Newest journal articles by subject

Subjects > Political Science

Resources coupled with executive authority: Implications of relocating government administrative headquarters for local economic development
Jing Chen,Shenglong Liu,Xiaoming Zhang
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Exploring integration of land-sea interactions in maritime spatial planning in the Bulgarian context, Black Sea
M. Stancheva,E. Ramieri,H. Stanchev,Martina Bocci,M. MarkovicTimothy Roberts
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Impact of the amended Chinese Marine Environmental Protection Law on the law enforcement action of the Coast Guard — With a focus on the discharge of ballast water after Japan’s releasing of nuclear wastewater into the sea
Boyu Liao
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Measurements, mechanisms, and management recommendations for how marine protected areas can provide climate resilience
J. W. White,Jess K. Hopf,Nur Arafeh-Dalmau,Natalie C. Ban,Amanda E. BatesJoachim ClaudetCori LopazanskiJennifer M. SundayJ. Caselle
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Land reform, emerging grassroots democracy and political trust in China
Xing Chen,Jintao Xu,Yuanyuan Yi,Andong Zhuge
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Mariculture high-quality development process and spatial differences: A case study of China
Wei Ren,Bei Yuan,Qixu Liang
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Policy coherence for ecosystem-based management: Implementing EU water and marine policies in the Archipelago Sea
Eerika Albrecht,Antti Belinskij,Elina Heikkilä
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Cable risk and resilience in the age of uncrewed undersea vehicles (UUVs)
Ash Rossiter
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Unsettling mainstream academic debates on community-based energy governance: Exploring the Japanese experience
H. Koga,S. Bouzarovski,S. Petrova
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Future-proofing the global system of marine protected areas: Integrating climate change into planning and management
Z. Cannizzo,Karen L. Hunter,S. Hutto,J. Selgrath,Lauren Wenzel
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Navigating uncharted waters: Legal challenges and the future of unmanned underwater vehicles in maritime military cyber operations
Chaomin Liu,Yuan Feng
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Mechanism of online public opinion formation in major risk events in China: A qualitative comparative analysis
Bingqin Han,Shuang Song,Diyi Liu,Jiapei Mo
Published 2025-01-01
The political ecology of our water footprints: Rethinking the colours of virtual water
Jeroen Vos
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Advancing gender equality in international ocean science: Participatory approaches for institutional actions
Ellen Johannesen
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Endogeny in measuring research excellence. In-house publishing and conflict of interests in Polish science evaluation
Ireneusz Sadowski,Łukasz Zamęcki
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Sub-national property tax reform and tax bargaining: Lessons from a quasi-randomized reform program in Sierra Leone
Wilson Prichard,S. Jibao,Nicolas Orgeira Pillai
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Firm-level political risk and CEO compensation
Chunmi Jeon,Seung Hun Han,Yunji Hwang
Research In International Business and Finance Published 2025-01-01
Institutional quality and success in U.S. equity crowdfunding
Douglas J. Cumming,Sofia Johan,Robert S. Reardon
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Fukushima nuclear wastewater discharge: An analysis of the international regulatory framework
Chao Wang,Yanting Zhao,Nicholas Lassi
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
From local markets to global legitimacy: A materialization perspective on technological innovation system's dynamics
D. Ayrapetyan,Nicolas Befort,Frans Hermans
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Limited support for Global North-Global South inequality in regulating international trade in scalloped hammerhead sharks
Vincent Nijman,Jessica Chavez
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Fisheries law enforcement in the yellow sea by Chinese coast guard agencies: Legal sources, core issues and dispute settlement
Xiaolin Pan
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
ICCAT modernization and its implications for Taiwan’s future participation
Hui-Yi Katherine Tseng,Shu-Chane Wu,Shih-Ming Kao
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
The use of AI in the organization of local government work
Herasym Dei
Published 2025-01-01
Human-ocean relationships: Exploring alignment and collaboration between ocean literacy research and marine conservation
Jen McRuer,E. McKinley,Diz Glithero,Ronaldo Christofoletti,Diana Payne
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
“Leave no one behind”. A power-capabilities-energy justice perspective on energy transition in remote rural communities in Cambodia
G. Siciliano,Roberto Cantoni,Pichdara Lonn,Narith Por,Solany KryChimmor MornHam Oudom
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Moderating effects of policy measures on intention to adopt autonomous vehicles: Evidence from China
Tianpei Tang,Yuntao Guo,Dustin J. Souders,Xinghua Li,Miaomiao YangXunqian XuXinwu Qian
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
China’s marine eco-environment law enforcement from the perspective of the responsibility system: Dilemmas and solutions
Ruiheng Sun,Desheng Hu
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Does the China's integrated environmental zoning regulation serve an effective approach for industrial restructuring?
Zeyang Wei,Yi Liu,Zishu Wang,Chunyan Wang,Manli GongFanlin MengDan Xie
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2025-01-01
The diverse impacts of democracy on greenhouse gas emissions
Y. Tsur
Ecological Economics Published 2025-01-01
Entity and relation extractions for threat intelligence knowledge graphs
Inoussa Mouiche,Sherif Saad
Computers & security Published 2025-01-01
European Union Policies Promotion Through Tourism
I. Drobot
Published 2024-12-31
Behind Closed Doors: Understanding the Layers of Illicit Wealth in Pakistan’s Money Laundering Web and Tracing the Socio-Economic Fallouts
Waqar Khan Durrani,Asiya Anwar,Syed Samer Hussain
Published 2024-12-31
The financing of sports in some European Union countries
Adrian Miroslav Merka,Viorel Cojocaru
GeoSport for Society Published 2024-12-31
Ruffling and Un-Ruffling Feathers: Magical Realism as a Tool of Postcolonial Dissent and Transcendence
Lawrie Phillips
Journal of Social Political Sciences Published 2024-12-30
Dynamics of COVID-19 Vaccination Policy in Indonesia: Analysis of Readiness and Implementation
D. Ayuningtyas,Eme Stepani Sitepu,Elfrida Rooslanda,Lili Damayanti,Nurul Safitri
Journal of Health and Medical Sciences Published 2024-12-30
Leadership, Inclusiveness, and Ethical Compliance: Lessons from Eaton Corporation's Best Practices and Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals
Gordian I. Nweke,Ogochukwu Nweke
Journal of Social Political Sciences Published 2024-12-30
Operation Blue Star in the History of India: 40 Years Later
A. V. Bochkovskaya
Published 2024-12-15
American Economic Sovereignty: The Foundation of U.S. World Leadership
A. A. Porokhovsky
Published 2024-12-15
Germany’s Initiatives in the Sahel in the Framework of the Niger Events
N. Ivkina
Published 2024-12-15
The Evolution of U.S. Republican and Democratic Party Approaches to Climate Agenda: Late 1990s to 2023
Eugenia E. Prokopchuk
Published 2024-12-15
Emergency: Behind the Scenes of an Unreleased Film
Tatiana D. Ikonnikova
Published 2024-12-15
LIV Scientific Conference “Society and State in China”
N. S. Rudenko
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
Positions of China and Brazil On De-Dollarization of International Economic Relations and Prospects for Creating a New World Currency
Elena I. Safronova
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
The 2024 Parliamentary Election in the Republic of Korea
F. M. Chernetskii
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
Swiss Capital in Africa as a Tool to Prevent Migration
G. Sugakov
Published 2024-12-15
The Evolution of the U.S. Military Presence in Europe (2017–2023)
P. Trunov
Published 2024-12-15
The USA and the Ideological Principles of NATO Policy in the Black Sea Region
D. Ayvazyan
Published 2024-12-15
Rwanda as Africa’s Rising Center of Power? Three Decades of Post-Genocide Development
T. Denisova,S. Kostelyanets
Published 2024-12-15
The Arab Dynamics of the Confusing U.S. Dilemma: the Struggle for Valuable Territories
A. S. Derbenev
Published 2024-12-15
Vadim Koleneko Memorial Conference on Canadian Studies at the Russian State University of Humanities
Y. Akimov,E. V. Isaeva
Published 2024-12-15
The United States and European Defense Integration
O. Prikhodko
Published 2024-12-15
U.S. vs. Russia: Cyber «Drang nach Osten»
Yaroslav V. Selyanin
Published 2024-12-15
The USA, the West, and Ukraine: What's Next? (Discussions in Washington)
Pavel T. Podlesny
Published 2024-12-15
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is the Largest Integration Association in Asia and the World
A. V. Akimov
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
The Anti-China Narrative in Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy
M. Solyanova
Published 2024-12-15
After Afghanistan: U.S. Military Policy in the Middle East
V. Batyuk
Published 2024-12-15
Artificial intelligence technologies in the BRICS political agenda
Ekaterina A. Vinogradova
Latinskaia Amerika Published 2024-12-15
BRICS Expansion: Views of China and India
T. L. Deych,V. Usov
Published 2024-12-15
Technological and Socio-Cultural Innovations in the Life of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Context of Relations with the United States
A. S. Derbenev
Published 2024-12-15
U.S.-German Relations: Concretization of the Future
A. Sindeev
Published 2024-12-15
2024 US Presidential Election: Reproductive Rights in Focus
N. Shvedova
Published 2024-12-15
The Anatomy of Foreign Policy Crises
V. Surguladze
Published 2024-12-15
The U.S. Health Care: A Silhouette in the 2024 Presidential Campaign
N. Shvedova
Published 2024-12-15
US-China Rivalry in the Middle East: Implications for Regional and Global Policies
N. Bobkin
Published 2024-12-15
Strategies of Taiwanese Political Parties during the 2023-2024 Election Campaign
Vasily B. Kashin,A. Pyatachkova,Victoria A. SGoncharenko,Arina V. Alexandrova
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
The Political Legacy of Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney (1939–2024)
E. Issraelyan
Published 2024-12-15
Funding, inequalities, and access: An amalgam of challenges in South African higher education
S. Cele,S. Adewumi
Published 2024-12-15
9th Conference on Canadian Studies at Saint Petersburg State University
Y. Akimov,K. Minkova
Published 2024-12-15
The Central African Republic and the Russian Federation: Problems of Military-Economic Cooperation
A. O. Khromov,J. N. Nakunne Yandoko
Published 2024-12-15
The Elitist Aspect of "The Years of Living Dangerously in Soviet Politics"
V. Surguladze
Published 2024-12-15
The Role of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Constitutional Interpretation and Law-Making
L. G. Berlyavsky
Published 2024-12-15
Sanctions as a Coercive Leverage Within ECOWAS
T. A. Andreeva,A. D. Novikov
Published 2024-12-15
Shift of US Military Spending to Allies: Intensions and Realities
S. V. Anureev
Published 2024-12-15
Interaction between National and Local Governments in Rural Revitalization of China
Haiyang Xu,Chenling Chen
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
The Influence of Critical Race Theory on the Contemporary Ideological Divide in the USA
D. N. Vorobyev
Published 2024-12-15
Evolution of the UK Tilt to the Indo-Pacific Region
K. Godovanyuk
Published 2024-12-15
Political Leadership Matters: Malaysia’s Unrealised Potential
Shyamala Nagaraj,Kiong-hock Lee
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Political Leadership Matters: The Case of Four Successful East Asian Economies
Kiong-hock Lee,Shyamala Nagaraj
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Expect the unimaginable: A document analysis of expectations for 5G in UK newspapers
Laurence Williams
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
The Politics of Drink in England, From Gladstone to Lloyd George by David M. Fahey, and: Imperial Wine: How the British Empire Made Wine's New World by Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre (review)
Victorian Studies Published 2024-12-01
Unveiling the affective digital counterpublic: A rhetorical ecological analysis of the #JusticeForNaqib movement in Pakistan
Salma Kalim
Computers and Composition Published 2024-12-01
Sea Country Indigenous Protected Areas: Indigenous leadership in the protection of Australia’s marine environments
Janella Isaac,Rowena Mouda,David Barrett,Jackie Gould,D. SmythT. Vernes
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Segmenting transit ridership: From crisis to opportunity
Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken,Matthew Palm,Steven Farber
Published 2024-12-01
Empathy in public relations practice of South Korea
Hyunji Doh,Jiyoung Kang,Samsup Jo
Public Relations Review Published 2024-12-01
A review of the future transport labour market: An EU approach
Lucía Mejía Dorantes,Heather Allen
Published 2024-12-01
Explainable AI for government: Does the type of explanation matter to the accuracy, fairness, and trustworthiness of an algorithmic decision as perceived by those who are affected?
Naomi Aoki,Tomohiko Tatsumi,Go Naruse,Kentaro Maeda
Government Information Quarterly Published 2024-12-01
Role of street-level policy entrepreneurs in sustainability transition: Evidence from India's transition to LED lighting
Shubham Sharma
Published 2024-12-01
European regional policy making: A challenge for our collective intelligence
Katharina Fellnhofer,Margarita Angelidou
Published 2024-12-01
Closing the digital divide in education: an innovative review of demand and supply side policies in four ASEAN member states
Daniel McFarlane,Yannik Mieruch,Nang Lao Wann Si
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-12-01
The grass is always greener on the other side: (Unfair) inequality and support for democracy
Fabian Reutzel
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
Intertemporal evidence on the strategy of populism in the United States
Gloria Gennaro,Giampaolo Lecce,Massimo Morelli
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Managing power supply in small nations: A case on Belize's Idiosyncratic system
K. Usher,Benjamin C. McLellan
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
The role of digital infrastructure construction on green city transformation: Does government governance matters?
Bingtao Qin,Yongwei Yu,Liming Ge,Yiting Liu,Yi ZhengZixuan Liu
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Political alliances and trade: Europe in a polarized world
Karen Jackson,Oleksandr Shepotylo
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
Deciphering Sino-Indian blue mining competencies in the Indo-Pacific
Dhanwati Yadav
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Defeating cap-and-trade: How the fossil fuel industry and climate change counter movement obstruct U.S. Climate Change Legislation
Mirjam O. Nanko,Travis G. Coan
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Values in post-mining regional transition: A political–economic regime approach, with insights from Australia
Tira Foran,Fran Ackermann,Marcus Barber
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Embracing the African Continental Free Trade Area: Unpacking Malawi’s Economy Response to Trade Liberalization
Wisdom Richard Mgomezulu,P. Thangata,D. Njiwa
Research in Globalization Published 2024-12-01
From rising temperature to rising health concerns: A study of climate change effects in Paraguay
Paulina Schulz-Antipa,Christian García-Witulski,Mariana Conte Grand,Mariano J. Rabassa
Published 2024-12-01
Against Democracy, Neo-totalitarianism, or What? A Cross-Country Dynamic Panel Endogenous Switching Regressing Analysis of Innovation, Economic Growth, and Political Stability
Stephen Frimpong
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
The impact of extended decision times in planning and regulatory processes for energy infrastructure
G. Longoria,Muireann Lynch,Niall Farrell,John Curtis
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Risks of policy failure in direct R&D support
Mercedes Bleda,S. Krupnik
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Beyond declarations: Metrics, rankings and responsible assessment
Anna Morgan-Thomas,Serafeim Tsoukas,Adina Dudau,Paweł Gąska
Research Policy Published 2024-12-01
The digital economy and energy poverty in Central and Eastern Europe
Mihaela Simionescu,Javier Cifuentes-Faura
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Political factors and efficiency in the responsible production of municipal solid waste services: A dynamic DEA with a network structure approach
Tadeu Junior de Castro Gonçalves,Alexandro Barbosa,Pedro Simões,Severino Cesário de Lima
Published 2024-12-01
Can the CPTPP’s Digital Format on Data Flows Serve a Role Model for the WTO?
Kuei-jung Ni
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Towards a geographical political economy understanding of platformization
Yannick Ecker,Max Münßinger
Progress in Economic Geography Published 2024-12-01
Spatio-temporal interplay between ecosystem services and urbanization in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: A new perspective for considering the scarcity effect
Hongjiao Qu,Chang You,Weiyin Wang,Luo Guo
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Forecasting forest-related political decisions in a climate-constrained world – The remuneration of forest ecosystem services in Germany
D. Sprinz,Tabea V. Schaefers,Freya Lenk,Max Krott
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
The potential of innovation contests in articulating demand for system-level transformation: The case of the Helsinki Energy Challenge
Matti Pihlajamaa,Ville Valovirta
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Labour market impacts of the China shock: Why the tide of Globalisation did not lift all boats
David Dorn,Peter Levell
Labour Economics Published 2024-12-01
Aquaculture as a dysfunctional system of action; Why does fish farming stagnate in Germany?
Tobias Lasner,Antje Gimpel
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Is FinTech making world more “inclusive”? Evidence from inclusive growth story of China
Zihao Guo,Yuetong Wei,Shuangshuang Fan,Muhammad Shahbaz
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Transportation infrastructure and regional resource allocation
Changshuai Cao,Yingjuan Su
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Adaptation constraints, limits and enabling conditions in small island developing states
Adelle Thomas,Emily Theokritoff
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Published 2024-12-01
Sorry Not Sorry: Presentational strategies and the electoral punishment of corruption
Dean C. Dulay,Seulki Lee
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Is seed aid distribution still justified in South Sudan?
Esther Smits,Rob Kuijpers,Justin Amos Miteng,David Deng Chol,Turo Thomas MonoNicola Francesconi
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Are small cities disappearing? The policy responses to urban shrinkage oriented toward young people in Uiseong-gun, South Korea
Sangmin Kim
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Understanding public response: Government communication during the COVID-19 crisis through the eyes of the Swiss public
N. Diviani,Maddalena Fiordelli,Sara Rubinelli
PEC Innovation Published 2024-12-01
Global perspectives on solar geoengineering: A novel framework for analyzing research in pursuit of effective, inclusive, and just governance
Zachary Dove,Arien J. Hernandez,Shuchi Talati,Sikina Jinnah
Published 2024-12-01
Towards holistic, participative and adaptable governance for offshore wind farm decommissioning
L. Jurrius,Luc van Hoof
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Food security policy and coastal climate adaptation among Indigenous and Local Communities
E. Galappaththi,Chrishma D Perera,Gayanthi A. Illangarathna,Sithuni M. Jayasekara,Hannah Garbutt
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Navigating the landscape of energy governance: A bibliometric analysis of research trends and future directions
Hossein Tabrizian,Babak Amiri,Mahdi Abdolhamid
Energy Reports Published 2024-12-01
From sectoral policy change to cross-sectoral (dis)integration? A longitudinal analysis of the EU's forest and rural development policy
Simon Fleckenstein
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
“You deserve mob justice too”: Discursive justifications of mob (In)Justice on social media in Africa
Maame Efua Addadzi - Koom
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice Published 2024-12-01
Social trust and the winner-loser gap
Matías Bargsted,Andrés González-Ide
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
A comparative study of strategic petroleum reserve policies of major countries in the world
Lei Zhang
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Reviewing the reportage of land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement issues in mainstream Indian Media
Kanchan Sen Sharma,V. Jothiprakash
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Why did COVID-19 affect some cities more than others? Insights from Brazil before vaccination
Juan Pablo Chauvin
Published 2024-12-01
“I know it when I see it”: Public opinion on removing guns from compromised owners
Margaret S. Kelley,N.R. Axton,C. G. Ellison,P.E. Gonzalez
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice Published 2024-12-01
Same same but different: Examining climate change impacts on human security in Vanuatu and Guam
Anselm Vogler
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Ironies of automation and their implications for public service automation
Ida Lindgren
Government Information Quarterly Published 2024-12-01
Therapeutic governance: The art of mediating shame and blame and quasi-judicial pragmatic technologies in Indonesian government auditor-auditee engagements
N. N. Hidayah,Firdaus Amyar,Alan D. Lowe
Critical Perspectives on Accounting Published 2024-12-01
Implementation of the international convention on the removal of wrecks: Legal obligations, model selections, and perspectives from China
Xu Wu,Xiaowei Lu
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Olympics-related urban interventions in Barcelona and in Rio de Janeiro: A look at territorial equality legacies
F. Baroghi,Paulo J.G. Ribeiro
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Indigenous peoples in carbon pricing policymaking
Ignatius Kobbina Yankey,T. Onifade,Gabriela Sabau
Published 2024-12-01
Decarbonizing industrial hubs and clusters: Towards an integrated framework of green industrial policies
Soyoung Oh,Mohammed Al-Juaied
Published 2024-12-01
How Covid-19 changed the way we visit rivers? Applications of big data for sentiment analysis
A. Akhshik,M. Strzelecka,Joanna Tusznio,M. Grodzińska-Jurczak
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
A new convention for negotiable multimodal transport documents? Challenges ahead and the way forward
Xingguo Cao,Jingyi Qiu,Mengyan Wang
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Why do forests persist and re-emerge amidst tropical deforestation pressures? Archetypes of governance and impact pathways
Frank Mintah,Tabi Eckebil Paule Pamela,Christoph Oberlack,C. I. Speranza
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Post-disaster recovery policy assessment of urban socio-physical systems
Sangung Park,T. Yabe,S. Ukkusuri
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Published 2024-12-01
Exploring land system reform for demographic transition in rural China
Yansui Liu,Xuhong Li,Yuanzhi Guo
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Social equity provisions in energy efficiency obligations: An ex-post analysis of the French program
Amélie Darmais,M. Glachant,Victor Kahn
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Centering community values in marine planning
Fiona Beaty,Bridget John,Myia Antone,Jonathan Williams,Nathan BennettNikita WalliaChristopher Harley
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Have attitudes toward democracy polarized in the U.S.?
