Newest journal articles by subject

Subjects > Sociology

Impact of attitude, behaviour and opinion of e-scooter and e-bike riders on collision risk in Singapore
Raunaq Nayar,Milan Paudel,Fook Fah Yap,Hong Xu,Yiik Diew WongFeng Zhu
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Socio-economic and environmental impacts of renewable energy deployments: A review
Dan Virah-Sawmy,Bjorn Sturmberg
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Natives’ gender norms and the labor market integration of female immigrants
Julia Bredtmann,S. Otten
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Examining senior citizens’ in public transport: The role of digitalization, environmental concern, and traveler satisfaction
Jonas Nilsson,Johan Jansson,Kimberly Nicholas,Chunli Zhao
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Inferring in-home/out-of-home situations unreported in time-use surveys using supervised machine learning
Shunsuke Arao,Takuya Maruyama
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Unsettling mainstream academic debates on community-based energy governance: Exploring the Japanese experience
H. Koga,S. Bouzarovski,S. Petrova
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Looking inside the ‘black box’ of digital firm scaling: An ethnographically informed conceptualisation
Ross Brown,Suzanne Mawson,A. Rocha,Alexander Rowe
Journal of business research Published 2025-01-01
Heterogeneity in electric taxi charging behavior: Association with travel service characteristics
Haiming Cai,Binliang Li,Wu Li,Jian Wang
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
The influence of national cultures on preferences and willingness to pay for renewable energy in Developing countries: A meta-analysis
Mayula Chaikumbung
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Published 2025-01-01
Consumption targeted innovation for women: From principle to practice?
Shai Oksenberg,Amos J. Zehavi
Research Policy Published 2025-01-01
Fatalism or vigilance? Exposure to infant and maternal deaths and subsequent use of maternal health services in Malawi.
Eric Lungu,Jeffrey W. Rozelle,Emily Smith-Greenaway
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Population aging, Chair of Older Adults in the Isle of Youth and development
Bárbara Zenaida Pérez-Pérez,Rosa María Montano-Silva,Yoneisy Abraham-Millán,Ladisleny Leyva-Samuel,Iraida Céspedes-ProenzaAntonia María Lamorú-Pardo
Published 2025-01-01
Free interchange for better transit? Assessing the multi-dimensional impacts on metro to bus interchange behavior − insights from an explainable machine learning method
Tianqi Gu,Kaihan Zhang,Weiping Xu,Chutian Zhuang,Zhonghui JiangInhi KimHyungchul Chung
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Timeliness-aware rumor sources identification in community-structured dynamic online social networks
Da-Wen Huang,Wenjie Wu,Jichao Bi,Junli Li,Chenquan GanWei Zhou
Information Sciences Published 2025-01-01
Different coasts for different folks: Place-based community values and experience mediate social acceptability of low-trophic aquaculture
M. Rector,R. Filgueira
Marine Policy Published 2025-01-01
Heterogeneity in route choice during peak hours: Implications on travel demand management
Jihao Deng,Tianhao Li,Zhiwei Yang,Quan Yuan,Xiaohong Chen
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Exploring collective activity space and its spatial heterogeneity using mobile phone signaling Data: A case of Shenzhen, China
Juan Li,Pengjun Zhao,Mengzhu Zhang,Yiling Deng,Qiyang LiuYanzhe CuiZhaoya GongJuan LiuWenchang Tan
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Collecting population-representative bike-riding GPS data to understand bike-riding activity and patterns using smartphones and Bluetooth beacons
D. Bhowmick,Danyang Dai,M. Saberi,Trisalyn Nelson,Mark StevensonSachith SeneviratneKerry NiceChristopher PettitHai L. VuBen Beck
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
Adolescence, Interrupted: A narrative review of the impact of Covid-19 on adolescent wellbeing
Erin Oakley,Joost Vintges,Bassam A. Abu Hamad,K. Mitu,J. SeagerW. YadeteNicola JonesSarah Baird
World Development Published 2025-01-01
“Leave no one behind”. A power-capabilities-energy justice perspective on energy transition in remote rural communities in Cambodia
G. Siciliano,Roberto Cantoni,Pichdara Lonn,Narith Por,Solany KryChimmor MornHam Oudom
World Development Published 2025-01-01
The Impacts of Humanitarian Engineering Context on Students’ Sociotechnical Thinking
Jeffrey P. Walters,Kayt Frisch,Ken Yasuhara,J. Kaminsky
Journal of Civil Engineering Education Published 2025-01-01
Reallocation of time after an exogenous reduction in mandatory travel: transport, work, and leisure in Chilean two-worker two-gender households
Sergio Jara-Diaz,Sebastián Astroza,Diego Candia,Monserrat Morales
Travel Behaviour & Society Published 2025-01-01
How cultural elements shape game evaluations: The role of cultural authenticity and perceived effort
Xiangyun Zhang,Qianying Huang,Zhuomin Shi,Kexin Zhang
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2025-01-01
Men can cook: Effectiveness of a men’s engagement intervention to change attitudes and behaviors in rural Ethiopia
Harold Alderman,Daniel O. Gilligan,Melissa Hidrobo,Jessica Leight,Michael MulfordHeleene Tambet
World Development Published 2025-01-01
Knowledge and attitudes about blood donation in residents of the Chigüilpe commune
Ruth Elizabeth Calderón Landívar,Claudia Nicole Salazar Duque,María Guiliana Yánez Agila,Jenrry Fredy Chávez Arizala
Published 2025-01-01
Are social media robot influencers credible? A cross-continental analysis in a fashion context
Patricia Baudier,Elodie de Boissieu
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2025-01-01
The negative consequences of networking through social network services: A social comparison perspective
Nicolas Bazine,Julie Serra,Marianna Giunchi,Marco Peña-Jimenez
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2025-01-01
Tímea KŐVÁRI-TÓTH,Anetta Müller,Zsolt Kővári
Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites Published 2024-12-31
Birth in the time of COVID-19: Midwives’ experiences of providing care during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic in Aotearoa New Zealand
Suzanne Miller,Christine Griffiths,Lesley Dixon,Jeanine Tamiti-Elliffe,Judith McAra-CouperA. GilkisonT. Jackson
New Zealand College of Midwives. Journal Published 2024-12-31
New urban tourism in the Global South: The case of inner-city Johannesburg
Christian M. Rogerson,Mitchell C.N. Malovha,J. Rogerson
GeoSport for Society Published 2024-12-31
Women's exposure to intimate partner violence and its association with child stunting: findings from a population-based study in rural Rwanda.
J. N. Utumatwishima,I. Mogren,Kristina Elfving,Aline Umubyeyi,Ali MansourianG. Krantz
Global Health Action Published 2024-12-31
Operational Stress Among Nepal Police Officers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Pratibha Singh,Nabin Prasad Joshi
Published 2024-12-31
Public knowledge about and attitudes toward organ donation, and public barriers to donate in Jordan: A cross-sectional study
Adham Al-Salhi,Elham H Othman
World journal of transplantation Published 2024-12-18
Attitudes towards inclusion in the context of ‘intellectual disability’: Demographic characteristics of attitude types and how social privileges might lead to denying inclusion
Hendrik rescher,Sonja Weidmann
Multidisciplinarni Pristupi u Edukaciji i Rehabilitaciji Published 2024-12-15
LIV Scientific Conference “Society and State in China”
N. S. Rudenko
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka Published 2024-12-15
The Annual Canadian Sociological Association Conference 2023. Research Cluster: Sociology of Housing
D. Litvintsev
Published 2024-12-15
Technological and Socio-Cultural Innovations in the Life of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Context of Relations with the United States
A. S. Derbenev
Published 2024-12-15
Gender-based violence committed by women against men in the Kingdom of Eswatini
Phumuzani Mpofu,Lungile Goodness Mamba
International Review of Social Sciences Research Published 2024-12-15
El Botellón: Modeling the Movement of Crowds in a City
J. Rowe,Rocío Gómez
Complex Systems Published 2024-12-15
Multigenerational workforce and organizational performance: A convergent analysis
Chilufya Chiwisa,M. Mpundu
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research Published 2024-12-15
Funding, inequalities, and access: An amalgam of challenges in South African higher education
S. Cele,S. Adewumi
Published 2024-12-15
Examining the enablers and constraints of correctional students’ access in higher education: A case study
V. Mahlangu
Published 2024-12-15
The Influence of Critical Race Theory on the Contemporary Ideological Divide in the USA
D. N. Vorobyev
Published 2024-12-15
Job Polarisation: The Change of Nature of Task and Skill Needs
Chen Chen Yong,Elisa Jean Jion Nor Pau
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Gender Disparities in Digital Employment in China
Huixin Mi,N. Tey,Siow-Li Lai
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Published 2024-12-09
Why do start-up tourism small and medium-sized enterprises imitate? A mixed-methods research design
Xinrui Wang,Yanfang Zeng,Qingqing Lai,Michael S. Lin
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Published 2024-12-01
Investigating motorcycle crashes pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic along Kentucky’s urban roadway segments
Bharat Kumar Pathivada,Arunabha Banerjee,Kirolos Haleem
Journal of Safety Research Published 2024-12-01
Context matters when evacuating large cities: Shifting the focus from individual characteristics to location and social vulnerability
S. Rufat,E. Comby,Serge Lhomme,Victor Santoni
Published 2024-12-01
Socio-spatial inequalities in presence of primary care physicians and patients' ability to register: A simulated-patient survey in the Paris Region
Raphaëlle Delpech,H. Panjo,J. Sassenou,Eric Deflesselle,Pascaline MoureyColinne PatriceLucie LegrosMarie AlaisPierre-Louis SokhnMarianne Grandin de l’EprevierLaura SorgiatiFrédérique NoëlFlorence OllivierGéraldine BloyLaurent Rigal
Public Health Published 2024-12-01
Perspectivization in the thematic exploration of atypical depressive self-talk in an unmanaged online depression community on Weibo
Yating Chen,Charity Lee,Pei Soo Ang
Published 2024-12-01
Climate change and population aging: The role of older adults in climate change mitigation
Daniel Katey,Senyo Zanu
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Evaluating a National Biomedical Training Program Using QuantCrit: Revealing Disparities in Research Self-efficacy for Women of Color Undergraduates.
Jayashri Srinivasan,Krystle P Cobian,N. Maccalla,Christina A Christie
CBE - Life Sciences Education Published 2024-12-01
Rediscover nearby nature: Exploring the well-being effect and influence factors of camping at different stages of COVID-19
Fangyu Liu,Ying Zhao,Zidan Mao
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Exploring Science Identity and Latent Factors of Student Gains in a Place-based Marine Science CURE Designed to Provide Access to Hawai'i Students from Historically Marginalized Ethnicities.
Christine M. Ambrosino,Kelvin D Gorospe,Lisa B. Limeri,Seaenna Correa-Garcia,M. A. J. Rivera
CBE - Life Sciences Education Published 2024-12-01
Beyond function: Street Furniture as a Catalyst for Interaction in Public Spaces of Cairo
Doha M Eissa,Ammar Elshaer
Engineering Research Journal Published 2024-12-01
Expanding European fossil-based plastic production in a time of socio-ecological crisis: A neo-Gramscian perspective
Karl Holmberg,J. P. Tilsted,Fredric Bauer,Johannes Stripple
Published 2024-12-01
Improving community resilience to disrupted food access: Empirical spatio-temporal analysis of volunteer-based crowdsourced food delivery
Gretchen Bella,E. Borowski,Amanda Stathopoulos
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
Sociopolitical evolution, population clustering, and technology among early sedentary communities in northeastern Andes, Colombia
Sebastian Fajardo,Pedro Argüello
Journal of anthropology and archaeology Published 2024-12-01
Identity after Impairment: Development of an Athletic Identity Model of Filipino Para-athletes
Marian M. Lagundino,Marc Eric S. Reyes,Ryan Francis O. Cayubit
Published 2024-12-01
Renewal strategies of industrial heritage based on placeness theory: The case of Guangzhou, China
Deyu Zhong,Pinzhi Huang,Gui Xiong,Hongyang Li
Cities Published 2024-12-01
How does high-speed rail affect intercity elderly migration? Evidence from China
Guowei Lyu,Wangyuqing Ma,Jiaoe Wang,Jingjuan Jiao
Published 2024-12-01
Alternative futures “in the making”: Insights from three makerspaces in peripheral Greece
Danai Liodaki
Published 2024-12-01
Understanding the emergency accommodation use patterns of homeless families
Richard Waldron,D. Redmond,Bernie O’Donoghue-Hynes
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Negotiating agency in teacher-children triads of collaborative (re)storytelling: Empirical study and methodological implications
Niklas Pramling,Jenny Myrendal,Sofije Shengjergji
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction Published 2024-12-01
Consumer preferences for artificial intelligence-enhanced products: Differences across consumer segments, product types, and countries
Björn Frank
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
What rural ecological governance goals do local residents prefer? Evidence from Hainan, China
Han Liu,Dan Qiao,Tao Xu
Sustainable Futures Published 2024-12-01
“Two against one”: An ethnography of foosball games during school break
Fernanda Müller,Rafaela Nunes Marques,Maria Letícia Barros Pedroso Nascimento
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction Published 2024-12-01
The role of human errors and violations in pedestrian-related crashes: Harnessing a unique database and accounting for heterogeneity
N. Ahmad,Asad J. Khattak
Journal of Safety Research Published 2024-12-01
Conditional openness to racio-ethnic otherness: Exploring white employers’ ambivalent self-Other constructions in the everyday work of reproducing whiteness
Sandra Bogaers,Koen Van Laer,Patrizia Zanoni
Scandinavian Journal of Management Published 2024-12-01
Understanding rural household migration and homestead exit intentions: Toward sustainable land use and development goals
Qing Han,Kexin Zhou,Zhongxing Guo,Rupesh Kumar
Journal of Geochemical Exploration Published 2024-12-01
Paradoxical tensions at multiple levels: A model of unbalanced supranational coopetition
B. Olafsdottir,E. S. Kristjánsdóttir,Susan Freeman
Scandinavian Journal of Management Published 2024-12-01
‘Into the darkness’ – The caving community and their tourist experiences. The Polish case
D. Chylińska
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Racial and gender education in the early school years: An examination of teachers’ reactions to discrimination
Jayley Janssen,Tracy L. Spinrad,Larissa Gaias,Diana E. Gal-Szabo,Nancy EisenbergD. LaibleGustavo Carlo
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-12-01
Saved by the snowy owl: An intersectional analysis of indigenous rights and biodiversity in the Kvalsund wind power project in Norway
Larry Ibrahim Mohammed
Published 2024-12-01
Digitally accessible space: Discovery of the distinctive locational characteristics of restaurants with online reservation
Chulwoong Park,Youngchul Kim
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Impact of sincere social interaction on tourist citizenship behavior——Perspective from “self” and “relationships
Gefen Zhou,Jiajing Hu,Qiang Du,Min Xiang
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Published 2024-12-01
A potential conflict between grandparenthood and the third age lifestyle in the Finnish countryside
I. Pietilä,H. Ojala
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Is FinTech making world more “inclusive”? Evidence from inclusive growth story of China
Zihao Guo,Yuetong Wei,Shuangshuang Fan,Muhammad Shahbaz
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Practice reconfigurations around heat pumps in and beyond Dutch households
Evert van Beek,Stella Boess,Alessandro Bozzon,Elisa Giaccardi
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Are small cities disappearing? The policy responses to urban shrinkage oriented toward young people in Uiseong-gun, South Korea
Sangmin Kim
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Understanding public response: Government communication during the COVID-19 crisis through the eyes of the Swiss public
N. Diviani,Maddalena Fiordelli,Sara Rubinelli
PEC Innovation Published 2024-12-01
Food security policy and coastal climate adaptation among Indigenous and Local Communities
E. Galappaththi,Chrishma D Perera,Gayanthi A. Illangarathna,Sithuni M. Jayasekara,Hannah Garbutt
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
Determinants of livelihood diversification in an integrated agricultural and non-agricultural livelihood system in Ghana
Jude Dokbila Kolog,F. Asem,A. Mensah-Bonsu,R. Atinga
Scientific African Published 2024-12-01
Visualizing Inequities: A Step Toward Equitable Student Outcomes.
Sumitra Tatapudy,Rachel Potter,Linnea Bostrom,Anne Colgan,Casey J SelfJulia SmithShangmou XuElli J. Theobald
CBE - Life Sciences Education Published 2024-12-01
Public perceptions of reportable safety events and risks in United States primary care
Frances Hardin-Fanning,Said Abusalem,Paul Clark
Journal of Safety Research Published 2024-12-01
After the battle: Emergent norms and the silencing of dissent in a Norwegian wind power community
Helene Figari,M. Leiren,Olve Krange
Published 2024-12-01
“You deserve mob justice too”: Discursive justifications of mob (In)Justice on social media in Africa
Maame Efua Addadzi - Koom
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice Published 2024-12-01
Differences in the experience of cultural ecosystem services in mountain protected areas by clusters of visitors
M. Felipe-Lucia,Angel de Frutos,Emilie Crouzat,V. Grescho,Jonna M. HeuscheleMelissa MarselleMarco HeurichFranziska PöpperlFlorian PorstAna Paula PortelaChristian RossiC. Carvalho-SantosA. StritihAna Sofia VazAletta Bonn
Ecosystem Services Published 2024-12-01
Social trust and the winner-loser gap
Matías Bargsted,Andrés González-Ide
Electoral Studies Published 2024-12-01
Social determinants of health and their associations with outcomes in pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A national study of the NEMSIS database
Mary E. Bernardin,Jyoti Arora,Paul Schuler,Benjamin Fisher,Joseph FinneyElizabeth KendrickDanielle Lee
Resuscitation Plus Published 2024-12-01
“You messed up with the wrong generation”: Intergenerational relations from the perspective of Israeli older protesters
L. Ayalon,Sarit Okun
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
“Akili zetu ziwe moja / Let our minds be one”: Emergent strategy for adapting to seafood insecurity in coastal Kenyan fishing communities
Rachel M. Cohn,Ruth Mbeyu,Andrew Wamukota,Melva Treviño
Marine Policy Published 2024-12-01
The Potential for Workplaces to Provide Social Support for Distressed Infrastructure Workers
Rebecca R. Langdon,Lisa Bradley,Cameron J. Newton,Sukanlaya Sawang
Journal of construction engineering and management Published 2024-12-01
Climate change, livelihood resilience, and gender: An intersectional analysis of Vietnam's forest-dependent communities
Ho Thi Phuong,Nguyen Quang Tan,Phan Thi Quynh Nga,Le Quang Vuong,Dao Thi Minh ChauNyein ChanKyaw WinKhin Nilar Swe
Environmental Development Published 2024-12-01
The value of social distancing: A discrete choice experiment to examine golf tourists’ preferences for COVID-19 Safety protocols
S. Lyu,Young Jin Choi,Se Hee Choi,Jinwon Kim
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Same same but different: Examining climate change impacts on human security in Vanuatu and Guam
Anselm Vogler
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
How to build vibrant communities by utilizing functional zones? A community-detection-based approach for revealing the association between land use and community vibrancy
He Hao,Enjian Yao,Yang Yang,Shasha Liu,Long PanYue Wang
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Response to shrinking cities: Cultural urban regeneration
Jiwoon Oh,Mengying Li,Juchul Jung
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Intergenerational poverty persistence in Europe – Is there a ‘Great Gatsby Curve’ for poverty?
Michele Bavaro,Rafael Carranza,Brian Nolan
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Published 2024-12-01
Satisfying transport needs with low carbon emissions: Exploring individual, social, and built environmental factors
Michał Czepkiewicz,Filip Schmidt,Dawid Krysiński,Cezary Brudka
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Published 2024-12-01
Urban green spaces in rapidly urbanizing cities: A socio-economic valuation of Nairobi City, Kenya
Peter Odhengo,Alphayo I. Lutta,Philip Osano,Romanus Opiyo
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Exploring the institutional factors in mitigating rural gentrification-led displacement: The case of Xiaozhou Village in Guangzhou, China
Shizhen Huang,Yuting Liu,Xing Huang,Haitong Mo
Journal of Rural Studies Published 2024-12-01
Is ‘eliminating’ remote diesel-generation just? Inuit energy, power, and resistance in off-grid communities of NunatuKavut
Nicholas Mercer,Debbie Martin,Bryn Wood,Amy Hudson,Aimee BattcockTristan AtkinsKrista Oxford
Published 2024-12-01
Olympics-related urban interventions in Barcelona and in Rio de Janeiro: A look at territorial equality legacies
F. Baroghi,Paulo J.G. Ribeiro
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Outcomes of an agri-environmental scheme in the management of common pastures in northern Portugal: Social benefits and effects on local capacity for collective action
Ana Luísa Luz
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Emotions, behaviors and places: Mapping sentiments with behaviors in Japanese tweets
Mingchen Liu,Yuya Shibuya,Y. Sekimoto
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Bringing morality back in: Accounting as moral interlocutor in reflective equilibrium processes
K. Kraus,Anette Mikes,Carissa Véliz
Accounting, Organizations and Society Published 2024-12-01
Informal pandemic precarity and migrant food enterprise in South Africa during COVID-19
J. Crush,G. Tawodzera
Global Food Security Published 2024-12-01
Post-disaster recovery policy assessment of urban socio-physical systems
Sangung Park,T. Yabe,S. Ukkusuri
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Published 2024-12-01
An intersectional life course approach to explore the narratives of ageing migrant women
Merve Tunçer
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Technological employment: Evidence from worldwide robot adoption
Shahab Sharfaei,Jan Bittner
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Examining the effects of neighborhood walking environments and green spaces on the likelihood of residents being obese: A residential self-selection perspective
Wenyue Yang,Ruyu Yang,Yuxuan Guo,Wenyao Yin
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Motherhood penalty: The Brazilian peculiarity
Francis Petterini,Jeniffer Gonçalves
Social impacts Published 2024-12-01
Aging enacted in practice: How unloved objects thrive in the shadows of care
Björn Fischer,B. Östlund,Alexander Peine
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Sustainable creative careers through mentoring: Understanding social resilience in the art field
Åsne Dahl Haugsevje,Marianne Heian
Poetics Published 2024-12-01
Moralization of law, heavy-penaltyism, and retributive justice: A corpus-assisted study of legal consciousness on Chinese social media
Han Wang,Mengliang Dai
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice Published 2024-12-01
Poor housing conditions in adolescence and housing hardship in adulthood: A longitudinal mediation analysis
Jinho Kim,Gum-Ryeong Park
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Revisiting subsidiarity: Not only administrative decentralization but also multidimensional polycentrism
Stefano Moroni
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Mainstreaming storylines of a social innovation: The case of energy communities in Austria
Andrea Vogler,J. Wittmayer
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
The potential of local online shopping platforms for villages and small and medium-sized towns
Christina Rundel,Koen Salemink,T. Haartsen
Journal of Rural Studies Published 2024-12-01
Disrupting the Master Narrative in Academic Biology as LGBTQ+ Ph.D. Students: Learning, Teaching, and Conducting Research.
Samantha A. Maas,Nicholas J. Wiesenthal,S. Brownell,Katelyn M. Cooper
CBE - Life Sciences Education Published 2024-12-01
How does household farmland rental behavior affect gender differences in labor division and livelihood strategy? Insights from the household production theory
Wenjing Han,Zhengfeng Zhang,Xiaoling Zhang
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Doing gender in energy communities: A gendered perspective on barriers and motivators
Melanie Vogel,Celina Kacperski,Mona Bielig,Florian Kutzner
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
An interdisciplinary model for behaviour in residential buildings: Bridging social sciences and engineering approaches
Olivia Guerra-Santin,Luyi Xu,Stella Boess
Published 2024-12-01
A longitudinal study of the impact of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics on Japanese residents' support: The mediating role of social well-being
Shintaro Sato,Keita Kinoshita,Hiroaki Funahashi,Takuya Furukawa,Shang-Chun MaK. Kaplanidou
Published 2024-12-01
The place of co-production: A physital space for collaborative urban government
Batel Yossef Ravid,Meirav Aharon Gutman
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Measuring and modelling values, beliefs and attitudes about urban forests in Canada and Australia
Camilo Ordóñez Barona,Dave Kendal,Stephen J. Livesley,Tenley M. Conway
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Social recognition, goal setting, and energy conservation: Evidence from a field experiment in student dormitories
Botao Qin,Siyuan Xie,Chenyang Xu
Energy Policy Published 2024-12-01
A participatory process to develop improvements to children’s shared areas
Clara Helena Bianchi Pereira,Erika Harumi Nishimoto Monetti,D. Kowaltowski,E. Muianga
Ambiente Construído Published 2024-12-01
Of heroes and villains – How coalitions shape their narratives and what the public conservation debate is actually about?
