Newest journal articles by subject

Subjects > Mathematics

Integer orbits in rectangular lattice billiards
Paolo Dulio,Andrea Frosini
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Squares of graphs are optimally (s,t)-supereulerian
Yue Yan,Lan Lei,Yang Wu,Hong-Jian Lai
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
T-sails and Sparse Hereditary Classes of Unbounded Tree-width
D. Cocks
Published 2024-12-01
A math-heuristic and exact algorithm for first-mile ridesharing problem with passenger service quality preferences
Ping He,Jian Gang Jin,Martin Trépanier,Frederik Schulte
Published 2024-12-01
On g-expectations and filtration-consistent nonlinear expectations
Shiqiu Zheng
Stochastic Processes and their Applications Published 2024-12-01
Elite-guided Resampling and Multi-mutation based Differential Evolution with exponential crossover for numerical optimization
Juncan Li,Zhenyu Meng
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
A characterization of graphs whose vertex set can be partitioned into a total dominating set and an independent dominating set
T. Haynes,Michael A. Henning
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Algorithm for partial sweep coverage on a line
Lei Zhao,Zhao Zhang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Modified Successive Approximations Method for Solving Fuzzy Second Kind Fredholm Integral Equations with Separable Kernel
Jiana Ababneh,H. Zureigat
Published 2024-12-01
Belief aggregation, updating and dynamic collective choice
Takashi Hayashi
Journal of Mathematical Economics Published 2024-12-01
Maxima of the Q-index for 3K3-free graphs
Yanting Zhang,Ligong Wang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Asymptotics for singular solutions to conformally invariant fourth order systems in the punctured ball
João Henrique Andrade,J. do Ó
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
On the total version of the covering Italian domination problem
Alfred Raju M.,Venkata Subba Reddy Palagiri,I. Yero
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
On a conjecture of TxGraffiti: Relating zero forcing and vertex covers in graphs
Boris Brimkov,Randy Davila,Houston Schuerger,Michael Young
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Editorial Board
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
About S-packing coloring of 3-irregular subcubic graphs
Maidoun Mortada
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Joint time-vertex linear canonical transform
Yu Zhang,Bing-Zhao Li
Published 2024-12-01
Mathematical modeling and optimizing of yard layout in automated container terminals
Lingrui Kong,Mingjun Ji
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Graph-guided imputation-free incomplete multi-view clustering
Shunshun Bai,Qinghai Zheng,Xiaojin Ren,Jihua Zhu
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
An optimized watermarking scheme based on genetic algorithm and elliptic curve
Naveed Ahmed Azam,Takreem Haider,Umar Hayat
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-12-01
Diverse fair allocations: Complexity and algorithms
Harshil Mittal,S. Nanoti,Aditi Sethia
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
On k-shifted antimagic spider forests
Fei-Huang Chang,Wei-Tian Li,D. Liu,Zhishi Pan
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Forbidden pattern characterizations of 12-representable graphs defined by pattern-avoiding words
Asahi Takaoka
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
The weighted total cophenetic index: A novel balance index for phylogenetic networks
Linda Knüver,Mareike Fischer,Marc Hellmuth,Kristina Wicke
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Enumeration of spanning trees with a perfect matching of hexagonal lattices on the cylinder and Möbius strip
Danyi Li,Xing Feng,Weigen Yan
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
A novel stochastic ProFiVaS model based on decomposition of stochastic Vasicek differential equation for modeling and simulating of financial indicators
Yusuf Karadede
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
PDE-based observation and predictor-based control for linear systems with distributed infinite input and output delays
Xiang Xu,Bin Li
Published 2024-12-01
Hierarchical optimization by spatial-temporal indictor in multi-scale decision pyramid for constrained large-scale multi-objective problems
Qingzhu Wang,Yang Xi,Qiushi Zhang,Tianyang Li,Bin Li
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Improved numerical schemes to solve general fractional diabetes models
M. M. Abou Hasan,Ahlam M. Alghanmi,Hannah Al Ali,Z. Mukandavire
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-12-01
Redesigning a NSGA-II metaheuristic for the bi-objective Support Vector Machine with feature selection
Javier Alcaraz
Computers & Operations Research Published 2024-12-01
On semi-transitivity of (extended) Mycielski graphs
Humaira Hameed
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Parallel and bias-free RSA algorithm for maximal Poisson-sphere sampling
Marc Josien,Raphaël Prat
Computer Physics Communications Published 2024-12-01
Xiusheng Liu,Peng Hu
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Graphs with degree sequence {(m-1)m,(n-1)n} and {mn,nm}
Boris Brimkov,Valentin Brimkov
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Asymptotic behavior of the generalized principal eigenvalues of nonlocal dispersal operators and applications
Wenxian Shen,Jian-Wen Sun
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
A characterization of graphs with given total coalition numbers
Michael A. Henning,S. N. Jogan
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Training-free approach to constructing ensemble of local experts
Sunbin Lee,Seokho Kang
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Modeling the impact of terrain surface deformation on drag force using discrete element method and empirical formulation
Jiaxin Liu,Yang Tian,Zhongkui Wang,Longchuan Li,Shugen Ma
Applied Mathematical Modelling Published 2024-12-01
Actions with cohomogeneity zero or one on the de Sitter space dSnH. Mahdiloo,P. Ahmadi,M. Hassani
Differential geometry and its applications Published 2024-12-01
Privacy and distribution preserving generative adversarial networks with sample balancing
Haoran Sun,Jinchuan Tang,Shuping Dang,Gaojie Chen
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Dot product dimension of unicyclic graphs
Mahin Bahrami,Dariush Kiani,Asghar Bahmani
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
The zero forcing number of claw-free cubic graphs
Mengya He,Huixian Li,Ning Song,Shengjin Ji
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Matchings in bipartite graphs with a given number of cuts
Jinfeng Liu,Fei Huang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Finding k-community structures in special graph classes
Narmina Baghirova,Clément Dallard,Bernard Ries,D. Schindl
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
A quick way to verify if a graph is 3-colorable
N. Cordero-Michel,H. Galeana-Sánchez
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Number Theory Published 2024-12-01
Multi-view semi-supervised classification via auto-weighted submarkov random walk
Weibin Chen,Zhengyang Cai,Pengfei Lin,Yang Huang,Shide DuWenzhong GuoShiping Wang
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Characterization of SRB measures for random dynamical systems in a Banach space
Chiyi Luo,Yun Zhao
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
Resistance distances and the Moon-type formula of a vertex-weighted complete split graph
Jun Ge,Yucui Liao,Bohan Zhang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
On (n,m)-chromatic numbers of graphs with bounded sparsity parameters
Sandip Das,A. Lahiri,S. Nandi,Sagnik Sen,S. Taruni
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Fuzzy clustering with capacity constraints: Algorithm, convergence analysis and numerical experiments
Kléber A. Benatti,L. G. Pedroso,Ademir A. Ribeiro
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
Sturm–Liouville M-functions in terms of Green's functions
F. Gesztesy,Roger Nichols
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
Normalized solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations involving mass subcritical and supercritical exponents
Qidong Guo,Rui He,Benniao Li,Shusen Yan
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
Metapopulation models with anti-symmetric Lotka-Volterra systems.
Anju Susan Anish,Bernard De Baets,Shodhan Rao
Journal of Biological Dynamics Published 2024-12-01
On partitioning minimum spanning trees
Nili Guttmann-Beck,Refael Hassin,Michal Stern
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Reliability analysis of exchanged hypercubes based on the path connectivity
Wen-Han Zhu,Rong-Xia Hao,Kung-Jui Pai,Eddie Cheng
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Developing (Pedagogical) content knowledge of constant rate of change: The case of Samantha
M. Tallman,John Weaver,Taylor Johnson
Journal of Mathematical Behavior Published 2024-12-01
Equilibria in abstract economies with a continuum of agents with discontinuous and non-ordered preferences
Anuj Bhowmik,N. Yannelis
Journal of Mathematical Economics Published 2024-12-01
Independence number and minimum degree for path-factor critical uniform graphs
Hongxia Liu,Xiaogang Pan
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Solving optimal predictor-feedback control using approximate dynamic programming
Hongxia Wang,Fuyu Zhao,Zhaorong Zhang,Juanjuan Xu,Xun Li
Automatica Published 2024-12-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-12-01
ABC(T)-graphs: An axiomatic characterization of the median procedure in graphs with connected and G2-connected medians
Laurine Bénéteau,Jérémie Chalopin,Victor Chepoi,Y. Vaxès
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Logical syllogisms with “Almost all, Most, Many, A few” and “Several”
Petra Murinová,Vilém Novák
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Published 2024-12-01
Stability and stabilization of discrete-time linear compartmental switched systems via Markov chains
Zhitao Li,Yuqian Guo,Weihua Gui
Published 2024-12-01
A sharp integrability condition on C1 linearization for planar contractions under modulus of continuity
Zhicheng Tong,Lu Xu,Yong Li
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
A note on Hamilton ℓ-cycle decomposition of complete k-partite hypergraphs
Taijiang Jiang,Hongyan Cai,Qiang Sun,Chao Zhang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
An arithmetic optimization algorithm with balanced diversity and convergence for multimodal multiobjective optimization
Ruyue Zhang,Shuhua Mao,Shangrui Zhao,Chang Liu
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-12-01
The proper 2-connection number of several graph classes
Christoph Brause,Trung Duy Doan,Ingo Schiermeyer
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
An efficient algorithm for solving multilevel multi-objective linear fractional optimization problem with neutrosophic parameters
Demmelash Mollalign Moges,B. Wordofa
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
A note on the singularity probability of random directed d-regular graphs
Hoi H. Nguyen,Amanda Pan
Published 2024-12-01
Research and application of the flatness target curve discrete dynamic programming based on two-dimensional decision making
Shuren Jin,Xu Li,Pengfei Wang,Xiaohua Li,Dianhua Zhang
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
The dynamics of tuberculosis transmission model with different genders.
Si Wang,Hui Cao
Journal of Biological Dynamics Published 2024-12-01
Spanning k-trees and distance signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs
Sizhong Zhou,Yuli Zhang,Hongxia Liu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Traveling waves for a time-delayed nonlocal reaction-diffusion model of within-host viral infections
Zhimin Li,Xiao-Qiang Zhao
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
On a class of linear quadratic Gaussian quantilized mean field games
Rinel Foguen Tchuendom,R. Malhamé,Peter E. Caines
Automatica Published 2024-12-01
Incomplete multi-view clustering via confidence graph completion based tensor decomposition
Yuanbo Cheng,Peng Song
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-12-01
The weighted Mostar index of cacti
Mengmeng Liu,Qianqian Zhen
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
A complete analysis of the convergence of Cm(D)m=1∞ for a multipartite tournament D
Ji-Hwan Jung,Suh-Ryung Kim,Hye-Ree Yoon
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Optimal stochastic gradient descent algorithm for filtering
M. Y. Turali,Ali T. Koc,S. Kozat
Published 2024-12-01
Some results on vulnerability parameters and Wiener-type indices
Hongbo Hua,Hechao Liu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Series form solutions of time–space fractional Black–Scholes model via extended He-Aboodh algorithm
Mubashir Qayyum,Efaza Ahmad,F. Tawfiq,Z. Salleh,S. T. SaeedMostafa Inc
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-12-01
The matching polynomial of the path-tree of a complete graph
Mingxu Guo,Haiyan Chen
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
A secure fractal compression scheme based on irregular Latin square, Julia and 2D-FCICM
Jie Yang,Xiufang Feng,Yongle Chen,Pengfei Yan,Hao Zhang
Published 2024-12-01
A robust eigenbasis generation system for the discrete Fourier transform
Fatemeh Zarei,Ali Bagheri Bardi,Taher Yazdanpanah,M. Daković,M. BrajovićLjubiša Stanković
Published 2024-12-01
Parallel fractional dominance MOEAs for feature subset selection in big data
Yelleti Vivek,Vadlamani Ravi,P. Suganthan,P. R. Krishna
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-12-01
Certificates of nonexistence for analyzing stability, stabilizability and detectability of LPV systems
Tomas J. Meijer,V. Dolk,W. Heemels
Published 2024-12-01
Differential and difference independence of ζ and Γ
Qiongyan Wang,Xiao Yao
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
Higher order boundary Harnack principles in Dini type domains
Seongmin Jeon,Stefano Vita
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-12-01
Unconditionally maximum principle-preserving linear method for a mass-conserved Allen–Cahn model with local Lagrange multiplier
Junxiang Yang,Junseok Kim
Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation Published 2024-12-01
On b-greedy colourings and z-colourings
Jonas Costa Ferreira da Silva,Frédéric Havet
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Spectra of total graphs
Tianyi Bu,Shaobin Huang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-12-01
Manifold-assisted coevolutionary algorithm for constrained multi-objective optimization
Weiwei Zhang,Jiaxin Yang,Guoqing Li,Weizheng Zhang,Gary G. Yen
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-12-01
A clustering-assisted adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition for multimodal multiobjective optimization
Tenghui Hu,Xianpeng Wang,Lixin Tang,Qingfu Zhang
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-12-01
Granformer: A granular transformer net with linear complexity
Kaili Wang,Xinwei Sun,Tao Shen
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Three-dimensional elastodynamic analysis employing the generalized finite difference method with arbitrary-order accuracy
Wenxiang Sun,Wenzhen Qu,Yan Gu,Shengdong Zhao
Published 2024-11-01
The existence of periodic solution for superlinear second order ODEs by a new fixed point approach
Shuang Wang,FanFan Chen,D. Qian
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) for minimum 2-fold connected dominating set problem
Xiaolin Nie,Quanli Zhang,Yixin Qiao,Zijun Qi,Lilin ZhangDangdang NiuHongming Zhang
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
Stabilization of delayed Markovian jump systems with sampled controllers
Jin Yao,Chunyan Zhai,Guoliang Wang
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
Stochastic mortality model with respect to mixed fractional Poisson process: Calibration and empirical analysis of long-range dependence in actuarial valuation
Haoran Jiang,Zhehao Zhang,Xiaojun Zhu
Insurance, Mathematics & Economics Published 2024-11-01
Modeling insurance loss data using novel approach of moment exponential model: Inference, actuarial measures and application
Marwa M. Mohie El-Din,M.A. Meraou,Najwan Alsadat,Anoop Kumar,M.M. Abd El-RaoufMahmoud Mohamed Bahloul
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-11-01
Distributed constrained online convex optimization with adaptive quantization
Xuanyu Cao
Published 2024-11-01
Probabilistic Analysis of a Three-Dimensional Slope Based on Limit Analysis
Ran Yuan,Zheng-peng Jia,Jin-biao Sun,Jia-long Ou,Wen-fa WangYi HeJian-hong Jiang
Natural Hazards Review Published 2024-11-01
A generalized Bogdanov-Takens system with arbitrary degree
Hebai Chen,Dehong Dai,Yuhao Meng,Zhaoxia Wang
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Published 2024-11-01
Drift reduction method for SDEs driven by heterogeneous singular Lévy noise
T. Kulczycki,Oleksii Kulyk,Michał Ryznar
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
The localized RBF interpolation with its modifications for solving the incompressible two-phase fluid flows: A conservative Allen–Cahn–Navier–Stokes system
Vahid Mohammadi,Mehdi Dehghan,Hamid Mesgarani
Engineering analysis with boundary elements Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-11-01
Adversarial example denoising and detection based on the consistency between Fourier-transformed layers
Seunghwan Jung,Heeyeon kim,Minyoung Chung,Yeong-Gil Shin
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
An enhanced mathematical model for evaluating grid-to-rod fretting wear under complex boundary
H. Huang,P. Li,Y.R. Yang,T. Liu
Progress in nuclear energy (New series) Published 2024-11-01
An accelerated deterministic algorithm for maximizing monotone submodular minus modular function with cardinality constraint
Shufang Gong,Bin Liu,Qizhi Fang
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
Enhanced osmosis model with bilateral total variation for effective shadow removal
A. Laghrib,Fakhr-eddine Limami,A. Nachaoui
Published 2024-11-01
Value-enhancing modeling of surrenders and lapses
Hsiao-Tzu Huang,Yawen Hwang,Linus Fang-Shu Chan,C. Tsai
Insurance, Mathematics & Economics Published 2024-11-01
The G-invariant graph Laplacian part II: Diffusion maps
E. Rosen,Xiuyuan Cheng,Y. Shkolnisky
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Published 2024-11-01
A Skew Product Distribution with Applications
M. Shakil,Tassaddaq Hussain,Zahid-ur- Rehman,Aneeqa Khadim,Musaddiq SirajoJ. SinghMohammad AhsanullahB. M. Kibria
Published 2024-11-01
Finite-time input-to-state stability and settling-time estimation of impulsive switched systems with multiple impulses
Taixiang Zhang,Jinde Cao,Xiaodi Li,Liang Hua
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
Impact of Polluted Environments on Stochastic Gilpin–Ayala Population Dynamics with Dispersal
Published 2024-11-01
Complete forcing numbers of (4,6)-fullerenes
Xin He,Heping Zhang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
A numerical approach for a category of piecewise fractional variational problems depending on an indefinite integral
M. Heydari,D. Baleanu
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-11-01
Strong versions of impulsive controllability and sampled observability
P.-A. Absil,I. Cojuhari,I. Fiodorov,André L. Tits
Automatica Published 2024-11-01
Diagnosability of labeled Dp-automata
Kuize Zhang,J. Raisch
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
On restricted matching extension of 1-embeddable graphs in surfaces with small genus
Jiangyue Zhang,Yan Wu,Heping Zhang
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Saturation numbers of joins of graphs
Sinan Hu,Zhidan Luo,Yuejian Peng
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
On the integral and derivative identities of bivariate Fox H-function and applications in performance analysis of wireless communications under generalized Gaussian noise
P. S. Chauhan,P. C. Sau,Sandeep Kumar,I. S. Ansari,Sonia Aïssa
Published 2024-11-01
On two conjectures about the intersection of longest paths and cycles
Juan Gutiérrez,Christian Valqui
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Applied Numerical Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
On the flexibility and loading maximization for weighted premiums
Georgios Psarrakos,Polyxeni Vliora
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
Tempered fractional Jacobi-Müntz basis for image reconstruction application and high-order pseudospectral tempered fractional differential matrices
S. Dahy,H. M. El-Hawary,Alaa Fahim,Amal A. Farhat
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
On the difference set of two transductions
S. Konstantinidis,Nelma Moreira,Rogério Reis,Juraj Sebej
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
r-Euler-Mahonian statistics on permutations
Shao-Hua Liu
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A Published 2024-11-01
Shrinkage estimation of higher-order Bochner integrals
Saiteja Utpala,Bharath K. Sriperumbudur
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Dynamics of particulate droplets collision: An Allen-Cahn based multiphase lattice Boltzmann approach
E. Ezzatneshan,Kian Nakhaei,Ayoub Fattahi
Published 2024-11-01
On non-superperfection of edge intersection graphs of paths
Victoria Kaial,Hervé Kerivin,Annegret K. Wagler
Discrete Optimization Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-11-01
The seating couples problem in the even case
Mariusz Meszka,A. Pasotti,M. A. Pellegrini
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
On the spectral radius of graphs without a gem
Yanting Zhang,Ligong Wang
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
Convection heat and mass transfer of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media with Soret and Dufour effects using a two-sided space fractional derivative model
Yuehua Jiang,Hongguang Sun,Yong Zhang
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-11-01
Meshless weighting coefficients for arbitrary nodes: The efficient computation to machine precision using hyper-dual numbers
Jason Roberts
Advances in Engineering Software Published 2024-11-01
Construction and enumeration of balanced rotation symmetric Boolean functions
Zeenath A.U.,Lakshmy K.V.,Thomas W. Cusick,M. Sethumadhavan
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the Impact of Endoscope, Jeffrey Fluid, Magnetic Field, and Separated Flow on Peristaltic Motion in Non-Uniform Tubes
Published 2024-11-01
Approximate double-transform inversion when time is one of the variables
Ronald W. Butler
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Intrinsic universality in automata networks II: Glueing and gadgets
Martín Ríos-Wilson,Guillaume Theyssier
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
GeoExplainer: Interpreting Graph Convolutional Networks with geometric masking
Rui Yu,Yanshan Li,Huajie Liang,Zhiyuan Chen
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Resilient bipartite consensus of high-order heterogeneous multi-agent systems under Byzantine attacks
Yang Yang,Wei Sun
Automatica Published 2024-11-01
Adaptive fixed-time stabilization for high-order uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown measurement sensitivities
Liuliu Zhang,Han Zhang,Cheng Qian,Changchun Hua
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
Opinion dynamics analysis for stubborn individuals in cooperation-competition networks based on path-dependence framework
Hong-xiang Hu,Guanghui Wen,Yun Chen,Wei Xing Zheng
Published 2024-11-01
Complex Pythagorean neutrosophic normal interval-valued set with an aggregation operators using score values
M. Palanikumar,Nasreen Kausar,Muhammet Deveci
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
Learning-based robust output tracking control for unknown discrete-time nonlinear systems with dynamic uncertainty
Fang Liu,Hui Peng
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Practical output regulation of uncertain Euler–Lagrange systems
E. S. Saraiva,A. Salton,Rafael S. Castro,Jeferson V. Flores
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
A positive/tropical critical point theorem and mirror symmetry
Jamie Judd,K. Rietsch
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Zero-temperature chaos in bidimensional models with finite-range potentials
S. Barbieri,R. Bissacot,Gregório Dalle Vedove,Philippe Thieullen
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Exponential input-to-state stability of non-linear reaction–diffusion systems with Markovian switching
Zhuo Xue,Xin-Xin Han,Kai-Ning Wu
Published 2024-11-01
A classification result about basic 2-arc-transitive graphs
Jing Jian Li,Zai Ping Lu,Ruo Yu Song,Xiao Qian Zhang
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Non-stationary response determination of nonlinear systems endowed with fractional derivative elements subjected to evolutionary stochastic excitation
Yijian Xu,Fan Kong,Daniel David,Xu Hong,Xianghong Sun
Engineering structures Published 2024-11-01
Fixed-time anti-synchronization for reaction-diffusion neural networks
R. Matusik,Anna Michalak,Andrzej Nowakowski
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
A difference finite element method based on the conforming P1(x,y)×Q1(z,s) element for the 4D Poisson equation
Yaru Liu,Yinnian He,D. Sheen,Xinlong Feng
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-11-01
Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via hierarchical bipartite graph
Jie Zhou,Xinglong Luo,Feiping Nie,Xingshi He
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-11-01
Description lattices of generalised convex hulls
C. Demko,K. Bertet,Jean-François Viaud,Cyril Faucher,Damien Mondou
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Published 2024-11-01
Local polynomial trend regression for spatial data on Rd
Daisuke Kurisu,Yasumasa Matsuda
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Global well-posedness and large-time behavior of classical solutions to the Euler-Navier-Stokes system in R3
Feimin Huang,H. Tang,Guochun Wu,Weiyuan Zou
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
Statistical Analysis of Video Databases for Deception Detection Tasks
Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Number Theory Published 2024-11-01
Finding the largest separating rectangle among two point sets
Bogdan Armaselu
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
Bounds for the eccentricity spectral radius of join digraphs with a fixed dichromatic number
Xiuwen Yang,H. Broersma,Ligong Wang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
The high order spectral extremal results for graphs and their applications
Chunmeng Liu,Jiang Zhou,Changjiang Bu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Estimating the robust domain of attraction for difference inclusions using an interval Lyapunov equation
Chaolun Lu,Alexandre Goldsztejn,Yongqiang Li
Published 2024-11-01
Structure of some ( P7, C4)-free graphs with application to colorings
Ran Chen,Di Wu,Baogang Xu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
A sub-convex similarity-based model updating method considering multivariate uncertainties
Yanlin Zhao,Bing Sun,S. Bi,Michael Beer,David Moens
Engineering structures Published 2024-11-01
FTMLP: MLP with Feature-Temporal Block for multivariate time series forecasting
Haoxin Wang,Yipeng Mo,Honghe Dai,Nan Yin,Songhai FanBixiong LiSite Mo
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Regular sets in circulant graphs with degree 3
Yu-Xia Hao,Xiaomeng Wang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A Published 2024-11-01
Dynamic trust network-driven consensus modeling with endogenous adjustment and exogenous modification under a quasi-Z-number environment
Feng Wang,Xiaobing Yu,Wenguan Luo,Jiangfeng Hao
Information Sciences Published 2024-11-01
Leveraging Amazon Web Services for Cloud Storage and AI Algorithm Integration: A Comprehensive Analysis
Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
A posteriori error estimate of a weak Galerkin finite element method for solving linear elasticity problems
Chunmei Liu,Yingying Xie,Liuqiang Zhong,Liping Zhou
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-11-01
Long time existence for non-isentropic slightly compressible Navier-Stokes equations in bounded domains with Dirichlet boundary condition
Xinyu Fan,Qiangchang Ju,Jianjun Xu
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
The diagnosability of interconnection networks
Mujiangshan Wang,Dong Xiang,Yi Qu,Guohui Li
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Oriented total-coloring of oriented graphs
Julien Bensmail,Sandip Das,Soumen Nandi,Ayan Nandy,Théo PierronS. PrabhuSagnik Sen
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Generalized complex fractional moment for the probabilistic characteristic of random vectors
Lizhi Niu,M. Di Paola,A. Pirrotta,Wei Xu
Engineering structures Published 2024-11-01
The inner partial least square: An exploration of the “necessary” dimension reduction
Yunjian Yin,Lan Liu
Journal of Multivariate Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Primal separation and approximation for the {0,1/2}-closure
Lukas Brandl,Andreas S. Schulz
Operations Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Remarks on the oscillation of nonlinear third-order noncanonical delay differential equations
N. Prabaharan,Mayakrishnan Madhan,E. Thandapani,E. Tunç
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
Interval Type-2 enhanced possibilistic fuzzy C-means noisy image segmentation algorithm amalgamating weighted local information
Chengquan Huang,Huan Lei,Yang Chen,Jianghai Cai,Xiaosu QinJialei PengLihua ZhouLan Zheng
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
An unsupervised K-means machine learning algorithm via overlapping to improve the nodes selection for solving elliptic problems
F. Soleymani,Shengfeng Zhu,Xindi Hu
Engineering analysis with boundary elements Published 2024-11-01
Bernoulli–Gaussian Model with Model Parameter Estimation
Yangkang Yu,Ling Yang,Yunzhong Shen
Journal of Surveying Engineering Published 2024-11-01
Inverse Power Modified Chris-Jerry Distribution: Properties, Estimation, Simulation and Medical Application
Published 2024-11-01
The edge fault-tolerance about the strong Menger edge-connectivity of order r among hamming graph
Mingzu Zhang,Zhaoxia Tian,Tengteng Liang,Hongxi Liu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
The automorphism group of a complementary prism
Marko Orel
Published 2024-11-01
Some rapidly mixing hit-and-run samplers for latent counts in linear inverse problems
M L Hazelton,M R Mcveagh,Christopher Tuffley,B. van Brunt
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Published 2024-11-01
A general method for mode decomposition on additive mixture: Generalized Variational Mode Decomposition and its sequentialization
Wei Chen,Yong Zhang
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Performance-guaranteed prescribed-time bipartite consensus of networked Lagrangian agents with bounded inputs and signed digraphs
Teng‐Fei Ding,Sheng Gong,Mingfeng Ge,Zhi-Wei Liu,Zhemei Fang
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
A Talenti-type comparison theorem for the p-Laplacian on <
Wenjing Wu
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-11-01
An extension of a mixed interpolation-regression method using zeros of orthogonal polynomials
F. Dell’Accio,Francisco Marcellán,Federico Nudo
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
The classification on a class of weakly weighted Einstein–Finsler metrics
Hongmei Zhu,Peijuan Rao
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-11-01
On the stability of a class of Michaelis-Menten networks
Shodhan Rao,Manvel Gasparyan
Published 2024-11-01
K-isolation in Graphs
Gang Zhang,Baoyindureng Wu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Boundary rigidity of CAT(0) cube complexes
Jérémie Chalopin,Victor Chepoi
Published 2024-11-01
Distance correlation test for high-dimensional independence
Weiming Li,Qinwen Wang,Jianfeng Yao
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
The 3-path-connectivity of the star graphs
Lin Li,Rong-Xia Hao,Wen-Han Zhu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Convergence and stability analysis of value iteration Q-learning under non-discounted cost for discrete-time optimal control
Shijie Song,Mingming Zhao,Dawei Gong,M. Zhu
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Adjustable order fault estimation observer based fault-tolerant control for switched fuzzy stochastic systems
Jian Han,Ping Yu,Xiuhua Liu,Xinjiang Wei
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
M2GDL: Multi-manifold guided dictionary learning based oversampling and data validation for highly imbalanced classification problems
Tayyebe Feizi,M. Moattar,Hamid Tabatabaee
Information Sciences Published 2024-11-01
Extreme singular values of inhomogeneous sparse random rectangular matrices
Ioana Dumitriu,Yizhe Zhu
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Differentiable homotopy methods for gradually reinforcing the training of fully connected neural networks
Peixuan Li,Yuanbo Li
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
An outranking approach for multi-attribute group decision-making with interval-valued hesitant fuzzy information
Feng Shen,Qinyuan Huang,Han Su,Zeshui Xu
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
Mixing prisoner’s dilemma games on higher-order networks
Juan Wang,Jindong Nie,Shiqiang Guo,Mahmut Özer,Chengyi XiaM. Perc
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Gaussian differentially private robust mean estimation and inference
Myeonghun Yu,Zhao Ren,Wenya Zhou
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
On finite models of Hilbert's incidence geometry
Kristina Ago,Bojan Bašić,Milica Maksimović,Milica Šobot
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Normal-skew mixture-based robust probability hypothesis density filter under unknown statistical properties of noise
Han Zou,Sunyong Wu,Qiutiao Xue,Xiyan Sun,Ming Li
Published 2024-11-01
Mainardi smoothing homotopy method for solving nonlinear optimal control problems
Wenjie Qing,Binfeng Pan,Yunting Ran,Changshuo Zhu
Acta Astronautica Published 2024-11-01
An environmental Kuznets curve for global forests: An application of the mi-lasso estimator
Rowan Cherodian,Iain Fraser
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Exam scheduling under pandemic conditions: A mathematical model and decision support system
Zehra Kamisli Ozturk,Huseyin Sercan Gundogan,Emre Mumyakmaz,Tugra Kececioglu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
GraphixMatch: Improving semi-supervised learning for graph classification with FixMatch
Eunji Koh,Young Jae Lee,Seoung Bum Kim
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Differentially private and explainable boosting machine with enhanced utility
Incheol Baek,Y. Chung
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
An radicals construction technique based on dual quaternions and hierarchical transformers
Sensen Zhang,Xun Liang
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Zero dissipation limit of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations to piecewise smooth solutions with interacting shocks
Shixiang Ma
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
Complete equitable decompositions
Josephine Drapeau,Joseph Henderson,Peter Seely,Dallas Smith,B. Webb
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-11-01
Local-in-space wave breaking criteria for a generalized rod equation
Changtai Zhou,Shaoyong Lai
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
On hexavalent half-arc-transitive bi-dihedrants
Mi-Mi Zhang
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Fixed-time consensus problem for uncertain multi-agent systems with continuous and intermittent control
Ji Han,He Jiang,Yan Zhao
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
Graph classification using high-difference-frequency subgraph embedding
Tianchong Gao,Yixin Xu
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Polyhedron Published 2024-11-01
Vertex algebras with big centre and a Kazhdan-Lusztig correspondence
B. L. Feigin,Simon D. Lentner
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Erratum: Tree builder random walk: Recurrence, transience and ballisticity
G. Iacobelli,Rodrigo Ribeiro,G. Valle,Leonel Zuaznábar
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
One-phase free boundary solutions of finite Morse index
José Basulto,Nikola Kamburov
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
Flag-transitive automorphism groups of 2-designs with λ ≥ (r,λ)2 are not product type
Huiling Li,Zhilin Zhang,Shenglin Zhou
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A Published 2024-11-01
On the connectedness of arithmetic hyperplanes
Bastien Laboureix,Eric Domenjoud
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
The Erdős-Gyárfás function f(n,4,5)=56n+o(n) - So Gyárfás was right
Patrick Bennett,Ryan Cushman,Andrzej Dudek,Pawel Pralat
Published 2024-11-01
Smoothed circulas: Nonparametric estimation of circular cumulative distribution functions and circulas
J. Ameijeiras-Alonso,Irène Gijbels
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
A virtual element scheme for the time-fractional parabolic PDEs over distorted polygonal meshes
Zaffar Mehdi Dar,M. Chandru
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-11-01
Irregular domains: Special coordinates for a pseudospectral method
O. Guimarães,Leandro Cunha,J. Piqueira
Engineering analysis with boundary elements Published 2024-11-01
Adaptive generalized Nash equilibrium seeking algorithm for nonsmooth aggregative game under dynamic event-triggered mechanism
Mengxin Wang,Jianing Chen,Changyun Wen,Sitian Qin
Published 2024-11-01
Three-way data clustering based on the mean-mixture of matrix-variate normal distributions
Mehrdad Naderi,M. Tamandi,Elham Mirfarah,Wan-Lun Wang,Tsung-I Lin
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Kruskal–Katona-type problems via the entropy method
Ting-Wei Chao,Hung-Hsun Hans Yu
Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Applied Mathematical Modelling Published 2024-11-01
Finite-time stability of fractional-order quaternion-valued memristive neural networks with time delay
Jingjing Wang,Hongbing Xu,Song Zhu
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
A note on Alon-Tarsi number of Halin graphs
Dazhi Lin,Tao Wang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
An improved L1 adaptive high-gain observer with guaranteed perfor
Hossein Ahmadian,Mohammad Mehdi Arefi,Alireza Khayatian,A. Montazeri
Ocean Engineering Published 2024-11-01
An enhanced diversity indicator-based many-objective evolutionary algorithm with shape-conforming convergence metric
Jiale Cao,Lei Yang,Kangshun Li,Yuanye Zhang,Jinglin TianDongya Wang
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
Multi-label feature selection based on minimizing feature redundancy of mutual information
Gaozhi Zhou,Runxin Li,Zhenhong Shang,Xiaowu Li,Lianyin Jia
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Ensemble of classifiers based on score function defined by clusters and decision boundary of linear base learners
Pawel Trajdos,R. Burduk
Knowledge-Based Systems Published 2024-11-01
PC-Kriging-powered parallelizing Bayesian updating for stochastic vehicle-track dynamical system with contact force measurements and Gaussian process discrepancy model
Wang-Ji Yan,Jiang-Zheng Zhan,Ka-Veng Yuen,Wei-Xin Ren,C. Papadimitriou
Engineering structures Published 2024-11-01
Remarks on modified fractional counting
P. Donner
Jurnal Informa Published 2024-11-01
A constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on fitness landscape indicator
Jingjing Fang,Hai-Lin Liu,Fangqing Gu
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
A single-loop reliability sensitivity analysis strategy for time-dependent rare events with both random variables and stochastic processes
Congyi Zha,Chenrong Pan,Zhili Sun,Qin Liu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety Published 2024-11-01
PTASs for secure dominating set in planar graphs and growth-bounded graphs
Ke-Jie Li,Zhao Zhang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Infinitely many solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations with oscillatory potentials
Ke Jin,Yimei Li,Lushun Wang
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for magnetic advection-diffusion problems
Jin-Der Wang,Shuonan Wu
Published 2024-11-01
An algorithmic construction of union-intersection-bounded families
Marcel Fernández,John Livieratos,Sebastià Martín
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
A weak box-perfect graph theorem
P. Chervet,Roland Grappe
Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-11-01
A new criterion on stability in distribution for a hybrid stochastic delay differential equation
Can Lv,Surong You,Liangjian Hu,Xuerong Mao
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
An analysis of the bilinear finite volume method for the singularly-perturbed convection-diffusion problems on Shishkin mesh
Y. Sheng,Tie Zhang
Published 2024-11-01
Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with concave-convex nonlinearities
Xiaojing Dong,Qi Guo
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
Multi-agent flocking control with complex obstacles and adaptive distributed convex optimization
Huiqin Pei,Xinyu Hu,Zilong Luo
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
Generalizations of POD and PED partitions
C. Ballantine,Amanda Welch
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
A novel parabolic model driven by double phase flux operator with variable exponents: Application to image decomposition and denoising
A. Charkaoui,A. Ben‐loghfyry,Shengda Zeng
Published 2024-11-01
Triangle-free signed graphs with small negative inertia index
Fang Duan,Yuhong Yang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Parameterised approximation of the fixation probability of the dominant mutation in the multi-type Moran process
L. A. Goldberg,Marc Roth,T. Schwarz
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-11-01
Polynomial crisp-minimization algorithm for fuzzy deterministic automata
Aitor González de Mendívil Grau,F. Fariña,Stefan Stanimirović,Ivana Micić,J.R.G. de Mendivil
Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Addible edges in 2-matching-connected graphs and 3-matching-connected graphs
Hengzhe Li,Menghan Ma,Jianbing Liu,Xiao Zhao
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Tilted inequalities and facets of the set covering polytope: A theoretical analysis
François Lamothe,Claudio Contardo,Matthieu Gruson
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Approximate controllability of evolution hemivariational inequalities in Banach spaces
Bholanath Kumbhakar,D. N. Pandey
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-11-01
Spatial copula-based modeling of claim frequency and claim size in third-party car insurance: A Poisson-mixed approach for predictive analysis
V. Tadayon,Mitra Ghanbarzadeh
Insurance, Mathematics & Economics Published 2024-11-01
Single-objective and multi-objective mixed-variable grey wolf optimizer for joint feature selection and classifier parameter tuning
Hongjuan Li,Hui Kang,Jiahui Li,Yanyun Pang,Geng SunShuang Liang
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Algebra Published 2024-11-01
Neighborhood margin rough set: Self-tuning neighborhood threshold
Mingjie Cai,Haichao Wang,Feng Xu,Qingguo Li
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Published 2024-11-01
Solving continuous quadratic programming for the discrete balanced graph partitioning problem using simulated annealing algorithm hybridized local search and multi-start algorithms
Ahmad Abouyee Mehrizi,Reza Ghanbari,S. Sadeghi,K. Ghorbani-Moghadam
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
The weight balance function on trees
F. McMorris,H. M. Mulder,R. Powers
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Novel reachable set estimation results for delayed linear systems with bounded disturbance
Yue Chen,Song Zhu
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
New string attractor-based complexities for infinite words
Julien Cassaigne,France Gheeraert,A. Restivo,Giuseppe Romana,M. SciortinoManon Stipulanti
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A Published 2024-11-01
Sharp decay characterization for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Lorenzo Brandolese,Ling-Yun Shou,Jiang Xu,Ping Zhang
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
On the joint distribution of the area and the number of peaks for Bernoulli excursions
Vladislav Kargin
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Equivalence of inequality indices in the three-dimensional model of informetric impact
L. Bertoli-Barsotti,M. Gagolewski,Grzegorz Siudem,Barbara Żogała-Siudem
Published 2024-11-01
Optimal portfolio with relative performance and CRRA risk preferences in a partially observable financial market
Panpan Zhang,Zhiguo Yan
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
A modified dispersed frequency and phase consensus algorithm based on differential evolution and credibility weighting matrix
Keyan Qi,Chaoshu Jiang,Jie Lin,Xiaobo Deng,Rui FuQinzhen HuFengfeng Chen
Published 2024-11-01
Lie algebras arising from two-periodic projective complex and derived categories
Jiepeng Fang,Yixin Lan,Jie Xiao
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Clean affinity matrix induced hyper-Laplacian regularization for unsupervised multi-view feature selection
Peng Song,Shixuan Zhou,Jinshuai Mu,Meng Duan,Yanwei YuWenming Zheng
Information Sciences Published 2024-11-01
Fixed-time bipartite synchronization of nonlinear impulsive time-varying signed networks with delays
Yao Xu,Xinzhi Liu,Lu Zhang,Wenxue Li,Yongbao WuYang Liu
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
A flexible approach for normal approximation of geometric and topological statistics
Zhaoyang Shi,Krishnakumar Balasubramanian,W. Polonik
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Optimal control of base-isolated systems with sliding TLCD under stochastic process
C. Masnata,A. Pirrotta
Engineering structures Published 2024-11-01
Neural networks in closed-loop systems: Verification using interval arithmetic and formal prover
Federico Rossi,C. Bernardeschi,M. Cococcioni
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
On Cordial Labeling of Third Power of Path with Other Graphs
Published 2024-11-01
On Leibniz type rule for generalized fractional derivatives
W. Abdelhedi
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Published 2024-11-01
Threshold dynamics and asymptotic profiles of a time-periodic nonlocal dispersal SIS epidemic model with Dirichlet boundary conditions
Xiandong Lin,Qiru Wang
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-11-01
An inverse-free Getz-Marsden dynamic system and its eleven-instant discrete model for time-variant linear equations solving
Biao Song,Jiarong Guo,Weibing Li,Yongping Pan
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
A new class of cosine trigonometric lifetime distribution with applications
Pankaj Kumar,L. Sapkota,Vijay Kumar,Y. Tashkandy,M. E. BakrO. S. BalogunAhmed M. Gemeay
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-11-01
TaylorNet: A novel approach for spectral filter learning on graph data
Liwen Xu,Jiali Chen,Zhonghua Han,Yongxia Zhang
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Time series features and fuzzy memberships combination for time series classification
Francisco J. Baldán,Luis Martínez
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Bounded mixed batch scheduling with job release dates and rejection
Jun Xu,Yong-Xing Huang,Daxing Zhang,Ran Lin,Guo-Qiang Fan
Operations Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Prescribed-time fully distributed Nash equilibrium seeking of nonlinear multi-agent systems over unbalanced digraphs
Bo Xu,Yuan-Xin Li
Published 2024-11-01
Revisiting some classical linearizations of the quadratic binary optimization problem and linkages with constraint aggregations
Abraham P. Punnen,Navpreet Kaur
Discrete Optimization Published 2024-11-01
Optimal parameter choice rule for filter-based regularization schemes
K. J. Sayana,G. D. Reddy
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
Asymptotic analysis of statistical estimators related to MultiGraphex processes under misspecification
Zacharie Naulet,Judith Rousseau,François Caron
Bernoulli Published 2024-11-01
Improper odd coloring of IC-planar graphs
Ping Chen,Xin Zhang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Stability analysis for linear systems with a switched rapidly varying delay
F. Mazenc,Silviu‐Iulian Niculescu,Diego Torres-García
Published 2024-11-01
A stability result for Berge-K3,t r-graphs and its applications
Junpeng Zhou,Xiying Yuan,Wen-Huan Wang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-11-01
Three-way concept lattice from adjunctive positive and negative concepts
Binghan Long,Tingquan Deng,Yiyu Yao,Weihua Xu
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Published 2024-11-01
Outlier detection based on multisource information fusion in incomplete mixed data
Ran Li,Hongchang Chen,Shuxin Liu,Kai Wang,Shuo LiuZhe Su
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-11-01
A method based on linear feasibility tests for full-rank characterization of convex combinations of matrices
Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto Teixeira,Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão,E. Assunção,R. J. Afonso
Published 2024-11-01
On exponential and L2-exponential stability of continuous-time delay-difference systems
Zhao‐Yan Li,Qianqian Zhang,Bin Zhou
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-11-01
Maximal cliques-based hybrid high-dimensional feature selection with interaction screening for regression
Hasna Chamlal,A. Benzmane,Tayeb Ouaderhman
Neurocomputing Published 2024-11-01
Robust sparse recovery with sparse Bernoulli matrices via expanders
Pedro Abdalla
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Published 2024-11-01
A complex-valued encoding golden jackal optimization for multilevel thresholding image segmentation
Jinzhong Zhang,Tan Zhang,Duansong Wang,Gang Zhang,Min KongZ. LiRui ChenYubao Xu
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
A new defuzzification method and ranking method for type-2 fuzzy numbers
Wei Zhang
Information Sciences Published 2024-11-01
Stabilization for 2-D switched T–S fuzzy systems under the state-dependent switching
Xiaozeng Xu,Qunxian Zheng,Yang Li,Hongbin Zhang
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-11-01
FairColor: An efficient algorithm for the Balanced and Fair Reviewer Assignment Problem
Khadra Bouanane,Abdeldjaouad Nusayr Medakene,Abdellah Benbelghit,S. Belhaouari
Published 2024-11-01
Is it possible to find the single nearest neighbor of a query in high dimensions?