Hamad Ejaz,Judd R. Thornton
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Stakeholder perceptions of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Marine Protected Area planning process
Anne Boothroyd,Vanessa Adams,Karen Alexander,Nicole Hill
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Wealth polarization in western countries
Michele Fabiani
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics Published 2024-12-01
Coping with digital transformation in frontline public services: A study of user adaptation in policing
Muhammad Afzal,P. Panagiotopoulos
Government Information Quarterly Published 2024-12-01
Macroeconomic effects from media coverage of the China–U.S. trade war on selected EU countries
J. Beckmann,Robert L. Czudaj,Michael Murach
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
Strategic investments: Electrolysis vs. storage for Europe’s energy security in the hydrogen era
Ange Blanchard
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Local content policies: Knowledge stock and future directions for research and policy making in view of the sustainability agenda
Stella Tsani,Chrysoula Chitou,Indra Overland
Published 2024-12-01
Cultivating change: Exploring policies, challenges, and solutions to support city region food systems development in six European countries
A. Steines,M. D’Ostuni,A. Wissman,K. Specht,C. IodiceR. Fox-KämperF. MonticoneI. RighiniV. Saint-GesA. SamoggiaF. Orsini
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Revisiting subsidiarity: Not only administrative decentralization but also multidimensional polycentrism
Stefano Moroni
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Research fatigue’s impact on small-scale fishers’ engagement: A case-study from Azores fisheries
Morgan Casal-Ribeiro,U. Peixoto,Wendell M. Medeiros-Leal,Régis Santos
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Jurisdictional approaches to sustainable agro-commodity governance: The state of knowledge and future research directions
Kate Macdonald,Rachael Diprose,J. Grabs,Philip Schleifer,Justin AlgerBahruddinJoyce BrandaoBen CashoreAdelina ChandraPaul CisnerosDeborah DelgadoRachael GarrettWilliam Hopkinson
Earth System Governance Published 2024-12-01
Governance in multi-system transitions: A new methodological approach for actor involvement in policy making processes
Aslı Ateş,Karoline S. Rogge,Katherine Lovell
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Sand mining governance in post-apartheid South Africa: Interlegalities of resource extraction on the Wild Coast
Siyabulela Manona,T. Kepe,Deon De Villiers
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Opportunities for the global climate development agenda with Net Zero in the horizon: A perspective from Central America
Cintya B. Molina-Rodríguez,Jose Maria Valenzuela
Earth System Governance Published 2024-12-01
The impact of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies in network security for e-voting
Jumagaliyeva Ainur,Muratova Gulzhan,Tulegulov Amandos,Rystygulova Venera,Serimbetov BulatYersultanova ZaureshShegetayeva Aizhan
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Published 2024-12-01
Shaping multilateral regional governance of climate and forests: Exploring the influence of Forest industry lobbying on state participation
Fredy David Polo-Villanueva,Simon Schaub,Laura Rivadeneira,J. Tosun,Lukas GiessenS. Burns
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Urbanization provocateur: Reaching urban planning-led development in Saudi Arabia
Abdulaziz I. Almulhim,P. Cobbinah
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Indigenous women are the “guardians of Pachamama”: Territorial sovereignty is indispensable for just climate change adaptations in Peru
Holly Moulton
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
The place of co-production: A physital space for collaborative urban government
Batel Yossef Ravid,Meirav Aharon Gutman
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
The role of agency and communion in understanding teacher-student conflict resolution: The needs-based model of reconciliation
Yaacov B. Yablon,Noam Wertheimer,Sharon Hollombe,Shira Iluz
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-12-01
Of heroes and villains – How coalitions shape their narratives and what the public conservation debate is actually about?
Agata Pietrzyk‐Kaszyńska,A. Olszańska
Published 2024-12-01
How sustainable is the energy transition? Implications of trade on emissions and energy security
I. Stepanov,N. Teschner,Shiri Zemah-Shamir,Yael Parag
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2024-12-01
Exceptio Inadimpleti Contractus: CBAMs as International Countermeasures
O. Quirico
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Public complaint tweet data feature analysis for sentiment classification
Errissya Rasywir,Y. Pratama,Irawan Irawan,Marrylinteri Istoningtyas
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Published 2024-12-01
Conditional single-issue political entrepreneurship: The impact of education and attitudinal predictors on support for the Finns Party
Michael A. Hansen,Mikko Leino
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
The influence of public sentiment on the price of aquatic products under the influence of nuclear wastewater discharge in Japan
Man Qin,Weixiang Lu
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Spatializing urban infrastructure investment in China: Cadre tenure, political competition, and uneven geography of government-pays public-private partnerships
Mengdi Wu,Ronghao Jiang,Yuqi Liu
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Politico-economic determinants of the performance of electric cooperatives in the Philippines
Laarni C. Escresa,Adrian Matthew G. Glova
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Electricity security in Uganda: Measurement and policy priorities
Benard M. Wabukala,O. Bergland,Nicholas Mukisa,M. Adaramola,Susan WatunduLaura A. OrobiaN. Rudaheranwa
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
The political economy of the social constraints to adaptation
Sergio Jarillo,Jon Barnett
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Published 2024-12-01
Research trends in forest policy in Europe and beyond: Insights from the 4th International Forest Policy Meeting (IFPM4)
Agata A. Konczal,Lukas Giessen
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Circular city policy coherence in Greater London
Felipe Bucci Ancapi,Karel Van den Berghe,Ellen van Bueren
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Does a voter's decision to sit out an election depend upon where others stand?
Harry Krashinsky
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Analysis of Indonesia's priority selection: Energy transition, energy-related measures, mining governance, and resource transition using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
Propana Okionomus Ali,Kyung Nam Kim
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
Wealth inequality and mega events
Denis Ivanov,Gaygysyz Ashyrov
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
Aligning fisheries terminology with diverse social benefits
K. M. Leong,Rebecca J. Ingram,D. Kleiber,Sofya Hoshaiah Long,Anthony MastitskiKarma NormanChanghua WengSarah Wise
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Dissemination, manipulation or monopolization? Understanding the influence of stakeholder information sharing on resident participation in neighborhood rehabilitation of urban China
Yu Li,Penglin Zhu,Erwin Mlecnik,Queen K Qian,Henk Visscher
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Colonial status and income inequality in developing countries
B. Epo,Fabrice Mvomo,Henri Ngoa Tabi,Henri Atangana Ondoa
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Are East Asian “shrinking cities” falling into a loop? Insights from the interplay between population decline and metropolitan concentration in Japan
Xizi Xu,Jue Ma,Kojiro Sho,Fumihiko Seta
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Fisheries in flux: Bridging science and policy for climate-resilient management of US fisheries under distributional change
Jacqueline M. Vogel,Arielle Levine,Catherine Longo,Rod Fujita,Catherine L. AlvesGemma CarrollJ. K. CraigKiley DancyMelissa ErrendTimothy E. EssingtonNima FarchadiSarah GlaserAbigail S. GoldenOlaf P. JensenMonica LeFloreJulia G. MasonKatherine E. MillsJ. Palacios‐AbrantesAnthony RogersJ. SamhouriMatthew SeeleyE. SeligAshley TrudeauC. Wabnitz
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Governing the urban commons: Lessons from Ostrom's work and commoning practice in cities
Adam Polko
Cities Published 2024-12-01
The legally binding agreement on forests in Europe – Analyzing the unsuccessful attempts at regional regime creation
E. Gordeeva,H. Pülzl,Bernhard Wolfslehner,Norbert Weber
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Metaverse as local government communication platform: A systematic review through the lens of publicness theory
Sajani Senadheera,Tan Yigitcanlar,Kevin C. Desouza,Rita Yi Man Li,Juan M. CorchadoRashid MehmoodKaren MossbergerPauline Hope Cheong
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Towards sustainable governance of freshwater sand – A resource regime approach
Tahmina Yasmin,Julian Clark,Greg Sambrook Smith,A. Daham,Andrew P. NicholasAndrea Gasparotto
Earth System Governance Published 2024-12-01
Divided we abstain: Testing the effect of local income inequality on individual-level turnout using Norwegian administrative panel data
Sofi Granö
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
The politics of provincial site planning and the architectural evolution of the Inka administrative center of Turi, northern Chile
Beau Murphy,Diego Salazar,Frances M. Hayashida,Andrés Troncoso,Pastor Fábrega-Álvarez
Journal of anthropology and archaeology Published 2024-12-01
Veiled costs, concealed incentives: Rethinking market approaches to address institutional marginalization and reduce vulnerability of artisanal fishers to power abuses in the Peruvian dolphinfish fishery
Enrique Alonso-Población,R. Gozzer-Wuest,Josymar Torrejón-Magallanes,Iván Gómez,Percy BayonaRolando Labraña-Cornejo
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Spatial distributive justice has many faces: The case of siting renewable energy infrastructures
Paul Lehmann,E. Gawel,Jan-Niklas Meier,Milan Jakob Reda,Felix ReutterStephan Sommer
Published 2024-12-01
Analysis of the ‘Good’ performance indicators of Non-Governmental Development Organizations
Susana Álvarez-Otero,Emma Álvarez-Valle,Mar Arenas-Parra,Raquel Quiroga-García
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Water and energy deprivation: Addressing the problem of essential utility services poverty in Mayotte
D. Charlier,Bérangère Legendre,Olivia Ricci
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Geo-political risks, uncertainty, financial development, renewable energy, and carbon intensity: Empirical evidence from countries at high geo-political risks
Ying Shu,Mohammad Razib Hossain,Brayan Tillaguango,Rafael Alvarado,Cem IşıkMuntasir MurshedZhiguang Chen
Applied Energy Published 2024-12-01
The energy commons: A systematic review, paradoxes, and ways forward
Thomas Bauwens,Robert Wade,Matthew Burke
Published 2024-12-01
The whole of cyber defense: Syncing practice and theory
Kristel M. de Nobrega,A. Rutkowski,Carol Saunders
Journal of strategic information systems Published 2024-12-01
The process of transition to a value-based distribution model in the Turkish land readjustment system
B. Uzun,V. Yildirim,Y. Çoruhlu,O. Yıldız,Fatih TerziBura Adem Atasoy
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Are municipal politicians ideological moderates? Forthcoming in cities
Jack Lucas
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Testing technological Kuznets curve implications on achieving sustainable development goal 10 in seven Asian countries
Khalid Eltayeb Elfaki,Elsadig Musa Ahmed
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Book review
Cynthia Couette
Earth System Governance Published 2024-12-01
Energy democracy: Reclaiming a unique agenda in energy transitions research
S. Wyse,Runa R. Das
Published 2024-12-01
Advocacy and credibility of land tenure in Ethiopia: Mitigating conflicts and threats
Hossein Azadi,Shaghayegh Ehteshammajd,Imaneh Goli,Narges Siamian,Saghi Movahhed MoghadamPeter HoKristina JanečkováP. Sklenička
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Bringing the state back in the lithium triangle: An institutional analysis of resource nationalism in Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia
Craig A. Johnson,Araceli Clavijo,Mauricio Lorca,Manuel Olivera Andrade
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Urban resilience under local government competition: A new perspective on industrial resilience
Xia Meng,Tao Ding,Haisen Wang
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Balancing forest area preservation and biodiversity offsets in the forest: Forest owners’ policy preferences
Tobias Schulz,Tamaki Ohmura
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
The depoliticization of climate disasters: Unpacking the entanglement of satellites with parametric climate risk insurance
Robert Bergsvik,S. Kloppenburg
Earth System Governance Published 2024-12-01
Sectoral innovation policy adopting socio-technical systems (STS) perspectives: The case of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in five leading countries
Taeyoung Park,Jeehoon Ki,Jae-Yun Ho
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Shaping stable support: Leveraging digital feedback interventions to elicit socio-Political acceptance of renewable energy
Felix Wagon,Gilbert Fridgen,Verena Tiefenbeck
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Informal participation in digital planning: How can third parties use social media to shift power relations in planning?
Junyao He,Yanliu Lin,Pieter Hooimeijer,Jochen Monstadt
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Published 2024-12-01
Indonesian sentiment towards global economic recession in 2023 using optimized hyperparameters of support vector machine kernels
Dairatul Maarif,Adinda Aulia Hafizha,Andi Kurniawan
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Published 2024-12-01
Attending to the unattended: Why and how do local governments plan for access and functional needs in climate risk reduction?
Fengxiu Zhang,Tianyi Xiang
Published 2024-12-01
Forest carbon payments: A multidisciplinary review of policy options for promoting carbon storage in EU member states
Aino Assmuth,Hilja Autto,Kirsi-Maria Halonen,E. Haltia,S. HuttunenJussi LintunenAnnika LonkilaTiina M. NieminenP. OjanenMikko PeltoniemiKaisa J. PietiläJohanna PohjolaEsa-Jussi ViitalaJ. Uusivuori
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Decoding the transport policy maze towards climate neutrality: Cross-sectoral policy landscapes
Ali Ebadi Torkayesh,S. Venghaus
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2024-12-01
Rules, institutions and policy capacity: A comparative analysis of lithium-based development in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile
José Carlos Orihuela,Sergio Serrano
Published 2024-12-01
The Greta Effect: Is there more public support for climate protesters who are young and female?
Yu Shuang Gan,Sylvia Hayes,Lorraine Whitmarsh
Published 2024-12-01
Overcoming lock-in of science-policy responses to reef heating
Tiffany H. Morrison,Jon Barnett,Georgina G. Gurney,Jacqueline Lau,Michele L. BarnesJosh CinnerMissaka HettiarachchiPip Cohen
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Putting off the coal in Europe: Socio-economic trade-offs across the European regions
Miguel A. Almazán-Gómez,Carlos Llano,Julián Pérez
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Ukraine’s water security under pressure: Climate change and wartime
S. Snizhko,I. Didovets,A. Bronstert
Water Security Published 2024-12-01
A sacrifice for the greater good? On the main drivers of excessive land take and land use change in Hungary
G. Csomós,Ádám Szalai,J. Farkas
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
A new perspective on the work of boundary organisations: Bridging knowledge between marine conservation actors in Pacific Small Island Developing States
Moritz Latour,F. van Laerhoven
Published 2024-12-01
Sustainability in practice: Analyzing environmental, social and governance practices in leading Latin American organizations' reports
Cleiton Hluszko,M. V. Barros,Adriano Martins de Souza,Diego Alexis Ramos Huarachi,Micaela Ines Castillo UlloaVinicius MorettiF. N. PuglieriA. C. de Francisco
Cleaner Production Letters Published 2024-12-01
Three archetypical governance pathways for transformative change toward sustainability
K. Termeer,A. Dewulf,R. Biesbroek
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Published 2024-12-01
The populist impulse: Cognitive reflection, populist attitudes and candidate preferences
Andrew Hunter
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Overcoming left-behindedness. Moving beyond the efficiency versus equity debate in territorial development
A. Rodríguez‐Pose,Federico Bartalucci,Nancy Lozano-Gracia,María Dávalos
Published 2024-12-01
Towards a comprehensive analysis of agricultural land systems in the EU and US: A critical view on publicly available datasets
Emily Burchfield,Marco Ferro,S. Hüttel,Tobia Lakes,Heidi LeonhardtAndreas NiedermayrAndrea RissingStefan SeifertMaximilian Wesemeyer
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
The impact of smart city construction on achieving peak carbon neutrality: Evidence from 31 provinces in China
Xiaoxi Yang,Dansha Zhang,Tajul Ariffin Masron
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Risk preferences, bill increases and the future reliability of electricity networks in Australia
Mark Tocock,Darla Hatton MacDonald,John M. Rose
Published 2024-12-01
Community-based forest management moderates the impact of deforestation pressure in Thailand
Michael Jenke
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
From design to implementation: Lessons from planning the first marine protected area network in Canada
Fiona Beaty,Kil Hltaanuwaay Tayler Brown,Julien Braun,Steve Diggon,Emery HartleyAaron HeidtHeather MaddinAvery MaloneyRebecca MartoneChris McDougallMike ReidCarrie RobbEmily RubidgeCharles ShortKristin Worsley
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Gaps in legislation and communication identified as stakeholders reflect on 30×30 policy in Icelandic waters
G. Ólafsdóttir,Theresa Henke,Catherine P. Chambers,S. H. Ólafsdóttir
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Towards new perspectives of stakeholder engagement in sustainability transitions: Bringing the supranational level into view
Luka Gudek,K. Kok,J.E.W. Broerse
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Speech targeting and constituency representation in open-list electoral systems
Eduardo Alemán,Pablo Valdivieso Kastner,Sebastián Vallejo Vera
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Trends and drivers of land abandonment in Poland under Common Agricultural Policy
B. Ortyl,Idalia Kasprzyk,Jan Jadczyszyn
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Bookkeepers of catastrophes: The overlooked role of reinsurers in climate change debates
Nils Röper,Sebastian Kohl
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Applying the Three Horizons approach in local and regional scenarios to support policy coherence in SDG implementation: Insights from arid Spain
M. D. López-Rodríguez,Amanda Jiménez-Aceituno,C. Quintas-Soriano,Juan Miguel Requena-Mullor,E. GarauDaniela Alba-PatiñoIrene Otamendi-UrrozAna Paula D. AguiarS. Cortes-CalderonAntonio J. Castro
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Strategic Autonomy and Trade Defence: The Case of Cross-Country Subsidies
Philipp Reinhold
Journal of World Trade Published 2024-12-01
Revisiting eligibility effects of voting at 16: Insights from Austria based on regression discontinuity analyses
Elisabeth Graf,Julia Partheymüller,Laura Bronner,S. Kritzinger
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Perspectives on Forest governance among the indigenous communities of India's Eastern Ghats
Anugu Amarender Reddy,T. Maraseni,Souparna Lahiri,S. Karki,U. KojuA. ShresthaTim Cadman
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Putting Automobile Debt on the Map: Race and the Geography of Automobile Debt in California
Evelyn Blumenberg,Samuel Speroni,Fariba Siddiq,J. Wasserman
Published 2024-12-01
A decomposition of partisan advantage in electoral district maps
Jeffrey T. Barton,Jon X. Eguia
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Editorial Board
World Development Published 2024-12-01
Smokescreen or groundwork? The paradox of ecological monitoring in the management of Marine Protected Areas
Valentin Lauret,Olivier Gimenez,H. Labach,Nicolas Lescureux
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Determinants of natural disaster emergency public investment cycles in central and southern Chinese regions: The role of technological innovation efficiency
Fangjian Zhou,Hao Zhou,Hua Guo,Yinchun Lei,Chengling TangXue Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Did robots make wages less responsive to unemployment?