Agata Pietrzyk‐Kaszyńska,A. Olszańska
Published 2024-12-01
The recovery from the pandemic: A spatial-temporal analysis on the changes in mobility and public attitude in Singapore
Haoyu Tian,Wei Chien Benny Chin,Chen-Chieh Feng
Cities Published 2024-12-01
The influence of disruptive events on energy-related household practices: Results of a longitudinal study in the Netherlands
Véronique Vasseur,Julia Backhaus
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Telemedicine and transformative health access for millennials-Gen Z: PLS-SEM based behavioral exploration
Suci Megawati,Amir Machmud,M. Alfarizi
Technology and Society Published 2024-12-01
A tale of many cities: Mapping social infrastructure and social capital across the United States
Timothy Fraser,Osama Awadalla,Harshita Sarup,Daniel P. Aldrich
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Published 2024-12-01
City-wide cycling network extension and bicycle ridership in São Paulo: A causal analysis
Francisco Edson Macedo Filho,Camila Cunquero
Published 2024-12-01
Corrigendum to “Iranian women, e-learning, and experience of motherhood in the age of COVID-19: An analysis of mothers’ lived experience of their children's e-learning” [Asian Journal of Social Science (September 2023) Pages 162-171/Volume 51, Issue 3]
Sh. Parvaei,Zahra Mirhosseini
Asian Journal of Social Science Published 2024-12-01
‘Road runners’ and Fanta: Intersectional cultural food in/security among Zimbabwean migrants living in UK cities
Kavita Datta,Tim Brown,Thabani Mutambasere
Global Food Security Published 2024-12-01
Hybrid entrepreneurship in just transitions: Dealing with dilemmas facing ‘the other’
Rick Colbourne,Lalarukh Ejaz,Vadim Grinevich,Saima Husain,D'Arcy O'Farrell
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Teachers’ experiences of being unsettled within their relationships with parents: Shifting professional knowledge landscapes
Sonja Lutovac,Virve Keränen,Minna Körkkö,Minna Uitto,D. Clandinin
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-12-01
Outdoor recreation shows promise as an equitable context for youth informal STEM learning in amenity-rich rural areas
Jayson Seaman,Andrew D. Coppens,Cindy L. Hartman,Amanda Bastoni,Kate MoscouverCourtney LaChaineJanet Gronneberg
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Intersectional trends in poor mental health and health inequities across the US
Kieran Blaikie,Stephen J Mooney,Heather D. Hill,Isaac C. Rhew,A. Hajat
Published 2024-12-01
Who is Ready to Live a Car-independent Lifestyle? A Latent Class Cluster Analysis of Attitudes Towards Car Ownership and Usage
Jaime Soza-Parra,O. Cats
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-12-01
The effect of ethnography-based outdoor learning methods on elementary students’ activities and learning outcomes
Hendratno Hendratno,W. Wiryanto,Nurul Istiq'faroh,M. G. Primaniarta
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-12-01
Cross examination of smart urbanism and Southern urbanism: A systematic literature review in search of ‘Southern smart urbanism’
Deepti Prasad,Tooran Alizadeh
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Social death of older adults residing in nursing homes in Finland
Jenny Paananen,J. Kulmala,Jari Pirhonen
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Understanding the significance of Olympic values in adults of Chile and Argentina
Alejandro Bacot Tamayo,Pedro Danilo Ponciano Núñez,Frano Giakoni-Ramírez,Jorge Flández-Valderrama,Daniel Duclos-Bastías
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-12-01
LGBTQI+ safety perceptions in transit environments
Vania Ceccato,Gabriel Gliori,C. Sundling
Journal of Urban Mobility Published 2024-12-01
Dissemination, manipulation or monopolization? Understanding the influence of stakeholder information sharing on resident participation in neighborhood rehabilitation of urban China
Yu Li,Penglin Zhu,Erwin Mlecnik,Queen K Qian,Henk Visscher
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Are East Asian “shrinking cities” falling into a loop? Insights from the interplay between population decline and metropolitan concentration in Japan
Xizi Xu,Jue Ma,Kojiro Sho,Fumihiko Seta
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Potential risk and efficiency analysis of decision-making dilemmas in connected dual-vehicle interactions at uncontrolled intersections
Miaomiao Yang,Qiong Bao,Yongjun Shen,Qikai Qu,Rui ZhangTianyuan HanHuansong Zhang
Technology and Society Published 2024-12-01
Loneliness and teacher-student relationships in children and adolescents: Multilevel cross-cultural meta-analyses of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
Yixuan Zheng,Cecilia Rollano,Charlotte Bagnall,Caroline Bond,Jia SongPamela Qualter
Journal of School Psychology Published 2024-12-01
Anticipating socio-technical tipping points
Franziska Mey,Diana Mangalagiu,Johan Lilliestam
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Metaverse as local government communication platform: A systematic review through the lens of publicness theory
Sajani Senadheera,Tan Yigitcanlar,Kevin C. Desouza,Rita Yi Man Li,Juan M. CorchadoRashid MehmoodKaren MossbergerPauline Hope Cheong
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Perceived accessibility and self-rated health: Examining subjective well-being in the suburbs of Scarborough, Canada
João Pedro Figueira Amorim Parga,Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken,Shaila Jamal,Steven Farber,Anton YuChristopher D. Higgins
Published 2024-12-01
Is the future of the metaverse bleak or bright? Role of realism, facilitators, and inhibitors in metaverse adoption
Khuram Shahzad,Muhammad Ashfaq,Abaid Ullah Zafar,Sarah Basahel
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
In This Special: Co-Designing Consumer Technology With Society
Rys Farthing,Katina Michael,Jeremy V. Pitt
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society Published 2024-12-01
Spatial distributive justice has many faces: The case of siting renewable energy infrastructures
Paul Lehmann,E. Gawel,Jan-Niklas Meier,Milan Jakob Reda,Felix ReutterStephan Sommer
Published 2024-12-01
Empathy and LGBTI perspectives among university nursing students in Türkiye
C. A. Topal,Tuğçe Uçgun,Reyyan Gurel
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing Published 2024-12-01
Housing career disparities in a transitional society: Comparing local residents, new citizens, and the floating population in Nanjing
Xueying Mu,Haiqiao Li,Can Cui,Weixuan Song
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Wake-up of sleeping beauty patent families: The global non-equilibrium diffusion of technological knowledge
Haoyang Song,Jia-lin Hou,Xiucai Yang,Ruoyu Liu
Technology and Society Published 2024-12-01
Social limits to climate change adaptation: temporalities in behavioural responses to climate risks
Frans Berkhout
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Published 2024-12-01
The Status and Associated Factors of Doctor-Patient Communication from Older Adult's Perspective in the City of Tehran in 2023
Hamideh Esmaeili,Yadollah Abolfathi Momtaz,Marjan Haghi,Mahshid Foroughan
Sālmand Published 2024-12-01
Trade time for space: Does living space moderate the relationship between commuting duration and mental health in Beijing?
Wei Zhu,Jiejing Wang,Tao Liu
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
Unraveling the factors behind self-reported trapped incidents in the extraordinary urban flood disaster: a case study of Zhengzhou City, China
Hongbo Zhao,Yangyang Liu,Li Yue,Tianshu Gu,Junqing TangZheye Wang
Cities Published 2024-12-01
COVID futures: Social imaginaries of post-pandemic lives in Australia
Deborah Lupton
Published 2024-12-01
Harnessing social innovation for a just transition: A case study of tea industrialization in China's era of ecological civilization
Ping Huang,V. Broto,Linda Westman
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Generative-based community sustainable tourism development: From conceptualization to practical framework
Seokho Han,Hossein Olya,M. Kim,Taelyn Kim
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Published 2024-12-01
Mobility of non-binary and gender nonconforming individuals: A systematic literature review
Oxana Ivanova,Steve O'Hern
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
“It is no longer the sunshine city, it is now a dump site city”: Discursive construction of urban space and street trading in Harare, Zimbabwe
Elmond Bandauko,Godwin Arku
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Digital-induced nostalgia: Homeland tourists’ nostalgic experiences in traditional-village digital museums
Senyao Sang
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Published 2024-12-01
Bringing the state back in the lithium triangle: An institutional analysis of resource nationalism in Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia
Craig A. Johnson,Araceli Clavijo,Mauricio Lorca,Manuel Olivera Andrade
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Public recreational facilities as catalyst for urban aging-in-place decision in developing countries
N. Aguome,N. Ewurum,K. Ifeanacho,Lilian Chinweikpe Abaa-Okorie,Chidubem Grace Ugwu
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Integrating computing techniques in preserving Makassar’s Pakarena dance heritage
Nurlina Syahrir,Alimuddin Alimuddin
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Published 2024-12-01
Identifying Entrepreneurial Barriers Facing Female Tourism Students: Focusing on Social Barriers Effects
S. El-Sisi
Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality Published 2024-12-01
Ethnocultural wisdom and development of e-comic
Ida Ermiana,N. Parwati,Gusti Putu Sudiarta,I. Gde,Wawan Sudatha
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Published 2024-12-01
Sectoral innovation policy adopting socio-technical systems (STS) perspectives: The case of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in five leading countries
Taeyoung Park,Jeehoon Ki,Jae-Yun Ho
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Exploring the impact of neighborhood environment on the mental health of rural migrant women: A case study in Nanjing, China
Moli Gu,Shuangshuang Tang,Jianxi Feng
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Healthy, safe and comfortable: Emerging indoor air practices in Australian households
Y. Strengers,S. Pink,K. Dahlgren,H. Korsmeyer
Published 2024-12-01
Informal participation in digital planning: How can third parties use social media to shift power relations in planning?
Junyao He,Yanliu Lin,Pieter Hooimeijer,Jochen Monstadt
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Published 2024-12-01
Patterns of parent media use: The influence of parent media use profiles on parental mediation, technoference, and problematic media use
Hailey G. Holmgren,McCall A. Booth,Sarah Ashby,Sarah M. Coyne,Brandon N. CliffordEmilie Davis
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2024-12-01
Conceptualizing Recovery from Mental Illness in Indonesia: A Scoping Review
Flora Cohen,Agus Sugianto,Hans Pols,Clement Bayetti
Published 2024-12-01
A social cognitive perspective in innovation ecosystems: Understanding startups from ideation to consolidation in industry 4.0 era
Dalton Alexandre Kai,Edson Pinheiro de Lima,Guilherme Brittes Benitez
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
The Relationship between Spiritual Health with Family Satisfaction and Family Cohesion Among Elder Adults in Gonabad
Elahe Hesami,Habib Shareinia,Hosein Ajamzibad
Sālmand Published 2024-12-01
Landlords' accounts of retrofit: A relational approach in the private rented sector in England
G. Mininni,Donal Brown,M. Brisbois,L. Middlemiss,Mark DaviesIain CairnsM. HannonR. BookbinderA. Owen
Published 2024-12-01
Whose low-carbon future? Community perceptions and expectations on the renewable energy transition in a post-industrial city
Alison Bates,O. Nwadiaru,Anna Goldstein,Julia Cantor,Makaylah CowanMarina Pineda ShokoohKrista Harper
Published 2024-12-01
Hidden patterns of inequality: The heterogeneity in parenting within educational groups
Asta Breinholt
Poetics Published 2024-12-01
Soothing house. How housing does mitigate time pressures?
Guillaume Drevon,M. Schultheiss,Vincent Kaufmann,Luca Pattaroni
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Rural tourism initiatives and their relationship to collaborative governance and perceived value: A review of recent research and trends
Liliana Reina-Usuga,Francisco Camino,Gema Gómez-Casero,Carol Angélica Jara Alba
Published 2024-12-01
Community care and social participation: An ethnography of clubs for older people in Peñalolén (Chile) during and after the pandemic
Herminia Gonzálvez-Torralbo,Ariany Silva-Villar
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Older Adult's Opinion About Colorectal Cancer Screening based on Social Marketing Model
S. Olyani,Hossein Ebrahimipour,Mehrossadat Mahdizadeh,Jamshid Jamali,Nooshin Peyman
Sālmand Published 2024-12-01
Digital inequalities among internet users before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison from two cross-sectional surveys in Slovenia
A. Petrovčič,Bianca C. Reisdorf,Anabel Quan-Haase,Jošt Bartol,Darja Grošelj
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Racial/ethnic disparities in academic achievement in U.S. middle schools: An integrated multilevel modeling approach
Hye-Young Yun,Sabina Low
Journal of School Psychology Published 2024-12-01
Sustainability in practice: Analyzing environmental, social and governance practices in leading Latin American organizations' reports
Cleiton Hluszko,M. V. Barros,Adriano Martins de Souza,Diego Alexis Ramos Huarachi,Micaela Ines Castillo UlloaVinicius MorettiF. N. PuglieriA. C. de Francisco
Cleaner Production Letters Published 2024-12-01
Code-switching among Bilingual Cairene University Students about Personal Relations: A Sociolinguistic Approach
Rania Hamdy Hassan
Alsun Beni-Suef International Journal of Linguistics Translation and Literature Published 2024-12-01
Accounting and the shifting spheres: The economic, the public, the planet
Hendrik Vollmer
Accounting, Organizations and Society Published 2024-12-01
Assessing spatial and racial equity of subway accessibility: Case study of New York City
Amirhossein Baghestani,Mohyeddin Nikbakht,Yana Kucheva,Ali Afshar
Cities Published 2024-12-01
The life course effects of socioeconomic status on later life loneliness: The role of gender and ethnicity
Ágnes Szabó,Christin M. Stephens,M. Breheny
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Criminal justice response in Cape Verde: Understanding punishment severity in case of gender-based violence against women
Edília Mendes Rodrigues,Carlos Alberto Poiares,Laura Llor Zaragoza,Fernando Branco,Cátia Matias MonteiroRita DomingosI. A. OguejiMaria Cunha Louro
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice Published 2024-12-01
Mining struggles in north-central Mexico: Between mining tradition, poverty, and environmentalism
Alejandra Toscana-Aparicio,Sergio Elías Uribe-Sierra
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Ecological and societal trade-offs of living a good, safe and green life in urban ecological enclaves
Dario H. Schoulund,C. Breed,J. C. Pasgaard,Maya Pasgaard
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Psychosocial Needs of Community-Dwelling Seniors: A Qualitative Study
Monire Baloochi,Fardin Alipoor,Mohamad Sabzi Khoshnami,Payam Roshanfekr,Mohsen Shati
Sālmand Published 2024-12-01
A socio-technical perspective on software vulnerabilities: A causal analysis
Carlos V. Paradis,Rick Kazman,Mike Konrad
Information and Software Technology Published 2024-12-01
Hidden desires, echoed distress: Dissecting Nigeria's sexting landscape and its ties to depression
Victor Yisa,Rita Orji
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2024-12-01
Women’s decision-making power, cooking fuel adoption and appliance ownership: Evidence from Rwanda, Nepal and Honduras
Svenja Flechtner,Ulli Lich,Setu Pelz
Published 2024-12-01
Retelling the past crisis: Crisis memory and its influences on organizational reputation and public responses
Xing Zhang,Elmie Nekmat
Public Relations Review Published 2024-12-01
Social relations among older gay men and trans women in Chile: Diverse, intimate, functional and reciprocal networks
Lorena P. Gallardo-Peralta,Emilie Raymond,H. Torralbo,Victoria Carrasco-Pavez
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Designing transformative interventions for a world in crisis: How the ‘Worldview Journey’ invites for personal, cultural, and systems transformation
Annick De Witt,M. Bootsma,B. Dermody,Karin Rebel
Published 2024-12-01
River water heat pumps to decarbonise district heating and promote the resilience of hydrosystems: Technico-economic, environmental and sociological challenges
Marc Clausse,Frédéric Lefevre,Yoann Jovet,Antoine Fontaine,Laurence RocherNicolas RivièreLouis GostiauxEmmanuel MignotIvana VinkovicSara Puijalon
Energy Nexus Published 2024-12-01
Pride of ownership: Local views on community-owned wind energy development in M'Chigeeng First Nation, Canada
Carelle Mang-Benza,Jamie Baxter,Jeff Corbiere
Published 2024-12-01
Fulfillment or status: Job seekers’ reward expectations towards family and non-family employers
Annika Ehlers,Ryan Rumble,Claudia Binz Astrachan,Massimo Baù
The Journal of Family Business Strategy Published 2024-12-01
Corrigendum to “A hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation design to evaluate a community-based, heart-healthy intervention for women of low-socioeconomic status” [Appl. Nurs. Res. 71, 2023, 151686]
Heidi Luft,Roger Brown,Diane Lauver
Applied Nursing Research Published 2024-12-01
Measuring the adaptive capacity of rangeland users under drought stress in North-eastern Iran: application of social network analysis
Mehdi Ghorbani,Behnaz Esmaeili,Elham Akbari,Maryam Yazdanparast,Leila Avazpour
Journal of Arid Environments Published 2024-12-01
Residents’ behavioral support for tourism in a burgeoning rural destination
K. Woosnam,Dongoh Joo,C. Gaither,M. A. Ribeiro,José J. SánchezRobert BrooksDo-Kyoung Lee
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Disparities and determinants of Somali refugee food security in Nairobi, Kenya
Zack Ahmed,J. Crush,Samuel Owuor,E. Onyango
Global Food Security Published 2024-12-01
Elderly well-being amidst energy poverty: Exploring the health, social, and economic impacts in Vietnam
H. Nguyen-Phung,Hai Le
Published 2024-12-01
Characterizing ‘injustices’ in clean energy transitions in Africa
M. M. Akrofi,Benjamin C. McLellan,M. Okitasari
Energy for Sustainable Development Published 2024-12-01
“Cosmopolitan Canopy” in Hong Kong’s hidden city: Urban design and social life in underground transit hub
Jae Min Lee
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Published 2024-12-01
Seeing the whole picture: Exploring the predictors of preschool teachers' intentions toward child-centred approach from a socio-psychological perspective
Hasan Dilek
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-12-01
(Non-)terrestrial and (Non-)local pathways of behavioral policy diffusion in European cities’ climate action plans: Contextual, cultural, and leadership framing
J. Page,Hong Zhou,Haozhi Pan,Chang Zhou,Pei PeiZahra Kalantari
Land Use Policy Published 2024-12-01
Culturally responsive teaching in question: A multiple case study examining the complexity and interplay of teacher practices, beliefs, and microaggressions in Germany
Judith Kehl,Priscilla Krachum Ott,Maja K. Schachner,S. Civitillo
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies Published 2024-12-01
Entangled Internet of Musical Things and People: A More-Than-Human Design Framework for Networked Musical Ecosystems
Luca Turchet
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society Published 2024-12-01
Examining community desire to change for adaptive transition in post-mining ecological sustainability
Agung Dwi Sutrisno,Chun-Hung Lee,I. W. K. Suryawan
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Socio-technical challenges and prospects of residential solar PV diffusion in Ghana: Insights from regime and intermediary actors
M. M. Akrofi,M. Okitasari,Benjamin C. McLellan
Published 2024-12-01
Factors influencing and controlling vandalism by tourists and local indigenous communities at the Fandoghlou forest natural site
Javad Madani,Vali Nemati,Raoof Mostafazadeh,Hediyeh Ashja
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Unravelling the discursive dynamics of counternarratives in the Dutch energy transition
Naomi Schrandt,Julia M. Wittmayer,Tamara Metze
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Entrepreneurs’ network bricolage: Reconfiguring social ties for resource creation
Frances Y. M. Chang,Cynthia M. Webster,Muhammad Aftab Alam,Francesco Chirico
Journal of business research Published 2024-12-01
The reasons of unmarried Chinese women for avoiding marriage and childbirth and their identity construction
Yu Hu,Bo Jiang,Jiaxin Liu
Asian Journal of Social Science Published 2024-12-01
Fatalities in electrical occupations, unionization, and associated factors
Oscar Rodriguez-Franco,Majed Zreiqat,Jan K. Wachter,Christopher Janicak
Journal of Safety Research Published 2024-12-01
The syndemics of food and water insecurities on emotional distress and overall wellbeing in Ghana: Findings from a cross-sectional study
Joseph Kangmennaang,Susan J. Elliott
Water Security Published 2024-12-01
Influence of telecommuting on out-of-home time use and diversity of locations visited: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
Mohamed Amine Bouzaghrane,Hassan Obeid,S. Villas-Boas,Joan Walker
Published 2024-12-01
Drivers of adult educational engagement in Ecuadorian prisons: A gender perspective
J. Díaz-Sánchez
International Journal of Educational Research Open Published 2024-12-01
Participation of mining communities in the provision of public goods and services: Evidence from the Basket Fund project in Eastern DRC
Divin-Luc Bikubanya,Francine Iragi Mukotanyi,Janvier Kilosho Buraye
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Exploring socio-economic and financial dimensions of rural small-scale gem mining in Passara, and Lunugala areas of Sri Lanka: Implications for sustainable development
G. Kuruppu,N. Dushyantha,Jeevatharani Thavendrem,Vidshan Mananjaya,Gimhani NipunikaTitus Cooray
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Community kitchens as metropolitan infrastructure: Mapping the fight against food insecurity in Santiago de Chile during COVID-19
N. Valenzuela-Levi,J. Ponce-Mendez,S. Madrid-Solorza,F. Magnani,M. Miranda
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Implicaciones de la inteligencia artificial en la metodología de investigación
Geovanny Francisco Ruiz Muñoz
Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información Published 2024-12-01
How do complete streets policies and legislative ordinances implement explicit wording regarding low-income populations and communities of color? A qualitative analysis
Lucas D. Elliott,Ken McLeod,Melissa Bopp
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Wildlife-based tour operators complying with the principles of responsible tourism: Influence of moral and legal persuasions
A. Mamboleo
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Published 2024-12-01
Structuring and analyzing initiatives that facilitate organizational transformation processes: A sociotechnical approach
Maria I.V.Q. Macedo,Fernando A. F. Ferreira,Marina Dabić,N. Ferreira
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Beyond the ‘gender gap’ in agriculture: Africa's Green Revolution and gendered rural transformation in Rwanda
Nathan Clay,Kayla Yurco
Journal of Rural Studies Published 2024-12-01
Gendered informal gold trading in Indonesia: Case studies from Central Kalimantan
Bernadetta Devi,Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt,Sara Beavis,Aparna Lal
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Home-making or home harms: Perceived and experienced tensions between domestic materiality and ageing
Jennifer Owen,Cat Forward
Journal of Aging Studies Published 2024-12-01
Unpacking travel needs and experiences: Insights from qualitative interviews with affordable housing residents in California
Uthman Olagoke,S. Daly,S. M. Syal
Published 2024-12-01
Growing pains during scale-up hypergrowth: Integration and future research agenda
Kristel Moedt,Christian Lechner,Svetlana Khapova
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
The links and entanglements of energy vulnerability: Unpacking the consequences of the energy crisis in Denmark
Line Valdorff Madsen,A. R. Hansen,Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen,Kirsten Gram-Hanssen
Published 2024-12-01
Place-based and sectoral patterns in urban experimentation: Implications for deep transitions research
W. Novalia,Megan Farrelly,Rob Raven
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Published 2024-12-01
Amazon communities displaced by hydroelectric dams: Implications for environmental changes and householdś livelihood
Daniel Rondinelli Roquetti,Simone Athayde,J. Silva-Lugo,E. Moretto
Global Environmental Change Published 2024-12-01
Making energy justice work for women in rural sub-Saharan Africa: A quantitative diagnostic from Benin, Senegal, and Togo
Laurent Jodoin,Dede W. Gafa,Aklesso Y. G. Egbendewe,Laurent Kossivi Domegni,Ibrahima Diop GayeVictorien Justin AgueKhady LoE. OuendoL. FagbemiMayoro Diop
Published 2024-12-01
Networked mobility and temporal spaces: Cycling as jugaad in post-pandemic Kolkata
Avishek Ray,Neha Gupta
City, Culture and Society Published 2024-12-01
Students’ expectancy-value profiles in the West and the East: Cross-cultural similarities and differences
Jiajing Li,R. B. King,Shing on Leung,Chuang Wang
Learning and Individual Differences Published 2024-12-01
Social acceptability of shared autonomous vehicles. From avoiders to innovators in Hannover (Germany)
L. De Paepe,Frank Witlox
Published 2024-12-01
Age disparities and socioeconomic factors for commuting distance in Beijing by explainable machine learning
Liangkan Chen,Mingxing Chen,Chao Fan
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Me, myself and AI: How gender, personality and emotions determine willingness to use Strong AI for self-improvement
Sabrina Renz,Jeanette Kalimeris,Sebastian Hofreiter,Matthias Spörrle
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Online Masses from a Post-Pandemic Perspective
Leo-Martin Angelo Ocampo
Philippiniana sacra Published 2024-12-01
High mobility lifestyles: Unpacking travel behavior in Accra's rapidly expanding periphery
M. H. Andreasen,Jytte Agergaard,Martin Oteng-Ababio,L. Møller-Jensen
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Seeking justice: Inequitable management compensation and employee whistleblowing
J. H. Evans,Mark (Shuai) Ma,Yucheng (John) Yang
Accounting, Organizations and Society Published 2024-12-01
Traffic collisions and micromobility: A comparison between personal mobility devices and bicycles based on police reports
Marianne Guesneau,Oscar Cherta-Ballester,Lydiane Agier,P. Arnoux,Wei WeiCéline VernetValentin HonoréNicolas Bailly
Journal of Safety Research Published 2024-12-01
Untangling business model innovation in family firms: Socioemotional wealth and corporate social responsibility perspectives