Kai Ming Ting,T. Washio,Ye Zhu,Yang Xu,Kaifeng Zhang
Artificial Intelligence Published 2024-11-01
The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Creative Writing and Self-Efficacy in Portuguese and Mathematics
Helena Silva,Sónia Marques,José Lopes,Eva Morais,Felicidade Morais
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Extensions of results on phylogeny graphs of degree bounded digraphs
Myungho Choi,Suh-Ryung Kim
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
On cop-win dynamic graphs
Gabriel Fortin-Leblanc,Geňa Hahn,Frank Ramamonjisoa
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Deep Neural Network: A Survey
Feng Wang,Qi He,Shicheng Li
Tsinghua Science and Technology Published 2024-10-01
A memory interaction quadratic interpolation whale optimization algorithm based on reverse information correction for high-dimensional feature selection
Fahui Miao,Yong Wu,Guanjie Yan,Xiaomeng Si
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-10-01
A new robust possibilistic mathematical model for organ transplantation network design by organ characteristics, waiting time and multi-mode transportation with a case study
Sina Salimian,Seyed Meysam Mousavi
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
On the stable polynomials of degrees 2,3,4
Tong Lin,Qiang Wang
Published 2024-10-01
Mathematics education in the curricula of the preservice teacher in early childhood education in Spain
María De los Ángeles Hidalgo-Méndez,Carmen León-Mantero,J. C. Casas-Rosal,Miguel Ernesto Villarraga-Rico
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Topology and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
Dual discreteness of Σ-products and irreducibility of infinite products
Yasushi Hirata,Yukinobu Yajima
Topology and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
Numerical solution of fuzzy stochastic Volterra integral equations with constant delay
Xiaoxia Wen,Marek T. Malinowski,Hu Li,Hongyan Liu,Yan Li
Published 2024-10-01
Laplacian and Wiener index of extension of zero divisor graph
Pallabi Bora,Kukil Kalpa Rajkhowa
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Racial stereotype and Black adolescents' math achievement: Unpacking the socio-cognitive mechanisms
Ming-Te Wang,Daphne A. Henry,Wei Wu,Juan Del Toro,James P. Huguley
Journal of School Psychology Published 2024-10-01
On large regular (1,1,k)-mixed graphs
C. Dalfó,G. Erskine,G. Exoo,M. A. Fiol,N. LópezA. MessegueJ. Tuite
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
SparseDC: Depth completion from sparse and non-uniform inputs
Chen Long,Wenxiao Zhang,Zhe Chen,Haiping Wang,Yuan LiuPeiling TongZhen CaoZhen DongBisheng Yang
Information Fusion Published 2024-10-01
An efficient mixed constrained Bayesian optimization for handling known and unknown constraints
Chao Bian,Qinglong Liu,Xuan Zhang,Binbin Yan,Xiaofang WangSiyuan ZuoHaitao Liu
Advanced Engineering Informatics Published 2024-10-01
The impact of dynamic reward on cooperation in the spatial public goods game
Yali Zhang,Yikang Lu,Haoyu Jin,Yuting Dong,Chunpeng DuLei Shi
Published 2024-10-01
Differential evolution with adaptive mutation and crossover strategies for nonlinear regression problems
Watchara Wongsa,P. Puphasuk,J. Wetweerapong
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Published 2024-10-01
Quasi-linear time heuristic to solve the Euclidean traveling salesman problem with low gap
Arno Formella
Journal of Computer Science Published 2024-10-01
Efficient estimation of the density and distribution functions of Weibull-Burr XII distribution
Amulya Kumar Mahto,Y. Tripathi,S. Dey,M. M. El-Raouf,Najwan Alsadat
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
The average Steiner (3,2)-eccentricity of trees
Gengji Li,Cheng Zeng,Xiangrui Pan,Longyu Li
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Mathematical model to evaluate the performance of submersible hydraulic turbogenerators for energy recovery from water distribution networks
Hernán Darío Pedraza-Corzo,Luis Sebastian Mendoza Castellanos,Ana Lisbeth Galindo Noguera,Jairo Fabian Jaimes Rojas
Energy Conversion and Management Published 2024-10-01
Some progress on the Aharoni-Korman conjecture
I. Zaguia
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
On the cryptographic properties of weightwise affine and weightwise quadratic functions
Pierrick Méaux,Yassine Ozaim
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Phase field smoothing-PINN: A neural network solver for partial differential equations with discontinuous coefficients
Rui He,Yanfu Chen,Zihao Yang,Jizu Huang,Xiaofei Guan
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
New constructions of balanced Boolean functions with the maximum possible Walsh supports
Yueying Lou,Qichun Wang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Approaches to improve preprocessing for Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic modeling
Jamie Zimmermann,Lance E. Champagne,John M. Dickens,Benjamin T. Hazen
Decision Support Systems Published 2024-10-01
A nonconvex sparse recovery method for DOA estimation based on the trimmed lasso
Longxin Bai,Jingchao Zhang,Liyan Qiao
Published 2024-10-01
A new hybrid special function class and numerical technique for multi-order fractional differential equations
F. Ghanim,F. Khan,H. Al-Janaby,Ali Hasan Ali
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
A second-order fitted scheme combined with time two-grid technique for two-dimensional nonlinear time fractional telegraph equations involving initial singularity
Caixia Ou,Zhibo Wang,Seakweng Vong
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method for anisotropic convection-diffusion equation with divergence-free velocity field
Dinggen Li,Faqiang Li,Bo Xu
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
Optimal control of Boolean control networks with state-triggered impulses
Shuhuai Tan,Rongpei Zhou,Yuhao Wang,Qie-gen Liu,Xinzhi Liu
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Advancing SVM classification: Parallelizing conjugate gradient for monotonicity enforcement
Hui-Chi Chuang,Chih-Chuan Chen,Sheng-Tun Li
Knowledge-Based Systems Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
Little and often: Causal inference machine learning demonstrates the benefits of homework for improving achievement in mathematics and science
Nathan McJames,Andrew Parnell,Ann O'Shea
Learning and Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Four new families of NMDS codes with dimension 4 and their applications
Yun Ding,Yang Li,Shixin Zhu
Published 2024-10-01
A conjugate method for simulating the dynamics of stochastic urban spatial network models
H. de la Cruz,M. Muñoz
Published 2024-10-01
Decomposition and construction of uninorms on the unit interval
Ouyang Yao,Hua-Peng Zhang,Bernard De Baets
Published 2024-10-01
Class-specific feature selection using fuzzy information-theoretic metrics
Xi-Ao Ma,Hao Xu,Yi Liu,J. Zhang
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Large time asymptotics for the modified Korteweg–de Vries-Benjamin–Ono equation
N. Hayashi,Jesus A. Mendez-Navarro,P. Naumkin
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Math anxiety in elementary students: Examining the role of timing and task complexity
Kathrin E. Maki,Anne F. Zaslofsky,Robin Codding,Breanne Woods
Journal of School Psychology Published 2024-10-01
Remarks on MacMahon's q-series
Ken Ono,Ajit Singh
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A Published 2024-10-01
An improved density peaks clustering algorithm based on the generalized neighbors similarity
Xuan Yang,Fuyuan Xiao
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Analytical properties and the box-counting dimension of nonlinear hidden variable recurrent fractal interpolation functions constructed by using Rakotch's fixed point theorem
ChungIl Ro,CholHui Yun
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
On the minimum size of graphs with given generalized connectivity
Shu-Li Zhao,Hengzhe Li,Jou-Ming Chang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Confronting the Lippmann–Schwinger equation and the N/D method for coupled-wave separable potentials
M.S. Sánchez,J. Oller,D. R. Entem
Annals of Physics Published 2024-10-01
V O2 assisted temperature tunable wideband terahertz absorber as a
Vikram Maurya,Sarthak Singhal
Materials Chemistry and Physics Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
A characterisation of edge-affine 2-arc-transitive covers of K2n,2n
Daniel R. Hawtin,Cheryl E. Praeger,Jin-Xin Zhou
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A Published 2024-10-01
An efficient isogeometric topology optimization based on the adaptive damped geometric multigrid method
Shijie Luo,Feng Yang,Yingjun Wang
Advances in Engineering Software Published 2024-10-01
Probability-based event-triggered asynchronous control for fuzzy jump systems
Xiaoqiu Lv,Jun Cheng,Huaicheng Yan,Dan Zhang,Wenhai Qi
Information Sciences Published 2024-10-01
Unsupervised feature selection based on bipartite graph and low-redundant regularization
Longyan Xiang,Hongmei Chen,Tengyu Yin,S. Horng,Tianrui Li
Knowledge-Based Systems Published 2024-10-01
On q-Gamma type operators in a polynomial weighted space
Sahil Berwal,S. A. Mohiuddine,Arun Kajla,M. Mursaleen
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Stochastic Processes and their Applications Published 2024-10-01
Uniqueness and reconstruction of finite lattice sets from their line sums
Michela Ascolese,Paolo Dulio,S. M. Pagani
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
An adaptive dimension-reduction Chebyshev metamodel
Yichen Zhou,Feng Li,Hong-Fa Li,Shijun Qu
Advances in Engineering Software Published 2024-10-01
On the construction of locally most reliable two-terminal graphs
Shi-Cai Gong,Lu Lin
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Spectral radius and rainbow Hamilton paths of a graph
Xiaocong He,Yongtao Li,Lihua Feng
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Pricing problem and sensitivity analysis of knock-in external barrier options based on uncertain stock model
Yin Gao,Miao Tian
Published 2024-10-01
Future Teachers' Perceptions towards Incorporating Board Games to Teach Mathematical Skills in History Classes
Ana Morais,Hélder Sousa,A. P. Aires,J. Cravino,J. B. Lopes
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Distributed inference for the quantile regression model based on the random weighted bootstrap
Peiwen Xiao,Xiaohui Liu,Anna Li,Guangming Pan
Information Sciences Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
Analysis of a meshless generalized finite difference method for the time-fractional diffusion-wave equation
Lanyu Qing,Xiaolin Li
Published 2024-10-01
Classroom language training for non-English pre-service teachers: a professional development project
Piyathat Siripol,Jeffrey Delawa Wilang
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Optimal control design of the COVID-19 model based on Lyapunov function and genetic algorithm
A. Sa'adah,R. Saragih,Dewi Handayani
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Published 2024-10-01
Heutagogy in Action: Empowering Mathematics Teachers Through Innovative Pedagogical Approaches
Mohamad Ikram Zakaria,Nik Abdul Hadi Noor Nasran,Abdul Halim Abdullah,Najua Syuhada Ahmad Alhassora,Mohd Fadzil Abdul Hanid
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Predefined time quasi-sliding mode control with fast convergence based on a switchable exponent for nonlinear systems
Chao Jia,Xiaohua Liu
Published 2024-10-01
Graph exploration by a deterministic memoryless automaton with pebbles
Debasish Pattanayak,Andrzej Pelc
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Good modelling practice in ecology, the hierarchical Bayesian perspective
Philip A. White,Alan E. Gelfand,Henry A. Frye,J. Silander
Ecological Modelling Published 2024-10-01
Forecast combination using grey relational analysis and Choquet fuzzy integral for container throughput forecasting
Geng Wu,Yi-Chung Hu,Yu-Jing Chiu,Peng Jiang,Rui Chi
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-10-01
Quasi-projective synchronization of non-identical time-varying delayed quaternion-valued neural networks with interaction terms: Direct method
Sapna Baluni,V. Yadav,Subir Das
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Multiple high energy solutions of a nonlinear Hardy–Sobolev critical elliptic equation arising in astrophysics
Suzhen Mao,Aliang Xia,Yan Xu
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
Remarkable results obtained when studying a question concerning the invariant set of an IFS
Song-Il Ri,Vasileios Drakopoulos,Gyong-Jin Jo,Yong-Sop U
Published 2024-10-01
The rainbow numbers of cycles in maximal bipartite planar graph
Lei Ren,Yongxin Lan,Changqing Xu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
An Efficient Approximate Method for Solving Bratu’s Boundary Value Problem
Kamel Al-khaled,Mahmood Shareef Ajeel,Issam Abu-Irwaq,Hala Al-Khalid
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Published 2024-10-01
Partial dynamic (up) integrated model for both oscillatory and re
Zhipeng Wan,Lin Cui,Dong-Sheng Jeng
Ocean Engineering Published 2024-10-01
The Multiple Millionaires' Problem
Tamir Tassa,Avishay Yanai
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive Published 2024-10-01
Promoting cooperation through dynamic trustworthiness in spatial public goods games
Mengshu Zhang,Tianyu Ren,Xiao-Jun Zeng,Jia Li
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Probabilistic analysis of the steady state of weakly perturbed linear oscillators subject to a class of Gaussian inputs
Juan-Carlos Cortés,J.-V. Romero,M.-D. Roselló,J.F. Valencia Sullca
Published 2024-10-01
The Stokes operator on manifolds with cylindrical ends
M. Kohr,Victor Nistor,W. Wendland
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
Corrigendum to “A T1 theorem for general Calderón-Zygmund operators with doubling weights, and optimal cancellation conditions, II” [J. Funct. Anal. 285 (2023) 110139]
Michel Alexis,Eric T. Sawyer,I. Uriarte-Tuero
Journal of Functional Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Fast correntropy-based multi-view clustering with prototype graph factorization
Ben Yang,Jinghan Wu,Xuetao Zhang,Zhiping Lin,Feiping NieBadong Chen
Information Sciences Published 2024-10-01
A numerical approach based on the Chebyshev polynomials for tempered time fractional coupled Burger’s equations
M. Heydari,D. Baleanu
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
A Gegenbauer polynomial-based numerical technique for a singular integral equation of order four and its application to a crack problem
Abhishek Yadav,Amit Setia,C. Laurita
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Learning and propagation: Evolutionary dynamics in spatial public goods games through combined Q-learning and Fermi rule
Yong Shen,Yujie Ma,Hongwei Kang,X. Sun,Qingyi Chen
Published 2024-10-01
A note on the stability results of the number of cliques in graphs with given matching number
Jia-Bao Yang,Long-Tu Yuan
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
A non-Vaisman LCK solvmanifold associated to a one-dimensional extension of a 2-step nilmanifold
Hiroshi Sawai
Differential geometry and its applications Published 2024-10-01
A novel mathematical method to estimate rice phenological parameters across spatial scales for the ORYZA model
Qian Yu,Linhua Ma,Yuanlai Cui,Luguang Liu,Bo Liu
European Journal of Agronomy Published 2024-10-01
The resultant method in higher dimensions
N. Harrach,L. Storme,P. Sziklai,M. Takáts
Finite Fields and Their Applications Published 2024-10-01
On the stopping time of the Collatz map in F2[x]
Gil Alon,Angelot Behajaina,Elad Paran
Published 2024-10-01
Some further results on random OBIC rules
Madhuparna Karmokar,Dipjyoti Majumdar,Souvik Roy
Mathematical Social Sciences Published 2024-10-01
Reinforcement learning-based secure synchronization for two-time-scale complex dynamical networks with malicious attacks
He Huang,Jiawei Xu,Jing Wang,Xiangyong Chen
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
An improved upper bound for neighbor sum distinguishing edge colorings of graphs
Xiaowei Yu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Exploring the Primary School Teachers’ Reasoning and Individuals with Limited Education When Solving False Proportionality Problems
Eduardo Cruz-Márquez,Irving Aarón Díaz-Espinoza,José Antonio Juárez-López
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Unknown-input pseudo-state observer synthesis for fractional-order systems: A geometric framework
H. A. Nozari,S. J. S. Rostami,Paolo Castaldi
Published 2024-10-01
Novel α-divergence measures on picture fuzzy sets and interval-valued picture fuzzy sets with diverse applications
Sijia Zhu,Zhe Liu,Gözde Ulutagay,Muhammet Deveci,Dragan Pamučar
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
A Note on (2, 2)-isogenies via Theta Coordinates
Jianming Lin,Saiyu Wang,Chang-An Zhao
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive Published 2024-10-01
An intensification-driven search algorithm for the family traveling salesman problem with incompatibility constraints
Zequn Wei,J. Hao,Jintong Ren,Qinghua Wu,Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello
Knowledge-Based Systems Published 2024-10-01
Corrigendum to “Adaptive cross tubal tensor approximation” [Linear Algebra Appl. 695 (2024) 168–190]
S. Ahmadi-Asl,A. Phan,Andrzej Cichocki,Anastasia Sozykina,Z. AghbariJun WangIvan Oseledets
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
A comprehensive analysis for weakly singular nonlinear functional Volterra integral equations using discretization techniques
I. A. Bhat,L. N. Mishra,Vishnu Narayan Mishra,Mahmoud Abdel-Aty,M. Qasymeh
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
Improved asymptotic upper bounds for the minimum number of longest cycles in regular graphs
Jorik Jooken
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Qualitative analysis and new variety of solitons profiles for the (1+1)-dimensional modified equal width equation
Syed Asif Ali Shah,Ejaz Hussain,Wen-Xiu Ma,Zhao Li,Adham E. RagabTamer M. Khalaf
Published 2024-10-01