Michał Brzozowski,Joanna Siwińska-Gorzelak
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Characterizing ‘injustices’ in clean energy transitions in Africa
M. M. Akrofi,Benjamin C. McLellan,M. Okitasari
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
(Non-)terrestrial and (Non-)local pathways of behavioral policy diffusion in European cities’ climate action plans: Contextual, cultural, and leadership framing
J. Page,Hong Zhou,Haozhi Pan,Chang Zhou,Pei PeiZahra Kalantari
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Perceptions of “sustainable fisheries” in the UK and Japan using best-worst scaling
Ryotaro Okazaki,Klaus Glenk,Mitsutaku Makino
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Geopolitical tension and shipping network disruption: Analysis of the Red Sea crisis on container port calls
W. Yap,Dong Yang
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
“We rather not connect trade to politics, let alone geopolitics” – The changing role of Russia as a landscape pressure for zero-carbon energy transitions
Paula Kivimaa,M. Sivonen
Published 2024-12-01
Hurricanes make headlines, but chronic utility failure drives energy (in)security in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Alison Bates,Greg Guannel,Luis Armando Pagan Quinones
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
Barriers and enablers to a coordinated MHPSS response in Lebanon: A case study of the MHPSS Taskforce
R. El Masri,Thurayya Zreik,Sandy Chaar,Rayane Ali,Joseph EliasBassel MeksassiFelicity L. BrownIbrahim Bou OrmMartin McKeeMichele AsmarB. RobertsMichelle LokotR. El Chammay
Published 2024-12-01
Unravelling the discursive dynamics of counternarratives in the Dutch energy transition
Naomi Schrandt,Julia M. Wittmayer,Tamara Metze
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Geopolitics and the changing landscape of global value chains and competition in the global semiconductor industry: Rivalry and catch-up in chip manufacturing in East Asia
Chan-Yuan Wong,Henry Wai-chung Yeung,Shaopeng Huang,Jaeyong Song,Keun Lee
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Does decentralization boost electoral participation? Revisiting the question in a non-western context
Camille Barras
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Politicization of climate change and Central and Eastern European countries’ stance towards the European Green Deal
Baiba Witajewska-Baltvilka,F. Helepciuc,Diana Mangalagiu,A. Todor
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Rethinking energy poverty alleviation through financial inclusion: Do institutional quality and climate change risk matter?
Isaiah Maket
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Charting sustainable waters: Governance challenges and opportunities for fisheries and coastal beach resources in a West African country
R. Takyi,Francis Kofi Ewusie Nunoo,Badr El Mahrad,Cynthia Addo,John Essandoh
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Do ride-hailing congestion fees in NYC work?
Yanchao Li,Daniel Vignon
Published 2024-12-01
Is Australia's urban-regional schism on climate reality or rhetoric?
R. Colvin,F. Jotzo,Kelly S. Fielding
Journal of Rural Studies Published 2024-12-01
Analyzing the political impact of Real-world laboratories for urban transformation in eight German ‘Cities of the Future’
Teresa Kampfmann,Daniel J. Lang,Annika Weiser
Published 2024-12-01
Actors, discourses and relations in the Finnish newspapers' forest discussion: Enabling or constraining the sustainability transition?
A. Näyhä,Venla Wallius
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
What drives tax morale in selected North African economies? Empirical evidence from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia using simulated ARDL and GMM quantile regressions
Assidi Soufiene,Jamel Boukhatem,Qaiser Abbas
Published 2024-12-01
Oil as the villain? How the Kazakhstani media unsuccessfully framed a pipeline leak at the giant Kashagan oil field
Julia Schwab
Published 2024-12-01
How do complete streets policies and legislative ordinances implement explicit wording regarding low-income populations and communities of color? A qualitative analysis
Lucas D. Elliott,Ken McLeod,Melissa Bopp
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Enhancing meaningful Indigenous leadership and collaboration in international environmental governance forums
Melanie Zurba,Sandie Suchet‐Pearson,Ryan Bullock,Ameyali Ramos Castillo,Kevin ChangRicky ArcherEli EnnsPasang SherpaRamiro BatzinOsvaldo MunguiaAnastasia PapadopoulosBryanne LamoureuxCharlotte GreenleesMelika HabibiAhmad HameedRichie Howitt
Published 2024-12-01
Policy incentives and electric vehicle adoption in China: From a perspective of policy mixes
Xiaolei Zhao,Xuemei Li,Dehan Jiao,Yumeng Mao,Jingxiao SunGuanyi Liu
Published 2024-12-01
A mass evacuation modeling framework to account for vulnerabilities in staged evacuation
Md Jahedul Alam,Muhammad Ahsanul Habib
Published 2024-12-01
Communal grant and land allocation effect on native land disputation in Malaysia
A. M. Azima,Faathirah Jamaluddin,Zaimah Ramli,Suhana Saad,N. Lyndon
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
The links and entanglements of energy vulnerability: Unpacking the consequences of the energy crisis in Denmark
Line Valdorff Madsen,A. R. Hansen,Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen,Kirsten Gram-Hanssen
Published 2024-12-01
Gender equity analysis in the maritime and port industry in Chile
Andrés García-Echalar,R. G. González-Ramírez,Daniella de Luca
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Fiscal rules, capital controls, and cross-border financial integration
Nour-eddine Ech-charfi
European Journal of Political Economy Published 2024-12-01
Weaponization of climate and environment crises: Risks, realities, and consequences
Q. Vuong,Viet-Phuong La,Minh-Hoang Nguyen
Published 2024-12-01
Individual Electoral Competitiveness: Undecided voters, complex choice environments and lower turnout
Hannah Bunting
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Critical minerals for energy transition: The emerging regime complex
Nidhi Srivastava,Atul Kumar
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Assessing citizens' willingness for participatory forest management planning: A case study in the Czech Republic
Zohreh Mohammadi,Jan Kašpar,M. Tahri,Maryna Sherstiuk
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Organizational models for the decommissioning of nuclear power plants: Lessons from the United Kingdom and the United States
Alexander Wimmers,Christian von Hirschhausen
Utilities Policy Published 2024-12-01
Maritime law enforcement concerning offshore energy platforms: Navigating international law constraints and challenges
Qiuwen Wang
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Stakeholder perceptions of blue economy governance networks and their equity implications in Bangladesh
Jewel Das,Maheshwaran Govender,H. Irfanullah,S. Selim,Marion Glaser
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Will the EU have enough minerals to drive their electric dreams by 2030?
Edina Nagy,Hadeel Al-Jurani,G. Xydis
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Disaster experience mitigates the partisan divide on climate change: Evidence from Texas
Ted Hsuan Yun Chen,Christopher J. Fariss,Hwayong Shin,Xu Xu
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Ideals and practicalities of policy co-design – Developing England’s post-Brexit Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes
Ruth Little,Judith Tsouvalis,José Luis Fajardo Escoffié,Susan E. Hartley,David Christian Rose
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Diverging paths, converging goals: Framing crisis to kairos in Bill Gates's and Greta Thunberg's climate discourse
Daniel Wuebben,Emily Wang,Emma Gomez Domingo,Juan Romero-Luis
Published 2024-12-01
Online Masses from a Post-Pandemic Perspective
Leo-Martin Angelo Ocampo
Philippiniana sacra Published 2024-12-01
Perceived negativity in British general election communications
Caitlin Milazzo,John Barry Ryan
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Investment cooperation as a digital economy development method for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU
Aina B. Otarbayeva,A. Arupov,M. Abaidullayeva,Dardana M. Dadabayeva,Gulzhakhan Khajiyeva
World Development Perspectives Published 2024-12-01
Science as a field of struggle: Gendered experiences of African scholars doing forest governance research
Olena Strelnyk,Susanne Koch,Camilla Tetley,Shizuku Sunagawa,Amanı Uisso
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Charting a greener course: China’s recent legal strategies in shore power promotion for achieving maritime emission targets
Qiuwen Wang
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Analyzing the National Park policymaking process in China from a multiple streams perspective: Domination by the political stream and policy entrepreneurs
Shuning Zhu,Weiye Wang,Jinlong Liu
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
The impact of digital government on energy sustainability: Empirical evidence from prefecture-level cities in China
Zeru Jiang,Chunlai Yuan,Jingru Xu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Understanding the complexities of technological penetration and globalisation on labour market performance: The role of complementary policies
A. Asaleye,R. Garidzirai
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market and Complexity Published 2024-12-01
Scalar orientation of policies and technology legitimacy: The case of decarbonization in Norway
Teis Hansen,J. Hanson,Tuukka Mäkitie,H. Normann,Markus Steen
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Small Pelagics in West Africa face the multiple challenges of food security, wealth creation and regional governance
El hadj Bara Dème,Pierre Failler
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
The ecological and socioeconomic implications of future total allowable catch decisions and illegal fishing scenarios for South Africa’s West Coast rock lobster fishery
Jessica M. Eggers,Susan J. Johnston,Kevern L. Cochrane
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Structured decision-making shows broad support from diverse stakeholders for habitat conservation and restoration in Kenya’s Central Highlands
G. Gibbon,Martin Dallimer,Hassan Golo,Humphrey Munene,Charlene A. WanderaMonda N. EdsonJane C. GachuraTim HobbsFestus IhwagiStephen R. IkhamatiSamson K. IkiaraDavid KimathiFrancis B. LenyakopiroJames M. MwamodenyiJohn MwitiRachael MundiaJustuce MureithiGodfrey MwogoraPriscilla K. NdiiraRedempta NjeriJerenimo LepireiCraig OutramPhineas RewaMaurice SchutgensSilvano SimiyuSven VerwielAntony WanderaDon WhiteRobert J. SmithZoe G. Davies
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Exploring the relationship between innovation and corporate governance
Carlos Estévez-Mendoza,Ángeles Montoro-Sánchez
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
An integrated framework for measuring sustainable rural development towards the SDGs
Dianfeng Liu,Fuxiang Li,Mingli Qiu,Yang Zhang,Xiang ZhaoJianhua He
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Qatar's energy policy in the field of renewable energy
R. Hajimineh,Ebrahim Rezaei Rad,Mahsa Sadat Hosseini
Future Energy Published 2024-11-15
Bridging Gaps: Analysis Of Human Development, Income Inequality & Economic GrowthIn SAARC Countries (1985-2022)
Shah Faisal
Kurdish Studies Published 2024-11-04
Willingness to pay for crime reduction: The role of information in the Americas
Patricio Domínguez,Carlos Scartascini
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
The governance of urban regeneration in Lisbon: Drivers of continuity and change
Rosa Branco,Patricia Canelas,Sónia Alves
Cities Published 2024-11-01
The Boss of New Orleans: Martin Behrman and Machine Politics in the Crescent City by Ralph Eric Criss (review)
The Journal of southern history Published 2024-11-01
An ecosystem of tactics: Bridging the radical and moderate flanks in a pipeline resistance movement
C. Baller,Shannon Elizabeth Bell
Published 2024-11-01
Global data governance at a turning point? Rethinking China-U.S. cross-border data flow regulatory models
Wanxiu Xu,Shuo Wang,Xiaodong Zuo
Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the potential of disruptive innovation in the social sciences: A quantitative study of its impact on societal visibility
Yingqun Li,Ningyuan Song,Yu Shen,Lei Pei
Published 2024-11-01
Quantifying civilian aircraft vulnerability: A data-driven approach in geo-political conflict zones for improved risk assessment of aircraft shot-down
Stanislav Bukhman,Mario P. Brito,Ming-Chien Sung
Journal of Air Transport Management Published 2024-11-01
Innovative strategies and forward thinking on China’s digital maritime law enforcement
Wei Wang
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Electoral competition, electoral uncertainty and corruption: Theory and evidence from India
Farzana Afridi,Sourav Bhattacharya,A. Dhillon,Eilon Solan
Published 2024-11-01
Taking Control before the Grass Roots Does: State Government Action in the Implementation of the Community Action Program in Georgia, 1964–1969
Heleen Blommers
The Journal of southern history Published 2024-11-01
Article: Waking the Sleeping Lion: The China-Ecuador FTA and Its Implications
Eddy S. Astudillo Aguilar
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
S. Auerbach,Scm Roberts,L. Ralph,S. Kaller,R. SchroederMargaret M. Biggs
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Spanish seafood sector
Sebastián Villasante,A. Murillas,Pablo Pita,A. Tubío,J. Pascual-FernándezGuillherme ArangaoJ. MorantaMarta CollAndrés Ospina-AlvarezS. de JuanA. Ruiz-FrauR. PrellezoJosé María Da RochaJ. SteenbeekJavier SeijoM. PenninoGillian B. Ainsworth
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
The STEM leaky pipeline at labor market entry in Spain: The role of job competition and social origin
Manuel T. Valdés,Heike Solga
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
The corporate food regime in conflict zones: Armed violence and agriculture in the Zona de Reserva Campesina-Valle del Río Cimitarra, Colombia
J. Chohan
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Financial inclusion, integration, and stability asymmetries in the Mediterranean region
Simon Neaime,Isabelle Gaysset
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
The current policy focus shift from a sectoral to a territorial governance of wildfire reduction is aligned with forest owners’ preferences
M. Canadas,Miguel Leal,Ana Novais,P. F. Ribeiro,José Lima Santos
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Could Justice40 reproduce injustices in the critical mineral sector?
Aaron Malone,Raphael Deberdt,N.M. Smith,E. A. Holley
Published 2024-11-01
The tale of two sides in the 2019 anti-CAA protest—An analytical framework
Bhaskarjyoti Das,Krithika Ragothaman,Raghav T Kesari,Sudarshan T.S.B.
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights Published 2024-11-01
Decarbonising Swedish maritime transport: Scenario analyses of climate policy instruments
Lina Trosvik,Selma Brynolf
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Fairness revisionism: Reducing discrimination for the future reduces perceived unfairness in the past
Tito L. H. Grillo,Shuhan Yang,Adrian F. Ward
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Published 2024-11-01
Factors associated with human papillomavirus vaccination: Determining the effect of implicit and explicit racial bias and state laws around vaccination
S. Alimena,Stephanie Wu,Carmen Rodriguez Cabrera,Briana Joy K Stephenson,Sarah Feldman
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
‘I felt’: Intimate geographies of sentient diplomacy
Alun Jones
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Can science and technology resources co-evolve with high-tech industries? Empirical evidence from China
Ting Luo,Yongqing Zhang,Minggui Zheng,Sujiang Zheng,Yinyin Gong
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Caught in the net: Unravelling policy challenges and smuggling dynamics in Indonesia’s puerulus exploitation
Y. T. Adiputra,Suadi,Ayu Pratiwi,Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
The link between territorial capital and urban transformative capacity
Balázs István Tóth
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Fleeing a failing state: Self-selection, earnings, and migration costs
Federico Maggio
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Identifying the multiple nexus between geopolitical risk, energy resilience, and carbon emissions: Evidence from global data
Yanchao Feng,Yuxi Pan,Shan Lu,Jiaxin Shi
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Influence of citizen relationship management system on citizen participation in Taiwan: A participatory politics perspective
Wei-Ning Wu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Is making alternative? Rethinking development in Germany’s makerspaces
Danai Liodaki
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Are natural resources a blessing or a curse for renewable energy? Uncovering the role of regulatory quality and government effectiveness in mitigating the curse
Zequn Dong,Chaodan Tan,Wenxue Zhang,Lixiang Zhang,Lingran Zhang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Public perceptions and acceptance of artificial intelligence humanoid bots/robots: Evidence from Turkey
Ensar Çetin
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Relationship between teacher's ability model and students' behavior based on emotion-behavior relevance theory and artificial intelligence technology under the background of curriculum ideological and political education
Can Zhao,JianTong Yu
Learning and Motivation Published 2024-11-01
The dependence structures between geopolitical risks and energy prices: New evidence from regional heterogeneity and quantile-on-quantile perspective
Shuiyang Chen,Haibo Kuang,Bin Meng
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Evaluation of the potential of infrastructure funds: The case of inland waterways in Germany
Rebecca Wehrle,M. Wiens,F. Schultmann
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Etruscologia e ideologia nel XX secolo
Marie-Laurence Haack
Published 2024-11-01
Turning the ships around: The Russia-Ukraine conflict reshapes the US LNG maritime transportation network
Sheng Zhang,Liehui Wang,Adolf K.Y. Ng
Published 2024-11-01
Extractivism triggering new forms of governance for the rights of nature: The case of Northwest Ecuador
C. Coral,Tobias Plieninger,Stefan Sieber,V. Graw
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Recidivism, Labor Markets, and Prison Conditions: Evidence from Uruguay
Juan A. Bogliaccini,Gustavo A. Flores-Macías,Emiliano Tealde
World Development Published 2024-11-01
The Darkened Light of Faith: Race, Democracy, and Freedom in African American Political Thought by Melvin L. Rogers (review)
The Journal of southern history Published 2024-11-01
Effective law enforcement in gray zone operations: A Chinese perspective of coastguard law implementation in delimited maritime zones
Hong-Ming Cui,Khadija Zulfiqar
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Does conflict aggravate energy poverty?
Usman Khalid,M. Shafiullah,S. Chaudhry
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
“I feel free and comfortable”: The Escape the Corset Movement in South Korea and the question of women's agency
Gowoon Jung,Yaquan Liang,Hyunsook Lee
Published 2024-11-01
Carbon emission reduction initiatives: Lessons from the REDD+ process of the Asia and Pacific region
K. Aryal,T. Maraseni,Eak Rana,B. Subedi,Hari Krishna LaudariP. GhimireS. KhanalHan ZhangRamesh Timilsina
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the dynamic impact of the Northern Sea Route on China-Europe multimodal transportation competition in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative
Yutao Zhou,Zhenfu Li,Wei Duan
Published 2024-11-01
In pursuit of power: Land tenancy contracts and local political business cycles in Indonesia
Takashi Kurosaki,Saumik Paul,Firman Witoelar
Published 2024-11-01
Cultural norms and tax compliance: Evidence from China
Maoyong Cheng,Ziying Fan,Chen Feng,Binbin Tian
Published 2024-11-01
From Russia with Love: International Risk-sharing, Sanctions, and Firm Investments *
Kiet Tuan Duong,Luu Duc Toan Huynh,A. D. B. Phan,Nam T. Vu
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Doula Support as a Health Equity Strategy: Carving the Path Forward.
Holly L Horan
American Journal of Public Health Published 2024-11-01
To cut or not to cut: Deforestation policy under the shadow of foreign influence
Toke S. Aidt,Facundo Albornoz,Esther Hauk
Published 2024-11-01
The establishment, persistence, and scaling of marine community-based natural resource management in four coastal districts in Tanzania
Robert E. Katikiro,Shauna L. Mahajan,M. Medard
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
COVID-19 pandemic and competitive authoritarian regimes: Human rights and democracy in the Philippines and Nicaragua
S. Regilme,Kevin Parthenay
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Introduction to the special issue – Frontiers of property: promises, pitfalls, and ambivalences of ‘resurgent collectivisation’ in global land and resource governance
Connor Cavanagh,Adrian Nel
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Navigating the waves of change—Assessing the evolving landscape of China’s revised marine environmental protection law
Mehran Idris Khan,BingYing Dong,Qihao He,Moxin Liu
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Volatility spillovers between energy and agriculture markets during the ongoing food & energy crisis: Does uncertainty from the Russo-Ukrainian conflict matter?
D. Vo,Minh Phuoc-Bao Tran
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
An LADM-based profile for marine geo-regulation: A case study of China
Y. Zhuo,Zhongguo Xu,Guan Li,Xueqi Wang,Yang Chen
Published 2024-11-01
Where are the guns?
David B. Johnson,Joshua J. Robinson,Daniel C. Semenza,Alexi Thompson
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
K. White,W. Arey,A. Beasley,A. Chatillon,C. ChadwickA. Dane'elO. Leyser-WhalenT. Weitz
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Taxing the online haven: Impacts of the EU VAT reform on cross-border e-commerce
Chao Fang,Shuzhong Ma
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Semi-structured citizen science data reveal mixed effectiveness of EU Special Protection Areas (SPA) in Germany
F.J. Pflüger,C. Frank,M. Busch,J. Wahl,R. DröschmeisterC. SudfeldtJ. Kamp
Biological Conservation Published 2024-11-01
Decoding dependencies among the risk factors influencing maritime cybersecurity: Lessons learned from historical incidents in the past two decades
Massoud Mohsendokht,Huanhuan Li,Christos Kontovas,Chia-Hsun Chang,Zhuohua QuZaili Yang
Ocean Engineering Published 2024-11-01
Stay or leave? US-listed Chinese companies under financial decoupling push and the reshaping of global financial networks
Fenghua Pan,Cheng Fang,Yulan Guo
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Analyzing the impact of tax-based vs. rent-based funding on the effectiveness of environmental protection policies
Saeed Moshiri,A. Daneshmand
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Using composite indicators and city dashboards to promote place-based policy interventions
Patrick Ballantyne,Alex Singleton
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Cycles-specific benefits of smart transport for sustainable investing: Global and regional perspectives with different ethical paradigms
Mahdi Ghaemi Asl,Pu-yan Nie,Cyrus Charkh
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Critical Inclusiveness: Prejudice, principles, and the social acceptance of Muslim minorities
M. Dangubić,M. Verkuyten,Tobias H. Stark
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Rights for nature or protecting people’s rights?: The operationalization of rights of nature in non-indigenous communities in the United States
Ellen Kohl
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Renewable energy communities: Democratically legitimate agents in governing the energy transition?