Carolina López-Nicolás,Ángel L. Meroño-Cerdán,Marikka Heikkilä,Harry Bouwman
Scandinavian Journal of Management Published 2024-12-01
Towards a conceptual model of uncertainty management for socio-technical innovations: A systematic review
R. Akse
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Voicing infant talk: Infant's agency in Spanish family interactions
Nieves Galera,David Poveda
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction Published 2024-12-01
Residential self-selection and the relative importance of travel considerations in the residential choice of a car-reduced neighbourhood
Marcus Klein,T. Klinger,M. Lanzendorf
Published 2024-12-01
How social change occurs: Women's agentic negotiation and defiance of Chhaupadi practice
Miyang Jun
Asian Journal of Social Science Published 2024-12-01
Investigating how consumption values and place identity shape long-haul truck drivers’ intention to visit roadside rest areas
Pooja Goel,Aalok Kumar
Published 2024-12-01
Who cares what happens with planted forests? A public typology to assist community engagement and communication
Karen M. Bayne,Andrea Grant
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
How mobility-based exposure to green space and environmental pollution influence individuals’ wellbeing? A structural equation analysis through the lens of environmental justice
Jingwen Rao,Jing Ma,Guanpeng Dong
Landscape and Urban Planning Published 2024-12-01
Science as a field of struggle: Gendered experiences of African scholars doing forest governance research
Olena Strelnyk,Susanne Koch,Camilla Tetley,Shizuku Sunagawa,Amanı Uisso
Forest Policy and Economics Published 2024-12-01
Gender Wage Gap Among Young Adults: A Comparison Across British Cohorts
Francesca Foliano,A. Bryson,H. Joshi,Bożena Wielgoszewska,D. Wilkinson
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-12-01
The “Middleground” as a catalyst for the dynamics of innovation in an ecosystem? The case of Eurasanté in Hauts-de-France
Jude Ozor,Patrick Ronde,Sarah Tung,James Boyer
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Resilience of socio-technical transportation systems: A demand-driven community detection in human mobility structures
Ho-Yin Chan,Hanxi Ma,Jiangping Zhou
Published 2024-12-01
Non-cognitive skills and social isolation in late childhood: An investigation of their impact on school performance in Italy
Maria De Paola,Ekaterina Skatova
Economics of Education Review Published 2024-12-01
Making and unmaking the actually existing hegemonic green transition
Angus McNelly,Tobias Franz
The Extractive Industries and Society Published 2024-12-01
Job computerization, occupational employment and wages: A comparative study of the United States, Germany, and Japan
Yuxi Heluo,Oliver Fabel
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-12-01
Social impacts of the network "Composing Worlds: Humanities, Health and Well-Being"
M. Lencastre,Rui Estrada,Diogo Guedes Vidal,Hélder Silva Lopes,Elsa Simões
Social impacts Published 2024-12-01
Needs, diversity, and urbanicity: An exploration of community factors' relationships to homeless services
Xi Huang,Andrew Sullivan
Cities Published 2024-12-01
Ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to primary care among im/migrant communities in British Columbia, Canada
E. Tayyar,Y. Bozorgi,C. Sierra-Heredia,Hanah Damot,Ruth CarrilloS. MachadoMei-ling WiedmeyerShira M GoldenbergRuth Lavergne
Published 2024-12-01
Teacher collaborative inquiry into practice in school-based learning communities: The role of activity type
Miriam Babichenko,Adam Lefstein,C. Asterhan
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction Published 2024-12-01
Journeys of transition: The impact of life-role transitions on tourist preferences for paradox destinations
Xiaoqin Wang,Yingzhu Yao,Lu (Monroe) Meng,Mengya Yang
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Published 2024-12-01
Exploring procedural justice in stakeholder identification using a systematic mapping approach
Leonard Kwhang-Gil Lemke,Julia Beier,S. Hanger-Kopp
Published 2024-12-01
“We try our best to follow traffic rules because we don't want Hong Kong people to lose face”: Assimilation from transit to motorcycles among Hong Kong students in Taiwan
Tsu-Jui Cheng,Chai-Ching Fong
Journal of Transport Geography Published 2024-12-01
Co-creating a community visioning methodology for energy transitions: Principles, practices, and reflections
Emily K. Gray,Frances Fahy,Rachel McArdle,M. Rohse
Published 2024-12-01
Gender Parity in Sa’idu Faru’s Song ‘Waƙar Mai Babban Ɗaki
Muhammad Arabi Umar,Abdullahi Dahiru Umar
Unveiling Community Needs and Aspirations: Card Sorting as a Research Method for Developing Digital Learning Spaces
Marguerite Koole,Gordon Rugg,John Traxler,Matt Smith,Redouane TouatiAlanda McleodRae Mairi RichardsonShri Footring
International Journal of Educational Methodology Published 2024-11-15
Navigating wicked problems: the unrecognised contribution of social pedagogy to Aotearoa New Zealand’s successful Covid-19 response
Sarah Fraser
International journal of social pedagogy Published 2024-11-05
BT Nguyen,N. Kidula,N. Kapp,K. Nosirov,A. MaamriK. ManuM. SanchezKE DzotsiJ. Kiarie
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
The governance of urban regeneration in Lisbon: Drivers of continuity and change
Rosa Branco,Patricia Canelas,Sónia Alves
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Group Appointments for Cancer Survivorship Equity (GRACE): Evaluating the use of group medical visits in rural and underserved gynecologic cancer survivors
Ivana Barouhas,Andrew Sussman,Ellen Burgess,Teresa Rutledge
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Segmenting the potential users of MaaS by combining latent class cluster analysis and structural equation modeling
Willy Kriswardhana,D. Esztergár-Kiss
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
ZH Pleasure,E. Pleasants,B. Whitfield,C. Larsen,D. JohnsonRJ SteinerL. Lindberg
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
“If you don't go to site, they call you a lazy person”: Drivers of women's participation in artisanal and small-scale mining: The case of rural northern Ghana
I. Baddianaah
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
What makes risky facilities “risky?” A remote systematic social observation of environmental crime predictors at bars in Denver using Google street view imagery
Nathan T. Connealy,Mary Corts
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
The aftermath of fatal violence incidents: Why organisational measures were successful and why they their effects diminished
Kurt Elvegård,S. Antonsen
Safety Science Published 2024-11-01
The evolution of employment and workplaces in metropolitan regions during the pandemic: The case of Madrid
Simón Sánchez-Moral,E. Solís,Ricardo Méndez,Inmaculada Mohíno
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Betwixt and between in an ‘unreadable city’: Chinese students' urban citizenship and belonging in pandemic-era Amsterdam
Aly Amer,Maggi W. H. Leung,Yiwen Wang,Yanbo Hao
Cities Published 2024-11-01
JUE Insight: The labor market effects of place-based policies: Evidence from England’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund
Robert Calvert Jump,Adam Scavette
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the potential of disruptive innovation in the social sciences: A quantitative study of its impact on societal visibility
Yingqun Li,Ningyuan Song,Yu Shen,Lei Pei
Published 2024-11-01
“Disempowered by the transition”: Manipulated and coerced agency in displacements induced by accelerated extraction of energy transition minerals in Zimbabwe
Joshua Matanzima
Published 2024-11-01
Resilient queer subjects: Lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women on the Israeli periphery
Gilly Hartal
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Synergistic impacts of technological advancement and environmental hazards on social change and human well-being in South Asia
Feng Wang,Seemab Gillani,Asif Razzaq,R. Nazir,Muhammad Nouman ShafiqBoying Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
The roots of digital aggression: Exploring cyber-violence through a systematic literature review
Muaadh Mukred,U. A. Mokhtar,F. Moafa,Abdu H. Gumaei,Ali Safaa SadiqAbdulAleem Al-Othmani
Published 2024-11-01
Good people good planet: Investigating the interconnection between social and environmental sustainability
Stacie F. Waites,Adam Farmer,Joel Collier
Journal of business research Published 2024-11-01
Y. Zia,E. Somerson,C. Folse,A. Alvarez,K. Albergate DavisA. ComfortK. BrownK. BrandiG. MoayediC. Harper
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
The STEM leaky pipeline at labor market entry in Spain: The role of job competition and social origin
Manuel T. Valdés,Heike Solga
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
A retrospective analysis of the social determinants of health and impact on overall survival among patients with vulvar cancer
Chrystal Stallworth,Abel Moron,Brandon Roane,Michele McCarroll,Hannah AffleckRobert BoccaccioMira IbrahimTimothy Kremer
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
A. Youm,S. Reese,NE Braine,I. Carter-Bolick,J. HastingsH. Moseson
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
The tale of two sides in the 2019 anti-CAA protest—An analytical framework
Bhaskarjyoti Das,Krithika Ragothaman,Raghav T Kesari,Sudarshan T.S.B.
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights Published 2024-11-01
AG Maples,P. Goedken,V. Larrivey,V. Walke,N. Verma
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Immigrant status and likelihood of opioid treatment. Lessons from Spain’s National Health Service
Luigi Boggian,J. Madia,Francesco Moscone,Cristina E. Orso
Published 2024-11-01
Is the use of emergency care appropriate? Comparing native and migrant infants in the Italian NHS
Elena Cottini,C. Lucifora,Gilberto Turati,Daria Vigani
Published 2024-11-01
Exploring changes and influencing factors of farmers’ welfare in different villages under the background of homestead system reform
Li Wang,Xueqian Ding,Mingxia Hong,Wenying Xiong,Yongzhong Tan
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Women in public spaces: Perceptions and initiatives to promote gender equality
Ariane Pereira,Emília Malcata Rebelo
Cities Published 2024-11-01
“Leave me out of it and raise my salary”: Invisible work in the labor market and the gender wage gap
Amit Kaplan,Shimrit Slonim-Franco,Gal Lifshitz
Published 2024-11-01
Using natural language processing approaches to characterize professional experiences of child welfare workers
Karikarn Chansiri,Xinyu Wei,Ka Ho Brian Chor
Children and youth services review Published 2024-11-01
Child self-regulation profiles relate to emotion parenting in Black and Latinx mother-child dyads
Andrea M George,Molly E. Hale,Haobi Wang,Drew Abney,M. CaughyCynthia Suveg
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Published 2024-11-01
The link between territorial capital and urban transformative capacity
Balázs István Tóth
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Fleeing a failing state: Self-selection, earnings, and migration costs
Federico Maggio
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Reflections on ‘land value recovery’ for UK rural areas, and its implications for housing affordability, wealth-building, rural land use, and community wellbeing
Nick Gallent,Andrew Purves,Tommaso Gabrieli
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Tmh Hoang,R. DeLuna,E. Albertson,A. Wong,T. FerreraA. SantoyoC. Ivaturi
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Supporting refugees: An entrepreneurial resourcefulness approach
Hans Rawhouser,Mazhar Islam,Lisa Jones Christensen,Elizabeth Embry,Trenton A. WilliamsMichael CongerCindy Trussel
Journal of Business Venturing Insights Published 2024-11-01
The cross-lagged relationship between adolescent school bullying and loneliness——The predictive role of childhood emotional maltreatment
Yanling Chen,Ruibo Xie,Xinyu Wang,Rui Zhang,Weijian LiWanyi Ding
Children and youth services review Published 2024-11-01
Exploring senior solo travel through a tri-factor healthy ageing framework
Edmund Goh,Aaron Tham,Lai Mun Yee
Tourism Management Perspectives Published 2024-11-01
“Our earth, it's like it's in a toaster”: Creative, figurative and narrative interactions in interviews with lower secondary school students about climate activism
Niamh A. O'Dowd,Lorraine Adriano,Jeannette Littlemore
Published 2024-11-01
A multi-road user evaluation of the acceptance of connected and automated vehicles through the lenses of safety and justice
Laura Martinez-Buelvas,A. Rakotonirainy,Deanna Grant-Smith,Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Published 2024-11-01
Islanding as a vernacular creative response to crisis: Emotional geographies of pandemic musicianship
Chris Brennan‐Horley,Chris Gibson,Nicole Cook,Pauline McGuirk,Andrew WarrenPeta Wolifson
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Analyzing the impacts of cultural backgrounds on migrants' acculturation strategies in mobile phone social networks
Sichen Dong,Daning Hu,Xuan Yang,Michael Chau
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Tracking and social inequalities in school belonging - A difference-in-differences approach
Maximilian Brinkmann,Nora Huth-Stöckle,Reinhard Schunck,Janna Teltemann
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Assessing rural revitalization potential through rural transformation degree and sustainability: A quantitative study of 460 case villages in Lingbao, China
Qianxi Zhang,Zhi Cao,Yansui Liu
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
A digital narrative study concerning global crisis period: The pandemic's impact on the domestic responsibilities of women health workers in Türkiye
Cemre Gül Mutlu,Funda Dağ
Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the composition features of commercial gentrification - a case study of Taipei City
Tzu-Ling Chen,Yong-en Zhang
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Altered landscapes of a post‑carbon future: Visual response imaginaries as experiences of energy infrastructure in the Orkney Islands
Neil Gordon Davey
Published 2024-11-01
Public perceptions and acceptance of artificial intelligence humanoid bots/robots: Evidence from Turkey
Ensar Çetin
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Challenging the inequities of ebike access: An investigation of a community-led intervention in a lower-income neighbourhood in Aotearoa - New Zealand
Karen Witten,Simon Opit,Hamish Mackie,Ali Raja
Published 2024-11-01
The changes in remoted land surface temperature (LST) triggered by natural and socioeconomic factors in typical Chinese cities
Xiao-Li Cao,Wenqian Chen,Yuxuan Xing,Yang Chen,Xiangyue ChenXiaofan WangDongyou WuXiaoying NiuW. PuJun LiuXin Wang
Urban Climate Published 2024-11-01
Cultural Competency: A movement, which aims to help providers better understand their patients' culture and language, is gaining traction and hopes to improve care and save lives.
Rod McCullum
Scientific American Published 2024-11-01
Casting a long shadow: Examining the relationships between vicarious and direct racism and generalized trust among Asian communities in New Zealand during COVID-19
Lynne Soon-Chean Park,Rebekah Jaung,Joohyun Justine Park
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
The gendered dimensions of small-scale fishing activities: A case study from coastal Kenya
Mouna Chambon,Patrizia Ziveri,Santiago Alvarez Fernandez,Adrien Chevallier,Jean DupontJoey Ngunu WandigaN. WambijiVictoria Reyes-García
Published 2024-11-01
Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening among American Indian/Alaska Native individuals aged 50–64 years
J. DiSilvestro,Jessica Currier,Leah Ingeno,Sophie Feng,Amanda S Bruegl
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Tourism and national collaboration in protected areas
Birendra Kc,Hari Adhikari,G. Stainback
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights Published 2024-11-01
After all, who invented the airplane? Multilingualism and grassroots knowledge production on Wikipedia
Guilherme Fians
Published 2024-11-01
Association of socioeconomic status with unintended pregnancy and induced abortion in married couples: An analysis of the 2021 national survey data in Japan
T. Okui
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health Published 2024-11-01
Women's participation and gender equality in sustainable ecotourism: A bibliometric analysis
Rajashree Samal,Madhusmita Dash
Published 2024-11-01
Effects of the stress: How poor self-rated mental health affected cervical cancer screening rates among Hispanic women during the COVID-19 pandemic
Karen E. Haney,Linh Nguyen,Tong Han Chung,Yen-Chi Le,Hannah ReygaertsXochitl OlguinAbigail S. Zamorano
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Unlocking neighborhood density
Melanie Krause,André Seidel
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Recidivism, Labor Markets, and Prison Conditions: Evidence from Uruguay
Juan A. Bogliaccini,Gustavo A. Flores-Macías,Emiliano Tealde
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Patient perspectives on social needs screening to tackle barriers to cancer care in the gynecologic oncology clinic
Mahima Krishnamoorthi,Stephanie Wethington,A. Rositch,Ruoxi Yu,Dana LewisRebecca L. StoneA. Beavis
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
‘Harsh’ SoMa vs ‘Beige’ Castro: The cross-modal construction of contrasting femininities in queer San Francisco
J. Calder
Published 2024-11-01
“I feel free and comfortable”: The Escape the Corset Movement in South Korea and the question of women's agency
Gowoon Jung,Yaquan Liang,Hyunsook Lee
Published 2024-11-01
Early phase vs. late phase clinical trials: Trends in enrollment of racial and ethnic minority groups
Michael Richardson,Danika Barry,Jecca R. Steinberg,Kai Holder,V. ThirunavuDanielle StromNaixin ZhangBrandon M. TurnerChristopher MagnaniBrannon T. WeeksA. M. YoungC. LuTierney R WolgemuthNora LaasiriNatalie SquiresJill AndersonBeth Y. KarlanJohn ChanDaniel S. KappDario RoqueRitu Salani
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Evaluating differences among PRAPARE screening assessments of gynecologic oncology patients based on sociodemographic factors
Tavonna Kako,Margaret Liang,Maria Pisu,Jhalak Dholakia
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Current trends in high-risk human papillomavirus types and association with age and race/ethnicity in an inner-city population
Kimberly Levinson,Asnakech Bayable,Hua-Ling Tsai,Marie Bielman,Colby MallettR. RodenT.C. WuA. Beavis
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
A. Liberty,K. Schaefer,R. Sheridan,MI Rodriguez
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Feasibility of obesity management with endocrinology referral for prescription of weight loss medications in an ethnically and racially diverse gynecologic oncology clinic
Arjun Sarkar,Rupal Bhana,Cyrus Jalai,N. Nevadunsky,Sara S. IsaniMatthew Cowan
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Men (but not women) prefer to live in economically equal societies when it comes to mating: A five-study investigation
Xijing Wang,Hao Chen,Khandis R. Blake
Evolution and human behavior Published 2024-11-01
Sex and gender in inflammatory bowel disease outcomes and research.
Vibeke Andersen,Jessica Pingel,Heidi Lynge Søfelt,Z. Hikmat,Mads JohanssonVera Slyk PedersenBenthe BertelsenAnne CarlssonMarie LindhEdda SvavarsdóttirDirk RepsilberM. JøergensenRobin ChristensenAnja FejrskovJ. D. FüchtbauerJens KjeldsenM. D. JensenClaus AalykkeMartin RejlerM. HøivikL. DavidsdottirMarie CarlsonJ. HalfvarsonHeidi Holt ZachariassenLiv Baisner PetersenEva Sophia Myers
The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology Published 2024-11-01
Influence of dialect diversity on level of urban innovation—Empirical evidence based on 276 cities in China
Jiahui Luo,Zhixiong Tan
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Exploring United States Hispanic origin groups diagnosed with uterine cancer: Are there disparities?
Caitlin R. Johnson,Megan Reddy,Chunqiao Tian,Cheng-I Liao,Stuart S WinklerDaniel S. KappKathleen DarcyJohn Chan
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
A self-help mobile messaging intervention to improve subthreshold depressive symptoms among older adults in a socioeconomically deprived region of Brazil (PRODIGITAL): a pragmatic, two-arm randomised controlled trial
C. A. Nakamura,Nadine Seward,Tim J. Peters,Thiago Vinicius Nadaleto Didone,Felipe Azevedo MorettiMarcelo Oliveira da CostaC. H. Queiroz de SouzaGabriel Macias de OliveiraMonica Souza dos SantosLuara Aragoni PereiraMariana Mendes de Sá MartinsPepijn van de VenWilliam HollingworthRicardo ArayaMarcia Scazufca
Published 2024-11-01
Revealing the impact of spatial bias in survey design for habitat mapping: A tale of two sampling designs
Stanley Mastrantonis,Tim Langlois,Ben Radford,Claude Spencer,S. de LestangSharyn Hickey
Remote Sensing Applications Society and Environment Published 2024-11-01
The drivers of family business succession intentions of daughters and the moderating effects of national gender inequality
Eric Clinton,Farhad Uddin Ahmed,Roisin Lyons,C. O'Gorman
Journal of business research Published 2024-11-01
Generative AI Disproportionately Harms Long Tail Users
Barani Maung Maung,Keegan McBride,Jason Samuel Lucas,Maryam Tabar,Dongwon Lee
Computer Published 2024-11-01
Social practices, gender, and materiality: Women's agency in bioenergy-dependent households and communities in the central Ethiopian Rift Valley
Harald Grabher,Melanie Pichler,Henrike Rau
Published 2024-11-01
The impact of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on fertility-sparing management of early-stage cervical cancer
M. Flint,E. Kaplowitz,Caroline Gellman,Mona Saleh,Ann Marie MercierK. ZeligsM. Prasad-HayesStephanie V. Blank
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
The role of privacy concerns, perceived benefits, and trust in citizens' acceptance of street-view image collection by local planning agencies
Junghwan Kim,Dayoung Kim,Brendan David-John
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Destruction of heritage, community and anthropomorphism
Damien Chaney,Pascal Brassier
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Beyond Norma Rae: How Puerto Rican and Southern White Women Fought for a Place in the American Working Class by Aimee Loiselle (review)
The Journal of southern history Published 2024-11-01
Elongating the causes of social vulnerability: Historical analysis of social sustainability dimensions in the Ivorian cocoa sector
C. Coral,R. Carcamo,Franziska Ollendorf,Bonna Antoinette Tokou,Constant Yves Adou YaoStefan SieberK. Löhr
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Toxic Metal Injustice? Socioeconomic status at birth and exposure to airborne pollution
Oscar Erixson,Jakob Granath,Xiao Hu,Mattias Öhman
Journal of Urban Economics Published 2024-11-01
Assessing the social atmosphere: A multilevel analysis of social connection and participation
Chie Koga,Kosuke Takemura,Yuta Shin,Shintaro Fukushima,Yukiko UchidaYuji Yoshimura
Cities Published 2024-11-01
K. White,W. Arey,A. Beasley,A. Chatillon,C. ChadwickA. Dane'elO. Leyser-WhalenT. Weitz
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
KV McFarland
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Use and transformation of beaches as a tourism resource by promoters and managers in oceanic islands. A conflict for geoheritage conservation and social preferences in the canary islands
Leví García-Romero,Néstor Marrero-Rodríguez,J. Dóniz-Páez,Carolina Peña-Alonso,E. Pérez-Chacón EspinoCarlos Pereira Da Silva
Published 2024-11-01
More than walls: Fear of crime in neighbourhoods with different poverty levels bordering gated communities. The Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica
Karla Barrantes-Chaves
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Women’s empowerment and child mortality
Neil M. Kellard,Y. Makhlouf,Anna Sarkisyan,Dmitri V. Vinogradov
World Development Published 2024-11-01
Conceptualizing labor agency through resilience: Practices of reassembling work on domestic services platforms
Khaoula Ettarfi
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Why do students who have mental health issues decide to study abroad? Qualitative research on mental health issues as a push factor for international students in Japan
Kazuto Hishida,Maya Yanase,Yu Sakagami
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Homogeneity, heterogeneity, or independence? A multilevel exploration of Big Five personality traits and cultural values in 40 nations
Madelynn R. D. Stackhouse,Marketa Rickley,Yonghong Liu,Vasyl Taras
Personality and Individual Differences Published 2024-11-01
A multilevel review of the psychological and emotional challenges faced by skilled migrants: Extending the psychological toll model
Eun Su Lee,Eun Kyung Lee,Judith Shuqin Zhu,Mengying Yang
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Transport disadvantage and social inclusion: Exploring the role of smartphone use for transport purposes
Sui Tao,L. Kamruzzaman,Jing Ma
Published 2024-11-01
Lubumbashi (DR Congo): Navigating the socio-ecological complexities of a vital mining hub
Yannick Useni Sikuzani,François Malaisse,Donatien Dibwe Dia Mwembu,Jan Bogaert
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Critical Inclusiveness: Prejudice, principles, and the social acceptance of Muslim minorities
M. Dangubić,M. Verkuyten,Tobias H. Stark
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Degrowth and diverse economies: Shared perspectives and productive tensions
Thomas S.J. Smith
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Listening with quiet curiosity: Feminist and queer reflections on interviews with the “wrong” people
Carol Ballantine,Kath Browne
Published 2024-11-01
Older adults’ decisions regarding mobility to age in place in medium- and high-rise multi-storey residential buildings in urban settings: A case study of South East Queensland, Australia
Sheik Basha,Jianqiang Cui,Yong Wu
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Dissecting behavioral inertia in shaping different resident participation behaviors in neighborhood regeneration: A quantitative behavioral experiment
Xinyue Fu,Guiwen Liu,Hongjuan Wu,Taozhi Zhuang,Ruopeng HuangFanning YuanYuhang Zhang
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
Across the city boundaries: Exploring the impact of neighborhood environment on intercity commuters’ life satisfaction
Ying Zhao,Dantian Xu,Zidan Mao
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
The causal effect of skin color bias in online dating
Emilce Santana
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
What do community bike shops mean to the community? Exploring the patrons' perspective
Stan Yu,Carla Teixeira,Sarah Kostiuk
Published 2024-11-01
Unpacking divergent rural-urban land use dynamics in county urbanization: A comparative socio-spatial analytics approach
Kaiyang Jia,Xianjin Huang,Weifeng Qiao,Sujuan Zhong
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Do cyclists disregard ‘priority-to-the-right’ more often than motorists?