Empirical Study on Attitude towards Making Decision to Select Mathematics for First-Degree Program
T. S. N. D. Kumarage,H. P. T. N. Silva
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Graphs with large (1,2)-rainbow connection numbers
Trung Duy Doan,Thi Thanh Chau Do,Ingo Schiermeyer
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Bureaucracy in quest of feasibility
H. Crès,I. Gilboa,Nicolas Vieille
Journal of Mathematical Economics Published 2024-10-01
Crucial rather than random: Attacking crucial substructure for backdoor attacks on graph neural networks
Haibin Tong,Huifang Ma,Hui Shen,Zhixin Li,Liang Chang
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
A project and lift approach for a 2-commodity flow relocation model in a time expanded network
José Luis Figueroa González,Mourad Baïou,Alain Quilliot,H. Toussaint,Annegret K. Wagler
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
The edge fault-tolerant two-disjoint path covers of Cayley graphs generated by a transposition tree
Hongwei Qiao,Jixiang Meng,Eminjan Sabir
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
A non-autonomous fractional granular model: Multi-shock, Breather, Periodic, Hybrid solutions and Soliton interactions
Uttam Ghosh,Subrata Roy,Swapan Biswas,S. Raut
Published 2024-10-01
Executive functioning profiles and mathematical and reading achievement in Grades 2, 6, and 10
Nuria Carriedo,O. Rodriguez-Villagra,Leire Pérez,Valentín Iglesias-Sarmiento
Journal of School Psychology Published 2024-10-01
Fuzzy Harsanyi solutions for fuzzy level structure games with multi weight systems
Xiaohui Yu,Hanzhang Li,Yingrun Shang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
A note on the Steiner k-radius and Steiner k-diameter
Josiah Reiswig
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Teaching first-degree equations to students with dyslexia
Ioannis Rizos,Evaggelos Foykas
Published 2024-10-01
Energy dissipation of weak solutions for a surface growth model
Yanqing Wang,Wei Wei,Yulin Ye,Huan Yu
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
Various exact solutions of the (4+1)-dimensional Boiti–Leon–Manna–Pempinelli-like equation by using bilinear neural network method
Chun-Yan Qin,Runfa Zhang,Yao-Hong Li
Published 2024-10-01
Uniqueness and stability of forced waves for the Fisher–KPP equation in a shifting environment
Jong-Shenq Guo,Karen Guo,Masahiko Shimojo
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
LSTSVR+: Least square twin support vector regression with privileged information
Anuradha Kumari,M. Tanveer
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Optimal control problem governed by a kind of Kirchhoff-type equation
Yue Wang,Wei Wei
Published 2024-10-01
Analysis of new mixed finite element method for a Barenblatt-Biot poroelastic model
Wenlong He,Jiwei Zhang
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
A framework of fermatean fuzzy cognitive map and its extension based on Hamacher operation
Lin Sha,Yabin Shao,Yuzhen Li
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Two-stage differential evolution with dynamic population assignment for constrained multi-objective optimization
Bin Xu,Haifeng Zhang,Lili Tao
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-10-01
Error analysis of Crank-Nicolson-Leapfrog scheme for the two-phase Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes incompressible flows
Danchen Zhu,Xinlong Feng,Lingzhi Qian
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
On the maximal augmented Zagreb index of unicyclic graphs with given girth
Yibo Li,Ruiting Zhang,Qiong Fan
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Bifurcation analysis and soliton structures of the truncated M-fractional Kuralay-II equation with two analytical techniques
S. Arafat,S. M. R. Islam
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
New constant dimension subspace codes from improved parallel subcode construction
Xiaoqin Hong,Xiwang Cao
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
The conduit equation: Hyperbolic approximation and generalized Riemann problem
S. Gavrilyuk,B. Nkonga,K. Shyue
Journal of Computational Physics Published 2024-10-01
Higher-order KKT optimality conditions through contingent derivatives for constrained nonsmooth vector equilibrium problems
T. Su,D. Hang
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Cubic and quartic hyperbolic B-splines comparison for coupled Navier Stokes equation via differential quadrature method - A statistical aspect
Mamta Kapoor
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
Representations of Group Actions and their Applications in Cryptography
Giuseppe D'Alconzo,Antonio J. Di Scala
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive Published 2024-10-01
Estimation of kernel density function using Kapur entropy
Leena Chawla,Vijay Kumar,Arti Saxena
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Published 2024-10-01
The Shifted Boundary Method in Isogeometric Analysis
Nicolò Antonelli,Ricky Aristio,A. Gorgi,R. Zorrilla,R. RossiG. ScovazziR. Wüchner
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Published 2024-10-01
Factors, spectral radius and toughness in bipartite graphs
Yuanyuan Chen,Dandan Fan,Huiqiu Lin
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Oversampling techniques for imbalanced data in regression
S. Belhaouari,Ashhadul Islam,Khelil Kassoul,Ala I. Al-Fuqaha,A. Bouzerdoum
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-10-01
Penrose tiling topologies and manifold micro-pin–fin heat sinks: A study on relations between geometry and thermophysics
Xiaole Yao,Qian Liu,Qi Shi,Xiaoqing Zhu,Ahmed ElsayedXing JuChao Xu
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Published 2024-10-01
Self-correlated spatial random variables: From an auto- to a sui- model respecification
Daniel A. Griffith
Spatial Statistics Published 2024-10-01
Source inference for misinformation spreading on hypergraphs
Xiaohang Yu,Yanyi Nie,Wenyao Li,Ganzhi Luo,Tao LinWei Wang
Published 2024-10-01
Numerical solution of nonlinear m-dimensional Fredholm integral equations using iterative Newton-Cotes rules
H. M. Golshan
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Superconvergent scheme for a system of Green nonlinear Fredholm integral equations
Rakesh Kumar,B. V. R. Kumar
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Validity of instrument to measure mathematics teachers’ perceptions towards 4C skills in problem solving
Mohamad Ikram Zakaria,Nik Abdul Hadi Noor Nasran,Abdul Halim Abdullah,Najua Syuhada Ahmad Alhassora,Mohd Fadzil Abdul Hanid
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Joint Cauchy dictionary learning and graph learning for unsupervised feature selection
Jing-Xin Liu,Qing-Peng Zeng,Jian-Sheng Wu,Wei Huang
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Navigating the seas of the curriculum: A mathematics teacher’s interactions with curriculum materials
Ljerka Jukić Matić
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Published 2024-10-01
An explicit solution to the generalized Lyapunov matrix inequality
Mario Spirito,Daniele Astolfi
Published 2024-10-01
Exponential output tracking via a saturated RLC for a class of nonlinear systems under PSD of periodic references
C. Verrelli
Published 2024-10-01
A new scheme for the solution of the nonlinear Caputo–Hadamard fractional differential equations
Umer Saeed,Mujeeb ur Rehman
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
Uniformly Monotone Partitioning of Polygons Revisited
Hwi Kim,Jaegun Lee,Hee-Kap Ahn
Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry Published 2024-10-01
Designs with a simple automorphism group
Alessandro Montinaro,Yanwei Zhao,Zhilin Zhang,Shenglin Zhou
Published 2024-10-01
Approximation of one and two dimensional nonlinear generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony Burgers' equation with local fractional derivative
Abdul Ghafoor,Manzoor Hussain,Danyal Ahmad,S. Arifeen
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Polyhedron Published 2024-10-01
Heterogeneous teaching-learning based optimization with local search for the covering delivering problem in last mile delivery
Xinmin Tao,YiWei Wang,Yuqi Sun,ChunYu Du,Sai TangJunXuan LiDeYong Ren
Expert systems with applications Published 2024-10-01
Study of a class of fractional order non linear neutral abstract Volterra integro-differential equations with deviated arguments
Fatiha Boutaous
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
On the convergence of gradient descent for robust functional linear regression
Cheng Wang,Jun Fan
Journal of Complexity Published 2024-10-01
Smooth morphing of immersed spherical curves and application to ruled surfaces
M. Bellaihou,Taoufik Ahanchaou,A. Ikemakhen,Alaa eddine Bensad
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
A note on expansions of q-exponential equations and q-Hardy–Hille type formulas
Jian Cao,Qi Bao,S. Arjika
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Published 2024-10-01
Belief Tsallis-Deng Structure Entropy and its uniform framework for analyzing multivariate time-series complexity based on evidence theory
Jieren Xie,Guanghua Xu,Xiaobi Chen,Xun Zhang,Ruiquan ChenZengyao YangChurui FangPeiyuan TianQingqiang WuSicong Zhang
Published 2024-10-01
On the stability of a single-species model with a generic delay distribution kernel
Isam Al-Darabsah
Published 2024-10-01
Incorporating memory effect into a fractional stochastic diffusion particle tracking model for suspended sediment using Malliavin-Calculus-based fractional Brownian Motion
Stanley W. Shen,Christina W. Tsai
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Borodin-Kostochka conjecture holds for K1,3¯-free graphs
Kaiyang Lan,Xinheng Lin
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Minimal varieties of PI-algebras with graded involution
F. Benanti,O. M. Di Vincenzo,A. Valenti
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
Strategic behaviour in the mean field Ising game
A. Leonidov,S. Radionov,E. Vasilyeva
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
Retrograde orbits associated separatrices in perturbed restricted three-body problem
B. M. Patel,Niraj M. Pathak,Elbaz I. Abouelmagd
Published 2024-10-01
On hybrid dynamical systems of differential–difference equations
I. Dassios,Angel Vaca,Federico Milano
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
Adaptive state estimation for Markov jump linear system with unknown measurement loss and transition probability matrix
Yichao Yang,Chen Xu,Li Xie,Hongfeng Tao,Huizhong Yang
Journal of Process Control Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
Analysis of leukemia and forest fires data using new Poisson Quasi-Shanker distribution
Abdullah A. Zaagan,Ali M. Mahnashi
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
Safety-critical formation control of switching uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems with control barrier functions
Anqing Wang,Lei Ju,Lu Liu,H. Wang,Nan GuZhouhua PengDan Wang
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Some bounds on the largest eigenvalue of degree-based weighted adjacency matrix of a graph
Jing Gao,Ning Yang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
First-year students’ mathematical skills: assessing and developing an innovative strategy for teaching mathematics
R. Padernal,S. V. Tupas
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Evaluation and threshold-based mutual supervision promotes the evolution of cooperation on interdependent networks
Jinlong Ma,Hongfei Zhao
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
A mathematical model for the dynamic angle of repose of a granular material in the rotating drum
Sahar Pourandi,P. C. van der Sande,T. Weinhart,Igor Ostanin
Powder Technology Published 2024-10-01
Paired Many-to-Many 2-Disjoint Path Covers in Meshes
Fatemeh Keshavarz-Kohjerdi
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Differential geometry and its applications Published 2024-10-01
Overdetermined problems with a nonconstant Neumann boundary condition in a warped product manifold
Jihye Lee,Keomkyo Seo
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Dynamic output feedback based fault tolerant control for continuous-time switched affine systems via reduced-order observer
Fang Liao,Yanzheng Zhu,Xiao He,Donghua Zhou
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Intriguing topological signatures in newly predicted family of Dumbbell C3NX (X D. Mondal,Arka Bandyopadhyay,Atanu Nandy,D. Jana
Applied Materials Today Published 2024-10-01
Positivity of Peterson Schubert calculus
Rebecca Goldin,L. Mihalcea,Rahul Singh
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Formulating approximation error as noise in surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
Nan Zheng,Handing Wang,Jialin Liu
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-10-01
Comment on the paper “Identifying critical nodes in complex networks based on distance Laplacian energy”
Jinping Wang,Shaowei Sun
Published 2024-10-01
Improved information diffusion models based on a new two-sided sign-aware matching framework in complex networks
Sohame Mohammadi,Mohammad-Hossein Nadimi-Shahraki,Zahra Beheshti,K. Zamanifar
Published 2024-10-01
Graph coloring approaches for a production planning problem with makespan and setup penalties in a product-wheel context
Jocelin Cailloux,Nicolas Zufferey,Olivier Gallay
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Making a Complete Mess and Getting Away With It: Traveling Salesperson Problems With Circle Placement Variants
David Woller,Masoumeh Mansouri,Miroslav Kulich
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Published 2024-10-01
Theoretical studies of the k-strong Roman domination problem
B. Nikolić,M. Djukanović,Milana Grbic,Dragan Matic
Maǧallaẗ Al-Kuwayt li-l-ʿulūm Published 2024-10-01
Two-sided resource-constrained assembly line balancing problem: a new mathematical model and an improved genetic algorithm
Linhao Feng,Yesong Wang,Xifeng Fang,Hang Yu,Shengwen Zhang
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-10-01
Bounds for the Second Hankel Determinant of a General Subclass of Bi-Univalent Functions
Mohamed Illafe,Maisarah Haji Mohd,Feras Yousef,Shamani Supramaniam
International journal of mathematical, engineering and management sciences Published 2024-10-01
Exploring the Effects of Online Learning Complications on Mathematics Achievement
D. Joshi,Jiban Khadka,K. Adhikari,Bishnu Khanal,Shashidhar Balbase
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-10-01
The regularity of the solutions to the Muskat equation: The degenerate regularity near the turnover points
Jia Shi
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Obtaining the optimal shortest path between two points on a quasi-developable Bézier-type surface using the Geodesic-based Q-learning algorithm
Vahide Bulut,Aytuğ Onan,Betul Senyayla
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Global smooth solutions for hyperbolic systems with time-dependent damping
Cunming Liu,Han Sheng,Ning-An Lai
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Strategic node identification in complex network dynamics
Elaheh Nikougoftar
Published 2024-10-01
PTT: Piecewise Transformation Technique for Analyzing Numerical Data Under Local Differential Privacy
Fei Ma,Renbo Zhu,Ping Wang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Published 2024-10-01
Maxima of the Q-index of leaf-free graphs with given size
Shujing Wang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Asymptotically optimal [2k+1,k,k] -almost affinely disjoint subspaces
Baran Düzgün,Talha Arikan,Kamil Otal,F. Özbudak
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Formal vs. informal mathematics: Assessing numeracy with school and market items in a large sample of school-aged children in North-West Nigeria
Ann-Charline Weber,Lisa Bogler,Sebastian Vollmer
Economics of Education Review Published 2024-10-01
Asymmetric population promotes and jeopardizes cooperation in spatial prisoner’s dilemma game
Gopal Sharma,Zhixue He,Chen Shen,Jun Tanimoto
Published 2024-10-01
Successive lag synchronization of distributed-order multilayer neural networks with the short-term memory property
Dongsheng Yang,Hu Wang,Guojian Ren,Yongguang Yu,Weiyi Xu
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Robust H∞ sliding mode control for delay-dependent uncertain T-S fuzzy descriptor stochastic Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent time-varying delays
Yi Chen,Juan Zhou
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
An improved oscillation theorem for nonlinear delay differential equations
N. Kılıç,Ö. Öcalan,Mustafa Kemal Yıldız
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
The Hampered k-Median Problem with Neighbourhoods
Justo Puerto,C. Valverde
Computers & Operations Research Published 2024-10-01
Robust two-dose vaccination schemes and the directed b-matching problem
Jenny Segschneider,Arie M.C.A. Koster
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Matrix-based incremental feature selection method using weight-partitioned multigranulation rough set
Weihua Xu,Qinyuan Bu
Information Sciences Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
Design of concatenative complete complementary codes for CCC-CDMA via specific sequences and extended Boolean functions
Rong Luo,Bingsheng Shen,Yang Yang,Zhengchun Zhou
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Applied Mathematical Modelling Published 2024-10-01
A novel comprehensive investigation for enhancing cluster analysis accuracy through ensemble learning methods
H. N. Lakshmi,Thaduri Venkata Ramana,Lnc Prakash,L. Kiran,Kumar ReddyKachapuram BasavaThaduri VenkataRamanaInt J ElecComp. Eng
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Published 2024-10-01
On the automorphism group of a family of maximal curves not covered by the Hermitian curve
M. Montanucci,Guilherme Tizziotti,Giovanni Zini
Published 2024-10-01
Reliability analyses of regular graphs based on edge-structure connectivity
Na Wang,Jixiang Meng,Yingzhi Tian
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Some rigidity results and asymptotic properties for solutions to semilinear elliptic P.D.E.
