: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study.
Eileen F. Sullivan,Laura Pirazzoli,John E. Richards,T. Shama,Alexandre ChaumetteR. HaqueWilliam A. PetriCharles A. Nelson
Developmental Psychology Published 2024-08-29
Notice of duplicate publication: Cultural discourse studies: researching Chinese theory, methods and topics (2nd edition) by Shi-Xu, Peking University Press, 2022, US$10.86, 330pp.
Chinese Journal of Communication Published 2024-08-29
Ning Yu: The Moral Metaphor System: A Conceptual Metaphor Approach
Yue Guan
Intercultural Pragmatics Published 2024-08-29
Siti Halimatus Sa'diyah,Hicham Laabidi
Published 2024-08-29
The effects of cross-language overlap and semantic transparency on the processing of L2 collocations
Abdulaziz Altamimi
Frontiers in Psychology Published 2024-08-29
Compound words of Central Kurdish from the perspective of configuration theory
Ali Hamad Osman,Diler Sadiq Kanaby
Published 2024-08-29

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