Nenya Jochemsen,Heleen L. P. Mees,Sanne Akerboom
Published 2024-11-01
A conceptual typology of energy citizenship
Ariane Debourdeau,Martina Schäfer,B. Pel,René Kemp,E. Vadovics
Published 2024-11-01
Can race be replaced? Ecology and race categorization
Oliver Sng,Krystina A. Boyd-Frenkel,K. Williams
Evolution and human behavior Published 2024-11-01
Strategy towards sustainable energy transition: The effect of policy uncertainty, environmental technology and natural resources rent in the OECD nations
Buhari Doğan,Lan Khanh Chu,Rabeh Khalfaoui,Sudeshna Ghosh,Muhammad Shahbaz
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Does board ethnic diversity mitigate bankruptcy risk?
Eunho Cho,Mohammad Hashemi Joo
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Walking the tightrope: How does corporate advocacy for controversial social issues catalyze change or spark backlash?
Sang-Eun Byun,Manveer Mann
Public Relations Review Published 2024-11-01
Doing nothing is no solution: Coastal erosion management in Guardamar del Segura (Spain)
Ignacio Toledo,J. Pagán,Luis Aragonés,Manuel Benito Crespo
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
A slow and deceitful path to decarbonization? Critically assessing corporate climate disclosure as central tool of soft climate governance
Thomas Frisch
Published 2024-11-01
Does usage scenario matter? Investigating user perceptions, attitude and support for policies towards ChatGPT
Wenjia Yan,Bo Hu,Yu-li Liu,Changyan Li,Chuling Song
Information Processing & Management Published 2024-11-01
Examining the impact of mineral export controls on sustainable energy transition in the global south
Linna Han,Xihui Haviour Chen,Yong Wang,Yen Hai Hoang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Investigating the impact of proactive crisis response orientation on adaptive performance: The roles of strategic learning and digitization
Wenna Feng,Ruyue Liu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Seizing a venue linking opportunity: China’s strategy to advance its sea cucumber interests in global environmental governance
Annie Young Song,Hubert Cheung
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Australia’s jurisdiction and law enforcement in combating IUU fishing in the Southern Ocean
Miaomiao Yin,Sen Wang
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
The impact of monitoring on politicians’ attendance: Evidence from the Swiss Upper House
Katharina E. Hofer,Mariana Lopes da Fonseca
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Computing Through Time: Intelligence Failures
E. Akleman
Computer Published 2024-11-01
Temporal injustice in Germany's coal compromise: Industrial legacy, social exclusion, and political delay
Jeremias Herberg,Victoria Luh,Ortwin Renn
Published 2024-11-01
Identifying suitable policy instruments to promote nature-based solutions in urban plans
Davide Longato,Chiara Cortinovis,M. Balzan,Davide Geneletti
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Localising The Global Goal on Adaptation through intersectional thinking
A. T. Amorim-Maia,Marta Olazabal
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Drivers of local government borrowing in China: Fiscal hunger and competition game under asymmetric decentralization
Yuanshuo Xu,Jiahe Liang,Yan Wu
Applied Geography Published 2024-11-01
Corruption and supply-side economics
Wilbur John Coleman
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Published 2024-11-01
The political economy of energy transitions in Africa: Coalitions, politics and power in Tanzania
Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen,Japhace Poncian
Published 2024-11-01
Article: Assessing the Impact of Corruption on Taxpayer Perceptions of Fairness: Insights from SMEs in Uganda
F. Nyende
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
The impossible trinity: Competitive markets, free entry, and efficiency
Halvor Mehlum,G. Natvik,Ragnar Torvik
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Do climate policy uncertainty and geopolitical risk transmit opportunity or threat to the green market? Evidence from non-linear ARDL
S. Gyamerah,Henry Ofoe Agbi-Kaiser,L. Gil-Alana
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
A comparative analysis of policies and strategies supporting district heating expansion and decarbonisation in Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom – Lessons for slow adopters of district heating
Daniela Salite,Ying Miao,Ed Turner
Published 2024-11-01
Can Korea maintain environmental standards? The implications of shifting EIA review privileges to ministerial affiliates
Tae Ho Ro
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
Testing the theory of normative social behavior in Italy and the USA during COVID-19
R. Liu,Ying Cheng,Alice Fanari
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
How Science Upstaged Climate Denial: A play celebrates the agreement that opened nations worldwide to accepting the science of climate change.
Ben Santer
Scientific American Published 2024-11-01
An improbable driver of “just transitions”? Union power in the coal heartland of Western Australia‘s energy shift
Caleb Goods,B. Ellem
Published 2024-11-01
When does criminal victimization undermine generalized trust? A weighted panel analysis of the effects of crime type, frequency, and variety
Florian Kaiser,D. Oberwittler,Isabel Thielmann,Kristian Kleinke,Noah Greifer
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Taking the car out of the countryside: Understanding opposition to climate policy in rural Finland
Eva Heiskanen,K. Matschoss,Jenny Rinkinen,Taru Pyrhönen
Published 2024-11-01
Jericho, Palestine: From pilgrims to gamblers, a global oasis city always ‘on the map’
Marco Chitti,Sarah Moser
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling inequality: A deep dive into racial and gender disparities in US court case closures
Y. Takefuji
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Urban sustainable development goals and ecosystem services: Pathways to achieving coordination
Zhenhua Qiao,Xinyi Xu,Weitao Zou,Yingli Huang
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Projected effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on global forest products markets
Prakash Nepal,Austin Lamica,Rajan Parajuli
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
World Development Published 2024-11-01
The financial sustainability of public services as an instrument to combat depopulation in small and medium-sized municipalities
Laura Alcaide Muñoz,Andrés Navarro Galera,Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Clean energy ship application to promote carbon neutrality in global maritime industry: State governance or international supervision?
Jia Shi,Jianghao Xu,Jihong Chen,Jun Ye,Mengcheng ZhuQuande QinShaorui ZhouYinuo LiuYuan Xiang
Published 2024-11-01
From centralization to decentralization: Evolution of forest policies and their implications on mangrove management in Kenya
Anne Kairu,R. Mbeche,K. Kotut,James Kairo
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Asymmetric spillovers and resilience in physical and financial assets amid climate policy uncertainties: Evidence from China
Guo Wu,Guoheng Hu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Territorialising knowledge-policy interfaces: Lessons from urban food governance spaces
Tanya Zerbian,Ana Moragues-Faus,Daniel López-García,Lidia García-García
Published 2024-11-01
Non-linear effects of three core mineral resources, energy uncertainty, and inclusive digitalization on economic growth: A comparative analysis of US and China
Ziming Zhao,Jinyu Chen
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Reflections on the settlement of fisheries disputes between the EU-UK in the post-Brexit era: Lessons for China’s fishery enforcement disputes settlement
Jiaxin Zhu,Qi Xu
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
The time-varying impact of geopolitical risks on financial stress in China: A TVP-VAR analysis
Fanyi Wang,Weiwei Zhang,Du Zhang
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Echoes of the Past: The Enduring Impact of Communism on Contemporary Freedom of Speech Values
Milena Nikolova,Olga Popova
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Neoliberalism, colonialism, and systemic barriers to citizen participation in environmental assessment processes in Latin America: The case of Puerto Rico
Gustavo García-López,William McCormick-Rivera
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
Land use and environmental degradation in the island state of Mauritius: Governance and problem conceptions
Xavier G.H. Koenig,P. Deenapanray
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Multifunctional evaluation and multiscenario regulation of non-grain farmlands from the grain security perspective: Evidence from the Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China
Dan Huang,Yanchi Lu,Yaolin Liu,Yanfang Liu,Zhao TongLijun XingChao Dou
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Common but differentiated? Policymakers’ priorities of social acceptance for expanding hydrogen refueling stations in Japan and Korea
Seong Bin Pak,Youhyun Lee
International journal of hydrogen energy Published 2024-11-01
Resolving Lawsuits with a Decisive Oath: An Economic Analysis
Metin M. Coşgel,Thomas J. Miceli,Emre Özer
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Sustainable transportation in fragmented governance settings: The case of Washington, DC
Petronella Kigochi
Cities Published 2024-11-01
E. Dindinger,RH Cohen,WB Allshouse,J. Sheeder
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Do African countries avoid the curse of natural resources on social cohesion?
P. C. Tsopmo,Salim Ahmed Mbouombouo Vessah,Valentine Soumtang Bime,Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Resource rents, ethnic fractionalization and redistributive public sector employment
Achtee Al Yussef
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Are there Marshallian industrial districts in Portugal? revisiting the canello and pavone algorithm
João Leitão,Joaquim Ferreira,Dina Pereira
Published 2024-11-01
New evidence on the underrepresentation of Asian Americans in leadership positions
Maria Zhu
Published 2024-11-01
Policy Note: Special Taxes for Special Times? A Critical Analysis of Fiscal Crisis Responses with an Earmarking Feature in the Context of EU Law
Johanna Stark
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
Tourism metagovernance and the role of the state: Insights from post-blast Beirut
Nour El Alam,Arie Stoffelen,Leonieke Bolderman,Peter Groote
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Who is likely to have illegal eel products after the market regulations? A best-worst scaling approach
Kota Mameno,Chia-Hsuan Hsu,Takahiro Tsuge,A. Onuma,Takahiro Kubo
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
South Africa's Digital Transformation: Understanding the Limits of Traditional Policies and the Potential of Alternative Approaches
Senka Hadzic
Computer Law and Security Review Published 2024-11-01
Debt as catalyst: Empowering renewable energy in developing countries
Deepak Kushawaha,Manisha Jain
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Checkpoints, competing ‘sovereignties’, and everyday life in Iraq
Dylan O’Driscoll,Omran Omer Ali,R. Armia
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
COVID-19 migrant returnees, access to land, and subsistence under uncertain times in Karen State, Myanmar
Peter Swift,Saw Eh Htoo,Saw Min Klay,Henri Rueff
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
A corruption dilemma
James Ahloy,Rebecca Gilland,John R. Hamman
Published 2024-11-01
Multiple just transitions? A study of how a just transition is envisioned in Poland
Ekaterina Tarasova
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Are politicians more generous? Evidence from charitable giving
Rune J. Sørensen
Published 2024-11-01
The influence of Soviet ideology on the murals created in the former Soviet Union's member states during the period (1922 – 1991).
Shimaa Taher Ahmed
Published 2024-11-01
Land revenue and government myopia: Evidence from Chinese cities
Xiao Tang,Wenjie Wang,Weixing Liu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Partners in Gatekeeping: How Italy Shaped U.S. Immigration Policy over Ten Pivotal Years, 1891–1901 by Lauren Braun-Strumfels (review)
The Journal of southern history Published 2024-11-01
S. Pickering,M. Manze,JV Lazarus,D. Romero
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Integrating health into the European Union Migrant and Asylum Pact: a call to action
Angelo Farina,Doris Zjalic,F. Famà,Sara Laura Ferrari,Andrea GoriMario Raviglione
Published 2024-11-01
Falling sideways? Social status and the true nature of elite downward mobility
Robert de Vries
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Climate shocks, regional favoritism and trust in leaders: Insights from droughts in Africa
Pelle Ahlerup,Aksel Sundström,Sverker C. Jagers,Martin Sjöstedt
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Could deep-sea mining sustain sustainability? The international seabed authority and the UN 2030 agenda
Aistė Klimašauskaitė,Laura Elisabet Drivdal,Håkon Larsen,C. Nedelciu
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
The remaking of social property and wind energy trajectories in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico
Gerardo A. Torres Contreras
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Public trust and support for government technology: Survey insights about Singapore's smart city policies
Kris Hartley,Austin Aldag
Cities Published 2024-11-01
A. Chatillon,W. Arey,K. Lerma,G. Alemán,J. DraperA. BeasleyK. White
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Territorialising the cloud or clouding the territory? Volumetric vulnerabilities and the militarised conjunctures of Singapore’s smart city-state
Orlando Woods,Tim Bunnell,Lily Kong
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Perspectives on inequalities in social science research and environmental sustainability in India
Smriti Das
Published 2024-11-01
From Earthquake Preparedness to Urban Renewal: unveiling the forces behind Israel's national master plan (TAMA 38) transformation
Ravit Hananel,Moshe Shamai
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Intuitionistic fuzzy Sugeno-Weber decision framework for sustainable digital security assessment
Abrar Hussain,Kifayat Ullah,D. Pamučar,Vladimir Simić
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Published 2024-11-01
Land financialization and gentrification: evidence from China
Yinxin Su,Song Shi,Mingzhi Hu,Yuzhe Wu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Can the construction of smart cities promote the capital allocation efficiency: Evidence from China
Shuhui Cui,Guangqin Li,Jiashu Liu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Knowledge popularization in a technocratic-populist context, or how the Israeli state shaped media coverage of large-scale urban plans
Jesse Fox,Talia Margalit
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Hidden effects and externalities of electric vehicles
M. Haghani,Hadi Ghaderi,David Hensher
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
The Political Transformation of David Tod: Governing Ohio during the Height of the Civil War by Joseph Lambert Jr. (review)
The Journal of southern history Published 2024-11-01
Article: Green Subsidies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Mihai I.V
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
Stepping forward with ease: Government debt governance as a catalyst for entrepreneurship
Chuantao Cui,Yinhao Yang,Huanhui Gan,Jie Dong
Finance Research Letters Published 2024-11-01
Mining industry development, enforcement intensity of security policy and intra-city development disparity
Jing Liu,Xiao Dan Wang
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Cropland non-agriculturalization caused by the expansion of built-up areas in China during 1990–2020
Xiaoran Wu,Na Zhao,Yuwei Wang,Liqiang Zhang,Wei WangYansui Liu
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the influence of need for closure on anti-immigrants collective actions: The mediating role of binding moral foundations and desired cultural tightness
Laura Prislei,M. Marini,Gabriele Di Cicco,Chiara Parisse,Stefano Livi
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Article: Green Regionalism: US Strategies to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals
Arnav Sharma,Ashutosh Kashyap
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
Does self-containment of spatial scale and land use function contribute to mitigate urban heat island effects? Lessons from new towns in Shanghai
Meizi You,ChengHe Guan
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Interpreting NIMBY as movements claiming participatory planning in the context of refugee camps’ siting: A comparative case study in two Greek regions
Alexandra Makridou,Ioannis Frangopoulos,Nikos Kapitsinis
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Temporalities in spatial narratives about war ruins in Mostar
Matheus Souza
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
When and where we are: Comparing early criminal careers of organized crime offenders in Italy and the Netherlands across decades
Francesco Calderoni,Tommaso Comunale,Victor van der Geest,E. Kleemans
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
E. Lantos,LS Benson,R. Sangara,P. Garza,M. Pearlman ShapiroBT Nguyen
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Balancing through agglomeration: A third path to sustainable development between common prosperity and carbon neutrality in China
Mengxue Zhao,Hon S. Chan
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Energy poverty in African countries: An assessment of trends and policies
W. Leal Filho,Andrea Gatto,Ayyoob Sharifi,A. Sálvia,Zeus GuevaraS. AwoniyiCarelle Mang-BenzaCosmos Nike NweduDinesh SurroopKevin Ovita TeddyUsman MuhammadVictoria R. NaluleIzael da Silva
Published 2024-11-01
A risk-informed and performance-based approach to defining prevention and mitigation
Karl N. Fleming,Edward G. Wallace,Amir Afzali
Nuclear Engineering and Design Published 2024-11-01
Business disruptions due to social vulnerability and criminal activities in urban areas
Nick Drydakis
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Explaining strategic disinterment: Forensics and the reconstruction of the missing in Cyprus
Maria Mikellide,Romanos Lyritsas,Nikandros Ioannidis,Iosif Kovras
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
How to implement the 2023 IMO GHG strategy? Insights on the importance of combining policy instruments and on the role of uncertainty
Laurence Cret,Marc Baudry,Frédéric Lantz
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Endogenous reorganization: Status, productivity & meritocratic dynamics
Ashutosh Thakur,Jonathan Bendor
Published 2024-11-01
The forest-water-nexus: A narrative construction of the (ir-)relevance of cooperation
Sabeth Häublein,Tanja Granzow
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Review forum
Olivia Mason,Jagjeet Lally,Tina Harris,Tim Oakes,A. Rippa
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Unlocking the potential of natural resources, fintech and fiscal policy for carbon neutrality; evidence from N-11 nations
Shaohuai Feng,Mohd Wira Mohd Shafiei,T. F. Ng,Jie Ren
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Challenging the negative perceptions of key stakeholders towards aquaculture sector in Egypt: Evidence-based solutions
Mahmoud M. Abdel-Hady,Thanaa El-Noby,A. Nasr-Allah,S. Hashem,Zeinab M. Abdel-KhalekShaimaa M. HaggagAbdel-Fattah M. El-Sayed
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Assessing performance and disparities in China’s land finance transition: Insights from neo-liberalism and neo-Marxism
Yihao Zhang,Yong Liu,Qiaoran Yang,Wenze Yue
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Collective cyber situational awareness in EU. A political project of difficult legal realisation?
Federico Serini
Computer Law and Security Review Published 2024-11-01
A data-driven Bayes approach for investigating International Safety Management Code-sourced detention of ships in Port State Controls
Bunyamin Kamal,Abdullah Altunışık
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Does the shipping alliance aggravate or alleviate container shipping market volatility
Shiyuan Zheng,Kun Wang,Kangyin Dong,Yulai Wan,Xiaowen Fu
Published 2024-11-01
“For whoever has will be given more”? Land rental decisions and technical efficiency in Ukraine
V. Kvartiuk,E. Bukin,Thomas Herzfeld
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Dialectics of perception and imagination: Embodied politics of atmosphere in Xiqiao Road, Nanjing
Weitao Wang,Min Zhang,Peipei Chen,Xiaoxu Chen
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Roe v. Wade and sex balancing
Yichu Li
Economics Letters Published 2024-11-01
Veto players and gun violence in drug markets: Analysis based on field observations of eighty drug-selling spots on the Westside of Chicago
Patrick J. Burke
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Adoption of Chinese cars and the shift to electric vehicles: Early evidence from Norway
Johannes Mauritzen
Transport Policy Published 2024-11-01
Early knowledge but delays in climate actions: An ecocide case against both transnational oil corporations and national governments
Stephan J. Hauser,Tere Vadén,Michiru Nagatsu,Franklin Obeng-Odoom,Jussi T. Eronen
Published 2024-11-01
The Sea in Sea Rescue: Conceptualising solidarity with maritime migrants
Antje Scharenberg,Peter Rees
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Vote in November for Science: Kamala Harris has plans to improve health, boost the economy and mitigate climate change. Donald Trump has threats and a dangerous record.
The Editors
Scientific American Published 2024-11-01
The Political Economy of Currency Unions
Kai Arvai
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Environmental statecraft and changing spatial politics: Erhai Lake protection in China
Yi Feng,Fulong Wu,Fangzhu Zhang
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Understanding the role of physical spaces in social de-segregations: Spatial lessons from Kerala and Northern Ireland
S. Harikrishnan,John Doyle
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Exploring interventions for improving rural digital governance performance: A simulation study of the data-driven institutional pressure transmission mechanism
Yuan Liu,Shu Xi,June Wei,Xuan Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Article: A Hamiltonian Moment for EU Taxation?