Matteo Rizzi,Panayotis Smyrnelis
Nonlinear Analysis Published 2024-10-01
Evaluating the lifetime performance index of the generalised half-logistic population in the generalised Type I hybrid censoring scheme
A. S. Alharthi,Fatimah A. Almulhim
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
On a method of constructing a biaxial multitype conservative chaotic system and an image encryption scheme
Wenjing Zhang,Jianing Li,Bing Zhao
Published 2024-10-01
A novel failure mode and effect analysis model based on extended interval-valued q-rung orthopair fuzzy approach for risk analysis
Yuan Rong,Liying Yu,Yi Liu,Vladimir Simić,Dragan PamučarH. Garg
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Matheuristic approaches for multi-visit drone routing problem to prevent forest fires
İlknur Tükenmez,Ömer Özkan
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Published 2024-10-01
New perspectives on polynomial invariants
Houshan Fu,Suijie Wang,Jinxing Yang
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Free-rider or contributor: A dilemma in spatial threshold public goods games
Zhehang Xu,Xu Liu,Hainan Wang,Longqing Cui,Xiao-Pu HanFanyuan Meng
Published 2024-10-01
Hilfer fractional stochastic evolution equations on the positive semi-axis
Min Yang,Qingqing Huan,Haifang Cui,Qiru Wang
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
A novel family of Q1-finite volume element schemes on quadrilateral meshes
Yanhui Zhou,Shuai Su
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Diffusion LMS algorithm in the presence of second order nonlinearities with theoretical bounds
H. Zayyani,Mehdi Korki
Published 2024-10-01
Orbital stability of smooth solitons for the modified Camassa-Holm equation
Ji Li,Yue Liu,Guangming Zhu
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
Adaptive average control for piecewise deterministic Markov processes
O. Costa,F. Dufour,A. Genadot
Published 2024-10-01
Edges incident with a vertex of degree greater than four and the number of contractible edges in a 4-connected graph
Y. Egawa,Shunsuke Nakamura
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Density-based clustering with differential privacy
Fuyu Wu,Mingjing Du,Qiang Zhi
Information Sciences Published 2024-10-01
Analytical results on local resilience and a composed resilience proposal for complex networks
R. M. Casablanca,R. Criado,Juan A. Mesa,M. Romance
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Linear Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
Sombor index of maximal outerplanar graphs
Yunping Li,Hanyuan Deng,Zikai Tang
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
On the computation of r-th roots in finite fields
Gook Hwa Cho,Soonhak Kwon
Published 2024-10-01
Corrections to “Complex order fractional differential equation in complex domain with mixed boundary condition”
Kiran Kumar Saha
Published 2024-10-01
RBSS: A fast subset selection strategy for multi-objective optimization
Hainan Zhang,Jianhou Gan,Juxiang Zhou,Wei Gao
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-10-01
Finite Element Method on locally refined composite meshes for Dirichlet fractional Laplacian
Jun Zhou,Hongbin Chen
Journal of Computer Science Published 2024-10-01
Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving Nonlinear Fisher’s Equation
K. Bala,G. Arora,S. Mishra
International journal of mathematical, engineering and management sciences Published 2024-10-01
Mathematical analysis and asymptotic predictions of chemical-driven swimming living organisms in weighted networks
Georges Chamoun,Nahia Mourad
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
Designing adaptive continuous event-triggered consensus protocol for nonlinear multi-agent systems with a nonautonomous leader
Xin Wang,Dongsheng Yang,Weihua Li,Jia Qin
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
The rotational b-family of equations
Emel Bolat Yeşilova,Ting Luo
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
Global well-posedness and large time behavior for the inviscid Oldroyd-B model
Weikui Ye,Bin Zhao
Published 2024-10-01
High-precision ultra-fast minimum cut approximation through aggregated hash of cut collection
Weibing Liu,Peng Li,Weibin Yao
Published 2024-10-01
Towards tightly secure short linearly homomorphic signatures
Wenbin Chen,Zhengan Huang
Theoretical Computer Science Published 2024-10-01
Stabilized GAN models training with kernel-histogram transformation and probability mass function distance
Jangwon Seo,Hyo-Seok Hwang,Minhyeok Lee,Junhee Seok
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-10-01
Secondary school students' appraisal profiles and their relations with academic emotions in mathematics
Xin Chen,Frederick K. S. Leung
Learning and Individual Differences Published 2024-10-01
Loss control regions in optimal control problems
T. Bayen,A. Bouali,L. Bourdin,Olivier Cots
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées Published 2024-10-01
Output tracking of coupled stochastic strict-feedback higher-order nonlinear systems under pinning control
Wanying Guo,Jiaxin Zhang,Beihao Gu,Wenxue Li,Xing Liu
Journal of the Franklin Institute Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
An impartial framework to investigate demosaicking input embedding options
Yan Niu,Xuanchen Li,Yang Tao,Bo Zhao
Computers & graphics Published 2024-10-01
Partial degrees on matchings for cycles in bipartite graphs
Hong Wang
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
The Hermite-type virtual element method for second order problem
Jikun Zhao,Fengchen Zhou,Bei Zhang,Xiaojing Dong
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
Deriving the new cotangent Fréchet distribution with real data analysis
Aijaz Ahmad,A. A. Rather,Y. Tashkandy,M. E. Bakr,Marwa M. Mohie El-DinAhmed M. GemeayE. AlmetwallyMoustafa Salem
Alexandria Engineering Journal Published 2024-10-01
Hopf bifurcation in a class of piecewise smooth near-Hamiltonian systems
M. Han,Shanshan Liu
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Published 2024-10-01
Partial random under/oversampling for multilabel problems
Nicolás García-Pedrajas
Knowledge-Based Systems Published 2024-10-01
Categorical closure: Transitivity and identities in longitudinal networks
Chen-Shuo Hong,Anthony Paik,Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen,Carole Silver,Steven Boutcher
Published 2024-10-01
Stationary distribution and mean extinction time in a generalist prey–predator model driven by Lévy noises
Xiao-jing Zhuo,Yong-feng Guo,Jing-yan Qi,Qian-qian Wang
Published 2024-10-01
Decision-Based Learning as an Approach for Teaching Statistics in a Peruvian University
Gloria Mora,Richard E. West,Auria Julieta Flores
International Journal of Instruction Published 2024-10-01
Studying children's motives in mathematical problem-solving during transition from kindergarten to school: A Conceptual PlayWorld approach
Hong Chen,Leigh Disney,Liang Li
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction Published 2024-10-01
Feedback linear quadratic Nash equilibrium for discrete-time Markov jump linear systems
Oswaldo L. V. Costa,A. M. D. Oliveira
Published 2024-10-01
Coupled epidemic dynamics with awareness heterogeneity in multiplex networks
Jiwei Xu,Jincheng Li,Zhen Han,Peican Zhu
Published 2024-10-01
Translating annuli for mean curvature flow
David Hoffman,Francisco Martín,Brian White
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Published 2024-10-01
Validation of a teacher mathematics knowledge scale based on the Ernest framework among Malaysian teachers
Nor Hasnida Md Ghazali,Syaza Hazwani Zaini,Mahizer Hamzah,Noor Insyiraah Abu Bakar,Muh Khairul Wajedi Imami
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Generalized point configurations in Fqd
Paige Bright,Xinyu Fang,Barrett Heritage,A. Iosevich,T. JiangHans ParshallMaxwell Sun
Published 2024-10-01
Planar graphs without 4- and 6-cycles are (3,4)-colorable
Kittikorn Nakprasit,Pongpat Sittitrai,W. Pimpasalee
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Stability of stochastic delay Hopfield neural network with Poisson jumps
Hongjie Xu,Huantian Luo,Xu-Qian Fan
Published 2024-10-01
Corrigendum to "Max-min robust principal component analysis" [Neurocomputing 521 (2023) 89-98]
Sisi Wang,Feiping Nie,Zheng Wang,Rong Wang,Xuelong Li
Neurocomputing Published 2024-10-01
Numerical study of the multi-dimensional Galilei invariant fractional advection–diffusion equation using direct mesh-less local Petrov–Galerkin method
Nader Biranvand,Ali Ebrahimijahan
Engineering analysis with boundary elements Published 2024-10-01
χ-binding function for (C4, t-broom+)-free graphs
Chiyu Zhou,Rui Li,Jialei Song,Di Wu
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Efficient techniques on bipolar parametric ν-metric space with application
Gunaseelan Mani,S. Chinnachamy,Sugapriya Palanisamy,S. T. Thabet,Imed KedimMiguel Vivas-Cortez
Published 2024-10-01
Unsupervised node representation learning of pure graph via symmetric cumulative sampling strategy
Huaxin Pang,Shikui Wei,Tianzhi Jia,Yufeng Zhao,Yao Zhao
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-10-01
Geometrical construction of a chaotic horseshoe-like map on Cantor dust C×C
F. D. Koparal,N. Aslan,M. Saltan,Y. Özdemir,Bünyamin Demir
Published 2024-10-01
An Adaptive Multi-Meme Memetic Algorithm for the prize-collecting generalized minimum spanning tree problem
Chenwei Zhu,Yu Lin,Fuyuan Zheng,Juan Lin,Yiwen Zhong
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
Weighted hyperbolic composition groups on the disc and subordinated integral operators
Luciano Abadias,J. Galé,Pedro J. Miana,Jesús Oliva-Maza
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Soliton, breather, lump, interaction solutions and chaotic behavior for the (2+1)-dimensional KPSKR equation
Yongyi Gu,Liudi Peng,Zhishang Huang,Yongkang Lai
Published 2024-10-01
Finding broadcast 2-centers of a tree under the postal model
Cheng-Hsiao Tsou,Ching-Chi Lin,Chan-Hung Hsu
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Adaptive isogeometric analysis based on locally refined Tchebycheffian B-splines
Krunal Raval,C. Manni,H. Speleers
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Published 2024-10-01
Impact of message fatigue in information-disease coupled dynamics on temporal simplicial networks
Xuemei You,Xiaonan Fan,Yinghong Ma,Zhiyuan Liu,Ruifeng Zhang
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
On the autonomous multiple wave solutions and hybrid phenomena to a (3+1)-dimensional Boussinesq-type equation in fluid mediums
Hajar F. Ismael,T. A. Sulaiman,U. Younas,Harivan R. Nabi
Published 2024-10-01
On σ-error moment stability and stabilization for discrete-time semi-Markov jump linear systems
Jiamin Liu,Zhao‐Yan Li
Published 2024-10-01
Full downside risk aversion
Donald C. Keenan,Arthur Snow
Mathematical Social Sciences Published 2024-10-01
A new scheme for two-way, nesting, quadrilateral grid in an estuarine model
Rui Ma,Jian-rong Zhu,Cheng Qiu
Published 2024-10-01
On some properties of limited move stability, generalized metarationality, and policy equilibrium in bilateral conflicts
Alecio Soares Silva,Giannini Italino Alves Vieira,L. Rêgo
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
A model for coupling the epidemic transmission dynamics and vaccination behavioral dynamics and its application to seasonal influenza
Xiaodan Sun,Shichao Dong,Chenyang Dai,Aili Wang
Published 2024-10-01
Spatial network disintegration with heterogeneous cost
Xiaoda Shen,Zhigang Wang,Ye Deng,Jun Wu
Published 2024-10-01
Nonconforming quadrilateral finite element analysis for the nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation
Huazhao Xie,Dongyang Shi,Qian Liu
Computers and Mathematics with Applications Published 2024-10-01
How do elementary school teachers shape their students' self-regulated and creativity in learning mathematics?
Bistari Bistari,Hamdani Hamdani,R. Rustam,Tarina Dashela,N. MumtazahVeven Veven
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
Coexistence of attractors in a quasiperiodically forced Lozi map
Yifan Zhao,Yongxiang Zhang,Chuanbin Du
Published 2024-10-01
Regularization errors introduced by the one-fluid formulation in the solution of two-phase elliptic problems
Daniel Fuster,Yassine Mimoh
Journal of Computational Physics Published 2024-10-01
Modelling and analysis of production management system using vacation queueing theoretic approach
K. Ambika,K. V. Vijayashree,B. Janani
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Improving trigonometric competency with GeoGebra: a quasi-experimental study in a high school
Yulieth Carriazo-Regino,Dougglas Hurtado-Carmona,Andrés Bermudez-Quintero
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
A combined framework to explore cryptocurrency volatility and dependence using multivariate GARCH and Copula modeling
R.G.S. Queiroz,L. Kristoufek,S.A. David
Published 2024-10-01
The generalized metric property in strongly topological gyrogroups
Meng Bao,Xiaolan Liu
Topology and its Applications Published 2024-10-01
Bayesian finite element model updating with a variational autoencoder and polynomial chaos expansion
Qiang Li,P. Ni,Xiuli Du,Qiang Han,Kun XuYulei Bai
Engineering structures Published 2024-10-01
Characterization of the Jaccard dissimilarity metric and a generalization
Georgios Gerasimou
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Applied Numerical Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
The number of spanning trees of E-extended power graphs associated with finite semigroups
Yanhui Wang,Pei Gao,Xiuyun Guo
Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Koopman theory meets graph convolutional network: Learning the complex dynamics of non-stationary highway traffic flow for spatiotemporal prediction
Ting Wang,Dong Ngoduy,Ye Li,Hao Lyu,Guojian ZouTakao Dantsuji
Published 2024-10-01
p ≠ np: The Set of Deterministic Problems that are Solvable in Polynomial Time is Unequal to the Set of Non-Deterministic Problems that are Solvable in Polynomial Time
Andres Boldori
Journal of Computer Science Published 2024-10-01
The effect of the mathematics instruction model on enhancing mathematical thinking
Narunat Iamcham,Saranya Chanchusakun
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-10-01
An adaptive energy-based sequential method for training PINNs to solve gradient flow equations
Jia Guo,Haifeng Wang,Chenping Hou
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Non-fragile projective synchronization of delayed discrete-time neural networks via generalized weighted summation inequality
K. S. R. Priyanka,G. Nagamani
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Approximate equality for two sums of roots
A. Dubickas
Journal of Complexity Published 2024-10-01
A coevolutionary algorithm using Self-organizing map approach for multimodal multi-objective optimization
Z. Liu,Yuze Yang,Jie Cao,Jianlin Zhang,Zuohan ChenQingyang Liu
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-10-01
A novel finite-time stability criteria and controller design for nonlinear impulsive systems
Mengqing Cheng,Junsheng Zhao,Xiangpeng Xie,Zong‐yao Sun
Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-10-01
Existence and density results of conformal metrics with prescribed higher order Q-curvature on Sn
Zhongwei Tang,Heming Wang,Ning Zhou
Differential geometry and its applications Published 2024-10-01
Exponential random graph models and pendant-triangle statistics
Philippa E. Pattison,Garry L. Robins,Tom A.B. Snijders,Peng Wang
Published 2024-10-01
Editorial Board
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Dual fractional parabolic equations with indefinite nonlinearities
Wenxiong Chen,Yahong Guo
Advances in Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Cultivating and leveraging the community cultural wealth of black students in high cognitive demand elementary mathematics classrooms
Crystal M. Menzies,C. Schunn,M. Stein
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-10-01
Generalized distance spectral characterizations of graphs based on Smith Norm Form
Lihong Qiu,Jingyuan Wei,Lihuan Mao
Discrete Applied Mathematics Published 2024-10-01
Liouville comparison theory for breakdown of Euler-Arnold equations
Martin Bauer,Stephen C. Preston,Justin Valletta
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-10-01
Math Anxiety and Poor Math Competence: A Longitudinal Investigation of Students Failing to Achieve the Math Skills Required by School Curricula
Massimo Piccirilli
Published 2024-09-30
Holonomy: A Virtual Reality Exploration of Hyperbolic Geometry
Martin Skrodzki,Scott Jochems,Joris Rijsdijk,Ravi Snellenberg,Rafael Bidarra
International Conference on 3D Technologies for the World Wide Web Published 2024-09-25
Diagnostics of the formation of semantic reading in the work of secondary school students with educational mathematical texts
Alexey Romanovich Romashchenko
Development of education Published 2024-09-20
Lump waves and their dynamics of a spatial symmetric generalized KP model
Romanian Reports in Physics Published 2024-09-15
Dynamical exploration of kink and lump interaction solutions for the integrable (3+1)-dimensional Ito equation
K. Kuldeep,A. Wazwaz,L. Kaur
Romanian Reports in Physics Published 2024-09-15
A Study of Hierarchical Risk Parity in Portfolio Construction
Debjani Palit,V. Prybutok
Published 2024-09-15
Integrable Symmetric (2 + 1)-dimensional Lotka–Volterra Equation with Self-consistent Sources
Mengyuan Cui,Chunxia Li,Yuqin Yao
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Published 2024-09-15
CGSS: A New Framework of Compressed Sensing Based on Geometric Sequential Representation Against Insufficient Observations
Woong-Hee Lee,Tae-hoon Song
IEEE Internet of Things Journal Published 2024-09-15
The role of human shield in prey‎, ‎crop-raiders and top predator species in southwestern Ethiopia's coffee forests‎: ‎a modeling study
A. A. Thirthar,Sh. Jawad,P. Panja,A. Mukheimer,Th. Abdeljawad
Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-10
A Comparison of Simpson’s Rule Generalization through Lagrange and Hermite Interpolating Polynomials
Hasan Khanjar
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing Published 2024-09-08
Evaluating the impact of Test-Driven Development on Software Quality Enhancement
Md. Sydur Rahman,Aditya Kumar Saha,Uma Chakraborty,Humaira Tabassum Sujana,S. M. A. Shafi
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing Published 2024-09-08
Generalized Algorithm on idiosyncrasy of Numbers
K. L. Verma
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing Published 2024-09-08
An Automated System for Detecting Property Insurance Fraud Using Machine Learning
Kazi Md. Tawsif Rahman,Chowdhury Mahfuzul Hoq
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing Published 2024-09-08
Mental computation strategies used by preservice elementary teachers in addition with two-digit natural numbers
Anders Månsson
Acta Didactica Napocensia Published 2024-09-07
The impact of problem-based learning on motivation and mathematics outcome for sixth-grade students
R. Kho,Titi Solihati,Happy Lumbantobing
Journal of Honai Math Published 2024-09-07
Bibliometric and Content Analyses of Dyscalculia Research
Yılmaz Mutlu,Kübra Polat
Acta Didactica Napocensia Published 2024-09-07
The relationship between students' computational estimation skills and mathematical self-efficiency
Feyza Çinar,A. Biber
Acta Didactica Napocensia Published 2024-09-07
Nomophobia and smartphone addiction as correlates of senior secondary school students’ mathematics anxiety
Ibraheem A. A. Adebiyi,A. O. Awofala,N. A. Malik
Acta Didactica Napocensia Published 2024-09-07
Pre-service Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Opinions on the School Experience Course Conducted through Distance Education
Acta Didactica Napocensia Published 2024-09-07
A Study of Estonian High School Students' views on Learning Mathematics and the Integration of Digital Tools in Distance Learning
Kerli Orav-Puurand,Hannes Jukk,Tiina Kraav,Kaja Oras,Sirje Pihlap
Acta Didactica Napocensia Published 2024-09-07
Regularity and wave study of an advection-diffusion-reaction equation.
Ali Akgül,Nauman Ahmed,Muhammad Shahzad,M. Z. Baber,M. IqbalChoon Kit Chan
Scientific Reports Published 2024-09-06
Dose Individualisation of Antimicrobials from a Pharmacometric Standpoint: The Current Landscape.
Tim Preijers,A. Muller,A. Abdulla,B.C.M. de Winter,Birgit C P KochS. Sassen
Drugs Published 2024-09-06
On Connected Concave Fuzzy Sets
Trupti Mohite
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Published 2024-09-05
Degenerations of complete collineations and geometric Tevelev degrees of ℙ𝑟
Carl Lian
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik Published 2024-09-05
Depicting variability and uncertainty using intervals and error bars.
Naomi Altman,Martin Krzywinski
Laboratory Animals. Journal of the Laboratory Animal Science Association Published 2024-09-05
Log-Aesthetic Curves and Similarity Geometry
K. Miura,R. U. Gobithaasan
International Journal of Automation Technology Published 2024-09-05
Correlation tensor of the stream function as the basis for modeling anisotropic turbulence with specified statistical parameters
L. V. Dorodnitsyn
Computational Mathematics and Modeling Published 2024-09-05
On the structure of the Iwasawa module for $$\mathbb{Z}_{2}$$-extensions of certain real biquadratic fields
A. El Mahi
Acta Mathematica Hungarica Published 2024-09-05
Removing the Mask—Reconstructing a Real-Valued Field on the Sphere from a Masked Field by Spherical Fourier Analysis
Jan Hamann,Q. L. Le Gia,Ian H. Sloan,R. Womersley
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences Published 2024-09-05
A Comparative Mathematical Analysis of Drug Release from Lipid-Based Nanoparticles.
Pedram Porbaha,Ramin Ansari,Mohammad Reza Kiafar,Rahman Bashiry,Mohammad Mehdi KhazaeiAmirhossein DadbakhshAmir Azadi
AAPS PharmSciTech Published 2024-09-05
Noncooperative Game Strategy Design Over Fading Measurement Channel Under Wiener Type Disturbance: Handling Continuous-Time Time-Varying System.