Meng Zhang,Max Theisen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Published 2024-11-01
Can race be replaced? Ecology and race categorization
Oliver Sng,Krystina A. Boyd-Frenkel,K. Williams
Evolution and human behavior Published 2024-11-01
LE Adams,MJ Arzate,KR Barnes,J. Karlin
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Subjective well-being and attitudes toward outgroup members
Gabriele Prati
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Desirable and disposable: Tracing the racialization of Chinese students in American higher education
Tu Lan,Lin Zhang,Yongjiao Hu
Geoforum Published 2024-11-01
Enhancing Competence in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Health Through Interprofessional Simulation
Amanda Roesch,Veronica Quattrini,Norman Retener
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners Published 2024-11-01
HV McMahon,P. Bhandari,IC Stevenson,T. Vyavahare,S. AyalaT. HailstorksI. HairstonZ. JahD. Dixon DialloE. Mosley
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling the effects of energy poverty on mental health of children in energy-poor countries
K. K. Sen,Bipasha Singha,S. C. Karmaker,Shahadat Hosan,Andrew ChapmanB. B. Saha
Published 2024-11-01
Negotiating the bicycle path: A study of moped user stereotypes and behaviours in the Netherlands
Clara Glachant,Frauke Behrendt
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Published 2024-11-01
A. Underwood,MH Smith,J. Davis,A. Norris Turner,I. WeinerM. Gallo
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Walking the tightrope: How does corporate advocacy for controversial social issues catalyze change or spark backlash?
Sang-Eun Byun,Manveer Mann
Public Relations Review Published 2024-11-01
Can app-based communities support energy sufficiency in households? Evidence from a one-year quasi-experiment in Switzerland
F. Cellina,T. Gerosa,Pasquale Granato,E. Lobsiger-Kägi,D. WemyssPascal Kienast
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
Shades of support: Exploring racial dynamics in a robust gynecologic oncology support group
Jessa Suhner,D. Mysona,Riley Meehan,Katie Dorr,Donna WheatleyA. PyrzakRachael PiverRobert HigginsMarian JohnsonB. RungruangSharad A. Ghamande
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
The emergence of authenticity: Phases of tourist experience
Jillian M. Rickly,Brendan Canavan
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
ME McElrath,C. Robb,A. D’Ascanio,A. Akbar,A. SteinhartI. BanerjeeSE AndimanCL GrimesBM Stifani
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Health, energy security or people's jobs? Understanding cooking transition narratives and energy justice implications in Tanzania
Karina Standal,Kirsten Ulsrud,L. Grimsby,B. Aamaas
Published 2024-11-01
Using emerging technologies to tackle mobility challenges caused by population ageing: Experiences from Japan
Gregory P. Trencher,Masaru Yarime,Jeongsoo Yu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Inclusive smart cities? Technology-driven urban development and disabilities
T. Makkonen,T. Inkinen
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Seeing health disparities in cervical cancer: Mapping behavioral and socioeconomic drivers of geographic dispersion of disease burden with the Geo-Analyzer tool
Tara Castellano,Andrew Elhabr,Christina Washington,Fernanda Musa,Jie TingYitong J ZhangEzgi BerksoyKathleen MooreLeslie RandallJ. ChhatwalTurgay AyerC. Leath
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Appliance maintenance behaviors and sustainability: A European household perspective analysis
A. Dimara,Georgia Tzitziou,Alexios Papaioannou,S. Krinidis,Christos-Nikolaos AnagnostopoulosD. IoannidisD. Tzovaras
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-11-01
Uterine cancer among Asian Americans: Disparities & clinical characteristics and disease presentations
Michael Richardson,Cheng-I Liao,Chunqiao Tian,Caitlin R. Johnson,Kim DuongNathan TranStuart S WinklerDaniel S. KappKathleen DarcyJohn Chan
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Understanding the effects of live streamers’ appearance and abilities in shaping consumer purchase: A cross-cultural empirical research
Zerong Wang,Zeen Wang,Denisa Rinprasertmeechai,Saechoen Worawan
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
Encourage sustainable consumption among the elderly through generativity
Yueru Ma,Tanyuan Xing
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Published 2024-11-01
M. Bornstein,A. Norris Turner,S. Bostic,T. Odum,K. RivlinD. Bessett
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Physical Activity of Students with Hearing Impairment in the Educational Environment
Sergey T. Kokhan,S. V. Vlasova
Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University Series Pedagogical Sciences Published 2024-11-01
Towards social and environmental sustainability at food tourism festivals: Perspectives from the local community and festival organizers
Timo Thelen,Sangkyun Kim
Tourism Management Perspectives Published 2024-11-01
Indigenous Urbanisation and Urban Indigeneity: Insights of embedded identity and contouring spatiality in Jharkhand, India
Bipin Kumar,V. Baraik
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Localising The Global Goal on Adaptation through intersectional thinking
A. T. Amorim-Maia,Marta Olazabal
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Demographic disparity and influences in electric vehicle adoption: A Florida case study
Ran Tao,Xiankui Yang,Feng Hao,Peng Chen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Combining realist evaluation and appreciative inquiry: A participatory, learning-focused methodology for tourism interventions
Jenny Suno Wu,Pete Barbrook-Johnson,Xavier Font,Anna Torres-Delgado
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights Published 2024-11-01
Factors affecting crossing structure use by khulan and goitered gazelle in China
Jiajia Ding,Yun Wang,Sabina Koirala,Muyang Wang,Wenxuan XuWeikang Yang
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Decoding health disparities: An analysis of endometrial TP53 mutations, race, and social determinants of health
E. Rios-Doria,Elizabeth U. Parker,Brendan F. Kohrn,Elena Latorre-Esteves,J. FredricksonElizabeth SwisherKemi DollRosana Risques
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Affective incapacity of the depressed self: Evidence from a narrative study of an online depression community on Weibo
Yating Chen,Pei Soo Ang,Charity Lee
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Testing the theory of normative social behavior in Italy and the USA during COVID-19
R. Liu,Ying Cheng,Alice Fanari
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Uptake of ovarian cancer genetic testing by disaggregated racial and ethnic subgroups
Sarah S. Lee,M.D.S. Lightfoot,B. Pothuri
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Seeing health disparities in cervical cancer: Mapping behavioral and socioeconomic drivers of geographic dispersion of disease burden with the Geo-Analyzer tool
Tara Castellano,Mandar Karhade,Emily Freeman,Emily Gillen,Nadia MercadoAmy SchroederLeslie NgArzu GurkanMichelle BrockmanTrudy Buckingham
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Methodologies for the disaggregation of Asian racial and ethnic subgroups to determine trends in ovarian cancer
Sarah S. Lee,M.D.S. Lightfoot,Simona Kwon,B. Pothuri
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Green hydrogen transitions deepen socioecological risks and extractivist patterns: evidence from 28 prospective exporting countries in the Global South
Johanna Tunn,Tobias Kalt,Franziska Müller,Jenny Simon,Jesko HennigImeh ItuenNina Glatzer
Published 2024-11-01
Mapping and measuring neighbourhood social media groups. The case of facebook
Renee Zahnow,Jeremy Verrier,Sam Hames,Jonathan Corcoran
Applied Geography Published 2024-11-01
Urban greenery distribution and its link to social vulnerability
Yingjie Liu,Xinyue Gu,Zeyu Wang,Alex Anderson
Published 2024-11-01
The role of socioeconomic factors in sex differences in intrinsic capacity among older adults: A cross-sectional study in Taiwan
Mei-Tzu Huang,Ya-Hui Chang,Chung-Yi Li,Li-Jung Elizabeth Ku,Yu-Tsung ChouWen-Hsuan HouHung-Yu ChenHui-Chen SuYi-Lin WuChieh-Hsiu LiuYi-Ching YangPei-Chun Chen
Preventive medicine reports Published 2024-11-01
Driven by the policy or bent by the market? Cracking the digital transformation code of farmer cooperatives
Linfeng Mei,Yan Zheng,Mengling Tian,Yu Wu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Effects of research funding on the academic impact and societal visibility of scientific research
Guiyan Ou,Kang Zhao,Renxian Zuo,Jiang Wu
Published 2024-11-01
Coping on La cuatro: How business owners display cultural resilience through development
Janet Muñiz,Michael David Aquino
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
When does criminal victimization undermine generalized trust? A weighted panel analysis of the effects of crime type, frequency, and variety
Florian Kaiser,D. Oberwittler,Isabel Thielmann,Kristian Kleinke,Noah Greifer
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Taking the car out of the countryside: Understanding opposition to climate policy in rural Finland
Eva Heiskanen,K. Matschoss,Jenny Rinkinen,Taru Pyrhönen
Published 2024-11-01
Jericho, Palestine: From pilgrims to gamblers, a global oasis city always ‘on the map’
Marco Chitti,Sarah Moser
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling inequality: A deep dive into racial and gender disparities in US court case closures
Y. Takefuji
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Addressing the elephant in the room: How do we understand value for money in transport Public Private Partnerships?
Jianfeng Zhao
Cities Published 2024-11-01
To tent and protect: Homeless encampments as “protective facilities”
Tarah Hodgkinson,Samantha Henderson,Martin A. Andresen,Carrie B. Sanders,Camie CondonTye Anthony
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
1200 paths and counting: A script analysis of firearms trafficking in the Province of Quebec, Canada
Etienne Blais,David Décary-Hétu,Benoit Leclerc
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Incident reporting and data monitoring of sexual violence and harassment on public transport
L. Hooker,Jessica Ison,Kirsty Forsdike,Fiona Giles,Nicola HenryAngela J. Taft
Published 2024-11-01
Halfway up the ladder: Developer practices and perspectives on community engagement for utility-scale renewable energy in the United States
Robi Nilson,Joseph Rand,B. Hoen,S. Elmallah
Published 2024-11-01
C. Vasquez Guzman,J. Thompson,VR Leslie,JD Heintzman,E. CottrellC. MorrisBG Darney
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
N. Fang,J. Sheeder
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Neoliberalism, colonialism, and systemic barriers to citizen participation in environmental assessment processes in Latin America: The case of Puerto Rico
Gustavo García-López,William McCormick-Rivera
Environmental impact assessment review Published 2024-11-01
Assessment of socio-economic strategies for managing regional flood risk in an urban coastal catchment
Mousumi Ghosh,Subimal Ghosh,S. Karmakar
Urban Climate Published 2024-11-01
Beyond Viral Suppression—The Impact of Cumulative Violence on Health-Related Quality of Life Among a Cohort of Virally Suppressed Patients: Erratum
Published 2024-11-01
Let the city heal you: Environment and activity's distinct roles in leisure restoration and satisfaction
Yu-Xia Lin,Yi Liu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
E. Dindinger,RH Cohen,WB Allshouse,J. Sheeder
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Differences between adolescents' and their parents' perceived benefits and barriers to actively commute to school: The PACO y PACA project
Iván Pinilla-Quintana,Evelyn Martín-Moraleda,Cristina Romero-Blanco,Antonio Hernández-Martínez,Karel ŠvátoraM. Martínez-RomeroM. P. SantosM. Herrador-ColmeneroNuria Castro-LemusCarmen MotaAlberto Dorado-SuárezVirginia García-CollEsther Cabanillas-CruzAna QueraltFabio Jiménez-ZazoSusana Aznar
Published 2024-11-01
Social relations and spatiality in VR - Making spaces meaningful in VRChat
M. Rzeszewski,Leighton Evans
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Do African countries avoid the curse of natural resources on social cohesion?
P. C. Tsopmo,Salim Ahmed Mbouombouo Vessah,Valentine Soumtang Bime,Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Resource rents, ethnic fractionalization and redistributive public sector employment
Achtee Al Yussef
Resources policy Published 2024-11-01
Between gendered walls: Assessing the impact of single-sex and co-education on student achievement, self-confidence, and communication skills
S. K. Ciftci,Engin Karadağ,F. M. Cin
Published 2024-11-01
Too fast or too slow: The speed and persistence of adoption of conservation agriculture in southern Africa
Hambulo Ngoma,P. Marenya,A. Tufa,A. Alene,Md. A. MatinChristian ThierfelderDavid Chikoye
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Holding on or letting go: Conflicting narratives of product longevity
Lisbeth Løvbak Berg,Marie Hebrok
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-11-01
Legitimacy and inclusivity in place branding
Shalini Bisani,M. Daye,Kathleen Mortimer
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Understanding nostalgia in historical and cultural districts: What can we learn from documentaries?
Fengjun Tian,Shiyue Fu,Yang Yang,Zhonglie Wang,Decai Liu
Tourism Management Perspectives Published 2024-11-01
Bright and dark sides: Does collective behavior past participation experience affect participation willingness?
Meng Cai,Han Luo,Xiao Meng
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Tourism metagovernance and the role of the state: Insights from post-blast Beirut
Nour El Alam,Arie Stoffelen,Leonieke Bolderman,Peter Groote
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Transformations in urban gardens: Neoliberal influences and land use conflicts in Shiraz's Gardens
Yazdanian Ahmad,Rahmati Zahra,Cheshmehzangi Ali
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Rising waters, divergent perspectives: Understanding sea level rise concerns and gender differences
Sisi Meng,Chang Liu,Pallab Mozumder
Published 2024-11-01
Book review
Micaela Mancini
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
BG Everett,Z. Bergman,J. Sanders
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
S. Knifton,M. Quasebarth,V. Manthena,L. Hasselbacher
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
COVID-19 migrant returnees, access to land, and subsistence under uncertain times in Karen State, Myanmar
Peter Swift,Saw Eh Htoo,Saw Min Klay,Henri Rueff
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Race in the eye of the beholder: Decomposing perceiver- and target-level variation in perceived racial prototypicality
Jasmine B. Norman,Daphne Castro Lingl,Eric Hehman,Jacqueline M. Chen
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Published 2024-11-01
Godmother-Governesses and Biracial Cinderellas: The Use of Fairy Tales in Dinah Mulock Craik’s The Half-Caste
Hannah Mummert
Published 2024-11-01
How do multitaskers and screen addicts perceive travel elements?
Shanshan Sun,Yiik Diew Wong
Published 2024-11-01
The escalating incidence of advanced-stage cervical cancer among underrepresented patients in the United States
Teresa Palkowski,Cheng-I Liao,Vignesh Ramchandran,Caitlin R. Johnson,Alexandra FreemanT. NguyenKathleen DarcyChunqiao TianDaniel S. KappJohn Chan
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Sea turtles stranded ashore: Sociocultural dissonance and identity conflicts in migration intentions of Chinese international student returnees
Ruining Jin,Tam-Tri Le,Ruoqing Gao,Qiang Shen,Xiao Wang
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
A. Dasgupta,J. Meyer,D. Goddard-Eckrich,N. El-Bassel,L. Gilbert
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Impact of the propensity to cross-cultural adaptation on online viewers' attitudes toward ethnic minority group cultural streaming: An extension of the theory of planned behaviour
Lifu Li
Computers in Human Behavior Published 2024-11-01
Physical maltreatment, insecure attachment, and online gaming disorder among Chinese adolescents: A multi-group analysis of single and non-single child family
Yuhang Cheng,Shan Jiang
Children and youth services review Published 2024-11-01
Reflections on the production of space and justice: A study of everyday life of the SuoJincun's guerrilla gardeners
Shuyue He,Ming Li,Yuhang Zheng,Xin Gao,Ruixia Wang
Cities Published 2024-11-01
A. Woodcock,M. Asadian,E. Torres,J. Kaiser,J. Baayd
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
A. Montes De Oca,B. Nguyen,L. Wise,M. Withers
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Understanding the behavioural determinants of active travel among older adults: A mixed methods study
Avet Khachatryan,Paula Voorheis,Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken,Michelle Silver
Published 2024-11-01
Integrating health into the European Union Migrant and Asylum Pact: a call to action
Angelo Farina,Doris Zjalic,F. Famà,Sara Laura Ferrari,Andrea GoriMario Raviglione
Published 2024-11-01
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in a polarized world: Navigating challenges and opportunities in STEMM.
Vijayvardhan Kamalumpundi,Kit Neikirk,Debora Kamin Mukaz,Zer Vue,Neng VueSulema PeralesAntentor O. Hinton
Molecular Biology of the Cell Published 2024-11-01
Falling sideways? Social status and the true nature of elite downward mobility
Robert de Vries
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
The rise in female consciousness contributes to advancing household energy transition: Evidence from Chinese households
Mou Shen,Xingling Jiang,Yong Sun,Lixia Tang
Energy Published 2024-11-01
Offense specialization among outlaw motorcycle gang members: Comparing specialization metrics
Heather Wolbers,Timothy I. C. Cubitt,Anthony Morgan
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Determinants of bicycle ownership and use: A case study of apartment residents in Melbourne, Australia
C. De Gruyter,Andrew Butt
Published 2024-11-01
Energy poverty and well-being at the local level: Insights from a community-wide survey in Atlantic Canada
Mylene Riva,Laurianne Debanné,Sophie Kutuka,Morgen Bertheussen,Kimberley C. O'SullivanRuna R. Das
Published 2024-11-01
Participatory governance for the temporary use of urban abandoned areas. A socio-spatial approach to the “Old Hospital” area in Alexandroupolis, Greece
Eirini Kostaki,Y. Frangopoulos,Alexandra Makridou,Nikos Kapitsinis
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Inclusive mobility hubs: An in-depth exploration of the requirements of disadvantaged groups
Lluis Martinez,C. Macharis,Imre Keserü
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
Desire for cultural tightness: The associated between COVID-19 infection concern and mental health and protective behavior during- and post-COVID-19 lockdown in China
Yi Yin,Qian Sun,N. Geeraert,Qian Sun
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Perspectives on inequalities in social science research and environmental sustainability in India
Smriti Das
Published 2024-11-01
Working with absent presences: Disappearances and materiality in post-war Sri Lanka
Udeni Appuhamilage
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Deciphering the character of public transport participation in subjective well-being: Evidence from Hangzhou, China
Yinan Dong,Yilin Sun,Dianhai Wang,E. Waygood
Published 2024-11-01
Land financialization and gentrification: evidence from China
Yinxin Su,Song Shi,Mingzhi Hu,Yuzhe Wu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Place attachment and lived values in Western Australian communities
A. Kelly,P. Tschakert,C. Lawrence,P. Horwitz,C. BourgaultN. Ellis
Applied Geography Published 2024-11-01
Addendum to “Reflections on the study of empathy in a sample of refugees and migrants from Arabic-speaking countries with diverse experiences of war-related trauma” [Compr. Psychoneuroendocrinology 19C (2024) 100253]
Christiane Wesarg-Menzel,Mathilde Gallistl,Michael Niconchuk,Veronika Engert
Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology Published 2024-11-01
A new college campus and crime: Focusing on crime opportunity and gentrification in downtown Orlando, Florida
Sungil Han,Jordan R. Riddell
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Building the social. A query into the societal impact of the Pompeian water supply
Anne-Marie Leander Touati
Published 2024-11-01
Selection into higher education and subsequent religious decline in a United States cohort
R. J. Bacon,Leping Wang
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Understanding the impacts of COVID-19 on bike-sharing travel behaviors: Insights from the literature and a case study in New York City, USA
Liye Zhang,Zhongzheng Li,Jie Song,Rui Zhu
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
Disaggregating the relationship between precarious employment and delayed marriage in Japan: Incorporating non-cohabiting partnerships
Ryota Mugiyama
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
The spatiality of Collective Autoethnography: Praxis of care and (co)becoming
Maria Teresa Braga Bizarria,Marcela Palomino‐Schalscha,Isabella Sánchez Bolívar
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Critique of everyday life of the night: Young people's re-appropriation of Turin's eveningificated nightlife
Enrico Petrilli,Francesco Biagi
Cities Published 2024-11-01
MG Smith,A. Khoury,J. de Jong,R. Adelli,K. Beatty
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Esports events & hegemonic masculinity: Reflections on participant-observation at Evolution Championship Series 2019
E. Figueroa
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Trends in the retirement security of Black and Hispanic households in the US: A setback for Black Americans but continued progress for Hispanics
Edward N. Wolff
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Beyond perceived risk: COVID-19 vaccination more strongly linked to individual risk perception in wheat areas than rice areas
Qionghon Zhang,Xiaoyu Lin,A. English,Thomas Talhelm
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Female stereotype and occupational stigma
Fei Peng,Xinying Zeng,Yaoqi Li
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the influence of need for closure on anti-immigrants collective actions: The mediating role of binding moral foundations and desired cultural tightness
Laura Prislei,M. Marini,Gabriele Di Cicco,Chiara Parisse,Stefano Livi
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
When and where we are: Comparing early criminal careers of organized crime offenders in Italy and the Netherlands across decades
Francesco Calderoni,Tommaso Comunale,Victor van der Geest,E. Kleemans
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Memories are not all positive: Conceptualizing negative memorable food, drink, and culinary tourism experiences
Matthew J. Stone,Erose Sthapit
Tourism Management Perspectives Published 2024-11-01
Culturally Responsive Care in Veterinary Medicine
S. Jafarian
Published 2024-11-01
Nuanced strategies for material efficiency: Addressing developmental heterogeneities and socio-economic shifts
Xiao Li,Xuezhao Chen,Haijia Shi,Quanbao Jiang,Ruichang MaoChenyi KangWei-Qiang ChenJunming Zhu
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Published 2024-11-01
Study on factors affecting resilience behaviours of residents in coastal rural community management in response to typhoons
Yaying Chen,Xiaolong Su
Published 2024-11-01
Experience of healthcare discrimination among individuals with a history of gynecologic cancer in the All of Us research program
Allison C Dona,Patricia I. Jewett,Sarah Davidson,Deanna Teoh,Rachel I. Vogel
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Multiculturalism in dominant ethnic populations: A transnational profile analysis
Alessia Rochira,S. Verbena,Erica Briozzo,Evelyn De Simone,Francesca EspositoRocío GarridoManuel García RamírezVirginia PalomaMaria Vargas-MonizT. Mannarini
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Changes in biopsychosocial factors based on transportation independence among older adults: A one-year study post-COVID-19 movement restrictions
Nurul Syuhada Mohd Rosnu,Pei Xian Ding,Patrick Wi Liam Seow,Wan Syafira Ishak,M. H. Abd RahmanCharles MusselwhiteSuzana ShaharA. F. Mat LudinHui Min KhorD. Singh
Published 2024-11-01
Tourism mobilities and climate crisis dilemmas: Tourists traveling towards a climate apocalypse?