G. Bizioli
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
Article: Mirroring Comparative Fiscal Federalism to Design the EU Revenue Side
Ricardo García Antón
Intertax Published 2024-11-01
Do Community Needs Affect the Decision to Volunteer? The Case of Refugees in Germany
Annalisa Tassi
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Association between ambient air pollution and respiratory health in Kampala, Uganda: Implications for policy and practice
Gabriel Okello,Rebecca Nantanda,L. Tatah,Richard Sserunjogi,Olatunji JohnsonB. AwokolaDeo OkureM. ThondooPaul GreenOpeyemi BabajideTolu Oni
Urban Climate Published 2024-11-01
How fiscally autonomous are local governments? An empirical test
Nicola Mauri
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
The Economic Consequences of Being Widowed by War: A Life-Cycle Perspective
S. T. Braun,Jan Stuhler
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
Interplays between the BBNJ Agreement and the Antarctic Treaty System on the Southern Ocean bioprospecting
Jinpeng Wang,Xiaohan Sun
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Urban governance and participatory planning in organizing and planning trade fairs. The case of Thessaloniki trade fair
D. Kourkouridis,I. Frangopoulos,Nikos Kapitsinis
Cities Published 2024-11-01
From policy to practice: The role of national policy instruments and social barriers in UK energy efficiency adoption in households
Cristina Peñasco
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
What Are the Priorities of Bureaucrats? Evidence From Conjoint Experiments With Procurement Officials
Janne Tukiainen,Sebastian Blesse,A. Bohne,Leonardo M. Giuffrida,Jan JääskeläinenAri LuukinenAntti Sieppi
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
MH Smith,A. Underwood,E. Warren,A. Norris Turner,M. Gallo
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Science is not enough: The role of legitimacy in the governance of marine activities
A. Schadeberg,Judith van Leeuwen,Rolf A. Groeneveld,M. Kraan
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Early warning system on harmful aquatic organisms at a regional sea scale: Components and mechanisms
Greta Srėbalienė,M. Lehtiniemi,H. Ojaveer,S. Gollasch,Okko OutinenManuel Sala PerezAleksas NarsciusS. Olenin
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Do auditors care about firm-level political risk?
Chen Ma,Tu Xu,Jian Zhou,Siqi Fan
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Published 2024-11-01
The sharing economy and urban crime
Bryan S. Weber
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Paving the road to re-election
Camille Boudot-Reddy,André Butler
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Climate policy uncertainty and urban green total factor productivity: Evidence from China
Zhifeng Dai,Haoyang Zhu
International Review of Financial Analysis Published 2024-11-01
Breaking barriers, building resilience: Leveraging knowledge to mitigate energy vulnerability in Africa
Hervé Kaffo Fotio,Sezard Timbi,Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguéa
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
The Credibility Thesis, a decade onwards: A review of the theoretical field, findings and future
Peter Ho,Jaap Zevenbergen,Rong Tan
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
An Infrastructural Brussels Effect: The translation of EU Law into the UK's digital borders
Gavin Sullivan,Dimitri Van Den Meerssche
Published 2024-11-01
Race-blind admissions, school segregation, and student outcomes
Jason Cook
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Reassessing the process-based model: Do procedural justice and police legitimacy lead to reporting neighborhood problems to the police over time?
Kiseong Kuen
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Resource curse, energy consumption, and moderating role of digital governance: Insights from South Asian countries
Feng Wang,Tayyaba Rani,Asif Razzaq
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Can the energy conservation and emission reduction demonstration city policy enhance urban domestic waste control? Evidence from 283 cities in China
Qingshan Ma,Yuanmeng Zhang,Feng Hu,Haiyan Zhou
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Mixed feelings. Changing group-based emotions explain the decline in collective action for Ukrainian refugees
Paulina Górska,Maciej R. Górski,Maria Mirucka,Miki Wesołowska
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
The role of land market in shaping farmland abandonment in post-Soviet Armenia
M. Gorgan,M. Bavorova,Ayat Ullah,A. Prishchepov
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Standardization versus Situatedness: A Gray Literature Metasynthesis of How Guidance for Alaska’s Water Infrastructure Management Varies by Government Level
Nicola Ritsch,M. LaPatin,L. Spearing,D. Armanios,Leif AlbertsonLynn E. KatzK. Faust
Journal of water resources planning and management Published 2024-11-01
Inequality and the eroding base of liberal democracy
Sang Kyung Lee
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Embedding spatial planning in contemporary multi-level governance: The sustainability entanglement
Hudu Banikoi,Francis Dakyaga,P. Cobbinah
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Should I Stay (in School) or Should I Go (to Work)
Lee Tyrrell-Hendry
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
A lack of understanding: Unpacking the transformative power of women's anger in politics
Hailey E. Murphy
Published 2024-11-01
Size isn't everything: Understanding the relationship between police workforce and crime problems
Eon Kim,K. Bowers,Dan Birks,Shane Johnson
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Multilateral collaborative governance of Arctic shipping safety: Examining the impact of the Arctic Council via collaborative network analysis
Xiaoxue Ma,Jianqi Zhang,Qiaoling Du,Weiliang Qiao
Published 2024-11-01
Unlocking the impact of international financial support to infrastructure, energy efficiency, and ICT on CO2 emissions in India
Oktay Özkan,M. A. Destek,D. Balsalobre-lorente,Parisa Esmaeili
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Community-driven informal settlement upgrading as an everyday practice: The role of urban and governance policies
Haruka Ono,Uwamahoro Adrien
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Government in the digital age: Exploring the impact of digital transformation on governmental efficiency
Cunyi Yang,Mingrui Gu,Khaldoon Albitar
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Energy transition at the crossroads of energy depletion and environmental policy stringency: Energy policy framework for energy giants in the indo-pacific belt
Yongming Huang,Mohammad Razib Hossain,Mohammad Haseeb
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
The politics of knowledge in black carbon mitigation: Policy entrepreneurship of Finnish actors and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (R2)
Pami Aalto,Anna Claydon
Published 2024-11-01
Repel or attract? Effects of urban digital infrastructure on labor migration: Evidence from urban China
Su Zhang,Yan Xia,Huijuan Wang,Jiaofeng Pan,Gongming Lv
Cities Published 2024-11-01
How does policy information shape its adoption? A citation analysis of large-scale energy policies in China
Leilei Liu,Zhichao Ba,Lei Pei
Published 2024-11-01
The Metaverse impact on the politics means
Matías Mascitti
Computer Law and Security Review Published 2024-11-01
The Effect of Recent Technological Change on US Immigration Policy
Björn Brey
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
OL Thornton,IR Fulcher,J. Ospina,P. Kumar,H. DismerM. LandeauAB GoldbergE. Janiak
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Envisioning “new forests” on abandoned farmland in Russia: A discourse analysis of a controversy
Alexander Vorbrugg,Mariia Fatulaeva,Denis Dobrynin
Published 2024-11-01
Urban inequality and the social function of land value capture: The credibility thesis, financing tools and planning in Latin America
Oscar Perez-Moreno
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Can the constitutional concentration of power be linked to Africa's energy poverty?
Hermann Ndoya,Brice Kamguia,Tii N. Nchofoung
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Contextualizing Personal Information: Privacy's Post-Neoliberal Constitutionalism and Its Heterogeneous Imperfections in China
Wayne Wei Wang
Computer Law and Security Review Published 2024-11-01
Are we on the same page? Understanding value similarity and its impact on public trust in institutions of the energy sector
Gonzalo Palomo‐Vélez,G. Perlaviciute,N. Contzen,L. Steg
Published 2024-11-01
Reducing information overload in e-participation: A data-driven prioritization framework for policy-makers
M. Lega,Benito Giunta,Lhorie Pirnay,Anthony Simonofski,C. Burnay
Published 2024-11-01
Robots and immigration
Katja Mann,Dario Pozzoli
Published 2024-11-01
Privacy policy analysis: A scoping review and research agenda
Karl van der Schyff,Suzanne Prior,Karen Renaud
Computers & security Published 2024-11-01
The influence of externality in the graph model for conflict resolution under fuzzy preferences
Xuemei Li,Junwen Xu,Yufeng Zhao,Benshuo Yang
Applied Soft Computing Published 2024-11-01
Community-Based Monitoring as an Early Warning System: Detecting and Countering Risks in Government-Driven COVID-19 Responses
Nimesh Dhungana,Flora Cornish
Natural Hazards Review Published 2024-11-01
Agenda-setting and policy leadership for municipal climate change adaptation
Nina Rogers,Vanessa M. Adams,Jason A. Byrne
Published 2024-11-01
New evidence on international postdocs in the US: Less pay, different experiences
S. Kahn,Megan J. MacGarvie
Research Policy Published 2024-11-01
Towards growth-driven environmentalism: The green energy transition and local state in China
Weishen Zeng
Published 2024-11-01
Shifting power dynamics and decision-making on U.S. National Forests: Oregon forest collaboratives in the era of social forestry
Kailey Kornhauser,Reem Hajjar
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-11-01
Long Covid is a significant health crisis in China too
Z. Al‐Aly
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific Published 2024-11-01
Energy transition in OECD countries: Catalyzing governance quality for SDG 7 attainment
Muhammad Sheraz,Quande Qin,Muhammad Zubair Mumtaz
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Managing conflicts of interest in the financial media: Evidence from a natural experiment in China
Y. Ru,Jian Xue,Qian Zhang
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Published 2024-11-01
The politics of pro-migrant volunteering: Exploring the role of pro-migrant volunteering in the local migration governance
Maurizio Artero
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Fiscal Oversight in Ptolemaic Egypt: Examining the Supervisory Role of the Ἐπακολουθοῦντες
Haytham A. Qandeil
IWNW Published 2024-11-01
A. Rashid,K. Patel,M. Wood,C. Chuang
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
How the energy procurement switching strategies (driven by the Russia-Ukraine conflict) impact the global sustainability? The global sustainability dashboard
Michele De Nicolò,Luca Fraccascia,P. Pontrandolfo
Ecological Economics Published 2024-11-01
How to build a powerline: Fast policies for decarbonization, the slow work of public participation, and the profitability of energy capital
Maddy Kroot
Published 2024-11-01
Article: Artificial Intelligence and International Trade from a Latin American Perspective
Manuel Quindimil
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
Policy options to address the effectiveness of health service management graduates in solving Iranian health system challenges: a mixed scoping review and policy Delphi approach
Mohsen Masoumian Hosseini,Alireza Koohpaei,Hossein Ebrahimipour,Seyedeh Toktam Masoumian Hosseini
EClinicalMedicine Published 2024-11-01
Different patterns of national innovation under COVID-19: The moderating role of culture
Ling Liu,Hang Zheng,Yiwan Peng,Feng Zhu,Ting Xue
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
The European Union-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement as a tool for environmentally sustainable land use governance
Susan E.M. Cesar de Oliveira,Jaqueline C. Visentin,Bruna F. Pavani,Paulo D. Branco,Marcello de MariaRafael Loyola
Published 2024-11-01
Factors influencing ship detentions: Pre- and post-pandemic analysis
Qingyue Deng,Zheng Wan,Jihong Chen
Published 2024-11-01
Exemplar-based ingroup projection: The superordinate national category is associated more strongly with ingroup than outgroup political leaders
Adi Amit,I. Liviatan,Sari Mentser,Eitan Venzhik,Yuval KarmelT. Moran
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Health Policy Published 2024-11-01
Digital economy and economic competitive pressure on local governments: Evidence from China
Yongming Miao,Yaokuang Li,Yanrui Wu
Economic Modelling Published 2024-11-01
D. Foster,E. Gonzalez,L. Ralph,C. Rocca
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
M. Fuerst,A. Mandelbaum,E. Nacev,M. Rodriguez
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Eleonor Marcussen, Acts of Aid: Politics of Relief and Reconstruction in the 1934 Bihar-Nepal Earthquake
Vipul Singh
Environmental History Published 2024-11-01
Inner Mongolian poetry and song as a form of resistance
Jesse Segura,Filka Sekulova
Political Geography Published 2024-11-01
Smart cities in Jordan: Challenges and barriers
Yazn Alshamaila,S. Papagiannidis,Hamad I. Alsawalqah
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Article: Redefining Global Trade: The Interplay of Geopolitics, Economic Resilience, and Sustainability?
Alexandre Aubard,Garphil Julien
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
Article: The Contribution of the Canadian-European Partnership to the Integration of Sustainable Development Issues into the Multilateral Trading System
Antoine Comont
Global Trade and Customs Journal Published 2024-11-01
Blessing or bane: The absence of a leader, political selection, and economic growth
Maoyong Cheng,Yu Meng,Muyang Zhang
Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Problematizing post-normal science in the Global South
Francisco Orozco-Meléndez,Jaime Paneque-Gálvez,Zora Kovacic
Published 2024-11-01
“We can't be too saintly”: Why members of parliament in the United Kingdom are reluctant to lead by example with low-carbon behaviour
Steve Westlake,Christina Demski,N. Pidgeon
Published 2024-11-01
Rethinking energy materialities in the shadow of Russia's war on Ukraine
Margarita Balmaceda,Per Högselius,Corey Johnson,Heiko Pleines,Douglas RogersVeli-pekka Tynkkynen
Published 2024-11-01
A RIS-framework for capturing ‘resonance’ as a critical element for promoting Social Innovations
Anna Herzog,Angelika Krehl
Published 2024-11-01
“Feeling like” upholding conservative politics: The material and affective dimensions of women's support for AKP
Deniz Berfin Ayaydin
Published 2024-11-01
Strengthening common property rights institutions in Liberia: Quasi-experimental evidence on customary governance and equity effects
Alexandra C. Hartman,Heather Huntington,Kate Marple-Cantrell,Adi Greif,Caleb Stevens
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Coastal and Marine Management – Navigating islands of data
Helen Murray O’Connor,J. A. G. Cooper
Marine Policy Published 2024-11-01
Invisibilization of the unwanted Others? Feminist, queer, and postcolonial perspectives on the 1951 Refugee Convention’s drafting
Ulrike Krause
Published 2024-11-01
Navigating restrictions: External funding and WPS implementation
Doris Asante
Published 2024-11-01
A perspective on emerging energy policy and economic research agenda for enabling aviation climate action
Rubal Dua,Andres Felipe Guzman
Published 2024-11-01
Asymmetric effects of EU cohesion policy on EU regional growth: The role of macroeconomic uncertainty
Mehmet Pinar,B. Karahasan
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Published 2024-11-01
Orderly and synergistic development of urban-rural integration based on evolutionary game model: A case study in the Jiangxi Province, China
Chao Zhang,Yupeng Fan,Chuanglin Fang
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Navigating Diverse Agency Priorities in Emergency Management: A Framework for Hazard Mitigation
Ronnie E. Hill,Davis C. Loose,DeAndre A. Johnson,Stacy McKinley,J. YusufLeigh M. ChapmanThomas L. PolmateerBarry C. EzellJames H. Lambert
Natural Hazards Review Published 2024-11-01
Beyond the bench: LGBTQ+ health equity after India’s “no same-sex marriage” verdict
Sofía Weiss Goitiandía,Akhilesh Agarwal,Smita C. Banerjee,N. Bhoo-Pathy,Chandan BoseM. ChittemRoop GursahaniL. RamakrishnanSmriti RanaNaveen SalinsMalar Velli SegarmurthyAashiana ThiyamWilliam E. Rosa
The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia Published 2024-11-01
Geopolitical Risks’ Spillovers Across Countries and on Commodity Markets: A Dynamic Analysis
Giulio Palomba,Marco Tedeschi
Energy RESEARCH LETTERS Published 2024-10-31
Societal Adaptation to Pandemic Challenges: Analysing the Role of Local Governance and Healthcare Systems in Madhya Pradesh
Ashish Pyasi
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology Published 2024-10-31
Ruslan Skrynkovskyy
International scientific journal Internauka Series Juridical Sciences Published 2024-10-31
Terrorism in Nigeria: Exploring the causes and the rise of Boko Haram
Charlene Charmwakat Makai
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
Unlocking futures: Policy solutions to address the challenge of out-of-school children in Nigeria – spotlight on Oyo State
Victoria Olohigocho Omachi,Salif Mangane,Karimot Odebode,Chernor A Diallo
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
A comprehensive survey of cybercrimes in India over the last decade
Sudhanshu Sekhar Tripathy
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
Accessing the Impact of Policy Reforms on the Rights to Education: A Comparative Study of Emerging and Developed Economies (Nigeria and the U.S. )
Jacob O. Sule
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
The role of Nigeria in the regional integration process in west Africa (1975 - 2023): Case study of Ecowas
Temitope Samuel Moses
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
Effectiveness of government policy interventions towards enhancing access to pre-primary and primary education by street children in North Rift Kenya
Paul K Lagat,Lelan Joseph,Saina Shadrack
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Beyond security failures: The complexities of addressing Boko haram in Nigeria
Charlene Charmwakat Makai,Ayoola Babatunde Fadola,Damilola Bartholomew Sholademi
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Public perception on police effectiveness and accountability in Nigeria: Insights into crime prevention and control
Esther C. Nwachukwu,Imuetiyan R. Adeyemo,Ohita Princess Asije,Gbemisola Odejide,Diana Oboite Uwaila
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Exploring sustainable health financing strategies in humanitarian settings: Challenges, innovations and efforts towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage
Ernest Chinedu Okoli,Saidu Malgwi Hassan,Nelyn Akunna Okoye,Peter kenechukwu Agbo,Asanya ChinyereChidimma Anthonia Azike
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Global policy harmonization in creative commons licensing: A roadmap for balancing creator and user rights
Onoriode Reginald Aziza,Portia Oduro,Ngodoo Joy Sam-Bulya,Ngozi Samuel Uzougbo
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates Published 2024-10-30
Challenges in implementing renewable energy initiatives in Pakistan
Muhammad Nouman Riaz,M. S. Perdhana
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Integration of Foshan traditional culture into English language university curricula: Status, challenges, and strategic approaches
Qiong Wu
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
Unsafe abortion and its complications: A silent and unprecedented catastrophe happening in our society
Nevo Calistus Obiora
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Voicing First Nations Country, culture and community in urban policy
Elle Davidson,Libby Porter,Ani Landau-Ward,Ed Wensing,Matthew KellyDonald McNeill
AHURI Final Report Published 2024-10-24
History education as prevention: the topic of right-wing extremism in German educational media
Maren Tribukait
Published 2024-10-24
First Nations peoples’ engagement with urban policy: A policy synthesis in support of AHURI Final Report No. 430
Ed Wensing,Matthew Kelly
AHURI Final Report Published 2024-10-24
Against the Current: Negotiating European Identities in a Still Divided World
Juliane Debeusscher
Published 2024-10-23
The 2024 Public Health Emergency of International Concern: A Global Failure to Control Mpox.
Alimuddin Zumla,Philip J. Rosenthal,Nada A Sam-Agudu,D. Ogoina,Placide Mbala-KingebeniFrancine NtoumiE. NakounéRichard NjouomNicaise NdembiEdward J. MillsJ. Muyembe-TamfumJean B Nachega
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Published 2024-10-22
The supreme medical chamber as a representative of professional self-government in Poland
I. Manczak
Published 2024-10-20
Legacy of the Religious Right and the U.S. Presidential Election of 1980
Meredith O’Neill
Published 2024-10-20
Framework and policy recommendations for the design of metaverse platforms in support of Saudi Vision 2030
Maha Fahad Alotaibi,Eaman Alharbi,W. Alhalabi,A. Malibari
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management Published 2024-10-17
Strengthening the fight: is the adoption of IPSAS helping Latin America tackling corruption?
Aluska Ramos de Lira,Michel Richard Chagas Cruz,Susana Jorge
Published 2024-10-17
The utility of smart government services apps solutions in the post-pandemic era
S. Rehman,Nour Qatawneh,Aws Al-Okaily,Manaf Al-Okaily,Fadi Shehab ShiyyabMalek AlsharairiRa’ed Masa’dehAshraf Bani Mohmmad
Global Knowledge Memory and Communication Published 2024-10-17
University campuses’ location-allocation: a case study of Egypt with insights from the Japanese context
A. Mohammed,Tetsuya Ukai
Open House International Published 2024-10-17
Corporate innovation and fraud in response to political sanctions: intellectual capital as a resilience factor
Ameneh Bazrafshan
Journal of Intellectual Capital Published 2024-10-17
Helping Dual-Eligible Individuals Navigate Medicare and Medicaid.
Kenton J. Johnston,Eric T. Roberts,Jose F Figueroa
Published 2024-10-16
FTC Regulation of AI-Generated Medical Disinformation.
Claudia E. Haupt,Mason Marks
Published 2024-10-16
Capacity and crisis: examining the state-level policy response to COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu, India.