Yuan Yuan,Lei Cheng,Min Shi
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics Published 2024-09-05
Connection between higher order measures of risk and stochastic dominance
Alois Pichler
Computational Management Science Published 2024-09-05
Bohr Phenomena for Holomorphic Mappings with Values in Several Complex Variables
H. Hamada,Tatsuhiro Honda
Results in Mathematics Published 2024-09-05
Nested barycentric coordinate system as an explicit feature map for polyhedra approximation and learning tasks
Lee-Ad Gottlieb,Eran Kaufman,A. Kontorovich,Gabriel Nivasch,Ofir Pele
Machine-mediated learning Published 2024-09-05
Combinatorial Robust Optimization with Decision-Dependent Information Discovery and Polyhedral Uncertainty
Jérémy Omer,Michael Poss,Maxime Rougier
Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization Published 2024-09-05
Decision Making in Incomplete Information System with Fuzzy Decision Attributes
Latha D
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Published 2024-09-05
The Eigenvalue Assignment for the Fractional Order Linear Time-Invariant Control Systems
Bin-Xin He,Hao Liu
Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-09-04
Profiling mathematics teacher educators' readiness for digital technology integration: evidence from Zambia
Angel Mukuka,J. Alex
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education Published 2024-09-04
An efficient numerical scheme for fractional host–parasite hyperparasite interaction model
Parveen Kumar,Sunil Kumar,B. Alkahtani,Sara Salem Alzaid
Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering Published 2024-09-04
A utopic adventure in the modelling of conditional univariate and multivariate extremes
Léo R. Belzile,Arnab Hazra,Rishikesh Yadav
Extremes Published 2024-09-04
Wirtinger-type inequalities for Caputo fractional derivatives via Taylor’s formula
S. Erden,M. Sarıkaya,Burçin Gokkurt Ozdemir,Neslihan Uyanık
Journal of Inequalities and Applications Published 2024-09-04
Degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations with Hardy potential and nonlinear convection term
F. Achhoud,A. Bouajaja,H. Redwane
SeMA Journal Published 2024-09-04
On the Numerical Investigations of a Fractional-Order Mathematical Model for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak
Faisal E. Abd Alaal,Adel R. Hadhoud,Ayman A. Abdelaziz,T. Radwan
Fractal and Fractional Published 2024-09-04
Moran’s I for Multivariate Spatial Data
Hiroshi Yamada
Mathematics Published 2024-09-04
Bayesian Methods for Step-Stress Accelerated Test under Gamma Distribution with a Useful Reparametrization and an Industrial Data Application
H. Bakouch,F. A. Moala,Shuhrah Alghamdi,Olayan Albalawi
Mathematics Published 2024-09-04
Can the Derivative of an Inverse Equal the Inverse of a Derivative?
Lee Li,MurphyKate Montee
The College Mathematics Journal Published 2024-09-04
Stabilized Variational Formulations of Chorin-Type and Artificial Compressibility Methods for the Stochastic Stokes–Darcy Equations
Huangxin Chen,Can Huang,Shuyu Sun,Yahong Xiang
Journal of Scientific Computing Published 2024-09-04
Weighted Graph-Based Two-Sample Test via Empirical Likelihood
Xiaofeng Zhao,Mingao Yuan
Mathematics Published 2024-09-04
An instability framework of Hopf–Turing–Turing singularity in 2-component reaction–diffusion systems
Hirofumi Izuhara,Shunusuke Kobayashi
Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics Published 2024-09-04
A three-dimensional bin packing problem with item fragmentation and its application in the storage location assignment problem
Hamid Salamati-Hormozi,Ali Husseinzadeh Kashan,B. Ostadi
4OR Published 2024-09-04
Abdelkader Ameraoui
Advances and Applications in Statistics Published 2024-09-04
Strong nonlinear functional-differential variational inequalities: problems without initial conditions
M. Bokalo,I. Skira,Taras Bokalo
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics Published 2024-09-04
The Integrated Violin-Box-Scatter (VBS) Plot to Visualize the Distribution of a Continuous Variable
D. Gerbing
Stats Published 2024-09-04
A generalization of Darboux-Froda theorem and its applications
Jing Chen,Taishan Yi,Xingfu Zou
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-04
Modelling the age distribution of longevity leaders.
Csaba Kiss,László Németh,B. Vető
Scientific Reports Published 2024-09-04
Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of supercritical processing of drug nanoparticles optimization for green processing: AI analysis
Khalid Aljohani
PLoS ONE Published 2024-09-04
Correction: A novel robust decomposition algorithm for a profit-oriented production routing problem with backordering, uncertain prices, and service level constraints
Tarik Zouadi,Kaoutar Chargui,Najlae Zhani,Vincent Charles,Raja Sreedharan V
Annals of Operations Research Published 2024-09-04
Mathematical analysis of the two‐phase two‐component fluid flow in porous media by an artificial persistent variables approach
A. Vrbaški,Ana Žgaljić Keko
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Published 2024-09-04
Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of a Reaction–Diffusion SIRS Epidemic Model with the General Saturated Incidence Rate
Gaoyang She,Fengqi Yi
Journal of nonlinear science Published 2024-09-04
p-Numerical Semigroups with p-Symmetric Properties, II
Takao Komatsu
Journal of Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-09-04
Fair Inference for Discrete Latent Variable Models: An Intersectional Approach
Rashidul Islam,Shimei Pan,James R. Foulds
Conference on Information Technology for Social Good Published 2024-09-04
A comprehensive evaluation of constrained mean-expectile portfolios with short selling
Vrinda Dhingra,Amita Sharma,Shiv Kumar Gupta
Annals of Operations Research Published 2024-09-04
Scenario-based stochastic model and efficient cross-entropy algorithm for the risk-budgeting problem
M. Bayat,F. Hooshmand,S. A. MirHassani
Annals of Operations Research Published 2024-09-04
Jackknife empirical likelihood for the correlation coefficient with additive distortion measurement errors
Da Chen,Linlin Dai,Yichuan Zhao
Test (Madrid) Published 2024-09-04
Lagrange synchronization of nonidentical discrete-time fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks with time delays
Mingfang Zhao,Hong-Li Li,Juanping Yang,Long Zhang
Computational and Applied Mathematics Published 2024-09-04
Quantitative Approaches in Decision Theory for Enhancing Risk Assessment Strategies
Mohammed Nuther Ismail,Sabah M. Kallow,Kamal Hameed Gati,Husam Najm Abbood Al-Bayati,Yurij Butsenko
Journal of Ecohumanism Published 2024-09-04
Mathematical modeling of Newtonian/non‐Newtonian fluids in a double‐diffusive convective flow over a vertical wall
K. G. Chandan,B. Patil Mallikarjun,U. S. Mahabaleshwar,B. Souayeh
Heat Transfer Published 2024-09-04
Geometry-Aware Weight Perturbation for Adversarial Training
Yi Jiang,Hsiao-Dong Chiang
Electronics Published 2024-09-04
Supervised Density-Based Metric Learning Based on Bhattacharya Distance for Imbalanced Data Classification Problems
Atena Jalali Mojahed,M. Moattar,Hamidreza Ghaffari
Big Data and Cognitive Computing Published 2024-09-04
Expanding the use of mathematical modeling in healthcare epidemiology and infection prevention and control.
Rebecca Grant,Michael Rubin,Mohamed Abbas,D. Pittet,Arjun SrinivasanJohn A. JerniganMichael BellMatthew H. SamoreS. HarbarthR. Slayton
Infection control and hospital epidemiology Published 2024-09-04
$$L^p$$-Improving Bounds of Maximal Functions Along Planar Curves
Naijia Liu,Haixia Yu
Journal of Geometric Analysis Published 2024-09-04
Forecasting interrupted time series
Rob J. Hyndman,Bahman Rostami-Tabar
Journal of the Operational Research Society Published 2024-09-04
Hochschild homology of mod-𝑝 motivic cohomology over algebraically closed fields
Bjørn Dundas,Michael Hill,Kyle Ormsby,P. Østvær
Communications of the American Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-04
On Extending the Applicability of Iterative Methods for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations
Indra Bate,Muniyasamy Murugan,S. George,Kedarnath Senapati,Ioannis K. ArgyrosSamundra Regmi
Axioms Published 2024-09-04
Optimizing joint operations decision-making involving substitute products: a Stackelberg game model and nested PSO
Shuang Ma,Linda L. Zhang
Annals of Operations Research Published 2024-09-04
Lipid production by robust Aspergillus oryzae BCC7051 and a mathematical model describing its growth and lipid phenotypic traits.
Siwaporn Wannawilai,Thanaporn Palasak,Warinthon Chamkhuy,Bhimabol Khongto,S. JeennorKobkul Laoteng
Journal of Applied Microbiology Published 2024-09-04
Error bound of the multilevel fast multipole method for 3‐D scattering problems
Wenhui Meng
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Published 2024-09-04
An efficient extension of three-step optimal iterative scheme into with memory and its stability
Nishant Kumar,A. Cordero,J. P. Jaiswal,J. Torregrosa
The Journal of Analysis Published 2024-09-04
On statistical evaluation of reverse degree based topological indices for iron telluride networks
M. Z. Youssef,Ibrahim Al-Dayel,M. Hanif,Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui,Hira AhmedFikadu Tesgera Tolasa
Scientific Reports Published 2024-09-04
Stochastic differential equations with Holder-Dini drift and driven by α-stable processes
Rongrong Tian,Jinlong Wei,Jinqiao Duan
Stochastics and Dynamics Published 2024-09-04
New approximation methods for solving quasi-monotone variational inequalities
Behzad Djafari-Rouhani,Vahid Mohebbi
Optimization Published 2024-09-04
Bilinear Decompositions for Products of Orlicz–Hardy and Orlicz–Campanato Spaces
Chenglong Fang,Liguang Liu
Journal of Geometric Analysis Published 2024-09-04
Metric Subregularity and $$\omega (\cdot )$$-Normal Regularity Properties
F. Nacry,Vo Anh Thuong Nguyen,J. Venel
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Published 2024-09-04
The Intersection of Statistics and Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Analysis
Subhi Hammadi Hamdoun,Mohammed Qadoury Abed,Salman Mahmood Salman,Husam Najm Abbood Al-Bayati,Olena Balina
Journal of Ecohumanism Published 2024-09-04
On odd univalent harmonic mappings
Kapil Jaglan,A. Sairam Kaliraj
Analysis and Mathematical Physics Published 2024-09-04
Sangeeta Dhawan,J. Jonnalagadda
Journal of Mathematical Sciences Published 2024-09-04
Optimal control for dengue transmission based on a model with reinfection and treatment
R. Prem Kumar,G. S. Mahapatra,P. Santra,J. J. Nieto
Mathematical Population Studies Published 2024-09-04
Tropical representations of Chinese monoids with and without involution
Y. Luo,Jia Jia Xie,Wen Ting Zhang
Semigroup Forum Published 2024-09-04
Ostrowski-Type Inequalities for Functions of Two Variables in Banach Spaces
Muhammad Amer Latif,O. Almutairi
Mathematics Published 2024-09-04
Dirichlet problems with fractional competing operators and fractional convection
L. Gambera,S. Marano,D. Motreanu
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Published 2024-09-04
Random Dimension Manipulation for Efficient High-Dimensional Data Clustering
Ummu Hani’ Hair Zaki,Izyan Izzati Kamsani,Roliana Ibrahim,Norzehan Sakamat,Eser Kandogan
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology Published 2024-09-04
Research Design and Model Estimation Under the Partially Confirmatory Latent Variable Modeling Framework with Multi-Univariate Bayesian Lassos
Jinsong Chen,Yifan Zhang
Published 2024-09-04
Exploring Properties and Applications of Laguerre Special Polynomials Involving the Δh Form
N. Alam,S. Wani,Waseem Ahmad Khan,Fakhredine Gassem,Anas Altaleb
Symmetry Published 2024-09-04
Correction to: Modeling insect growth regulators for pest management.
Yijun Lou,Ruiwen Wu
Journal of Mathematical Biology Published 2024-09-04
Continuity of the Lyapunov exponents of non-invertible random cocycles with constant rank
Pedro Duarte,Catalina Freijo
Nonlinearity Published 2024-09-04
Higher-Order Soliton Solutions for the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation via Improved Riemann–Hilbert Method
YongHui Kuang,Lixin Tian
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Published 2024-09-04
Existence of Normalized Solutions for Mass Super-Critical Quasilinear Schrödinger Equation with Potentials
Fengshuang Gao,Yuxia Guo
Journal of Geometric Analysis Published 2024-09-04
Learning to rank through graph-based feature fusion using fuzzy integral operators
A. Keyhanipour
Published 2024-09-04
Normal-normal continuous symmetric stresses in mixed finite element elasticity
Carsten Carstensen,Norbert Heuer
Mathematics of Computation Published 2024-09-04
A finite element scheme for the Landau–Lifshitz–Bloch equation
M. Benmouane,E. Essoufi,C. Ayouch
Computational and Applied Mathematics Published 2024-09-04
Majda and ZND Models for Detonation: Nonlinear Stability vs. Formation of Singularities
Paul Blochas,Aric Wheeler
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-04
S. Keerthana,J. E. A. Bagyam,R. Remya
Advances and Applications in Statistics Published 2024-09-04
Effect of Pulsed Electric Field on the Drying Kinetics of Apple Slices during Vacuum-Assisted Microwave Drying: Experimental, Mathematical and Computational Intelligence Approaches
Mahdi Rashvand,M. Nadimi,Jitendra Paliwal,Hongwei Zhang,A. H. Feyissa
Applied Sciences Published 2024-09-04
Characterizing spanning trees via the size or the spectral radius of graphs
Jie Wu
Aequationes Mathematicae Published 2024-09-04
Predictor Laplace Fractional Power Series Method for Finding Multiple Solutions of Fractional Boundary Value Problems
A. Alomari,W. Salameh,Mohammad Alaroud,N. Tahat
Symmetry Published 2024-09-04
Attention-injective scale aggregation network for crowd counting
Haojie Zou,Yingchun Kuang,Jianqiang Luo,Mingwei Yao,Haoyu ZhouSha Yang
Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI) Published 2024-09-04
Experience of Information Students from an Ecuadorian University for the Application of ICT in Project-Based Mathematics Learning (ABP)
Cristian Inca,Andrés Morocho,Franklin Coronel,Angel Mena,Evelyn IncaJoseph Guerra
WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research Published 2024-09-04
On clean-like conditions in some commutative ring extensions
C. Bakkari,Mohamed Es-saidi,N. Mahdou,Moutu Abdou Salam Moutui
Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics Published 2024-09-04
With a Little Help from my Friends: Integrating Self-directed Peer Learning to Improve Word Problem Completion in Developmental Math
Joan Hill Smeltzer,John Elia,Laura Cruz,Richard Smeltzer
Published 2024-09-04
Exploring the Impact of Noncognitive Factors in Developmental Mathematics: Nontraditional Student Voice
Fenecia Homan,N. Martirosyan
Published 2024-09-04
The simplicities of some derivations
Ruiyan Sun,Dan Yan
Journal of Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-09-04
Positive Reinforced Generalized Time-Dependent Pólya Urns via Stochastic Approximation
W. Ruszel,Debleena Thacker
Journal of theoretical probability Published 2024-09-04
Character Groups of Metacyclic Groups
J. A. Stevenson
Journal of Algebra and its Applications Published 2024-09-04
Goodness of fit for the Waring distribution
Yanlin Tang,Jinglong Wang,Menghan Yi,Zhongyi Zhu
Statistical Theory and Related Fields Published 2024-09-04
Big Data: Issues and Challenges in Clustering Data Visualization
Ummu Hani’ Hair Zaki,Izyan Izzati Kamsani,Ahmad Firdaus Ahmad Fadzil,Z. Idrus,Eser Kandogan
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology Published 2024-09-04
Interlacing of zeros of period polynomials
Leanna Breland,K. Le,Jingchen Ni,Laura O'BRIEN,Hui XUEDaozhou ZHU
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan Published 2024-09-04
Convergence of a partially truncated Euler-Maruyama method for SDEs with super-linear piecewise continuous drift and Hölder diffusion coefficients
Amir Haghighi
Numerical Algorithms Published 2024-09-04
On the location of geometrical medians of triangles
P. A. Panov
Published 2024-09-04
Revenue Management with Calendar-Aware and Dependent Demands: Asymptotically Tight Fluid Approximations
Weiyuan Li,Paat Rusmevichientong,Huseyin Topaloglu
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-09-04
A Bayesian Optimization Through Sequential Monte Carlo and Statistical Physics-Inspired Techniques
A. Lebedev,M. Sahin,Thomas Warford
International Conference on Conceptual Structures Published 2024-09-04
Computational aspects of the geometric mean of two matrices: a survey
D. Bini,B. Iannazzo
Acta Scientarum Mathematicarum Published 2024-09-04
Clifford quadratic complete intersections
Haigang Hu,Izuru Mori
Mathematische Zeitschrift Published 2024-09-04
A multi-modal approach for mixed-frequency time series forecasting
Leopoldo Lusquino Filho,Rafael de Oliveira Werneck,Manuel Castro,Pedro Ribeiro Mendes Júnior,Augusto LustosaM. ZampieriOscar LinaresRenato MouraElayne MoraisMurilo AmaralSoroor SalavatiA. LoombaA. EsminMaiara GonçalvesD. SchiozerAlexandre FerreiraA. DavolioAnderson Rocha
Published 2024-09-04
Comparison of Value at Risk (VaR) in Risk Analysis: Historical, Variance Covariance and Monte Carlo Methods
Meirinda Fauziyah,A. Dani,Hadi Koirudin,Ennesya Estya Budi,Khairunnisa AvriliaNoor Hikmah Watika
Published 2024-09-04
Morse Thoery of Saddle Point Reduction with Applications
Ran Yang,Qin Xing
Axioms Published 2024-09-04
The mixed penalty method for the Signorini problem
Jingyan Hu,Qi Wang,Guanyu Zhou
Published 2024-09-04
Fourier Series Related to p-Trigonometric Functions
Ali Hamzah Alibrahim,Saptarshi Das
Axioms Published 2024-09-04
Nonlinear mathematical modeling of frequency-temperature dependent viscoelastic materials for tire applications
A. Sakhnevych,Raffaele Maglione,Raffaele Suero,Lina Mallozzi
Nonlinear dynamics Published 2024-09-04
The Evolution of Chihara's Anti-Nominalistic Nominalism
Randoph Rubens Goldman
Australasian Journal of Logic Published 2024-09-04
Special issue on “New methodologies in clustering and classification for complex and/or big data”
Paula Brito,Andrea Cerioli,L. García-Escudero,Gilbert Saporta
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification Published 2024-09-04
Bias-Reduced Haebara and Stocking–Lord Linking
Alexander Robitzsch
ET Journal Published 2024-09-04
Three-Dimensional Fuzzy Modeling for Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation
Xianxia Zhang,Tangchen Wang,Chong Cheng,Shaopu Wang
Applied Sciences Published 2024-09-04
On the second-order zero differential spectra of some power functions over finite fields
Yuying Man,Nian Li,Zejun Xiang,Xiangyong Zeng
Cryptography and Communications Published 2024-09-04
A new Kolmogorov-Smirnov test based on representative points in Weibull distributions
Sirao Wang,Jiajuan Liang,Heng Peng,Huajun Ye
Published 2024-09-04
A Modified Interior Penalty Virtual Element Method for Fourth-Order Singular Perturbation Problems
Fang Feng,Yue Yu
Journal of Scientific Computing Published 2024-09-04
Fixed-time adaptive fault-tolerant control of stochastic nonlinear systems with time-varying full-state constrains
Qi Chen,Li-Bing Wu
Nonlinear dynamics Published 2024-09-04
COVID-19 Impact on College Algebra
A. Childers,Lianfang Lu
Published 2024-09-04
Modeling of pension income and expenditures based on the Verhulst equation and polynomial regression with demographic projections
S. Suo,E. V. Kostyrin
Published 2024-09-04
A Good check on the Bayes factor.