A. Viken,Bente Heimtun
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
The interaction of mathematics achievement, academic motivation and social context among Turkish adolescents
Hakan Ulum,M. A. Küçükaydın
Learning and Motivation Published 2024-11-01
Business disruptions due to social vulnerability and criminal activities in urban areas
Nick Drydakis
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
What's in a name? Evidence of transgender labor discrimination in Mexico
Alejandra Martínez-Alfaro,A. Silverio-Murillo,Jose Balmori-de-la-Miyar
Published 2024-11-01
Who Cares? Women entrepreneurs and the transition to the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement in Nova Scotia
Rebecca Wallace,Kaytland Smith
Published 2024-11-01
Social acceptance in coastal and marine protected areas: Port-cros national park (France)
Anne Cadoret,Nikoleta Jones
Published 2024-11-01
Brazil has a problem: therapeutic itinerary, research and data about eating disorders
J. de Oliveira,Thais di Stasi Marques dos Santos,João Luiz Coelho Ferro,Ms Isis de Carvalho Stelmo
Published 2024-11-01
Progress and challenges for the establishment of a sustainable blue economy in Chiloe (Chile): Exploring the connections of a socio-ecological system
F. J. Vázquez Pinillos,Juan Manuel Barragán Muñoz
Published 2024-11-01
Urban sustainability in social housing environments: A spatial impact assessment in Bogotá, Colombia
Jhon Ricardo Escorcia Hernández,Sara Torabi Moghadam,Patrizia Lombardi
Cities Published 2024-11-01
How to deal with Big Tech power? The “Big Tech Raj”, a new form of biopower in the digital age
Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte,Emmanuel Bertin
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the preferences and experiences of female cancer survivors regarding fertility and fertility preservation: Insights from the Survivorship Oncofertility Barriers Survey
Alexa Kanbergs,Nuria Agusti,Kirsten Jorgensen,R. Nitecki,J. Rauh-Hain
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Neocolonial echoes in healthcare: ethical quandaries of the Nepal-UK nurse recruitment memorandum of understanding
Animesh Ghimire,Yunjing Qiu,Mamata Sharma Neupane,Purushottam Ghimire
The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia Published 2024-11-01
Review of non-domestic building stock modelling studies under socio-technical system framework
Jingfeng Zhou,P. Fennell,I. Korolija,Zigeng Fang,Rui TangPaul Ruyssevelt
Journal of Building Engineering Published 2024-11-01
Place making decisions among informal street food vendors in Sunyani, Ghana
D. Anaafo,R. Y. Nutsugbodo,Edna Agyepong,G. Anane,Baffour Antoa MensahPaul Domanban Bata
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Editorial Board
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Evaluating resilience and enhancing strategies for old urban communities amidst epidemic challenges
Chengxin Lin,Rixin Chen,Beizhu Wang,Xiaojuan Li
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Dialectics of perception and imagination: Embodied politics of atmosphere in Xiqiao Road, Nanjing
Weitao Wang,Min Zhang,Peipei Chen,Xiaoxu Chen
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Mapping Residential Occupancy: Understanding Sociodemographic Influences on Occupancy Patterns Using the American Time Use Survey
Sorena Vosoughkhosravi,Amirhosein Jafari
Journal of computing in civil engineering Published 2024-11-01
Veto players and gun violence in drug markets: Analysis based on field observations of eighty drug-selling spots on the Westside of Chicago
Patrick J. Burke
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Investigating resident perceptions of medical tourism in Hainan: An integrative analytical approach
A. Wong,Ping Li,Yingying Pan,Jing (Bill) Xu,Jiacheng Deng
Tourism Management Perspectives Published 2024-11-01
Understanding the role of physical spaces in social de-segregations: Spatial lessons from Kerala and Northern Ireland
S. Harikrishnan,John Doyle
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
Kids No Longer Smoke Cigarettes. Why Aren't We Celebrating?
Kenneth E Warner
American Journal of Public Health Published 2024-11-01
Reviewing the evidence on riparian community engagement: A conceptual framework of community-based river management
P. Vall-Casas,Alba Juárez‐Bourke,Xavier Garcia-Acosta,Marta Benages-Albert,Marie-Anne Germaine
Published 2024-11-01
An iterative consumer-centric and technology-driven product innovation strategy based on selective and dynamic consumer attention
Xu Ye,Yu Wang,Sara Shafiee
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Exploring interventions for improving rural digital governance performance: A simulation study of the data-driven institutional pressure transmission mechanism
Yuan Liu,Shu Xi,June Wei,Xuan Li
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
MV Smith,J. Turk,R. Mercier,J. Steinauer,K. Vinekar
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
AE Bryson,PS Nordstrom Miranda,MS Zerofsky,AB Baez De Luna,AM MinnisM. Raymond-Flesch
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Book review
J. Arathoon
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Mediators of change: Intermediaries in India's compressed biogas niche
Dwarkeshwar Dutt
Published 2024-11-01
SS Nayak,Aaj Scoglio,T. Sanni-Ojikutu
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Rethinking gendered anti-Muslim racism in a relational matrix of race and gender
Nasrin Khandoker,Đermana Kurić,James Carr
Published 2024-11-01
Do Community Needs Affect the Decision to Volunteer? The Case of Refugees in Germany
Annalisa Tassi
Social Science Research Network Published 2024-11-01
‘Mostly women's issues’ – Gender differences in community responses to a large-scale NGO programme to prevent violence against women in urban India
Sukanya Paradkar,Chatush Singh,Anand Suryavanshi,Apurva Tiwari,B. CislaghiNayreen DaruwallaD. OsrinLu Gram
Published 2024-11-01
LA Tello Perez,J. Yarger,HK Hecht,K. Hopkins,I. RossettoC. Harper
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
E. Nacev,A. Mandelbaum,M. Fuerst,MI Rodriguez
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
M. Ruggles,BT Edmonds,J. Peipert,R. Evans,M. FernandezK. WendholtSS BhamidipalliTA WilkinsonC. Bernard
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
AK Summit,DA Kirby,DN Carvajal
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Urban typologies and urban sustainability: A comparative and landscape-based study in the city of Valencia
Juanjo Galan
Cities Published 2024-11-01
COVID-19 employment shocks and safety net expansion: Health effects on displaced workers
Daniel Schneider,K. Harknett,Annette Gailliot
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Dissociations between animalistic and mechanistic dehumanization in the context of labor exploitation
Matthew L Stanley,Aaron C Kay
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Published 2024-11-01
To Uncover Disparities, Collect and Disaggregate Self-Identification Data for Middle Eastern and North African Americans.
Ariela Schachter,Neda Maghbouleh,René D Flores
American Journal of Public Health Published 2024-11-01
From policy to practice: The role of national policy instruments and social barriers in UK energy efficiency adoption in households
Cristina Peñasco
Energy Policy Published 2024-11-01
Promoting active aging in Brazil: A longitudinal study of land use mix and utilitarian walking in older adults
R. Saboya,Eleonora d’Orsi,Ramin Keivani
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Socioeconomic status stereotype affects motor learning
Marco Jordanio Pereira Feitosa Lima,Suzete Chiviacowsky,R. Drews,Priscila Cardozo
Learning and Motivation Published 2024-11-01
The effects of perpetrator power on the duration and number of children victimized in episodes of child sexual abuse linked to a federated youth serving organization
Donald Palmer,Chloe Yi-Leen Cheung,Sarah H. Lum
Published 2024-11-01
MH Smith,A. Underwood,E. Warren,A. Norris Turner,M. Gallo
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
S. Challa,K. Spiller,UD Upadhyay,K. Holt
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Co-production, co-creation or co-design of public space? A systematic review
Dahae Lee,Patricia Feiertag,Lena Unger
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Racial differences in parents' emotion socialization behaviors: Role of racial socialization goals
Faith Logan,Diana P.F. Montague,Fantasy T. Lozada,Randy Fingerhut
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Published 2024-11-01
Afrofuturism: Not African-centric Enough?
Science Fiction Studies Published 2024-11-01
Preschool quality and developmental outcomes of preschool children in rural China: Evidence from longitudinal and subgroup analyses
Lei Wang,Dingjing Jiang,Jiao Pang,Conghong Yang,Siqi ZhangScott Rozelle
Children and youth services review Published 2024-11-01
Death at home or hospice varies by race and ethnicity among patients with gynecologic cancer
Sagar Chokshi,Jennifer Pierce
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
The sharing economy and urban crime
Bryan S. Weber
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Industrial ecosystems: A systematic review, framework and research agenda
Thommie Burström,Tom Lahti,V. Parida,J. Wincent
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling the blueprint for rural digital prosperity: A comparative examination of top 100 digital counties in China
Yunqing Liu,Zekun Dai,Xin Zhao
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Cultural Values Influence the Developmental Trajectory of Resistance to Social Influence Over the Course of Adolescence.
Rui Pei,Elissa C. Kranzler,Emily B Falk
Developmental Psychobiology Published 2024-11-01
Slum upgrading and participation: Insights from a marginalized neighbourhood in Buenos Aires
S. Halvorsen
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Race-blind admissions, school segregation, and student outcomes
Jason Cook
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the impact of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression in academic libraries
Judith Brink Drescher,Kayla Reed
The journal of academic librarianship Published 2024-11-01
Reassessing the process-based model: Do procedural justice and police legitimacy lead to reporting neighborhood problems to the police over time?
Kiseong Kuen
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Leveraging social capital for digital transformation: The role of ambidexterity and familial orientation
E. Daskalopoulos,O. Machek
Journal of High Technology Management Research Published 2024-11-01
Unveiling the loss of exceptional women in science
Yunhan Yang,Chenwei Zhang,Hui-Rong Xu,Yi Bu,Meijun LiuYing Ding
Information Processing & Management Published 2024-11-01
Mixed feelings. Changing group-based emotions explain the decline in collective action for Ukrainian refugees
Paulina Górska,Maciej R. Górski,Maria Mirucka,Miki Wesołowska
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Cross-community affinity: A polarization measure for multi-community networks
Sreeja Nair,Adriana Iamnitchi
Online Social Networks and Media Published 2024-11-01
Affective responses, appraisal processes, and coping mechanisms in intercultural teams: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic
Archana Shrivastava
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Understanding Our Origins: What works to improve health equity? And it might be time to end the leap second.
Laura Helmuth
Scientific American Published 2024-11-01
Book review
Nina Djukanović
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
M. Barnes,E. Piqueiras,L. Gutierrez-Palominos,R. Patil
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Inequality and the eroding base of liberal democracy
Sang Kyung Lee
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Exploring the impact of multiple stressors on cultural and ecological values: A case study from Te Rerenga Parāoa (Whangārei Harbour), Aotearoa New Zealand
D.M. Parsons,T. Shirkey,J. Chetham,D. Milner,R.H. Bulmer
Published 2024-11-01
A. Becker,R. Schroeder,L. Ralph,S. Kaller,Margaret M. Biggs
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road: Nostalgia and mobility perceptions of informal dementia carers
Thomas A. Lowe
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Peer effects in digital inclusive finance participation decisions: Evidence from rural China
Wenyi Lyu,Leng Yu,Jiajun Zhang
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
A lack of understanding: Unpacking the transformative power of women's anger in politics
Hailey E. Murphy
Published 2024-11-01
Has urban expansion alleviated working-residential spaces segregation across inner-outer cities? A multi-scale study with location-based social bigdata
Maoke Luo,Shaoyao Zhang,Wei Deng
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
Size isn't everything: Understanding the relationship between police workforce and crime problems
Eon Kim,K. Bowers,Dan Birks,Shane Johnson
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Defogging Data: As researchers separate out health data from culturally distinct groups, they're fi nding ways to reduce health disparities.
Jyoti Madhusoodanan
Scientific American Published 2024-11-01
Risk of endometrial carcinoma among patients with atypical endometrial hyperplasia in a population of predominantly racial and ethnic minorities: A single institution study
Jenny L. Soiffer,Deepthisri Suresh,Nada Hussein,Lauren Scanlon,Sonali LanjewarFnu SapnaYingchen XuJuan LinKen LinN. NevadunskySara S. Isani
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Community-driven informal settlement upgrading as an everyday practice: The role of urban and governance policies
Haruka Ono,Uwamahoro Adrien
Land Use Policy Published 2024-11-01
E. Dindinger,RH Cohen,WB Allshouse,J. Sheeder
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
A multicriteria approach to ranking Latin-American universities based on region-specific criteria
Pablo A. Pinto-DelaCadena,Vicente Liern,Patricia Acosta-Vargas,Andrea Vinueza-Cabezas
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Long COVID facts and findings: a large-scale online survey in 74,075 Chinese participants
Shijie Qin,Yanan Zhang,Yanhua Li,Ling Huang,Ting YangJiahui SiLikui WangXin ZhaoXiaopeng MaG. F. Gao
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific Published 2024-11-01
The nature, causes, and effects of skepticism on technology diffusion
L. Trieste,G. Turchetti
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
A socio-economic vulnerability assessment framework against natural disasters: A case study in Seoul, South Korea
Chi Vuong Tai,Eun-Sung Chung,Dongkyun Kim
Urban Climate Published 2024-11-01
Community involvement in waterway management: Identifying and prioritising community behaviours to protect and enhance Melbourne's waterways
Melissa Hatty,Mark Boulet
Published 2024-11-01
Repel or attract? Effects of urban digital infrastructure on labor migration: Evidence from urban China
Su Zhang,Yan Xia,Huijuan Wang,Jiaofeng Pan,Gongming Lv
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Race, ethnicity, and gender in academic gynecology oncology leadership
Jessica Velasquez,Caroline Gellman,Mona Saleh,M. Prasad-Hayes,Stephanie V. Blank
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Examining the spatial and social heterogeneities of accessing hierarchical healthcare services through the lens of equity: A case study of the central urban area in Shanghai, China
Zongni Gu,Shi-Jie Cao,Xiaolong Luo
Cities Published 2024-11-01
OL Thornton,IR Fulcher,J. Ospina,P. Kumar,H. DismerM. LandeauAB GoldbergE. Janiak
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in reflective observation through encounters with statements of ‘White’ teachers and ‘Black’ students
Noa Shapira,Shula Mola
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Sex and cross-cultural comparison of self-enhancement practices: Data from four distinct societies
M. Kowal,Piotr Sorokowski,Sayra M. Cardona,Andrea Castañeda,C.M. Nadeem Faisal
Evolution and human behavior Published 2024-11-01
Modelling beyond growth perspectives for sustainable climate futures: The case for rethinking Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
Tilly Walker Wood,Katharina Richter,Ed Atkins
Published 2024-11-01
The green development in China through the lens of complex cybernetics: Insight for a new era
Aihua Lin,Pierluigi Toma,Minfeng Zhang,Giulio Fusco
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
K. Crofton,A. Johnston,S. Kaszubinski,S. Betstadt,E. TalR. Flink-Bochacki
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
How to make our cities more livable? Longitudinal interactions among urban sustainability, business regulatory quality, and city livability
R. Antolín-López,M. Martínez-Bravo,Justo Alberto Ramírez-Franco
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Understanding the structure of public perceptions towards urban green spaces: A mixed-method investigation
Kehao Zhou,Ronghui Tan
Published 2024-11-01
Evolution or involution? A systematic literature review of organisations' blockchain adoption factors
Ying Zhang,M. Tavalaei,G. Parry,Peng Zhou
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
On Race and Place in Substance Use Research.
B. Ostrach,Jennifer J. Carroll
American Journal of Public Health Published 2024-11-01
Neighborhood poverty affects racial disparity in outcomes for patients with endometrial cancer in Washington, DC
Charlotte Gamble,Elizabeth Torrez,Jeffrey Kolm,Shalin Zhang,Stephen FernandezEbony HoskinsLucile Adams-Campbell
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Compounding disaster: Perceptions of coastal risk, extreme events, and oil and gas energy production in the Gulf of Mexico
V. Ramenzoni,Lisa Comparini,Amy Houlihan,Pamela Meyer,Pamela Brouillard
Published 2024-11-01
Parental incarceration and offspring criminality: A Finnish total population study with sibling comparison
Ilona Nissinen,Antti Latvala,Karoliina Suonpää,Mikko Aaltonen,Pekka Martikainen
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Communication through popular culture: Analyzing a googi performance on early marriage among the Kusaas of Ghana
H. Abubakari,A. Amankwah,Abigail Opoku Mensah
Published 2024-11-01
Effectiveness of mental-health interventions for children and adolescents placed in residential care by the welfare services: A systematic review
Rita Ramos Miguel,Laura Santos,Maria do Céu Salvador,Luiza Nobre Lima,Daniel Rijo
Children and youth services review Published 2024-11-01
Can the resource and environmental dilemma due to water-energy-carbon constraints be solved in the process of new urbanization?
Yuanyuan Zhang,Yi Yang
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
R. Schroeder,L. Ralph,A. Becker,S. Kaller,Margaret M. Biggs
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Consumer spending during COVID-19 in a tourism city
Mengyao Ren,Yang Xu,Sangwon Park,Xiao Huang,Mengqi SunJizhe XiaSun-Young Koh
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
Hunter-gatherer mobility patterns influence the reconstruction of social networks from archaeological assemblages
Cecilia Padilla-Iglesias,Robert J. Bischoff
Published 2024-11-01
A. Gero,SE Elliott,J. Sanders,SR Cohen
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Transmission of indigenous knowledge systems under changing landscapes within the vhavenda community, South Africa
Olgah Lerato Malapane,N. Chanza,Walter Musakwa
Published 2024-11-01
Women academics' ambivalent experiences of singlehood and international mobility
Ea Høg Utoft,Mante Vertelyte,Grace Gao
Published 2024-11-01
Tourists’ perception of socio-cultural values of ecosystem services and management perspectives at the Vadu wild beach, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania
M. Sima,M. Dumitrașcu,I. Grigorescu,A. Costache
Published 2024-11-01
Leveraging context-adjusted nighttime light data for socioeconomic explanations of global urban resilience
Yatao Zhang,Siqi Song,Xia Li,Song Gao,Martin Raubal
Sustainable cities and society Published 2024-11-01
Cognitive Difficulty in Middle Eastern and North African Adults Living in the United States Compared With Other Racial and Ethnic Categories, 2017-2021.