Veena Sriram,Girija Vaidyanathan,Gs Adithyan,Shambo Basu Thakur,Simran KaurHari Narayanan GlSabah HaqueVr Muraleedharan
Health Policy and Planning Published 2024-10-16
Interlinkages between public expenditures, non-tax government revenues and corruption in the transition economies
A. Ozun,H. Ertuğrul,Ergül Halisçelik
Journal of Capital Markets Studies Published 2024-10-16
The international education association of Australia’s first 20 years: strengthening public diplomacy and social licence through professional development, advocacy and research
Christopher Ziguras,Dennis Murray,Phil Honeywood
The History Education Review Published 2024-10-16
Profit shifting and tax competition policy: a global justice perspective
James H. Love
Critical Perspectives on International Business Published 2024-10-16
Humanitarianism’s Thin Red Line: Armed Escorts in Theory and Practice
William Plowright
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
Knowing silence: how children talk about immigration status in school
Jayson Castillo
Journal for Multicultural Education Published 2024-10-16
An examination of Pacific nations ‘legislatures’ interactions with Supreme Audit Institutions and the impact on audit quality
C. Cordery,David Hay,Sione Taufa
Pacific Accounting Review Published 2024-10-16
Political Participation for Social Inclusion of Internally Displaced Persons
Rita Iorbo,Sanjeev P. Sahni,Tithi Bhatnagar,D. T. Andzenge
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
Development and validation of a scale for citizen distrust in public organizations
D. Latusek,Anna Pikos,Marcin Wardaszko
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy Published 2024-10-16
Another Thing We Know about Humanitarian Numbers
Hayley Umayam
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
The human rights imperative in teacher education: developing compassion, understanding, and advocacy
Dinorah-Marie Hudson
Journal for Multicultural Education Published 2024-10-16
Professional codes of morality and the professional codes of conduct of military personnel in different countries
Elitsa Petrova
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Navalist blues: a short history of Turkey’s unorthodox navy leagues (1909–2021)
Mustafa Serdar Karakaya
Published 2024-10-15
Refugee Rights Movements in Berlin as “New Social Movements”?: A Theoretical and Empirical Intervention
Burcu Toğral Koca
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society Published 2024-10-15
Hunger in global war economies: understanding the decline and return of famines.
Alex de Waal
Disasters. The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management Published 2024-10-15
Towards a Critical Decolonial Turn/Theory: Beyond the Binary of the West Versus Africa
R. Fosu
Africa Spectrum Published 2024-10-15
Innovative but feeble: Civil society and political financing accountability in Uruguay
Fernanda Odilla,Germán Bidegain
Journal of Civil Society Published 2024-10-15
Elsie Nkiruka Ogo,Olusola Matthew Ojo,Samuel Osagie Odobo
EPRA international journal of multidisciplinary research Published 2024-10-15
Unveiling public perceptions at the beginning of lockdown: an application of structural topic modeling and sentiment analysis in the UK and India
Xinhe Kang,Panagiotis Stamolampros
BMC Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Consequences of the war in Ukraine on the Arctic: an analysis of post-conflict macro-scenarios
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Rewriting the North: Contemporary British Fiction and the Cultural Politics of Devolution
Carmijn Gerritsen
Published 2024-10-15
Government action is needed to tackle the "turmoil" in the public health system highlighted by the Darzi review.
Una Geary,Adam Briggs
British medical journal Published 2024-10-15
The Asymmetries Generated by New Weapon Systems and Their Role in Achieving Success on the Battlefield. The Impact of HIMARS on the Conflict in Ukraine
Claudiu Valer Nistorescu
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Resilience – effects multiplier in preparing counter-deception
George-Ion Toroi
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Shaping reflective political leaders
Louise Malmström
International Journal of Lifelong Education Published 2024-10-15
How to measure and manage country reputation
N. Hitz,M. Schwaiger,J. Gabel
International Journal of Advertising Published 2024-10-15
Remembering Conquest: Mexican Americans, Memory, and Citizenship
Melita M. Garza
American Journalism Published 2024-10-15
Navigating nuance: the dual edges of multimodal discourse analysis in Macao’s policy evolution
Guangyuan Yao
Social Semiotics Published 2024-10-15
The Impact of Regional Socio-Economic Policy on Housing Accessibility for Different Population Groups
S. Imankulova
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
Peacemaking and International Order After the First World War
Michael S. Neiberg
First World War Studies Published 2024-10-15
A Dynamic Forecast: An Evolving Prediction of the 2024 Presidential Election
Spencer Lindsay,Levi G. Allen
PS Published 2024-10-15
Populism and the liberal international order: An analysis of UN voting patterns
S. Destradi,Johannes Vüllers
Revista Internacional de Organizaciones Published 2024-10-15
Health outcome convergence and the roles of public health financing and governance in Africa
Ariane Ephemia Ndzignat Mouteyica,Nicholas Ngepah
PLoS ONE Published 2024-10-15
How the political elite make decisions
Conor Wynn,Liam Smith,Catherine Killen
Australian Journal of Public Administration Published 2024-10-15
Did Biden-Harris’s reforms on the Paycheck Protection Program reduce racial disparities in lending?
Stefano Filomeni,Francesca Querci
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Published 2024-10-15
Transparent Corruption: The Effect of Illicit Connections and Trusted References on the Demand for Bureaucratic Intermediation
Jose Morales-Arilla,Ana Ibarra
Journal of Experimental Political Science Published 2024-10-15
Executive hour or political competition in times of crisis?—An analysis of public crisis reporting on the COVID‐19 lockdowns in Germany
Katja Demler
European Policy Analysis Published 2024-10-15
C. Tien,M. Lewis-Beck
PS Published 2024-10-15
The Civil Administration of Eastern Territories (1919–1920): The Reasons for the Failure of Piłsudski’s Federation Idea
Robert E. Blobaum
First World War Studies Published 2024-10-15
The Balance Between Gatekeeper Rules and Free Speech in the EU under the Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act
Stephanie Ness
Published 2024-10-15
Research on the Ideological and Political Design and Implementation Path of Physical Education Courses in Colleges and Universities under the Background of the Construction of "Four New" Majors
Weiying Gu,Jianyu Zhang,Yi Yin,Zhigang Li
Published 2024-10-15
Philosophy of language probably won’t save democracy, but that’s no reason not to try
Carlos Santana
Analysis Published 2024-10-15
Building paper bridges: adapting citizenship and immigration regimes to international displacement
Andrés Besserer Rayas,Victoria Finn,L. F. Freier
Comparative Migration Studies Published 2024-10-15
The conflict within: the politics of parliamentary election management in Iran
Tomoyo Chisaka
Democratization Published 2024-10-15
Foucault’s Culturalist Axiomatic: A Nietzschean Naturalist Rejoinder
Tvrtko Vrdoljak
Nietzsche-Studien Published 2024-10-15
Femonationalism in the civic-integration work conducted by a Swedish NGO with men’s groups
Joakim Johansson,Jamshid Dashti
Norma Published 2024-10-15
In defence of democracy: parliamentary opposition and democratic resilience in Poland
Viktoriia Muliavka,Agnieszka Kwiatkowska,Hubert Plisiecki
East European Politics Published 2024-10-15
The pope at war: the secret history of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler
Simon Unger
Published 2024-10-15
Understanding Biden’s Exit and the 2024 Election: The State Presidential Approval/State Economy Model
Peter K. Enns,Jonathan Colner,Anusha Kumar,Julius Lagodny
PS Published 2024-10-15
The ethics of special Ops. Raids, recoveries, reconnaissance, and rebels
Anna M. Gielas
Defence Studies Published 2024-10-15
Long-Range State-Level 2024 Presidential Election Forecast: How Can You Forecast an Election When You Don’t Know Who the Candidates Are Yet?
Jay A. DeSart
PS Published 2024-10-15
Countering Political Polarization Through Conscious and Unconscious Integrative Complexity
Chris Kam,C. Bellehumeur
Basic and Applied Social Psychology Published 2024-10-15
Fragile Hope: Seeking Justice for Hate Crimes in India
Adelina Tratarou
Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis Published 2024-10-15
Sunni chauvinism and the roots of Muslim modernism
John M. Willis
Published 2024-10-15
A concise history of Serbia
Đorđević Vladimir
Democratization Published 2024-10-15
Enhancing tourism’s role in alleviating poverty: a bureaucratic approach to implementing SDG1 in China
Yang Zhang,Xiaoxiao Fu,Min Ye,Yaping Liao,Piao WangHuiming Zheng
Current Issues in Tourism Published 2024-10-15
Embodied memories - exploring memorial tattoos through the lens of terror management theory.
Ayelet Oreg,Hilit Erel-Brodsky,O. Taubman–Ben-Ari
Death Studies Published 2024-10-15
Incorporating Xi Jinping Thought on Eco-Civilization into China’s Ideological and Political Education: Its Inheritance and Innovations
Wenbin Wang
Published 2024-10-15
M. Lewis-Beck,Stephen Quinlan
PS Published 2024-10-15
The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election PoSSUM Poll
Roberto Cerina,Raymond Duch
PS Published 2024-10-15
Formation of the System of Social Services to the Population
N. Marasulova
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
Governance of labour relations in the platform economy. The cooperation between YouTubers Union and IG Metall
Patrick Witzak,Markus Hertwig
Industrial relations journal Published 2024-10-15
Methodological Approaches in Military Science Research
George-Ion Toroi
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
The proposed WHO Pandemic Agreement: Ambitious progress or business as usual?
Alan Petersen
Published 2024-10-15
From the Mandate of Heaven to the modern state: the nation according to Wei Xiaobao
David Hazard
The International Journal of Asian Studies Published 2024-10-15
Forecasting the 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination: Can the Former Heavyweight Champ Win Another Title Shot?
Andrew J. Dowdle,Randall Adkins,Karen Sebold,Wayne Steger
PS Published 2024-10-15
E. Yörük,Şükrü Atsızelti,M. F. Kına,Fırat Duruşan,Oğuz GürerkMelih Can YardıAli HürriyetoğluOsman MutluTolga EtgüMurat KoyuncuIşık Topçu
Developing economies Published 2024-10-15
Fact-Checkers on the Fringe: Investigating Methods and Practices Associated With Contested Areas of Fact-Checking
S. Montaña-Niño,Victoria Vziatysheva,Ehsan Dehghan,Anand Badola,Guangnan ZhuOtávio VinhasMichelle RiedlingerSofya Glazunova
Media and Communication Published 2024-10-15
The Challenge of Forecasting the 2024 Presidential and House Elections: Economic Pessimism and Election Outcomes
Brad Lockerbie
PS Published 2024-10-15
Category traversing: early Korean immigrants eluding the U.S. state
Carolyn Choi,Sunmin Kim
Ethnic and Racial Studies Published 2024-10-15
Bringing Realism to the Idealism of Small States: Norway and Atrocity Prevention at the UN Security Council
Ellen E. Stensrud
Nordic Journal of Human Rights Published 2024-10-15
May’s Law in changing times—an empirical assessment of the German case
Frederik Springer
Acta Politica Published 2024-10-15
Inclusive Australasian Cityscapes
Diane Menzies,Lyndon Ormond-Parker,Dee Isaacs
Urban Policy and Research Published 2024-10-15
Transformative Local Governments: Addressing Social Urban Challenges by Bringing People and Politics Together
Jua Cilliers,Ana Maria Vargas Falla,Gareth Wall,Paula Barros
Urban Planning Published 2024-10-15
Between Magic and Amusement: A Collingwoodian Perspective on Political Art
Vítor Guerreiro
Human Affairs Published 2024-10-15
Post-World War One Plebiscites and their Legacies: Exploring the Right of Self-Determination
Erik Goldstein
First World War Studies Published 2024-10-15
From online hate speech to offline hate crime: the role of inflammatory language in forecasting violence against migrant and LGBT communities
Carlos Arcila Calderón,Patricia Sánchez Holgado,Jesús Gómez,Marcos Barbosa,Haodong QiAlberto MatillaPilar AmadoAlejandro GuzmánDaniel López-MatíasTomás Fernández-Villazala
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-10-15
From Indigenous Resistance to the Contemporary Argentine Contempt for Authority
C. J. Felice,G. A. Ruiz
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
Weaponizing Juries in a Democracy
Renée Lettow Lerner
Published 2024-10-15
The Relationship between Global Competitiveness, Corruption, Democratic Systems on Economic Growth ASEAN countries
Ratna Septiyanti,Heru Wahyudi
Sex Trafficking in Asia: A Review from Business and Organisational Perspectives
S. Michael,Ravi Mahalingam
Journal of Asian and African Studies Published 2024-10-15
We God’s People: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism in the World of Nations
A. Sarkissian
Published 2024-10-15
“We just want equality”: perceptions of police, racism, and citizenship in Israel
Ofir Abu,Yariv Feniger,G. Ben-Porat
Ethnic and Racial Studies Published 2024-10-15
Navigating legitimacy: diverse stakeholder perspectives on the IFRS foundation’s establishment of the ISSB
Luciano Bohn,Clea Beatriz Macagnan,Clovis Antônio Kronbauer
Meditari Accountancy Research Published 2024-10-15
Unmasking the Pandemic's Dark Side: Exploring the Roles of Stress, Emotions, and Alcohol Use in Violent Behavior Across Six Countries.
Hannan Latif,A. Timmer,Hannah Tessler,L. Iesue,Ali Jawaid
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology Published 2024-10-15
Charles J. Sullivan
Asian Affairs Published 2024-10-15
State-Level Forecasts for the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: Trump Back with a Vengeance?
Philippe Mongrain,Richard Nadeau,Bruno Jérôme,V. Jerome
PS Published 2024-10-15
Road traffic crash data in Southwestern Nigeria: a qualitative analysis of sources, contents and management methods.
Jude Ubaka Odinfono,M. Olawole
Traffic Injury Prevention Published 2024-10-15
On politics, polemics and performance
Kristen Rundle
Jurisprudence Published 2024-10-15
The fragile nature of concentration of effort principle and the instability of the 3:1 force ratio
Claudiu Valer Nistorescu
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Women's Participation in the Arab Spring Protests and the Prevalence of Domestic Violence: Evidence From Egypt
Tomer Stern,Bilge Erten
Feminist Economics Published 2024-10-15
The case study– a useful research strategy in the field of military sciences
Adrian Mirea
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Considerations regarding the use of mission command at the tactical level
Lucian valeriu Scipanov,Vlad-Alexandru Orhean
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Media Text: Technology of Influence on the Audience
A. Kabataikyzy
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
Role of Policy in the Management of Smartphones among Undergraduates in Nigeria Higher Institutions of Learning
Oduroye, Ayorinde P,Sarumi, Jerry Abayomi,Adegunwa Olajide,Enosegbe Daniel
Explaining the Rise of the Radical Right in Europe
Wojciech Gagatek
European View Published 2024-10-15
Refugee Protection as a Public Good: What Benefits Do States Derive?
Philip Lutz,Diego Caballero-Vélez
Perspectives on Politics Published 2024-10-15
Climate action in a “common but differentiated” framework
Usman Sattar
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-10-15
Transcending disciplinary boundaries: Nature based solutions (NbSs) for Caribbean coastal resilience
Deborah Villarroel-Lamb,Simone Ganpat,Arlette Saint Ville,Andrew Williams,La Daana KanhaiFadia AzizEtiënne A.J.A. RouwetteDexter DavisPreeya S. Mohan
Published 2024-10-15
Media politics in Japan: News journalism between interdependence, integrity, and influence
Yosuke Buchmeier
Publizistik Published 2024-10-15
LASSOing the Governor’s Mansion: A Machine Learning Approach to Forecasting Gubernatorial Elections
Gregory J. Love,Ryan E. Carlin,M. Singer
PS Published 2024-10-15
Open Systems Theory in Organizations and Geopolitics
A. Kanellopoulos
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Beyond the state: reimagining protection as constellations of care
Luise Bendfeldt,Victoria M. Basham
Critical Studies on Security Published 2024-10-15
AI Policies, Equity, and Morality and the Implications for Faculty in Higher Education
Lauren Azevedo,Daniel J. Mallinson,Jue Wang,Pedro Robles,Eric Best
Public Integrity Published 2024-10-15
Discovering tax decentralization: does it impact marginal willingness to pay taxes?
José María Durán-Cabré,Alejandro Esteller-Moré,L. Salvadori
Economia Politica Published 2024-10-15
Media construction of pseudo-events: Lula da Silva at the Portugal’s parliament during a historic annual celebration
Pedro Eduardo Ribeiro
Discourse Studies Published 2024-10-15
Assessing electoral coordination: A quasi-experimental design of changes in district magnitude over time
Ignacio Lago,Ferrán Martínez i Coma
Party Politics Published 2024-10-15
The performance of anti-ESG ETFs in the United States
Gerasimos G. Rompotis
Journal of Asset Management Published 2024-10-15
Forecasting Partisan Collective Accountability During the 2024 U.S. Presidential & Congressional Elections
Carlos Algara,Lisette Gomez,Edward Headington,Hengjiang Liu,Bianca Nigri
PS Published 2024-10-15
The Strategic Aspects of Functional Position Development in Diy Local Government
Bening Hadilinatih
Journal Of World Science Published 2024-10-15
Affirmative action and government initiatives to improve gender equality in India: a retrospective view
D. Sahoo,Usha Lenka
Published 2024-10-15
Modes of Securitization and Desecuritization of Transnational Kinship Ties: Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia amidst Rising Chinese Power
Enze Han
Journal of Global Security Studies Published 2024-10-15
Assessing State Resilience: Lynching and Its Ramifications on State Credit in the United States
John A. Dove,William J. Byrd
Kyklos (Basel) Published 2024-10-15
Helping in Times of War: How Uncertainty Modulates Aid to Ukrainian Refugees through Compassion and Threat
T. Mannarini,Mario Angelelli,Enrico Ciavolino,Serena Arima,Mariano LongoP. LimoneSergio Salvatore
Human Affairs Published 2024-10-15
The reach of state power in a globalized world – some lessons for the EU and the Western Balkans
Milovan Subotić,Igor Pejić
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Fire preparation for the offensive – the need to update the planning algorithm
Adrian Mirea
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Statistical discrimination without knowing statistics: blame social interactions?
Emily Tanimura
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination Published 2024-10-15
Military Intervention in Civil Wars: Individual-Level Explanation of Leaders’ Decisions
Phoebe W. Moon
International Interactions Published 2024-10-15
The PollyVote Forecast for the 2024 US Presidential Election
Andreas Graefe
PS Published 2024-10-15
Austerity Infrastructure, Gentrification, and Spatial Violence: A Ceaseless Battle over Urban Space in Exarcheia Neighbourhood
Elia Apostolopoulou,Danai Liodaki
Antipode Published 2024-10-15
Global protein sustainability and the United Nations, through to the 2030 agenda
Barbara Burlingame,A. Moltedo,Carlo Cafiero
Frontiers in Nutrition Published 2024-10-15
Enhancing Election Integrity by Strengthening EU Defences Against Disinformation
Alexander Romănishyn
European View Published 2024-10-15
The Vibes Are Off: Did Elon Musk Push Academics Off Twitter?
James Bisbee,Kevin Munger
PS Published 2024-10-15
“Uncommitted” : The limitations of election forecasting on minorities and the case of American Muslim voters
N. A. Sediqe
PS Published 2024-10-15
The Problematic Return of Intent
Amos Goldberg
Journal of Genocide Research Published 2024-10-15
A policy and institutional analysis of urban transport system: the case of Pakistan’s Lahore in the context of COVID-19
Quratulain Ayaz,Mohammed Abubakari,Jawad Hussain
Cogent Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
You Are Safe Here: Community Sponsorship Policy and Refugee Integration in the UK
Sara Hassan,Jenny Phillimore,Gabriella D’avino
Social Policy and Society Published 2024-10-15
Preparing for pandemics needs a dose of public health and a booster of “complex thought” (Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum)
E. Paul,Garrett W. Brown,David Bell,Valéry Ridde,Joachim P. Sturmberg
Global Policy Published 2024-10-15
From china to the world: the implications of fiscal decentralization, government debt, and public health dynamics
Xiuzhu Ruan,Kailun Li,Mengqi Yang,Zhiyong Dong,Gangzhen Wang
Environment, Development and Sustainability Published 2024-10-15
The effects of war on healthcare delivery, access, and equity: a critical examination of the Israel–Gaza case study
Samuel Chukwuebuka Ewelike,I. Okon,Elvis Chisom Achor,U. Akpan,Aymar AkilimaliD. E. Lucero-Prisno
Published 2024-10-15
Hybridity as a governmental technique for designing and delivering NAPLAN in Australian schools
Glenn C. Savage,David de Carvalho
Australian Journal of Public Administration Published 2024-10-15
Defiant school choice? Educational freedom, access, and Arkansas’s AP African American studies controversy
Sarah Ruth Morris,R. Maranto
Frontiers in Education Published 2024-10-15
Exploring the street economy in African cities: A review of practices, regulatory policies, and challenges of urban governance in Ghana
Barnabas Addi,Clifford Amoako,Stephen Appiah Takyi,Gideon Abagna Azunre,O. Amponsah
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-10-15
Can Experimental Political Philosophers be Modest in their Aims?