N. Sekulovski,M. Marsman,E. Wagenmakers
Behavior Research Methods Published 2024-09-04
Increasing student science, technology, engineering and mathematics engagement through phyphox activities: Three practical examples
M. Milner‐Bolotin,Valery Milner
Published 2024-09-04
Positive Solutions and Estimates for the Poisson and Martin Kernels for the Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation
Michael W. Frazier
La Matematica Published 2024-09-03
Asymptotics of the partition function of the perturbed Gross–Witten–Wadia unitary matrix model
Yu Chen,Shuai-Xia Xu,Yuqiu Zhao
Studies in applied mathematics (Cambridge) Published 2024-09-03
J. Philippe,F. Elson,N. P. M. Casati,S. Sanz,M. MetzelaarsO. ShliakhtunO. K. ForslundJ. LassT. ShirokaA. LindenD. G. MazzoneJ. OllivierS. ShinM. MedardeB. LakeM. MånssonM. BartkowiakB. NormandP. KögerlerY. SassaM. JanoschekG. Simutis
Physical review B Published 2024-09-03
Singular value inequalities of matrices via increasing functions
Wasim Audeh,Anwar Al-Boustanji,Manal Al-Labadi,Raja’a Al-Naimi
Journal of Inequalities and Applications Published 2024-09-03
On the existence, uniqueness and regularity of strong solutions to a stochastic 2D Cahn–Hilliard-Magnetohydrodynamic model
Calvin Tadmon,Gabriel Deugoué,Salvador Awo Kougang
Journal of Applied Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Anisotropic obstacle Neumann problems in weighted Sobolev spaces and variable exponent
Ghizlane Zineddaine,Abdelaziz Sabiry,Said Melliani,Abderrazak Kassidi
Journal of Applied Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Stochastic Maximum Principle for Fully Coupled Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Subdiffusion
Shuaiqi Zhang,Zhen-Qing Chen
SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization Published 2024-09-03
On a Kuramoto-Velarde type equation
∗. GiuseppeMariaCOCLITE,L. Ruvo
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Developing Computational Thinking Using LYNX for Loom Beading Designs in Grade 5
Ruth Beatty,Colinda Clyne,Leslie-Anne Muma,Jennifer Parkinson,Bonnie Sears
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Published 2024-09-03
Alias‐informed model selection (AIMS) for 7 and 8 factor no‐confounding 16‐run fractional factorial designs
Carly E. Metcalfe,Bradley Jones,D. Montgomery
Quality and Reliability Engineering International Published 2024-09-03
Insights into a new class of unbounded operators
Aymen Bahloul
Georgian Mathematical Journal Published 2024-09-03
Analysis of a higher-order scheme for multi-term time-fractional integro-partial differential equations with multi-term weakly singular kernels
S. Santra
Numerical Algorithms Published 2024-09-03
Correction: Normal integral bases of Lehmer’s cyclic quintic fields
Yu Hashimoto,Miho Aoki
The Ramanujan journal Published 2024-09-03
Cross-validation on extreme regions
Anass Aghbalou,Patrice Bertail,François Portier,Anne Sabourin
Extremes Published 2024-09-03
Basic Principles of Deformed Objects with Methods of Analytical Mechanics
Jingli Fu,Chun Xiang,Chen Yin,Yongxin Guo,Zuo-Yuan YinHui-Dong ChengXiaofan Sun
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Published 2024-09-03
Pulsating waves in a multidimensional reaction-diffusion system of epidemic type
Liangliang Deng,Arnaud Ducrot
Published 2024-09-03
Quenched worst-case scenario for root deletion in targeted cutting of random recursive trees
Laura Eslava,Sergio I. López,Marco L. Ortiz
Journal of Applied Probability Published 2024-09-03
Normalisation for Negative Free Logics without and with Definite Descriptions
Nils Kürbis
The Review of Symbolic Logic Published 2024-09-03
Computational approach in presentation a parametric method to construct hybrid girihs (hybrid Islamic geometric patterns)
Ali Azizi Naserabad,A. Ghanbaran
International Journal of Architectural Computing Published 2024-09-03
Spaced recall reduces forgetting of fundamental mathematical concepts in a post high school precalculus course
Diane S. Lindquist,Brenda E. Sparrow,Joseph M. Lindquist
Instructional Science Published 2024-09-03
A double-edged sword: diverse interactions in hypergraphs
Yewei Tao,Kaipeng Hu,Pengyue Wang,Xiaoqian Zhao,Lei Shi
New Journal of Physics Published 2024-09-03
Convergence of the Heterogeneous Deffuant-Weisbuch Model: A Complete Proof and Some Extensions
Ge Chen,Wei Su,Wenjun Mei,Francesco Bullo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Published 2024-09-03
On the decomposition of the extensions of the Gini index that are based on the ‘metallic’ sequences of number theory
Elena Bárcena‑Martín,Jacques Silber
Metron Published 2024-09-03
DUDA: a digital didactic learning unit based on educational escape rooms and multisensory learning activities for primary school children during COVID-19 lockdown
Walter Setti,Rebecca Tarello,Erica Volta,Lucia Ferlino,Monica GoriG. Volpe
Educational technology research and development Published 2024-09-03
A nonlocal Kirchhoff diffusion problem with singular potential and logarithmic nonlinearity
Zhong Tan,Yi Yang
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Published 2024-09-03
Theoretical framework for biological control of pest: a mathematical modeling approach.
A. Ayoade,Srinivasarao Thota,Zahir Shah
Environmental science and pollution research international Published 2024-09-03
Resolvent Estimates for Viscoelastic Systems of Extended Maxwell Type and Their Applications
Maarten V. de Hoop,Masato Kimura,C. Lin,Gen Nakamura
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Analysis of a dynamic electro-viscoelastic contact problem
Mohammed Said,K. Rimi
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Self-organizing maps with adaptive distances for multiple dissimilarity matrices
Laura Maria Palomino Mariño,Francisco de Assis Tenorio de Carvalho
Machine-mediated learning Published 2024-09-03
Developing Novel Wormhole Metrics in Finsler-Randers Geometry Using the Barthel Connection and Osculating-Riemannian Method
J. Praveen,S. K. Narasimhamurthy
Physica Scripta Published 2024-09-03
Stability and Error Analysis for a C$$^0$$ Interior Penalty Method for the Modified Phase Field Crystal Equation
Amanda E. Diegel,Daniel Bond,Natasha S. Sharma
La Matematica Published 2024-09-03
On Gaussian triangular arrays in the case of strong dependence
E. Savinov
Extremes Published 2024-09-03
Measure-Valued Structured Deformations
S. Krömer,M. Kružík,M. Morandotti,Elvira Zappale
Journal of nonlinear science Published 2024-09-03
Estimation of Bonferroni Curve and Bonferroni Index of the Pareto Distribution
Parvathy Sobhanan,E. I. A. Sathar
Stochastics and Quality Control Published 2024-09-03
On the independence of greedy expansions of certain algebraic numbers in a Pisot or Salem base
E. Miyanohara
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal Published 2024-09-03
A high-accuracy compact finite difference scheme for time-fractional diffusion equations
Xindong Zhang,Hanxiao Wang,Ziyang Luo,Leilei Wei
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina Published 2024-09-03
Forward J/ψ+J/ψ and S. Baranov,A. V. Lipatov,M. Malyshev,A. Prokhorov,P. M. Zhang
Published 2024-09-03
Correction: Condition pseudospectra of multivalued linear operator pencils on non-Archimedean Banach spaces
J. Ettayb
Published 2024-09-03
\({\boldsymbol{{L}^{1}}}\)-Gradient Flow of Convex Functionals
A. Chambolle,Matteo Novaga
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Some results related to common fixed point of four maps in f-metric spaces
Mohamed Bouabdelli,Mahmoud Bousselsal,Azzedine Bellour
Correction to: A Facial Order for Torsion Classes
International mathematics research notices Published 2024-09-03
Regularity of the solutions to quasi-linear parabolic systems with the singular coefficients
M. Yaremenko
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
On Negative Conglomerability
Enrique Miranda,Marco Zaffalon
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice Published 2024-09-03
Solving a non‐standard Optimal Control royalty payment problem using a new modified shooting method
S. Sufahani,W. Ahmad,Kavikumar Jacob,S. Shafie,R. A. RahimM. MohamadMohd Saifullah RusimanR. RoslanM. MaarofMuhamad Ali Imran Kamarudin
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Published 2024-09-03
Nonmonotonicity of Principal Eigenvalues in Diffusion Rate for Some Non-Self-Adjoint Operators with Large Advection
Shuang Liu
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
A $$(\phi_\frac{n}{s}, \phi)$$-Poincaré inequality on John domains
S. Feng,T. Liang
Analysis Mathematica Published 2024-09-03
Comparison of Estimation Methods for Zero Truncated Poisson Regression Model
Mohammed Sabri Al-zubaidi*,Ebtisam K. Abdulah
Journal of economic and administrative sciences Published 2024-09-03
Some Fuzzy Least Squares Estimators for Regression Model Using Different Kernel Functions
Areej Ibrahim Tawfeeq*,Emad Hazim Aboudi
Journal of economic and administrative sciences Published 2024-09-03
Power Series Expansions of Real Powers of Inverse Cosine and Sine Functions, Closed-Form Formulas of Partial Bell Polynomials at Specific Arguments, and Series Representations of Real Powers of Circular Constant
Feng Qi
Symmetry Published 2024-09-03
Distribution Regression Difference-in-Differences
Iv'an Fern'andez-Val,Jonas Meier,A. Vuuren,Francis Vella
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-09-03
Flows of geometric structures
Daniel Fadel,Eric Loubeau,A. J. Moreno,Henrique N. Sá Earp
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik Published 2024-09-03
Efficient GMRES+AMG on GPUs: Composite Smoothers And Mixed \(\boldsymbol{V}\)-Cycles
Stephen Thomas,Allison H. Baker
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Published 2024-09-03
Evaluation of orthogonal composite designs for second‐order model in presence of missing observation
Chibuzo Solomon Ezievuo,A. Oladugba,O. Babatunde
Quality and Reliability Engineering International Published 2024-09-03
Generalizing Lloyd’s Algorithm for Graph Clustering
Tareq Uz Zaman,Nicolas Nytko,Ali Taghibakhshi,Scott MacLachlan,L. OlsonMatthew West
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Published 2024-09-03
Existence of Nodal Solutions with Arbitrary Number of Nodes for Kirchhoff Type Equations
Tao Wang,Jing Lai,Hui Guo
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society Published 2024-09-03
Attitudes toward Learning Mathematics and Performance of Grade 11 Students in the New Normal
Chabelita S. Sabanal,Jelyan S. Bago,Carlito B. Balandra,Aldwin T. Miranda
Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies Published 2024-09-03
Controllability results of discrete boundary control system in Banach spaces
Bhawna Verma,Muslim Malik
Published 2024-09-03
Asymptotic partition of energies for a Cosserat thermoelastic medium
H. Altenbach,∗. Andreas¨OCHSNER,S. Vlase
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Weak set-equilibrium problems: existence and stability conditions
M. Durea,Elena-Andreea Florea
Optimization Published 2024-09-03
On a nonlinear general eigenvalue problem in Musielak–Orlicz spaces
S. Kassimi,Hajar Sabiki,Hicham Moussa
Georgian Mathematical Journal Published 2024-09-03
Rational conic fibrations containing special curves transverse to the fibers
A. Lanteri,Raquel Mallavibarrena
Communications in Algebra Published 2024-09-03
Pronormality in uncountable groups
Maria De Falco,Francesco de Giovanni,C. Musella
Communications in Algebra Published 2024-09-03
The Euler-Lagrange equations of nabla derivatives for variational approach to optimization problems on time scales
Jie Bai,Zhijun Zeng
Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models Published 2024-09-03
The limit case in a nonlocal $p$-Laplacian equation with dynamical boundary conditions
Eylem Öztürk
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina Published 2024-09-03
Accurate and efficient stock market index prediction: an integrated approach based on VMD-SNNs
Xuchang Chen,Guoqiang Tang,Yumei Ren,Xin Lin,Tongzhi Li
Journal of Applied Statistics Published 2024-09-03
Kronecker Product of Tensors and Hypergraphs: Structure and Dynamics
J. Pickard,Can Chen,Cooper M. Stansbury,Amit Surana,Anthony N. BlochI. Rajapakse
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications Published 2024-09-03
Emergence of an unpredictable evolution in a spatial prisoner’s dilemma via a player’s multiple perspectives
Tomoko Sakiyama,Ken’ichi Kojo
Published 2024-09-03
Deep learning infused SIRVD model for COVID-19 prediction: XGBoost-SIRVD-LSTM approach
Hisham Alkhalefah,D. Preethi,Neelu Khare,M. H. Abidi,U. Umer
Frontiers in Medicine Published 2024-09-03
Generalized Marginal Cumulative Homogeneity Model for Multi-way Contingency Tables
Satoru Shinoda,Ayumu Uehara,Ryuya Yahagi,Takuya Yoshimoto,Kouji Tahata
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice Published 2024-09-03
Bayesian reliability estimation of weighted exponential-lindley distribution with intuitionistic fuzzy lifetime data
Sunita Sharma,Vinod Kumar
Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering Published 2024-09-03
A Hybrid Model for Financial Forecasting Based on Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform; Evidence from Chinese Exchange Rates.
Bouraida Burhan *,Firas Ahmmed Mohammed
Journal of economic and administrative sciences Published 2024-09-03
Comment on "A mathematical model to predict "low-lying" posterior communicating artery aneurysms in neurosurgical practice".
Karthikeyan Kandaswamy,Ajay Guru
Neurosurgical review Published 2024-09-03
Analysis of impulsive Caputo fractional integro‐differential equations with delay
A. Zada,U. Riaz,Junaid Jamshed,Mehboob Alam,A. Kallekh
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Published 2024-09-03
Distributed learning for kernel mode–based regression
Tao Wang
Canadian journal of statistics Published 2024-09-03
The overdetermined Cauchy problem for the hyperbolic Gellerstedt equation
A. Rogovoy,T. Kalmenov,Sergey I. Kabanikhin
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Published 2024-09-03
Mathematical sciences as symbolic form: the objects and objectivity of science in Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of science and culture
J. R. Aarnes
Continental Philosophy Review Published 2024-09-03
On the distributions of additive functions
Jonas Šiaulys
Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys Published 2024-09-03
Big pure projective modules over commutative noetherian rings: Comparison with the completion
Dolors Herbera,Pavel Příhoda,Roger Wiegand
Forum mathematicum Published 2024-09-03
Decision theory and probability theory: Pascal’s wager and pre-modern Indian lotteries
Harald Wiese
Indian Journal of History of Science Published 2024-09-03
Re‐derivation and mathematical analysis for linear peridynamics model for arbitrary Poisson ratio's material
Shangyuan Zhang,Yufeng Nie
Published 2024-09-03
Multiattribute decision-making based on TOPSIS technique and novel correlation coefficient of q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets
Vikash Patel,Harendra Kumar,Ashu Redhu,Kamal Kumar
Granular Computing Published 2024-09-03
Sharp bounds for the complete elliptic integral of the first kind in term of the inverse tangent hyperbolic function
Zhen-Hang Yang,Jing-Feng Tian
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal Published 2024-09-03
A comparison between Speckman and Bayesian estimation method of a semiparametric balanced longitudinal data model
Ahmed Abdulsamad Habeeb *,Qutaiba N. Nayef Al-Kazaz
Journal of economic and administrative sciences Published 2024-09-03
Power approximation for pricing American options
Noura El Hassan,B. Maddah
International Transactions in Operational Research Published 2024-09-03
On the growth of the Jacobians in p l -voltage covers of graphs
Sören Kleine,Katharina Müller
Algebraic Combinatorics Published 2024-09-03
Double Machine Learning at Scale to Predict Causal Impact of Customer Actions
Sushant More,Priya Kotwal,Sujith Chappidi,Dinesh Mandalapu,Chris Khawand
Published 2024-09-03
Using academic mathematical knowledge when working on interface tasks–analyses of pre-service teachers’ arguments about rotationally symmetric figures
Max Hoffmann,Rolf Biehler
Published 2024-09-03
Assessment of reliability and availability of a system by using a bivariate stochastic model
Muhammad Mohsin,Aisha Bilal,Zulfiqar Ali
Quality and Reliability Engineering International Published 2024-09-03
The fast Euler-Maruyama method for solving multiterm Caputo fractional stochastic delay integro-differential equations
Huijiao Guo,Jin Huang,Yi Yang,Xueli Zhang
Numerical Algorithms Published 2024-09-03
On fusible rings and related notions
P. Bhattacharjee,W.Wm. McGovern,Y. Zhou
Communications in Algebra Published 2024-09-03
Piecewise regular solutions to scalar balance laws with singular nonlocal sources
Lorena Bociu,Evangelia Ftaka,Khai T. Nguyen,Jacopo Schino
Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-09-03
Low Regularity Full Error Estimates for the Cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Lun Ji,Alexander Ostermann,Frédéric Rousset,Katharina Schratz
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Spatial behaviour in type III thermoelasticity with two porous structures
Adina Chirila
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Wong-Zakai Approximations for the Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch Equation with Helicity
S. Gokhale
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae - An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications Published 2024-09-03
Bounded solutions in anisotropic degenerate parabolic problems with a singular term
Wahiba Zaater,H. Khelifi
Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics Published 2024-09-03
Matrix representation of (d, k) - Fibonacci polynomials
B. Kuloğlu,E. Ozkan
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
On game chromatic number of oriented network graphs
Alagammai Renganathan,V. Vijayalakshmi
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics Published 2024-09-03
Evaluating analytic models for individually randomized group treatment trials with complex clustering in nested and crossed designs.
Jonathan C Moyer,Fan Li,Andrea J Cook,P. Heagerty,Sherri L PalsElizabeth L TurnerRui WangYunji ZhouQilu YuXueqi WangDavid M Murray
Statistics in Medicine Published 2024-09-03
Branching Markov Chains: Survival Thresholds and Applications to Species Navigation
R. Schinazi
Qeios Published 2024-09-03
Existence and Smoothing Effect of Measure Valued Solution to the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation with Debye–Yukawa Potential
Shuaikun Wang,Tong Yang
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
A novel histopathological feature of spatial tumor-stroma distribution predicts lung squamous cell carcinoma prognosis.