Tiffany B Kindratt,Alexandra Smith
American Journal of Public Health Published 2024-11-01
The politics of pro-migrant volunteering: Exploring the role of pro-migrant volunteering in the local migration governance
Maurizio Artero
Cities Published 2024-11-01
Older adults’ perceptions and behaviors on driving: A mixed method study
Juana Perez,Mohammad Hossein Rashidi,Jobaidul Alam Boni,K. Hyun,Bahareh FarrokhiSeri Park
Transport Policy Published 2024-11-01
Understanding the social construction of the metaverse with Q methodology
Qiqi Zhou,Bei Wang,Igor Mayer
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
Revitalizing post-communist urban industrial areas: Divergent narratives in the imagining of copper mine reopening and tourism in a Romanian town
Alexandru Dragan,Remus Crețan,I. Jucu,Adela Alexandra Hrițcu
Cities Published 2024-11-01
A. Bell,J. Williams,S. Banks,K. Giles,A. Gubrium
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Research funding disparity in uterine cancer: An analysis of funding and race in relation to the burden of disease
A. Katcher,Megan Gorman,Divya Gowthaman,Meaghan Coles,L. D. SantosGary L. GoldbergDennis Yi-Shin KuoAndrew MenzinLauren ScanlonKarin ShihJ. Tymon-RosarioFidel ValeaJill WhyteM. Frimer
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
Rethinking automobility in the suburb: Experiences with carsharing in a Danish suburb
M. R. Lindberg,T. H. Christensen,T. Grindsted,Freja Friis
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Published 2024-11-01
ME Meurice,K. Wallis-Lang,M. Hildebrand,S. Mody
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Different patterns of national innovation under COVID-19: The moderating role of culture
Ling Liu,Hang Zheng,Yiwan Peng,Feng Zhu,Ting Xue
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Community-led urban transformation project as transdisciplinary approach: Case of Senboku Hottokenai Network Project
Haruka Kato,Kazuhiko Mori
Habitat International Published 2024-11-01
D. Johnson,V. Singh,N. Ram,L. Thakkar,F. Wakeel
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Mediating effect of emotional distress on the relationship between noncommunicable diseases and lifestyle among Brazilian academics during the COVID-19 pandemic
Siqueira Rafael Pena,Cunha Carla de Magalhães,Costa Priscila Ribas de Farias,De Santana Mônica Leira Portela,Oliveira Lucivalda Pereira MagalhaesConceição-Machado Maria Ester Pereira da
Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry Published 2024-11-01
“Farming the sun” or “coal legacy”? Social perspectives on solar energy projects in Appalachia
S. Gamper-Rabindran,Joshua Ash
Published 2024-11-01
Racial and ethnic inequities in end-of-life care intensity among patients with gynecologic cancers in California
Daisy Cruz,N. Ruel,Philip Ituarte,Mihae Song,Paul MaciejewskiHolly PrigersonAna Tergas
Gynecologic Oncology Published 2024-11-01
J. Baayd,C. Quade,A. Gero,R. Simmons
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Willingness to change and coming home from prison
Kyle J. Bares,Thomas J. Mowen,Richard Stansfield,Nathan W. Link,J. Boman
Journal of criminal justice Published 2024-11-01
Unlocking employer insights: Using large language models to explore human-centric aspects in the context of industry 5.0
Andrius Grybauskas,Jeisson Cárdenas-Rubio
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
New challenges arise from consolidation of gender, health and transport research
L. Sagaris,Lucy Baker
Published 2024-11-01
Sense of belongingness, discrimination, and mental health: Associations and buffering effects of sense of belonging on mental health among Finnish native and immigrant-origin youth
Rekar Abdulhamed,Lauri Hietajärvi,Natalia Skogberg,Reija Klemetti,K. Lonka
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Published 2024-11-01
Training entrepreneurs in culturally diverse countries. Influence of Social Norms on Entrepreneurial Intention
Jesús P. Barrero,J. Delgado‐García,Héctor Pérez-Fernández
The International Journal of Management Education Published 2024-11-01
‘I want to go to the brink’: Cycling, the fold and men's sporting stories
Nicholas Fogarty
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Digital atmospheres of mental health apps: A new materialist exploration of the experience of managing mental (ill)health using an app
Harriet Simpson,Ian Tucker
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
Atmospheric pollutants in Rosario, Argentina analysed through remote sensing: Wildfires and COVID-19 lockdown effects
M. F. Valle Seijo,M. Micheletti,L.A. Otero,R. D. Piacentini
Remote Sensing Applications Society and Environment Published 2024-11-01
What's a parent to do? Measuring cultural logics of parenting with computational text analysis
Orestes P. Hastings,L. Pesando
Social Science Research Published 2024-11-01
Hidden emotional costs of home accommodation. The lived experiences of Ukrainian refugees in Polish homes
Kamil Luczaj,Iwona Leonowicz-Bukała,Olha Krasko
Emotion, Space and Society Published 2024-11-01
LA McGuinn,M. Quasebarth,M. Daniel,L. Hasselbacher,K. Rivlin
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
A RIS-framework for capturing ‘resonance’ as a critical element for promoting Social Innovations
Anna Herzog,Angelika Krehl
Published 2024-11-01
Women’s economic empowerment and intimate partner violence
Sanna Bergvall
Journal of Public Economics Published 2024-11-01
Elijah Doro, Plunder for Profit: A Socio-environmental History of Tobacco Farming in Southern Rhodesia and Zimbabwe
Giovanni Tonolo
Environmental History Published 2024-11-01
“Feeling like” upholding conservative politics: The material and affective dimensions of women's support for AKP
Deniz Berfin Ayaydin
Published 2024-11-01
Men want to take care of princesses! Costs, resistances and challenges of competitive women athletes in couple relationships in Spain
Belén Donoso,Alberto Álvarez-Sotomayor,Amalia Reina
Published 2024-11-01
Viewing machines as humans but humans as machines? Social connectedness shapes the robot anthropomorphism-dehumanization link
Jianning Dang,Li Liu
Technological forecasting & social change Published 2024-11-01
A. Becker,SM Shuster,L. Koenig,J. Ko,U. Upadhyay
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
Memories of tourism brands in virtual reality
Alena Kostyk,Kirsten Cowan,Laurence Dessart,Michaël Schyns
Annals of Tourism Research Published 2024-11-01
AA Luke,M. Livingston,AM Gómez,AH Bennett,JM SalesSK ReddWS Rice
Contraception Published 2024-11-01
A Study on the Dementia Attitude, Knowledge and Awareness of Support Policy
Young-Bum Kim,Jaeeun Seok,Ahyoung Lee
Korea Gerontological Society Published 2024-10-31
The Mediating Effect of Efficacy in Using Digital Devices on the Relationships between Digital Support and Qualitative Use of Digital Information in Middle-aged and Older Adults: Multi-Group Comparison among Age Groups
Jeehye Jung,Soondool Chung
Korea Gerontological Society Published 2024-10-31
Custodial Shadows: Lived Experiences of Postpartum Mothers Deprived of Liberty
Micaella S Cunanan,Regie P De Jesus,Daniela B Carbonell,Angelica Veronica C Pacetes,Reignan P Santillan
Published 2024-10-31
The Effects of Social Network and a Sense of Community on Mental Health of Older Adults Living Alone in Poverty: With a Focus on a Comparison of Young-old and Old-old
Sangwook Lee,Young-Eun Oh,Jeonghwa Lee
Korea Gerontological Society Published 2024-10-31
Care Experiences Among Very Old Parents and Their Old Children
Haeun Yoo,Kyungmin Kim,Joohyun Kim,Kathrin Boerner,Gyounghae Han
Korea Gerontological Society Published 2024-10-31
A Study on the Types and Determinants of Job Fit and Job Satisfaction of the 2nd Baby boomer workers
Boram Park
Korea Gerontological Society Published 2024-10-31
Societal Adaptation to Pandemic Challenges: Analysing the Role of Local Governance and Healthcare Systems in Madhya Pradesh
Ashish Pyasi
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology Published 2024-10-31
Understanding the Importance of Adult and Community Education
Dr. Radhika Kapur
Indian Journal of Management and Language Published 2024-10-30
Exploring the impact of obesity and community health programs on enhancing endometrial cancer detection among low-income and native American women through a public health lens
David Oche Idoko,Okoroji Emmanuel Mbachu,Idayat Ninilola Ololade Babalola,Erondu Okechukwu Felix,Paul Owhenagbo Alemoh
International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine and Surgery Research Published 2024-10-30
Epidemiology of infertility in the Fez -Morocco-(About 258 couples)
Fouad Ech chouyekh,Sofia Jayi,Yassine belhaj,FZ Fdili Alaoui,Hikmat ChaaraMA Melhouf
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
The Scenario of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) & Increased Women’s Empowerment in Bangladesh
Ahnaf Ashiqur Rahman,Imran Hosen
Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Published 2024-10-30
Unlocking futures: Policy solutions to address the challenge of out-of-school children in Nigeria – spotlight on Oyo State
Victoria Olohigocho Omachi,Salif Mangane,Karimot Odebode,Chernor A Diallo
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Impact of peer group influence on the attitudes of adolescents towards drug abuse prevention in cross river state, Nigeria
Patience O. Ebam,Ndifon Agbor Ndifon
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Mental health and job satisfaction among social workers a quantitative study an analysis of workplace well-being in the social work profession
Sora Pazer
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Knowledge and utilization of HIV/AIDs preventive measures among intra-city commercial drivers in Kano State, Nigeria
MUHAMMAD LAWAN GANA,Usman Sunusi Usman,Aliyu Muhammad Maigoro
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Published 2024-10-30
Public perception on police effectiveness and accountability in Nigeria: Insights into crime prevention and control
Esther C. Nwachukwu,Imuetiyan R. Adeyemo,Ohita Princess Asije,Gbemisola Odejide,Diana Oboite Uwaila
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
The sustainable livelihood model of farmers in the peri-urban areas of Bandung city
Naufal Rahman,Zumi Saidah,Eka Purna Yudha
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research Published 2024-10-30
Unveiling the socioeconomic predictors of tobacco use in women: Evidence from NFHS-5
Beauty Rani,Nanthini Subbiah
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
The effect of drug abuse among adolescents in Nigeria: A case study of Gwagwalada, Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria
Ugochi Chidinma Nduka,Ugochi Chidinma Nduka,D. Udo,Shuaib Aduagba Medinah,Chinasa VictoriaEmenike
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Gender equality in educational institutions
Ajay Kumar Godara
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
Unsafe abortion and its complications: A silent and unprecedented catastrophe happening in our society
Nevo Calistus Obiora
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Published 2024-10-30
Parenting behaviour and student discipline in public boarding secondary schools in Western region of Kenya
Ismael Mabunde,Jane Barasa,Sarah Likoko
International Journal of Science and Research Archive Published 2024-10-30
Combating drug abuse through pharmacist-led public health campaigns strategic initiatives for global prevention
Akachukwu Obianuju Mbata,Eigbokhan Gilbert Ogbewele,Nelly Tochi Nwosu
International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine and Surgery Research Published 2024-10-30
"Understanding The Impact Of Childhood Sexual Abuse And Child Maltreatment On Non-Suicidal Self-Harm: The Mediating Role Of Self-Blame In Young Adults Of Pakistan"
Faiza Naeem
Kurdish Studies Published 2024-10-29
Voicing First Nations Country, culture and community in urban policy
Elle Davidson,Libby Porter,Ani Landau-Ward,Ed Wensing,Matthew KellyDonald McNeill
AHURI Final Report Published 2024-10-24
Against the Current: Negotiating European Identities in a Still Divided World
Juliane Debeusscher
Published 2024-10-23
Raciality, intersubjectivity and transgression in the Brazilian system of socio-educational services: insights for social education
Maria Cláudia Oliveira,Maria Helena Zamora,Tatiana Yokoy
International journal of social pedagogy Published 2024-10-23
Brain Health Outcomes in Sexual and Gender Minority Groups: Results From the All of Us Research Program.
Shufan Huo,Cyprien A. Rivier,Santiago Clocchiatti-Tuozzo,Daniela Renedo,N. A. SunmonuA. D. de HavenonDaniel SarpongNicole RosendaleKevin N ShethGuido J. Falcone
Neurology Published 2024-10-22
Digital Dis/Connection as Everyday Boundary Work Among Hong Kong BN(O) Migrants in the UK
Jade Jiewen Deng,J. Pridmore
Media and Communication Published 2024-10-21
Homogenization of Pop Music: How Social Media’s Algorithms Prevents Creativity and Innovation
Emily Wang
Published 2024-10-20
Youth Engagement in Climate Action: Addressing Crime, Education, and Resilience in Coastal Jamaica
Connor Marshall
Published 2024-10-20
Polokalama Fekumi ki he Kanisā ‘o e Halanga-me’atokoní—Ko e vakai ‘a e Tongá: Tongan New Zealanders’ views on how to ensure the National Bowel Cancer Screening programme works well for the Tongan community
Viliami Puloka,Aivi Puloka,Michelle Lambert,Louise Signal
Published 2024-10-18
Recent evidence on rates and factors influencing smoking behaviours after release from smoke-free prisons: a scoping review.
Ashley Brown,C. Woods-Brown,K. Angus,N. McMeekin,Kate HuntE. Demou
Published 2024-10-17
Secret professional deviance: the case of the independence rule
Claire-France Picard,Cynthia Courtois,Sylvain Durocher,Angélique Malo
Published 2024-10-17
The role of religious and financial factors in eudaimonic well-being among Indian adults
P. Padma Sri Lekha,E. P. Abdul Azeez,Jyoti Sharma,Nijumon K. John
Mental Health and Social Inclusion Published 2024-10-16
Self-Advocacy Among Black Women During the Perinatal Period: Prevalence and Relationship to Patient Experiences.
T. H. Thomas,Savannah Vetterly,Elizabeth B Kaselitz,Willa Doswell,Betty Braxter
Birth Published 2024-10-16
Stressors and suicidal ideation in low-income adults in Malaysia: A serial mediation analysis of social support and mental health symptoms.
Madihah Shukri,Christopher J. Armitage,Chong Siew Koon,Nurul Nabila Tarmizi
International Journal of Social Psychiatry Published 2024-10-16
Challenges faced by internally displaced diabetes patients in managing their health during a conflict: a qualitative study.
Shiri Shinan-Altman
Conflict and Health Published 2024-10-16
Queering Humanitarian Practices through the Inclusion of SOGIESC Concepts
Mathieu Seppey,Michaël Arnaud,Gabriel Girard,Christina Zarowsky
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
“Precarious status: illegality and mental health among immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic”
Russell Rice Manzano
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care Published 2024-10-16
The context, need, limitations, and delivery of children and young people's social prescribing.
K. Husk,V. Berry
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Published 2024-10-16
Occupational Medicine Published 2024-10-16
Association of Involuntary Displacement of People Experiencing Homelessness and Crime in Denver, CO: A Spatiotemporal Analysis.
Pranav Padmanabhan,Cole Jurecka,Samantha K Nall,Jesse L Goldshear,Joshua A Barocas
Published 2024-10-16
Associations Between Sexual Orientation Dimensions and Cardiometabolic Diseases: Data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-III (NESARC-III).
Christopher A Crawford,Ian W Carson,Brittanny M Polanka,Michelle K Williams,Alexis B HigginsMatthew D SchuilingJesse C Stewart
Psychosomatic Medicine Published 2024-10-16
Job insecurity, life satisfaction and the moderating role of job satisfaction in South Korea
Yunsoo Lee
The International Journal of Organizational Analysis Published 2024-10-16
Intersectional employee voice inequalities and culture care theory: the case of migrant palliative care nurses in Saudi Arabia.
Julie Davies,Thamina Anjuman,Zeyad Al Ghamdi,S. Altamimi,Sheikh Mateen EllahiMoza Al ThaniFrank HuangYara AlsoqairRawan Alshehri
Published 2024-10-16
Registered sex offenders’ experiences of home visits in England & Wales: are the police expected to integrate “risk” with “desistance”
Leona Mydlowski,Rhys Turner-Moore,Stephanie Kewley
Journal of Criminal Psychology Published 2024-10-16
Reducing Learning and Psychosocial Disparities in Latino Children with Cancer: A Randomized Intervention Trial.
Sunita K Patel,Seong-Hyeon Kim,Kathleen Ingman,Van Huynh,Heather HusztiKimberly KayserGrace MucciMelissa BalderramaLaura BavaAbigail Onderwyzer GoldAlicia WuthNicole DelgadoA. BosworthEmily NishimuraHarneet HaraAnna PawlowskaLisa MuellerF. L. Wong
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Published 2024-10-16
Digital transformation and resilience in family business: an exploratory study of generational dynamics
Pasquale Del Vecchio,Giustina Secundo,Antonello Garzoni
European Journal of Innovation Management Published 2024-10-16
To be or not to be? The question of equitable healthcare
Matt Broadway-Horner
Journal of Public Mental Health Published 2024-10-16
Engaging Data Literacies in Displacement
Vicki Squire,Ọ. Àkànle,Briony Jones,K. Logo,João Porto de Albuquerque
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
Humanitarianism’s Thin Red Line: Armed Escorts in Theory and Practice
William Plowright
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
When I say … haunted curriculum.
David A Ansari,Neera R Jain,Constance R Tucker,Jennifer Karlin
Medical Education Published 2024-10-16
Knowing silence: how children talk about immigration status in school
Jayson Castillo
Journal for Multicultural Education Published 2024-10-16
'The doctor doesn't understand Xhosa and the service user doesn't understand English' - exploring the role of security guards acting as informal interpreters in psychiatric care in South Africa.
S. Hanft-Robert,Lindokuhle Shongwe,Qhama Cossie,P. Sithole,Tessa RoosMike MöskoLeslie Swartz
BMC Health Services Research Published 2024-10-16
The Unique Impacts of COVID-19 on Low-Income and Diverse Canadian Women's Mental Health Profiles: A Latent Transition Analysis.
Samantha Burns,Calpanaa Jegatheeswaran,Christine Barron,Michal Perlman
Maternal and Child Health Journal Published 2024-10-16
Streaming movies, series and shows: attitudes and beliefs among Gen Zers
Karla Borja,Shannon Rodriguez,Christopher Roby
Young Consumers Published 2024-10-16
Disputed Boundaries of the Self, the Group, and their Environment: What We Learn from Refugees about our Psychic Functioning1.
M. Luci
Journal of Analytical Psychology Published 2024-10-16
Living Dead: Trans Cooperations with Mad Necropolitics and the Mad Trans Coalitions that Might Replace Them.
W. A. Gould
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Published 2024-10-16
Emotion Regulation Within Context: Understanding Buffering Effects on Chronic Pain and PTSD Among Black Women Who've Experienced Sexual Assault and Racism.
Grace Packard,Keianna Moyer,Y. Mekawi,Ciara Corbett,A. PowersB. BradleySierra Carter
Violence against Women Published 2024-10-16
Climate Change, Racism, and Food Insecurity: Cyclical Impacts of Stressors Exacerbate Health Disparities.
Christina Ek,James R. Hebert,Daniela B. Friedman,Dwayne E. Porter
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Published 2024-10-16
Laying the Groundwork: Insights from Organisational Ethics for Humanitarian Innovation
Matthew Hunt,A. Okhowat,G. Krishnaraj,Ian McClelland,Lisa Schwartz
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
Collaborative interviewing of eyewitnesses: a field study
E. V. van Rosmalen,Annelies Vredeveldt
Journal of Criminal Psychology Published 2024-10-16
Political Participation for Social Inclusion of Internally Displaced Persons
Rita Iorbo,Sanjeev P. Sahni,Tithi Bhatnagar,D. T. Andzenge
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Published 2024-10-16
One Hundred Years of Seeking Respectful Maternity Care: History and Evolution.
Ellen L. Tilden,R.M. Jungbauer,Erica L. Hart,Amy G. Cantor
Birth Published 2024-10-16
The impact of social determinants of health on international migrants’ health outcomes: a bibliometric analysis
Waleed Sweileh
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care Published 2024-10-16
Patterns of early childhood adversity and neighborhood deprivation predict unique challenges in adolescence: A UK birth cohort study.
Zhenyu Z. Zhang,Benjamin L. Bayly
Development and Psychopathology Published 2024-10-16
Challenges and Opportunities in Transitioning Autistic Individuals Into Adulthood.
Anne M. Roux,Kyle Chvasta,Kiley J McLean,Meghan Carey,Georgina Perez LizLiza TomczukKristina LopezEvva Assing-MurrayPaul T ShattuckLindsay L Shea
Pediatrics Published 2024-10-16
Young People's Reasons for and Emotional Reactions to Sexting in Intimate Relationships.
Anu Isotalo,J. Antfolk
Journal of Sex Research Published 2024-10-16
The effect of different-race presenter on bias reduction in online diversity training
Benton Jones
Journal of Ethics in Entrepreneurship and Technology Published 2024-10-16
Digital Divide Among Homebound and Semi-Homebound Older Adults.
N. Choi,Bryan Y Choi,C. N. Marti
Journal of Applied Gerontology Published 2024-10-16
The Voices of Older African Immigrants on How They Cope with Social Isolation and Loneliness in the United States.
Dolapo O Adeniji,G. Ashirifi
Clinical Gerontologist Published 2024-10-16
Unwanted Online Sexual Solicitation Among Young People in a Swedish Psychiatric Sample: Occurrence and Associations with Depression and Anxiety.
Frida Carlberg Rindestig,Katja Gillander Gådin,O. Semb,I. Dennhag
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Published 2024-10-16
Cash transfers and fertility: Evidence from Poland’s Family 500+ Policy
Anna Bokun
Demographic Research Published 2024-10-16
Exploring financial reverse remittances. A quantitative study in the Italian context
L. Ortensi,Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Published 2024-10-15
Creative health in the urban Global South: barriers and facilitators in the cases of Cochabamba and Salvador.
C. Shaughnessy,D. Santiago,P. P. Donoso,R. Perkins,T. Lisboa
Perspectives in Public Health Published 2024-10-15
A tale of two disasters: Unpacking how social learning from the Ebola epidemic shaped COVID‐19 response in informal settlements in Freetown
S. Diko,S. A. Okyere,L. Frimpong,Stephen Leonard Mensah,Matthew AbunyewahGordon Amankwaa
Published 2024-10-15
Refugee Rights Movements in Berlin as “New Social Movements”?: A Theoretical and Empirical Intervention
Burcu Toğral Koca
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society Published 2024-10-15
Gender representation and stereotyping in Moroccan print media coverage of the 2023 Haouz Earthquake
Salim Dib,Amal Fadil
Social Semiotics Published 2024-10-15
Towards a Critical Decolonial Turn/Theory: Beyond the Binary of the West Versus Africa
R. Fosu
Africa Spectrum Published 2024-10-15
Adventure Therapy to Mitigate the Harmful Effects of ACEs with Lower-SES Adolescents
Nicolas Bellegarde,Smruthi V. Chintakunta,David D. Christian,Margaret-Maria Pemu
Journal of Creativity in Mental Health Published 2024-10-15
Elsie Nkiruka Ogo,Olusola Matthew Ojo,Samuel Osagie Odobo
EPRA international journal of multidisciplinary research Published 2024-10-15
Families with Internationally Adopted Children in Finland: A Study of Emotional Availability in the Early Interaction.
Katarina L Kuusela,H. Raaska,Marko Elovainio,Anna‐Riita Heikkilä,Christian A HakulinenM. FlyktHelena Lapinleimu
Child Psychiatry and Human Development Published 2024-10-15
Hopeful Things as Minor Interventions in Educational Atmospheres
Dorthe Staunæs,Mante Vertelyte
Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology Published 2024-10-15
Urban public space initiatives and health in Africa: A mixed-methods systematic review
Thondoo Meelan,Ebele R. I. Mogo,Nnenna Onyemaobi,T. Ogunro,Damilola OdekunleRichard UnuigbojeSalimon K. MuyioluDamilola OlalekanCatherine DominicAbimbola ThomasEdwin NgwaOkwong WalterChimba SangaVictor OnifadeCrespo'o Mbe-Cho NdiabamohNfondoh BlancheDoris SeyindeT. F. OgunjimiClarisse Mapa-TassouO. M. BuraimohStéphanie S. TeguiaGhazel MukhtarMvendaga P. IorseColin FarrA. OguntadeIfe OlowoniyiLia ChatzidiakouLouise FoleyRose AlaniT. LawansonF. AssahTolu Oni
PLOS Global Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Who owns the wind? Understanding wind energy production through a property chains perspective
Marco Sonnberger,Maria Pfeiffer,Matthias Gross
Environment and Planning E Nature and Space Published 2024-10-15
The National Lottery, religion, and community in mid-1990s Britain
David Cowan
Contemporary British History Published 2024-10-15
Indigenous media and popular culture in the Philippines: representations, voices, and resistance
Khairullah Arsyad
Popular Communication Published 2024-10-15
How Do People Perceive Immigrants? Relating Perceptions to Numbers
Petra Sidler,C. Knotz,Didier Ruedin
The Journal of Race Ethnicity and Politics Published 2024-10-15
Remembering Conquest: Mexican Americans, Memory, and Citizenship
Melita M. Garza
American Journalism Published 2024-10-15
“It’s not like we go and chat just because we see each other’s name on the screen”: online students’ experiences of social and academic community
Helga Fjærvoll,Ella Marie Sandbakken
Discover Education Published 2024-10-15
The Impact of Regional Socio-Economic Policy on Housing Accessibility for Different Population Groups
S. Imankulova
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
Nursing and Social Justice-A Scoping Review.
Anitha M. Tind,B. Hoeck,H. E. Andersen,Laura Wacher Qvistgaard,Charlotte Delmar
Public Health Nursing Published 2024-10-15
Estimates of multidimensional poverty and its determinants among older people in rural China: evidence from a multicenter cross-sectional survey
Jingpu Zhao,Xiangxiang Liu,Yan Gao,Dongxia Li,Fang LiuJing ZhouFubing ZhaYulong Wang
BMC Geriatrics Published 2024-10-15
Exploring self-care and self-development practices among refugee adolescents through photos: An art-based participatory qualitative study
M. Mohammadzadeh,Asra Taras,Christiane Stock
Open Research Europe Published 2024-10-15
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Family-Based Telehealth Intervention for Families Impacted by the Child Welfare System: Formative Mixed Methods Evaluation.
J. Folk,Cynthia Valencia-Ayala,Evan D Holloway,Sarah Anvar,Alison CzoppMarina Tolou-Shams
JMIR Formative Research Published 2024-10-15
Survival and Distinctiveness: The Impulses Shaping the Communication Practices and Rhetorical Strategies in Hunger Relief Organizations
Michael Pennell,Ash Mayes,Crysta Meekins
Technical Communication Quarterly Published 2024-10-15
Latent profile of personality traits for American older adults and its transition during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mingqi Fu,Jing Guo,Hao Kang,Xiaorui Huang
Frontiers in Psychiatry Published 2024-10-15
Dementia, Caregiving, and Long-Term Care.
Jennifer Moye
Clinical Gerontologist Published 2024-10-15
The rise of the childless cat ladies
Theo Larue
European View Published 2024-10-15
Barriers of persistent long-lasting insecticidal nets utilization in Northwest Ethiopia: a qualitative study
Amlaku Nigusie Yirsaw,Resom Berhe Gebremariam,Wallelign Alemnew Getnet,Adane Nigusie,Gebeyehu LakewEyob GetachewDemis GetachewAbiyu Abadi TarekeMuhabaw Shumye Mihret
BMC Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Characteristics of Dating Intoxicated Sexual Assault and Crime Prevention
Sui Yuan
Studies in Social Science Research Published 2024-10-15
Partners', Providers', and Rural Older Adults' Perspectives on Minnesota's Emergency Food System Emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Patrick J. Brady,Natalie Vandenburgh,M. Laska
Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics Published 2024-10-15
Where are Minors Initially Contacted for Sexual Exploitation Grooming in North America? Implications for Prevention Programming.
Jeffery Halvorsen
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse Published 2024-10-15
‘Seeking for clarity in genetic science’: exploring the factors behind men’s decisions to seek DNA testing in Zimbabwe
Zvikomborero M. Robson,Charles Simbarashe Gozho,T. Muzingili
Cogent Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
Formation and Development of a Modern System of Social Services to the Population in the Kyrgyz Republic
N. Marasulova
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
Refocusing on the denominator for research on racial disparities among preterm infants.