K. Lippert‐Rasmussen
Res Publica Published 2024-10-15
Ethical use of big data for healthy communities and a strong nation: unique challenges for the Military Health System
T. Koehlmoos,Jessica Korona-Bailey,Jared Elzey,Brandeis Marshall,Lea A Shanley
BMC Proceedings Published 2024-10-15
The Correlation between the Military Transport Network and the Trans-European Transport Network
Ionela Cătălina Manolache,Aurelian Eurosebio Manolache
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
The British IMF Crisis, Neoliberalism, and the Cold War
Michael De Groot
Diplomatie et histoire Published 2024-10-15
We God’s people: Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism in the world of nations
P. Pasture
Published 2024-10-15
Aligning local governance with SDGs: a study of local government systems in Pakistan
Abdur Rehman Cheema,Iftikhar Ahmad,Abid Mehmood
Development Studies Research Published 2024-10-15
Exploring the Viability and Implications of a NATO-like Defense Cooperation Among Turkic States
Ali Nazmi Çora
Ege Universitesi Turk Dunyasi Incelemeleri Dergisi Published 2024-10-15
S. Camatarri
PS Published 2024-10-15
Cold War 2.0? Navigating economic development under increased geopolitical tensions
Ronald U. Mendoza
Asian Security Published 2024-10-15
Liberalism all the way down?
Tadej Košmerl
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults Published 2024-10-15
Effects of the Federal Government's Move to Reschedule Cannabis: A Commentary.
R. L. Collins,P. Thanos,Rebecca Ashare,David Herzberg,Robert Silverman
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Published 2024-10-15
The End of the Middle East Peace Process: The Failure of US Diplomacy By SamerBakkour. Routledge, 2022. 192 pages. $54.99, paper.
Hamdullah Baycar
Middle East Policy Published 2024-10-15
Turkish Foreign Policy in the Nexus Between Securitization and Populism
J. Karakoç,Duygu Ersoy
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies Published 2024-10-15
The promised futures of military protection
Emily Clifford,Hannah K. Richards
Critical Studies on Security Published 2024-10-15
Illusion of nuclear superiority: an empirical study on the coercive value of nuclear superiority in a nuclear crisis
Se-Woong Park
Asian Security Published 2024-10-15
Sports as an instrument of nationalism and patriotism: a systematic literature review on the role of sports in shaping national identity in various countries
Ahmad Chaeroni,Muspardi Muspardi,Mottakin Ahmed,Kamal Talib,B. OrhanM. LaniYuni AsutiMert Kurnaz
Published 2024-10-15
The role of discretion and street‐level deliberative practices in the COVID‐19 crisis response: Lessons from the Philippines
Antonio D. Salazar
Australian Journal of Public Administration Published 2024-10-15
Climate adaptation in multi‐level governance systems: Security, risk, or normal politics?
Karina Barquet,Mathilda Englund,Mark Rhinard
Published 2024-10-15
Strengthening Resilience: Social Responsibility and Citizen Participation in Local Governance
M. Sánchez-Hernández
Administrative Sciences Published 2024-10-15
Between Diplomacy and Non‐Diplomacy: Foreign Relations of Kurdistan‐Iraq and Palestine Edited by GülistanGürbey, SabineHofmann, and Ferhad IbrahimSeyder. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2023. 332 pages. $139.99, paper.
Hogr Tarkhani
Middle East Policy Published 2024-10-15
Robert Böttner & Hermann-Josef Blanke (eds), The Rule of Law Under Threat – Eroding Institutions and European Remedies (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024) £20/$26 ISBN: 978-1-03533-068-3 (hardback), 978-1-03533-069-0 (e-book) 278 pp
Matthias Lukan
ICL journal Published 2024-10-15
The nexus of political connections and corporate tax strategies in Pakistan
Fawad Ahmad,Muhammad Houqe,Tony van Zijl
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies Published 2024-10-15
Exploring the multifaceted impacts of artificial intelligence on public organizations, business, and society
Petr Polak,Muhammad Anshari
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-10-15
Iran's Neighborhood Policy: Parameters, Objectives, and Obstacles
Mehran Kamrava,Ali Bagheri Dolatabadi
Middle East Policy Published 2024-10-15
Conceptualizing Mano Dura in Latin America
Sebastián A. Cutrona,Lucía Dammert,Jonathan D. Rosen
Latin American Politics and Society Published 2024-10-15
The interrelationships between corporate political activity and corporate environmental performance: the role of language diversity
Amir Shoham,J. Frynas,Ahmad Arslan,Ofra Bazel-Shoham,Sang Mook LeeZaheer KhanS. Tarba
Journal of International Business Studies Published 2024-10-15
Judicial Populism and Corruption Prosecutions in the Mani Pulite Operation
Lucia Manzi
Published 2024-10-15
The Anti-illicit Activity Regime of the Multilateral Development Banks: Criminal Acts or Prohibited Practices?
A. Bazbauers,A. McCarthy-Jones
Journal of Illicit Economies and Development Published 2024-10-15
India’s growth in the era of secular stagnation
Eri Ikeda,Kannan Kumar
The Japanese Political Economy Published 2024-10-15
Forecasting Popular Vote and Electoral College Vote Results: Partisan-Bounded Economic Model
Manabu Saeki
PS Published 2024-10-15
The Beowulf Group: Taking the lead to defend Europe
Garvan Walshe
European View Published 2024-10-15
The ultimate political question? Realism and omnicide
Max Bouttell,A. Freyberg-Inan
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Published 2024-10-15
Ala-Eddine Kellil,Meziane Laacisse
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
“He is the riskiest candidate standing on this stage”: social, verbal, and nonverbal aggression in the 2020 Democratic primary debates
Daniel Montez
Argumentation and Advocacy Published 2024-10-15
The Essential Jesús Huerta de Soto: An Analysis of His Contributions to Economics and Social Thought
Cristóbal Matarán
The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics Published 2024-10-15
Impact of COVID-19 on women leadership in Saudi higher education institutions
Lama Biant Rashed Abdulaziz Al-Ghofaily
Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Published 2024-10-15
Evaluating the Economic and Trade Cooperation Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on China-Pakistan Relations
Muhammad Ikhlaq,Noor Fatima,Tooba Zulfiqar
Global Social Sciences Review Published 2024-10-15
Decolonization and the remaking of Christianity
Wim Manuhutu
Published 2024-10-15
Framing the future: Ensuring vulnerable island communities are engaged.
Natalie A Cutler,Michele Rumsey,Odille Chang,Silina Motofaga,Julie Millard
Australasian Psychiatry Published 2024-10-15
Governing pandemics: Resilience and community responses for COVID-19 in Bengaluru and Shanghai
Zhumin Xu,K. S. Sridhar,Qingwen Xu,Vishal Ravi
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-10-15
Queering ontological (in)security: a psychoanalysis of political homophobia
Ali Bilgic
Critical Studies on Security Published 2024-10-15
Introduction to Forecasting the 2024 US Elections
Philippe Mongrain,Mary Stegmaier
PS Published 2024-10-15
Charting the Norms–Peace Relationship: Looking Back to Look Ahead
Paul F. Diehl
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding Published 2024-10-15
Taking Alberta Back: Faith, Fuel, and Freedom on the Canadian Far Right
Jacob McLean,E. Laxer,Efe Peker
Religions Published 2024-10-15
Conservative turn and political identity: challenges to democracy in Indonesia after presidential election 2019
Zuly Qodir
Identities Published 2024-10-15
Governance of artificial intelligence in Southeast Asia
Andrew J. Keith
Global Policy Published 2024-10-15
The Scarce State: Inequality and Political Power in the Hinterland
Jessica Gottlieb
Journal of Development Studies Published 2024-10-15
The dovish turnaround: Germany's social benefit reform and job findings
Enzo Weber
Journal of policy analysis and management Published 2024-10-15
Balancing economic efficiency and national security: Industrial policy at the nexus of geopolitics and globalisation
Natalia Gavrilița
European View Published 2024-10-15
First responder ladder of community engagement: Understanding community-facing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Santina Contreras,Kaila Witkowski,Joanne Pérodin,Christa L. Remington,Andrea M. HeadleyN. Ganapati
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-10-15
Fragile sovereignty?
Christopher Adair-Toteff
History of European Ideas Published 2024-10-15
Iowa Electronic Markets: Forecasting the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election
Thomas S. Gruca,Thomas A. Rietz
PS Published 2024-10-15
Anarchy, Evolution, and Ethics in International Relations
James W Davis
Political science quarterly Published 2024-10-15
Beat Policing and its Efficacy in Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP)
Mujib Ahmmad Patwary,Subrata Banarjee
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology Published 2024-10-15
After the end of schools: Cultivating abolitionist visions for a world without carceral education
Qui Dorian Alexander
Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies Published 2024-10-15
The Impact of Discourse-Based Learning on Student Civic Engagement, Polarization, and Topic Comprehension
Isabel Epistelomogi,Maryam Zoweil,Timothy Sabau,Jaden Wu,Collin WangJahnavi S Rao
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
What others bring! What we give! Reviewing the gender sensitivity of the Irish migration legal framework
Muhammad Wajid Tahir,Graham Finlay
Cogent Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
Pact for the Future; A Path Forward from the UN’s Triple Summits
A. Niamir,Sam Khosravifard
Published 2024-10-15
Misuse of Neck Restraint Terms Affect Medical Treatment and Public Policy
Dan Field
Emergency Medicine News Published 2024-10-15
The political economy of national health insurance schemes: evidence from Zambia.
D. O. Afriyie,Regina Titi-Ofei,F. Masiye,Collins Chansa,Günther Fink
Health Policy and Planning Published 2024-10-15
The evolution of transnational municipal knowledge networks
Adi Weidenfeld,Nick Clifton
Global Policy Published 2024-10-15
Challenges and Opportunities for a Local Government Implementing a Human Rights Policy in Australia
Karien Dekker,Abigail Lewis,Yingyi Luo,Alexandra Ciaffaglione
Urban Planning Published 2024-10-15
Seeing Red: Russian Propaganda and American News by SarahOates and Gordon NeilRamsay. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 216 pp. $99.00. ISBN 978‐0‐19‐769642‐2
Anton Shirikov
Russian Review Published 2024-10-15
Language policy and linguistic landscapes in the internationalization of a non-Anglophone university
Intan Pradita,Sailal Arimi
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education Published 2024-10-15
Safeguarding policies and practices in International Federations: on the right track?
T. Vertommen,M. Mountjoy,B. Constandt,Kirsty Burrows
British Journal of Sports Medicine Published 2024-10-15
Rehabilitating Republican China: Historical Memory, National Identity and Regime Legitimacy in the Post-Mao Era
Qiang Zhang
The China Quarterly Published 2024-10-15
HCV elimination: is the bulk of the iceberg being missed?
E. Kalo,Asma Baig,Alison Derrett,S. Read,G. Ahlenstiel
Gastroenterology Report Published 2024-10-15
Resisting sectarianism: queer activism in postwar Lebanon
Anne Kirstine Rønn
Published 2024-10-15
Theoretical and Legal Foundations for the Protection of Environmental Rights as Part of Political Rights in Kyrgyzstan
S. Karabalaeva,A. Sydykov
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
Cognitive support for political partisans’ understanding of policy data
Shuyuan Yu,John Opfer
PLoS ONE Published 2024-10-15
Misinformation, disinformation, and fake news amid the new global Mpox emergency
Francy Waltília Cruz Araújo,Silvia Sant'Ana Rodrigues,Thialla Andrade Carvalho,Danilo Santos de Sousa,M. D. L. TenórioP. R. Martins-Filho
Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica-pan American Journal of Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Participation and influence of welfare associations in early childhood education in legislative procedures in Germany
Tina Friederich,Petra Strehmel
Early Years Published 2024-10-15
Japan's Peacekeeping at a Crossroads
Shannon Zimmerman
International Peacekeeping Published 2024-10-15
Knowledge Management in Local Governments: A Boost or a Brake on Productivity?
Santos Montano,Julio Montano,Baldemar Quiroz,Jeny Alcahuaman,Luis Fernando Espejo-ChacónLuis Alberto Torres García
Journal of Ecohumanism Published 2024-10-15
Media, Communication, and Democratic Decline: Thoughts on The Paradox of Democracy
Regina G. Lawrence
Political science quarterly Published 2024-10-15
Queering the Rome Statute: Searching for the International Criminal Court’s Potential to Do Justice to Queer People
Lars van der Ent
Australian Feminist Law Journal Published 2024-10-15
National introduction of no net land take: a comparative study of five pioneering countries seeking to limit their land consumption
Peter Lacoere,Antoine Decoville,Rémi Delattre,Romain Melot,Detlef GrimskiMartin SchamannJ. Halleux
Town planning review Published 2024-10-15
Correlates of public compliance with COVID-19 regulations in Taiwan
Tzu-Ying Lo,Ivan Y. Sun,Yuning Wu,Kuang-Ming Chang,J. Hong
Published 2024-10-15
A Research Agenda for Human Rights and the Environment
Rosa Manzo
Nordic Journal of Human Rights Published 2024-10-15
The New Energy State: Offshore Governance Regimes for Renewables as Natural Resources
Anupama Sen,T. Jamasb
Energy Journal Published 2024-10-15
The impact of the Dien Bien Phu Victory on the decolonization movement in Africa (1954-1960)
Trinh Van Vinh,Le Hoang Kiet,Duong Quang Hiep,Nguyen Huu Phuc,Tran Xuan Hiep
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Published 2024-10-15
Do Experiences with Civil War Affect the Acceptance of the Use of Violence After War Ends? The Case of Post-War Nepal
Post Basnet,John Ishiyama
Civil Wars Published 2024-10-15
Forecasting US Voter Turnout
Michael Bednarczuk
PS Published 2024-10-15
Understanding Territorial Withdrawal: Israeli Occupations and Exits By Rob GeistPinfold. Oxford University Press, 2023. 344 pages. $83, hardcover.
Nathaniel Shils
Middle East Policy Published 2024-10-15
Technology is never neutral: Robodebt and a human rights analysis of automated decision-making on welfare recipients
Saabiq Chowdhury
Australian Journal of Human Rights Published 2024-10-15
National Characteristics of the Kyrgyz Republic Regarding the Priority of Human Rights and Freedoms
S. Karabalaeva,A. Sydykov
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
The dance of power and responsibility: understanding the multilevel government influence on CSR practices in Chinese state-owned enterprises
Lei Fan,Chuang Wu,Zucheng Zhou
Public Management Review Published 2024-10-15
Time to rediscover task-oriented leadership? A multi-source, time-lagged study on leadership and well-being in public service jobs
M. Döring,Signe Pihl-Thingvad,Rick Vogel
Public Management Review Published 2024-10-15
Translations of climate change consequences at the local level: Climate change adaptation in Bergen and Stavanger municipalities in Norway
Claudia Morsut,O. A. Engen,Simon Neby,Elisabeth Angell
Published 2024-10-15
Xenophobia in Juror Decision-Making
Li Huang
Published 2024-10-15
Russia-China relationship in the context of the war in Ukraine: Bonding Over Shared Ideology or Western Sanctions
Marie Pegu
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Imperial policing: weaponized data in carceral Chicago
Abigail Andrews
Ethnic and Racial Studies Published 2024-10-15
‘Mapping’ China’s Art Industry: Understanding Contemporary China Through Qiu Zhijie’s Maps as a Medium of Cultural Relations
Jood Ghazwan Sharaf
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
The Dragon's Overwatch: Chinese Private Security Expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean
Habib Badawi
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Joining NATO: a national end or a strategic means for Georgia?
Ivan Okromtchedlishvili
Bulletin of "Carol I" National Defence University Published 2024-10-15
Two Solovyovs: uncle and nephew
Thomas Nemeth
Studies in East European thought Published 2024-10-15
Beyond ideal and real types – methodological foundations of typologies in welfare state research
Julia Höppner
Published 2024-10-14
Climate geographies and geographies of knowledge
Susan Owens
Published 2024-10-14
Democratic leadership in the Batak Tribe: lessons from Customary Law for modern governance
B.F. Sihombing
International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science Published 2024-10-14
Discursive struggles around constitutional reform: language and social change in Tunisia
Fethi Helal
Critical Discourse Studies Published 2024-10-14
Adapting to the AI Era: ChatGPT in the Classroom
Jennifer Spindel,James Ackerman
Journal of Political Science Education Published 2024-10-14
Accepting or criticizing religion in the process of globalization
N. Quoc,Dinh Van Chien,P. T. Dinh,Doan Xuan Toan,Tong Thi Thai ChungLe Viet Nghi
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Published 2024-10-14
Peacetime Maritime Law Enforcement by Warships
Deyi Ma,Yan Zhou
Journal on the Use of Force and International Law Published 2024-10-14
The Law or the Career? Autocratic Judiciaries, Strategic Sentencing, and Political Repression
Howard Liu,Ching-Hsuan Su,Yi-Ting Wang
Comparative Political Studies Published 2024-10-14
Gaza's first polio case in 25 years: Is health infrastructure collapse threatening resilience?
Francesco Branda,Giancarlo Ceccarelli,M. Giovanetti,Massimo Ciccozzi,Fabio Scarpa
Chemotherapy Published 2024-10-14
COVID-19 policy response: Perspectives of key stakeholders in Mexico's health system and implications for resilience.
Lina Díaz-Castro,Christian Díaz de León-Castañeda,Galileo Pérez-Hernández,José Carlos Suarez-Herrera
Archives of Medical Research Published 2024-10-14
Nur Arba Asari,Delila Maya Sari Siregar,Shelly Elprida Gajahmanik,Nabila Amanda Pulungan,Asianna ManikSri Yunita
Al-Ihda' : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Published 2024-10-14
‘Playing war’: Norwegian soldiers’ experiences of fun and responsibility in Afghanistan
H. Mogstad
Published 2024-10-14
Looking beyond and into the border: understanding the concept of (il)legality along the Ethiopia-Sudan border
Kiya Gezahegne Wotere
Ethnic and Racial Studies Published 2024-10-14
Embedding Externalisation: How Bordering Practices Transform Places
Sebastian Cobarrubias,Paolo Novak
Geopolitics Published 2024-10-14
A Tale of Two Divestments: South Africa, Sudan, and Howard University
Christopher Tounsel
African Studies Review Published 2024-10-14
Learning from YouTube? The role of exposure to partisan YouTube channels and news literacy in political learning during the South Korean general election campaign
Kyungeun Jang,Young Min Baek
Published 2024-10-14
Amending the Military’s Rules of Engagement to Consider Blame
Stephen C. S. DiLorenzo
Journal of Military Ethics Published 2024-10-14
Memory Wars and Emotional Politics: “Feel Good” Holocaust Appropriation in Central Europe
Hana Kubátová,Jan Láníček
Nationalities Papers Published 2024-10-14
The Mosque Nearby: Visible Minorities and Far-Right Support in France
Margot Dazey,Victor Gay
Comparative Political Studies Published 2024-10-14
Collaborative water governance model for potable urban water supply in Riau Province, Indonesia
Suyeno Suyeno,S. Sumartono,B. Haryono,Fadillah Amin
Water Policy Published 2024-10-14
Towards an Equitable Future? Whiteness as Futurity in University Responses to Anti-Asian Violence
Brendon M. Soltis
JCSCORE Published 2024-10-14
Interview with Franz Perrez
Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge Published 2024-10-14
Radicalisation in adolescents: mental health considerations for violent extremism.