T. Taki,Yutaro Koike,Masahiro Adachi,Shingo Sakashita,Naoya SakamotoM. KojimaK. AokageShumpei IshikawaMasahiro TsuboiGenichiro Ishii
Cancer Science Published 2024-09-03
Global in Time Weak Solutions to Singular Three-Dimensional Quasi-Geostrophic Systems
Yiran Hu
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Deep learning solution of optimal reinsurance‐investment strategies with inside information and multiple risks
Fanyi Peng,Ming Yan,Shuhua Zhang
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Published 2024-09-03
How the zebra got its stripes: Curvature-dependent diffusion orients Turing patterns on three-dimensional surfaces
Michael F Staddon
Physical Review E Published 2024-09-03
Weighted Empirical Likelihood for Accelerated Life Model with Various Types of Censored Data
Jian-Jian Ren,Yiming Lyu
Stats Published 2024-09-03
Data science for graphs
Gunnar Carlsson,Santiago Segarra
Journal of Applied and Computational Topology Published 2024-09-03
Rigorous Derivation of Michaelis–Menten Kinetics in the Presence of Slow Diffusion
Bao Quoc Tang,Bao-Ngoc Tran
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Design based study for adjusting non-response while estimating population mean
Ajeet Kumar Singh,Ashutosh Ashutosh,Jayendra Kumar Singh
Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering Published 2024-09-03
Affine Projection Algorithms with Novel Schemes of Variable Projection Order
Lin Luo,Ying Yu,Tao Yang,Ke Li,Hongsen He
Circuits, systems, and signal processing Published 2024-09-03
Norm attaining multilinear forms on ℝn with the l1-norm
Sung Guen Kim
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Shifted combinatorial Hopf algebras from K-theory
Eric Marberg
Algebraic Combinatorics Published 2024-09-03
Almost periodic motions and their stability of the non-autonomous Oseen–Navier–Stokes flows
Ngoc Huy Nguyen,Thieu Huy Nguyen,T. N. H. Vu
Archiv der Mathematik Published 2024-09-03
Electronic Fourier–Galois Spectrum Analyzer for the Field GF(31)
K. Kadyrzhan,Daulet B Kaldybekov,S. Baipakbaeva,Y. Vitulyova,D. MatrassulovaI. Suleimenov
Applied Sciences Published 2024-09-03
Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Multiproduct Pricing Problems under Pure Characteristics Demand Models
Jie Jiang,Hailin Sun,Xiaojun Chen
SIAM Journal on Optimization Published 2024-09-03
Statistics Evolution and Revolution to Meet Data Science Challenges
Hulin Wu
Statistics in Biosciences Published 2024-09-03
Faster Integer Programming
Don Monroe
Communications of the ACM Published 2024-09-03
Arithmetic branching law and generic 𝐿-packets
Cheng Chen,Dihua Jiang,Dongwen Liu,Lei Zhang
Representation Theory: An Electronic Journal of the AMS Published 2024-09-03
New Techniques for Estimating Finite Population Variance Using Ranks of Auxiliary Variable in Two-Stage Sampling
Umer Daraz,Mohammed Ahmed Alomair,Olayan Albalawi,A. S. Al Naim
Mathematics Published 2024-09-03
Composition operators on the algebra of Dirichlet series
Manuel D. Contreras,Carlos Gómez-Cabello,Luis Rodríguez-Piazza
RACSAM Published 2024-09-03
Distributed bipartite time‐varying formation tracking control with prescribed‐time convergence for heterogeneous Euler‐Lagrange systems
Huimin Zhong,Tao Han,B. Xiao,Xisheng Zhan,Huaicheng Yan
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control Published 2024-09-03
Parametrized trigonometric derived Lp degree of approximation by various smooth integral operators
G. Anastassiou
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Multiscale mushy layer model for Arctic marginal ice zone dynamics
Courtenay Strong,E. Cherkaev,Kenneth M. Golden
Scientific Reports Published 2024-09-03
Revisited convexity notions for $$L^\infty $$ variational problems
Ana Margarida Ribeiro,Elvira Zappale
Revista Matemática Complutense Published 2024-09-03
Integer group determinants of order 16
Yuka Yamaguchi,Naoya Yamaguchi
The Ramanujan journal Published 2024-09-03
Collatz Conjecture (3N+1) Solution
Naif Mohammad AL-Shammary
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies Published 2024-09-03
Stochastic comparisons of second largest order statistics with dependent heterogeneous random variables
Man-Yuan Guo,Jiandong Zhang,Rongfang Yan
Published 2024-09-03
Higher-order predictor–corrector methods for fractional Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers’ equations
Sunyoung Bu,Yonghyeon Jeon
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation Published 2024-09-03
Frobenius property for fusion categories of dimension 120
Li Dai
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina Published 2024-09-03
On Marx-Strohacker type results for multivalent functions and their nth root
D. Răducanu
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Code and Data Repository for Decision Making Under Cumulative Prospect Theory: An Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Xiangyu Cui,Rujun Jiang,Yun Shi,Rufeng Xiao,Yifan Yan
INFORMS journal on computing Published 2024-09-03
Pfaffians are Pfine
Naiomi T. Cameron,Jennifer J. Quinn
Mathematics Magazine Published 2024-09-03
Comparison of Some Wavelet Transformations to Estimate Nonparametric Regression Function
Saad Kadem Hamza *
Journal of economic and administrative sciences Published 2024-09-03
Exact solitary wave solutions of time fractional nonlinear evolution models: a hybrid analytic approach
M.M. Bhatti,R. Ellahi,S. Sait,R. Ullah
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
A new Laguerre wavelets‐based method for solving Fredholm integral equations with weakly singular logarithmic kernel
Srikanta Behera,Santanu Saha Ray
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Published 2024-09-03
Pinning synchronization of a complex network: Nodes, edges and higher-order edges
QiShu Jiang,Jin Zhou,Bo Li,Haoran Liu,Jun-an Lu
Europhysics letters Published 2024-09-03
On the convergence of the Newton-Raphson method and some of its generalizations
Adriana Mitre
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Existence of non-global solutions to bi-harmonic inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrodinger equations without gauge invariance
Tarek Tarek Saanouni
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Published 2024-09-03
Bounds on Nonlinear Errors for Variance Computation with Stochastic Rounding
E-M. El Arar,D. Sohier,P. de Oliveira Castro,E. Petit
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Published 2024-09-03
Patterns in the Chaos: The Moving Hurst Indicator and Its Role in Indian Market Volatility
Param Shah,Ankush Raje,Jigarkumar Shah
Journal of Risk and Financial Management Published 2024-09-03
Experiencing tensions of nepantla with inner-departmental change groups
J. Hagman,Matthew Voigt,Amy Been Bennett,Fantasi Nicole,Margaret Ann BolickLeilani PaiNancy KressKelsey QuaisleyRachel TremaineRachel FunkPatricia Wonch HillWendy M. Smith
Frontiers in Education Published 2024-09-03
Strong Ill-Posedness in \(\boldsymbol{L}^{\boldsymbol{\infty }}\) of the 2D Boussinesq Equations in Vorticity Form and Application to the 3D Axisymmetric Euler Equations
Roberta Bianchini,L. Hientzsch,Felice Iandoli
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Published 2024-09-03
Mathematical Prediction of Emergent Relations in the Merger of Equivalence Classes
Ramon Marin,Giovan W. Ribeiro
The Psychological Record Published 2024-09-03
Functional quantile regression with missing data in reproducing kernel Hilbert space
Xiao-Ge Yu,Han-Ying Liang
Published 2024-09-03
Efficient semiparametric estimation in two‐sample comparison via semisupervised learning
Tao Tan,Shuyi Zhang,Yong Zhou
Canadian journal of statistics Published 2024-09-03
A survey on perturbation invariance of quaternionic exponentially dichotomous operators
R. P. Agarwal,H. Liu,Z. Liu,G. Qin,C. Wang
Mathematics and Computer Science Published 2024-09-03
Clifford orbits and stabilizer states
Lingxuan Feng,Shunlong Luo
Published 2024-09-03
On the Use of Multi-valued Decision Diagrams to Count Valid Configurations of Feature Models
A. Bombarda,A. Gargantini
Software Product Lines Conference Published 2024-09-02
Weak, Strong and Global Solutions for DNA Model with Memory
H. C. Gutiérrez,M. C. Gutiérrez,Liv Jois Cortez Fuentes Rivera,G. I. F. Rivera,D. F. R. VallejoMarilia Sibele Cortez Vidal
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Published 2024-09-02
Reinforcement Q-learning algorithm for H ∞ tracking control of discrete-time Markov jump systems
Jiahui Shi,Dakuo He,Qiang Zhang
International Journal of Systems Science Published 2024-09-02
The Extended Dunkl Oscillator and the Generalized Hermite Polynomials on the Radial Lines
F. Bouzeffour
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Published 2024-09-02
Multi-dimensional Scaling from K-Nearest Neighbourhood Distances
Wenjian Du,Jia Li
Journal of Scientific Computing Published 2024-09-02
Two new algebraic structures more general than weak rings
Teng Zhang
Quaestiones Mathematicae. Journal of the South African Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-02
El constructivismo y las tecnologías para favorecer la enseñanza aprendizaje de la matemática en el Bachillerato
Marco Vinicio Cuyo Sigcha
Published 2024-09-02
S. Prema,K. Nallini
Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-09-02
High-order approximation of Caputo–Prabhakar derivative with applications to linear and nonlinear fractional diffusion models
Deeksha Singh,Rajeshwari Pandey,Martin Bohner
Published 2024-09-02
Invariant Sets, Global Dynamics, and the Neimark–Sacker Bifurcation in the Evolutionary Ricker Model
Rafael Luís,Brian Ryals
Symmetry Published 2024-09-02
MacWilliams Identities of the Linear Codes Over $${\mathbb {F}}_q\times ({\mathbb {F}}_q+v{\mathbb {F}}_q)$$
Mevlüt Tekkoyun,E. Yaraneri
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society Published 2024-09-02
Modeling the co-circulation of influenza and COVID-19 in Hong Kong, China
Li Wen,Yi Yin,Qiong Li,Zhihang Peng,Daihai He
Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models Published 2024-09-02
PWW (Proof Without Words): In a Right Triangle a + b = 2(R + r)
Victor Oxman
Resonance Published 2024-09-02
Improving The Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Through Artificial Intelligence: Literature Review
Laela Maulida,Pipit Nurossobah,Billy Anggun Aura,Eka Dwi Nengsih,Rasilah Rasilah
Published 2024-09-02
The optimal polynomial decay in the extensible Timoshenko system
M. Aouadi
Mathematische Nachrichten Published 2024-09-02
Demo: A Geometric Approach to Generate Musical Rhythmic Patterns in Haskell
Xavier Góngora
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Feasibility conditions of robust portfolio solutions with single and combined uncertainties
Pulak Swain,A. K. Ojha
Quarterly Journal of the Operational Research Society of India (OPSEARCH) Published 2024-09-02
Probabilistic Perturbation Bounds for Invariant, Deflating and Singular Subspaces
Petko H. Petkov
Axioms Published 2024-09-02
Akram Louiz
Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Published 2024-09-02
An Esscher-Based Algorithm for Computing Default Probabilities in Structural Lévy Models
Claudio Aglieri Rinella,Jean-Philippe Aguilar,Justin Lars Kirkby
Journal of Fixed Income Published 2024-09-02
Saving lives with statistics
Jo Røislien
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine Published 2024-09-02
Domination and Independence in Fuzzy Semigraphs
S. Nithishraj,A. N. Gani,P. Muruganantham
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Published 2024-09-02
Makkiah S. Makki
Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics Published 2024-09-02
Functional Curves and Surfaces: Algebraic Geometry Inspired Visuals in Hydra
Yoni Maltsman
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
A taxonomy of automatic differentiation pitfalls
Jan Hueckelheim,Harshitha Menon,William Moses,Bruce Christianson,Paul D. HovlandLaurent Hascoët
Published 2024-09-02
The approximation property for the predual of weighted spaces of holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces
Deepika Baweja,Jahir Abbas Sardar
Quaestiones Mathematicae. Journal of the South African Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-02
Inverse problem of reconstructing source term for a class of non‐divergence parabolic equations
Xu‐Wei Tie,Zui‐Cha Deng
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Published 2024-09-02
Mathematical analysis of a norm-conservative numerical scheme for the Ostrovsky equation
Shuto Kawai,Shun Sato,Takayasu Matsuo
Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics Published 2024-09-02
Pengaruh Media Visual Tiga Dimensi terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika pada Materi Volume Kubus dan Balok Kelas V SD
Efrita Zulaiha,Arrini Shabrina Anshor,Erfiani Humairah
EduInovasi Journal of Basic Educational Studies Published 2024-09-02
Concurrent Functional Linear Regression Via Plug-in Empirical Likelihood
Hsin-wen Chang,I. McKeague
Published 2024-09-02
Zeros and uniqueness problems related to $$\varvec{F^{(k)}-\alpha (z)}$$
Yinhao Guo,Kai Liu
Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics Published 2024-09-02
Nigh-Locally Compactness in Topological Spaces
Rehab Alharbi
International Journal of Analysis and Applications Published 2024-09-02
Toward robust pattern similarity metric for distributed model evaluation
Eymen Berkay Yorulmaz,Elif Kartal,Mehmet Cüneyd Demirel
Published 2024-09-02
Recurrence for weighted pseudo-shift operators
M. Amouch,Fatima-ezzahra Sadek
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina Published 2024-09-02
Bridging Art and Mathematics with Tessella: A Scala Functional Library for Regular Polygon Finite Tessellations of a Plane
Mario Càllisto
El Farmaceutico Published 2024-09-02
Large-step algorithm for linear complementarity problem with new search direction
Zsolt Darvay,Gizella Noémi Márk
Optimization Published 2024-09-02
Hilbert-Type Operators Acting on Bergman Spaces
Tanausú Aguilar-Hernández,P. Galanopoulos,D. Girela
Computational methods in Function Theory Published 2024-09-02
Global boundedness and large time behavior of solutions to a chemotaxis-convection model of capillary-sprout growth during tumor angiogenesis
Chun Wu
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik Published 2024-09-02
Max Born and Canonical Commutation Relation
Pradeep Kumar
Resonance Published 2024-09-02
Uncountable group of continuous transformations of unit segment preserving tails of Q_2-representation of numbers
M. Pratsiovytyi,S. Ratushniak,Lysenko Iryna
Published 2024-09-02
JSOSuite.jl: Solving continuous optimization problems with JuliaSmoothOptimizers
T. Migot,Dominique Orban,A. Siqueira
JuliaCon Proceedings Published 2024-09-02
Distance dominator packing coloring of type II
Jasmina Ferme,Dasa Stesl
Quaestiones Mathematicae. Journal of the South African Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-02
Mechanics of growth of a viscoelastic tumor
Rahmiye Ergün
Research in Mathematics Published 2024-09-02
A note on the U-Dunford-Pettis operators
Farid Afkir,A. Elbour
Quaestiones Mathematicae. Journal of the South African Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-02
Generalized Jensen and Jensen–Mercer inequalities for strongly convex functions with applications
Slavica Ivelić Bradanović,Neda Lovričević
Journal of Inequalities and Applications Published 2024-09-02
Innovative Solutions to the Fractional Diffusion Equation Using the Elzaki Transform
Saima Noor,A. Alrowaily,Mohammad Alqudah,Rasool Shah,S. A. El-Tantawy
Mathematical and Computational Applications Published 2024-09-02
Pedagogic model based on the constructivism to improve problem solving competence in Engineering students
Waymer Barreto V.
SCIÉNDO Published 2024-09-02
Author Index Volume 20 (2024)
New Mathematics and Natural Computation Published 2024-09-02
Generalized linear model based on latent factors and supervised components
Julien Gibaud,X. Bry,Catherine Trottier
Computational statistics (Zeitschrift) Published 2024-09-02
Using Kan Extensions to Motivate the Design of a Surprisingly Effective Unsupervised Linear SVM on the Occupancy Dataset
Matthew Pugh,Jo Grundy,Corina Cirstea,Nick Harris
Mathematical and Computational Applications Published 2024-09-02
TKE Model Involving the Distance to the Wall—Part 1: The Relaxed Case
C. Amrouche,Guillaume Leloup,Roger Lewandowski
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics Published 2024-09-02
Wavelet Transform Associated with Quadratic-Phase Hankel Transform
Chandra Roy,Tanuj Kumar,Akhilesh Prasad,G. Jha
National academy science letters Published 2024-09-02
Developments of the I-Function Several Complex Variables
Priti Pandey Priti Pandey,Dr. Neelam Pandey Dr. Neelam Pandey,Dr. Yagya Pratap Sahu Dr. Yagya Pratap Sahu
Journal of Advances in Science and Technology Published 2024-09-02
The Role of Mathematics in Machine Learning for Disease Prediction: An In-Depth Review in the Healthcare Domain
Abdillah,S. Syaharuddin,V. Mandailina,Saba Mehmood
Advance Sustainable Science, Engineering and Technology Published 2024-09-02
Containment control of fractional complex networks with stochastic communication noises
Xiaolin Yuan,Guojian Ren,Mai Yang,Yongguang Yu
Nonlinear dynamics Published 2024-09-02
Mode of Instructional and Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics and Non- Mathematics Courses
Anning Asafo Adjei,Augustine Owusu-Addo,Michael Opoku-Manu,Akanzabwon Asaarik
Published 2024-09-02
A Study on the Sum of ‘m+1’ Consecutive Cullen Numbers
P. Shanmuganandham,R. Ramachandran
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Published 2024-09-02
Taylor theory in quantum calculus: a general approach
Enas M. Shehata,Rasha M. El Zafarani
Quaestiones Mathematicae. Journal of the South African Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-02
Periodic motions of species competition flows and inertial manifolds around them with nonautonomous diffusion
T. N. H. Vu,Thieu Huy Nguyen
Journal of evolution equations (Printed ed.) Published 2024-09-02
Testing the ratio of two Poisson means based on an inferential model
Yanting Chen,Xionghui Ou,Kai Wan,Chunxin Wu,Shaofang KongChao Chen
Published 2024-09-02
Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Bilangan Cacah Kelas 4 SDIT ALMAKA
Aan Amaliyah,Nodianus Darmadi,Martina Hikmah Tilova
Published 2024-09-02
Variational principle for nonlinear weighted topological pressure
Jiao Yang,Ercai Chen,Xiaoyao Zhou
Published 2024-09-02
A Boolean model explains phenotypic plasticity changes underlying hepatic cancer stem cells emergence
Alexis Hernández-Magaña,Antonio Bensussen,Juan Carlos Martínez-García,E. Álvarez-Buylla
npj Systems Biology and Applications Published 2024-09-02
Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Progression
Tahmineh Azizi
AppliedMath Published 2024-09-02
Hybrid block formulae whose eigenvalues of Jacobian matrices are close to the imaginary axis of the complex plane
James Kona,Kingsley Muka
Published 2024-09-02
Unit-Power Half-Normal Distribution Including Quantile Regression with Applications to Medical Data
Karol I. Santoro,Yolanda M. Gómez,Darlin Soto,Inmaculada Barranco-Chamorro
Axioms Published 2024-09-02
Mathematical model for predicting the yield of apple trees on rootstock 62-396
V. L. Zakharov,S. Buneev,S. Shubkin,B. Sotnikov,V. A. Kravchenko
Published 2024-09-02
Neural Operator Approximations for Boundary Stabilization of Cascaded Parabolic PDEs
Kaijing Lv,Junmin Wang,Yuandong Cao
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing Published 2024-09-02
Liouville theorem of the regional fractional Lane–Emden equations
Ying Wang,Yanqing Sun,Hongxing Chen,H. Hajaiej
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations Published 2024-09-02
Modeling Population Dynamics in the Indian Context: A Differential Difference Equation Approach
Naveen Kashyap,Dr. B. V. Padamvar
Journal of Advances in Science and Technology Published 2024-09-02
Wasserstein Archetypal Analysis
Katy Craig,Braxton Osting,Dong Wang,Yiming Xu
Published 2024-09-02
Sharp Results for a New Class of Analytic Functions Associated with the q-Differential Operator and the Symmetric Balloon-Shaped Domain
Adeel Ahmad,Jianhua Gong,A. Rasheed,Saqib Hussain,Asad AliZeinebou Cheikh
Symmetry Published 2024-09-02
Optimal Control Techniques in Managing Red Palm Weevil Infestations: A Mathematical Approach
Lamya Al-Maghamsi,Y. Alruwaily,Moustafa El-Shahed
International Journal of Analysis and Applications Published 2024-09-02
A Review of Differential Equations that is applicable to Differential Difference Equations
Naveen Kashyap Naveen Kashyap
Journal of Advances in Science and Technology Published 2024-09-02
Trends in Malaysian Adolescents’ Mathematics Performance Across Two Decades: What Factors Matter?
E. Mohammadpour,P. Liou,Parviz Ahmadi
Qeios Published 2024-09-02
Nontrivial solutions for multiparameter k -Hessian systems
Huanhuan Ding,Chenghua Gao,Xingyue He
Quaestiones Mathematicae. Journal of the South African Mathematical Society Published 2024-09-02
Solving Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Pentagonal Polynomial Equation Using Horner-Muller's Method
Nurhakimah Ab. Rahman,Lazim Abdullah,Nuraini Rahim,Ashraf AI-Quran,Ruwaidiah Idris
Contemporary Mathematics Published 2024-09-02
Finding Robust Response Surface Designs With Blocking Using a Model-Weighted A-Optimality Criterion
Peang-or Yeesa,S. Nidsunkid
International Journal of Analysis and Applications Published 2024-09-02
Tensorized Soft Label Learning Based on Orthogonal NMF.
Fangfang Li,Quanxue Gao,Qianqian Wang,Ming Yang,Cheng Deng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Published 2024-09-02
An Interdisciplinary Teaching Proposal for the Introduction of Fractals to Junior High School
Eleni Tzanaki,Nikos Bessas,V. Plagianakos,Denis Vavougios
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies Published 2024-09-02

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