Diana Montoya-Williams,Scott A. Lorch
Pediatric Research Published 2024-10-15
Doing social science with conservation: co-reflexivity on the project model in conservation
Viola Schreer,P. Thung,Scott Freeman,Namrata Biligeri Anirudh,Gail Campbell-SmithCristina EghenterStephanie Spehar
Oryx Published 2024-10-15
Recruitment Strategies To Improve Gender Equity in Clinical and Translational Research Training in Ethiopia.
Alison T Hoover,Y. Woldeamanuel,L. Wassie,H. Eyob,Damen Haile MariamR. KempkerHenry M BlumbergDawn L. ComeauK. Bobosha
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Published 2024-10-15
‘It makes you feel like you’re at home, you’re safe, you’re happy in here’: Enacting culturally responsive and enabling pedagogies with refugee students in a university pathway program
S. Bilic,H. Hetz,Dashielle Allain
The Australian Educational Researcher Published 2024-10-15
Ways of Social Inclusion and Integration of Children with Autism in Secondary Education, Inside and Outside the School Context, In the Region Thessaly
Nikas Konstantinos
Journal of Ecohumanism Published 2024-10-15
“Moving choice to center stage” in the relationship between the self and offending: Integrating symbolic interactionism and rational choice
Jennifer O’Neill
European Journal of Criminology Published 2024-10-15
Femonationalism in the civic-integration work conducted by a Swedish NGO with men’s groups
Joakim Johansson,Jamshid Dashti
Norma Published 2024-10-15
Complicating our image of the “good student:” Mexican students’ use of navigational capital in a newcomer school
Rolf Straubhaar
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education Published 2024-10-15
Exploring Police Officer Experiences During the Transfer of People in Crisis to Emergency Department Nurses and Staff.
Emilie Hudson,M. Lavoie-Tremblay,Arnaert Antonia
Issues in Mental Health Nursing Published 2024-10-15
Fragile Hope: Seeking Justice for Hate Crimes in India
Adelina Tratarou
Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis Published 2024-10-15
Mental well-being of sexual minority individuals: Exploring the role of intraminority stress
M. Assink,Henny M. W. Bos
Published 2024-10-15
Social isolation and loneliness prevention among rural older adults aging-in-place: a needs assessment
Jodi Southerland,Shimin Zheng,Kayla Dodson,Erin Mauck,J. BacsuMonique J. BrownJeremy HollowaySteffi M. KimAyse MalatyaliMatthew Lee Smith
Frontiers in Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Socio-Demographic Factors Affecting Women’s Activity in Society
Ш. Г. Султанова
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
The relationship between childhood SES and health in middle and old age: evidence from China
Yu-cheng Chen,Gong-jing Gao
Frontiers in Public Health Published 2024-10-15
AI robots pioneer the Smarter Inclusive Society
Yasuhisa Hirata
Artificial Life and Robotics Published 2024-10-15
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals Derived Gentrification Scale in the Context of the Pandemic
Julio E. Crespo,Cruz García Lirios,Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas,Arturo Sánchez Sánchez,Jorge E. Chaparro MedinaIsabel Cristina Rincón Rodríguez
Journal of Ecohumanism Published 2024-10-15
The Relationship between Outdoor Environment and Recreational Activities of the Elderly Based on Behavioral Mapping
Jing Lu,A. Misni
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
A Descriptive Analysis of Human-Environment Interactions in the Suburban Area of Pune City
Dhaarna Dhaarna
Aplinkos tyrimai, inzinerija ir vadyba / Environmental Research, Engineering and Management Published 2024-10-15
Embodied memories - exploring memorial tattoos through the lens of terror management theory.
Ayelet Oreg,Hilit Erel-Brodsky,O. Taubman–Ben-Ari
Death Studies Published 2024-10-15
Feeling lonely and dissatisfied - understanding social network functioning in stroke survivors.
Jia En Kam,Pei Ling Choo
BMC Psychology Published 2024-10-15
Correction: Food and family care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of women’s domestic workload during the first wave in Chile
Nathalie Llanos,Lorena Iglesias,Patricia Gálvez Espinoza,Carla Cuevas,Dérgica Sanhueza
PLoS ONE Published 2024-10-15
Chronic condition change and its longitudinal association with health care utilization among rural older adults: intergenerational financial support as a possible moderator?
Shijun Yang,Tingting Gao,Jie Li,Peipei Fu,Zhao DanYi WangChengchao Zhou
BMC Geriatrics Published 2024-10-15
Views from midwives and perinatal nurses on barriers and facilitators in responding to perinatal intimate partner violence in Japan: baseline interview before intervention
Naoko Maruyama,Shigeko Horiuchi
BMC Health Services Research Published 2024-10-15
Drought and aridity influence internal migration worldwide
Roman Hoffmann,Guy J. Abel,Maurizio Malpede,Raya Muttarak,Marco Percoco
Nature Climate Change Published 2024-10-15
Handoffs and Equity: Impact of a Patient Distribution Model on Handoffs for Black Patients.
Ethan Molitch-Hou,Thomas J Best,Ellis Green,Khanh T Nguyen,Grace LaShoreMatthew T Cerasale
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Published 2024-10-15
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Bar-Staff Bystander Intervention Training Program for Reducing Sexual Aggression.
Karyn Roberts,Kelly Cue Davis,Mary P. Koss,Elise C. Lopez
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Published 2024-10-15
Are we preparing healthy & responsible adolescents? Exploratory qualitative study to understand the health and social issues of adolescent living in Karachi, Pakistan
Narjis Rizvi,Sarah Saleem,Jawaria Mukhtar Ahmed,S. Reza,Rawshan JabeenS. Jessani
PLOS Global Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Decent Work as An Impact Factor on The Human Capital of Companies in Tulancingo, Hidalgo
Leoncio Marañon Priego,Benedicta María Domínguez Valdez,María del Rosario López Torres,Raymundo Lozano Rosales
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Published 2024-10-15
National identification weakens, and territorial identification strengthens, the relationship between masculine honor values and the justification of practices of connivance with the mafia
Alberto Mirisola,G. Travaglino,Isabella Giammusso
Political Psychology Published 2024-10-15
Formation of the System of Social Services to the Population
N. Marasulova
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
In the interstices of ubiquity: respatialising Bogotá through black relational territories
Giulia Torino
Published 2024-10-15
Sacred cows & chicken manchurian: the everyday politics of eating meat in India
Chhotelal Kumar
Asian Ethnicity Published 2024-10-15
Destination promotional videos and tourism ethnocentrism in emerging tourism destinations: is there a link?
David Amani
SAM Advanced Management Journal Published 2024-10-15
The Associations Between COVID-19-related Stigma of School-age Children and Communicative Support from Parents and Teachers
Yui Yamaoka,M. Hangai,Makiko Sampei,Naho Morisaki
Journal of Child and Family Studies Published 2024-10-15
Book Review: International Safeguards for Children in Sport: Developing and Embedding a Safeguarding Culture by Rhind D and Owusu-Sekyere F
Isra Iqbal
International Review for the Sociology of Sport Published 2024-10-15
Young females experience higher body image dissatisfaction associated with a high social media use: a cross-sectional study in Omani university students
Yahya Salim Al Riyami,Intisar Hamood Al Senani,Abdallah Salim Al Brashdi,Nazar Ismail Al Balushi,A. AlmarabhehJamil Ahmed
Middle East Current Psychiatry Published 2024-10-15
Cognitive Trajectories and Associated Social and Behavioral Determinants Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Older Adults in the United States.
Kun Wang,X. Chen,Xiaoyi Zeng,Bei Wu,Jinyu LiuJane DaquinClara Li
The gerontologist Published 2024-10-15
Unequal inequity and precarity: The changing demographics and career trajectories of Canadian university provosts
Eric Lavigne,Jasmine Carino
Higher Education Published 2024-10-15
Jews of Color: A Wide-Angle Snapshot
Bruce A. Phillips
Contemporary Jewry Published 2024-10-15
Communication dynamics: Fintech’s role in promoting sustainable cashless transactions
Weidong Huo,Wang Xiohui,Muhammad Zulfiqar,Ahmed Chand,Muhammad Rizwan Ullah
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-10-15
The changing socioeconomic composition of the Finnish prison population
Mikko Aaltonen,Joonas Pitkänen,S. Tyni,Pekka Martikainen
Demographic Research Published 2024-10-15
Exploring Interpersonal Dynamics in Wellness Tourism: A Reexamination of Intentions Through a Case Study of Generation X Citizens In Thailand
Pongwiritthon Kajornatthapol,Suthithananchai Siyaphat,Phataradolsopon Tarmthai,Suttipong Thumtheang
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Published 2024-10-15
Category traversing: early Korean immigrants eluding the U.S. state
Carolyn Choi,Sunmin Kim
Ethnic and Racial Studies Published 2024-10-15
Transport Safety and Quality of Life in Developing Cities: An Analytical Study of Amman's Urban Transport System
Mohammad Thaher
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
Demographic Disparities and Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy
Omair Kazi,Alexander B. Alvero,Joshua P. Castle,Michael J. Vogel,Stephanie A. BodenJoshua Wright-ChisemShane J. Nho
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Published 2024-10-15
Inclusive Australasian Cityscapes
Diane Menzies,Lyndon Ormond-Parker,Dee Isaacs
Urban Policy and Research Published 2024-10-15
Public agreement with misinformation about wind farms.
Kevin Winter,M. Hornsey,Lotte Pummerer,K. Sassenberg
Nature Communications Published 2024-10-15
Variation in Relative Risk Perceptions and Tobacco Use by Race and Socioeconomic Status among Older Adults who Smoke: Evidence from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study.
L. M. Snell,Andrew J Barnes,Thomas Eissenberg
Nicotine & Tobacco Research Published 2024-10-15
Transformative Local Governments: Addressing Social Urban Challenges by Bringing People and Politics Together
Jua Cilliers,Ana Maria Vargas Falla,Gareth Wall,Paula Barros
Urban Planning Published 2024-10-15
Demographic influences on students’ self-efficacy for LGBTQ+ inclusion: a quantitative study in higher education in Sri Lanka
M. Chathuranga,H.N.R. Gunawardena,T.W.M.P.S. Dissanayake
Studies in Higher Education Published 2024-10-15
Sherpas and Sagarmatha: complexity theory, ‘Edge of Chaos’ and implications for tourism risk management
Stephen Schweinsberg,C. M. Hall
Tourism Recreation Resarch Published 2024-10-15
A literature review on transnational diaspora entrepreneurship: utilizing a combined approach of traditional and topic modeling
Ximeng Chen,Danushka Bandara,Bruce Sanford
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship Published 2024-10-15
The danger zone is everywhere: how housing discrimination harms health and steals wealth
Robert L. Boyd
Ethnic and Racial Studies Published 2024-10-15
Saudi Viewers Watching Foreign Medical Dramas: A Uses and Gratification Approach
Merfat Alardawi,Mohammed Daghistani,Shahd Almonaie,Abdulrahman Khaled,Mohammed Zahra
Global Journal of Health Science Published 2024-10-15
‘Proud of our families’: single-parent activism in the 1990s 1
Josie McLellan on behalf of the SPAN History Group
Contemporary British History Published 2024-10-15
Qualitative Literacy: A Guide to Evaluating Ethnographic and Interview Research
Frida Akmalia
The Qualitative Report Published 2024-10-15
Travel Intentions Towards Contact Limited Tourism: A Survey of Students and Lecturers in Vietnam
Ninh Van Nguyen
Published 2024-10-15
Digital Media Competence in the Mexican Interactive Generation. Have Digital Competence Programs Worked in Mexico?
Gustavo Adolfo León-Duarte,M. Castillo,Carlos René Contreras Cázarez,Lisset Aracely Oliveros Rodriguez
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Published 2024-10-15
From online hate speech to offline hate crime: the role of inflammatory language in forecasting violence against migrant and LGBT communities
Carlos Arcila Calderón,Patricia Sánchez Holgado,Jesús Gómez,Marcos Barbosa,Haodong QiAlberto MatillaPilar AmadoAlejandro GuzmánDaniel López-MatíasTomás Fernández-Villazala
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-10-15
Influence factors associated with fertility intention among people living with HIV in China and other regions: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Chenxinzi Lin,Bin Chen,Youjing Yang,Shiying Guo,Minmin WangQiuguo WangJingyuan ZhangShasha Tao
BMC Public Health Published 2024-10-15
The messiness of leisure research: Explorations of research processes
Ranjana Tiwari
World Leisure Journal Published 2024-10-15
"What Does 'Age-Friendly' Mean to You?" The Role of Microaggressions in a Retirement and Assisted Living Community.
Tina R Kilaberia,E-Shien Chang,Deborah K Padgett,Mark Lachs,Tony Rosen
The gerontologist Published 2024-10-15
Engaging with discursive complexities in mental health accessibility: Implications for acquired brain injury.
Nancy X Y Lin
Sociology of Health and Illness Published 2024-10-15
Diversity of Chemsex Experiences among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Results from the French ANRS PaacX Study Using Q-Methodology.
C. Protière,Abdourahmane Sow,Vincent Estellon,Morgane Bureau,Vincent LeclercqMuriel GrégoireFred BladouB. SpireDavid MichelsP. Roux
Archives of Sexual Behavior Published 2024-10-15
Sex Trafficking in Asia: A Review from Business and Organisational Perspectives
S. Michael,Ravi Mahalingam
Journal of Asian and African Studies Published 2024-10-15
Influence of the teachings and practices of Full Gospel Churches of Kenya on environmental conservation: A case of Embu Evurore District, Kenya
Esther Rubiri,D. N. Kagema,M. K. Njeru
Published 2024-10-15
Agents of social change: cultural connections between Emirati women and camels
Marta Wieczorek
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies Published 2024-10-15
"It's Really About Those Social Determinants of Health that Drive It": Addressing Food Insecurity in Rural Veterans.
Jacquelyn N. Heuer,Sarah E Bradley,Bridget Hahm,Kristin Pettey,Karen Besterman-Dahan
Community Health Equity Research & Policy Published 2024-10-15
Expanding experiences and anxieties: gender-identity and sexual-orientation differences in attitudes toward synthetic pornography
Sungyun Kim,Jaime Banks
Porn Studies Published 2024-10-15
Does every transgender person want gender affirming surgery? A survey of transgender individuals in the Midwestern United States.
Helen H Sun,Braveheart Gillani,Stephen Rhodes,Daniel Hamilton,Shubham GuptaSwagata BanikGulnar FeerastaRachel Pope
International journal of impotence research Published 2024-10-15
“We just want equality”: perceptions of police, racism, and citizenship in Israel
Ofir Abu,Yariv Feniger,G. Ben-Porat
Ethnic and Racial Studies Published 2024-10-15
Unmasking the Pandemic's Dark Side: Exploring the Roles of Stress, Emotions, and Alcohol Use in Violent Behavior Across Six Countries.
Hannan Latif,A. Timmer,Hannah Tessler,L. Iesue,Ali Jawaid
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology Published 2024-10-15
Children’s Guerrilla Play and Dirt Jumps: Parkland as Contested Space During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Australia
Judith Bessant,Patrick O’Keeffe,Robert G. Watts
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure Published 2024-10-15
The refugee and migrant health “global competency standards for health workers”: results of a survey in general practitioner trainees in Sicily
L. Cimino,Alessandra Pirrello,Alessandra Casuccio,Claudio Costantino,Davide GraciNicoló PiazzaPalmira Immordino
Frontiers in Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Multiple faces of labour market segmentation within the Turkish construction industry
Derya Gultekin,Mehtap Hisarciklilar,Ferimah Yusufi
Economic and Labour Relations Review Published 2024-10-15
Strategies of positive deviants in fodder conservation among smallholder dairy farming systems in highlands and midlands of Kenya.
T. K. Kogo,R. Yegon,D. Nthiwa,S. Migose
Tropical Animal Health and Production Published 2024-10-15
Beyond dislike counts: How YouTube users react to the visibility of social cues
Maggie Mengqing Zhang,Yee Man Margaret Ng
Published 2024-10-15
Feminism and family law introduction to the issue
A. Diduck,Adrienne Barnett
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law Published 2024-10-15
Reaching for Excellence Through Equity or Prestige? US Private Master's Comprehensive Institutions and Low‐Income Students
Jarrett B. Warshaw,Matt DeMonbrun,Jon Mcnaughtan
Higher Education Quarterly Published 2024-10-15
Women's Participation in the Arab Spring Protests and the Prevalence of Domestic Violence: Evidence From Egypt
Tomer Stern,Bilge Erten
Feminist Economics Published 2024-10-15
Circular Consumption in Everyday Life: Drawing Insights into the Creation of a Circular City
Akseli Tiensuu
Circular Economy and Sustainability Published 2024-10-15
Sex and gender considerations in cross-cultural traumatic stress studies.
R. Langevin,Sophie Beaudette,D. L. Wadji,Sara Abou Chabake,Carolina GonzalezD. JenkinsS. KaptanJessica E LambertT. B. MossieRosario Spencer
European Journal of Psychotraumatology Published 2024-10-15
Valuing who we are in relation to others: The ‘praxis of co’ in an Anthropocene‐world. The 2025 agenda for the cybersystems community
Louis Klein,Pamela Buckle,Nam Nguyen,Rika Preiser,Philippe VandenbroeckRay Ison
Systems research and behavioral science Published 2024-10-15
More Than Just Treats? Effects of Grandparental Support for Children Growing up in Adversity.
M. Riem,F. Hasselman,Constantina Psyllou,A. van Harmelen,Anna PearceHelen MinnisPaul LodderM. Cima
Developmental Science Published 2024-10-15
Social isolation and likelihood of becoming centenarians: evidence from the Chinese longitudinal healthy longevity survey
Yaqi Li,Guliyeerke Jigeer,Yuebin Lv,Kaiyue Wang,Yinshun PengLiang SunXiaoming ShiXiang Gao
BMC Geriatrics Published 2024-10-15
Intergenerational Transmission of Wisdom Through Family Narratives: A Qualitative Analysis of Emerging Adults' Perspective
Emilia Mazurek
The Qualitative Report Published 2024-10-15
LGBTQ older adults deserve safe and affirming housing.
Philippe Saad
Nature Aging Published 2024-10-15
The Depiction of Childhood in English Fairy Tales and Folklore
M. Alieva,A. Muratova
Bulletin of Science and Practice Published 2024-10-15
What drives me to help female students to thrive at my Ugandan university.
Christopher Bendana
Nature Published 2024-10-15
Housing and Community Partner Views on the Benefits of Housing with Services: The Right Care, Right Place, Right Time Program.
Edward Alan Miller,P. Nadash,Elizabeth Simpson,Marc A Cohen
The gerontologist Published 2024-10-15
What Makes the Time Tradeoff Tick? A Sociopsychological Explanation.
P. Stalmeier,Bram Roudijk
Medical decision making Published 2024-10-15
Transcending disciplinary boundaries: Nature based solutions (NbSs) for Caribbean coastal resilience
Deborah Villarroel-Lamb,Simone Ganpat,Arlette Saint Ville,Andrew Williams,La Daana KanhaiFadia AzizEtiënne A.J.A. RouwetteDexter DavisPreeya S. Mohan
Published 2024-10-15
Criteria for the Need for Post-institutional Patronage: Development of a Methodological Approach
Y.V. Kovaleva
Social Sciences and Childhood Published 2024-10-15
Beyond the state: reimagining protection as constellations of care
Luise Bendfeldt,Victoria M. Basham
Critical Studies on Security Published 2024-10-15
Urbanization, relational space, and practicing Muslim ethnicity in Western China
Andrew Grant
Asian Ethnicity Published 2024-10-15
Correction: An Online HIV Self‑Sampling Strategy for Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men and Trans Women in Spain.
H. Martínez-Riveros,Yesika Díaz,Marcos Montoro-Fernández,Sergio Moreno-Fornés,Victoria GonzálezE. MuntadaPol Romano-deGeaRafael MuñozJuan HoyosJ. CasabonaCristina Agustí
Journal of community health Published 2024-10-15
Evaluation of Volunteer Practices of Student Mentors in Supporting Orphans and Children without Parental Care Using the Photovoice Method
M.N. Borodataya
Social Sciences and Childhood Published 2024-10-15
"If I Stay Quiet, the Only Person That Gets Hurt Is Me": Anti-Asian Racism and the Mental Health of Chinese-Canadian Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Isabella Ng,Carla Hilario,J. Salma
Published 2024-10-15
Changes in Physical Activity Due to Changes in Employment and Income Before and After the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Korean Community Health Survey.
Yea-Li-A Song,Jae-Min Kim,Jae-Hyun Park
Asia-Pacific journal of public health Published 2024-10-15
Current status and the future trajectory of geriatric services in Nigeria
O. Osi-Ogbu
Journal of Global Medicine Published 2024-10-15
Affirmative action and government initiatives to improve gender equality in India: a retrospective view
D. Sahoo,Usha Lenka
Published 2024-10-15
Modes of Securitization and Desecuritization of Transnational Kinship Ties: Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia amidst Rising Chinese Power
Enze Han
Journal of Global Security Studies Published 2024-10-15
From human-centered to social-centered artificial intelligence: Assessing ChatGPT's impact through disruptive events
Skyler Wang,Ned Cooper,Margaret Eby
Published 2024-10-15
Impacts of Excessive Japanese Black Bear Appearances on Residents' Daily Lives:
Ryohei Yamashita,Tomoya Kishioka
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
Reshaping disaster management: An integrated community‐led approach
Marco De Sisto,Clifford Shearing,Timothy Heffernan,David Sanderson
Australian Journal of Public Administration Published 2024-10-15
Research on Child-Friendly Renewal Strategy of Community Public Space From the Perspective of Inclusive Development
Yiming Zhao,Zhaoxin Jiang,Yang Yang,Chenyang Li,Chenjie DongLiang Zhao
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
Language and terminology to describe transgender communities; Perspectives from people with lived experience
S. Zwickl,Foster Skewis,Tomi Ruggles,J. Murray,Teddy CookAda S. Cheung
International Journal of Transgender Health Published 2024-10-15
Helping in Times of War: How Uncertainty Modulates Aid to Ukrainian Refugees through Compassion and Threat
T. Mannarini,Mario Angelelli,Enrico Ciavolino,Serena Arima,Mariano LongoP. LimoneSergio Salvatore
Human Affairs Published 2024-10-15
Quelques remarques sur la notion de médiation en traduction
Magdalena Szeflińska-Baran
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia Published 2024-10-15
Parenting attitude and self-concept of fathers having adolescent
Md Sohanur Rahman,Sathi Dastider
Published 2024-10-15
The effect of community environment on the trajectory of depressive symptoms and cohort differences among middle-aged and older Chinese adults
Xuyang Li
Frontiers in Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Re‐hearing parents as risks to children: Institutional listening practices in a California child welfare court
Jessica López‐Espino
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology Published 2024-10-15
Social Media Response to the Introduction of the Swallowable Gastric Balloon Treatment for Severe Obesity in the NHS: A Snapshot of Public Opinion.
Paul Cromwell,Vignesh Gopalan,Zoe Hall,Kirsty Lock,Richard Welbourn
Obesity Surgery Published 2024-10-15
Statistical discrimination without knowing statistics: blame social interactions?
Emily Tanimura
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination Published 2024-10-15
Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents.
James H. Price,J. Khubchandani
Journal of community health Published 2024-10-15
Reproductive Health Status in India: Comparison of NFHS-IV and NFHS-V Findings
Kamal Pasa,Neel Mani Singh,Nitamoni Bharali,Tlanglawmkim Hmar,Helmut SchaschiTiluttoma BaruahD. K. Adak
Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India Published 2024-10-15
Austerity Infrastructure, Gentrification, and Spatial Violence: A Ceaseless Battle over Urban Space in Exarcheia Neighbourhood
Elia Apostolopoulou,Danai Liodaki
Antipode Published 2024-10-15
The impact of “kidfluencers” on the cultural identity of Kuwaiti middle school students: A parental perspective
Khaled Alrumaidhi,Maryam Abdullatif Alomran
Middle School Journal Published 2024-10-15
Hybridity and Leadership In Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care Organizations
Birgitte Ljunggren
Nordisk Barnehageforskning Published 2024-10-15
The Vibes Are Off: Did Elon Musk Push Academics Off Twitter?