J. Kasinathan,Annie Parsons
Australasian Psychiatry Published 2024-10-14
Leadership in Public Sector Interorganizational Networks: A Synthesis of the Literature and Propositions Based on a Multiple Case Study
Moniek Akerboom,Sandra Groeneveld,Ben Kuipers
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance Published 2024-10-14
What does voluntariness do to participation? Mitmachen in New Deal America and National Socialist Germany, 1933−1945
J. Martschukat,Alexandra Oeser
Rethinking history Published 2024-10-14
Power Contestations in the Use of Agri-food Data: Towards a Sustainability Governance Approach
Jane Ezirigwe,Jeremy de Beer,Chidi Oguamanam
Law, Technology and Humans Published 2024-10-14
Intergenerational Conflict in Contemporary Cuba: Rivalry within Las Congas Santiagueras
Jack DeVry Riordan
Perspectivas Afro Published 2024-10-14
Does social capital enhance political participation in older adults? Multi-level evidence from the European Quality of Life Survey
F. Nyqvist,Rodrigo Serrat,Mikael Nygård,Marina Näsman
European Journal of Ageing Published 2024-10-14
Public service delivery, artificial intelligence and the sustainable development goals: trends, evidence and complexities
Muhammad Anshari,Mahani Hamdan,Norainie Ahmad,Emil Ali
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management Published 2024-10-14
Assumptions in intelligence analysis
John Wayne Ross
Intelligence and national security Published 2024-10-14
The Moral Point of View of Humanity and Nuclear Risk
Dale T. Snauwaert
Peace Review Published 2024-10-14
Civil Rights vs Creative Expression: Anti-Discrimination and Free Speech in Public Accommodation
Avni Kaur Chadha
International journal of social science and human research Published 2024-10-14
The knowledge-power nexus in EU marine governance: from orthodoxy to pluralism by way of the human right to science
Mara Ntona
Journal of Human Rights and the Environment Published 2024-10-14
Historic and current achievements of the temperance movement in the control of alcohol and its adverse health consequences.
David Dunt,Heng Jiang,Robin Room
Published 2024-10-14
New Fermatean Fuzzy Distance Metric and Its Utilization in the Assessment of Security Crises Using the MCDM Technique
Paul Augustine Ejegwa,Manasseh Terna Anum,N. Kausar,C. Nwokoro,Nezir AydinHao Yu
Mathematics Published 2024-10-14
Emotions of perpetrators and victim-survivors: multi-layered violence against Chinese women during the Asia-Pacific War
Ming Gao
Published 2024-10-14
Political stability in authoritarian regimes: the case of Central Asia
Simeon Nanovsky,Colin Knox
Central Asian Survey Published 2024-10-14
Do policies make a difference? Assessing the impact of China's air pollution prevention and control action plan on carbon emissions.
Junqiao Ma,Anbang Wang,Zongyuan Weng
Journal of Environmental Management Published 2024-10-14
Gurakuç Kuçi
Published 2024-10-14
Polina Vinogradova,Tatyana Zaharova
Psychological and pedagogical problems of human and social security Published 2024-10-14
Analysis Of The Development Of Egyptian Statehood Based On The Traditions Of Religiousness And Secularism
Malikaxon Minovvarova
Published 2024-10-14
Art and politics – government and the arts in Australia: a historical and critical analysis
Kate Power
The International Journal of Cultural Policy Published 2024-10-14
Kant on the Despotic Danger of a World State
Bo Fang
Kantian Review Published 2024-10-14
Mitigating proliferation risks posed by AI (DOS)
Published 2024-10-14
Psychiatrists urge the government to reform the immigration system.
Elisabeth Mahase
British medical journal Published 2024-10-14
Group relative deprivation and different forms of political actions: The role of the target outgroup
Tomislav Pavlović,Ingrid Storm,Renata Franc
European Journal of Political Research Published 2024-10-14
Income Distribution and the Elasticity of Substitution in the Works of Joan Robinson
Rahul Menon
Review of Political Economy Published 2024-10-14
“Do immigrants cause higher crime rates?” A cumulative cross-sectional general social survey data analysis
Syeda T. Hadi,Christine Tartaro
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice Published 2024-10-14
Pollution Haven, Private Politics, and Competitive Dynamics: How Do Irresponsible MNEs Challenged by an International NGO Compete to Act Responsibly?
Cheng-Hua Tzeng
Published 2024-10-14
Physicians, the Homelessness Crisis, and Public Health-All Hands on Deck.
Cary P Gross,Abbe R. Gluck,Giselle Corbie
JAMA Internal Medicine Published 2024-10-14
The Interplay of DeFi and CeFi: Analyzing Decentralized Finance through the Lens of the Shiva Milk Story and the Ramayana Metaphor
Hitesh Soni
Published 2024-10-14
R&D investments in knowledge intensive sectors in developing countries and the role of host country political uncertainty
Evis Sinani,Bernhard Dachs,Bersant Hobdari,Marina Papanastassiou
Published 2024-10-14
Human Trafficking Dynamics and Prevention Efforts as an Outcome of Russia’s War on Ukraine
Laura A. Dean
Nationalities Papers Published 2024-10-14
African customs and traditions and the indigenization of international humanitarian law in armed conflict
Darlington Tshuma
Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge Published 2024-10-14
Beyond the Vote . . . The Need for Professional Citizenship in Nursing
Patricia A. Sharpnack
Nursing Education Perspectives Published 2024-10-14
Commentary on Pessar et al.: 'Downscaling' United States state cannabis policy to investigate environmental and social impacts on cannabis use.
J. Mennis,G. Stahler,Michael J. Mason
Addiction Published 2024-10-14
Take (part) or Toss? Applying a Job Demands-Resources Lens to Public Leaders’ Motivation to Engage in Leader Training
Leonie Backhaus
Review of Public Personnel Administration Published 2024-10-14
Neoliberalism and the Complexities of Conceptualizing Community School Policy for Racial Equity
Gwendolyn Baxley
Educational Policy Published 2024-10-14
Forging support: when there is no alternative to ‘there is no alternative’
M.A. (Max) Joosten
European Political Science Review Published 2024-10-14
What we talk about when we talk about ‘human shields’: Reading international law through images
Abdelghany Sayed
Leiden Journal of International Law Published 2024-10-14
Managing Political Archives in University Libraries: From Principal-Agent Perspective
Pei-Chun Lee
Journal of Library Administration Published 2024-10-14
Homeland social media as a field of negotiation: Creative strategies of China’s Wanghong in Japan
Yan Du
Global Media and China Published 2024-10-14
Elena Gavrilova
Psychological and pedagogical problems of human and social security Published 2024-10-14
Does it matter that an ally is democratic during crises? Public diplomacy and attitudes towards international allies in times of crisis
Fabrizio Coticchia,Marco Di Giulio,Juan Masullo,Andrea Ruggeri
European Political Science Review Published 2024-10-14
Troubling environmental governance: citizen legal experiments with transboundary commons
Ainhoa Montoya
Oxford Development Studies Published 2024-10-14
Environmental Social Governance Integration in the Gulf Cooperation Council Capital Markets: A Catalyst for Urban Sustainability
Fay Alkhalifa
Sustainability and Climate Change Published 2024-10-14
Enhancing societal security: a multimodal deep learning approach for a public person identification and tracking system
D. Yuvasini,S. Jegadeesan,S. Selvarajan,Feslin Anish Mon
Scientific Reports Published 2024-10-14
Obituary: Alon Confino (1959–2024)
Omer Bartov
Holocaust and Genocide Studies Published 2024-10-14
Prefiguring legal alternatives in environmental and climate justice struggles in Australia
Cristy Clark,Beth Goldblatt
Journal of Human Rights and the Environment Published 2024-10-14
Understanding higher education as a conflictual field. Situational dynamics of peace and conflict in Senegalese universities
Miriam Tekath
Peacebuilding Published 2024-10-14
Celebrating the memory of Dale Herbeck
Juliet Dee
Communication and Democracy Published 2024-10-14
Effects of Citizenship Status on International Medical Graduate Specialty Choice and Practice Location.
Tarun Ramesh,David Armstrong,Gaetano Forte,Theekshana Fernando,Hao Yu
Journal of general internal medicine Published 2024-10-14
The Presidency of Bill Clinton after Thirty Years: A Review Article
Mark Zachary Taylor
Political science quarterly Published 2024-10-14
“Si vis pacem, impera bellum”: The ICRC, international humanitarian law and peace
Daniel Palmieri
Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge Published 2024-10-14
Enhancing predictive accuracy of electoral outcomes: A comparative study of dimension reduction techniques in linear regression models
Zlatan Moric
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Published 2024-10-14
Strengths and weaknesses of EU regional reactivity to shocks
Laura Frassine,N. Pontarollo,Carolina Serpieri
The annals of regional science Published 2024-10-14
Implementation of Innovation in Improved Governance Original Local Income in Makassar City
Firman Pagarra,Muh. Akmal Ibrahim,S. Sukri,Hasniati Hasniati
Journal of Management and Administration Provision Published 2024-10-14
Citizens’ Perception of Digital Public Services: A Case Study among Romanian Citizens
M. Popescu,A. Barbu,G. Moiceanu,Iustina-Cristina Costea-Marcu,G. MilitaruP. Simion
Administrative Sciences Published 2024-10-14
The Day After a Broken Democratic Polity
M. V. Kristan
Global Constitutionalism Published 2024-10-14
Freedom in Populist Radical Right Discourses: The Polish ‘ Island of Freedom’ in the 2019 European Parliament Election
Alexander Alekseev
The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs Published 2024-10-14
Feminization of labour migration from Uzbekistan to Turkey: the role of neoliberal policies, patriarchy and social networks
S. Akcapar,Dilek Çakır
Central Asian Survey Published 2024-10-14
The Economy–Security Nexus: Risk, Strategic Autonomy and the Regulation of the Semiconductor Supply Chain
Benjamin Farrand
European Journal of Risk Regulation Published 2024-10-14
Management and Performance Program Chatbot: A Use Case of Large Language Model in the Federal Public Sector in Brazil
F. Kleiman,Marcelo Mendes Barbosa
Published 2024-10-14
Roman Tovstakorov,Aleksandr Ryabov
Psychological and pedagogical problems of human and social security Published 2024-10-14
Memory politics
G. Gizatova,O. G. Ivanova
The violences and fictions of school choice
Keavy McFadden
City Published 2024-10-14
Where Did the Global Elite Go to School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony
Ricardo Salas‐Díaz,Kevin L. Young
Global Networks Published 2024-10-14
Psychological underpinnings of partisan bias in tie formation on social media.
Mohsen Mosleh,Cameron Martel,David G. Rand
Journal of experimental psychology. General Published 2024-10-14
Changing Ideological Regimes: CEO Succession with A Shift in Political Ideology and New CEO Early Departure
Dimitrios Georgakakis,V. Souitaris,Albert Cannella,Olga Kalogeraki,Grace Peng
Journal of Management Studies Published 2024-10-14
Presentation of national identity on social media in times of crises: The case of a Palestinian anti-violence movement in Israel
Aysha Agbarya
Published 2024-10-14
Neutrality of the Olympic Movement against recent developments in sport and geopolitics – need of reconceptualisation
Mathias Schubert
The International Sports Law Journal Published 2024-10-14
The AUKUS agreement: a new form of the plurilateral defence alliance? A view from downunder
S. Markowski,Robert Albert Wylie,Satish Chand
Published 2024-10-14
Urban state venturism or urbanization of state capital? Views from the global East
Hyun Bang Shin
Dialogues in Human Geography Published 2024-10-14
Explaining Public Demands for Border Militarization
Michael R. Kenwick,S. Maxey
Journal of Conflict Resolution Published 2024-10-14
Surfing the COVID-19 news waves: a Belgian case study of science communication and public relations with university press releases
Miguel Vissers,Steve Paulussen,G. de Bruijn
Journal of Science Communication Published 2024-10-14
Institutional quality and economic growth in upper-middle-income African countries
Negussie Gebrue
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies Published 2024-10-14
Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter. Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy: The Politics of Military Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022. Figures, tables, index, 252 pp.; hardcover $144, paperback $43.99. – ERRATUM
Rut Diamint
Latin American Politics and Society Published 2024-10-14
PACE: Participatory AI for Community Engagement
Saad Hassan,Syeda Mah Noor Asad,Motahhare Eslami,Nicholas Mattei,Aron CulottaJohn Zimmerman
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing Published 2024-10-14
Religious references in political campaigning: a comparative analysis of Latin America and Western Europe on social media
J. Schwörer
Frontiers in Political Science Published 2024-10-14
ecolRxC: Ecological inference estimation of R × C tables using latent structure approaches
J. Pavía,Søren Risbjerg Thomsen
Political Science Research and Methods Published 2024-10-14
State‐produced disorder from counterinsurgency to gentrification
Stefano Portelli
Published 2024-10-14
Comparing Gendered Exposure and Impact in Online Election Violence: Tunisian Political Candidates Targeted on Facebook
Malin Holm,E. Bjarnegård,Pär Zetterberg
Published 2024-10-14
Reinterpreting Islam’s Great Divide: Sunni-Shia Relations from the 7th Century to the Present
Giulia Daga
The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs Published 2024-10-14
Anti-Populism of the Left, Right, and Centre: Varieties of Anti-Populist Party Politics in the European “Populist Moment”
Seongcheol Kim
Politische Vierteljahresschrift Published 2024-10-14
Digital Infrastructure: Public Good or Private Commodity?—Rethinking the Right to Internet Access in the Context of Urban Digitisation
Uttara Purandare
Science Technology & Society Published 2024-10-14
Differences in perspectives on the Christian revolution of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in China
Shuihuan E. Wang
HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies Published 2024-10-14
Student protests at Boğaziçi University against Turkey’s authoritarian regime
Burcu Nur Binbuğa
Third World Quarterly Published 2024-10-14
The role Hegel’s political philosophy in the understanding of our present: the important contribution of Richard Bourke
Nadia Urbinati
History of European Ideas Published 2024-10-14
Decades of Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe: a Review of Transformative Social Policy Lessons for Other African Countries
Tom Tom
The African Review Published 2024-10-14
Heritage Diplomacy, Neo-Ottomanism, and a Local Quest for a New Place of Worship: The Politics of Mosque Building in Batumi, Georgia
Suzanne Harris-Brandts
Fabrications Published 2024-10-14
Operation Interflex: a change in the character of security force assistance?
Vibeke Gootzen,Ivor Wiltenburg,Martijn Kitzen
Published 2024-10-14
Spatial inequality in unsolved crimes: Evidence from small neighborhoods
Nils Braakmann,Bahadır Dursun,Diego Zambiasi
Journal of Regional Science Published 2024-10-14
Promotion of good governance within local government: a case of municipal public accounts committee in South Africa
Sontaga William Mapaya,R. Mukonza,Arthur Shopola
International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science Published 2024-10-14
The Court of Justice in Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin v. M.N. (EncroChat): From cross-border, data-driven police investigations to evidence admissibility
Athina Sachoulidou
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law Published 2024-10-14
Censorship and Creative Communities: Fragility and Change of Fanfiction Writing in China
Ran Wang
Qualitative Sociology Published 2024-10-14
(Slightly) different objectives, but similar results?: Party ideology and participatory institutions
Joan Font,Carolina Galais,Carlos Rico
Acta Politica Published 2024-10-14
Enhancing M-Government service adoption in Saudi Arabia: the role of mobile edge computing in moderating technology acceptance
Muneer Nusir
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy Published 2024-10-14
Crisis management from a relational perspective: an analysis of interorganizational transboundary crisis networks
Carlos Bravo‐Laguna
Journal of Public Policy Published 2024-10-14
Navigating Environmental Justice Framework: A Scoping Literature Review Over Four Decades
Sonia Brondi,Giacomo Chiara,Elisa Matutini
Environmental Justice Published 2024-10-14
The impact of the right of access to information on sustainable development goals under the Aarhus Convention.
Y. Türker
Journal of Environmental Management Published 2024-10-14
Mspa-Based Collaborative Evaluation and Planning Governance of Territory and Natural Environment in Metropolitan Agglomerations—A Case Study of EGIDDZ in Yangtze River Delta
Jinliu Chen,Pengcheng Li,Wang Haoqi
Journal of Resources and Ecology Published 2024-10-14
Information and campaign effects in the 2023 Australian Voice referendum
Ian McAllister,Nicholas Biddle
Australian Journal of Political Science Published 2024-10-14
Raising Awareness and Building Cooperation to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering (DOS)
Published 2024-10-14
Constitutive metaphors and legislator reasoning: the case of domestic violence
Tamar Hofnung
Critical Policy Studies Published 2024-10-14
Partisan (A) Symmetries in Hardball: Mass Level Support of Hardball Equivalent Across Party and Race
William Kidd
Political research quarterly Published 2024-10-14
Brexit exposed: trust, influence, and the struggle for British self-esteem
Gaspare M. Genna
European Politics and Society Published 2024-10-14
Roaming Urban Europe: How Can the Scope of Network Governance in the Multilevel Framework of the EU Explain the Performance of the Dutch Urban Envoy
R. Groen,Rieneke Beeftink
Journal of Public Affairs Published 2024-10-14
Supplemental Material for Socioeconomic Status Differences in Agentic and Communal Self-Concepts: Insights From 6 Million People Across 133 Nations
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Published 2024-10-14
Explaining Countries’ Formal Engagement with the People’s Republic of China’s Digital Connectivity Plan: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Claudio Christopher Passalacqua
The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs Published 2024-10-14
The origins of political theology and the theological argumentation of Peter Skarga
T. R. Khusnutdinov
Beyond the endpoint: the report of the Belgian commission on colonial injustice and the wider tapestry of truth initiatives
Cira Pallí-Asperó
Rethinking history Published 2024-10-14
Threats and forced displacement in Colombia: an analysis based on municipal data
Marlyn Vanessa Vargas
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research Published 2024-10-14
‘Two sides of the one coin’: using reflection to examine co-production of human rights education within higher institutions in Ireland
C. Swords,M. Norton
Social Work Education Published 2024-10-14
Determinants of bank profitability in Ethiopia: does political stability matter?
Alem Gebremedhin Berhe
Published 2024-10-14
Native American language rights in light of Lau : Overlapping policies and possibilities
Cynthia Benally,Daniel Piper
Bilingual Research Journal Published 2024-10-14
Information About Sexual and Gender Minority Services and Policies on US Hospital Websites.
Sahil Sandhu,Michael Liu,King Fok,John W R Kincaid,William C NoelAlex S. Keuroghlian
Published 2024-10-14
Political identity and risk politics: Evidence from a pandemic.
Eric D. Raile,P. Haines,Amber N. W. Raile,Elizabeth A. Shanahan,David C W Parker
Risk Analysis Published 2024-10-14
The Cost of Dancing with the Government: A Conservation of Resources Theory of Political Networking and CEO Burnout
Haiyin Tu,Weiguo Zhong,Yuandong Gu,Wenli Zhou
Journal of Management Studies Published 2024-10-14
Early state socialism and eugenics: Premarital medical certificates in Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Poland in the aftermath of World War II
Natalia Jarska,K. Líšková,Markus Wahl
History of the Human Sciences Published 2024-10-14
Up in the air: A strategic narrative contest in the U.S.–China Balloon Incident 2023
F. H. Wong,Dinfin Mulupi
International Communication Gazette Published 2024-10-14
How Does the Categorical System Account for Socioeconomic Background and Embodied Advantage? A Policy Development Dialogue.
Francisco Javier López Frías,Cesar R Torres
American Journal of Bioethics Published 2024-10-14
Informality and Relations in International Judicial Appointments: Evidence from Sub-regional Courts in Africa
Diana Kisakye,Alexander Stroh
The African Review Published 2024-10-14
“I love how that pussy talk”: Black women, subversive reclamation, and the rhetorical power of Black pussy talk
Ashley R. Hall
The Quarterly journal of speech Published 2024-10-14
Media coverage of Maldives parliamentary elections and its implications for India
Abhijit Anand,Tanya Pandey
Published 2024-10-14
Institutional Anomie Theory and Country-Level Public Corruption
Mateus R. Santos,Richard K. Moule,Alexander Testa,Douglas B. Weiss
Justice quarterly Published 2024-10-14
Globaloney: Extended Party Networks and the Dissemination of Anti-Globalization Insults
Andrew Lugg,Zachary Scott
Political research quarterly Published 2024-10-14
Tutoring Precision Strategy of Ideological and Political Education Based on Intelligent CAD
Zhang Lei,Yao Fu
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Published 2024-10-14
Business continuity, bureaucratic resilience and the limitations of neoliberal survival logics in international organisations
Georgina Holmes,Sarah Newnham
Review of International Studies Published 2024-10-14
Political polarization, legitimacy and democratic education
Anniina Leiviskä
Ethics and Education Published 2024-10-14
Framing Madam Vice President: Global Newspaper Coverage of Kamala Harris in Her First Year
Nana Kwame Osei Fordjour,Judith McIntosh White
Newspaper Research Journal Published 2024-10-14
From melodrama to tragedy: Narratives and metaphors on the path to peace.
R. Garagozov,Rana Gadirova
Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology Published 2024-10-14

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