James Bisbee,Kevin Munger
PS Published 2024-10-15
A policy and institutional analysis of urban transport system: the case of Pakistan’s Lahore in the context of COVID-19
Quratulain Ayaz,Mohammed Abubakari,Jawad Hussain
Cogent Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
Commentary: Level of nurse–nurse collaboration and influencing factors in Türkiye and Italy: a mixed-methods study
Veysel Karani Barıis
Journal of Research in Nursing Published 2024-10-15
You Are Safe Here: Community Sponsorship Policy and Refugee Integration in the UK
Sara Hassan,Jenny Phillimore,Gabriella D’avino
Social Policy and Society Published 2024-10-15
Biryani with the Golden Girls: Muslim South Asian-American women’s food voices
F. Ternikar
Published 2024-10-15
Inseparability of language and culture: evidence from spirituality, emotionality, and society
Yue Zhang
Social Semiotics Published 2024-10-15
Exploring the street economy in African cities: A review of practices, regulatory policies, and challenges of urban governance in Ghana
Barnabas Addi,Clifford Amoako,Stephen Appiah Takyi,Gideon Abagna Azunre,O. Amponsah
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-10-15
The need for effective workplace interventions for ethnic minorities living with rheumatological conditions.
Chloe Gay,Laura Kudrna,Kanta Kumar,James Yates,Shirish Dubey
Rheumatology Published 2024-10-15
A qualitative exploration of the coping strategies of UK ethnic minority healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hailemariam Weldemariam,Ophelia Dadzie,Charles Ogunbode,Philomena Antwi,David Lackland SamOyeniyi Samuel OlaniyanPreethi ChandrasekaranDominic Sagoe
Discover Psychology Published 2024-10-15
The Golden Bachelor: Age and Romance in Contemporary Reality Television.
Jay Kayser,Rita X Hu,Anwesha Kundu
Journal of gerontological social work Published 2024-10-15
The role of family support on the effects of paramedic role overload on resilience, intention to leave and promotive voice
Hannah Meacham,Peter Holland,Patricia Pariona‐Cabrera,Haiying Kang,Tse Leng ThamTimothy BartramJ. Cavanagh
Person-centered review Published 2024-10-15
Unveiling the Patterns of Romance Scams in South Korea
Seoung Won Choi,Julak Lee,Yeon-Jun Choi
International Journal of Cyber Behavior Psychology and Learning Published 2024-10-15
Conspiracy belief regarding emerging viral infection among healthcare professionals
S. Mithun,S. N. Irfan,Md Golam Abbas
Published 2024-10-15
Digital Traps: The Critical Role of Online Encounters in the Entrapment of Minors in Sex Trafficking.
Kyla Baird,Jennifer Connolly
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse Published 2024-10-15
Standing Still, Go Along, and Zooming In: Complementary Strategies of Participant-Observations in Urban Ethnography
Lene Granzau Juel-Jacobsen
The Qualitative Report Published 2024-10-15
Neighborhood poverty and hopelessness in older adults: The mediating role of perceived neighborhood disorder
Yeon Jin Choi,Eun Young Choi,Jennifer A. Ailshire
PLoS ONE Published 2024-10-15
Research on the run: a carnal sociological approach to running interviews
Stephanie Bogue Kerr
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health Published 2024-10-15
Understanding stakeholder perspectives on Apgar score, cyanosis and identifying jaundice in ethnic minority neonates
F. Fair,Amy Furness,Gina M. A. Higginbottom,Sam J Oddie,Hora Soltani
PLoS ONE Published 2024-10-15
Analysis of Demographic Characteristics and Drinking Habits at a Southern College Provide Critical Information for Developing an Effective Prevention Program.
Rebecca M Toland,Tiera Rowan,Ivanna Caballero,Dawn Truong
American Journal of Health Promotion Published 2024-10-15
Between Vulnerability and Agency: review of Handbook of Children’s Risk, Vulnerability and Quality of Life
Social Sciences and Childhood Published 2024-10-15
Sociodemographic Influence on the Management of Orofacial Cleft in Urban and Rural Indonesia.
H. Hasanuddin,A. A. Al-Jamaei,M. Ruslin,F. Steijlen,A. TajrinM. HelderT. Forouzanfar
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal Published 2024-10-15
Theatre of the Oppressed to Teach Medical Students About Power, Lived Experience, and Health Equity.
Marshall H Chin,Angela Pace-Moody,Monica B Vela,Monica E. Peek,Mengqi ZhuAbena Appah-SampongDoriane C Miller
Journal of general internal medicine Published 2024-10-15
A new identity: Enhancing life skills and work-readiness for those with a sexual offending history
Rachel Ogden,Emma Tarpey
Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention Published 2024-10-15
Older Gay Men's Sexual Experiences as Boys with Men: An Empirical and Narrative Analysis.
B. Rind
Archives of Sexual Behavior Published 2024-10-15
Upaya Pemenuhan Hak dan Kewajiban Suami Istri Disabilitas
M. Rifai,Husin Bawapi,Abdul Gafar Saidi
El-Faqih : jurnal pemikiran dan hukum Islam Published 2024-10-15
The impact of subjective intergenerational mobility on well-being: evidence from China
Chong Lu,Guangkun Chen
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-10-15
Profile of Homicidal Death Cases: One-Year Retrospective Study
Mustafa Sumon Al Rashid,Rowshon Ara Begum,Nahima Akter,Md Arifuzzaman Chowdhury,Mohammad Shakil
KYAMC Journal Published 2024-10-15
Parental support for sexual orientation and demoralization syndrome in Chinese gay men: the mediating role of sexual orientation concealment and relational self-esteem
Tiezhu Li,Yanquan Gong,Tianyuan Yang,Zheyu Ouyang,Fang Li
Published 2024-10-15
Behind the screen: The perception–reality gap in cybersexual harassment between remote coworkers
Nitzan Navick,Allison P Mazur,Jennifer L Gibbs
Published 2024-10-15
Impact of family engagement on client participation in coordinated specialty care for first episodes of psychosis
Marielle Demarais,Melissa Fisher,Anne Williams-Wengerd,Christie Alexandre,P. Meyer-KalosSophia Vinogradov
BMC Psychiatry Published 2024-10-15
Why do refugees live near to each other? A utility-based model for spatial segregation of Syrian refugees in Türkiye: 2016–2023 period
Taylan Akgül,Zeynep Elitaş
International journal of sociology and social policy Published 2024-10-15
Legacies and impacts of major sporting events for communities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds: a systematic review
Xiao Liang,Mary Quinton,Jet Veldhuijzen van Zanten,Zhaoyu Duan,Barnaby Zoob CarterAndrew HeyesMark LeeAbdullah AlharbiShushu Chen
Published 2024-10-15
Judicial practices in brazil: How do inquisitorial institutions apply adversarial norms?
Juliana Neves Lopes Rodrigues,L. Lages
Crime, law and social change Published 2024-10-15
Relationship Between Job Locations and Willingness to Relocate of Slum Dwellers
Shu Hsuan Tang,Nattapong Puttanapong,Nij Tontisirin,Nattapong Punnoi,Sutee Anantsuksomsri
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
Milton Ferreira da Silva Junior,Ismara Sobral Pereira
International Journal of Human Sciences Research Published 2024-10-15
An ouroboros of oppression: The self-perpetuating, inequitable high school outcomes of middle school tracking
Jason West,Paul Ratanasiripong,Stephen Glass,Christopher Lund
Middle School Journal Published 2024-10-15
Feathers, folklore, and eco-literacy: Stories ascribe cultural keystone status to avian scavengers in South Asian cities
Urvi Gupta,Nishant Kumar
Ornithological Applications Published 2024-10-15
Zoom to the Virtual Room: The Shift to Remote Early Childhood Observational Assessments.
S. D. Tandon,Jocelyne Chavez,Alicia Diebold,Ada Moses,Aiko E LovejoyZechao WangKaterine ArevaloElaine McBrideMarianne B. BrennanErica AndersonLauren S Wakschlag
Prevention Science Published 2024-10-15
Hostile Environments: Housing and Asylum Policies as Drivers of Energy Deprivation Among UK Refugee Communities
Manon Burbidge,S. Bouzarovski,K. Lucas,S. Warren
Housing, Theory and Society Published 2024-10-15
Like parents, like children… this is not always the case! A longitudinal study on the family transmission of intergroup contact.
Maria Pagano,I. Zagrean,D. Barni,Elisabetta Crocetti
Journal of Research on Adolescence Published 2024-10-15
Community Participation in Flood Management Systems in Aceh Utara Regency
Bobby Rahman,M. Akmal,Teuku Muzaffarsyah,Rizki Yunanda
Journal of Ecohumanism Published 2024-10-15
Effects of the Federal Government's Move to Reschedule Cannabis: A Commentary.
R. L. Collins,P. Thanos,Rebecca Ashare,David Herzberg,Robert Silverman
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Published 2024-10-15
Indigenous Peoples' human genomic sovereignty: Lessons for Africa.
Faith Kabata
Developing World Bioethics Published 2024-10-15
African Culture & the Girl-Child Education
Rebecca Lemelwai Lempassy,Lucy Kanyiri Ikiara,Clement Nkaabu
Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences (JJEOSHS) Published 2024-10-15
The Impact of Peer Effects on the Socio-emotional Competence of Chinese Boarders and Gender-Based Differences
Haoyun Gong,Yanan Hong,Sheng Cui
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Published 2024-10-15
‘It felt very underground’: Uncovering the characteristics and meanings of the underground within Liverpool’s club culture scenes
Richard Anderson
Published 2024-10-15
Book Review: Pursuing justice: One woman's life of resistance and resilience by Brandwein, R. A.
Heather Kanenberg
Affilia Published 2024-10-15
Women of Maguey and Mezcal: The Other Everyday Symbolic World of the Palenque
Ever Sánchez Osorio,Yair Romero Romero,Horacio Bautista Santos,Fabiola Sánchez Galván,Eduardo Fernández Echeverría
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Published 2024-10-15
The Impact of Family Relationship on Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) Concentrations in Individuals Residing in Pune, India
R. Mandlik,Swapna Deshpande,Anuradha Khadilkar
Cureus Published 2024-10-15
Commitment to Place as Motivation for Citizen-Based Watershed Collaboration: BIMBY Effect
Sindhu Weber,John C. Morris,Kelly Ann Krawczyk,Luisa Diaz‐Kope
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs Published 2024-10-15
General unemployment and serious workplace injury rates: Workers compensation claims analysis from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, 2007-2018.
S. K. Essien,Cindy Feng,Catherine Trask
Canadian journal of public health Published 2024-10-15
Sports as an instrument of nationalism and patriotism: a systematic literature review on the role of sports in shaping national identity in various countries
Ahmad Chaeroni,Muspardi Muspardi,Mottakin Ahmed,Kamal Talib,B. OrhanM. LaniYuni AsutiMert Kurnaz
Published 2024-10-15
The role of discretion and street‐level deliberative practices in the COVID‐19 crisis response: Lessons from the Philippines
Antonio D. Salazar
Australian Journal of Public Administration Published 2024-10-15
‘I will not use it because the results are bad’ – understanding the influence of the drug checking service on changing consumption behavior
Marko Verdenik,Sara Rolando,Matej Sande
Published 2024-10-15
Reflecting on vulnerability, skill-building, and identity in an interdisciplinary SaP project
Matthew Dunleavy,Susan Andrews,Carla VanBeselaere,Christelinda Laureijs,Shannon GoguenDenise Roy-Loar
International Journal for Students as Partners Published 2024-10-15
Correction: Correlates of HIV treatment adherence self-efficacy among adolescents and young adults living with HIV in southwestern Uganda
S. Ashaba,C. Baguma,Patricia Tushemereirwe,D. Nansera,S. MalingBrian C. ZanonAlexander C. Tsai
PLOS Global Public Health Published 2024-10-15
The individual and ecological characteristics of parental COVID-19 vaccination decisions.
Lukas Hörnig,Sandra Schaffner,Hendrik Schmitz
Scientific Reports Published 2024-10-15
Observations from the field: On the body, gender, and Al wehdat camp in Amman, Jordan
Nama’a A Qudah
Ethnography Published 2024-10-15
Moderating Role of Gender in Association Between Exposure to Home and Community Violence on Violent Extremism
Maryam Haleem,Sobia Masood
Trends in Psychology Published 2024-10-15
Living with Wolves: Affects, Feelings and Sentiments in Human-Wolf-Coexistence
Valerio Donfrancesco
Conservation & Society Published 2024-10-15
From Sample to Population Generalization in Qualitative Research
F. Scârneci-Domnișoru
The Qualitative Report Published 2024-10-15
Lifestyle Changes, Individual Mobility, and Interactions in Suburban Settlement Areas of Makassar City, Indonesia: Perceptual Model Approach
Murshal Manaf,Erwin Amri,Syafri,Kamran Aksa
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
Neighborhood as Theater: Building a Goffmanian Framework for Comparative Urban Ethnography
Kyle Nelson,Peter R. Ibarra,Margarethe Kusenbach
Qualitative Sociology Published 2024-10-15
Re-Proportioning, Re-Framing, Re-Purposing: Foreign Experience in Russian Disability Organising After the Retreat of Foreign Funding
Philippa Mullins
European Studies Published 2024-10-15
Exploratory analysis of the potential impact of violence on HIV among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: a mathematical modelling study
M. Pickles,E. Mountain,P. Bhattacharjee,Japheth Kioko,Janet MusimbiH. MusyokiP. GichangiJames StannahMathieu Maheu-GirouxMarissa L BeckerM. Boily
BMC Medicine Published 2024-10-15
Isolation to stabilization: A Housing First approach to address homelessness in Kingston, Ontario.
Yvonne Tan,Zack Revell,Victoria Wilson,T. H. Guan,Julie LambertSahar Saeed
Canadian journal of public health Published 2024-10-15
Human community technosphere ecology
Igor Anatolievich Agafonov,A. V. Vasilchikov,O. Chechina
Published 2024-10-15
As authentic as a Christian hipster: navigating authenticity within Emerging Christianity and Western culture
K. Vlaardingerbroek
Journal of Contemporary Religion Published 2024-10-15
Mapping the Racially Savvy White Savior in Netflix’s Last Chance U
K. J. Rudrow
Published 2024-10-15
Spirituality as an International Coping Method during Covid-19
B. C. Sabuncu,A. Kosic,Amy L. Ai
OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine Published 2024-10-15
Living Flat: Stories from Women of Color After Mastectomy.
Jasmine A Khubchandani,Sakinah C. Suttiratana,Rosetta Washington,Dawn White-Bracey,Madhav KcAndrea SilberO. FayanjuParis D ButlerAlka MenonRachel A Greenup
Annals of Surgical Oncology Published 2024-10-15
Perceptions about dementia clinical trials among underrepresented populations: a nationally representative survey of U.S. dementia caregivers
Brandon Leggins,Danielle M. Hart,Ashley J. Jackson,Robert W. Levenson,Charles C. WindonJ. MerrileesW. Chiong
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy Published 2024-10-15
Exploring the multifaceted impacts of artificial intelligence on public organizations, business, and society
Petr Polak,Muhammad Anshari
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Published 2024-10-15
Routine activities and consumer fraud victimization: findings from a social survey in Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Ai Suzuki
Crime Prevention & Community Safety Published 2024-10-15
The role of stigma on the pregnancy experiences of women with disabilities in Kathmandu: a qualitative study
Francesca Lanzarotti,Laura Heren,Savo Noori,Hridaya Devkota,Kate RollSara Hillman
Published 2024-10-15
Conceptualizing Mano Dura in Latin America
Sebastián A. Cutrona,Lucía Dammert,Jonathan D. Rosen
Latin American Politics and Society Published 2024-10-15
A Qualitative Case Study of Trail Visitors’ Experiences and COVID-19 Mitigation Decisions During the Pandemic
Christopher J Wynveen,Heather Gibson
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration Published 2024-10-15
Essential(ly forgotten) workers: Latine youth farmworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taylor J. Arnold,Sharon D Morrison,Michelle Y Martin Romero,Sandra E Echeverria,Sylvia ZapataS. QuandtFabiola Torres-LaraJose A Robles ArvizuT. Arcury
American Journal of Industrial Medicine Published 2024-10-15
Effigies, religion and reversals in the celebration of Purim by Cochin Jews
Shalva Weil
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Published 2024-10-15
Attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate medical students about sexual harassment and gender discrimination: A survey-based study
Harleen Kaur,Malhar Hirmukhe,Medha Vaidya,Nishika Patole,Murtuza RanalawalaPranava NandeAnushri SoniCharmi BhanushaliAshni DhariaS. KariaAvinash De Sousa
Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Published 2024-10-15
Summary Report on the Relationship between Juvenile Delinquency and Educational Environment
C. Sun
Social Sciences and Childhood Published 2024-10-15
Ala-Eddine Kellil,Meziane Laacisse
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hospitalization Outcomes by Palliative Care Utilization and Trends Among Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer in the United States.
Inimfon Jackson,Qian Lu,D. Tripathy
JCO Oncology Practice Published 2024-10-15
“He is the riskiest candidate standing on this stage”: social, verbal, and nonverbal aggression in the 2020 Democratic primary debates
Daniel Montez
Argumentation and Advocacy Published 2024-10-15
Natural menopause timing and menopause symptoms among lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual women in the Nurses' Health Study II
Nicole A. VanKim,Brittany M. Charlton,Isa Berzansky,Nicole D. Fields,B. W. WhitcombSusan E. HankinsonL. SievertElizabeth R. Bertone-Johnson
Menopause Published 2024-10-15
SANİYE DEDEOĞLU, Syrian Refugees and Agriculture in Turkey: Work, Precarity, Survival (London: I. B. Tauris, 2022)
Deniz Pelek
Published 2024-10-15
Mental health and resilience in young people on Saint Helena Island.
Tara L Murphy,Elena Nixon
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Published 2024-10-15
A qualitative study exploring mental health professionals' perspectives, opinions, and attitudes on the state of service users' rights.
F. Eiroa-Orosa,Cristina Pradillo-Caimari
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine Published 2024-10-15
Fostering Participatory Action Research in Higher Degree Research Settings Through a Transdisciplinary Peer-Mentoring Collaborative
Susanne Pratt,Keith Heggart,Pernille H. Christensen,Shankar Sankaran
Systemic Practice and Action Research Published 2024-10-15
Perinatal Support from Chinese Fathers in Australia
Jennifer C Goth,Vanessa L Scarf,Annabel Sheehy,Christine J Catling
Published 2024-10-15
The veil of resistance in Shaheen Bagh: Muslim women’s activism and the differential solidarity networks
Sk Sagir Ali
Social Identities Published 2024-10-15
Framing the future: Ensuring vulnerable island communities are engaged.
Natalie A Cutler,Michele Rumsey,Odille Chang,Silina Motofaga,Julie Millard
Australasian Psychiatry Published 2024-10-15
Dance movement psychotherapy for the deconstruction of power and identity in Mexican women in Spain: affective migration
Rosalinda Salgado Saucedo
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice Published 2024-10-15
Governing pandemics: Resilience and community responses for COVID-19 in Bengaluru and Shanghai
Zhumin Xu,K. S. Sridhar,Qingwen Xu,Vishal Ravi
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-10-15
Teachers’ perspectives on determinants of educational (under)achievement of Cigano/Roma students in Portugal
Pedro Caetano,M. Mendes,Sara Pinheiro,Susana Mourão,Pedro CandeiasOlga Magano
Intercultural Education Published 2024-10-15
Acceptability and use of HIV self-testing among young people in sub-Saharan Africa: a mixed methods systematic review
E. Zeleke,Jacqueline H Stephens,H. Gesesew,Behailu Merdekios Gello,Anna Ziersch
BMC Primary Care Published 2024-10-15
Do adult children increase the chances of receiving the recommended hospital treatment among older adults with heart disease?
M. Sloth,Jannie Nielsen,Emma Neble Larsen,M. Osler,T. Jørgensen
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Published 2024-10-15
Supporting People With Musculoskeletal Conditions From Underserved Communities in the United Kingdom to Engage With Physical Activity: A Realist Synthesis and Q-Methodology Study.
A. Berry,Terence Brady,Natasha Bradley,Nicky Harris,C. FlureyF. Niyi-OdumosuE. DuresNicola E Walsh
Journal of Physical Activity and Health Published 2024-10-15
Socio-Healthcare for Older People in the Mediterranean Basin: An Integrative Review and Quality Appraisal.
A. Pórcel-Gálvez,R. Allande-Cussó,I. M. Fadden,Eleni Ferentinou,Maria ZafiropoulouM. Lima-Serrano
Public Health Nursing Published 2024-10-15
Emotionally Demanding Research: A Wartime Quest or a Journey of Connection
Thomas W. Gretton,Anna Farello
The Qualitative Report Published 2024-10-15
First responder ladder of community engagement: Understanding community-facing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Santina Contreras,Kaila Witkowski,Joanne Pérodin,Christa L. Remington,Andrea M. HeadleyN. Ganapati
Journal of Urban Affairs Published 2024-10-15
You are only as strong as your weakest link: Founder and community social capital and start-up survival
C. Boudreaux,Steven W. Bradley,Anand Jha,Joao F. Mazzoni
Small Business Economics Published 2024-10-15
Evaluating Sustainability in Social-ecological Systems: 50 Years of Conservation in Florianópolis, Brazil
Allison Bridges
Conservation & Society Published 2024-10-15
Ritual Child Homicide in Contemporary Africa: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Literature
E. Owusu
International Criminal Justice Review Published 2024-10-15
Predictors of oral healthcare utilization and satisfaction among Indian migrants and the host population in the Netherlands.
Amandeep Pabbla,Denise Duijster,Irene H A Aartman,C. Agyemang
BMC Oral Health Published 2024-10-15
What others bring! What we give! Reviewing the gender sensitivity of the Irish migration legal framework
Muhammad Wajid Tahir,Graham Finlay
Cogent Social Sciences Published 2024-10-15
Developing Participatory Planning Model to Improve Regional Development Planning
Jef Rudiantho Saragih,Agus Purwoko,Tioner Purba
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Published 2024-10-15
What drives period fertility rates during post-recession spells?
Georgios Mavropoulos
Journal of Population Research Published 2024-10-15
Study on the Difference between Urban and Rural Education in Yuyao
Jialin Lu
Published 2024-10-15
Socioeconomic Disparities in Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Celiac Disease
Laiba Saher
Published 2024-10-15
Building and Sustaining Public Trust in Health Data Sharing for Musculoskeletal Research: Semistructured Interview and Focus Group Study.
Zainab K Yusuf,William G Dixon,C. Sharp,L. Cook,Søren HolmCaroline Sanders
Journal of Medical Internet Research Published 2024-10-15
Bayesian network model of ethno-racial disparities in cardiometabolic-based chronic disease using NHANES 1999–2018
Masih A. Babagoli,Michael J. Beller,J. González-Rivas,R. Nieto-Martínez,Faris GulamaliJeffrey I. Mechanick
Frontiers in Public Health Published 2024-10-15
Development and Validation of the Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Scale (IPSVS): A Multi-Dimensional Scale to Measure Sexual Violence in Intimate Relationships.
Laura Tarzia,Cynthia Brown,Elizabeth McLindon,Kelsey Hegarty
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Published 2024-10-15
A qualitative dyad analysis of barriers and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence among people who inject drugs (PWID) with HIV in Kazakhstan.
Paige Neuenschwander,Fredrick L Altice,Robert H Remien,G. Mergenova,Lyailya SarsembayevaElena RozentalV. GulyayevAlissa Davis
AIDS Care Published 2024-10-15
Oral health and self-perceived job readiness among socially disadvantaged and unemployed citizens.
Anna Munk Sigsgaard,Steffen Altmann,Katrine Dannemand Jensen,Børge Hede,Esben Boeskov Øzhayat
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica Published 2024-10-15

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